How to care for your facial skin: home care and salon treatments

From this article you will learn:
  • What you need to know to properly care for your skin
  • How to care for dry skin
  • How to care for problem skin
  • How to care for oily skin
  • How to take care of your skin in summer
  • How to care for facial skin depending on age

Every woman, since girlhood, when the first hated pimples appear, dreams of beautiful and healthy skin. It would be nice to be up to 100 years old. And the question “How to take care of your facial skin?” in fulfilling this desire comes first.

Structure and types of facial skin to know how to care

Skin is one of the organs of our body that we see. It performs the protective function of the body from weather conditions, anthropogenic factors, the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, various types of pollution, etc. Therefore, you need to take proper care of it so as not to cause more harm.

To answer the question “How to care for your facial skin?”, you need to know about its structure, the functions it performs, in order to know which care regimen is optimal for you.

So, our skin has three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Let's look at them in more detail.

Epidermis layer

, consisting of five layers of cells, is responsible for various functions of the skin as a whole. It also carries melanin, which is responsible for the possibility of an even tan under ultraviolet rays and, accordingly, for the color of human skin.

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Dermis layer

, consisting of connective tissue, sweat and sebaceous glands, nerve endings and receptors, blood vessels and hair follicles, represents our skin. This layer is most responsible for preserving her youth.

Hypodermis layer

(sub-dermis or subcutaneous fat) stores and accumulates necessary nutrients.

Sweat glands

eliminate and partially remove water-soluble waste from our body.

Sebaceous glands

The fat released from them lubricates the surface of the skin. This saves it from excessive dryness and cracking. Our many facial skin problems arise from blocks and congestion in these glands.

Consequently, the solution to the problem of how to properly care for facial skin depends on the intensity of the work of the sebaceous glands of the face. Thanks to them, four types of facial skin are distinguished: normal, dry, oily or combination. You can find out your type yourself at home or ask a specialist who just needs to conduct a visual inspection.

Dry skin

It is distinguished by its special tenderness and subtlety. In adolescence, it pleases its owner with beauty, the absence of acne, comedones, etc. However, over the years, it begins to lack the available moisture and nutrition, as a result of which rapid withering occurs. It is also characterized by sensitivity, a tendency to frequent peeling and irritation. Therefore, you need to take care of your facial skin using appropriate cosmetics.

Oily skin

complete opposite of the previous one. It has a denser and coarser structure and an abundance of enlarged pores. The big advantage of this type is the protective film that is produced, as a result of which it, unlike other types, is most protected from external, harmful environmental factors. Therefore, her youth lasts longer than dry skin. However, oily skin is prone to frequent pimples and blackheads. Excessive sebum production on the face is to blame for this. Another disadvantage is enlarged pores, which tend to become clogged with dirt, and therefore cause a lot of trouble for their owner. Therefore, with this type you need to properly care for your facial skin so that it has a clean and well-groomed appearance.

Combination skin

- the most common type. Sometimes it can be confused with normal facial skin type, which is close to the truth. In the middle area of ​​the face, the skin is usually oily, and the cheeks are most often prone to dryness with this type. Therefore, you need to take care of your facial skin, paying attention to oily and dry areas.

Normal facial skin is even, smooth, soft and elastic, just like that of children. Unfortunately, it is very rare among the adult population.

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For arms and legs

SPA for hands and feet is the simplest thing you can do at home. The procedure does not require occupying the bathroom, setting aside a whole day and washing the bathtub from traces of coffee scrub for the same amount of time.

You can do it at home:

  • peeling;
  • mask;
  • bath;
  • paraffin therapy.


Scrubs - coffee, sugar, salt - are usually used as peeling for hands and feet. You can prepare it yourself or buy a ready-made product. For hands and feet, a scrub from In Garden “Green Tea and Rose” is suitable.

Or purchase individual items:

  • for hands – Café mimi brand with apricot and neroli;
  • for feet – Café mimi with sea salt and rosemary.

Before scrubbing, be sure to soak your hands in a warm bath for 7-10 minutes to soften them. Soak for no more than 3-5 minutes on each arm or leg.

SPA Pedicure - description of all types and technologies


Homemade hand masks from available products were discussed in a separate article - take note. There are products based on potatoes, sour cream, and honey. If you don’t want to mess around, use ready-made tools:

  • Estel Winteria – mask for intensive nourishment of the skin of the hands;

  • Images, Milk Honey honey mask for nourishing and softening.

Hand masks: 30 homemade recipes


Baths are perhaps the simplest spa treatment for hands. Add your favorite essential oils, herbs, special lotions and soak your hands or feet for 10-15 minutes. After such a spa, you can do a hygienic manicure, scrubbing, masks, or alternate all of the above procedures.

The most popular additions to baths:

  • pharmaceutical herbs . Chamomile, sage, nettle – 1 tbsp. l. per liter of water;
  • essential oils – 3-5 drops per liter;
  • sea ​​salt – 1 tbsp. l. per liter;
  • milk - ½ cup per liter.

Hand baths: 30 recipes for different purposes

How to properly care for your skin

Once you have determined your type, you need to select the appropriate cosmetics. Universal ones from the “for all types” series raise doubts even of very good quality, because, for example, oily and dry facial skin have different care needs. However, there is a pattern of basic products with which you need to care for your facial skin every day. What does it include?

  • All kinds of makeup removers;
  • Tonic;
  • Creams: day and night;
  • Eye cream;
  • Various masks and scrubs.

Now let’s take a closer look at how to care for your facial skin, depending on the type, with all the listed cosmetics.

Main external factors of aging

1. Exposure to UV rays

Exposure to sunlight, which accelerates the natural aging process, is the main cause of early appearance of wrinkles. UV rays have a destructive effect on the connective tissue of the dermis - collagen and elastin fibers that lie in the deeper layer of the skin. Without the elastic structure of connective tissue, the skin loses strength and flexibility, then begins to sag and wrinkle.

2. Smoking

Smoking can speed up the normal aging process of the skin, contributing to the appearance of wrinkles. This is due to the negative effect of nicotine on the circulatory system. The nutrition of the dermal tissues deteriorates - oxygen and nutrients are supplied in insufficient quantities, which helps slow down the production of elastin and collagen.

3. Insufficient care

The skin is exposed daily to environmental air pollutants such as PAHs, volatile organic compounds, and oxides. This contributes to oxidative stress and creates an unfavorable environment that encourages the development of pathogens that lead to poor skin health. Pollution damages the hydrolipid film, which increases the risk of wrinkles. Daily and high-quality cleansing of the skin is a simple way to preserve youth.

How to care for dry skin

The key to proper facial skin care at home is regular implementation of all necessary procedures, which will undoubtedly lead to lasting results.

Facial skin care in the morning

  • Special gentle cleansers designed for dry facial skin with a milky or gel consistency are ideal for washing.
  • In the case of this type, soap cannot be used for washing, and it is advisable to soften the water by either boiling it or adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water. If the skin on your face is tight or flaky, it is best to simply wipe your face with cosmetic milk and then apply a moisturizing toner or lotion. Place a small amount of product on the palms of your hands and apply to the skin using light patting movements.
  • Then apply a day cream with a moisturizing function. The mistake many people make is to simply rub the cream into their face. You literally need to take a little cream with your fingertips and gently massage it into the skin of your face until it is completely absorbed. Excess cream that is not absorbed should be blotted with a paper napkin after 15-20 minutes.
  • If there are no light filters in the cream, we apply a protective agent on top of it. In the summer season, it is advisable to use sunscreen for care, and in other seasons - foundation or powder with SPF 8-10.

Evening facial treatment

  • In the evening you need to take care of your facial skin no less carefully than in the morning. Remove makeup with milk. Afterwards, rinse your face with water at room temperature.
  • Afterwards we use lotion or tonic. The application technique is the same as in the morning.
  • After a few minutes, apply nourishing cream. Its composition for this type requires the presence of the following components: liposomes, ceramides, linoleic acids. And, of course, if some of the cream has not been absorbed, be sure to blot off the excess with a paper napkin to avoid swelling and swelling.

Twice a week, be sure to take deeper care of your facial skin at night using scrubs and masks. Naturally, they should be moisturizing and intended for dry skin.

Visiting beauty salons to care for dry and sensitive skin

What procedures can you trust your facial skin in beauty salons:

  • To eliminate the first signs of aging and improve the overall condition of the skin, you can use darsonvalization.
  • Wrinkles and uneven complexion can be fought back with a massage that improves blood circulation.
  • You can soften your facial skin by enriching it with the right nutrition using paraffin therapy.
  • Acid peels help improve skin texture and complexion.
  • And, of course, any beauty salon has in its arsenal a wide selection of various masks both to maintain previously obtained results and to solve a specific problem.

Naturally, a one-time trip to a beauty salon is not enough; you need to complete course programs. They are the most effective.

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Home SPA is not only additional care for the body, face or hands, but also a way to relax, relieve accumulated tension, and diversify your routine.

To achieve relaxation, follow these tips:

  • give up related matters . If you decide to have a spa treatment, try to abstract yourself from household chores. Don't be distracted by cleaning up children's toys, washing dishes and unloading the washing machine. Set aside 1.5 hours that you will devote only to yourself;
  • create the appropriate atmosphere . You can do this right in the bathroom - light more candles and turn off the main lighting, add aromas - an aroma diffuser, candles, aroma lamp or incense sticks, turn on relaxing music. It could be some neutral melodies, the sound of the sea, the singing of birds - choose what relaxes you most;
  • Prepare everything you need right away . Bring to the bathroom all the necessary products and tools for a home spa, so that in the process you don’t have to “fall out” of the relaxing atmosphere to go to the kitchen for cling film for wrapping;
  • turn off your smartphone . Social networks and instant messengers, where someone is constantly writing, do not allow you to relax and clear your head. Turn off your phone during the meeting or put it on silent mode.

What scents to use

When choosing essential oils for aromatization, pay attention to their properties - some have a tonic effect, which is not suitable for a spa.

Help you relax:

  • lavender. Relieves irritation, calms the nervous system, reduces anxiety;
  • rose. Helps cope with depression, improve sleep and get rid of negative thoughts;
  • chamomile. Relieves stress, irritability, aggression. Helps cope with headaches;
  • sweet orange . Improves mood;
  • bergamot. Promotes relaxation, relieves nervous tremors;
  • sage. Has a beneficial effect on the head - relieves pain, refreshes thoughts, helps to cope with negative attitudes and fears;
  • mint. Stimulates brain function, removing it from a state of apathy;
  • ylang-ylang . Aromatherapy with ylang-ylang oil is recommended at the end of the day. The oil promotes relaxation and will help you sleep after a working day. In addition, squeezing relieves emotional stress, eliminating fears, anxiety and anger;
  • jasmine _ Jasmine in all its forms is popular in Asian countries. It is used in cosmetics, food and even during tea ceremonies. Jasmine oil will help relieve stress and reduce anxiety, and as a bonus, it will cleanse the respiratory system;
  • neroli _ Back in ancient Egypt, neroli oil was used to heal the soul. It drives away bad thoughts, relieves anger and rage and helps free your head from overstrain.

When choosing an oil, focus on its effect and your preferences. If you are hypersensitive, do an allergy test, as a reaction can occur even if you inhale oil vapors. To test, mix a drop of essential oil with ½ teaspoon of any fatty oil - apricot, wheat germ, olive and apply to the elbow. Observe the application site for 30-60 minutes. If there is no redness, itching, or burning, you can safely use the oil for aromatherapy.

If you use candles for flavoring, pay attention to vanilla, nutmeg, and chocolate.

Essential oils for aromatherapy

What is a SPA, what types are there?

How to care for oily skin

Oily facial skin needs to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and increase local immunity to various types of skin infections, as a result of which it must be cleansed at least three times a day using a not too caustic soap or a special product (gel). Naturally, it is advisable to take water of medium hardness. At the end of washing, rinse your face with cold water with the addition of table vinegar or lemon.

Also, many experts, when asked how to care for oily skin for the coming day, recommend compresses and steam baths. The use of oatmeal or fermented milk products is perfect for morning and evening washing. Then we apply special lotions or tonics. You can use strong tea leaves, infusions of calendula, chamomile, oak bark, and sage.

Don't neglect moisturizing and nourishing creams either: they contribute to the health of your facial skin. It will also be useful to use cleansing and nourishing masks several times a week. Porous facial skin, prone to inflammation, needs to be washed with cold tea.

With wide pores, the question of how to care for oily skin is especially acute. For this type, you need to use cream and water with cucumber or lemon juice. We also periodically make masks from protein with the addition of the above juices. Unboiled milk is perfect for washing your face instead of regular water, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it too often.

Let's look at how to care for oily problem skin throughout the day.

Facial skin care in the morning

  • Cold water perfectly helps to tone the skin of the face (hot water, on the contrary, tends to stimulate the sebaceous glands) when washing. We also use a special gel or gentle foam for this. Other products are also possible, the main thing is that they dissolve easily in water and match the type. Regular soap tends to dry out the skin and leave a residue.
  • Then we wipe the skin of the face with one of the special tightening tonics. It should remove impurities well, soothe and prepare for subsequent makeup application. We recommend choosing a toner without alcohol in its composition.
  • Apply a gentle touch to your facial skin with a special moisturizing cream (base) containing a minimal amount of fatty substances and a complete absence of oils. If there are acne, we carry out spot treatment with a product containing salicylic acid, peroxide, and various non-fat oils. For benzene peroxide, the optimal concentration is 5-10%.
  • For residents of the middle zone, the finishing product should be a product with SPF protection of at least 15, and for southern women - at least 30. Foundation, base, mineral powder with light filters are perfect. Sun protection is mandatory because UV radiation exposes the skin of the face and body to photoaging through the formation of fine wrinkles, cracks, age spots, and freckles. Therefore, sunscreen should contain zinc oxide, autobenzone, Tinosorb. titanium dioxide, Mexoryl SX.

Evening facial treatment

  • First of all, we wash off the dirt and makeup that have accumulated during the day, using makeup remover or foam/gel cleanser.
  • Then gently rub in the night cream. To combat the first wrinkles, you need a cream with retinol in its composition, which promotes facial skin renewal, its purity, radiance and youth. When it comes to caring for oily skin, you can also give preference to special serums containing vitamins.

Visiting beauty salons to care for oily skin

  • In solving the problem of how to care for oily facial skin, a procedure such as vaporization is excellent. This is steaming the face and then cleaning it.
  • Sebaceous plugs can be removed using mechanical cleaning.
  • By subjecting your face to deep hardware cleansing, you can clear it of comedones and rashes.
  • Acid peeling will help reduce sebum production and tighten pores.
  • Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen perfectly tightens pores.
  • Pneumophototherapy combines vacuum massage and a phototherapy procedure, which is a definite plus for you.
  • With the help of darsonvalization - cauterization of problem areas with high-frequency pulsed current - some aesthetic issues can be solved.
  • By regularly pampering your facial skin with a therapeutic massage that improves microcirculation and metabolic processes, you can achieve excellent results in how to care for oily facial skin without compromising your health.

How to care for problem skin

Facial skin care in the morning

As mentioned above, soap upsets the balance of the skin, so we use it as little as possible. Special gels for problematic facial skin are ideal for morning treatments, and then we wipe it with toner: cleanse, tighten and prepare. Problem skin is demanding on water temperature: no more than body temperature. A mask of kefir or whey 5-10 minutes before washing will help increase the acid barrier, thereby promoting local protection against pathogenic bacteria. A special brush for applying products and washing your face can also help you a lot, but be careful to avoid injury. After washing, you can wipe your face with a piece of ice and then pat it dry with a towel. Once your face is completely dry, you can apply an acne treatment.

When it comes to how to care for problematic facial skin, it is important to remember that you can wash your face no more than twice a day. A larger amount will lead to additional sebum production and increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Up to 20 years after washing, we wipe problem skin with salicylic alcohol, if there are no contraindications. And, if you are over 20, then an alcohol-free tonic is suitable for this purpose.

Evening facial treatment

How to care for problem skin in the evening? Just like in the morning. One to one. But once a week we do deep cleaning. For such facial skin, either enzymatic peels or gommages are ideal. Then we apply a cleansing clay mask that helps remove excess oil, tighten pores and relieve inflammation.

Visiting beauty salons to care for problem skin

  • One type of professional peeling will help remove dead skin cells and protect young growing cells.
  • You can use atraumatic and ultrasonic facial cleansing for skin beauty.
  • The procedure using “needle-free injection” technology will help restore the blooming appearance of the face after traumatic changes in the dermis.
  • Also, to solve the problem of how to care for problematic facial skin without harm to health, you can deeply moisturize your facial skin.
  • Various express treatments for each type also help a lot with this.

How to take care of your skin in summer

In summer, the main threat to facial skin is the sun's rays, which dry out the upper layers of the epidermis, taking away the necessary moisture from the cells and stopping the production of collagen. The result is not only an even tan, but also excessive dryness of the facial skin, which leads to corresponding consequences. Therefore, the question of how to care for facial skin in the summer season is of particular importance.

Follow the advice of modern cosmetologists on how to care for your facial skin during the hot season, and you will always be happy with your reflection in the mirror.

  1. The temperature mark in summer +20...25 °C does not pose any danger to the skin, but if it is higher, it is necessary to use means to protect it from ultraviolet radiation. For example, 10 minutes before leaving the house, apply a cream with an SPF filter by applying a thin, even layer to exposed areas. Select the level of protection from the intensity of solar radiation: for the south it should be several times higher than for the middle zone.
  2. We do not wash our face more frequently, as other publications do not recommend. The optimal regimen is twice a day, as usual: wash your face in the morning half an hour after sleep and wash your face in the evening just before going to bed.
  3. Nourishing face creams are canceled in the summer. Apply a moisturizing cream that matches your facial skin type twice a day, immediately after washing your face.
  4. To replenish all the missing micro- and macroelements in the body, review your diet. In summer, it is especially important to remember your drinking regime.
  5. Reputable and self-respecting beauty salons will dissuade the sun from carrying out serious cosmetic procedures for facial skin care: they will only cause harm in the summer season. The same applies to home care. Some people approach the issue of how to care for their facial skin too carefully, without taking this feature into account, and in the summer they use scrubs and peeling, which is strictly prohibited. It is better to take a steam bath with herbs and light gommage once every 2-3 weeks.
  6. With decorative cosmetics, things are also not so simple. It’s better to leave your facial skin alone during the hot period, it’s not easy for it anyway.
  7. Summer facial masks will help you maintain a healthy look and add radiance.

Naturally, these are basic and simple tips on how to take care of your facial skin in the summer, but they require time and the usual patience. Therefore, unfortunately, most often, many people have dry and thinned facial skin that requires resuscitation after the summer “vacation”.

To avoid this, moisturize it promptly and use protective agents against harmful radiation. And the most important thing in the question of how to care for facial skin is a competent choice of cosmetics.

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

How to care for facial skin depending on age

It is no longer a secret that we choose cosmetics according to the age category, because... As she gets older, her needs change. A set of measures including cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition and protection is used for all ages.

When selecting cosmetics, we take into account the season of use and the individual characteristics of your facial skin.

Any professional cosmetics differentiates creams and care according to the age and pressing problems of the facial skin:

  • From 18 to 25;
  • From 25 to 35;
  • From 35 to 45;
  • From 45 and older.

Taking into account the above gradation, we have developed recommendations on how to care for facial skin for each category:

From 18 to 25 years old

This is a period of prosperity, youth and natural beauty. There is a very common misconception that at this age it is not necessary to take care of your facial skin.

Home care rules

First stage of cleansing

We do this twice a day, using a special washing gel for oily and problematic facial skin, foam for oily and normal skin, and cosmetic milk for dry skin.

Second stage of toning

Use a tonic or lotion to remove any remaining cleanser and prepare your facial skin for subsequent actions. Dry facial skin needs to be moisturized, oily skin needs to be dried, problematic skin needs to be corrected.

The third stage of protection and hydration

This age is characterized by combination facial skin, i.e. in the T-zone it is usually oily, the cheeks are prone to peeling. In this case, give preference to a normalizing and mattifying cream. It is advisable to choose all the products used from the same brand.

Professional care

How to care for your facial skin professionally depends on its type. Normal facial skin of girls from 18 to 25 years old will delight in its cleanliness after atraumatic cleansing, recommended once every six months. Combined with comedones (“blackheads”), it responds well to:

  • Atraumatic cleaning once every three months;
  • Superficial chemical peeling, carried out once every 10 days with a course of four to six procedures. It is advisable to conduct the course twice a year.

Oily skin with acne, when solving the problem of how to care for oily problem skin, requires more intensive care. She is responsive to:

  • Atraumatic cleaning - once every three months;
  • A set of superficial chemical peeling procedures, such as almond, pyruvic, salicylic, Jesner peeling - once every 10 days for a course of 4-6 procedures;
  • Ozone therapy - twice a week for a course of 6-10 procedures;
  • Phototherapy for acne - once every 10 days with a course of 4-6 procedures.

These procedures dry out inflammation, tighten pores, and give a more even and matte complexion. But keep in mind that acne is often associated with hormonal problems in the body. Therefore, consult with a specialist on how to properly care for your facial skin and what to change in your diet, for example. Acne is a common cause of facial scars that are difficult to remove even with professional care. Try to prevent their occurrence, consult an appropriate doctor.

When the skin on the face is in a state of post-acne (scars, pigmentation), the question of how to care for the skin of the face becomes acute. Take into account:

  • Atraumatic cleaning - once every six months;
  • Superficial and medium chemical peeling - once every 12 - 14 days with a course of 4-6 procedures;
  • Laser peeling - once every 3-4 weeks with a course of at least three procedures;
  • Mesotherapy - once every 10 days with a course of 4-6 procedures.

By following all the recommendations on how to care for your facial skin and following courses of procedures prescribed by your doctor, you will get a brilliant result.

From 25 to 35 years

Usually, many girls at this age are little concerned about the question of how to take care of their facial skin regularly, which causes them to make a huge mistake. At this age, it’s time to start preventing future wrinkles.

Home care

As for the previous age, at the initial stage we cleanse the skin of the face: dry - with cosmetic milk, normal and oily - with foam for washing. Then we tonize and apply a cream, preferably containing vitamins C and E, antioxidants and SPF filters.

How else can you take care of your facial skin at this age? You can apply weekly nourishing face masks twice a week.

Oily facial skin with acne requires light to medium cleansing using a special gel or emulsion. Thermal water, used to moisturize an hour before going outside, will perfectly saturate your facial skin with moisture. Using drying agents in the form of lotions and tonics will help cope with inflammation. Can be applied spot-on and used every other day. A single use of anti-inflammatory masks per week will be optimal when solving the problem of how to care for oily problem skin after 25 years.

How to take care of dry skin after 25? Wash products can be supplemented with cold cream, emulsion, micellar water 1-2 times a day, and deep cleansing can be carried out only once every two weeks using soft gommage. We moisturize and tone only with the help of all kinds of tonics containing essential oils of rose domas, vitamin C, witch hazel, etc., and moisturizing serums. Be sure to use a daytime moisturizer and a nourishing fortified one at night.

When asked how to care for combination skin prone to pigmentation, we can recommend cleansing using gels, emulsions and micellar water. Balancing toner, thermal water, moisturizing creams are ideal for hydration. We apply them an hour before going outside. Cover your face with self-regulating and moisturizing cream at night. Once every three days we use whitening products containing vitamin C, vitamin A, glycolic and phytic acids.

If the question of how to care for problematic facial skin has become very pressing for you, then be sure to consult a cosmetologist to select cosmetic products and procedures.

Professional care

When it comes to how to care for your facial skin, experts say that oily skin with mild to moderate acne is responsive to:

  • Atraumatic cleaning – once a month;
  • A course of superficial peelings based on fruit AHA acids - once every 10 days for a course of 4-6 procedures;
  • Phototherapy for acne - once every three weeks for a course of 2-3 procedures;
  • Laser peeling – once every two weeks for a course of three procedures;
  • Mesotherapy, which helps improve the protective properties of the skin and its immunity - once a week for a course of 6-8 procedures;
  • Ozone therapy - once a week for a course of 6-8 procedures.

Dry facial skin with nearby vessels (rosacea) when solving the problem of how to care for facial skin, responds perfectly to:

  • Atraumatic cleaning - once every two months;
  • Vascular phototherapy - once every two weeks with a course of 2-3 procedures;
  • Mesotherapy – once every 10 days with a course of 4-6 procedures;
  • Ultraphonophoresis with serums, which strengthens blood vessels - once every three days for a course of 6-8 procedures;
  • Coagulation of large dilated vessels - one procedure per year.

Combined, prone to pigmentation, responds well to:

  • Atraumatic cleaning - once a month;
  • Phototherapy of pigmentation - once every two weeks with a course of 2-3 procedures;
  • Superficial peeling with retinoids, phytic, glycolic, kojic acids - once every 10 days for a course of 6-8 procedures;
  • Mesotherapy – once a week for a course of 6-8 procedures.

And most importantly, once every six months, consult a dermatocosmetologist who will tell you how else to care for your facial skin.

And combination, prone to increased growth of facial hair, can be subjected to:

  • Atraumatic cleaning - once a month;
  • Photoepilation (laser hair removal) of unwanted hair - once every three weeks;
  • Mesotherapy - once a week for a course of 4-6 procedures.

Facial skin care after 35 years

It is caused by emerging age-related changes and loss of vital moisture by the skin. Therefore, the question of how to properly care for facial skin after 35 no longer becomes idle, but a necessity for preserving beauty and youth.

Diet, sleep, rest patterns and the psycho-emotional state of a woman after 35 years are very important for their preservation.

Read material on the topic: How to remove wrinkles on the face: the most effective methods

Home care

Let's look at how to properly care for your facial skin after 35 years at home. Cleanse your facial skin with milk. Boiled or melt water is perfect for washing. Use a mild alcohol-free toner or thermal water to tone your facial skin. In the morning we pamper ourselves with a nourishing day cream, and in the evening with a moisturizing night cream. We give preference to creams for mature skin due to its composition. The content of collagen, peptides, vitamin and antioxidant complexes, retinol, fruit and other acids is required. The presence of ceramides contributes to intensive skin hydration. As a supplement, use special eyelid care products and anti-wrinkle serums in combination with creams.

And, of course, beauty salon specialists will always help in deciding how to care for your facial skin more deeply, maintain the results obtained, or remove aesthetic problems.

Professional care

Cosmetologists, when asked how to care for facial skin after 35, recommend for all skin types:

  • Atraumatic facial cleansing – once a month;
  • Mesotherapy – once every two weeks;
  • Biorevitalization – once every two weeks;
  • Botulinum therapy – once every six months;
  • Phototherapy – once every two weeks for a course of 6-8 procedures;
  • Contour plastic surgery – once every 1-1.5 years.

Combination skin prone to pigmentation, as well as oily skin with enlarged pores and mild acne, to solve the problem of how to care for problematic facial skin to keep it clean, require additional measures in the form of:

  • Superficial and medium peelings – once every 10 days for a course of 4-6 procedures;
  • Ozone therapy – twice a week with a course of 6-8 procedures.
  • If there are indications, cosmetologists recommend a laser rejuvenation procedure.

Facial skin care after 45 years

How to take care of your skin after 40? The answer is only in daily careful care, in view of age-related changes inherent in nature itself.

Home care

Hot water and soap should be forgotten when it comes to how to care for facial skin after 40. We only use special milk for cleansing. To remove any remaining milk, use dry cosmetic wipes without rinsing.

Contrasting changes in hot and cold water, as well as washing with hot water, contribute to the appearance of spider veins.

We moisturize the skin with the help of cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid and ceramides, enriched with fatty acids and vitamin E. Alcohol-containing toner should be crossed off the list of products forever. This is the clear answer from experts to the question of how to care for facial skin after 40.

Nourishing creams best suit the needs of facial skin. It is desirable to include:

  • Fatty bases, for example, lanolin;
  • Retinol and other vitamins;
  • Various vegetable oils - olive, castor, flaxseed, sea buckthorn, etc.;
  • Plant extracts of aloe, string, linden, nettle, iris, calamus, elderberry, apricot, parsley, etc.;
  • Collagen;
  • Allantoin;
  • Peptides and other substances.
  • As a supplement, give preference to:
  • Special serums containing biologically active substances;
  • Nourishing masks 1-2 times a week.

Skin after 45 years is sensitive to changes in health, so proper nutrition, drinking regimen and physical activity are of no small importance, as well as sleep, in deciding how to care for facial skin after 40.

Professional care

Cosmetologists can help eliminate many aesthetic problems, and not just the question of how to care for facial skin. Their arsenal includes hardware techniques for eliminating wrinkles, including not only laser resurfacing. Many respectable ladies resort to various types of chemical skin rejuvenation. Botulinum toxins in combination with contouring help restore the former beauty and elasticity of facial skin and smooth out wrinkles. This is a stellar solution to the problem of how to care for your skin after 40 and regain your former youthful appearance.

And the mesonite procedure will correct the oval of the face, tightening its contours. The only minor drawback of these procedures is the regularity of repetition after a certain period, which depends on the initial condition of the skin.

Cosmetologists, along with advice on how to care for your facial skin, recommend regularly pampering yourself:

  • Facial massage – twice a week for a course of 10 procedures;
  • Atraumatic skin cleansing – once every six months;
  • Medium and deep peelings – once every 14 days for a course of 4-6 procedures;
  • Biorevitalization – once every 14 days with a course of four procedures;
  • Botulinum therapy – once every six months;
  • RF lifting – once every 10-12 days with a course of four procedures;
  • Phototherapy – once every 10 days for a course of 6-8 procedures;
  • Laser rejuvenation – once a month for a course of three procedures;
  • Contour plastic surgery – once a year.

Time, systematicity and patience are the main friends in the fight for natural, healthy, glowing skin. Pamper yourself, love yourself, take care of your beauty and health. Your dedication and timely assistance from cosmetologists on how to care for your facial skin will help you look your best at any age.

You don't have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment. There are two such centers in Moscow – near Timiryazevskaya metro station and Otradnoye metro station.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best dermatologists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

Proper nutrition

Junk food

Women whose daily menu includes a large amount of unhealthy foods have more wrinkles on their faces than those who watch their diet. Fatty foods slow down blood circulation, caffeine contributes to dehydration and dull skin color, sugar accelerates cell damage. In general, the accumulation of harmful substances in the body disrupts the normal functioning of cells, which leads to the formation of wrinkles.

Healthy food

Products with high anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties help improve the elasticity of the dermis by supplying nutrients necessary to stimulate collagen production and help protect the skin from negative external influences and premature aging.

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