Cleansing face mask - recipes with blue clay, gelatin or activated carbon

In everyday life, the skin of the face experiences the greatest stress. This is a negative impact of the environment, especially in large cities: dust, dirt, exhaust gases and other harmful substances. Temperature changes and excessive use of decorative cosmetics have an unfavorable effect. Therefore, it is very important to thoroughly and regularly cleanse your facial skin.


At the first stage of cleansing, a cleansing gel is usually used. For deeper and better cleaning, so that the skin fully restores its functions, it is recommended to use a cleansing mask after the gel. This product is able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, cleanse pores, remove comedones, and normalize sebum production.

Using cleansing masks at home has many advantages, including:

  • Ease of use.
  • Spending a minimum amount of time and effort.
  • Gentle on the skin.
  • Deep and high-quality cleansing.
  • Additional skin care: nutrition, moisturizing, toning.
  • Evens out facial tone and returns healthy skin color.
  • Large selection of products, their variety.

Cleansing face masks are classified according to skin type:

  • For all skin types.
    A universal option that takes into account the needs of different skins.
  • For dry skin.
    They contain additional moisturizing and nourishing components.
  • For oily and combination skin.
    Includes anti-inflammatory components, substances that normalize sebum secretion, deeply cleanse pores, and soften the skin.
  • For sensitive skin.
    Gentle on the skin, hypoallergenic, with soothing, nourishing ingredients.

Some products have a narrowly targeted effect, for example:

  • For deep cleaning of pores.
  • With a detox effect.
  • For acne-prone skin.
  • Mask for blackheads and more.

Depending on the presence of active components, masks are distinguished:

  • Clay based.
  • Masks with charcoal, clay and charcoal.
  • Using acids.
  • With snail mucus extract.

The following are used as additional caring components in cleansing masks:

  • Plant extracts.
  • Seaweed.
  • Natural oils.
  • Vitamins.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Allantoin and other substances.

By type of cosmetic product, masks are presented in the following categories:

  • Mass market.
  • Pharmacy cosmetics.
  • Professional means.

By price category:

  • Inexpensive masks.
  • Mid price segment.
  • Premium class.

We present the rating of cleansing masks 2022. The best 15 products that were selected by our experts based on user reviews and ratings.

Rating (2021)Prices, ₽A country
The Best Inexpensive Cleansing Face Masks
1. Nivea Urban Skin Detox and super cleanse in 10 minutesfrom 110₽Germany
2. BioAqua cleansing oxygen bubblefrom 190₽China
3. Compliment Green Mask anti-acne mattingfrom 130₽Russia
4. Agafya’s grandmother’s recipes Agafya’s Blue Bathhousefrom 80₽Russia
5. Clean linefrom 130₽Russia
The best cleansing face masks in the mid-price segment
1. Avene Cleanance Maskfrom 650₽France
2. La Roche-Posay mattifying Effaclarfrom 830₽France
3. Christina Sea Herbal Beauty Applefrom 630₽Israel
4. Elizavecca Milky Piggy bubble clayfrom 580₽South Korea
5. 3W Clinic Night Snail Mucus Sleeping Packfrom 440₽South Korea
The best premium cleansing face masks
1. Blithe for radiance Energy Yellow Citrus&Honeyfrom 2300₽South Korea
2. Gigi Treatment Lipacid Maskfrom 2300₽Israel
3. Vichy mineralfrom 1350₽France
4. Holy Land Special Maskfrom 1300₽Israel
5. Medi-Peel Herbal Peel Toxfrom 1800₽South Korea

Benefits of cleansing masks

The key difference between cleansing masks and other methods of cleaning the epidermis is a gentle effect followed by moisturizing, which gives a powerful regenerating effect. After using the cosmetic product, the skin will tighten, begin to “breathe”, its water balance will be restored, elasticity and a soft pink color will appear. There are other properties depending on additional ingredients:

  • cleansing the surface (horny) layer of the epidermis from dead cells that give an uneven relief;
  • stimulation of blood circulation and lymph flow, which will help the face acquire a fresh color and healthy appearance;
  • elimination of pigment spots;
  • removal of comedones (blackheads);
  • prevention of inflammatory processes in enlarged, clogged pores, which will help avoid the appearance of acne.

Cleaning methods

There are a huge number of methods for deep cleaning of pores, both traditional and hardware. The main task is to choose the right method for you.

Mechanical cleaning

After steaming, you can clean the pores mechanically, that is, by squeezing either with simply treated fingers or using a special tool - a metal loop (a more hygienic method, since it can be disinfected and processed after each comedone).

Mechanically cleaned pores must be treated with a disinfectant using a cotton swab.

Terms of use

To get the effect of the procedure and not harm your face, you should use the product according to the rules. We list the main nuances of using cleansing masks:

  • The composition should be applied evenly, spreading in a layer of 1-2 mm. It is not recommended to cover areas near the eyes with the product or touch the scalp.
  • If you keep the mass longer than indicated in the annotation or recipe, the dried composition can injure the lower cells of the stratum corneum.
  • The composition is washed off with cool or warm water. As a wash, you can use herbal decoctions - chamomile, sage, string. An infusion of a mixture of herbs will give an even greater effect. Removing the mask can also be dry - if the composition hardens on the face, turning into a film.
  • After the procedure, you can use a nourishing cream.
  • You should not cleanse the dermis of heavily tanned skin, or if there are painful rashes or boils.

How to solve the problem of enlarged pores

Oily skin

There are three options to approach the problem:

  1. Get laser or chemical resurfacing of your facial skin at a beauty salon.
  2. Use industrial products to clean pores.
  3. Use folk recipes and prepare your own preparations:
  • Cleansing the skin with peeling.
  • Using masks with hyaluronic acid.
  • Deep mechanical, chemical facial cleansing.
  • Face massage. Helps remove epidermal particles. It is recommended to do facial massage in courses (10 sessions).

Modern salons offer a wide range of services to improve facial contours, straighten facial folds, and narrow pores. This option is not suitable for low-income women. Procedures to reduce the porous structures of the epidermis are carried out in a complex, in courses. Requires large financial costs.

Ready-made industrial products, cleansing masks, lotions, tonics, and scrubs are available for sale. Poor quality products and improper preparation technology can cause an allergic reaction, weaken the immune system, and negatively affect the epidermis. When choosing a cosmetic product for the epidermis with a high sebum content, it is recommended to follow certain rules.

Home remedies prepared independently according to folk recipes have a guaranteed effect. With regular use, the pores become smaller and the skin becomes matte.

Dry skin

Pores on dry skin become smaller after regular use of alcohol-free cleansing toners. Beauty salons offer the following procedures for skin restoration:

  • Masks for cleansing the pores of dry skin.
  • Physiotherapy (cold treatment).
  • Exposure of dry skin to high frequency currents (Darsonvalization).

The best cleansing masks

You should choose a cleanser based on your financial capabilities, skin type and expected effect. The best masks for a clean face:

  • Biotherm Purefect Skin 2 in 1 Pore Mask is a base of white clay and diatom extract (single-celled algae whose shell consists of silicon dioxide). The product is used to cleanse oily and normal skin. Pores become smaller and your face looks younger.
  • Avon “Turkish Hamam” – contains clay and amber. An inexpensive product from the Planet SPA line with a quite decent composition. Amber powder has a rejuvenating effect on the skin, and in combination with clay its effectiveness is even higher.
  • “SOS cleansing” FROM Alpika. Contains salicylic acid, allantoin, lime, Amisoft, aloe. The product helps open pores, remove small comedones, relieve inflammation and peeling.
  • Facial exfoliant Cora is a creamy mask with fruit acids. The product evens out the relief, moisturizes, nourishes, and has an antioxidant effect. The product will help those who have problematic skin with signs of post-acne, age spots, comedones, etc.

Or maybe still water?

The skin, as you know, is our protective barrier. You could say - on the front line, she meets everything first. For example, too active UV radiation. Hungry for the sun during the winter, we run towards it, not making out the road. The skin takes any blow: sudden changes in temperature when in winter we go from cold to warm, constant lack of sleep when we urgently need to finish a project, noisy parties, fast food, hormonal disorders, lack of vitamins... laziness, in the end!

In this mode, it becomes more and more difficult to work effectively and perform your protective function. Pimples and acne appear, the skin becomes uneven and unpleasant to the touch. Makeup doesn't apply as well as it used to. Redness and peeling become more and more noticeable.

And if we also don’t clean it well—for example, we don’t wash off our makeup at night and don’t use special cleansers—it becomes really bad.

Let's consider a standard plan of skin cleansing procedures that must be carried out every day in the morning and evening:

  • removing makeup (in the evening). Let us immediately note that washing and removing makeup are not the same thing. One of the tasks of modern decorative cosmetics is long-lasting makeup. The beauty industry has already realized that women do not have time to put on makeup and adjust their makeup several times a day. From morning to evening, our time is filled with activities, meetings and trips. Therefore, high-quality cosmetics must be long-lasting. And in order to remove such makeup, water is not enough. A good express remedy is special wipes, but it’s better to take micellar water;
  • after removing makeup, wash thoroughly using foam, gel or mousse for washing;
  • clean skin needs toning. This part of daily care cannot be skipped, so we definitely apply facial tonic;
  • and finally, now you can apply moisturizer: separately for the eyes, separately for the face. Some cosmetologists are of the opinion that night cream is not needed. They believe that the skin, on the contrary, is dehydrated by the cream during sleep. If you are inclined to agree with this, then all the more you absolutely need a tonic.

Homemade cleansing face mask

You should not think that homemade cosmetics work worse than professional ones. With a thoughtful approach, you can achieve a more effective result than using ready-made formulations. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients, combine them in the right sequence and use them according to the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Coal, gelatin for blackheads

Charcoal is an ideal way to cleanse the skin of harmful and toxic substances. Black powder relieves inflammation, dries oily skin, smoothes the stratum corneum. In combination with gelatin, charcoal will cleanse your face as gently as possible and help it maintain its elasticity. To make a facial cleanser at home with gelatin you will need:

  • ½ tablet of medical charcoal;
  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 5 ml water or milk.

Grind the charcoal into powder in a glass, ceramic or plastic container. Add gelatin to it, dilute with warm milk. Stir to remove lumps. The resulting mass must be heated to 40°C - put in the microwave or in a water bath for a quarter of a minute. The finished mixture is enough to apply to the forehead, nose and center of the chin.

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It is best to apply the mask with a wide cosmetic brush in a layer of 1-2 mm. Let dry until a smooth shell forms. After this, remove the black film, tearing it off in whole fragments. On the inside of the film, everything that needs to be gotten rid of will remain - dead epidermal cells, sebum, dirt from clogged pores.

For oily skin

Oats have excellent absorbent properties, which is why they are used to prepare cleansing compositions. Oatmeal is especially effective at cleansing oily skin. You will need:

  • 20 g oatmeal;
  • 1/3 tbsp. boiling water or green tea;
  • 20 ml lemon juice.

Pour boiling water or lightly brewed green tea over the flakes and let steep for about 5 minutes. Add lemon juice and mix. Apply oatmeal to the T-zone and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with massaging movements, being careful not to stretch the skin too much. During the massage, the upper stratum corneum of the epidermis is exfoliated, the skin becomes smoother and looks healthy.

For acne

Cleansing procedures are an integral element of caring for problem and combination skin. A foam mask has a good effect. To make it you need to take:

  • egg white;
  • 20 ml lemon juice.

Beat the whites with a mixer or fork until foamy, gradually adding lemon juice drop by drop. Cool the finished protein mass slightly, apply to the face in several layers, allowing the previous one to dry. Then wait another 5 minutes and rinse with warm water. If you are allergic to eggs, you should not use this composition so as not to aggravate your skin problems.

For dry skin

Dry skin requires a delicate attitude. To cleanse it, a light composition made from natural ingredients is suitable, which will help delay the appearance of wrinkles:

  • 2 tbsp. l. full-fat yogurt, thick sour cream or kefir;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour.

Mix the ingredients until the lumps disappear and apply to the face. The fattier the yogurt or sour cream, the more nutritious the mixture will be. After drying (this will happen in a quarter of an hour), the composition can be washed off. This mask is universal, it prepares quickly and gives a good effect. The face will not only become clean and smooth, but will also receive a healthy tone and a smooth surface.

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With honey

Honey contains several types of acids, vitamin C is a natural and affordable facial care product. However, this product is not recommended for use by allergy sufferers and people with vascular problems. The best honey-based peeling composition:

  • ½ tbsp. baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey

Dissolve soda in water, add honey. This mass needs to be distributed over the face using a cosmetic brush. The composition can be modified by adding one of the following ingredients:

  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oatmeal, poured with boiling water - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • fresh cottage cheese – 30 g;
  • salt – 1/2 tsp;
  • 5 ml olive oil;
  • a couple of drops of tea tree oil.

With clay

Almost all facial cleansing products on the shelves of pharmacies or specialty stores are made using cosmetic clay. You can also prepare homemade face masks using this component. Today, there are various types of cosmetic clay on sale, which need to be diluted with water to a convenient consistency.

Black clay is suitable for all skin types, pink clay is suitable for combination and normal skin. If the skin is dry, sensitive, prone to allergies, it is better to choose red clay. White, blue or green clay is suitable for those with problematic oily skin. To cope with dirt, the mixture should be kept for 10 minutes, then soaked, and finally rinsed with warm water.


Eggs can be a good way to cleanse your face. This is a two-phase mask that requires only 2 components: 1 egg and a paper napkin. The white must be separated from the yolk, place both parts of the egg in different containers, and lightly beat the mixture of each of them. The napkin must first be separated layer by layer and torn into fragments measuring about 10x10 cm.

Using a cosmetic brush, apply the egg white to your face, while simultaneously gluing pieces of napkin onto the prepared areas. Also grease the top of the paper to consolidate the effect. Wait for it to dry (about 15-20 minutes), then remove the dried film. Afterwards, you can apply egg yolk to cleansed skin, which will soften and nourish, wait 5 minutes and rinse.

For deep cleansing of pores

To perform deep cleansing of pores, you can use any of the compositions listed above. However, before the procedure, it is advisable to steam your face well. The pores will expand, the skin will be softer and more elastic, and any cleansing mask will become several times more effective. In addition, after steaming your face, you can use cleansing compositions with the addition of soda:

  • cucumber mask – finely grated cucumber;
  • banana pulp - mash a ripe banana;
  • yeast mask – dilute 30 g of yeast in 30 ml of water.

Why do enlarged pores appear on oily and dry skin?

It is a mistake to believe that enlarged pores can only form on skin with a high content of sebaceous secretions. Improper facial care and the use of poor quality cosmetics lead to dehydration of the epidermis. The production of elastin and collagen slows down, the natural metabolic processes of the epidermis decrease, and “holes” form on dry skin.

Causes of enlarged pores:

  • Using cosmetics that do not match your skin type;
  • Neglecting makeup remover before bed;
  • Genetic factor;
  • Irrational use of cosmetics containing alcohol;
  • Errors in nutrition;
  • Increased body mass index;
  • Alcohol, nicotine addiction;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system.

In addition to the main reasons for the occurrence of holes in the epidermis, there are secondary factors for the occurrence of enlarged pores.

It is not recommended to use raw tap water to wash your face; dry your face with a hard towel. Violation of the water and drinking regime also causes dehydration of the epidermis.

Cleaning, cleaning the chimney sweep

But this is not enough - this is only superficial cleaning. Deep cleaning should be carried out as a separate procedure. Let's first consider what cosmetologists offer us:

  • manual cleaning: the cosmetologist does it manually. We've all tried to squeeze pimples at home in front of the mirror at least once, but the consequences can be so dire that it's better not to even start. The cosmetologist will do this as carefully and sterile as possible;
  • ultrasonic cleaning: ultrasound waves destroy acne, pimples and wen;
  • vacuum cleaning consists of using a vacuum to push all contaminants out;
  • galvanic cleaning: the skin is treated with a special solution and then cleaned using electric current;
  • dry cleansing: fruit acids are applied to the face, they remove dead skin particles and cleanse pores.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to visit a salon or aesthetic medicine clinic every week. The procedures are quite expensive, but you still need to find time to get there.

Fortunately, in order to support your skin, there are beauty products that you can safely use at home. For example, cleansing masks. You can make such a mask at home from available products, but this is hardly necessary: ​​the beauty market offers a huge assortment. All you have to do is choose the one that best solves your problem. And besides, choose a time for the procedure so that you are not in a hurry and no one bothers you. / Anna Shvets

Criterias of choice

Tips on what to look for when purchasing:

  1. Compound. The material used by the manufacturer has direct contact with the face and must be non-allergenic. Be sure to ask the seller for quality certificates for products. The presence of natural components and a complex of various extracts will have a beneficial effect. Such care will not only be for cleansing, but also for the general improvement of the condition of the dermis.
  2. The best manufacturers. Well-known brands use natural, expensive ingredients in production, this leads to an increase in the cost of the finished product, but the maximum effect from use is achieved. With their help, you can arrange a salon treatment at home.
  3. Price. Inexpensive (budget) models contain inexpensive components that may not have the desired effect. When purchasing, pay attention to the problems that this type of mask helps solve; not all, even expensive models, will suit you.
  4. Where can I buy. You can purchase such a product in a regular cosmetic store or order it online from an online store. When purchasing online, you can find products at promotional prices, then the purchase will be cheaper than in a store. In the store you can visually evaluate the product, which is very convenient for this type of product.
  5. Varieties. The type of model should be selected individually, some prefer fabric, some need a washable model, others need a hard one. Such details should be taken into account when purchasing, otherwise the application method may not suit you.
  6. Store-bought or homemade. You can make your own cleanser at home. Step-by-step instructions on how to make a high-quality mask, as well as various recipes, can be found freely available on the Internet. Of course, you won’t be able to make a high-quality mask with hyaluronic acid or one that requires a special activator at home, but it is possible to obtain standard components for non-deep cleansing and without comprehensive care. But this will take some time, so it is often easier and cheaper to purchase a ready-made mass-produced product.

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