Fighting ingrown hairs after sugaring: why do they grow and what to do?

Sugaring is becoming increasingly popular due to its undoubted advantages.

The procedure does not take much time, the result pleases for several weeks, the cost of this method of hair removal is relatively low.

But these positive aspects are crossed out by one significant disadvantage - ingrown hairs after sugaring.

But it is important to note that of all types of hair removal (shaving, waxing), with a private sugaring procedure, you will have the least chance of ingrown hairs .

Why are ingrown hairs bad?

Ingrown hairs after sugaring cause discomfort to the owner.
They spoil the appearance, cause pain and in advanced cases may require surgical intervention. Often ingrowth is accompanied by inflammation.


This problem occurs if the hair, for a number of reasons, cannot break through and grows in the inner layers of the skin. Inflammations are divided into two types:

  • Deep . They look like bumps on the skin, they can be the same color as the rest of the surface or slightly different.
  • Superficial inflammation . They are characterized by redness, swelling and a visible collection of pus.

Areas more prone to ingrown hairs

The bikini area suffers most from ingrowth. The characteristics of the skin in this part of the body are such that regeneration occurs quite quickly and hair does not have time to grow out.

The lower legs and armpits are less susceptible to ingrowth. Hips, arms and abdomen are considered conditionally problem-free areas where this problem practically does not arise.

The most vulnerable areas of the body susceptible to ingrowth

Not all people suffer from this problem, and not all areas have ingrown hair. It becomes clear that this is an individual tendency that does not manifest itself in many people. Women and men who carefully care for their skin, visit salons, have sugaring done by time-tested specialists and lead a healthy lifestyle can boast of healthy skin without any ingrowns. Others have to fight this disease and get rid of it with the help of special medications.

Experts have identified several areas of the body where ingrown hairs appear especially often:

  • in intimate places, hair in this area grows in different directions and is closely pressed by clothing;
  • armpit area. There is a lot of hair concentrated in a small area, they also curl in different directions, sometimes even in a spiral;
  • the back surfaces of the thighs, where the hairs also grow in a chaotic direction. When a person is in a sitting position, they are pressed against the skin and also grow superficially or partially.

Why does hair grow ingrown after sugaring?

Let's try to figure out why hair grows in after sugaring. This is due to a number of reasons, and not all of them can be eliminated. Here are the most important factors affecting ingrown hairs:

  • most often manifests itself through the fault of the master (inexperience, incorrect choice of density and temperature of the paste, etc.);
  • due to improper care (insufficient moisturizing, lack of scrubbing, etc.);
  • due to the characteristics of the body (sweating, skin type, hair hardness, etc.).

Mechanical reasons

Mechanical reasons include features associated with the work of the master and subsequent skin care. Ingrown hairs appear if, during removal, the hairs are not pulled out by the roots, but break off .

This happens when the sugaring technique is performed incorrectly .
If the hair is not long enough, this leads to breakage and subsequent ingrowth. Important! The optimal length for removal is 5-7 mm. Shorter hairs will not be picked up by the paste and will subsequently grow in.

Genetic causes

Individual characteristics of the body have a strong influence on ingrown hairs. First of all, we are talking about “thick” skin - the cells of the surface layer grow too intensively and do not give the hairs a chance to break through.

Another feature is that the hairs are too hard or too thin.
Both of these extremes often lead to ingrowth. Attention! Ingrown hairs are also promoted by tight and synthetic underwear, improper skin care, intense sports and excessive sweating.


Sugar hair removal of a deep bikini is now often done by girls, which is associated with many advantages of the technique:

  • Long-term retention of results relative to shaving and cream. Skin smoothness lasts up to 2-3 weeks.
  • Ability to do it yourself at home.
  • Safety. Sugaring does not damage the skin.
  • Minimal pain. Pain appears only during the first visits to the salon.
  • Efficiency. The technique ensures ideal smoothness of the skin in the intimate area, which has a positive effect on the girl’s confidence and self-esteem, as well as on her hygiene.

However, keep in mind that, like any cosmetic procedure, sugaring has some precautions and restrictions, by following which you can avoid unwanted consequences.

How to avoid ingrowth after sugaring and what to do?

Hair grows in after sugaring, what should I do? A day before the procedure, it is recommended to do a light peeling, which will facilitate hair removal and reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. It is worth choosing a specialist carefully; it is advisable to make sure that he has been trained in sugaring techniques .

Use special products, such as the very popular anti-ingrown hair cream with AHA acids from Aravia. A cream that helps prevent the appearance of ingrown hairs after depilation. Fruit acids in the cream gently exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis, relieve hyperkeratosis, promoting the free growth of fine hair. Moisturizes the skin, helps relieve irritation and prevent inflammation. Suitable for daily care of depilated areas.

Find out how to properly prepare for sugaring. What needs to be done and how to prepare the skin for sugar hair removal to be successful.

After removal, it is necessary
to regularly care for the epilated areas using scrubs , antiseptics and moisturizers.
It is important that the chosen cosmetics suit your skin type; for example, the bikini area is more sensitive and may require special care.

After the procedure, it is recommended to wear non-tightening underwear made from natural fabrics and avoid heavy sweating.

After hair removal, sugaring, ingrown hairs occur less frequently. Sugar paste is more gentle on the skin , does not injure it and reduces the risk of ingrowth. Compared to waxing and epilator, the sugaring procedure allows you to remove shorter hairs without the formation of “stumps” and creases.

Also, the epilator and hot wax stimulate blood circulation in the hair removal area to a greater extent, which subsequently leads to rapid skin growth in these areas.

Where can I do this procedure?

If you have already decided on the sugaring procedure, then you can do it in almost any salon in your city or in a specialist’s private office, but for convenience, we are happy to provide you with contact information for some places where this type of hair removal is performed.

Sugaring in Moscow

Network of hair removal studios “Sweet Epil”: st. Petrovka, 20/1, 4th floor, st. Sokolnicheskaya Slobodka, 10, office. 9, tel.

Sugaring in St. Petersburg.

"WaxaBar": st. Marata, 77, tel: +7 (812) 400 200 3.

Sugaring in Kyiv

Beauty studio “Lady Space”: st. Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya, 47, tel: +38.

How to deal with ingrown hairs?

The essence of the fight against ingrown hair comes down to its extraction and removal. In most cases, this is easy to do on your own, but if the ingrowth is very severe, you may need the help of a qualified professional .

If there is no inflammation

Hair removal in the absence of inflammation comes down to three stages:

  • steaming the skin;
  • scrubbing;
  • extraction and subsequent disinfection.

The easiest way to steam your skin is with a hot shower; you can also take a hot bath (no more than 10 minutes).
After the water procedure, you need to rub the problem area with a scrub , dry it thoroughly and try to remove the hair using tweezers or tweezers.

Next, treat the skin with chlorhexidine. Disinfection of the area is necessary, otherwise you may get inflammation or a pigment spot.

These steps do not always work the first time. It may take several visits to get rid of the ingrown.

For inflammation

The primary task is to relieve inflammation. To do this, you can use skin healing products, an acne ruler, and make compresses from chamomile or calendula infusion. After the inflammation has disappeared, the 3 stages of removal described above are applied.

After any manipulation, it is recommended to intensively moisturize the skin to avoid recurrence of ingrowth.


  1. Sugaring the bikini area is a relatively safe way to remove unwanted hair. May lead to irritation, inflammation, ingrown hairs and redness.
  2. If pustules appear, you should consult a doctor. Use antiseptics, wound healing ointments and anti-acne medications.
  3. Ingrown ones should be removed mechanically (tweezers, scrub). First you need to relieve skin inflammation and steam out the pores. In advanced cases, consult a doctor.
  4. Irritation is the most common complication after the procedure. Appears due to non-compliance with hair removal technology, the presence of health problems and increased sensitivity.
  5. After sugaring the intimate area, you need to apply ice, then use a disinfectant solution and a soothing cream. Avoid wearing thick synthetic underwear. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the contraindications and consequences of electrolysis in this material.

What not to do?

In the fight against ingrown hairs, you can overdo it and, as a result, get even more active ingrown hairs. Not recommended:

  • use scrubs and antiseptics ;
  • apply ointments and creams containing alcohol and glycerin to the areas;
  • use a needle to remove ingrown hair ;
  • try to remove hairs if there is inflammation (especially purulent!).

Also, you should not go back to the specialist after which ingrown hairs appeared.

You can do sugaring to yourself at home. In this article you will learn the basic aspects of the technique and a simple recipe for making pasta.

Surgical intervention

If severe inflammation occurs at the site of ingrown hairs (regardless of their location), it is not recommended to try to eliminate the problem on your own. In such a situation, you should seek help from a doctor. After examining the red bumps, the specialist will give recommendations on what to do in this situation.

In most cases, the process of removing ingrown hairs is carried out using a small needle. You should carry out this procedure yourself very carefully, as you can cause an infection and aggravate the situation. I pierce the upper layer of the epidermis with a needle and remove the ingrown hair.

At this stage, the problem should be solved independently, without waiting for severe inflammation. The video above shows how to do this.

When red bumps appear on the body, one should not hope that this phenomenon will go away on its own. It is necessary to ensure the outflow of pus and remove the cause of its formation. The inflammatory process can lead to the appearance of an abscess. With this condition, the patient may require more serious treatment with antibiotics.

Surgical removal cannot guarantee the recurrence of the ingrowth if no preventive measures are taken continuously.

Skin care after hair removal

The only effective way to combat ingrown hairs is competent and timely skin care. It consists of several stages:

  • cleansing;
  • scrubbing;
  • disinfection;
  • hydration.

Missing at least one of the points threatens ingrowth and subsequent discomfort for several days, or even weeks. On the first day after the procedure, it is not recommended to use aggressive agents on the skin ; baby soap without additives or fragrances is quite suitable for cleansing.

2-3 days after sugaring, it is recommended to scrub .
It is important to choose a scrub that will remove dead particles of the epidermis, but will not damage the skin. Immediately after scrub, dried skin must be disinfected. In normal cases, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine or a regular skin antiseptic is sufficient .
In special cases, you can use an alcohol solution of salicylic acid (1% or 2%). Carefully! Excessive scrubbing and the use of salicylic acid can lead to rough skin and increased ingrown skin !
do not use these products more than 2-3 times a week. The last step will be hydration. The choice of moisturizer is an individual matter. Cosmetic oil is used (coconut and peach are popular), a special moisturizer (often comes with the effect of slowing down hair growth), body milk, etc.

Choosing a competent specialist, properly selected and timely skin care before and after the procedure, and wearing underwear made from natural fabrics will help minimize, or even completely get rid of the problem of ingrown hairs after sugaring.

Professional methods

New generation cosmetic methods will help put your skin in order :

  • photoepilation – ingrown hairs are destroyed under the influence of a light pulse;

  • electrolysis - removal using a needle-electrode through which a weak current is passed;
  • laser - removal using light rays with a certain wavelength.

Electrolysis is effective even for ingrown hairs located in the deep layers of the skin.

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