Facial care: TOP 10 golden rules for daily and basic care

Cosmeceuticals is a combination of two fields - pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. This is a relatively new direction in the beauty industry, which includes medicinal cosmetics that allow not only to eliminate minor defects on the face, but also to cope with more serious problems. Accordingly, cosmeceutical products must be of high quality, safe, and effective. We will tell you in our article which drugs guarantee significant results and which brands should be preferred.

Features of facial skin care at different ages

By starting to monitor the condition of your skin from a young age and caring for it according to its type and needs, you will prevent premature aging of cells and prolong the beauty and freshness of your appearance. We'll tell you at what age it's time to start using facial care cosmetics and share care recommendations for different ages.

How to properly care for your face?

and select an individual skin care program
(after completing the diagnosis, a mini set of cosmetics as a gift)

American dream for face

Probably the most dynamically developing industry of custom cosmetics in the world is in the USA. A huge assortment, which is constantly modified and replenished, impeccably bright design and the use of original developments determine the characteristic features of overseas brands. They have earned the full right to be on the list of the best professional companies.

Clinique. The American brand produces products that best meet the individual needs of all types of epidermis. The highlight of the assortment is the absence of fragrances and the testing of each composition for allergies.

The basis of Clinique cosmetic care is three main points: cleansing, exfoliation and nutrition.

Beauty Style. The company produces both hardware substances and those suitable for independent use. Natural ingredients, high quality, popular products - everything justifies the success of the brand. Thus, alginate express masks can restore a radiant, fresh look in 15 minutes.

Products for salons must have a high variety. This quality is associated with an individual approach to specific problems. In contrast, pharmacy or mass-market examples are more universal.

Patchology. The products are focused on just one product category – patches. This is a special cosmetic patch for the eyes, nose, lips or the entire face. Pasted onto the epidermis, the product promotes deep penetration of active compounds. Thus, energizing eye patches relieve swelling and dark circles under the eyes, promote rejuvenation and eliminate dryness. An impeccable appearance regardless of the weather - why the corners of the lips crack.

Age labels for cosmetics

What are the criteria for choosing skin care products at different ages and why can’t you use a cream labeled anti-age if you are over 20 years old?

Taking into account the age-related characteristics of the skin, as the body matures, skin care will change:

  • At 20+ years of age, the body’s natural aging process begins, and although the first external signs of skin maturity will not be noticeable soon, now is the time to take care of aging prevention. Skin at this age needs antioxidant support and intense hydration. From the age of 25, you should include eye moisturizers in your beauty routine. Young skin makes the most of its own resources and renews itself well, so moisturizing and regular cleansing will be enough to maintain its tone.
  • At the age of 30+, the body already noticeably decreases the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and other elements necessary to maintain the density, firmness and elasticity of the skin. By the age of 35, age-related changes become noticeable: facial wrinkles, dehydration creases, skin loses tone. It is recommended to enhance antioxidant support, add UV protection and include anti-aging formulas based on hyaluronic acid and collagen in your beauty routine.
  • At 40+ years of age, the time comes to fully combat age-related changes. By the age of 45, many people experience such noticeable manifestations of skin maturity as pigmentation, deformation of the oval of the face, deep creases and a network of fine wrinkles in the eye and lip area, and decreased skin turgor. At this age, the cosmetic bag is replenished with products containing retinol, peptides, and rhamnose.
  • At 50+ years of age, a period of age-related hormonal changes in the body begins. Almost all elements that maintain youth and skin tone stop natural synthesis and must be replenished with the help of appropriate compensatory care. The contours of the face begin to change, gravitational ptosis appears, the skin becomes thinner, loses density, becomes dry and sensitive. Compensatory care includes powerful anti-aging formulas that replenish moisture and collagen deficiency in skin cells.

What is it for?

Cosmeceuticals have proven themselves effectively in the following areas:

  • Solution to skin problems - products can have a beneficial effect on all layers of the epidermis; with the right choice of products, it is possible to reduce the number of wrinkles, eliminate acne and its marks, treat dermatitis, pathological dryness of the dermis, etc.
  • Aesthetic component - products include comprehensive care, prevention of problems, allows the skin to glow, look healthy and well-groomed.
  • Allows you to avoid the unnecessary use of antibiotics and hormones. Doctors often prescribe a number of medications to eliminate underlying problems. Of course, they are effective, in some cases important and necessary, but sometimes they can only temporarily solve problems. However, after taking them there are a number of side effects that are not so easy to get rid of. Cosmeceuticals based on natural plant components allow you to cure the epidermis from serious pathologies with a minimum of side effects.

How to choose the best products for daily facial care

The basis of a beauty routine for any age is an almost identical set of procedures, differing only in the intensity of application and the concentration of the formulas.


Morning and evening, we cleanse the skin of sebum particles, sweat, cosmetics and external impurities. To remove remnants of makeup (even persistent ones) from the eyes, use micellar water.


Additional deep cleansing with peelings and scrubs, aimed at intense exfoliation and subsequent accelerated skin renewal. It is carried out 1-2 times a week.


The final stage of cleansing: restores the pH of the skin and prepares it for the application of basic care products.


Light in texture, additional care product: can be used before cream or as an independent step. It has a highly concentrated targeted action formula to solve a specific problem.


The basic and final stage of care, aimed at correcting existing imperfections and preventing new ones. Depending on the needs, the cream is aimed at moisturizing the skin, nourishing, protecting, restoring or providing powerful anti-aging support. There are day and night creams.

Sun protection

As a separate stage of day care: prevents photoaging and other negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin.

Important(!): all care products must be selected according to your skin type and needs.

Cons of cosmeceuticals

The main disadvantages of the product include:

  • Before starting use, consultation with a professional cosmetologist or dermatologist is required. With uncontrolled and independent prescription of drugs, the opposite result may occur. A personal examination of the skin and medical history will allow you to accurately prescribe the appropriate product.
  • Difficulties with purchasing. You will not be able to purchase goods in a regular store. Most often, they can be found only in specialized retail outlets, pharmacies, cosmetologists' salons and on their personal websites.
  • High price - for the production of such products only high-quality raw materials are used that have passed all tests and purifications. Modern developments and technologies are also used. All these production costs ultimately affect the price of goods.
  • Addiction – when the epidermis is saturated with valuable substances, it eventually stops responding to the use of the product. Accordingly, the product will need to be replaced with a new one.

How to care for facial skin depending on its type

To choose the right care products, you need to know what type of skin you have. The success and effectiveness of the products used depends on this factor.

Tips for caring for oily skin

Basic care should be aimed at reducing sebum production, reducing the intensity of the sebaceous glands and preventing the appearance of inflammation and rashes. Look for product formulas labeled non-comedogenic, salicylic acid, mattifying and anti-inflammatory ingredients.


  • Effaclar range products are designed specifically for the care of oily skin: cleanses and tightens pores, prevents the occurrence of imperfections. The formula of the range is based on La Roche-Posay Thermal Water to strengthen the protective functions of the skin, salicylic acid for accelerated cell renewal, mattifying, moisturizing and restoring components.

Rules for basic care for dry and sensitive skin

Dry skin especially needs long-lasting, high-quality hydration. In addition to an established drinking regime, do not forget about products based on hygroscopic agents (glycerin, hyaluronic acid), which not only moisturize cells, but also prevent transepidermal moisture loss, leaving the skin soft, smooth and nourished for a long time.

Formulas based on softening, soothing and lipid-restoring components, such as vegetable oils, can cope with increased sensitivity. Choose special products labeled “for sensitive skin” and “hypoallergenic”.


Tolerian Ultra

Intensive soothing care for sensitive and allergic skin

Instantly moisturizes, restores skin, reduces sensitivity, eliminates redness and itching.

RUB 1,784 more details


Night soothing care

A universal remedy for hypersensitive and delicate skin, even delicate areas of the face and skin around the eyes.

RUB 1,945 more details

Step-by-step procedure for caring for normal skin

The condition of normal skin type rarely worsens, so the main task is to prevent it from becoming sensitive or dry.

Suitable: nourishing care with an antioxidant formula, for example, based on vitamin C, to prevent oxidative stress in cells and slow down the natural aging process. Also choose moisturizing and softening formulas based on hyaluronic acid and plant extracts.

Basic measures for caring for combination skin

Combination skin type is the most common. Care for such skin should be aimed at reducing oily shine in the T-zone and moisturizing the skin in the U-zone. Lightweight products with dual formulas are suitable: moisturizing and at the same time matting.



Moisturizing cream for sensitive skin

Instantly soothes and softens the skin, protects against external aggressive factors.

RUB 1,058 more details


Intensive moisturizer for normal to combination sensitive skin.

Replenishes lack of moisture, improves complexion, gives an instant feeling of comfort.

RUB 1,933 more details

Step-by-step care for acne-prone skin

Caring for problem skin, as in the case of oily skin, should be aimed at reducing sebum secretion, narrowing pores and reducing the number of rashes and inflammations. Formulas with antibacterial, healing components will help fight acne, mattifying components reduce shine, cleanse and tighten pores.



Micro-exfoliating facial cleansing gel

Cleanses problematic skin, reduces severe imperfections and post-acne marks, preventing their reappearance.

RUB 1,218 more details


Pore ​​tightening lotion

Smoothes the surface of the skin. Helps reduce pore size.

RUB 1,468 more details


Moisturizing mattifying sebum-regulating emulsion

Visibly reduces oily shine, tightens pores, mattifies the skin for 8 hours.

RUB 1,618 more details


Corrective emulsion for oily skin

Cleanses and visibly tightens pores, reduces oily shine, and effectively evens out skin texture and color.

RUB 1,303 more details

Russian innovations

Professional cosmetics and moisturizing creams for the face are at the very beginning of their journey, but the pace of development is encouraging. There is still little personal experience, as well as the number of brands that deserve trust. But our specialists often and effectively use ancient recipes and foreign developments, while remaining in the low price segment. Organic cosmetics brands from Russia are incredibly in demand and manufacturers try to take everything into account.

Kora, the products contain many natural ingredients

Kora. The inexpensive Russian brand is known for its unique approach to cosmetic mixtures - the emphasis is on normalizing natural processes in the epidermis, restoring protective and other functions, and using skin reserves. Amazing texture and rich palette - Mary Kay lipstick.


  • oils (rosehip, cedar, cocoa);
  • special enzymes;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • healing mud and others.

Premium. A company with a leading position in the domestic market. The production is equipped with raw materials from all over the world, its own factory and training center.

The ten lines of the brand are designed taking into account different facial features and specific weather conditions. Thus, the adverse effects of frost can be counteracted with Gulfstream thermal balm, which is indicated for oily skin, but does not provoke the appearance of comedones. All the pros and cons of Pupa matte lipstick are presented in this material.


Those with dry skin need deeper hydration and nutrition, as this skin type is more susceptible to irritation, peeling and early wrinkles than others. When choosing a cream, give preference to rich textures.

Search in:

Squalane; Lactic, lactobionic, ferrulic acids; Vitamins A, C, E; Antioxidants; Aloe vera; Glycerol; Coenzyme Q10; Hyaluronic acid; Vegetable oils, shea butter; Niacinamide; Retinol (small%); Urea; Witch hazel.

Avoid in:

Alcohol; Alkalis; Mineral oils; Aggressive surfactants; Abrasive scrubs; High concentrations of acids; Tap water.

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