My nose is oily, what should I do? Features of daily care


The appearance of oily shine on the nose is associated with an excess number of sebaceous glands in this area. They cover almost the entire body. The only exceptions are the palms and feet. However, it is in the T-zone that their number is maximum.

Of course, you should not think that the absence of sebaceous glands is a favorable sign. They help maintain skin hydration and elasticity, which is a reliable prevention of wrinkles.

The maximum amount of sebum begins to be produced during adolescence. This process continues until the body develops - until about 25 years of age.

After 40 years, the activity of the sebaceous glands noticeably decreases. During this same period, the balance of hormones changes significantly and general aging of the body is observed. However, age is far from the only reason for the activation of the functions of the sebaceous glands.

The following factors lead to the emergence of these problems:

  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • problems in the functioning of the digestive organs and endocrine glands;
  • eating disorders;
  • accumulation of a large amount of toxins in the body.

Excessive fat accumulates in enlarged pores. As a result, they become clogged with sebaceous plugs. This creates the preconditions for the appearance of comedones and pimples.

Very oily facial skin hormones. Oily skin

Oily skin will not cause any special problems if you take care of it correctly and regularly. Moreover, with proper care, oily skin retains a youthful and fresh appearance much longer than dry skin. In people with oily skin, it begins to appear later. However, in youth, during the period of hormonal changes in the body, oily skin is often manifested by a pronounced greasy sheen, enlarged pores, and comedones and pustular elements may appear on it. Often, not only the skin of the face, but also the head, chest, and back are characterized by increased oiliness. Approximately 10% of people with oily skin continue to have such problems after the age of 30.

Oily skin is one of four variants of the norm (normal and combination skin are also possible). If the oily skin becomes pathological, it is seborrhea (when not only the production of sebum is increased, but its qualitative composition is also changed: the content of unsaturated fatty acids is insufficient, its bactericidal properties are reduced). If pustular rashes regularly appear against the background of seborrhea, this is already.

Oily skin and hormonal levels

Oily skin is characterized by increased activity of the sebaceous glands, which is largely regulated by sex hormones. This is due to the fact that in youth, during the period of highest levels of sex hormones, the skin is oilier. As you age, both hormone levels and skin oiliness decrease. The sebaceous glands react to changes in hormonal levels in all people, but the degree of their sensitivity varies from person to person and is determined genetically. Therefore, with the same level of hormones, different people will have different skin oiliness.

Women may experience pronounced changes in skin oiliness depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle during pregnancy.


One of the problems typical for oily skin is the appearance of comedones. These can be “black dots” that clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands - black comedones (open comedones). And “white pimples”, unlike pustular elements, are not accompanied by inflammatory phenomena (redness) - these are white comedones (closed comedones, milia).

Comedones occur due to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct. It is generally accepted that the color of black comedones is due to “dirt” that has entered it from the outside. This is not true; dust and other external pollutants do not play an important role in this. The black color is given to it by the products of oxidation of sebum fats and the remains of cells contained in it, exfoliated from the walls of the sebaceous gland duct, containing a dark pigment - melanin. The color of a white comedon is determined by the color of the sebum contained in it. Since in this case it does not have contact with air oxygen, it does not oxidize and retains its light color.

Beauty treatments for oily skin

To suppress the activity of the sebaceous glands, cleanse and narrow skin pores, and smooth the skin, cosmetologists use various effects:

  • Ultrasonic facial cleansing (ultrasonic peeling) effectively cleanses the skin of various types of impurities and smoothes the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Ultrasonic peeling affects only the stratum corneum of the skin, its effect is gentle and non-traumatic.
  • Superficial chemical peeling allows you to make the rough superficial stratum corneum of the skin thinner, remove the gray tint it gives to the skin, tighten pores and restore a fresh appearance to the skin.
  • Medium peels (Pro Anthox, Yellow peel) remove the stratum corneum completely and affect the deeper layers of the epidermis. The use of medium peels allows you to remove pigment spots and scars (often left after acne), even out skin texture, and eliminate fine wrinkles.
  • Beautytek Premium biocybernetic therapy allows you to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, improve local metabolism, activate the removal of harmful substances from the skin and accelerate its recovery processes.
  • LPG facial massage helps to cope with swelling and improves blood supply to the skin.
  • Biorevitalization. Oily skin may suffer from dehydration. Of course, this problem is less typical for it than for dry skin, but oily, dehydrated facial skin is not so rare. Carrying out injection and laser biorevitalization procedures allows us to successfully solve it.
  • Mesotherapy allows you to deliver vitamins, microelements and medicinal substances directly to the problem area.
  • Natura Bisse and Dermalogica cosmetic procedures using lines for oily skin provide comprehensive individual care.

What to do

To get rid of oily skin on the nose, it is very important to determine the causes of this problem. If it is caused by an imbalance of hormones due to adolescence, it is very important to provide the dermis with adequate care.

Serious lifestyle adjustments are of no small importance.

Normalize nutrition

Violations in the menu negatively affect the condition of the dermis. Many products provoke activation of the sebaceous glands. To minimize the occurrence of such problems, you need to take plenty of vitamins and drink enough fluids.

Fresh fruits and vegetables will help improve your skin condition. Experts also advise eating nuts and natural juices.

At the same time, there are a number of products that are contraindicated in case of excess fatty epithelium on the nose. The main recommendation is to avoid eating simple carbohydrates. Experts advise completely eliminating sweets, sugar, and cakes from the menu.

It is these products that contribute to increased oiliness in the dermis and can even lead to the formation of acne. In addition, it is very important to eliminate caffeine consumption and avoid excess protein foods.


If unwanted oily shine appears on the nose, you need to use a special foam cleanser to cleanse the dermis.

An excellent solution to this problem is a combination of soap and salt.

To implement this method, it is recommended to soap a cotton pad and then apply a little salt to it. Use the resulting product to wipe your nose and other oily areas. After drying, the composition must be washed off with water.

If your skin doesn't respond well to soap, you can use oatmeal. To do this, pour boiling water over a couple of spoons of oatmeal to get a paste. It must be applied to the nose, performing gentle massaging movements.


Those with oily skin should not use alcohol lotions. They dry out the dermis, which will ultimately cause even greater activation of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the problem will only get worse.

To give the epidermis the required tone, it is recommended to make products based on infusions of medicinal plants. They should have anti-inflammatory and soothing characteristics. In this case, mint, yarrow, and sage are ideal.

To cope with oily shine, it is recommended to add finely ground natural powder to such products.

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Review of suitable cosmetics

To cope with the problem, it is very important to carefully consider the process of choosing cosmetics.

Professionals give the following recommendations:

  1. Buy only high-quality foundation. Using different products for the T-zone and other areas of the face will help you cope with the problem.
  2. Be sure to use powder. This is the easiest way to deal with oily shine on the nose.
  3. You can take matting napkins to work or school. This will help maintain an attractive appearance throughout the day.
  4. Use cosmetics that suit your skin type.
  5. Choose medicinal cosmetics with the most natural composition.

When choosing cosmetics, you need to pay special attention to its composition. It must contain ingredients that have sebum-regulating properties. These include extracts of citrus fruits - orange, lemon or grapefruit. Mint and cinnamon have similar properties.

Do not neglect the beneficial properties of minerals. White or blue clay will help to cope with oily shine on the nose.

An excellent option would be cosmetic products made from Dead Sea minerals.

Thanks to the regular use of such products, you will be able to forget forever about the problems of excess fat in the dermis.

Oily facial skin folk remedies. Baths for oily skin

The bath is carried out 2 times every 5 days. The steam perfectly opens the pores, preparing the skin for further manipulation. After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside, especially in the cold and wind, for 6 hours. It is for these reasons that it is advisable to take baths at night.

First, you need to prepare your skin by removing all makeup. After this, wipe your face with a 3% peroxide solution or chlorhexidine. You can use a tonic or lotion that contains similar components.

A regular inhaler can be used as a device for the procedure. If you don’t have it, prepare a pan and a towel. The procedure is quite simple: you tilt your head over the container, maintaining a distance of 25 cm, cover it on top with a towel so that the steam does not evaporate, then close your eyes and wait 10 minutes. As an infusion, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs or ordinary boiled water. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed 40 degrees, otherwise the steam will burn your face.

The following medicinal herbs are suitable for oily skin:

  • sage;
  • eucalyptus;
  • chamomile;
  • Linden;
  • St. John's wort;
  • coltsfoot;
  • rose flowers;
  • calendula;
  • birch and oak bark;
  • fresh or dried parsley;
  • green tea with lemon balm or jasmine.

To prepare a decoction, take three types of plants, each of them should contain 25 grams. (total quantity 75 g). After this, add 1.7 liters of water and simmer on the stove for about a quarter of an hour. After the expiration date, add 12 drops of any essential oil and feel free to begin the procedure. If desired, you can add chopped dried citrus fruit zest into the bath.

How to get rid of oily skin on nose at home

To cope with oily skin, you can use effective home recipes:

  • Mask based on yogurt. To prepare it, you need to buy low-fat milk and put a slice of black bread in it. Then you should put the mixture in a warm place for a day. After the specified time, the yogurt will be ready.

To use it, you need to fold several layers of gauze, moisten it in liquid and apply it to oily areas of the skin for 20 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water and dry your face with a towel. This product not only effectively cleanses, but also perfectly nourishes the dermis.

  • Cleansing liquid. Pour a tablespoon of grapefruit juice into a glass of mineral water. Use this product to wash your face in the morning. Sauerkraut juice is no less effective. They need to rinse their face, let it dry, and then wash with cool water.
  • Useful yeast mask. Take half a packet of live yeast and mix with milk to obtain a liquid. Apply a thin layer to the skin and leave until dry. Then the composition should be washed off with cool water.

After completion of the procedure, the skin is treated with cream. It is recommended to use the product once a day at night.

  • Protein-lemon mask. To prepare it, beat the egg white and add a little lemon zest. Use the resulting mixture to treat problem areas. After a quarter of an hour, you can wash your face with warm water.
  • Lemon-yeast mask. To get this healthy product, you need to take 20 g of dry yeast and combine it with a small amount of milk. You should also add a small spoon of lemon juice to the mixture. It is recommended to treat the nose with the resulting product. After 15 minutes, you can wash your face with warm water or special milk.
  • Cucumber mask. To make it, mix chopped cucumber with boric acid in a ratio of 6:1. The resulting composition is applied to the nose for 10 minutes, after which it is washed with warm water.

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My nose is oily, what should I do? Features of daily care

What to do if a man has oily facial skin?
To eliminate and prevent oily shine, you need an integrated approach: the face needs to be cleansed, moisturized and nourished. Most men consider this a waste of time and generally regard it as a purely feminine activity. Although purely men's skincare lines have been produced for a long time, and as for folk recipes, they are suitable for absolutely everyone. Men's skin needs daily care just like women's skin. To eliminate excess oil, it is recommended to exfoliate your facial skin twice a week using special cleansers. It is convenient to do this while washing your face. Apply the cleanser to a sponge or sponge and rub your nose, forehead, chin and cheeks well with gentle circular movements. This way you will cleanse your pores and prevent the appearance of pimples and comedones (blackheads).

It is not recommended to use cleansing scrubs immediately after shaving to avoid causing redness and irritation of the skin. Therefore, the face is cleansed first and only then shaving with gel. If you use cleansers, for oily skin, choose those that do not contain oils.

Men with oily skin should also use special facial toners. They are used after washing and should also not contain oils. The same rule applies to moisturizers. The cream should be applied to the face after completing morning hygiene procedures.

Before going to bed in the evening, do not forget to wash with warm water and soap. Afterwards, wipe your face with tonic.


To permanently cope with excess skin shine, you need to provide a whole range of measures. To combat unpleasant symptoms, you can use the services of a cosmetologist or resort to folk remedies.

In any case, therapy methods are based on general rules, which include the following:

  1. Use special cleaning compounds that have a neutral-alkaline balance. This category includes gels and soaps, as well as makeup remover liquids.
  2. Provide the skin with a sufficient level of moisture.
  3. Avoid squeezing pimples, as this creates the preconditions for infection. It is much better to use products that have exfoliating properties.
  4. Avoid applying excessive amounts of foundation or powder, as this will cause severe contamination of the pores.

  5. Eat right, eliminating the consumption of sweets, smoked foods, and fried foods. Experts also advise reducing the amount of salt.
  6. When washing your face, use a gel and a brush, which will help you get rid of dirt. First you need to use hot water, which helps open the pores. Finally, rinse the face with cool water.
  7. Use creams every day that help moisturize the skin.
  8. Use a scrub three times a week to ensure good cleansing of the skin.
  9. To achieve better opening of pores, you can take steam baths.

To cope with severe oiliness of the dermis, you need to avoid artificial tanning. The fact is that irradiation in a solarium heats the skin, triggering hormonal changes in it. As a result, the activity of the sebaceous glands increases significantly.

In addition, you can only touch your nose with clean hands or special napkins. It is recommended to wash your makeup brushes every week to prevent infection of the dermis.

Oily skin on the nose is quite common and can be associated with a variety of factors. To cope with this problem, you need to provide the dermis with proper care, adjust your diet and use folk remedies.

What to wipe oily skin with during the day. Oily skin care

Oily facial skin can benefit from various cleansing masks, compresses, and steam baths.
When washing your face in the morning and evening, you can use a decoction of oatmeal or sour milk. After washing, you can lubricate the skin with a cleansing lotion or tonic, strong brewed tea, infusion of chamomile, sage or oak bark.

Nourishing and moisturizing cosmetics help oily skin look healthy. Cosmetologists recommend making cleansing masks 2 times a week. For enlarged pores, dermatologists advise wiping the skin with cucumber or lemon juice diluted with water, and instead of regular water, washing your face with unboiled milk every few days.

Cosmetologists and dermatologists suggest owners of oily skin try the following step-by-step daily care:

Morning care for oily skin

Washing with cool water and cleansing gel or foam

Washing with cool water, which tones the skin, with a special cleansing gel or foam, easily soluble in water and intended for the care of skin prone to excess oil production. You cannot use simple soap, which only dries out the skin, leaving a residue.

Rubbing the skin with a special pore-tightening toner

This product cleanses and soothes the skin well, preparing it for subsequent makeup application.

Application of a special moisturizing base cream with a low content of fatty components and oils

If acne and inflammatory formations are already observed on the skin, it is recommended to spot treat them with a product containing salicylic acid or peroxide.

Using SPF products (foundation, mineral powder)

If you need to go outside, you need to apply an SPF product, for example, foundation or mineral powder. A product with SPF protection is applied last, on top of all makeup, otherwise it simply won’t work.

Evening care for oily skin

Makeup removal

Evening care for oily or any other skin begins with cleansing it of makeup using special products - gel or foam cleanser.

Applying night cream

It is good to use special serums containing vitamins.

Care for oily skin during the day and regularly

Using oil-removing wipes

During the day, you can use special wipes that remove oily shine. They do not spoil makeup and effectively remove excess sebum.

Skin scrubs

The most important part of caring for oily skin is regular cleansing. This is helped by scrubs with particles of raspberry seeds, microparticles of cedar shells or apricot kernels. After cleansing with this scrub, the skin becomes smooth and silky. However, the cleansing procedure must be very careful, as there is a danger of microtrauma. Peeling is done no more than once every three days. It is best to exfoliate your skin before bed, when you no longer need to go outside.

Peeling with products containing AHA acids

After 25 years, a good effect can be achieved by peeling with products containing AHA acids. They are considered the best helpers for getting rid of old and dead cells, renewing the skin, and stimulating the formation of young cells. It is best to have these procedures carried out by specialists.

Using face masks

Mixtures containing clay or medicinal mud work well as masks. They allow you to narrow enlarged pores, preventing them from becoming dirty.

Oily skin and acne. Oily facial skin and acne – what to do?

Today, there are many different facial products that help cope with the existing problem. It is best to combine medical and traditional methods, which will achieve good results. First, you should contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist to determine the real reasons for the appearance of such deviations from the norm on the skin of the face.

Medical treatment for oily skin is indicated. At the first examination, the cosmetologist will be able to determine the real cause, and if it is associated with various health problems, for example, with the functioning of the digestive system, then this problem will have to be treated first.

In addition, the specialist will recommend effective treatment procedures. Recently, the following effective treatment methods have become very popular: mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning, vaporization, special massage, cryotherapy and darsonvalization.

The following methods can be used to treat acne:

  • for mild forms of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed, which are used in the form of tablets. Their main goal is to destroy bacteria and inflammatory processes;
  • effective treatment can be carried out with combined-action oral contraceptives, which reduce the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • if the situation is neglected, then cysts can form inside the cells, which rupture causing scars. In this case, you need to give corticosteroid injections. In just 5 days you will be able to see the first improvements.

Oily facial skin. Signs and causes of oily facial skin

Oily skin on the face occurs in both women and men, and occurs in children and adolescents. Often by the age of 30 it turns into a combined type, when the skin in the “T” zone (on the forehead, nose and chin) remains oily, while on the temples, cheeks and neck it remains dry.

Normally, oily skin on the face and head serves:

  • protection from environmental influences - UV rays, low temperatures;
  • maintains normal microflora;
  • protects against microtraumas and accelerates wound healing, and also retains moisture.

Excess fat contributes to the occurrence of acne, inflammation and seborrhea - the appearance of dandruff on the head.

With oily skin, the pores are always enlarged and sometimes inflamed.

Oily skin is characterized by:

  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, a few hours after washing, a greasy shine forms on it. The applied makeup doesn’t stick well: it creases, smears and loses its original colors.
  • Enlarged pores. During the day, particles of dirt, dust and cosmetic components get on the skin. They mix with sebum and clog pores. A favorable environment is created for the development of bacteria, which is why an inflammatory process begins in the clogged pore.
  • A thicker and rougher layer of the epidermis.
  • In advanced cases, cysts may appear on the sebaceous glands in the form of small tubercles under the skin that look unaesthetic.

Note ! Those with oily skin age more slowly. Wrinkles appear later, there are fewer of them, they are shallow.

Oily facial skin causes in women can be the following:

  • The hereditary factor persists throughout life, a sharp and dramatic change will not happen.
  • Hormonal disorders are caused by diseases of the endocrine system: while taking medications with hormones, during pregnancy, menopause in the female body, as well as during adolescence.
  • Diseases - gastrointestinal tract, liver and diabetes.
  • Prolonged stress – when there is a disruption in the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems.
  • Unbalanced diet - consumption of large amounts of fatty, floury and refined foods, lack of essential vitamins and microelements leads to a failure in the regulation of metabolism.
  • Unhealthy lifestyle - alcohol consumption, tobacco smoking and poor working conditions in a hot and dirty environment.
  • Improper skin care - using alcohol-containing cosmetics and frequent peelings, which contribute to excessive dryness.

When the skin becomes oily, the reasons sometimes lie in excess body weight, insufficient fluid intake and a sedentary lifestyle. This helps slow down excretory functions. Various toxins are retained in the body, which enhance the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands.

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