Libriderm creams - what's in the line? night, oily, BB and others

Updated: 02/26/2021 13:46:44

Expert: Daria Alekseevna Litvinova

*Review of the best according to the editors of About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

The domestic brand has recently gained increasing popularity. This is justified, since the brand’s cosmetic products are of high quality and effectiveness, as evidenced by numerous laudatory reviews from customers.

The manufacturer offers several collections: “Hyaluronic” is designed for intense and deep hydration, which helps reduce the depth of wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones; “Collagen” is suitable for people with skin that has lost tone and elasticity; "AEvit" will help remove toxins and improve the overall condition of the skin; “Vitamin E” will relieve irritation and speed up the recovery process; "Vitamin F" is intended for refreshment; “Grape stem cells” are suitable as emergency aid for aging skin and will slow down the aging process; "Panthenol" will provide intensive restoration of damaged tissue; “Seracin” will deeply cleanse the skin and help fight inflammation; Miceclaen will make it easier to remove makeup; “Herbal” is intended for deep nutrition; "Carbon" will protect the skin from the harmful effects of external factors.

The Expertology editors have prepared a rating review of the 15 best Librederm creams that received the highest consumer ratings.

Composition of Libriderm moisturizing cream

According to the manufacturer, Libriderm has a pronounced moisturizing effect. After its use, the skin becomes smooth and elastic. This effect on the skin is ensured thanks to the complex of moisturizing components included in the composition.

Hyaluronic acid

The firmness and elasticity of the skin largely depend on a substance such as hyaluronic acid. This ingredient helps preserve the framework of collagen and elastin proteins, which are responsible for skin turgor. Unfortunately, over the years, the body produces less and less hyaluronic acid, and the framework of collagen and elastin fibers takes on the wrong position. Wrinkles appear on the skin, the face becomes flabby and loses its even contour.

In addition to producing collagen, hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture in the skin. One molecule of this substance has the ability to hold more than five hundred molecules of water. Hyaluronic acid can be compared to a kind of reservoir that retains moisture in the epidermis.

In its low-molecular form, hyaluronate easily penetrates the skin

The use of Libriderm moisturizing cream allows you to replenish the reserves of hyaluronate in the skin surface and effectively moisturize it. The manufacturer made sure that the substance had a low-molecular formula, in which hyaluronic acid could easily penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and exert its powerful moisturizing effect.

Video: how hyaluronic acid works

Camelina oil

Camelina oil is produced from the annual cereal Camelina sativa. It contains:

  • vitamins (A, E, D, F, K);
  • minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium);
  • amino acids;
  • essential fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) and other biologically active components.

Camelina oil effectively nourishes the skin, moisturizes it, rejuvenates it and increases elasticity. In addition, the component promotes intercellular metabolism, thereby preventing premature aging of the skin.

Camelina sativa contains many biologically active components.

At the beginning of the last century, camelina was cultivated as a raw material for oil in many provinces of Russia and in some European countries. Later it was replaced by cheaper sunflower, and it was undeservedly forgotten.

Pomegranate extract

Pomegranate extract is contained in the cream in high concentration. Pomegranate fruits have a pronounced moisturizing effect for dry, tired skin. Pomegranate peel extract nourishes the epidermis, and the presence of organic acids in its composition allows you to restore a healthy complexion.

Pomegranate is one of the moisturizing components in Libriderm cream.

Complex Sensiderm B

According to the manufacturer, the Sensiderm B complex will eliminate dry skin and improve its appearance even with a small concentration of this component in the preparation. In addition, it has high physiological compatibility with the epidermis.

The optimal content of Sensiderm B complex in cosmetic products is 15%.

Let's get to know the Librederm brand better

Let’s say right away that it is quite difficult to buy such skincare cosmetics in a regular store. Its location is pharmacies and specialized salons. And it is absolutely clear that the first thing a woman will be interested in is the composition of Libriderm for the face, which product is better to choose and what result can be expected.

Without exception, all of the company’s products are positioned as natural and safe. She has gained great popularity not only here, but also abroad. Agree that European fashionistas, tempted by all sorts of products from the most famous world...

Important aspect! Libriderm cosmetics do not mask the problem, but solve it at the root. It not only has good caring properties, but also has a healing effect on “sick” skin.

Here is a list of benefits:

  • price. Buying domestic cosmetics will cost several times less than similar products from some world brands. And it’s not a fact that in the second case you will pay for quality, and not for a “promoted name”;
  • efficiency. The manufacturer guarantees the result in a fairly short period of time with its preservation for a long time. This factor is achieved through a competent combination of components with different effects;
  • the ingredients are natural, tested and completely safe for the skin;
  • The size of the assortment will make it possible for each woman to choose the right product, taking into account all individual characteristics;
  • All products are packaged in convenient containers equipped with a dispenser, which allows you to use the product economically.

Highly qualified Libriderm specialists are constantly improving the formulation of their products, using the latest developments and creating unique recipes. We can safely hope that the presented cosmetic lines will be constantly replenished with more and more new products.

Advantages and disadvantages of the product

All the pros and cons of Libriderm cream with hyaluronic acid were identified by consumers. They note that its advantages include:

  • light non-greasy texture;
  • good absorption, the cream does not leave marks on the skin in the form of a film or shine;
  • effective moisturizing of the face, neck and décolleté at any time of the year;
  • Can be used under foundation;
  • Can be applied to the skin around the eyes;
  • use for any skin type;
  • Can be used on sensitive skin;
  • absence of fragrances (the product has a neutral odor);
  • economical consumption;
  • the presence of a vacuum dispenser, which allows you to use the product without residue and eliminates contact of the skin of your hands with the cream.

Consumers also point out the disadvantages of Libriderm with hyaluronic acid. However, some claims about the cream are unfounded. For example, some users complain that hyaluronic acid is in the middle of the list of ingredients included in Libriderm, i.e. its mass fraction is too small. But it is necessary to understand that the amount of hyaluronate in the cream should be optimal.

Firstly, we are talking about acid, and if its content is high, you can get skin burns, peeling and other troubles. Secondly, with an increase in the concentration of hyaluronate, the product will be poorly absorbed. And thirdly, hyaluronic acid is produced in a small volume in the body: per 70 kg of weight, only 15 g of the substance is needed to maintain the skin in good condition. Therefore, Libriderm contains hyaluronate in optimal quantities.

Among the objective disadvantages of the product are the following:

  • lack of sun protection factors;
  • the presence of synthetic components in the cream;
  • high cost: 700–1000 rub.

About the manufacturer

Russian women trust products brought from abroad more. The global cosmetics industry is represented by the famous brand Vichy, and dermatology Nimue. It is worth considering the fairly high cost of foreign products.

The domestic industry is actively developing. The results shown by Russian manufacturers in recent years are pleasantly surprising. Libriderm represents a unique combination of two sectors - cosmetics and medicine. Libriderm is made in Russia and this affects the availability and low cost of the product.

After advertising with the participation of stars, cosmetics gained fame abroad. Buyers in reviews on online resources claim positive results after using the product. Acceptable pricing policy, decent quality got the job done. The company focuses on the latest scientific knowledge in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology. Only original products are displayed in pharmacy windows.

For what age is the cream recommended?

Libriderm moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid can be used from the age of 25. At this time, the production of hyaluronate begins to sharply decrease, which is why the first signs of aging appear - fine wrinkles. However, the optimal age at which it is necessary to apply the cream to the face is 40 years. At this age, the production of hyaluronic acid reaches low levels, and the skin noticeably ages.

After 60 years, against the background of hormonal changes caused by menopause, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid is only 10% of the original level. Therefore, the use of moisturizer becomes simply necessary.

Every year the production of hyaluronic acid decreases

Who is it for?

BABY baby products are hypoallergenic, quickly absorbed, and help the baby's sensitive skin from the first day of life. Regenerating, protective creams, wipes, shampoos, used for diaper rash and irritation.

For representatives of the puberty period, from 15 to 20 years, an alcohol-free line has been developed. Supports the skin during hormonal changes in the body.

Preventive cosmetology after 25 years prevents signs of aging. The properly developed Mezolux Libriderm line helps slow down the aging process without radical salon procedures.

Anti-wrinkle collagen products are intended for women 35-45 years old. After 30, the skin loses its main building material, consisting of collagen. The body does not produce specific protein on its own in the required volume. The comprehensive Libriderm program restores elasticity, reduces wrinkles, and gives the skin a healthy appearance.

After 50 years, facial care should be comprehensive. For rejuvenation, creams and concentrates are used together. When developing age-related care products, scientists took into account hormonal changes.

The products of the HYALURONIC FOR MEN collection are intended for men.

Indications and contraindications for use

Libriderm should be used if the following skin problems occur:

  • loss of elasticity of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté;
  • excessive dry skin;
  • peeling;
  • skin tightness;
  • sagging, drooping corners of the mouth, shaved hair;
  • weak tissue turgor;
  • age and expression wrinkles.

Among the contraindications to the use of Libriderm moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid, the manufacturer indicates only individual intolerance to individual components of the product. Therefore, before initial use, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the cream to the inner bend of the elbow and observe the condition of the skin for 24 hours. If there are no changes in the skin, the product can be used for its intended purpose.

STEM CELLS Collection

Recently, a new line of Libriderm has appeared that helps eliminate deep wrinkles - “expert against age”. Consumers talk about the good texture of the product and low consumption.

Metabolism molecules extracted from stem cells of grape roots and shoots protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. At the same time, they stimulate and increase the lifespan of cells. The composition contains cranberry and pomegranate extracts. Natural ingredients inhibit the aging of the upper layer of tissue, support collagen synthesis, and eliminate wrinkles.

How to use Lybriderm with hyaluronic acid

To combat age and expression wrinkles, as well as to intensively moisturize the skin, the cream should be applied 2 times a day - morning and evening.

  1. Clean the skin of the face, neck and décolleté from impurities and decorative cosmetics.
  2. Using a cosmetic disc, moisten the skin with thermal water.
  3. Apply the cream to the skin along the massage lines. Before application, experts recommend slightly warming the product in your hands.

The cream should be applied along the massage lines

General description of cosmetics

Cosmetologists believe that after just 8 weeks of using Libriderm cosmetics, clients can see noticeable results. Skin elasticity increases by 60%, wrinkle depth is reduced by 52%, and skin density increases by 14%.

Libriderm cosmetics are specialized products, as they are sold in pharmacies or branded stores. There are 17 official sales points throughout Russia; sales are carried out through an online store on the company’s website.

Libriderm cosmetics include care products:

  • for face;
  • for body;
  • for hair;
  • for hands and nails;
  • for tanning skin.

Libriderm won the Green Cross pharmaceutical award in the “Drug of the Year” category in 2015 and 2016.

Features of application

In order for the product to bring maximum benefit, you must follow the following rules:

  • in the evening, the moisturizing composition should be applied 1 hour before bedtime so that the product is well absorbed into the skin;
  • in frosty weather, Libriderm cream (as well as other moisturizers) should be applied at least 30 minutes before. before going outside, so that all components have time to penetrate the skin;
  • if a foundation is used, the cream should be given some time to completely absorb before applying it;
  • When using the moisturizing Libriderm with hyaluronate, you should periodically take a break so that the skin does not become accustomed to the action of hyaluronic acid. Otherwise, the skin will stop “working” on its own.


After using the Libriderm serum for a short period of time, you can observe positive changes on the skin. During this time, it is refreshed, the epidermis is filled with the necessary moisture at the cellular level.

The serum is recommended to be used in combination with other products for quick results:

  • Excellent hydration, cells are maximally saturated with moisture;
  • With regular use, it becomes possible to eliminate facial wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones;
  • Has a tonic and softening effect on the surface;
  • The skin is refreshed;
  • Skin rashes and irritations disappear;
  • Microcirculation improves.

Series "AEVIT"

Considering the benefits of vitamins for the skin, the popularity enjoyed by AEvit Libriderm cosmetics is understandable. Reviews from experts are based primarily on an analysis of the components that are included in the composition. One of the most popular products in this series is the nourishing cream. After analyzing its composition, complaints arise about the name. The cream has no right to be called nourishing. It is rather a light antioxidant. Considering that vitamins A and E are at the end of the list, and their concentration is unknown, it is impossible to say how pronounced the effect will be. The main share of the composition is emollients. These substances soften the skin well, but do not nourish it, much less restore it. Lip gel is another popular product that belongs to a category such as Libriderm vitamin cosmetics. Reviews from cosmetologists draw attention to the discrepancy between the name and composition. It is strange that the product from the AEvit series does not contain vitamin A. Thus, it is difficult to talk about moisturizing the lips. Only its appearance is created, which is achieved due to the silicone film that forms on the surface of the skin. The gel also contains natural oils, which, in theory, should nourish and moisturize the lips. But it's not that simple. The fact is that the composition also contains mineral oil, which has a destructive effect on any vegetable.

What is it like?

The product lines of the Russian brand Libriderm are represented by a wide range of medicinal and cosmetic products intended for skin care, providing a rejuvenating effect and masking existing defects. That is why the company’s products can be purchased not only within retail chains specializing in the sale of cosmetics, but also in pharmacies.

Libriderm cosmetics, intended for facial skin care, are made using safe ingredients; their composition does not contain fragrances or chemical dyes. Due to the light structure of the products, they do not create an unpleasant film effect on the skin, allow it to breathe and do not clog pores.

Libriderm anti-wrinkle cream itself is presented in the following lines, separated according to the age of consumers:

  • 25+ - hyaluronic collection.
  • 35+ - collagen collection.
  • 45+ is a collection made on the basis of plant stem cells.

When choosing a care or cosmetic product, it is necessary to take into account age limits. Cosmetics used not in accordance with the recommendations will not bring a noticeable effect or will worsen the condition of the skin.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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