Simple and effective - facial massage with spoons: varieties and technique

Useful tips

It is called oriental Botox for its anti-aging properties.

Asian spoon massage is very popular among Oriental women, promising to make the skin firmer and more youthful.

What is spoon massage?

The spoon massage technique has been used for a long time, but now it has gained popularity thanks to the famous cosmetologist Rene Koch. In short, the procedure involves gently pressing the skin with the back of a spoon.

You can massage the whole body in the same way, but the best results are noticeable with the face.

Although the massage itself does not promise to work miracles, as in the advertising of modern creams, it is considered more effective and its results last longer.

The procedure is quite simple and you only need two spoons

. You should not use plastic spoons, as the sharp edges of the spoons can damage the surface of the skin.

It is recommended to do the massage for about 10 minutes a day if you use one spoon, or twice as fast if you use two spoons.

The result is noticeable after 10 procedures

, but don’t stop there. Repeat the massage at least every other day, but not more than once a day, to maintain the effect.

History of massage with spoons

Since childhood, the famous cosmetologist Rene Koch observed his mother’s behavior during bruises: she applied cutlery to the damaged areas, then the skin smoothed out and excessive pigmentation disappeared. This method later became Dr. Koch's patented technology, and his achievement contributed to personal care procedures. Natural facial skin tightening with a spoon and changes in the décolleté area have become available. Problem areas with cellulite are treated, the contours of the face become clear, the oval and cheekbones stand out. The long history has preserved the basic technology, which has been improved over time by specialists.

Harm of cosmetic facial massage

Despite all the benefits, in some cases a cosmetic procedure can cause harm:

  • if the manipulation is constantly carried out at a young age, then the facial skin will lose its ability to naturally regenerate, which will lead to premature aging;
  • if you use a large amount of cosmetics for manipulation, this will provoke the occurrence of acne and other rashes on the skin;
  • too frequent exposure to the fading epidermis will lead to its stretching;
  • intense exposure to a thin face leads to stretching and bruising.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is recommended to conduct sessions with a specialist after consultation with a doctor.

The essence of the method

The originality of the method lies in its unusual tools. Chinese massage uses special devices, while Japanese and European methods involve the use of ordinary dessert spoons. With their help, lymphatic drainage massage of the face is performed, nerve endings are stimulated, and the regeneration process is activated.

The massage is carried out at home or in a beauty salon; points that are actively involved in facial movements are worked out. The effect is enhanced by temperature contrast and the addition of care products. Facial massage with silver spoons and essential oils create an amazing combination.

Types of cosmetic facial massage

Experts distinguish 3 main types of cosmetic facial massage.

Classic look

To perform this manipulation, a cream or special oil is required. The procedure is indicated at any age, regardless of skin type. Classic facial massage tones, normalizes water balance and improves the condition of the skin. During the procedure, strokes and pats are performed. After the manipulation, the skin becomes fresh and tightened.

Plastic look

No cream or special oil is used for manipulation. During the procedure, significant pressure is applied. Plastic facial massage is recommended after 35 years for all skin types, but is especially useful for oily skin. Manipulation allows you to get rid of swelling of soft tissues, pigmentation and wrinkles, including deep ones. After plastic massage, the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, blood microcirculation and the tone of the epidermis are improved, and the facial muscles are toned. The skin becomes tightened and the contour acquires a clear outline.

Pinch view

Talc is used for manipulation. During the procedure, pressing, patting and pinching are performed. Pinch massage is indicated for use in the presence of pronounced cosmetic defects - scars, pimples and other rashes. Thanks to the procedure, the epidermis is freed from toxins, acquires elasticity and age-related changes slow down.

Technique “36 movements”

“36” movements are part of the Chinese Guasha massage. To perform the manipulation, special tools made from natural materials are used. Most often, craftsmen use scrapers made of jade and buffalo horn.

The manipulation is carried out in five massage stages:

  • Cleansing. A gel is applied, with which the skin gets rid of impurities and dead cells. This technique also helps saturate the skin with oxygen, thereby improving the complexion.
  • Lymphatic drainage. To carry out this manipulation, the master uses a fish-shaped scraper with a long tail. With this tool, the specialist acts on biologically active points. Thanks to this, the skin becomes elastic and taut, the psycho-emotional state is normalized, and the condition of all system organs improves.
  • Regulation of tissue nutrition. No equipment is required to carry out this stage. The master performs 36 movements with his hands, after which the name appeared. The technique consists of stroking, rubbing, pressing, kneading. After special 36 movements, the epidermis acquires firmness and elasticity, blood microcirculation improves, which has a positive effect on the skin tone, and the biological points of the face are activated.
  • Direct nutrition of soft tissues. The essence is the use of nourishing masks. Thanks to this, the soft tissues of the face and the skin receive the necessary nutrients, which has a positive effect on the appearance.
  • Hydration. The essence is treatment with a moisturizer. This is the final stage of manipulation. Thanks to this, the epidermis receives a sufficient amount of moisture, which slows down the aging process.

Only a master can work with this technique. If you entrust the “36 movements” to a non-professional, this can have undesirable consequences not only for the skin, but also for the entire body.

Massage effect and indications

The main emphasis is on skin rejuvenation; upon completion of the course, it becomes elastic and soft. There is an outflow of excess lymph, the facial muscles warm up and become toned. Due to improved blood circulation, the supply of useful microelements begins, the skin is moisturized, acquires a healthy shade, and the tissue is strengthened. Changes also affect other areas:

  • Massage helps against wrinkles by relaxing muscles in active areas;
  • The loose skin of the cheeks and chin keeps its shape and returns to tone;
  • Gets rid of bags under the eyes, the outline of the eyelids acquire a pleasant, uniform color;
  • Other areas of the body will help get rid of cellulite;
  • An integrated approach will give maximum effect in the fight for youth and beauty.

How does under eye massage work?

The condition of the skin changes with age. Eye massage will help increase blood circulation in the vessels under the skin. Simple massage techniques under the eyes will help delay the appearance of wrinkles to a later period.

Basically, eye massage involves stroking the orbicularis oculi muscles, rubbing and light pressure on the eyeballs. Even applying cream to the skin around the eyes with your fingertips can be equated to an eye massage.

Only properly performed self-massage gives the skin elasticity and smoothes out wrinkles.


Before the session, you should protect yourself and familiarize yourself with the conditions that are prohibitions for the procedure. First of all this:

  • Mechanical damage to the skin: you need to wait until scratches or wounds heal;
  • Cuperosis and herpes also interfere with obtaining the desired result, as do colds and problems with the organs of the ENT system;
  • The lymphatic system must function without interruption, otherwise facial massage with spoons at home can lead to failure and increased blood pressure.

Otherwise, there are no precautions for starting the session; if you feel unwell during the session, a pause is made.

What you need for a massage

You don't have to buy expensive drugs or tools.

  1. Depending on the technique, you will need two or four tablespoons; when you have enough skills, it is better to alternate them with dessert and tea spoons. The devices are washed and treated with an antiseptic along with the surface of the skin.
  2. If you do a contrast massage with hot or cold spoons, two bowls of water of different temperatures will come in handy.
  3. Sometimes, instead of water, a decoction of nettle and chamomile is used.
  4. Vegetable oil or nourishing cream helps the devices glide easily, the skin is moisturized and enriched with minerals.
  5. Prepare napkins or a towel in advance to wipe off any remaining product.

Simple rules to keep in mind

When performing a massage, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. As mentioned above, massage spoons must be stored separately from other cutlery. Before use, they need to be thoroughly washed and treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Of course, before the procedure, the face must be cleaned of makeup, treated with cleansing milk and toner.
  3. Apply enough oil or cream to the skin so that the spoons slide easily without creating friction.
  4. Needless to say, the massage should be performed strictly along the massage lines.
  5. Self-massage is good because you can control the degree of pressure, thereby preventing the formation of hematomas, injury to the skin and blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin.
  6. Before massaging with hot spoons, make sure they are at a moderate temperature. You don't need burns!
  7. The ideal time for these manipulations is morning. Set aside 20 minutes of your time, during which time let nothing distract you.

Execution rules, diagram

It is important that during the course the dishes are used only for this purpose. When performed correctly, excess fluid comes out of the skin, which eliminates swelling.

  • The face is cleaned, when the spoons are ready, the session begins;
  • Massage lines are worked out, the degree of pressure is adjusted;
  • The movements resemble a semicircle in the air: a line is drawn from the nose to the temples, and from the lower part of the forehead - in all directions from bottom to top.

With each movement, the skin tightens and the desired contour is drawn.

with silver spoons will be useful . If the material of the instruments is silver, the surface will be enriched with antioxidants, and nutrients will penetrate deep into the skin. Stainless steel is also suitable, the main conditions are cleanliness of the instruments and an accurate diagram.

An effective eye massage complex

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

  1. Sit straight on a chair so that your spine, neck and head form one straight line. Inhale through your nose, and as you exhale, begin to massage your eyes with the edge of your palm. Move from and to the bridge of the nose, gently pressing on the eyeballs.
  2. Place your index fingers at a distance of two fingers from the nostrils on a vertical line, mentally passing through the pupils.
  3. Press on these points for a second, then pause for a second. At the moment when you apply pressure, you need to inhale, and when you release it, exhale.
  4. Bend your index fingers and place them near the bridge of your nose without pressing on your eyeballs. Then apply pressure and move your fingers near the inner edges of the upper arch of the orbit. Move your fingers from your nose to your temples. When pressing, inhale; when releasing, exhale.
  5. Move your bent index fingers along the inner surface of the arch of the orbit. Again you need to inhale while pressing, and exhale to relax.
  6. Place the pads of your fingers on your forehead so that your thumbs are at the inner point of the eye socket. Press from bottom to top. Inhale and exhale while pressing and relaxing, respectively.
  7. Using the pads of your index fingers, walk along the outer surface of the eyebrow, find a soft groove. Press it for one second, then release the action. Inhale while pressing, and exhale while releasing.
  8. Use your thumbs and forefingers to touch the inner corners of your eyes. Apply pressure for one second, then relax.
  9. You can press your thumb and index finger on the points between the inner corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose. Apply pressure to this point for one minute, repeat 3 times.
  10. Apply gentle pressure with your thumbs to areas located 1 cm from the outer corners of the eye. Repeat 2-3 times.

The sooner we start taking care of the skin around and under the eyes, the longer we can maintain a youthful look. Don't wait until you need drastic measures. All problems can be dealt with with proper daily care, special cosmetics, and also with eye massage every day.

Basic method

Standard technology is performed using stroking, tapping and pressing movements. They are performed with a medium degree of pressure; it is important to avoid deformation of the dermis and excessive pressure.

  1. The procedure begins with the area around the eyes, after several strokes on one side - everything is repeated symmetrically on the other;
  2. Then draw lines from top to bottom from the ear, tension is relieved;
  3. Next, the bridge of the nose and forehead area are involved, lines extend from the nasolabial folds to the side;
  4. Finally they start on the neck and décolleté. The first session will last about five minutes, the next one will increase slightly.

Cold spoons

The devices are immersed in a cold mixture: water or herbal decoction with ice. This technique works with pigmentation (reduces bruising, constricts blood vessels), improves skin tone, swelling of the eyelids, dark circles under the eyes and near the nose go away. The cold surface relieves irritation and soothes the skin. In the morning, such a massage invigorates and tones. It is important to maintain an average temperature; if the instruments are icy, there is a risk of chilling the nerves and causing herpes.

About the benefits and harms of cold in skin care, read the article on about ice for the face.

Hot and cold stone massage in an aesthetic facial treatment program

The stone massage technique or stone therapy has long won the hearts of specialists and clients all over the world. The use of hot stones in the procedure is not only pleasure, but also excellent neuropsychic relaxation, elimination of muscle spasms, improved blood circulation and, consequently, tissue nutrition, as well as improved penetration of active ingredients into the skin under the influence of heat. In aesthetic cosmetology, stone massage is used as a technique that has significant physiotherapeutic potential.

Various volcanic rocks are used as hot stones in stone therapy. The most common, affordable and convenient stones for heating are basalt. Basalt retains heat well and, most importantly, releases heat slowly. The recommended temperature for hot stones is no less than 43ºС and no higher than 55ºС.

Quite often, salons offer a facial massage procedure only with hot stones, and cold stones are not used as widely, perhaps in the belief that the cold brings discomfort or excessive tension. However, experience, practice and customer opinions show that cold exposure in the facial area is always perceived positively, as a refreshing, tonic coolness. And how pleasant the procedure will be depends on how correctly the master chose the individual temperature of the stones and the option of contrasting alternation. Cold exposure has a greater therapeutic effect than hot exposure due to a two-stage action: first cooling the tissues and then warming them due to the influx of arterial blood. It is recommended to end each facial massage procedure with hot stones with cooling, of varying degrees and duration. Cooling the facial area causes stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system, constriction of blood and lymphatic vessels, outflow of venous blood and lymph from the facial vein basin, and influx of new oxygen-enriched blood, which helps improve skin tone, superficial and deep tissue regeneration. As a result, improvement of complexion, reduction of the severity of dark circles under the eyes, reduction of swelling, pastosity of facial tissues, lifting effect and smoothing of wrinkles. Pronounced cooling also has a lipolytic effect, which is especially important in programs to “fight” a double chin.

For cold exposure, soft stones are used, such as marble, sea pebbles. These stones are able to quickly release cold, cooling tissues. The temperature of cold stones is selected individually, taking into account the client’s sensitivity to cold. Depending on the program, cold stones can be used from 23°C (room temperature) to 0°C. Lower temperatures are used only in the case of double chin correction.

Indications for facial massage with hot and cold stones are: aged, atonic, dull skin. Local fat deposits in the chin and neck area, slow lymphatic drainage, swelling. Visually, a firming, stimulating and tightening effect is observed on the face, neck and décolleté. Massage with hot and cold stones is also an excellent anti-stress program.

Contraindications for stone therapy are the same as for physiotherapeutic procedures accompanied by increased blood circulation. Cold stones cannot be used during pregnancy, hypertension and vascular disorders, thyroid diseases, and diabetes. The advantage of the technique is that it has a large number of options. In any situation, the master will always be able to adapt the procedure individually for each client, depending on his mood, wishes, age, indications and relative contraindications. MegaSPA school offers you one of many options for soft contrast stone therapy in the aesthetic facial care program.

Procedure protocol

The client's position is lying on his back.

Placing stones under the back . Before the massage, hot stones are placed along the spine to achieve quick and deep relaxation.

Photo 1.

Laying stones on the front surface of the body.

Only hot stones or hot and cold stones can be placed on the front surface of the body, depending on the indications and temperature preferences of the client.

Photo 2.

Massage the dorsum of the feet with interdigital stones. Linear movements along the dorsum of the feet with fixation of stones in the spaces between the toes.

Massage of the shoulder girdle and neck with hot stones.

Photo 3.

Using two medium hot stones, simultaneous sliding movement down the shoulders, then up to the base of the skull, then kneading movements in the décolleté area.

Photo 4.

Hot stone rib massage of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the anterolateral surface of the neck. Circular kneading of the suprascapular and trapezius muscles with the edge of the stone, compression pressure and kneading of the shoulder girdle area with the flat side of the stone.

Photo 5, 6.

Deep stroking movements on the inside of the shoulder and the side surface of the body, as well as around the shoulder blade with the arm abducted.

Facial massage with hot and cold stones.

1st pass over the face with hot stones. Using two oval stones, direct stroking movements along the massage lines of the face ( photo 7 ).

Along the same trajectory - rolling, shading and circular kneading movements ( photo 8 ).

2nd pass over the face with hot stones. With round medium stones: lymphatic drainage movements from the forehead to the chin along a semicircle trajectory, with light tapping at the moment they meet on the midline of the face ( photo 9 ).

3rd pass with hot stones. Simultaneous and alternate kneading of two small stones with the ribs in different areas of the face - forehead, chin, cheeks, temporal areas. Then alternate stroke smoothing from bottom to top across the entire face ( photo 10 ).

Photo 11.

Using the ribs of 4 stones, deep smoothing movements, followed by fixation of hot stones in the forehead, chin or maxillary sinuses.

Passing cold stones across the face.

Dashed, fast and deep movements along the massage lines ( photo 12 ).

with a gradual increase in the contact area ( photo 13 ).

1st pass of hot and cold stones over the face.

Photo 14.

Alternating strokes smoothing one after another with two stones of contrasting temperature.

Then rotate and scroll movements in one place with an oval cold stone ( photo 15 ).

2nd pass of hot and cold stones over the face. Using two new hot and two cold stones (in each hand there is a hot and a cold stone), dashed and dotted smoothing is done ( photo 16 ).

Next, use round, small, colder stones (t up to 0°C) to roll over the cheeks and pull them up ( photo 17 ).

In conclusion - rolling movements over the face with cold stones.

Massage of the shoulder girdle and neck with hot and cold stones.

Photo 18, 19.

Contrasting effects on the areas of the shoulder girdle, décolleté and shoulders with the ribs of four stones, then kneading movements with the flat side of the cold stones.

After the stone massage, a mask is applied to the face and neck according to your skin type, and a hot stone massage of the arms and legs is carried out for 20 minutes.

Hand massage with hot stones.

Photos 20, 21.

Kneading and smoothing movements on the palm. Then slow sliding movements over the entire surface of the hand.

Foot massage with hot stones, taking into account reflexogenic zones.

Photo 22.

Fixing hot stones on the feet for 1 minute for warming and relaxation. Next, circular movements along the foot, pressing on acupuncture points, working on the arch of the foot.

Foot massage with hot stones.

Photo 23.

Massage the legs, starting from the quadriceps muscle up to the iliac bone, and down to the ankle. Once the stones have cooled, you can leave them under the knee and under the Achilles tendon.

Finally, remove the mask from your face and apply a protective cream. Then remove all the stones from the body one by one.

Photo 24.

At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to offer the client green or herbal tea, ask about impressions and sensations during the procedure, and sign up for the next stone therapy session.

NATALIA GONCHAROVA - doctor, candidate of medical sciences, ALEXANDER GONCHAROV - massage therapist.

International school of stone therapy and exotic massages MegaSPA

Warm spoons

During therapy with hot spoons, the pores are steamed and become susceptible to the effects. The sculpture is created independently: outlines, contour. After dipping into warm water or tincture, check the temperature, smooth out wrinkles in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

You need to monitor the water temperature and immediately wipe your face dry after the procedure, otherwise the water will quickly cool down and the massage will lose effectiveness.

For the neckline

Often open, these areas require equal care. The neck and décolleté are more voluminous areas; the pattern involves movements from the chin to the ears, then down. The muscles should not be completely relaxed, a little tone is needed, then the skin will be taut, making it easy to work with. In these places you only need warm utensils, it is better to add olive oil.

For the nasolabial triangle

The structure can naturally change due to active facial expressions, this can be corrected with natural plastic surgery. The movements must be synchronous, both hands work simultaneously. There will be a start at the wings of the nose, then smooth lines smooth out the cheeks. Now we go lower, the area above the lip easily falls, then the corners of the mouth lead to the neck, ears, down to the collarbone.

For an oval face

Facebook building is not a new trend in the beauty industry. But complex facial gymnastics with spoons will become a modern method. The contour is outlined along the jaw, affecting the cheekbones. Circular movements affect the lymph; as a result, the shape and outlines are clear, with smooth transitions.

Chin lift

The problem area worries women who have a sedentary job or a tendency to develop a double chin. Facial massage at home will fix this. Light pressure is applied, then slight stretching from the chin to the ears. Separately, it will be useful to do exercises for this zone, keep your head straight. You can't slouch.

Forehead massage

Zigzag movements combat creases and wrinkles. This procedure includes massage of the eyelids, work with the temples, and lowers blood pressure due to the outflow of lymph. Facial muscles begin to function stronger and support the skin. And from those who were overstrained, the tension is relieved. Thanks to reduced pressure on blood vessels and precise technique, women get rid of the impending eyelid by the end of the course.

Goals of cosmetic facial massage

The goal is to slow down the aging process and eliminate cosmetic defects. In addition, cosmetic massage has a positive effect on the condition of all organs and systems. This is due to the fact that there are points on the face, each of which is responsible for the activity of a particular organ or system. For this reason, influencing them, in particular, normalizes a person’s psycho-emotional state, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and improves the condition of blood vessels. However, the main goal is to improve the external and internal condition.

Contrasting spoons

The technology will seem difficult for beginners, but after the second session they can safely start using it. Combination therapy is carried out after familiarization with the principles and the body’s reaction. Plates with cold and hot water are placed side by side; you will need four spoons. Each pair in turn is lowered into the container, movements are performed, then this is repeated by another pair, the plate will also be different. This contrast tones the skin and forces the cells to work independently.

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