Breast massage: step-by-step technique and rules

Why do you need breast massage, features of the procedure

Massaging a woman's breasts is one of the most common ways to correct its shape and size. There is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of this method, however, the technique of influencing certain muscles in order to improve the appearance of the bust was known to ancient women. In addition, manual intervention definitely makes the skin in the décolleté area smooth and beautiful.

You can massage your breasts not only to improve their appearance, but also as part of the treatment of certain diseases, for example, mastopathy or lactostasis.

Even if a person is good at performing a back massage technique, this does not mean that he is aware of how to properly perform a chest massage. This area is very tender; for many representatives of the fair sex, it is sensitive to touch and painful. Therefore, it is important to know special techniques that will allow you to achieve the desired effect without harm to health.

If the decision is made to end lactation, doctors can offer several options:

  1. Pharmaceutical . It involves taking medications that suppress the hormone prolactin. This method has a number of disadvantages, the main of which are serious side effects that can negatively affect the woman’s condition. Also, the drug can only have a temporary effect, and after a few days lactation can resume.
  2. Physical . This method involves pulling the breasts and is dangerous, as it impedes the outflow of milk and lymphatic fluid, which can lead to stagnation with the subsequent development of mastitis, and even mechanical damage to the gland tissue;
  3. Physiological. The most gentle and safest method, which consists of gently removing engorgement and further caring for the breasts with the minimum necessary emptying.

Indications and contraindications

It is necessary to massage the bust just like any other area of ​​the body. The mammary glands, which can be quite voluminous, interfere with normal lymphatic drainage, since the glands do not have muscle tissue, but have lymph nodes located nearby. Lymph drainage through massage not only improves overall health, but also has a beneficial effect on the appearance of this area: after just a few procedures, you will notice that the skin has become denser and the bust itself has noticeably tightened.

Loss of breast tone can occur under the influence of various factors, such as lactation or sudden weight loss. If the problem is severe, massage of the female breast will not make the bust perfect, but together with various creams and oils, you can try to find a safer replacement for surgery.

It is recommended to become familiar with massage technology when preparing for pregnancy and when carrying a child. Manual manipulation of this area allows you to maintain optimal blood flow, which prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

After the baby is born, massaging the mammary glands will be useful to stimulate milk production, prevent mastitis and relieve pain.


A quarter of women who have had breast cancer discovered their problem during a massage. Timely treatment of a dangerous pathology makes the prognosis several times better.

Breast massage has a large number of contraindications:

  • oncology;
  • fever;
  • dermatological diseases manifesting themselves in this area;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders;
  • any active disease.

When starting a course of manual manipulation, you need to carefully listen to the sensations: if discomfort appears, it means that the technology for performing the procedure has been violated, or there are hidden contraindications.

Contraindications to breast massage

Classic thoracic massage is not performed in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, serious condition or extremely poor health of the patient. The main contraindications include the following:

  • blood diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • inflammation or damage to the integrity of the skin, burns;
  • recent injuries (rib fractures, hematomas, etc.);
  • severe endocrine and cardiovascular pathologies (complicated diabetes mellitus, severe heart disease).

You can check with your doctor about the possibility of taking a massage course.

Execution techniques

There are several massage techniques, depending on the goal you want to see after completing the course.

Oriental medicine gives recommendations on how to enlarge breasts with massage. For example, according to the Feng Shui system, it suggests:

  • iron in a circular motion;
  • make patting movements;
  • pinch the breast tissue towards the center;
  • squeeze the glands with your hands.

When performing this technology, you must ensure that there are no contraindications. In order to strongly squeeze the glands with your hands or pinch it, you need to know that there are no diseases in this area.

Otherwise, it is better to perform regular stroking:

  • lightly hit the chest, holding it from below;
  • stroke from the nipple upward;
  • stroke away from the nipple.

As this area gets used to regular manual manipulation, you can intensively massage the muscles that are located between the mammary glands and the armpits. It is more convenient to do this when applying body cream, and the movements should always be directed upward.

You can massage the mammary glands using the acupressure technique. To do this, it is necessary to influence certain biologically active points:

  • press on the point at the bottom of the chest, descending from the nipple;
  • massage the point between the breasts;
  • find a point 2 cm above the nipple, make circular movements along this amplitude.

There is no scientific evidence of the effectiveness of this method, but in the absence of general contraindications, this technique will not cause harm. A Shiatsu massage for the chest is performed in a similar way in front of a mirror:

  • any physical exercises are done to warm up the torus area;
  • use your fingertips to massage the Zhong Fu point, located above the armpits just below the collarbones;
  • then the U-I point, located above the mammary glands along the line of the nipples;
  • at the end - the Shan-Zhong point between the chest along the bottom line of the nipple areola.

Expectant mothers should perform massage with the utmost care. After lubricating your hands with any oil or cream, you need to move your fingertips along your chest clockwise. Then the movements should become more intense, but not stretch the skin. It is useful to complete the procedure by patting it counterclockwise with your fingertips. In total, the session should last up to 5 minutes.


Nipple stimulation can cause uterine hypertonicity during pregnancy.

If during pregnancy the problem of an inverted nipple is obvious, which will create difficulties when feeding the baby, you need to supplement the procedure with nipple massage. To do this, carefully grasp it with your thumb and forefinger, and then twist it so that there is no pain. It is also useful to rub the nipple skin with a damp terry towel to make the area a little rougher.

Purposeful use of massage


  • Place four fingers on the top and bottom of one breast.
  • Apply gentle pressure by moving the fingers of both hands in smooth, circular motions.
  • Place your fingers on both sides of the same breast and continue massaging in a circle.
  • Repeat on the other breast.

Cancer detection

  • Stand in front of a mirror and look at any changes in the color, shape, size or texture of your breasts.
  • Place one hand behind your head with your elbow pointing to the side.
  • Massage your breasts using the first three fingers of your opposite hand.
  • Apply gentle pressure and massage in circular motions.
  • Be sure to massage the entire breast - from the collarbone to the upper abdomen and towards the armpit.
  • Repeat on the other breast.

A person can perform breast massage while standing or lying down. It may be most convenient to do this in the shower.

Contact your doctor if there are any possible signs of cancer, such as:

  • new lumps or bulges on or around the breasts
  • swelling
  • skin changes, including redness, dimples, or peeling
  • secretions other than breast milk
  • swollen lymph nodes under the armpit or collarbone

Lymph node drainage

  • Place one hand on your upper chest on the opposite side of your body, with your fingertips entering your armpit and your palm resting on your chest.
  • Squeeze your hand above your chest in a rocking motion.
  • Using the same pumping motion, slowly move your hand down towards the nipple.
  • Massage the outer, lower and inner areas of the chest.
  • Repeat on the other breast.

Medical impact3

This effect also reduces pain and swelling of the mammary gland. It causes a relaxing and healing effect. Breast massage is performed in most cases to reduce the intensity of pain and to ensure that the muscles in this area relax. In addition, the procedure improves blood supply to tissues. It is used in the treatment of PMS, but also during pregnancy and lactation.

What is lactostasis

Lactostasis is a blockage of the milk ducts, which first causes heaviness in the breasts, and then severe pain and other symptoms. Anatomically, this process looks like this:

  • The mammary gland consists of lobules;
  • ducts pass between them - through them milk flows to the nipple;
  • if the duct is blocked, the milk does not come out of the lobule and accumulates there;
  • symptoms arise, becoming brighter as the lobule fills.

Causes of blocked ducts:

  1. Choosing a single feeding position. In this case, the baby does not empty all the lobules, but a plug forms in others.
  2. Choosing a single sleeping position. If a woman sleeps only on her side, then milk will accumulate in the lobes located under the arms.
  3. Insufficient fluid intake. If a woman is in a stuffy room or walking along the street in the heat, she needs to increase the volume of consumption of clean water, juices and compotes. Otherwise, the viscosity of the milk will increase, and it will be difficult for the baby to empty the lobes.
  4. Reduced activity on the part of the child during feeding due to the use of pacifiers and nipples.
  5. Incorrectly selected underwear. Young mothers often do not purchase new underwear for nursing and the postpartum period, but use bras with underwires or the wrong size. Breasts change after childbirth, so you need the right underwear that will not put pressure on the mammary gland. It should not have hard bones or hard cups.
  6. Disruption of the ducts as a result of edema due to injury to the mammary gland.
  7. Regular pumping after feeding. Because of this procedure, the milk increases and the baby cannot empty the breast completely. Remaining milk will cause blockage.

Decaying lactostasis

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Some pediatricians are of the opinion that feeding should be interval. In this case, the baby is put to the breast every 3 hours, and each of the breasts is emptied only once every 6 hours. If you follow the on-demand feeding method, the risk of lactostasis will be less. In this case, it may occur in the first weeks after birth, and then lactation improves and blockages do not occur.


Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. There are several ways to help reduce the risk of developing lactostasis to 5%.

  1. Prevent cracked nipples. To do this, you need to properly attach the baby and prepare the nipples for feeding. Cracks appear in almost all women who put children to their breasts for the first time. If you could not avoid them, then you need to start treatment in a timely manner.
  2. Wear comfortable underwear. Give preference to soft bras that do not compress your breasts. Be sure to choose them according to your parameters - models that are too spacious or narrow can injure the gland.
  3. Feed your baby on demand. Don't try to create a clear schedule, trust nature.
  4. Eat right and remember to drink enough fluids. This will help improve lactation and strengthen the body of a nursing mother.
  5. Try to avoid stress and rest more often. After giving birth, you need to restore your strength, try not to argue with your household and not panic over trifles.

It is important to establish proper lactation so that enough milk is produced so that the baby has enough of it, and there is no excess left in the breast. This is a very delicate process with which professionals will help you. Due to the heavy workload of maternity hospitals, young mothers are practically not taught how to breastfeed their children. This leads to the fact that they apply it incorrectly and make many other mistakes, leading to stagnation of milk and infectious mastitis.

Treatment of premenstrual syndrome4

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of physical and mental symptoms that appear in women with menstrual irregularities a few days before expected bleeding during menstruation. Characterized by a number of unpleasant symptoms, which include:

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Irritability.
  • Anxiety.
  • Decreased mood.
  • Decreased concentration.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Increase in body weight.
  • Flatulence, constipation.
  • Edema.
  • breast tenderness and swelling.

Pain and swelling of the breast are also called mastitis. This is a feeling of tension, breast enlargement and increased sensitivity to touch. Symptoms appear periodically and mainly come with menstruation. Mastitis develops due to fluid retention in the body as a result of hormonal changes.

Increased levels of progesterone in the second phase of the cycle contribute to changes before menstruation. Swelling spreads throughout the body, and excess water in the body becomes most noticeable in the chest and lower legs. Also, the abdominal circumference becomes several centimeters larger.

There is an increase in body weight before menstruation, which is also a consequence of water retention in the body. Mastitis, unlike mastopathy, is not accompanied by hyperplastic and degenerative changes in the structure of the mammary gland and the appearance of nodules.

Secrets of a geisha's craft

Want to learn how to give the best relaxing massage? We offer some tips from the Natalie SPA masters. They will help you master the secrets at a professional level. To create the ideal environment for relaxation, several aspects need to be taken into account.


To immerse yourself in pleasant emotions and deep relaxation, it is necessary to create suitable lighting with low-intensity light. Candles placed around the bed or on nearby shelves are perfect. Don't forget about pleasant music. Quiet, calm melodies put you in the right mood and allow you to quickly escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Another secret is pleasant aromas. For a relaxing breast massage, oils such as lavender, ylang-ylang, and sandalwood are best suited. To create a special atmosphere, you can use special lamps or light scented sticks. Don't forget about the temperature too. The room should not be too hot or cold.


When planning to perform a breast massage, it may seem that there is no need to prepare anything additional. However, this is not quite true. To perform the practice as efficiently as possible, prepare towels, napkins to wipe off excess oil, moisturizing body milk or essential oils. The latter are more suitable for relaxing techniques. In addition to their pleasant smell, they are quickly absorbed into the skin and additionally provide a therapeutic effect. By choosing the right mixture for massage, you can relieve muscle inflammation, relax muscles, and stimulate blood circulation. The most commonly used oils are the following plants: chamomile, eucalyptus, rosemary, sandalwood.


Often the person being massaged lies down. However, for girls who have little experience, this situation may be too difficult. It will be easier to massage your partner if he takes a sitting position. Choose a place where there will be no disturbances or distractions during the procedure. Prepare a chair with a low back and ask the person being massaged to lean forward slightly. You can use pillows or towels to provide a more comfortable position.

How to get a nipple orgasm

These Nipple Orgasm tips are suitable for all occasions: both for making love with a partner and for masturbation. Just follow them - and orgasm will not be long in coming.


Your task is to discard disturbing thoughts and focus on physical sensations. Lie down, relaxing your muscles as much as possible and taking deep breaths and exhalations. Or slowly cuddle with your partner, again trying to breathe slowly and deeply.

Start with foreplay

It may take longer than normal intercourse or masturbation. Take your time.

Stroke your stomach, buttocks, and inner thighs. Only when you feel excited, rise a little higher: caress your shoulders, chest, area between the mammary glands. But don't touch your nipples or areolas just yet: let the arousal build.

Learn breast massage techniques

You need to move on to this stage when the nipples become sharp and tense.

Using circular movements with your fingers and palm, circle each breast several times at the base. Then take your breasts in your palms and squeeze gently. Use your index fingers to massage your areolas. By this point, the excitement should already be quite strong.

Just now focus on the nipples. Lightly and leisurely rub their tops with your index fingers. Gradually increase speed and pressure. Then squeeze your nipples between your fingers. Already at this stage, orgasm may be very close.

Don't limit yourself to pinching: try slightly bending your nipples, pulling them, or performing a twisting motion. Follow the sensations and continue to perform those actions that seem most pleasant.

“My nipples are sensitive and I like to play with them during foreplay. One day my husband was playing with them a little longer than usual, and at some point I shouted, “Don't stop!” He continued and... It was fantastic!”

Member of the online community Reddit.

However, experts from the medical resource Healthline recommend Nipple Orgasm to stop one step before orgasm, calm down a little and then repeat playing with the nipples, starting with a massage around the chest. Then the excitement will become even higher, and orgasm will be more likely.

Use available tools

To make the experience more vivid, prepare in advance:

  • Warming oil or lotion. Apply it to the skin of the chest (not to the nipples and areolas) - this will provide a rush of blood to the bust and increase arousal.
  • Ice. Touch the nipple with an ice cube and it will instantly become sharp and hard.
  • Vibrator for nipples and breasts. Similar gadgets are sold in any sex shop. The vibrator will improve nipple stimulation and help you cope with breast massage.
  • Nipple clamps. The degree of their pressure can be adjusted by selecting the most exciting one.

A partner can also act as a kind of “improvised means”. Or more precisely, his:

  • Breath. When a man exhales warm air onto the nipples, it increases arousal.
  • Language. There are many ways to lick nipples. Let the man trace small circles around the areola with his tongue, tease the nipple with the tip of his tongue, or even lick the entire breast.
  • Lips. Sucking improves blood circulation around the nipple and increases breast sensitivity in general.
  • Teeth. Gentle biting will add zest to the sensation.

Help yourself with your hips

To speed up and intensify your orgasm, work your pelvic floor muscles - they are also called Kegel muscles. Contract and relax them. When it seems that orgasm is very close, bend at the waist, lifting your hips up, and tighten your Kegel muscles as hard as you can. This is the peak of pleasure. Congratulations.

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