Teana facial peelings: fiery topaz and berry care for facial skin regeneration

Daily cleansing is used to remove makeup and sebaceous secretions. Using the exfoliation procedure, you can achieve not only the removal of keratinized epithelium, but also the launch of rejuvenation processes. Blood flow accelerates, renewed tissues are provided with nutrients and oxygen. The synthesis of melanin is blocked, the removal of toxins and oxidants leads to a lasting detox effect. Immune properties increase, even sensitive, dehydrated skin becomes less susceptible to the influence of aggressive factors.

Teana company produces cosmetic products, the series includes serums, creams, masks, peelings based on renewable natural resources. Development of formulas and synthesis of effective ingredients allow us to create high-quality products for face and body care. The domestic brand regularly releases new products that open up new perspectives in the beauty system. Next, consider the following products from Teana - fiery topaz and berry facial peeling.

About the manufacturer

The Russian company Teana was created in 2007. The young, developing brand managed to enter the top ten domestic cosmetic brands in terms of sales volume. A special feature is the launch of original, exclusive products at an affordable price. The maximum amount of active ingredients and a minimum of preservatives and ballast components for salon face and body care at home is the main concept of the company.

Products are manufactured in Russia, France, and Italy. Research institutes are located in the science city Yubileiny. Modern equipment of factories allows us to produce cosmetics that meet international quality standards. In France, a chain has been established for creating products based on Atlantic seaweed. Teana's Italian production is focused on hair care products.

Stages of creating cosmetics from a Russian brand:

  1. Determining the aesthetic goals for which the product is created.
  2. Selection of balanced ingredients.
  3. Formula development.
  4. Creation of a trial batch in laboratory conditions.
  5. Conducting testing on a group of volunteers. A distinctive feature of Tean from other manufacturers is the lack of testing of products on animals.
  6. The recipe is brought to perfection, the perfume composition, color, and texture are selected.
  7. Re-testing of the revised formula.
  8. Product certification.
  9. Launch of certified formulas in mass production.
  10. Sales of a cosmetic batch.

Attention! In addition to certification in the Russian Federation, the products have been tested in European laboratories. Confirmed by renowned laboratories Sederma (France), Induchem (Switzerland).

Brand Features:

  • hypoallergenic products contain natural ingredients;
  • formulas are created by leading specialists in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology;
  • The company's management regularly attends international exhibitions, where they successfully present their products, competing with global giants of the beauty industry;
  • There is a constant search and development of new technologies for perfection, youth of the face and body;
  • Professional-grade cosmetics can also be used at home, and the pricing policy is affordable even with a limited budget.

Today, more than 5,000 retail outlets operate successfully around the world. Exclusive formulas based on natural ingredients, premium skincare products, stylish design, and ergonomic packaging help set the company apart from its competitors. Quality certificates for each cosmetic item can be found on the official website.

General overview

We'll start by trying to find out what this company actually is. And only then will we consider reviews about Teana. Cosmetics from this manufacturer, as advertised and the official website claim, are a natural Russian product that is suitable for everyone.

Like most manufacturers, this company has a number of different skin care products for the body and face. In addition, you can find hair products and decorative cosmetics here. The range of products offered is quite wide.

In general, if we draw an analogy with all well-known trademarks, then our today's company is not much different in its activities and products from its competitors. For example, in terms of product it can be compared with Oriflame. But what kind of reviews does Teana get? Cosmetics from this production have become very interesting to many buyers.

Review of peelings

The Teana line contains two of the most popular options for exfoliation products:

Peeling Fire Topaz

Used for age-related, stressed skin for the purpose of lifting, rejuvenation, and reducing the number of wrinkles. A universal product suitable for all skin types, it normalizes dry hydrobalance and evens out the relief of oily dermis. Effectively fights mild forms of acne and scars left after rashes, stimulates the processes of cellular metabolism and renewal. Soothes irritated, inflamed tissues, activates blood flow, strengthens thin capillaries. The balanced formula allows for superficial peeling at home.

Indications for use:

  • dry, oily, combination, normal dermis;
  • hyperpigmentation, freckles;
  • stressed, tired skin;
  • flabbiness;
  • acne, comedones, acne;
  • peeling, irritation;
  • lumpy, uneven terrain;
  • superficial wrinkles.

Composition includes:

  • blue retinol affects the synthesis of collagen and fibroblasts, promotes skin renewal, restoration of firmness and elasticity;
  • a complex of fruit acids includes lactic, malic, glycolic and citric. They provide gentle removal of keratinized epithelium, whitening pigmentation, and block melanin synthesis. Hydraulic balance is normalized, there is no feeling of tightness or dryness of the skin. The division of new cells is activated, which slows down the aging process;
  • emulsifier based on olive oil, promotes rejuvenation, moisturizing, restoration of the protective barrier;
  • Violet extract softens, moisturizes, removes toxins, and protects the skin from the effects of free radicals. Rejuvenates the aging dermis, reduces lipid synthesis in the presence of frequent inflammation;
  • Sodium Polyacrylate helps soften the skin, retains moisture, prevents dryness and flaking;
  • Optifen is widely used in the production of natural and children's cosmetics. The preservative does not cause adverse reactions, the hypoallergenic substance is not carcinogenic. Has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal effects.

Procedure protocol:

  1. Clean the face, neck and décolleté area using foam or gel without abrasive particles. Dry the covers with a towel.
  2. Using a pipette, measure out a small amount of product and distribute in a thin layer, following the massage lines.
  3. Rinse off the composition after 5 minutes with warm water. The cleansing process may be accompanied by a characteristic burning and tingling sensation.
  4. At the final stage, to moisturize and quickly regenerate the skin, apply a product from the Blue Retinol series - Sapphire Secret cream or Turquoise Silk serum.

The manufacturer recommends carrying out the course according to the following scheme: use daily for the first 3 days, then once a week for a month, after which limit yourself to one session per month. You can purchase Teana brand products on various trading platforms; the line is presented in a network of cosmetic stores; it is also easy to place an order online. The cost of 30 ml is about 600 rubles.

Berry peeling treatment

It is a combined, multifunctional product. The product is designed to quickly restore stressed skin, revitalizing dry, dehydrated, oily dermis. It has a gentle exfoliating effect, whitens pigment spots, and evens out the texture.

Indications for use:

  • gray, unhealthy color;
  • frequent inflammations, rashes;
  • signs of aging;
  • pigmentation;
  • marks after acne.

Composition includes:

  • hyaluronic gel - has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory effect. Restores hydrobalance, stimulates regeneration processes;
  • strawberry, black currant, and cranberry extracts saturate cells with vitamins and activate the division of new cells;
  • wild strawberry and raspberry extracts have antibacterial properties, increase skin immunity, and prevent cell oxidation;
  • extract of blueberries, lingonberries, viburnum launch rejuvenation processes, restore smooth relief, give a matte, healthy tone;
  • red algae extract contains unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, proteins, iodine. Used for dry, oily, problematic, dehydrated skin for the purpose of restoration at the cellular level. Stimulates collagen synthesis, improves lymphatic drainage, promotes rejuvenation, and has a mild bactericidal effect;
  • Tephrosia purpurea extract quickly relieves inflammation and irritation, strengthens fragile capillaries, and is used to prevent rosacea. Effective for restoring the delicate skin of the eyelids, relieves swelling, puffiness, and restores lymph flow. Transforms stressed skin, neutralizes the effects of free radicals.

Mode of application:

  1. Cleanse the face, neck, and décolleté area with gel or foam. Dry excess moisture with a towel.
  2. Apply peeling precisely to target areas, following massage lines. Then spread with your fingertips using light tapping movements.
  3. Leave until completely absorbed; the product does not need to be washed off. There may be a burning or tingling sensation.
  4. You can also use a non-standard method for peeling, mixing with cream in equal proportions. After distribution, leave until completely absorbed.
  5. Another effective way is to apply peeling under an alginate mask. The effect of useful elements is enhanced significantly.
  6. The course of application lasts 10 days, it is recommended to repeat it 3-4 times a year.

The package contains 10 ampoules of 2 ml each, the cost is 500 rubles. The product is economical, the volume can be easily divided into 3 full courses. You can purchase it at a cosmetics store or order the product online.


Next on our list of characteristics is the availability of a particular product. Typically, clients prefer to use inexpensive, high-quality and accessible products. After all, this will help them always maintain their skin in tone.

What kind of feedback does Teana receive in this area? To be honest, cosmetics from this manufacturer are not yet available in regular supermarkets or cosmetics stores. That is, it may seem difficult to obtain. But this is not true at all. The fact is that you can easily order these products in the online store.

If there is a specialized office of this manufacturer in your city, then you can get cosmetics by pickup. Otherwise, you can order home delivery. It is very convenient and practical. As clients say, they are pleased with the fact that all orders are placed via the World Wide Web. This move allows you to consider the entire product, and only then choose something specific.

But what else haven't we learned about Teana products? Reviews of cosmetics from this production are quite numerous. What useful things can be learned from them? Now we will try to understand this difficult issue.

Skin care after the procedure

There is no recovery period, so you can carry out the procedure at any convenient time. Rarely, mild redness occurs, which goes away on its own within a few hours. After exfoliation, the main focus is on nourishing, moisturizing and protecting the skin from aggressive factors.

Rules for post-peeling care:

  • After the procedure, do not rub your face, limit touching;
  • for cleansing and toning, use soft foams and tonics;
  • Before going outside, apply sunscreen; you need to choose the SPF factor according to the season, taking into account your phototype;
  • morning and evening, use moisturizing, nourishing creams, serums, and periodically apply masks with hyaluron and aloe.

Attention! The day after exfoliation, it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, sauna, gym, solarium, and you should also avoid drinking alcohol.


Of course, one cannot ignore such an important point as the variety of cosmetics offered. Usually this fact attracts many clients. Indeed, in this case they will be practically unlimited in their choice. And if the manufacturer has a product for even the most capricious client, then this guarantees success.

Teana (cosmetics) receives very positive reviews regarding its variety. As a rule, the entire range of products offered is available in a special archive of the online store. And it is constantly updated with new products. Here you can choose everything for yourself - from shampoo to cream-mask for hair. And all this at affordable prices.

The only thing that sometimes upsets some customers is the lack of this product in the most ordinary supermarket. After all, sometimes you need to quickly buy cosmetics and immediately start using them. To implement this idea with Teana products, you will have to order the necessary goods in advance. But this is not always convenient for everyone. However, in general, these products are freely available. And everyone at any time (even in the middle of the night) has the opportunity to simply go to the official page of the company and place an order.


There are standard restrictions for the use of peeling. To avoid complications such as burning, redness, and irritation, the protocol should be followed. It is also recommended to test the composition for a possible allergic reaction.


  • individual intolerance;
  • wounds, burns, microcracks;
  • oncology;
  • herpes;
  • dermatological diseases in the relapse stage;
  • a large number of papillomas and moles.

Flattery and lies

Despite the fact that Teana is a relatively new company, there are already a lot of varied reviews about it. To be honest, it is difficult to choose the truthful ones. After all, some reviews express outright flattery towards the products being sold, while others express complete negativity.

Such statements are usually nothing more than purchased opinions. They are compiled and written by specially hired people. Depending on the task, they place flattery or negativity towards a particular product. So be careful. The most truthful online reviews should be supported by original photographs and other evidence of the result.

Advantages and disadvantages

Teana's products can be ordered not only online; series from the domestic brand are presented in many chain cosmetic stores. Effective products allow you to carry out professional care at home. The positive results were assessed by many women of different age categories and skin types. The products contain detailed information about the composition and effect on the skin. Everyone will be able to choose the optimal program to maintain fresh, youthful skin.


  • use of natural ingredients to create exclusive formulas;
  • suitable for different age groups and skin types;
  • professional effect at home;
  • hypoallergenic composition;
  • not tested on animals;
  • affordable price;
  • has a cumulative effect;
  • transforms, rejuvenates, improves the overall condition of the skin.

But there are aesthetic defects that only an experienced dermatocosmetologist can help eliminate. In the presence of scars, scars, acne, dermatological diseases, an integrated approach is required, possibly consultation with specialists.

The main disadvantage is that it does not solve complex cosmetic problems.


The first point that customers pay attention to is the price. And for good products, it usually goes through the roof. This repels most buyers, because not everyone can afford expensive cosmetics without compromising their budget.

What kind of feedback does Teana receive in this regard? To be honest, cosmetics from this brand are not very expensive. And it is this fact that pleases many clients. Only some people do not trust cheap goods. And in vain. After all, even cosmetologists say that the price tag on a product is not a guarantee of quality and safety. It is important that the composition of the components is good. And it suited your skin.

Thus, Teana (cosmetics) collects exclusively positive reviews regarding price. Just don’t rush to buy these products right away. After all, there are still a lot of different points that should be taken into account when choosing cosmetics.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts discuss the features of using a cosmetic brand.

A cosmetologist asks his colleagues if it is possible to use thean concentrate under a mesoscooter.

Professionals also share their experience in using peeling compounds.

The review describes in detail peeling for dry skin and what procedures can be combined with it.

The cosmetologist writes about the amazing results and long-lasting effect of peeling with ferulic acid.


Another important point is the certification of cosmetic products. This is where Teana gets not the most positive reviews. Why is this happening? The thing is that now it is not customary to trust an uncertified product. Clients buy it with caution and almost never use it in beauty salons. And this is correct - it is unknown what effect the client may get after using it.

Nevertheless, bolder people are very happy even with non-certified Teana cosmetics. Typically, these clients do not experience any negative effects after use. But many cosmetologists still insist that clients refrain from using cosmetics without certificates. For their own safety. But whether to listen to professionals or not is up to you.

Patient reviews

Many representatives of the fair sex have already been able to appreciate the advantages of Teana peelings. Professional effect and affordable cost are the main advantages of the domestic cosmetic brand.

The user writes about the convenient packaging format, amazing results, and a noticeable improvement in skin tone.

The participant writes that the results can only be assessed after a three-week course. A good effect was observed when using alginate masks and Teana ampoules.

A user writes about using other serums from the brand.

But there are also those who are dissatisfied with the effect of peeling. The user describes his experience of using Teana, the lack of cleansing effect. The composition is compared with ordinary lemon juice, even on sensitive skin the burning or tingling sensation declared by the manufacturer is not felt.

Reviews of alginate masks "Tiana"

Cosmetics, reviews of which are generally quite contradictory, are truly famous for their alginate masks. Judging by the reviews, they are very good. For example, a face mask with ginseng, vitamin C and myoxinol (“Song of the Seven Seas”) gives an excellent effect even after one use. The skin becomes nourished and velvety. Goes great in combination with E3 emergency recovery ampoules.

Alginate masks from Tiana are generally very pleasant to use; they do not tighten the skin, but relax it, make it clean and moisturized, and lighten blackheads and complexion. However, you can find a dye in the composition, which some buyers had complaints about. Otherwise, the compositions of alginate masks captivate with their unusual and completely natural ingredients. For example, the Treasure Island anti-acne mask is based on seaweed, minerals, myoxinol, tea tree oil and willow extract.

Is it really worth buying Tiana cosmetics?

It is quite logical that, having learned about a previously unknown brand, a woman will doubt whether she should spend a decent amount. And she can be understood.

For those who have doubts about purchasing a brand, it is worth knowing the following about it:

  1. Products can be easily ordered from the online catalog.

There is no need to run around the shops and look for the necessary product. At the moment, the catalog contains more than 50 items, and the manufacturer is constantly trying to expand its range. Therefore, any woman can easily find something that will solve her problem.

  1. The naturalness of the components has already been mentioned above.

Thanks to this, any skin is quickly restored, becoming healthy not only externally, but also internally. Organic components do not cause side effects, making them suitable for absolutely any skin type.

The Tiana series not only allows you to take care of your skin, it also has a healing effect. This is ensured by the fact that during the production of all products, the technology used carefully “extracts” all the necessary substances, while the beneficial properties are preserved. Thus, a preventive and therapeutic effect is achieved.

Tiana cosmetics are considered professional, so they can be found in many beauty salons. Professionals completely trust it and recommend it to their clients for home use. Some products have such an amazing effect that they are used even in complex cosmetic cases.

Any cream or lotion can be applied every day. This cosmetics does not clog pores, which means the skin can constantly breathe. The unique properties of such care have ensured the high popularity of the Tiana brand in the domestic cosmetics market. Therefore, it is used by both professionals and ordinary women.

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