Facial contouring. Advantages. Methods. Photos BEFORE and AFTER.

Facial contouring is a modern injection technique of rejuvenation. It is effective, safe, and does not require much time. Its essence is in injections under the skin of special natural gels (fillers) consisting of natural components that are found in the body of every person, such as hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite.

The desire to maintain a youthful face and eliminate the signs of aging is quite natural. It's nice to see a fresh face without wrinkles or folds in the mirror. Youth, beauty and an active life position help both in your career and in your personal life. But “anti-aging pills” have not yet been invented. But they have invented contour plastic surgery, which allows you to effectively eliminate the signs of aging and look much younger than your age.

Before and after

All results BEFORE and AFTER

Advantages of contour plastic surgery at ART-Clinic

Online consultations for patients from the regions

A team of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience

Modern minimally invasive techniques of operations and reconstructions

Affordable prices, promotions, discounts, installments

The ART Clinic employs a team of experienced surgeons and cosmetologists with many years of experience in performing anti-aging injection procedures. To improve facial contours, in addition to the ability to choose the right medications, they ideally combine the professionalism of a doctor and the talent of a sculptor.

Sign up for a free consultation at the ART Clinic by calling +7 495 150 23 32 and 8 800 500 42 32 (calls within Russia are free) or using a special form. Specialists will answer all your questions in detail. For example, what is the price of facial contouring today?

Prices for contour plastic surgery


BELOTERO VOLUME (1 ml)20 000₽
BELOTERO Balance with lidocaine (1 ml)20 000₽
BELOTERO INTENS with lidocaine (1 ml)20 000₽
BELOTERO Soft with lidocaine (1 ml)20 000₽
BELOTERO LIPS SHAPE (0.6 ml)15 000₽




PRINCESS VOLUME (1ml)15 000₽
PRINCESS VOLUME (2×1ml)28 000₽
PRINCESS VOLUME (3×1ml)39 000₽
PRINCESS VOLUME (4×1ml)48 000₽
PRINCESS FILLER (1ml)15 000₽
PRINCESS FILLER (2×1ml)28 000₽
PRINCESS FILLER (3×1ml)40 000₽

Restylane (Restylane)

RESTYLINE PERLANE with lidocaine (1 ml)20 000₽
RESTYLINE with lidocaine (1 ml)20 000₽

Teosyal (Teosial)

THEOSYAL RHA 1,2,3,4 (1 ml)22 000₽
THEOSYAL ULTIMATE with lidocaine (3 ml)49 000₽
THEOSYAL REDENSITY II with lidocaine (1 ml)22 000₽

Juvederm (Yuvederm)

JUVEDERM VOLUX with lidocaine (1ml)23 000₽
JUVEDERM VOLUX with lidocaine (2x1ml)40 000₽
JUVEDERM ULTRA SMILE with lidocaine (0.55 ml)17 000₽

ART Filler (ART Filler)


Radiesse (Radiesse)

RADIESE (0.8 ml)18 500₽
RADIESE (1.5 ml)28 000₽
RADIESE (3 ml)50 500₽

AestheFill (Estefil)

Dermal filler ESTEPHIL (3 mg.)48 000₽

Possibilities of contour plastic surgery at ART-Clinic

The main goal of contouring is to achieve a noticeable effect of non-surgical face lifting. The procedure is especially effective for young and middle-aged patients, when the signs of aging are not yet too pronounced. With facial contouring you can:

  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • recreate a clear facial contour;
  • improve the shape of the nose (non-surgical rhinoplasty);
  • increase the volume of the cheekbones;
  • reduce nasolabial folds and jowls;
  • adjust the shape and increase the volume of the lips.

For those who are older or want a more dramatic effect, a surgical facelift may be recommended.

How can we solve the problem of skin aging in the décolleté area?

The bad news : There is no good surgical technique for décolleté rejuvenation.

Good news : some non-surgical rejuvenation techniques can solve this problem quite well.

Great news : new injection methods that offer us a more effective and, more importantly, long-term solution have already appeared, tested and confirm our best expectations.

Types and features of facial contouring

Contour plastic surgery is a safe, non-surgical procedure during which a cosmetologist injects fillers under the skin. The preparations have a gel-like consistency. For rejuvenation, fillers with calcium hydroxyapatite or hyaluronic acid are used. These compounds are not rejected, do not migrate under the skin, and are eliminated naturally over time.

The injection technique is aimed at filling areas with a lack of volume and stimulating the synthesis of one’s own protein fibers - elastin and collagen. As a result:

  • mimic and age wrinkles are smoothed out and become less visible;
  • facial contours are tightened;
  • the relief is leveled;
  • facial features are corrected.

The advantage of contour plastic surgery is quick recovery. You can return to your normal life on the day of the procedure. Rehabilitation is not required if there are no bruises, but no one is immune from them. The procedure itself takes up to 60 minutes. If necessary, local anesthesia is used to relieve discomfort. Often procedures are carried out using a cannula, this ensures safe administration of the drug without damaging blood vessels and nerves.


The French innovative drug Sculptra has already been dubbed injection plastic surgery by cosmetologists. This is a biostimulator based on polylactic acid, which, entering the deep layers of the skin, starts the process of producing collagen types 1 and 3. It is also called “young collagen”.

Tests of the drug Sculptra show that three months after its introduction into the skin, the amount of collagen in it increases by 66.5 percent. The skin is noticeably tightened, deep folds and wrinkles disappear, and lost volume is restored. With the help of Sculptra, facial asymmetry is also ideally corrected. The drug thus fully lives up to its name!

It is important to recognize that facial aging is not an isolated process limited to nasolabial folds or sagging skin, but rather represents a collection of general changes in the skeleton, soft tissues and skin structures. Therefore, comprehensive rejuvenation is necessary, which involves not only the correction of nasolabial folds, but also the creation of a more youthful overall appearance. Sculptra is ideal for tightening the neck, décolleté, inner surfaces of the arms and legs, abdomen, buttocks - the main areas of the body where sagging skin structures are most pronounced.

The gradual restoration of volume can be an advantage for many patients who want to maintain individuality during the process of external transformation. Over time, polylactic acid completely disintegrates and is eliminated from the body naturally.

The effect after injections lasts for 2 or more years. From time to time, the patient may need to administer 1-2 additional bottles to look “perfect.” The interval between repeated injections varies widely from several months to several years.

Correction with the drug can be combined with the administration of neurotoxins. Laser and phototherapy can be used immediately after the injection of polylactic acid. It is also possible to combine Sculptra with photorejuvenation and laser therapy.

The sculpture is ideal for:

  • correction of deep wrinkles;
  • restoration of facial contours;
  • smoothing asymmetry;
  • harmonization of features;
  • neck and décolleté lifts;
  • the inner surfaces of the arms and legs, abdomen and buttocks.

Facial oval contouring procedure at ART-Clinic

If you want to enjoy a flawless reflection in the mirror, we invite you to undergo contouring in our clinic. Specialists with extensive experience work for you. We offer:

  • all modern rejuvenation techniques;
  • individual approach taking into account possible contraindications and restrictions;
  • online consultations before the first visit to the clinic;
  • the best prices in Moscow and the possibility of payment in installments.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the procedure, compare photos of our patients before and after the intervention. You can find out the cost of facial contouring and find out how the procedure goes and what results you can expect during a consultation. Sign up for an ART clinic by phone or request a call back.


I will be honest with you: I do not consider this correction method a worthy alternative to plastic surgery. As practice shows, fillers do not give the result that the patient would like to see. And the use of budget synthetic fillers even leads to the need for surgical intervention in some cases.

A facelift with fillers is suitable for targeted corrections of subtle age-related changes. When you just notice the first strokes and want to hide them immediately.

Pronounced age-related changes require more serious procedures. Here I would recommend surgical methods of correction. Because the devices also do not always cope with complex tasks.

To summarize the above, I would add that each case is unique. Therefore, a specialist can advise you on a suitable correction method only after a personal conversation. To choose the best one for you, we need to look, evaluate and take a history. Do not forget about this and do not make a decision about a particular procedure without a personal conversation with a specialist.

More about contouring

How does contouring work?

To understand how contouring drugs work, let’s find out how the skin ages. The process is accompanied by a loss of hyaluronic acid, which helps the body retain moisture. Over the years, less of it is produced, the skin dries out, becomes wrinkled, and sags.

The same thing happens with calcium hydroxyapatite - an inorganic substance that is found in bones, tooth enamel, cells and is responsible for the production of two important proteins (collagen and elastin) that ensure skin elasticity. With age, its quantity decreases, and the face loses the clarity of its lines, skin turgor decreases, wrinkles and sagging appear.

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite perform two tasks:

  1. They replace lost volumes, acting as fillers (fillers).
  2. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

If the first problem is solved immediately during the injection, the second triggers a skin healing mechanism that operates when using calcium hydroxyapatite for several months.

The procedure for contour plastic surgery

Non-surgical facelift involves injections using the finest needles or special atraumatic cannulas. The procedure does not leave any swelling or bruising. Anesthetic creams and gels are used for patient comfort. Facial contouring takes approximately 20-30 minutes.

Areas affected by the procedure

  • painting area;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • cheekbones;
  • folds - “puppets”;
  • lips;
  • nose;
  • Temple area.

Are there any contraindications?

Contour plastic surgery is not performed if there are contraindications. For example:

  • keloid scars at the correction site;
  • pregnancy or lactation;
  • diabetes mellitus during exacerbation;
  • skin formations;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • acute viral diseases.

Post-procedure period

The procedure does not require rehabilitation, so there are no restrictions on work or leisure. The only thing is that you need to avoid mechanical and temperature effects on the correction sites for several days. Prolonged swelling and redness after contouring is rare, as they go away on their own a few hours after the procedure.

Duration of action

The aesthetic result is visible immediately after contouring: wrinkles and folds are smoothed out, the skin looks fresher, tighter and younger. The face acquires a clearer contour. The rejuvenating effect is slightly enhanced within 21 days and lasts on average from a year to a year and a half. Then the procedure can be repeated.

How much does contour plastic cost?

The cost of contouring consists of several factors: the work of medical personnel, the required volume of fillers and, of course, the choice of the drug itself. The ART Clinic uses various drugs, including Radiesse™ (Radiesse), a unique dermal filler. Below on the page you can see preliminary prices for contour plastic surgery.


German products, which contain two active substances: mannitol and hyaluronate.

Mannitol has antioxidant properties. It slows down the destruction of hyaluron, which further prolongs the preservation of the rejuvenation effect.

Unlike other products, Etermis contains an increased concentration of hyaluronic acid. Accordingly, the drug is more effective and allows you to replenish a larger volume, as well as maintain the result for as long as possible.

Our doctors work with Etermis 4. It is injected into the middle and deeper layers of the dermis. This series successfully copes with deep wrinkles and massive ptosis. Etermis 4 fills voids, replenishing lost volume. Even deep, pronounced folds are smoothed out. Using Etermis 4, a cosmetologist can also correct facial asymmetry and correct lips.

The effect of Etermis lasts up to 2 years.

Want to improve your appearance with facial contouring?

To look younger, it is not enough to remove some wrinkles. The youth of the face is determined by its volume and shape, as well as dense elastic skin, clear and symmetrical contours, forming a triangle of cheekbones and chin in the form of the Latin letter V. It is also called the “triangle of beauty”. With age, the skin and muscles lose elasticity, and gradually the letter V turns over. Contour plastic surgery at ART-Clinic helps to correct this and restore youth.

Sign up for a consultation right now by calling 8 800 500 42 32 (calls within Russia are free) or using a special form.

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