Beauty rules of Marilyn Monroe that will make any woman seductive


She drove men crazy, and women wanted to be like her. As managed to find out, Marilyn Monroe’s figure parameters were far from current model standards.

Still from the TV series “Niagara”

The life of the most famous blonde is shrouded in mystery. How many speculations there were about Marilyn Monroe’s figure parameters! How many articles have been written about her psychological traumas and phobias! Finally, how many copies have been broken in disputes about the reasons for the mysterious death of the film star on August 5, 1962.

Source: still from the film Some Like It Hot

We won’t build conspiracy theories, it’s just interesting to figure out whether née Norma Jeane Mortenson had any outstanding external characteristics that allowed her to become a sex symbol of the 60s.

Radiant skin

This is exactly what Marilyn Monroe's face looked like - it literally shone. This is largely due to her personal cosmetologist Erno Laszlo, who created an individual care program for the actress. Marilyn had dry skin, so hydration was the main goal. In the morning she washed her face with warm water and mild soap. Then she applied toner and blotted her face with a napkin. After - a little cream around the eyes and powder.

In the evening, Monroe repeated her morning routine (but without powder), then cleansed her skin with oil and applied cream (including to the lips, neck and décolleté). And again I removed the care, but with the help of lotion. The final stage is cream again, but only on the chin and nose.

Real name

Even it creates confusion. At birth, the girl was named Norma Jeane Mortenson. But at baptism, her mother registered the baby under the name of her first husband - Baker. The future star chose her stage name herself. "Monroe" is her mother's maiden name, and "Marilyn" is in honor of Broadway celebrity Marilyn Miller.

A curious confusion with the name of the actress occurs on the Russian Internet, where you can find the following queries: “Marilyn Monroe biography”, “Marilyn Monroe breast size”, “how much did Marilyn Monroe weigh during her lifetime, etc.” But this spelling of the star's name is erroneous. That's right - Marilyn Monroe (from English Marilyn Monroe).

Ice bath for a flawless body

Marilyn's figure was every girl's dream. To keep her body in good shape, the actress took ice baths, adding a few drops of perfume to the water. The method is quite extreme, we would not recommend repeating it. It is better to take a contrast shower.

By the way, Monroe’s “ice treatments” did not end with the bath. In the mornings, the actress wiped her face with a frozen chamomile decoction. This helped her get rid of dark circles under her eyes and regain her fresh appearance even after a scant 5 hours of sleep. We now also have a more suitable alternative for this - chilled patches.

Star appearance

From her youth, Norma Jeane had excellent natural qualities. But she understood that without daily work on herself, she would not be able to become a star and maintain her beauty. What Monroe loved most about herself was her breasts and legs. Every morning the actress did exercises and had a hearty breakfast.

Snow-white skin was the result of camouflage from the sun's rays. Merlin did not recognize the tan, although she lived in California, where the sun is warm all year round. The blonde didn't wear sunscreen. She liked folk remedies more - Vaseline and olive oil.

The actress was critical of her nose and cheekbones. And here decorative cosmetics came to her rescue. To make her nose shorter and visually lift her cheekbones, she applied brown blush to these areas. Alternating layers of Vaseline and powder, the film star creates the ideal shape of her nose.

As for the beauty’s hair, by nature it was light brown, unruly and curly. But Merlin was not satisfied with her natural color, so her hair was regularly bleached. And the secrets of the famous styling are known only to Hollywood stylists.

The image of a blond beauty with a mole on her cheek, a playful look and a dazzling smile still excites men. Knowing this, many women try to be like Merlin. But the original is always better than copies.

Minimum ultraviolet

A bronze tan was considered one of the components of attractiveness in the 50s. But Marilyn never pursued fashion and did not tan on purpose. And for this we give her a standing ovation!

The actress loved her pale porcelain skin, and this saved her from premature aging and the appearance of pigmentation - all those “benefits” that the sun bestows on us. We are luckier; we can allow ourselves some sunbathing by using creams with SPF.

Beauty and training secrets of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was never skinny, and in order to always remain sexy and have a seductive figure that needed to be kept in good shape, she constantly had to work on herself: eat on a schedule, invite massage therapists and do exercises.

“The body is meant to be seen, not hidden under clothing,” said Marilyn. The actress, of course, did not follow this “dogma” literally, but the star always emphasized the beauty of her figure in the most skillful way. She knew how to show off her figure. Dresses with tight silhouettes and deep necklines allowed her to show herself in all her glory and delight her fans. In our time, history is silent about the effort that went into her appetizing and irresistible forms. But in the old days she had to work much more than today's beauties. After all, anti-cellulite wraps and other “beauty procedures” did not yet exist at that time.

Love instead of exercise equipment

There is an opinion that Merlin used sex as her secret diet called “Slimness”. Preferably for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But seriously, active physical movements actually contribute to the release of fat and the hated calories are lost at incredible speed. For example, in terms of energy consumption, 15 minutes of intimacy corresponds to the consumption of 150 calories, and if you engage in foreplay for about 10 minutes, you can get rid of another 100 calories and about 40 calories at the time of orgasm. After calculations, it becomes clear that the “Slimness” diet from Marilyn Monroe helps you lose 300 calories at a time. And her whole range of disarming agents, which we will introduce you to below, helped her drive men crazy.

Platinum blonde

They say that becoming a blonde was the decision that determined Marilyn's career in cinema. With the unruly, curly chocolate-colored hair that Monroe had before her Hollywood days, she was, although beautiful, more of an inconspicuous girl than the sex bomb she became with her platinum hair color. Hairdresser Pearl Porterfield bleached her hair the old fashioned way, with simple hydrogen peroxide, and after that Marilyn never thought about returning to her natural shade. And why? Blonde Monroe was truly stunning.

“Own” aroma

Perfume was an integral part of Marilyn Monroe's style. One of the actress’s famous aphorisms indicates that Monroe scented herself even at night: “What do I wear to bed? Why, of course, I’m wearing a couple of drops of Chanel No. 5. This legendary composition of the French House was fully consistent with the no less legendary Marilyn. She was convinced that “there are no women who do not love perfume, but there are women who have not found their scent.”

Consciousness of one's own femininity

Femininity was given to Marilyn by nature, she appreciated it and tried to emphasize it in every possible way. “I definitely feel like a woman and I enjoy it,” Monroe said. – Femininity gives rise to true beauty. A woman’s attractiveness is strong only when it is natural and spontaneous.” This belief helped her live in a world “ruled by men.”

"Protein" breakfast

The actress did not forget about the importance of breakfast, which, as we know, should be substantial. In the mornings, Marilyn ate without frills, but not mediocre. She heated the milk and mixed two raw eggs with it using a fork. This protein boost allowed her to keep herself in shape.

Radiant skin

Marilyn had an amazing secret for radiant skin - the whole point is that the actress categorically refused to remove the light “fluff” on her cheeks and cheekbones. She claimed that under the studio lights they gave the skin a subtle, soft glow. In addition, moisturizers (such as Nivea) helped her keep her skin in tip-top condition.

Long eyelashes

“Women have only two weapons: mascara and tears. But we can’t use them at the same time.” Remember this famous saying by Marilyn? The languid, “velvet” look from under Marilyn’s long and fluffy eyelashes had a truly magical effect. Not only did she tint her eyelashes with mascara, but she also wore false eyelashes—her favorites were from Glorene of Hollywood.

"Cat" look

It wasn't just her marvelous eyelashes that helped her create the effect of a “cat-like” look. Marilyn also always lined her eyes with a pencil - she drew arrows with a sharp “tail” with a thin line at the edge of the eyelash. To do this, she used not only black, which is usually combined with bright red lips, but also brown for a “softer” eye makeup.


Among the many advantages of Marilyn’s appearance is a dazzling smile, as they say, “a million dollars.” The star said: “Smile, because life is a wonderful thing and there is so much to smile about.” And it's hard to argue with that. By the way, in order to keep her smile snow-white, Marilyn used baking soda when brushing her teeth. This simple technique gave rise to a boom in teeth whitening: viewers, seeing Marilyn’s disarming smile on the screens, dreamed of the same one.

Red lips

Still haven't found the perfect red lipstick? Try to choose a shade that is as close as possible to what Marilyn “wore.” Red lips have always been the highlight of Marilyn Monroe's style. Thanks to her, it has become a classic for fair-haired girls to complement their makeup with scarlet lipstick. It should have a glossy shine on your lips, like Marilyn's, to make you look truly luxurious.

Feminine forms

Marilyn was never close to the classic model parameters: her weight at different times ranged from 53 to 66 kilograms, and Marilyn Monroe’s body type was always feminine - with a lush bust and expressive curve of the hips. The actress did not strive for thinness - it would definitely deprive her of her sexuality - and was sure: “Girls who think they are fat because they are not a size zero should know that in fact they are beautiful, and society is ugly.”

"No" to prejudice

“Imperfections are beautiful,” Marilyn adhered to this opinion, although she herself seems to many to be an ideal. But one cannot but agree with her words: what many consider imperfection in a person actually makes him unique, not like the rest. This is the beauty that nature gives to people.

A little exercise

Marilyn needed various types of activities not to lose weight (as we already know, the actress was very proud of her curves), but to keep her figure in good shape. For this purpose, she chose running, yoga, Pilates, and sometimes rode horseback. But she didn’t resort to grueling training - again, she didn’t need to be thin.

Slender legs

In addition to the “Slimness” diet, Merlin gave her followers another gift - a whole set of exercises for slim legs. It is a set of simple rules invented personally by Marilyn Monroe. You need to stand on your toes and stretch strongly upward, as if trying to reach something there. Then slowly lift your heels off the floor and freeze in this position for a few seconds. Then you can go down. Repeat the exercise 25-30 times. If you perform these exercises systematically, cellulite in the thighs will melt before your eyes. To form a beautiful knee line, you can do the following exercise: lie with your back on the floor, put your hands on your hips and start pedaling, almost like on a bicycle. This proven exercise has long become traditional, especially for those cases when you need to lose fat from your knees. For joint elasticity and muscle strength, you must repeat the following exercise. Stand on your feet. Raise and lower first the right leg, then the left - forward and backward. While performing the exercise, make sure that your thighs remain as close to each other as possible. These simple exercises have become a significant support and increased the effectiveness of the slimming diet for excellent legs and strong buttocks.

The secrets of Marilyn Monroe turned out to be much simpler than one might expect!

The review article was prepared based on sources:,

Perfect blonde curls

Did you know that Marilyn was naturally brown-haired? But she chose platinum blonde, which then became her signature look. For the sake of such a change in image, the actress had to bleach her hair with hydrogen peroxide. Alas, at that time there were no other means.

How did the actress restore her hair after such dyeing, as well as the constant use of hot tongs and curlers? I simply washed my hair with egg yolk and then rinsed my hair with a weak solution of acetic acid. She preferred these kitchen products even to the most expensive shampoos.

If the problem with hair quality is also relevant for you, see our material: From straw to silk: 5 proven ways to quickly restore hair

Personal life of Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe signed her first acting contract (under this name) in 1946 in Hollywood with 20th Century Fox. That same year, she divorced her first husband, who did not like his wife’s new occupation.

Marilyn Monroe - with a new pseudonym and in a new image

The actress's style changes greatly. Marilyn Monroe's hairstyle turns from dark brown perky curls into a luxurious platinum haircut, and Marilyn's favorite color has become white.

Legendary photo: Marilyn Monroe in a white dress on the set of the film “The Seven Year Itch”

There are no women who don't love perfume, there are women who haven't found their scent

Marilyn's favorite perfume was Chanel No. 5

In 1954, Marilyn again married Joe DiMaggio, a famous baseball player. They lived together for only 10 months. Joe was pathologically jealous and often raised his hand against Marilyn, although he was the only one of all Monroe’s lovers who came to the funeral and bitterly mourned her.

Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio

It should be good with a man, I can live bad myself

She said this phrase precisely after her sudden divorce from Joe DiMaggio. By the way, many of Marilyn Monroe’s quotes are very life-like, succinct and apt, although she was never credited with great intelligence and high education.

Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller

In 1955, Marilyn began dating Arthur Miller, a playwright, with whom they officially married in 1956. They lived together for almost five years, but this marriage can hardly be called happy.

It seems to me that Marilyn is a small child, she is so unbearable at times

This is what Arthur wrote in his diary, and one day similar entries caught Monroe’s eye. Without showing it outwardly, her heart was broken, because she loved Miller and always wanted to be next to a man smarter and more serious than herself. In 1961 they divorced, and Marilyn experienced severe depression.

Career and fame are great, but none of them will keep you warm at night.

Marilyn Monroe always wanted a strong family

Snow-white smile

Marilyn's smile is familiar to everyone - absolutely straight, white teeth and red lipstick. For perfect whiteness, the actress brushed her teeth with soda. But we definitely don’t recommend repeating this!

Modern means and technologies make it possible to whiten enamel in a more gentle way.

Here we tell you how to safely whiten your teeth and what methods are best not to use

A little history

Marilyn Monroe's real name is Norma Jeane Mortensen. The girl spent her childhood in difficult conditions. She was raised by several foster families. Marilyn got married at the age of 16. Her career developed at an amazingly rapid pace. At first she worked at an aircraft factory and, it would seem, was not at all interested in the world of cinema. By a coincidence of fortunate circumstances, the girl was invited to shoot in one of the famous magazines. Almost immediately after the publication of the publication, many photographers became interested in the young model.

Marilyn Monroe often joked that she "should have been born a rabbit." Everyone around her knew about the actress’s love for carrots.

The first film role was also an accident. However, in a short period of time, real popularity came to Marilyn Monroe, and she became a world famous actress. Marilyn's main secret is her appearance. This image was recognized as a standard of beauty and a role model in the 1950s.


Another secret of the actress’s perfectly clear skin and excellent figure is nutrition. Her menu included only breakfast and dinner. Monroe started every morning with a cup of hot milk, to which she added two beaten raw eggs. And in the evening I usually ate meat or liver and a lot of vegetables. Given her hectic schedule, this was a good decision.

Also, Marilyn, on the instructions of her cosmetologist, excluded nuts, chocolate, olives, oysters and shellfish from her diet. Erno Laszlo believed that this would harm his figure, and the seafood might not be fresh enough and disrupt the filming schedule. Although, of course, in our time it is absolutely not necessary to deny yourself these delicacies.

However, that’s not all we can learn from the actress; there are also Marilyn Monroe’s makeup secrets that will turn every woman into a goddess

Reviews about the diet

Is it worth trying the weight loss system developed by Monroe? When making a decision, we recommend relying on reviews left by other girls.

The young ladies' opinions were divided. But the overwhelming majority still speak out positively. The main advantages of the diet are a varied menu, a sufficient amount of protein in the diet and good results.

Negative reviews were left by girls who were unable to withstand the entire duration of the diet and strict dietary restrictions. There were also those who complained about the pounds returning. But here they themselves are to blame, because at the end of the diet they sharply increased the caloric content of the diet.


Norma did not think of connecting her life with acting. She did not consider herself talented and capable. When the girl was 17 years old, she got a job at an aviation industry.

Norma worked diligently and acquired skills. The turning point in her life happened when a team of photographers arrived at the plant.

At that time, World War II was going on. The photographers had a special mission. They were tasked with taking a series of photographs of the plant and its workers. The footage was to go to the newspaper for an article that would increase the motivation and resilience of the military.

One of the team members, David Conover, noticed a beautiful girl. He invited Norma to work as a model. After some deliberation, Norma agreed.

In 1945, the girl began working with Conover. She posed for him and his friends, and received money for it. There was enough money to live on.

Conover advised Norma to try becoming a professional model. The girl listened to his advice and 6 months later signed the first contract in her life with a modeling agency.

It was then that Norma was radically changed. Company employees came up with a new image and pseudonym for the girl, Jean Baker. They dyed her hair platinum and gave her a charming hairstyle.

After some time, Jean became a successful model. One day billionaire Howard Hughes saw her. He was fascinated by the girl's charm and beauty. The man suggested that Jean become a film actress.

The girl happily agreed to the billionaire's proposal. So she began working at 20th Century Fox with director Ben Lyon. Ben didn't like the stage name Jean Baker. He decided to come up with another, more sonorous pseudonym for the girl.

Jane decided to take her mother's last name, Monroe. But I had to tinker with the name. Gene and Ben thought for a long time, but then the director noticed that the girl was unusually similar to the film actress Marilyn Miller. So Norma got a new pseudonym, Marilyn Monroe, for which she became famous throughout the world.

For a long time, Monroe was not invited to act in films. Marilyn wasn't upset. She believed that she was not yet ready to become a professional actress. However, the girl continued to improve. She attended dance and acting classes, learned to sing and learned the basics of film production.

In 1947, Marilyn starred in several films. She played undeciding leading roles, but the experience helped the girl move up the career ladder.

A year later, Monroe decides to break away from cinema and return to a modeling agency. However, here the girl is invited to work at the Columbia Pictures film studio.

But cooperation with the company did not allow the girl to become popular. But Marilyn met a lot of famous people who gave her some good advice regarding her acting in films.

Two years later, in 1950, Marilyn returned to work at the 20th Century Fox film studio. It was then that she received her small but significant role in the film “The Asphalt Jungle.”

The actress played a character who appeared in the frame for just a minute. The girl took on the role of the heroine with all her heart. Probably because of this, film critics noticed her fleeting appearance in films.

Marilyn Monroe gained real popularity after starring in the film “All About Eve,” which won 6 Oscar awards.

A year later, the actress starred in several comedies. They began to actively discuss the girl. Film critics promised Monroe incredible popularity. And so it happened.

Now annoying reporters persistently hovered around Marilyn, who loved to discuss the actress’s complicated life. The girl often appeared in newspapers naked. Thus, Monroe became not just popular, but a real star, a sex symbol of the United States of America.

In 1952-1953, the actress starred in several films, which later became mega-popular. Monroe played with famous actors of that time: Jane Russell, Cary Grant, Fred Allen.

Monroe gradually gained the image of an original, naive girl, deprived of intelligence and intelligence, but endowed with incredible beauty and charm.

The actress herself performed songs in films. One of her most famous compositions was “I Wanna Be Loved By You,” which was performed in the film “Some Like It Hot.”

The girl liked her new image of a stupid blonde. She performed the roles with ease. However, Monroe wanted something more, for example, to play in a drama. But Marilyn was afraid that she would not succeed. And the directors didn’t want to cast her in serious roles.

In 1961, the actress managed to make her dream come true. A couple of months before her death, she played the dramatic role of Roslyn Taber in the film The Misfits.

Technology for creating Monroe marigolds

Marigolds formed using A. Amelina’s technology are highly durable, since the extension produces additional compaction of the stress zone. This technique makes the artificial plate more durable and strong, which significantly reduces the likelihood of breakage of the extension, and with it the natural nail. However, despite its reliability and strength, the nail looks very fragile and light. The free edge tapering towards the tip makes the fingers visually much longer and more elegant, emphasizing their natural femininity and beauty.

The sophisticated “Monroe” shape is created using standard technology for modeling square nails on paper templates using gel or acrylic. The free edge of the nail plate should be perfectly smooth and at an angle of 90° relative to its lateral lines - this is the main distinguishing feature of Monroe . An experienced, highly qualified nail technician will carefully give your nails a narrowed shape, forming an arch by pinching the side lines with tweezers. This should be done when the artificial nail begins to gradually harden, becoming pliable in the hands of a specialist. The arched tip makes the Monroe shape similar to the Pipe, which is an elongated, gradually tapering nail.

Only a professional who has perfect command of all the materials and tools necessary for extensions can ideally perform such a technically complex form. Only by observing all the requirements and taking into account the main features of the exclusive model can you count on an excellent result.

Absolute femininity

External attractiveness played a huge role, but in addition, men were captivated by her fragility. They instinctively felt that behind the image of a provocatively sensual woman was hidden a trusting and vulnerable girl. Marilyn lived in the moment: as if she had no future, this restlessness and inner defenselessness attracted representatives of the stronger sex.

Monroe was the epitome of femininity

Monroe was surrounded by an aura of true femininity, which has a magnetic effect on men and remains a real value at all times. The unpredictability and mystery of the actress excited the imagination of fans and maintained unflagging interest in her person.

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