ELOS-rejuvenation. What is the benefit of the method. Care before and after therapy

With the help of the photorejuvenation , which is carried out by experienced specialists at the GMTClinic center, you can achieve amazing results in the fight against skin aging.

Photorejuvenation involves improving the condition of the skin due to exposure to a high-frequency pulsed light beam. Skin treatment with light provides a comprehensive rejuvenating effect, comparable in results to surgical lifting, as it activates the intensive production of collagen and elastin in the tissues.

What is ELOS rejuvenation

Photorejuvenation ELOS , or the method of electro-optical synergy, combines light and radio wave effects on problem areas of the skin, due to which active regeneration processes begin in it. This synthesis is superior to many other cosmetic procedures in its effectiveness, and has virtually no side effects. ELOS technology allows you to take into account the individual characteristics of the structure of the skin and select the optimal treatment regimen on an individual basis.

In our center, ELOS rejuvenation is carried out using a certified multifunctional eStyle device from Syneron. Using its four applicators, the following procedures are performed:

  • ELOS-rejuvenation;
  • ELOS-lifting;
  • ELOS acne treatment;
  • ELOS hair removal.

Who is the procedure suitable for? Indications

Cosmetologists recommend rejuvenation using the Elos method for women aged 35-50 years. At this age, the skin can no longer cope with independent regeneration, many problems arise: wrinkles, sagging skin, decreased elasticity, etc. The procedure helps to activate collagen production, normalize blood circulation, and eliminate fat deposits. At an earlier age, up to 35 years, Elos rejuvenation is recommended only in cases where there are pronounced defects on the face, for example, scars, pigmentation, vascular network, acne, and so on. In other cases, young women do not need the procedure, because the epidermis itself is able to renew itself and produce the required amount of collagen. Indications for rejuvenation are as follows:

  • the skin has become dull and uneven in color;
  • the tone of the dermis decreased, the skin began to sag and become flabby;
  • the upper eyelids hung over the eyes;
  • facial wrinkles and folds appeared;
  • pigmentation appeared;
  • a vascular network has formed;
  • the corners of the mouth drooped;
  • the oval of the face has changed;
  • severe stretch marks appeared.

To identify such problems, you should visit a cosmetologist, he will examine your face and decide whether it is advisable to carry out Elos rejuvenation.

ELOS technology allows:

  • get rid of fine and medium-deep wrinkles;
  • improve complexion;
  • restore skin elasticity;
  • relieve the feeling of tightness and dryness;
  • cure acne (acne);
  • remove rosacea, remove spider veins, freckles and excessive pigmentation;
  • activate metabolic processes and collagen synthesis in tissues;
  • get a lifting effect, correct the contour of the face;
  • tighten pores, smooth out skin texture;
  • get rid of unwanted hair, including light vellus hair.

The technique is used to rejuvenate and improve the quality of the skin of the face, neck, hands, and décolleté.

What results can be achieved?

After the Elos procedure, it is possible to achieve a complex effect. The effectiveness of the method is as follows:

  • elimination of the vascular network;
  • reducing the intensity of pigmentation;
  • skin tightening;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • evening out facial tone;
  • giving the skin smoothness, elasticity, firmness;
  • relieving swelling of the lower eyelids;
  • normalization of blood circulation in the epidermis;
  • removing acne marks;
  • elimination of scars.

Reviews from women confirm that the method helps to achieve good results, rejuvenate the face, and get rid of many aesthetic defects.

Advantages of photorejuvenation using the ELOS method

  • The effect of the procedure accumulates and lasts for a long time. At the end of the course, collagen production continues and the skin aging process slows down significantly.
  • The method is atraumatic and virtually has no rehabilitation period. After treating the skin with SR (for rejuvenation) and/or ST (for lifting) attachments, redness and sometimes slight peeling may appear on the skin, which disappear within a short time. ELOS photorejuvenation does not disrupt the patients’ normal course of life and decorative cosmetics can be used immediately after the procedure.
  • The non-invasive technique eliminates the possibility of inflammatory processes and infections.
  • Comfort of the procedure. The process does not take much time and does not cause significant pain.


  • Allergic skin reactions to light and/or sun;
  • Taking medications during the previous month that increase the skin's sensitivity to light (tetracycline antibiotics, etc.). Use of retinoids within the last 6 months;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Precancerous skin conditions, keloid scars;
  • Presence of a cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator;
  • Malignant skin formations;
  • Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  • Strong sun tanning, or the use of tanning creams on the skin, etc.;
  • Infections that result in disruption of the integrity of the skin (for example: psoriasis, eczema), including those caused by the herpes virus;
  • Blood clotting disorders. Taking medications that reduce blood clotting;
  • Thromboembolic diseases;
  • Laser resurfacing in the last 3 months;
  • Nickel allergy (individual);
  • Taking OK Diane-35. There may be multiple lightenings.

ELOS acne treatment

ELOS technology is widely known for its ability to effectively treat skin inflammation. A special attachment conducts radiofrequency energy in combination with broadband pulsed light, which affects the sebaceous glands and destroys propionic bacteria in them, which cause acne. Heat also breaks down sebaceous plugs, making the skin smoother. ELOS treatment is effective in the fight against comedones and single acne. It allows you to reduce the intensity of post-acne. Thanks to the ELOS effect, regeneration processes in the skin are resumed, which has a beneficial effect on its general condition. The results of the treatment appear one month after the first procedure. In total, up to 10 sessions of ELOS acne treatment may be required.

Opinions of oncologists about the procedure

Oncologists speak extremely negatively about the Elos technique. Doctors are more conservative in this matter than cosmetologists, and therefore do not recognize any methods using radiation devices. This applies even to the familiar solarium.

Oncologists claim that the use of such a technique can cause the development of cancer. This is especially true for those people who have a hereditary predisposition to cancer or have a weakened immune system. Therefore, doctors categorically prohibit people at risk of cancer from resorting to Elos rejuvenation. Moreover, doctors are against performing the procedure if a person already has benign or malignant tumors in the body. In this case, their localization is completely unimportant. This also applies to people who have many moles and nevi on their body.

Oncologist's opinion:

“Currently, cancer affects more and more people. Therefore, women should think about this and not agree to procedures that can cause cancer, or at least not abuse them. Elos also refers to harmful sessions. I would not recommend resorting to such rejuvenation for those women who have many moles on their skin or tumors in any organs. Also, those who are predisposed to cancer should not abuse harmful procedures.”

How to increase the effectiveness of the ELOS photorejuvenation procedure?

The maximum effectiveness of the photorejuvenation procedure can be achieved by introducing hyaluronic acid injections into the complex therapy. Injection techniques, such as mesotherapy and biorevitalization, perfectly complement hardware techniques, working together to achieve the best results.

First of all, enriching the skin with moisture, vitamins and beneficial microelements can enhance the effect of the photorejuvenation procedure. There is a synergistic effect that gives an extremely useful result.

In addition, this combination provides relief and acceleration of the recovery process after the procedure. The skin is better prepared for any external methods of influence.

Experienced specialists should be entrusted with the development of an individual treatment plan consisting of a list of complementary procedures. Experienced cosmetologists at GMTClinic will help you choose the optimal scheme for rejuvenation and correction of aesthetic imperfections.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Reviews from cosmetologists and doctors about Elos facial rejuvenation are mostly positive. Experts say that the procedure benefits the epidermis, really helps get rid of various defects, tighten the skin, make it younger and healthier. To achieve the desired result, it is important for women to follow all the recommendations of cosmetologists regarding preparation for the procedure and facial care after it. If the specialist’s instructions are not followed, the effect may be significantly reduced. This is where the negative reviews about the Elos method come from.

Review from a cosmetologist:

“Many of my clients recommend Elos rejuvenation. I know that the procedure is not useful for all women, so I definitely require a certificate from a doctor confirming the absence of contraindications to the procedure. As for effectiveness, Elos really helps to make the face look young, tighten it, increase the elasticity of the skin, get rid of pigmentation, acne, scars and many other defects. The technique does not cause any side effects. Immediately after the session, redness of the skin is observed, but it quickly passes. Of course, to carry out Elos, you should trust experienced cosmetologists who have already won the recognition of clients.”

Video: Elos rejuvenation - how the procedure works

Advantages and disadvantages

There are a lot of positive aspects from the procedure:

  • no special preparation required;
  • the procedure is practically painless;
  • takes little time;
  • the effect is visible after the first session;
  • the recovery period is quick and does not require special care;
  • the result lasts for about six months.

But there are also disadvantages of the technology:

  • the price is quite high;
  • rejuvenation requires several procedures;
  • it is necessary to constantly maintain the effect through additional manipulations;
  • Skin problems intensify immediately after rejuvenation.

If you decide to rejuvenate your skin using this method, choose clinics and salons that are licensed to carry out such manipulations. Pay attention to the presence of evidence of the cosmetologist’s professionalism.

How many sessions do you need to do for complete hair removal?

At one time, 10% of mature hair follicles are removed. The remaining sessions affect hair that is currently sleeping.

In some areas of the body, the hair root maturation time is longer, in others it is shorter. Therefore, only the professional knowledge of a cosmetologist will help you choose the number of sessions and intervals based on the growth phases of the hair follicles, color and hair structure.

On average, to obtain the effect, 6-10 treatments are required with an interval of 6-7 weeks. The maintenance course is carried out once a year.

The lighter the hair, the more sessions will be required.

Examples of courses for different hair types:

  1. Fluffy ones require many procedures. Interval 2-3 weeks.
  2. Dark - depends on the zone. From 6 to 12 sessions at monthly intervals.
  3. Light hair - 6-9 elos hair removal procedures with a break of 4-6 weeks.
  4. Gray hair - from 8 to 15 procedures with a difference of 4 weeks.

What is the essence of rejuvenation using the ELOS technique?

Rejuvenation using this method involves the use of laser, radio frequency and light radiation. The effectiveness of the procedure is determined by the effect not only on the upper layers of the skin, but also on its deep tissues.

Important ! ELOS stands for “electro-optical synergy.”

The principle of operation of the technique is simple: skin tissue absorbs the released light energy, and in the deeper layers of the skin it turns into heat.

This technique is a combination of radio frequency and light radiation, laser

The method was discovered under interesting circumstances. Now we can say that this happened by accident. Cosmetologists noticed that the skin became visually better after the photoepilation process. The tissues were tightened, pigmentation decreased, the number of acne inflammations and pimples decreased, and the properties of the skin increased. As a result of these observations, the “ELOS” technique was patented using Israeli technology. It worked on two types of energy: laser and radio frequency bipolar energy of an electrically charged particle stream.

This method was discovered completely by accident.

The technique is based on the absorption of light energy and electric current by cellular units, then in the deep tissues of the skin the light is converted into heat. Electric current is more effective in areas that have been previously exposed to light. It turns out that the flow of charged particles acts selectively and more effectively affects skin that has been preheated.

Important ! This technique is successfully used in the treatment of age-related changes in skin tissue and the elimination of defects.

Heated areas of the skin are more susceptible to treatment

Experts' point of view

Petrova Marina Sergeevna, cosmetologist-dermatologist, doctor of the highest category

“I believe that rejuvenation using the ELOS technique is not a panacea, because all people are individual and age differently; age-related changes cannot be eliminated using the same scheme for every person.

You can achieve an increase in the work of fibroblasts due to the heating of skin tissue - the density and elasticity of the skin directly depends on them. And the increased production of collagen and elastin helps improve the overall condition of the skin, thereby achieving a rejuvenating effect.

Vascular network worsens the appearance of facial skin - it appears more aged, and ELOS rejuvenation will help neutralize this defect.

With the help of hardware rejuvenation using the ELOS technique, pigmentation can be effectively removed, which improves the quality and appearance of the skin.

It’s hard to deny that all these factors together give the effect of youth.”

Doctors claim a rejuvenation effect after a course of this therapy

Possibility of performing the procedure at home

You cannot perform hardware facial rejuvenation on your own at home. The production of the devices is intended for salon use only.

At the same time, there are analogues of the device that can be purchased for home use. These may include laser, photopulses and RF, or laser radiation alone.

Device for Elos

Photos before and after the procedure

Photos before and after the course of ELOS rejuvenation procedures No. 1

Photos before and after the course of ELOS rejuvenation procedures No. 2

Photos before and after the course of ELOS rejuvenation procedures No. 3

With the help of ELOS rejuvenation, you can significantly improve your appearance, and it is possible to treat the skin of not only the face, but also the décolleté, neck, arms and even the abdomen. This is an absolutely harmless technique that can get rid of many defects in a short time.

Elos hair removal - differences from photo and laser hair removal

Elos removes any type of hair. Photoepilation is not able to cope with light and gray hairs. It is suitable for dark hair on fair skin. Laser is best used for dark hair.

The Elos Method has a profound effect. The laser wavelength cannot cope with hairs growing 2-3 mm deeper than the skin. The flash is also not able to cope with deep-lying follicles.

Photoepilation is the most affordable option in the price category, but requires a larger number of sessions.

In terms of time, the procedure with a laser device lasts longer, since it acts in a targeted manner and covers a smaller area.

Problems arising after ELOS therapy

Any person who is thinking about the need for ELOS rejuvenation is interested in the question of possible complications. A huge advantage is the fact that hardware techniques practically eliminate any complications, but we should not forget about the individual characteristics of the patient. In addition, careless or incorrect work by a cosmetologist can lead to unpleasant side effects.

ELOS therapy virtually eliminates the possibility of complications

An important point in high-quality work on the ELOS device are the attachments. It is necessary to carefully monitor their condition and service life, because the nozzle has a limited number of uses. Treating the skin with old attachments may increase the risk of burns. Depending on the area that will be affected, the appropriate nozzle will be selected. An important indicator during the procedure is the current strength and light energy intensity; this number is individual for each treated area. The force on the neck area will be significantly greater compared to the effect on the skin of the eyelids.

Important ! If this factor is not taken into account, tissue burns are inevitable.

It is important that the doctor does not use old attachments

It should be noted that excessively frequent ELOS therapy will not help stop aging. In addition, the restoration of collagen fibers occurs within 28 days, so repeating the procedure earlier than 28 days from the last session is simply useless - it is just wasted money.

It takes a month to restore collagen

Rehabilitation and skin care rules


After using the technology, the patient must immediately go home and rest for several hours.

During an Elos rejuvenation session, the inner layers of the skin are burned, which is why redness, swelling, and sensitivity of the skin appear. Therefore, for the first few days it is necessary to apply Panthenol brand cream or foam every 3 hours.

Normally, redness and swelling should subside the next day, so the woman can go to work.

After the Elos technique, you cannot go to the solarium, bathhouse, or gym for about a week. It is forbidden to visit beauty salons for at least three weeks to perform procedures related to the affected area. Cleaning manipulations are prohibited.

During recovery, the skin must be thoroughly moisturized and nourished. To do this, it is better to use cosmetics with SPF 30+.

Skin redness

How much will therapy cost?

Let's consider the average price range for ELOS therapy on various parts of the body.

Treatment areaapproximate cost
Face area9000 rub.
Eye area3000 rub.
Neck6000 rub.
Face and neck12000 rub.
Neckline area9000 rub.
Face, neck and décolleté18000 rub.
Hands4000 rub.
Stomach9000 rub.

Price depends on the area to be worked on

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