ELOS - safe removal of pigmentation

Special cells called melanocytes are responsible for skin tone. Their job is to produce melanin. Due to various negative factors in certain areas of the face and body, it begins to be produced excessively, resulting in melasma. We offer laser pigmentation removal in Moscow. You can also combine skin treatment and plastic facial massage in the VIP complex

This effective method of lightening the epidermis will cope with both small freckles and age-related changes.

Causes of age spots

The appearance of pigment spots on the skin is explained by the body’s protective reaction to the influence of direct ultraviolet rays. Melasma occurs when melanin accumulates in the upper layers of the epidermis, causing it to appear brownish in color. There are other reasons:

  • taking medications;
  • pregnancy;
  • frequent visits to the solarium;
  • hormonal problems;
  • age.

The most vulnerable are women over 35 years of age, as their hormonal balance is disrupted.

General principles of pigmentation treatment

Elimination of skin defects is carried out in three directions:

  • Reduced melanin production. Involves the use of depigmenting agents and cosmetic programs, mesotherapy.
  • Exfoliating treatments. These include: peelings, microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, brosage.
  • Photothermolysis. It is divided into monochrome laser and intense pulsed radiation (photorejuvenation).

The most effective method is laser therapy, which is based on the ability of cells to absorb energy. Ablative and non-ablative lasers are used.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Ablatio (lat.) - complete removal - a surgical term, in cosmetology means the complete destruction of a layer of cells without subsequent restoration. When it is necessary to completely destroy a cosmetic defect, ablative techniques are used.

Fractional devices that combine both operating principles are considered improved options. They destroy microfractions of the skin at the level of the epidermis and dermis, heating not the pigment, but the water in the tissues. They also stimulate various metabolic processes without damaging cells.

Indications for laser therapy

This method of combating melasma is recommended for anyone who is concerned about:

  • age spots;
  • darkening after sunburn;
  • freckles;
  • changes in skin color after pregnancy.

Preparation for the procedure

For therapy to be effective, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not take ibuprofen or aspirin 7 days before and 7 days after.
  2. Do not apply self-tanner for 28 days before laser pigmentation removal.
  3. Regardless of the time of year, use sunscreen.

Stages of the procedure

Laser therapy proceeds as follows:

  • First, the doctor cleanses the skin.
  • Treats the skin with an antiseptic.
  • If necessary, apply an anesthetic.
  • Puts on safety glasses.
  • Treats areas of the epidermis with the device.
  • Applies a cream with a calming and analgesic effect.

By contacting our clinic, you will get rid of unaesthetic stains forever. Don't forget to leave your feedback about the service , we will be grateful to you. The opinion of every patient is important to us.


After diagnosing the skin in our clinic, the cosmetologist will prescribe a course of treatment. A minimum of 2 to 4 procedures, each lasting 20-30 minutes. The cost of laser pigmentation treatment will depend on the number of sessions, the size of the treated surface, and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Our center employs experienced certified cosmetologists who will provide consultations and assist in choosing care products after the procedure. We use modern equipment in our work. You can check the price of laser pigmentation removal with our manager by phone or at a free consultation with a cosmetologist.

Contraindications to the procedure and healing period

In cosmetology, the effect of the E-light technique is comparable to plastic surgery. Like any hardware intervention, it has a recovery period. After the session, patients should refrain from visiting the solarium, baths, stay in the sun as little as possible, and avoid overheating. You should also not make any injections into the affected area.

The procedure is suitable for all patients, but there are still a number of contraindications to its implementation:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • skin diseases;
  • presence of pacemakers and other defibrillators.

A preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist will help you avoid any risks and side effects. You can learn about all the features of the technique from our specialists. They will tell you about how the procedure goes, prescribe a course of treatment for you and tell you the cost. We strive to ensure that each of our clients is beautiful and healthy, therefore we offer affordable prices for services. The number of sessions is assigned individually, therefore the cost of the course is calculated separately for each client.

Elos therapy SR ST AC

ELOS rejuvenation results

  • elimination of facial wrinkles
  • lifting and tightening of the skin
  • improvement of complexion, elimination of pigmentation
  • removal of dilated blood vessels (rosacea), spider veins

Methodology Consultation (the doctor conducts diagnostics and selects individual treatment parameters based on the condition of the skin) during the procedure, the doctor moves the device’s handpiece with smooth movements, and warmth is felt. The duration of the procedure depends on the selected parameters, the purpose of the procedure (lifting, elimination of gravitational ptosis, elimination of facial wrinkles, elimination of rosacea, elimination of pigmentation), as well as the area affected. no rehabilitation required, no pain relief, no marks or redness left after the procedure.

The course of Elos facial rejuvenation and lifting procedures is carried out in a course consisting of three procedures, the interval between procedures is 4 weeks.

Benefits of the Elos procedure

skin rejuvenation does not require changing your usual lifestyle; Facial rejuvenation is suitable for all skin types; face and neck lifting can be carried out even during lunch break; lifting and rejuvenation of the face and neck does not require pain relief; face lifting gives instant results;

Contraindications: fresh tan, pregnancy, acute forms of chronic diseases, individual intolerance to light and RF energy, cancer.

ELOS (elos) skin rejuvenation will eliminate wrinkles, refresh and brighten the face, erase fatigue and signs of age-related changes, as well as small blood vessels and pigment. ELOS (elos) skin lifting will restore the contours of the face and neck, tighten the skin in any area of ​​the face and body, and form a lasting oval and contours. ELOS (elos) rejuvenation is a combination of two factors: light and RF energy. The complex effect on the skin enhances the result and allows you to preserve it for a long time. ELOS (elos) rejuvenation and ELOS (elos) lifting procedures can be performed at any time of the year, as they do not require changes to your usual lifestyle.

Patient reviews about the ELOS (elos) rejuvenation and lifting procedure:

Svetlana, 38 years old Good afternoon! Before my birthday I decided to get my face in order. The doctor suggested undergoing the Elos rejuvenation procedure and also removing small rosacea near the nose. She did all this in one procedure. It took no more than an hour, but the effect is simply amazing! The redness from the procedure lasted for about 30 minutes. Then everything went away. And on BD I just beamed! Thanks to the doctors of the clinic for beauty and youth!

Antonina Germanovna 59 years old. On the recommendation of a friend, I visited a cosmetologist. Very pleased. I received the elos facial rejuvenation procedure. After the procedure, swelling and redness were observed for 24 hours. Then everything was as the doctor promised. The skin changed color and became smoother.

After the first ELOS (elos) rejuvenation procedure, the result is already noticeable. It should be noted that this is not an instant result in rejuvenation and cell renewal, but a cumulative one. That is, after the ELOS procedure, the rejuvenation of skin cells will gradually renew and improve, and within two to three weeks they will be completely renewed.

Skin cells are renewed throughout life, and after elos rejuvenation, the cells will be renewed more efficiently, which will lead to complete renewal of skin cells and its rejuvenation.

ELOS (elos) lifting procedure is very similar to the ELOS (elos) rejuvenation procedure, but differs in that a different handpiece is used to carry out the procedure. This fundamentally changes the final result. ELOS (elos) lifting also combines light energy and RF, but the effect is different from ELOS (elos) rejuvenation. The difference is that the ELOS lifting handpiece acts instantly and the result is visible immediately.

The combination of ELOS (elos) rejuvenation and ELOS (elos) lifting in one procedure gives a long-lasting and prolonged result. ELOS (elos) lifting is visible already during the procedure, and ELOS (elos) rejuvenation enhances this result within several weeks and preserves it for a long time.

ELOS is a combination of light energy and RF. The ELOS rejuvenation procedure goes like this: first, the treated skin area is cooled, then a light pulse is applied, followed by RF energy. All this happens in a second. Cooling protects the skin surface from damage and relieves pain. With ELOS (elos) rejuvenation, light energy and RF energy heats collagen and elastin cells, renews and tightens the skin, improves contours and color. The combination of light and RF allows them to be used in safe quantities that only affect collagen and elastin skin cells. ELOS (elos) rejuvenation and ELOS (elos) lifting work only with dermal cells, this is exactly the layer where wrinkles lie. ELOS (elos) rejuvenation and ELOS (elos) lifting do not affect other layers, therefore it is a safe cosmetic procedure.

An Israeli company developed and introduced a new innovative technology into cosmetology in 1999 - ELOS (elos). This is an abbreviation that hides the following EL - electricity, O - optics, S - synergy, that is, the interaction of light and electrical energy. These factors have been used in medicine and cosmetology for more than 40 years and have proven themselves only positively. The combined use of light and RF in ELOS (elos) rejuvenation and ELOS (elos) lifting makes it possible to protect the patient’s skin from exposure. The impact is softer and safer, and enhancing the action of one energy by another is highly effective. Also, the ELOS (elos) rejuvenation and ELOS (elos) lifting technology provides a special skin cooling system, which makes the procedure almost painless. ELOS (elos) rejuvenation “reviews” can be found on the Internet. ELOS (elos) rejuvenation price or ELOS (elos) lifting cost depends on the area of ​​the procedure.

Today, ELOS (elos) rejuvenation and ELOS (elos) lifting are integral methods of many cosmetology clinics and centers around the world. ELOS (elos) rejuvenation and elos lifting are actively used in the USA, Canada and Israel, as well as Germany, Spain, Italy. Elos technologies have been presented in Russia since 2000. Today in cosmetology, elos rejuvenation and elos lifting are the main methods of cosmetology. The Elos rejuvenation and Elos lifting procedure is especially popular in large cities such as Moscow. With the pace of life in a large metropolis, such procedures are a lifesaver. Elos rejuvenation and lifting can be combined into one procedure, or carried out independently. The result of ELOS (elos) lifting is visible instantly.

In modern cosmetology there are many wonderful methods of rejuvenation and lifting, but it is elos rejuvenation and elos lifting that are truly the gold standard of cosmetology.

See also: Mesotherapy NCTF 135 Contour plastic surgery with hyaluronic acid Face lift with threads

Full face


  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Diabetes.
  • Oncology.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Tendency to keloid or hypertrophic scars.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Inflammation and damage to the integrity of the skin.
  • Presence of a pacemaker.
  • Fresh tan.
  • Sunburn.
  • Herpes is in the acute stage.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Along with the presence of a pacemaker, contraindications also include the presence of a built-in hearing aid, which fails during the procedure.

Elos-rejuvenation. Impact principle

Despite all its effectiveness, rejuvenation using this technology is a rather gentle procedure. Only the treated area is exposed. This technique is a combination of IPL (intense pulsed light) and radio wave therapy. The master selects the optimal length of the wave nozzle, which selectively heats the hemoglobin of blood vessels and melanin contained in pigment formations. Moreover, in the case of working with pigmentation, the light exposure is less than for blood vessels, which makes it possible to reduce the resistance of melanocytes and thereby prepare them for exposure to radio waves. Melanin destruction occurs during the passage of an electrical impulse through structures with reduced resistance. Pigment spots lighten and disappear.

When working with vessels, a different effect occurs. The light heats hemoglobin, which is contained in red blood cells, the heat spreads to the blood and then to the walls of the vessel. After exposure to radio waves, the vessel sticks together and then scleroses.

This method goes well with other anti-aging procedures. Using depigmenting drugs during the session, the master affects the skin not only physically, but also chemically, which only enhances the effect. In the case of vitriol, there is always a combination of visible vascular network and dry sensitive skin. Therefore, against the background of hardware effects on blood vessels, it is recommended to use special professional products. This technology also goes well with any injection procedures aimed at combating deep wrinkles, acne, age spots and spider veins.

Description of the Elos technique

The technology involves the use of broadband pulsed light (IPL) and bipolar current (RF energy). Infrared light targets problem areas and heats them.

Destruction occurs through radio waves. After which the pigment is destroyed and completely removed from the tissues.

New cells are formed in place of the damaged cells, so the procedure not only cleanses, but also rejuvenates the skin.

With its help you can get rid of:

  • keratosis;
  • freckles;
  • age-related pigmentation;
  • enlarged pores;
  • rosacea;
  • post-acne;
  • acne;
  • vascular defects (angiomas, hemangiomas);
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • spots from intense sun exposure.

Modern cosmetology uses elos not only to remove pigmentation. The method corrects age-related changes, tightens the contour, and eliminates various skin defects. The device also performs hair removal.

The mechanism of the treatment procedure

The operation of the ELOS device is to selectively apply current until it is destroyed without minimal damage to other tissues.

The session lasts from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours. The exact time depends on the volume of the area being treated.

There are no intense painful sensations during the process. The tip is cooled, so no anesthesia is necessary. Depending on the pain threshold, slight tingling, slight burning, and warmth may occur. In this case, the specialist can reduce the intensity of electrical energy and light.

After the procedure, the treated areas darken, but then the color is restored.

The following changes are observed:

  • Within half an hour, slight swelling persists, the pores narrow, and the red vascular defects become darker.
  • After 2-3 days, a crust forms in the damaged area, but the areas become lighter, their texture improves, and the swelling disappears.
  • Visual lightening of pigmentation occurs within 30 days. Complete disappearance of defects should be expected in 2-2.5 months.

What results do ELOS and diode laser give? Which laser is more effective?

To achieve a good result, technology is not enough. It is also necessary to carry out the procedure correctly, select the right client for this procedure, and correctly configure the device parameters.

To do this, you need to undergo high-quality training on the device.

When all these components are combined, the effect of no hair is achieved.

And this effect will be present in both of these technologies, but more effective is the technology in which the light will be maximally absorbed due to its wavelength and delivered to the hair follicle.

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