What is better: laser hair removal, photoepilation, elos or electrolysis?

The beauty industry is developing at a tremendous pace. Modern women carefully monitor their appearance because they want to look beautiful, young and attractive.

Various salon procedures help them with this, among which hair removal is especially popular. There are several hair removal techniques, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common methods of hair removal are:

  • elos;
  • laser;
  • electrolysis;
  • photoepilation.

Let's take a closer look at each type of salon procedure for eliminating annoying body hair.

Advantages and disadvantages of elos

This technique has a lot of advantages, among which are:

  • makes it possible to remove hair from any area of ​​the skin;
  • efficiency;
  • suitable for any skin type, even with minor pigment spots;
  • stimulates the production of collagen and elastin;
  • no burns with proper technology;
  • There is no need to grow hair to undergo a session.

The disadvantages of the procedure include:

  • high price;
  • to maintain the effect it is necessary to repeat the procedure regularly;
  • the relative pain of the procedure, for example, compared to the laser type;
  • the method is contraindicated during pregnancy, menstruation and the lactation period;
  • hair removal when using Elos occurs for a short time - up to a maximum of 1-2 years, as with most methods;
  • this technique does not remove the follicle, but only damages it, since destruction requires strong heat, which causes burns;
  • the occurrence of burns due to improper setup of the device and its use;
  • elos may not have the desired effect when removing light hairs, in the presence of hormonal disorders, on dark skin.

Elos hair removal has a simple operating principle: a specialist treats the required area of ​​skin with an antiseptic, applies a special gel and removes hairs using an applicator.


This hair removal method is suitable exclusively for dark-haired women with fair skin, since light, gray and red hairs contain a minimal amount of melanin and do not absorb photons of light. Hair removal is carried out by focusing an intense beam of light (IPL), which absorbs melanin and converts it into heat, which eliminates the stem cells responsible for hair growth.

Photoepilation allows you to gradually reduce the number of hairs by up to 70 percent. This procedure can be a good alternative for women who have contraindications to laser and electrolysis, but unlike them, it is less effective.

Similarities and differences between the two methods

The two types of hair removal have different technological characteristics and features. However, they do have some similarities. In addition to the fact that both of these techniques remove hair for a long period of time, one session lasts about 40 minutes. The contraindications to them are also similar. You should not expose your skin to diode laser or Elos hair removal in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • varicose veins;
  • skin diseases;
  • oncology;
  • Tan.

At the same time, the list of prohibitions for Elos hair removal can be supplemented:

  • defibrillator or pacemaker;
  • the presence of metal implants;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • presence of piercing in the hair removal area.

Also, both options are harmless to the skin, with the exception of redness or scarring after Elos. But they are insignificant, the skin will recover in the shortest period of time.

The scheme of action is similar. The hair affected by the device is permanently removed from the skin. After a while, dormant hair follicles wake up. The hair grows back and the procedure should be repeated.

The difference between Elos and laser hair removal is that in the first case it is enough to carry out 4 sessions, and in the second - from 8 or more.

Other differences can also be seen between these methods:

  1. Elos removes both light and dark hairs. Whereas the laser specializes exclusively in dark areas.
  2. Laser hair removal is less painful.
  3. Laser hair removal is contraindicated if you have a tan. Whereas with Elos there is no such prohibition.
  4. The laser penetrates the epidermis to a distance of no more than 3 mm. Elos acts deeper - 6 mm.

Comparing laser and Elos hair removal, you can see that for a number of reasons the first is still inferior. However, do not forget that Elos has been on the market for a little less time, so all its features may not yet be studied. You need to choose a method of removing vegetation based on the preferences and characteristics of the body.

Pros and cons of photoepilation

The advantages of hair removal using light pulses include:

  • relative painlessness;
  • powerful effect on hair follicles;
  • efficiency (the session takes no more than half an hour depending on the area of ​​influence);
  • Suitable for any part of the body.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • not suitable for dark-skinned women;
  • not suitable for blond, red and gray hairs;
  • the result of the procedure directly depends on the experience and skill of the specialist;
  • long recovery period;
  • does not allow hair removal forever;
  • can only be carried out in winter;
  • requires several sessions and further constant repetition of courses;
  • poor efficiency;
  • has side effects: burns, pigmentation disorders, allergies, hyperhidrosis.

How does the hair removal process work?

Laser hair removal is a non-contact type of hair removal; the process is carried out on dry skin. Usually the client feels only a slight sensation, but in case of high sensitivity and in areas with delicate skin (face, bikini), an anesthetic cream can be used. The duration of the session depends on the area: it takes 10 minutes to treat the armpits, and more than 30 minutes to treat the legs. Before ELOS hair removal, a gel is applied. Hairs in the armpits are removed in 10 minutes. One of the differences between laser hair removal and ELOS is the pain of the latter. It is observed only in areas with sensitive skin - face, bikini, armpits. Only a slight burning sensation is felt on the legs and arms. You can reduce discomfort by using a local anesthetic.

Carrying out the procedure

Photoepilation is carried out in beauty salons and beauty salons. For this, powerful devices with a range from 520 to 1200 nm are used, so the use of home photoepilators is ineffective. The essence of the procedure is as follows: the client sits on the couch and puts on sunglasses. Next, the master treats the required area of ​​skin with a special gel, turns on the device and, working on the hair, moves it over the area.

Laser hair removal

The laser technique is based on the impact of the energy of a laser beam, which passes along the entire length of the hair and injures its root due to high temperature. This procedure should only be carried out by an experienced technician.

The affordable price of laser hair removal and the effectiveness of the procedure make it popular among women of all ages. During laser treatment, tissue swelling and severe redness may occur in a number of situations. To reduce risks, an experienced specialist, knowing this feature, applies a cold compress to the treated area and only then allows the client to go home.

Laser hair removal is considered a popular method of hair removal. With its help, you can forget about hair for a long time and become the owner of smooth and soft skin. Different areas are treated with laser:

  • lower and upper limbs;
  • armpits;
  • bikini area

The technique is suitable for dark-haired girls with fair skin. If there is not enough melanin in the hairs, they will not disappear. The principle of this procedure is based on the impact of flashes of light that penetrate deep into the skin, absorb the melanin pigment and, converted into thermal energy, destroy the follicle. The result of hair removal is achieved gradually. For long-term hair removal, several sessions of 20-30 minutes are performed, depending on the area and characteristics of the treated area.

What is laser hair removal

LASER technology is an abbreviation for the English words LIGHT AMPLIFICATION BY STIMULATED EMISSION OF RADIATION, which means light amplification by stimulated emission, and in everyday language we can say that the machine is capable of producing light in the form of a focused beam.

Laser technology uses infrared light, which is higher than red light. And here there is no need to use a photo filter. Infrared light has long wavelengths and is divided into shades.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technique has the following advantages:

  • the use of several types of lasers of different powers allows you to effectively treat the required area of ​​skin;
  • safety for health and skin in case of professionalism of a specialist and high-quality equipment;
  • minimum pain;
  • longer lasting results than with photo hair removal;
  • absence of ingrown hairs and skin redness;
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages include:

  • limited options regarding hair color;
  • Often, in order to reduce the cost of the procedure, low-quality Chinese-made equipment is installed in salons, which can harm the patient’s health;
  • the need to grow hairs of a certain length;
  • does not involve permanent hair removal;
  • the need to repeat hair removal to maintain the effect;
  • insufficient knowledge of the method;
  • risk of burns if the procedure is not performed correctly.


What is the effect of the procedures?

Hair begins to grow less frequently and becomes thinner. You will have to shave them only once a week, and then less often. One session will not be enough to achieve this effect; you need to complete a course of 6-8 procedures. It is better to start it 6 months before the start of the beach season. At this time, it is necessary to remove hair only with a razor or depilatory cream, excluding the use of an electric epilator, wax, or sugar paste. But the new AFT technology combines all the innovations, which make it possible to remove hair in the summer, and with each session the skin becomes denser.


Today, electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal. If you want to do hair removal and permanently lose unwanted hair, then it is better to choose an electric method of body hair removal. It allows you to remove almost all hairs using electric current. The procedure is carried out exclusively by a qualified specialist in a salon environment and also requires special equipment.

Electrolysis has been used for more than a hundred years, and therefore has managed to prove that it is the most effective method for permanent hair removal. Unlike laser hair removal, electro is suitable for any skin type and hair color. With its help, you can effectively remove both dark and light hairs.

During electrolysis, hair follicles are exposed to the destructive effects of a weak electric current. 100% hair removal guarantees irreversible necrosis, which occurs as a result of necrosis of the hair follicle. Before each session, the specialist personally configures the device, which has several operating modes. Thanks to this, electrical discharges of optimal power and frequency are delivered.

Which technique is better?

You need to choose a method based on the characteristics of your skin, structure, hair color and area to be treated.
We offer clients individual mixed techniques in our salons. For example, it is good to treat your legs with laser technology, and perform ELOS hair removal on the intimate area. There are reviews about both procedures on the website. A cosmetologist will help you make a choice and will recommend which method will be most effective and safe for the client. We have been working in hardware cosmetology for more than 5 years, we publish monthly in the Komsomolskaya Pravda magazine as experts in hardware cosmetology. Clients love the services in our salons.

Try the laser hair removal procedure for the armpit area for only 500 rubles instead of 2000 rubles! And get a diagnosis of your face or décolleté skin for FREE . Become an expert in caring for your skin today.



Electrolysis can be performed using several methods:

  • Thermolysis involves exposing the hair follicle to alternating current of high frequency and low voltage. Due to instant heating, rapid coagulation of the follicles is ensured. Thermolysis allows you to quickly treat large areas of skin. Not suitable for removing crooked hairs.
  • Electrolysis involves the use of direct current. This is an electrochemical process due to which alkali and acid are formed in the hair follicles. When they react, they destroy the follicles. This method is also suitable for curly hair, but requires more time.
  • Micro-Flash is an improved type of thermolysis. A current of extremely high frequency and instantaneous (in flashes) is used. The method does not require anesthesia, since the needle is completely isolated except for the tip itself.
  • Bland represents a combination of the first two methods. Provides better results.

Precautionary measures


  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Large benign and malignant skin neoplasms.
  • Severe diabetes mellitus.
  • Acute infectious diseases.
  • Increased body temperature above 37 degrees.
  • Exacerbation of herpes infection with rashes.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin, dermatitis, eczema or psoriasis in the intended area of ​​influence.
  • Burns.
  • Individual intolerance to a particular method of getting rid of unwanted hair.


  • Burns.
  • Paradoxical hypertrichosis.
  • Appearance or intensification of pigmentation.
  • Folliculitis, pustular rashes.
  • Malignant degeneration of benign skin formations.
  • Scarring.
  • Eye damage if precautions are not taken.
  • Allergic reaction.

Advantages of electrolysis

Electrolysis is a revolutionary and most effective method of hair removal. It has the following advantages:

  • The only method to date that allows you to permanently lose unwanted hairs;
  • removes rather than damages the hair follicle;
  • wide range of effects;
  • safety;
  • scientifically researched methodology;
  • due to the targeted supply of heat to the hair, it works exclusively inside, destroying only the follicle;
  • versatility: suitable for any hair, regardless of its tone, thickness and density;
  • large selection of techniques;
  • no side effects;

What is elos

ELOS (or also called E-LIGHT) is an abbreviation for the English words ELECTRO-OPTICAL SYNERGY, which means the synergy of two energies: Broadband pulsed light (or IPL) and radio frequency current (or RF). In turn, IPL technology is the use of the visible part of light, it is a rainbow that shines in 7 colors simultaneously.

Therefore, it is so important to use a photo filter that cuts off an unnecessary range of colors, leaving only one, for example, red for the type of specificity of the procedure.

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IPL technology was once offered to the world as a “cheaper” analogue of LASER technology. Because lasers appeared first and were more expensive due to the working fluids that generate a colossal number of flashes. After working for some time, specialists were faced with the problem of overheating of the skin on dark phototypes, which led to 1-2 degree burns.

Therefore, photoepilation has limitations in working with 4-5-6 skin phototypes. But by adding current to light as synergy, energy and obtaining ELOS technology, it became possible to perform hair removal on dark phototypes. This became possible because the light parameters can be reduced to safe values, and the current parameters can be increased in order to compensate for the heating of the hair follicle.


  • long procedure time, since treatment of each follicle is required. In subsequent sessions, the procedure time is reduced;
  • Depending on your pain threshold, the procedure may seem painful. Local anesthesia can be used to eliminate discomfort.
  • risk of burns if the procedure is not performed correctly.
  • may be higher in cost per course than laser. But the course does not need to be repeated later. Also, the price is reduced when the time for the procedure is reduced.

Elos hair removal: contraindications

Before going for the procedure, it is recommended to learn about the contraindications and consequences of elos hair removal. The use of this technique is prohibited in the following cases:

  1. Oncological neoplasms.
  2. Epileptic seizures.
  3. Diabetes mellitus of the insulin-dependent type.
  4. Disorders of the blood clotting process.
  5. High blood pressure.
  6. Infectious lesions of the treatment area.
  7. Keloid scars.

During menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, elos hair removal is strictly not recommended.

Carrying out

Before starting the procedure, the specialist must correctly set up the device, select the hair removal method and put on special magnifying glasses. The return electrode, which must remain in contact with the skin throughout the entire procedure, is handed over to the client. The method involves inserting a needle one by one into each follicle in the treated area, accompanied by briefly pressing a button with the foot to activate the equipment. This ensures the launch of a chemical process, as a result of which the follicle coagulates (sinters). The technique requires the highest level of professionalism and experience of a specialist.

In our center you can have inexpensive electrolysis performed exclusively by experienced and certified specialists using modern equipment. With us, your skin will become smooth, silky and youthful!


After any hair removal, protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, do not visit solariums, promptly apply sunscreen to exposed areas of the body, do not use peelings and scrubs, and do not take a hot bath or visit a sauna (at least 72 hours).
During the session, be sure to protect your eyes from any type of radiation.

Between procedures, do not remove hair from the roots (waxing, sugaring, or electric epilator), otherwise subsequent manipulations will not be effective. You can only use a razor, and immediately before the procedure, hair lengths up to 2 mm are allowed.

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