Home laser hair removal, home photoepilation or electrolysis in the salon - what to choose?

What kind of hair removal is best? Now this question is especially relevant for many people who take care of their body. We will talk about the types of hair removal and ask the cosmetologist at the Diamed Maryina Roshcha clinic for advice on what kind of hair removal is best to do and how to maintain the effect for a long time.

All women want to have soft, silky skin. In order for the image to be flawless, you need to get rid of hair in unwanted areas. There are various methods of hair removal. They all have different effectiveness and duration of retention of results.

Photoepilation or laser hair removal: principle of operation

The principle of operation of laser and photoepilation is very similar. Light exposure is aimed at hair in the active stage. The radiation heats the pigment contained in the hair follicle. As a result, hair loss occurs without replacing it with new hair.

Laser hair removal.

  • Does not require individual laser settings and automatically adjusts the wavelength to suit skin type and hair color.
  • The laser acts precisely on melanin, without affecting the surrounding vessels.
  • The laser treatment area is smaller than photoepilation, so the procedure lasts slightly longer.
  • Laser hair removal eliminates the appearance of burns and other side effects.
  • No more than 21-28 days should pass between sessions.


  • The effect is carried out using a photoflash, which allows you to treat large areas of skin at once, which makes the procedure quick.
  • Photoepilation parameters are adjusted individually for each patient.
  • If you incorrectly adjust the depth of exposure, there is a danger of getting burns or, conversely, not getting any results at all.
  • The break between photoepilation sessions is 4-8 weeks.

Benefits of sugaring

The main advantages of caramel hair removal:

  • You can do it yourself at home.
  • Economical. You can make your own sugaring paste or buy it at cosmetic stores. The main ingredient is granulated sugar, which every housewife has in her kitchen. As the statements of cosmetologists show, 1 kg of sugar is enough for 6-12 months of regular use.

The advantages of sugaring are that all its components are natural and there are very few contraindications for use.

  • No allergies. The caramel composition includes components of natural origin. Suitable for women who have hypersensitive skin prone to allergies.
  • Low chance of skin injury. Proper preparation of the sugar mixture and adherence to the technology of the procedure eliminates the risk of injury to the upper layer of the epidermis, burns, redness, bruises, and irritation.
  • Painful sensations occur in rare cases. According to the observations of specialists and reviews on forums, in 45% of women the procedure does not cause pain or discomfort.
  • During the session, the sugar mixture removes the keratinized layers of the epidermis. The skin becomes smooth, soft, and tender to the touch.
  • Gradually, the hair follicles are destroyed and the hairs stop growing.

Proper preparation of the sugar mixture and adherence to the technology of the procedure eliminates the risk of injury to the upper layer of the epidermis

  • The procedure lasts from 15 to 90 minutes. The duration depends on the extent and thickness of the hair.
  • There is no side effect in the form of ingrown hairs.
  • The effect lasts from 3-4 weeks.

First result and number of required sessions.

Laser hair removal.

The result is noticeable after the first procedure; on days 5-8, hair begins to actively fall out and the growth of new hairs significantly decreases.

The average course of laser hair removal is 4-6 procedures. But it all depends on the device (at Epimed we use the Lightsheer Duet device, which allows you to get rid of unwanted hair for up to 7 years in 3-5 sessions) and individual characteristics.


After photoepilation, the result is also visible after the first session. Hair begins to fall out after 1-2 weeks. The activity of new hair growth also decreases.

The course of photoepilation, also depending on the device (we use Lumenis M22), is approximately 6-10 sessions. The intervals between sessions increase as hair growth stops.


Despite all the innovations, there are many women who prefer good old electrolysis - the hair follicle is removed using an electric current. A thin needle is inserted into the follicle to a depth of 2-7 mm, and current passes through it. This work takes a long time, because hair is removed one by one. For example, a foot treatment can take up to six hours. It cannot be said that this is an extremely painful procedure. The length of the hairs must be at least 3 mm. By the way, after the procedure there are almost always traces left from the injections - red dots that disappear over time. The number of procedures and interval are determined by the doctor. You can sunbathe after the procedure. You should only contact highly qualified specialists. Pregnant women cannot undergo the procedures; they are also contraindicated for varicose veins. It is not recommended for the bikini area either. In general, we can say that electrolysis is suitable only for those who have a high pain threshold.

Prices: face - from 35 rubles per minute, legs - from 25 rubles per minute, arms - from 25 rubles per minute, armpits - from 30 rubles per minute, bikini - from 30 rubles per minute.

What's the result?

As you can see, although laser and photoepilation have a similar operating principle, the mechanism is still different!

The choice of technique depends on skin type, hair color, degree of freshness of tan, time of year, sensitivity and personal wishes.

In any case, the absence of negative consequences and long-lasting results depend on high-quality certified equipment and qualified specialists performing the procedure!

Some salons offer low cost per session using devices that are not even medical equipment. The risk of harm to health when epilating with such a device is very high!


Hair can be removed using a small ball of resin. This method is very good for bikini hair removal. But most often hot or warm waxes are used. They warm up the skin, making it easier for hair to come out from the roots. The temperature never exceeds 42 degrees. Hot wax is applied using a cartridge and removed with cloth or paper strips. Warm wax is applied with a spatula and removed with your fingers.

Like sugaring, wax perfectly cleanses the skin, leaving it smooth and silky. It is recommended to use professional products from companies specializing in hair removal products; there are many of these on the Russian market. Film wax is very good - it is delicate and exactly follows the curves of the body, so it is ideal for the armpits and bikini area. Hair length should be from 2 to 5 mm. Those with a low sensitivity threshold sometimes take an analgesic before the bioepilation procedure. With regular bioepilation procedures, hair becomes rarer and thinner, so it is much easier to remove than during the first procedures. The effect usually lasts about three weeks. Prices are similar to tariffs for sugaring.

For those who wish to prolong the interval between procedures, experts sometimes recommend auxiliary measures - ultrasound or enzyme hair removal. During ultrasound epilation, inhibitors penetrate deep into the skin using ultrasound rays. The essence of enzyme hair removal is a thermochemical effect - the drugs work under silicone tapes. It is worth warning that enzyme hair removal has many complications, including pigmentation and telangiectasias. These additional treatments can keep your skin smooth for an entire month, or sometimes more, but the total cost of the procedure will double.

Brief conclusions

  • Photoepilation is cheaper, but it may require more procedures to achieve the desired result.
  • Lasers are more precise because they target each individual hair.
  • Laser is more suitable for hair removal on dark skin tones.
  • Each laser pulse takes a fraction of a second, so the treatment time is quite short (for example, the armpit area usually takes only 10 minutes).

Laser hair removal and other hair removal methods.

Preparation for procedures

Photo- and electrolysis are procedures that require preliminary preparation. But this does not mean that you will have to follow strict diets and adhere to strict rules, everything is much simpler, you just need to prepare the skin for the effects. This is done in order to avoid possible complications and achieve the best result. The general rules for preparing for both procedures are as follows:

  1. You should not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium for two weeks. A fresh tan will have a negative impact on the skin during hair removal, as the hairs will heat up, which can result in burns. In addition, tanning weakens the skin, as a result of which it will take longer to recover from stress.
  2. It is necessary to ensure the optimal hair length, in both cases it should be on average 3mm. This value is better suited to ensure that the specialist correctly performs all actions, moreover, it allows you to achieve exactly the desired result. To achieve the desired length, you need to shave your hair a few days before the procedure so that it has time to grow. The use of other hair removal methods, including during the last month, is unacceptable, as this will reduce the effectiveness of the procedure and complicate the specialist’s work.
  3. Before the procedure itself, you will need to consult a dermatologist or specialist who will perform hair removal. He will identify the presence or absence of existing contraindications and draw up a questionnaire based on your individual skin and hair characteristics. The hair removal device will be adjusted based on these parameters.
  4. On the eve of both procedures, it is recommended to treat those areas of the body that will undergo hair removal with a scrub without abrasive particles or another cleanser.

If you choose photoepilation, you will first need to undergo a series of tests to determine the skin's reaction to exposure to ultraviolet rays. This takes extra time, and an allergic reaction may occur. Also, two weeks before the procedure, you should limit your intake of tanning pills, antibiotics, antipsychotics or tranquilizers. These drugs cause increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. Electrolysis has only one individual limitation: at least two weeks before the procedure you need to stop taking hormonal medications.

Side effects

Carrying out hair removal of any kind provokes certain complications that must be taken into account. For procedures based on the action of light radiation, thermal burns, swelling, redness, and hyperpigmentation are most typical. When using quality equipment and following safety precautions, the chance of serious problems is small and almost zero.

As for electrolysis, in addition to swelling and irritation, scars and disruption of pigmentation processes can be observed. In all cases, most patients note temporary pain in the treated area.

Other differences

If you cannot decide which procedure is better, because the features, process and contraindications of both seem almost identical to you, you need to pay attention to the details of photo- and electrolysis. Sometimes it is minor differences that can sway a person towards the right decision.

Factors of differencePhotoepilationElectrolysis
EfficiencyIt is a more delicate method, so in most cases it is possible to stop hair growth for a period of 3 to 5 years. Moreover, after completing the full course of procedures, the hair becomes noticeably lighter and softer, and its thickness decreases. If the contrast is ideal, hair growth in the treated area can be stopped forever. This happens very rarely, usually in people with fair skin and dark hair If the client does not have problems with hormonal balance, and the entire procedure is performed flawlessly, there is a possibility of permanent hair removal, but this also happens extremely rarely. In most cases, it is possible to block hair growth for 3 to 8 years. The structure becomes softer, the shade becomes lighter, the density becomes less
Application casesThe method is used, as a rule, when the client initially requests radical hair removal services, as it is more gentle on the skin. It is also used when the client is allergic to components of other types of hair removal. The method is recommended for the client when returning, when after another course of hair removal the hair begins to grow back. Positioned as more effective, also recommended if you are allergic to ultraviolet radiation or laser
Body areasCan be used on all areas except eyebrows and the bridge of the nose, since photo flashes have a negative effect on vision. Application on the face is not always convenient, since the emitting head is quite large. Can be used on any area except the ears and nose. There is an opinion that the method cannot be used on the armpits, but electrolysis of this area has a double effect. In addition to hair removal, it limits the activity of the sweat glands; its use is safe if the procedure is performed by an experienced doctor.
Number of procedures in the courseDetermined individually, on average 3 to 12 sessions are required.Determined individually, on average 4 to 12 sessions are required
Cost of one procedureDepends on the region and clinic, the price is determined by the number of flashes, the cost of one flash starts from 50 rublesDepends on the region and clinic, the price is determined by time, for one minute it can range from 8 to 50 rubles
Possible complicationsBurns, keloid scars, pigmentation disorders, allergiesBurns, keloid scars, infections, allergies, damage to nerve endings and sweat glands, pigmentation disorders
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