Modern methods of skin and face rejuvenation at 30, 40, 50 years old

Why, when we look at some celebrities, do we admire their “eternal” youth, and when we see others, even without special knowledge, do we see all the mistakes of a plastic surgeon?

Because the methods of facial rejuvenation, used individually (here - once they rejuvenated the face with the help of gold threads, there - they tightened the eyes), contrary to the promises of doctors, do not add the expected youth and beauty as much as desired.

N.V. Gogol said this well in his immortal “Dead Souls”:

“It should be noted that some ladies - I say some, it’s not like everyone else - have a small weakness: if they notice something especially good in themselves, be it their forehead, their mouth, their hands, they already think that the best part of their face will be the first to catch everyone’s eye, and everyone will suddenly speak in one voice: “Look, look, what a beautiful Greek nose she has!” or: “What a correct, charming forehead!” The one who has good shoulders is sure in advance that all the young people will be completely delighted and will repeat every now and then as she passes by: “Oh, what wonderful shoulders this one has,” - and on her face, hair, they don’t even look at your nose or forehead, and even if they do, it’s as if they were something extraneous. This is how other ladies think.”

Funny? However, even today, not everyone and does not always understand that effective facial rejuvenation is impossible without a combination of several techniques. Only this approach allows you to avoid the operated look even after a surgical lift and get a 100% natural result.
Laser skin rejuvenation.

Facial rejuvenation methods should be applied comprehensively

According to modern concepts of anti-aging medicine, after any intervention - no matter by a cosmetologist or a plastic surgeon, the result should look as natural as possible. This is a criterion for a quality service. It is on this criterion that the operating principles of the Platinental clinic are based.

Therefore, nowadays even the best methods of facial rejuvenation are used comprehensively. For example, surgical lifts are combined with procedures to improve skin quality and tissue volume. Only such a combined method of facial rejuvenation is truly effective.

The key role in this approach today is given to working with the middle zone of the face (cheeks, cheekbones, nasolabial folds, bruises and bags under the eyes). This area is extremely difficult to correct, but otherwise there is no talk of effective rejuvenation.


“The question of how to rejuvenate the oval of the face after 40 years arose inevitably before me. Around this time, I began to realize that the entire cosmetic industry is not working to rejuvenate facial skin, but to maintain it in normal condition.

I have more than once observed that the skin on my friends’ faces was not at all refreshed, even after a facelift. Then, after the operation, they were faced with another problem - how to rejuvenate their facial skin. Therefore, the choice of Platinental was in no way accidental. I decided for myself - only comprehensive facial rejuvenation! No saving on yourself!

Another reason for choosing Platinental is the deep nasolabial folds, which I have been fighting with since I was 30 years old. Andrey Alexandrovich is a recognized Master with a capital M in the field of middle third rejuvenation. Therefore, I didn’t even consider alternatives.”

Svetlana, 42 years old

Bellefontaine program

It presents a whole range of techniques aimed at rejuvenating and regenerating the skin. Based on nanodevelopments of scientists from Switzerland. Consists of a number of procedures:

Golden Caviar - VIP treatment with black caviar extract (protein saturation);

Silk and Dew - intensive moisturizing of the skin;

Nutri-plus - rejuvenating intensive skin care;

Glamor is a procedure with an instant effect of facial rejuvenation.

How to rejuvenate your face without surgery “for those over 30”

Non-surgical facial rejuvenation up to a certain age is quite possible. For this purpose, Platinental uses a combination of the most effective methods and techniques, the choice of which is strictly individual for each patient. But any modern methods of facial skin rejuvenation necessarily include work in the cheek-zygomatic area.

Our best-selling anti-aging treatments:

  • Radiesse and Restylane Sub-Q gels;
  • American cheekbone lift Cheek lift light with Endotin fixation in combination with muscle relaxants Botox, Dysport, Xeomin;
  • facial lipofilling,
  • three-dimensional fractional lifting,
  • correction of nasolabial folds Aptos Wire,
  • CO2 laser resurfacing Asklepion;
  • bioreinforcement of the skin around the eyes with hyaluronic acid;
  • autologous plasma therapy;
  • New! Monofilament mid-zone lifting with third generation threads

IAL system

This technique is an injection skin lifting and is based on Italian drugs of the same name. Gives the effect of biological revitalization. The injected gel is a plastic, viscous solution of hyaluronic acid of artificial origin. The entire procedure takes from 40 minutes to 1 hour. To prevent discomfort, it is carried out in combination with local anesthesia.

The full course involves 3 procedures in increments of 14 and 30 days (breaks between the first/second and second/third sessions).

Facial rejuvenation at 40 years old

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids and endoscopic lifting of the middle third of the face and eyebrows. Done by Andrey Iskornev.

Circumferential blepharoplasty and endoscopic midface lift. Done by Andrey Iskornev.

Surgical thread lift using Waylock threads (V-lock threads) in the cheek-zygomatic area and in the oval area of ​​the face. Surgiderm 24xp hyaluronic acid filler for lips, nasolabial folds and labio-mental wrinkles. In the photo: “before” and 2 days after the procedure. Completed by: Vasiliev Maxim.

The following procedures are recommended for the face of men and women at this age:

  • classical blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • New! contour plastic surgery of the cheek-zygomatic area (Cheek lift light, Radiesse, lipofilling, monofilament lifting);
  • non-traumatic eyebrow lifting with Endotins;
  • course of fractional laser peeling Asclepion (Germany) + laser stimulation of collagen Frac3.
  • New! ultrasonic face lifting Duoblo System;


  • Skin tightening with threads

For thread lifting, mesothreads can be used, which completely dissolve over time, as well as gold threads or Aptos. Rejuvenation occurs due to the formation of a framework under the skin. This eliminates ptosis, relieves you of pronounced nasolabial folds, jowls, and unclear contours of the chin. Installation of threads stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the youth of the skin and its elasticity. Mesothreads can be used for early age-related changes; gold threads and Aptos are indicated for more pronounced signs of aging. Thread lifting goes well with surgical rejuvenation.

  • Deep peeling

Chemical peeling has a renewing effect on the skin. By removing the cells of the upper layer, it smooths out wrinkles, eliminates post-acne and other scars. It perfectly complements surgical operations, enhancing their effect. This type of non-surgical lift gives results only in terms of skin quality. Peels are not able to strengthen the oval and tighten sagging tissues.

  • Massage for facial skin tightening

By influencing certain points, the cosmetologist restores blood circulation and improves metabolism in skin cells. Puffiness goes away, the skin acquires an even color, its tone increases, and you look younger. This method is most effective for minor age-related changes and as a preventive measure for their occurrence.

  • Choosing a non-surgical facelift technique

The choice of lifting method depends on the patient’s age, skin condition, indications and contraindications for the procedures. Sometimes it is impossible to correct age-related changes only with the help of cosmetology. In case of pronounced sagging tissue and an abundance of wrinkles, surgical SMAS lifting is performed. This technique is indicated for patients over 40 years of age.

Up to 40, contouring with fillers, Botox and threads will help you refresh your appearance. Plasmolifting and mesotherapy will improve the condition of the skin. Upon reaching a certain age, these methods have an auxiliary effect. By combining face and neck plastic surgery with cosmetic services, you will achieve excellent results.

Darsonval for face

This procedure is often chosen as a safe facial rejuvenation treatment.

After just a few procedures, the rejuvenating effect of Darsonval becomes noticeable:

  • wrinkles are reduced;
  • the complexion is refreshed;
  • pores are reduced.

The procedures help to activate the formation of collagen in the skin of the face, due to which the oval acquires a clearer outline and the elasticity of the skin increases.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is used primarily to remove blackheads.

The positive effect of ultrasonic cleansing on facial skin is also expressed in the following:

  • the skin is cleansed;
  • is saturated with oxygen;
  • cell regeneration occurs;
  • acne, seborrhea, age spots disappear;
  • the stratum corneum is removed;
  • pores narrow;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • skin color improves;
  • the skin becomes less oily.


  • Allergy to sunlight and/or light;
  • Taking retinoids in the last 6 months; taking medications that increase skin sensitivity to light over the past month;
  • Significant sun tanning or chemical tanning (use of tanning creams, etc.);
  • Pregnancy;
  • Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus;
  • Malignant skin formations;
  • Keloid scars, precancerous skin conditions;
  • Cardiac pacemaker or defibrillator;
  • Thromboembolic diseases;
  • Infections with a violation of the integrity of the skin (eczema, psoriasis, infections caused by the herpes virus, etc.) in the area of ​​treatment;
  • Bleeding disorders or use of medications that reduce blood clotting;
  • Laser skin resurfacing within the last 3 months;
  • Allergies to nickel (individual).

Rehabilitation after the procedure

How you feel after the anti-aging procedure is also important.

After surgical, injection, and hardware techniques, the rehabilitation period is most often painful. Bruises, hematomas, scars, swelling, irritation, wounds, bruises, etc. are common phenomena.

And restrictions can be very uncomfortable for life. There may be taboos on the sun, sports, makeup, baths, saunas, diet... Often you can’t just touch your face or take a horizontal position.

What about natural rejuvenation? There is simply no rehabilitation period. The worst thing that can happen is that you will feel a pleasant tingling sensation from the rush of blood in the worked area and a slight ache in your body. Even out of habit, bruises may appear after cupping (they will go away later).

All these are signs that the right processes are being launched in the body.

Face masks

In the beauty parlor of the Verdi beauty salon in Rostov-on-Don, you can make face masks using professional products. The purpose of cosmetic masks for the face, neck and décolleté are:

  • prevention of age-related skin changes;
  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • improvement of skin tone, tightening;
  • cleansing;
  • elimination of cosmetic defects.

We use face masks "Janssen", "Algoline", "Beauty style", "GiGi", "Academie", "3d" and other professional face masks.

We have presented the 10 best cosmetic procedures for facial skin that you can do today in Verdi beauty salons. We invite you to sign up for treatments to rejuvenate and improve the condition of your facial skin at our beauty salons in Rostov-on-Don!

Non-surgical face and neck lift: price

The cost of a face and neck lift without surgery depends on the method. Mesothreads in our clinic cost from 600 rubles. for 1 thread. Fillers cost from 12,000 rubles. Plasmolifting of the face – 6,000 rubles. One unit of Botox costs 380 rubles, this is a promotional price.

A cosmetologist will help you decide on the tightening method during your consultation.

Since 2002, the Medial clinic has been providing services in the field of cosmetological correction of age-related changes. We have extensive experience working with women and men of different ages. The clinic has laser equipment and multifunctional devices. We always have a choice of fillers from different global manufacturers. We pay great attention to a personal approach to anti-aging correction.

Our specialists Galina Rakhimovna Sonn, Valentina Andreevna Moiseeva and Natalya Rafaelovna Babajanova are certified cosmetologists who regularly improve their skills, are experienced and attentive.

To schedule a consultation, call: +7

Facial photorejuvenation

VERDI beauty salons in Rostov-on-Don invite you to hardware facial photorejuvenation procedures using the BlueMoon device, Italy.

The procedure involves applying pulses of high-intensity broadband light to the skin. It penetrates to a depth of 3 mm into the skin. There are no ultraviolet rays, so there is no risk to the skin. Effect of photorejuvenation:

  • facial skin becomes firm and elastic;
  • the facial contour is tightened;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • pigment spots are lightened;
  • the number of spider veins decreases;
  • pores are cleaned;
  • pustular diseases, acne, blackheads disappear.

Effective procedures after 50 years

During menopause (50 +/- 5 years) and after, the main blow to youth is dealt. In addition to poor blood circulation, a decrease in hormonal activity is also added.

Due to hormonal decline, the renewal of fibroblasts, the cells in which the main components of youthful skin are produced, is inhibited. The network of blood vessels also regresses. In general, the production of the “beauty hormone” estrogen collapses, and along with this, beauty itself evaporates.

Here the intensity and frequency of cosmetic procedures will go off scale. To the numerous non-surgical methods, surgical ones will be added, and with priority rights. Fabrics will be cut and stretched, cut and stretched. In the most “humane” case - reinforcement.

The reflection in the mirror by this age, if you have long been hooked on the needle, will no longer please you. And it will be difficult to abandon “punitive” cosmetology: it is not clear what to do with all this decrepitude that it has created.

The recipe for women 50+ is the same: natural rejuvenation. Is it too late? No, it's not too late. And at 70 it’s not too late.

Many women over 50 have taken part in the MelAnnett beauty marathons. And they all have results.

What are anti-aging (rejuvenating) procedures

Every woman has approximately equal chances of getting one of two things by age 50: a “peach” face or a “baked apple” face. Preserved youth or decrepitude.

Yes, there are insurmountable factors that can add extra years to your life, such as genetics and hormonal imbalances. But often it all depends on how you live: what you eat, how you feel, how active you are, how you take care of yourself. And the first violin in this orchestra of youth is played by rejuvenating procedures.

Humanity has been trying to invent the “elixir of youth” for thousands of years. Everything was used: hallucinogenic drinks, eating dried snakes and toads, breathing of young girls, cauterization...

With the development of science, we have received a rationale for what helps and what hinders prolonging youth.


food waste, stress, ultraviolet radiation, alcohol, cigarettes...


movement, positive emotions, regular and high-quality intimate life, vitamins, unsaturated fats...

And, of course, rejuvenating procedures. There are a huge number of them, and huge amounts of money are being made from them. Hundreds of billions of dollars (!) a year are earned from all kinds of “youth injections,” hardware techniques, threads, and aesthetic operations.

Yes, now these are not fly agarics with vipers, but “pharmacological discoveries”, “technical inventions”, “innovations” - in general, all kinds of fruits of progress with tricky names. Botulinum therapy, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, plasmolifting, contour plastic surgery, RF lifting, SMAS lifting, photorejuvenation, cryolipolysis, dermabrasion, blepharoplasty, thread lifting, fractional laser rejuvenation... The list is endless.

But, alas, the true impact of modern anti-aging techniques on the body is still very poorly understood. In most cases, there are no full-fledged scientific studies that would reflect the consequences of cosmetic intervention even for several years in advance, let alone in the long term.

Such studies are partly impossible due to the relative novelty of cosmetology in principle, but the main thing is that they are also unprofitable. If science recorded all the consequences of “punitive” cosmetology, it could greatly undermine the industry.

After all, most salon procedures are a fiction, a short-term appearance of youth, behind which lies the deterioration of tissues.

This does not mean that facial rejuvenation is impossible. Against. Effective methods exist, and this can be confirmed by millions of participants in MelAnnett beauty marathons.

But first things first.

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