Peeling Renophase - reviews and effect of procedures

What is Renophase peeling?

The author of the Renophase peeling is Dr. Michel Imar, who has created a whole series of products that cleanse and rejuvenate various problem areas of the skin. The cosmetic line includes a wide variety of cleansing products:

  • cellular reprogramming peeling;
  • exfoliants aimed at combating acne;
  • Renewcollagence;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • Renewlift;
  • biodermabrasion;
  • keratoregulating;
  • depigmenting;
  • enzyme with the use of phytoestrogens and much more.

The French drug Renophase is one of the most popular, as it is recognized by many cosmetologists as a means that allows you to quickly and fairly painlessly achieve the desired effect.

The exfoliation described is based on glycolic acid. In combination with other components, the exfoliant provokes a chemical burn, which results in exfoliation of old cells and peeling of fatty compounds. The renewal process starts, stimulating the formation of new cells. As a result, the skin becomes young and fresh, able to easily absorb caring cosmetics and renew itself. Pigmentation, wrinkles, pimples and blackheads disappear.

Everything included in the Renophase series refers to superficial types of exfoliation. In addition to the already mentioned glycolic acid, the drug also includes other active components, each of them performs a separate task. With the complex effect of all components taken together, the following occurs:

  • hardening left by acne dissolves;
  • inflammatory processes subside;
  • collagen and elastin are formed;
  • recovery processes are launched.

Each type of peeling included in the Renofaz series also has its own purpose. You can find out about it by reading the description. The only drawback of this exfoliation is that its cost in the salon is quite high: from 2,500 to 3,000 rubles. It is also necessary to purchase additional products for post-peeling care, which will increase the cost of the procedure to 5,000 rubles.

How peelings are performed

Despite the fact that any exfoliation is inherently a burn to the skin, Renofaz facial peeling is relatively painless and has a short recovery period. The expected effect occurs faster than in cases with most similar manipulations.

Depending on the skin imperfections, the specialist chooses the type of exfoliant, since the effects of Renofaz peels directly depend on the correct choice. For example, to prevent the appearance of the first age-related changes, the most appropriate would be Renewlift, designed specifically for women over 40 years old and having a lifting effect, and a reprogramming type of manipulation would be most appropriate for young girls and women who have not yet turned 25 years old.

Did you know that massaging with a dry washcloth helps get rid of cellulite, exfoliates dead cells and removes ingrown hairs. The procedure also improves blood circulation.

In the salon version, the Light peeling protocol from Renophase consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory work including:
  • consultation during which the client’s wishes are clarified;
  • the cosmetologist explains the procedure and the capabilities of the medications;
  • an allergy test is done;
  • the type of skin is determined.
  1. Cleaning the surface of the skin.
  2. Apply the drug to the skin for a short time (how many minutes the product should be on the face is decided by a specialist).
  3. The peeling effect is neutralized by special neutralizers.
  4. The remains of the drug are washed off the face.
  5. A special pH-balancing liquid and protective cream are applied to the treated and cleansed skin.

Like the choice of peeling, the decision on the frequency of repetition of manipulations should be made by a cosmetologist. Typically, 8 procedures are required to get the skin in order. The break between them should be at least a week.

My care from Renophase, Lrp, Origins, Spivak, Olicosmetics and Lush

Good afternoon, girls! As a skin care enthusiast with a habit of constantly trying something new, I want to tell you about the products that I have been using for the last six months.

Initial data: 21 years old, normal/oily skin, very sensitive.

I'll start with two products from Origins. This is an American brand that positions its cosmetics as organic as possible. Even their cardboard packaging indicates that it is completely recyclable. The brand is very worthy, however, unfortunately, it is not available in any European online store that I know of, and ordering from the States through an intermediary makes me bored. Therefore, I really want to continue our acquaintance, but I’m not sure I’ll dare.

1. Origins Brighter By Nature High-potency brightening peel with fruit acids

A very interesting product. I heard a good review about it from one girl not from the beauty world, but I didn’t find any reviews either on the Russian-language Internet or, practically speaking, on the English-language Internet. The product comes in a jar that looks like a regular jar of cream. Inside are 40 discs impregnated with the product itself. This product is a combination of chemical and physical exfoliation of dead cells. The discs are slightly different on different sides - one is smoother, the other is more abrasive. The smell (and taste) is classic acidic. I take a disc (one disc is enough for one procedure) and begin to massage my face in a circular motion along the massage lines. I adjust the pressure depending on the part of the face - the forehead is stronger, the cheeks are softer. The skin exfoliates due to the acids in the composition and the texture of the discs. I haven't timed how long it takes me, but I think it won't be long. When I tried these discs for the first time, the skin was in a state that had not been peeled for a long time, so the result unpleasantly surprised me - the skin simply rolled off in pieces, the effect was serious. With regular exfoliation there is no such result. However, the effect of using disks still exists. I use it once a week. Definitely at night, because the skin after the procedure is still reddish, and you want to apply a nourishing cream or night mask. After use, the skin is cleaned to the maximum - “squeaky clean”, the pores are obviously tightened and cleaned, the skin is smooth. Using the product regularly allows you to maintain it in this state.

Cost: approx. 1750 rubles with delivery. Usage period: approx. 5 months. Rating: 5+

2. Origins Clear Improvement Active charcoal mask to clear pores

Cleansing mask with charcoal. The mask is rich black in color with a very thick gel texture. I apply it on the face or locally on the T-zone in a thick layer. There is a smell, but it is felt mainly upon application. I apply the mask for about 10 minutes. It is quite difficult to wash off, because the mask on the skin is completely smooth, your fingers just glide over it. The mask dries out quickly enough and tightens the skin. It's better not to overexpose, because... may dry out the skin. The mask is good at drawing out impurities from the pores. The downside I would call is the fact that the mask dries out the skin, and I don’t need that at all.

Cost: approx. 1250 rubles with delivery. Usage period: approx. 5 months. Rating: 4.

3. Oli cosmetics eye cream “Spring again”

Eye cream from a Russian organic brand. I have dry skin around my eyes, but naturally no wrinkles. Therefore, I only need nutrition/moisturization from a cream and not a very heavy texture. Some creams cause swelling. In this product, I can praise, firstly, the packaging - a convenient bottle with a pump that allows you to squeeze out the required amount of cream. The smell is quite heavy and oily, but it is not noticeable on the skin. I apply the cream at night along the orbital bone around the eyes. The cream is quickly absorbed. The skin is moisturized without feeling tight or dry. There is no swelling in the morning. It does not cause irritation, although I am usually afraid of an allergy to organic matter. I rarely apply it before makeup, but I have had this experience. Cosmetics on this cream do not roll off and do not get caught in folds/wrinkles.

Cost: 1000 rubles. Usage period: approx. 6 months. Rating: 5.

Next, I would like to talk about several products from the Russian soap company Spivak. I've been wanting to try them for a long time, I have products for both face and body.

4. Soap company Spivak - Beldi with ginger

Beldi is a gel-like, not entirely homogeneous, thick mass of amber-brown color. The smell of this product is pungent and, frankly speaking, not very tasty. But for me, in cosmetics, smell is the last criterion. Because if the product works, then it doesn’t matter to me what it smells like. I use Beldi about once a week, otherwise it’s too harsh for me. I always use it with a Kese mitten. I apply it with massage movements on my face with a mitten, rub it properly and leave it for a couple of minutes. Then I wash it off. Afterwards, a nourishing cream is required, because the product dries out the skin. Beldi cleanses the skin, exfoliates, tightens pores. The skin is pinkish and very smooth, so pleasant.

Cost: 135 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 5+

5. Soap company Spivak - Beldi berry

The product, in principle, in action, consistency, and characteristics is the same as the previous one. However, the smell of berry beldi is naturally more pleasant than ginger. The aroma is very sharp, but much more tasty, berry, in fact. It seemed to me that this remedy is milder than beldi with ginger. It dries less, but the cleansing effect is a little less.

Cost: 135 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 4+

6. Soap company Spivak - Jam for washing Chocolime

This product can also be used in combination with or without a Kese mitten. The smell is very specific, but not repulsive. The texture is heterogeneous, thick, but not as dense as that of beldi. Since I prefer to use Beldi with a mitten for maximum cleansing, I use this product once a week for a gentle cleansing effect. The product foams and spreads easily over the face. It cleanses the skin well and brightens pores. Dries it out.

Cost: 99 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 5-

7. Soap company Spivak - Rose Flower Water Organic

Rose hydrosol smells pleasantly of rose or rosehip. It comes in a dark glass bottle and comes separately with a convenient spray bottle. The downside is that the bottle leaks, so it’s better to keep it on the shelf and not carry it around. I use this hydrosol both as a toner and as a treatment around the eyes. It works well to reduce swelling if you put cotton pads with it under your eyes and lie there for about 10 minutes. After using this hydrosol, your face feels pleasantly fresh and soft. It seems to me that there is no cleansing, so I only use toga hydrosol when I am already confident that my skin is clean.

Cost: 90 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 5-

8. Soap company Spivak - Neroli Flower Water

All of the above can be attributed to this hydrolate, only the smell is, accordingly, different. This water, so to speak, is a little “drier” than Rose, so, of course, it is not needed under the eyes. It does not dry the skin, but does not moisturize it either, and has an antiseptic effect.

Cost: 82 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 4

9. Soap company Spivak - Kese hard mitten

This is the same mitten that I use to apply beldi. It seems to me that everyone knows about these mittens) I don’t know what they are made of, but they cleanse the skin fantastically. The mitten itself is more like a bag with a string at the end, which is convenient to tie around your hand to secure the mitten. She's pretty tough. After use, I wash it in water and leave it to dry. By the way, it dries quite quickly. Of course, you shouldn’t overuse it - you can tear off the skin. It is better to massage gently, gently and no more than once a week.

Cost: 180 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 5+

10. Lush — Mask of Megaminty Cleansing mask Megamint

Mega mint mask. Well, this is a hit for the brand. Finding myself in the Lush corner, I grabbed it first. The mask is in a regular jar and screwed on. The mask is very thick. The smell is obviously minty. It is swamp-green in color and has a heterogeneous texture with small abrasive particles. I apply it generously, in a thick layer, using massage movements. The mask cleanses the skin and tightens pores. I believe that for oily skin it is a real hit and a must-have, because it cleanses and dries powerfully. It's a little harsh for my skin.

Cost: 325 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 5

11. Lush – Catastrophe Cosmetic Fresh Face Mask First Aid

First aid mask. The mask is designed to prevent inflammation and eliminate existing ones. It must be stored in the refrigerator. The texture is somewhat unusual - either gel-like or mushy. Also heterogeneous. Lilac shade. The smell is quite pleasant. It dries much less than Megamint, but its effect is not as strong. Slightly tightens pores, brightening them. The skin is pleasant and matte.

Cost: 485 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 4

12. Lush – Bubblegum Sugar Lip Scrub

Sugar lip scrub. I grabbed it at the checkout - pure indulgence. I don’t complain about my lips at all, they are usually in good condition, and when suddenly periods of peeling occur, no scrub can save them. However, I use the scrub almost regularly. Basically, it is sugar with butter, flavoring and coloring. It smells sooooo delicious, like chewing gum. It's a pleasure to use. The scrub exfoliates the lips, during which the sugar dissolves and at the end we get exfoliated lips moisturized with oil. Very convenient and efficient.

Cost: 395 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 4

13. La Roche-Posay - Toleriane Soothing Protective Skincare

Light moisturizing cream. At night, on the advice of a cosmetologist, I have recently been using Clenzit-S, now Differin. Therefore, I only use moisturizers in the morning and, as a rule, under makeup. This cream has a very light moisturizing texture and an unobtrusive aroma. It goes well under makeup - it fits well on it and doesn’t roll off. The cream does not mattify the skin, but does not make it greasy either. Doesn't clog pores and doesn't cause irritation.

Cost: approx. 700 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 4 because it is significantly inferior to the next copy))

14. Laboratories Renophase - Renosource Hydro Active

Nourishing cream for dehydrated skin. Renofaz is a professional brand, my cosmetologist works for it, and it was she who recommended this cream to me. This is love, love, definitely! Pack the cream in a convenient bottle with a pump. The texture is quite thick, but it spreads perfectly over the skin. The smell is light pharmaceutical. The cream is absorbed into the skin quite quickly, but it is better to give it about ten minutes. After this, you can safely apply cosmetics. I started using it in August, but then it immediately seemed a bit heavy to me. But as soon as the thermometer dropped below 20 degrees, I realized that I was wrong. He's perfect! The skin feels incredibly comfortable, good and pleasant with it))) The cream does not provoke an oily sheen, but it also does not mattify, of course. Doesn't clog pores. It leaves your skin soft, tender, and nourished!

Cost: approx. 2200 rubles. Usage period: approx. 3 months. Rating: 5+++

That's all for me. Thank you for your attention! As always, yours - Alina!


Indications and contraindications

Reprogramming peeling and other types of aggressive effects on the skin with Renophase products are indicated in the following cases:

  • acne, post-acne and various types of skin rashes;
  • sagging cheeks, loss of firmness and elasticity of facial muscles;
  • the appearance of pigmentation;
  • the presence of a large number of small and medium wrinkles;
  • unhealthy color.

Any of these problems will be eliminated only if the dosage and schedule of manipulations are strictly observed.

The procedure is contraindicated in:

  • sensitive and thin skin;
  • presence of cancer;
  • wounds, abrasions, burns, inflammation and other damage in the areas of intended treatment;
  • lactation or pregnancy;
  • mental disorders;
  • herpes;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

If you have any of the above, exfoliating is contraindicated for you. We recommend giving preference to more gentle cosmetic cleansing methods.

Chemical peels from the Renofaz line

(Renophase) France

Chemical peels from the Renophase cosmetic line combine the exfoliating effect of acid and the stimulating effect of active ingredients. Thanks to this combination, Renofaz peels are extremely effective for correcting and preventing age-related skin changes, as well as for normalizing metabolic processes in the skin.

Indications for AHA peeling:

  • the presence of papules (inflammatory elements without pus) with acne,
  • decreased skin microcirculation, poor complexion
  • impaired skin texture with oily seborrhea and post-acne conditions
  • “cold” dermal comedones, papules
  • hyperpigmentation
  • age-related changes - wrinkles and sagging

Reprogramming peeling

Prevention of aging and correction of age-related skin changes for all skin types.

Restructures the skin, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, evens out the relief, moisturizes, restores the barrier functions of the skin, increases local immunity, improves the quality of the skin and thickens it.

Procedure duration: 1 hour

Peeling Renewcollagence

Prevention of aging and correction of age-related changes for sensitive skin.

Provides face and neck lifting, restores facial contours, smoothes wrinkles, significantly increases skin firmness and elasticity, intensively moisturizes, improves microcirculation.

Procedure duration: 1 hour

Peeling Renulift

Intensive skin rejuvenation program with a lifting effect.

Rejuvenates the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, corrects the oval of the face, increases skin firmness and elasticity, improves muscle tone, and moisturizes the skin.

Procedure duration: 1 hour

Peeling Depigmenting

Elimination of hyperpigmentation of any etiology

Lightens the skin, removes age spots, evens out complexion, increases skin firmness and elasticity, improves muscle tone, and intensively moisturizes the skin.

Procedure duration: 1 hour

Peeling Keratoregulating

Treatment of acne.

Normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, stops the inflammatory process, evens out the complexion.

Procedure duration: 1 hour

Features of the procedure:

  • Maximum safety for clients due to the exclusive formula of glycolic acid and other components.
  • In the summer, peelings can be carried out, but you cannot sunbathe during the course of peelings!

The course consists of 8-10 procedures. The course is selected individually. One procedure is carried out every 7-10 days.

Is it possible to carry out such peeling at home?

All exfoliation products sold under the brand name Renophase are not intended for home use. In order to use them in the correct dosage and correctly select the compositions, you need to know chemistry and have medical knowledge.

Only a professional cosmetologist who is able to identify and distinguish skin diseases from each other will be able to correctly prescribe the drug and carry out peeling as effectively and safely as possible for patients.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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