Reviews about Mesoline Bodyfirm - composition, action, contraindications, effect

Methods for removing a double chin without surgery

The most radical way to solve the problem is plastic surgery. But this is a traumatic type of intervention, it requires quite a long rehabilitation, and can knock a person out of the usual rhythm of life for a long time. Fortunately, today there are alternative gentle techniques that also allow you to achieve excellent cosmetic results.

The most popular is the correction of the problem area by introducing special drugs that can effectively break down fat - lipolytics. Removing a double chin without surgery using lipolysis is good, first of all, because it allows you to model the face - the active substance acts locally, only in the injection area, without affecting other tissues. In addition, the introduction of lipolytics is an almost painless, low-traumatic procedure, after which no visible marks remain on the face.

Double chin correction without surgery

To eliminate a double chin, SANMEDEXPERT offers Mezoline injection lipotherapy. The drug allows you to eliminate excess fat on the face and body without discomfort or allergies. One procedure is often enough to achieve results. To make an appointment, call us or leave a request on the website

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Reviews about Mesoline Bodyfirm - composition, action, contraindications, effect

Mesoline Bodyfirm is produced by the Luxembourg company MD Skin Solutions under the brand name Pluryal. The product is aimed at reducing the signs of cellulite, effectively combating sagging and tissue microcirculation disorders.

Mesotherapy Mezoline has a beneficial effect on reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat thanks to the following active substances that are included in the drug:

  • Caffeine;
  • Centella asiatica extract;
  • L-carnitine;
  • Butcher's broom;
  • Silicon;
  • Artichoke.

The product is produced in 5 ml bottles. This portion is enough to treat two problem areas.

L-carnitine and caffeine are responsible for the breakdown of fats and affect the severity of cellulite. Artichoke reduces swelling and has a drainage effect. Butcher's broom has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls, and silicon helps restore the skin. Centella normalizes fluid accumulation in tissues and increases collagen production.

In addition to Mesoline Bodyfirm lipolytic, the company produces products for the face and hair. The most popular means:

  • Pluryal® Mesoline REFRESH – aimed at rejuvenating and moisturizing the skin;
  • Pluryal® Mesoline SHINE – anti-pigment action, anti-age effect;
  • Pluryal® Mesoline HAIR – prevents hair loss, improves hair structure;
  • Pluryal® Mesoline BODYCONTOUR – used in anti-cellulite programs.

Cosmetic preparations have passed clinical tests, meet international standards, and have quality certificates.

In Russia, Mesoline Bodyfirm can be purchased in a number of online stores. Before purchasing, check the availability of all accompanying documents.

Mesotherapy Mesoline Bodyfirm 5 ml is prescribed for the treatment of:

  • Moderate and pronounced cellulite;
  • Flabbiness, dullness of the skin due to age-related changes or sudden weight loss;
  • Double chin;
  • Stagnation, heaviness in the lower extremities.

The drug is suitable for men and women; it is equally effective in the fight against edema and stage 2–4 cellulite.

Mesoline mesotherapy has standard contraindications for this procedure. It is not recommended to give injections to people under the age of 18, pregnant women, breastfeeding women, or during menstruation.

People suffering from cholelithiasis, blood clotting disorders, skin inflammation, and allergies must inform the cosmetologist about the diagnosis at the initial appointment. After collecting a complete medical history, the doctor will decide on the safety of using the drug.

With the correct administration technique and following the cosmetologist’s recommendations, adverse reactions are unlikely.

Patients leave positive reviews about Mesoline Bodyfirm. But if after the procedure you observe a decrease in the sensitivity of the treatment areas or other undesirable consequences, be sure to consult with your doctor.

To prepare the body for a mesotherapy session, as well as speed up further recovery, a month before visiting the clinic, stop taking antibiotics and blood thinning medications, do not go to the sauna or solarium for a week before the procedure, and eliminate alcohol, salty, and spicy foods the day before the procedure.

After examining and identifying problem areas, the doctor selects the course of treatment and dosage of the drug. All manipulations are performed on cleansed, disinfected skin. The cosmetologist applies local anesthesia, then begins to inject the product with a sterile syringe from the package. When all problem areas have already been treated, an antiseptic is applied, followed by a restorative mask.

The duration of the procedure is on average about an hour.

The manufacturer recommends the following protocol for administering the drug:

  • Technique injection by injection;
  • Injection depth: 4–6 mm (middle and deep layers of the dermis);
  • The distance between punctures is 1–1.5 cm;
  • Dosage: 5 ml for hypersensitivity and 20 ml for normal sensitivity to caffeine.

The intensive course of treatment consists of 5-6 sessions with a break of 7 days, maintenance - 1 procedure every month and a half. Treatment areas: inner arms, face, thighs, buttocks, stomach, legs.

After the first sessions of Mesoline mesotherapy, patients’ reviews note that the skin has become smoother, firmer, more elastic, the body has become toned, swelling has gone away, and volumes are gradually decreasing.

The advantages of Mesoline therapy are based on the following effects:

  • The drug works effectively with different problem areas;
  • Provides a noticeable reduction in “orange peel” even in advanced cases;
  • May be included in a complex of other cosmetic programs.

Negative aspects include discomfort during the procedure, possible redness and bruising.

The price of a session varies depending on the region and ranges from 2–5 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, grateful reviews of Mesoline Bodyfirm indicate that the procedure is in demand and effective.

Mesotherapy.My first experience.Mesoline TIGHT

Benefits of Mezoline

This drug is actively used in cosmetology practice all over the world. With the help of Mezoline, a double chin can be corrected without surgery; in addition, the drug can be used in other areas - in the cheeks, lower eyelids (these are areas where fat usually accumulates on the face). What distinguishes it from other products is its composition - it contains plant extracts, thanks to which not only fat is broken down in the injection area, but also cellular regeneration is stimulated. The skin becomes more elastic and elastic, microcirculation improves.

In addition, a significant plus is the high speed of action (visible results are achieved after just one procedure).

Correcting a double chin with lipolytics does not require special preparation, but it is important that there is no inflammation or damage to the skin in the injection area.

Advantages of injection cosmetology at the Istok Health Clinic

  • Modern technologies of injection therapy. A wide range of proven services provide effective assistance for any dermatological problems.
  • The best specialists. The Istok Health Clinic employs only certified doctors in the field of injection cosmetology with proper certification.
  • A special approach to each patient. Depending on the structure and characteristics of the body, the treatment plan and the necessary course of procedures are drawn up on an individual basis, taking into account all possible contraindications.

How is the procedure done?

At the first stage, the doctor assesses the volume of the problem and makes markings (indicates the areas where the lipolytic will be injected). The skin is pre-treated with an antiseptic composition and an anesthetic gel is applied. Then, using thin needles, the active substance is injected under the skin. Usually, double chin correction with lipolytics is well tolerated, but slight pain during injections may be present - this is normal.

What to expect after the procedure?

The drug begins to act immediately after administration, but visible results usually appear within a few days after administration. The split fat tissue is gradually removed from the body naturally, and the treated area becomes more toned and elastic. There is a decrease in the volume of tissue under the chin.

If you want to gain a clear, youthful oval face, but do not dare to undergo surgery, removing your double chin with lipolytic injections is the right decision. Experienced specialists at our clinic will select the most suitable lipolysis method for you, and will also recommend other methods, thanks to which you can achieve excellent results without resorting to expensive and traumatic plastic surgery.

Injection cosmetology procedures at the Istok Health Clinic

The Istok Health Clinic invites all patients who want to look healthy and beautiful at any age to injection cosmetology


The technique of rejuvenation and facial skin care is carried out using microinjections of natural preparations, vitamins and antioxidants. Useful “cocktails” for mesotherapy are selected depending on the skin type and type of problem.

  • The procedure does an excellent job of treating acne and post-acne.
  • After the injection, renewal processes are actively stimulated at the cellular level.


An injectable preparation for deep hydration and nutrition of tissues is based on hyaluronic acid. The treatment method is used to prevent age-related changes and improve the properties of the skin.

  • Biorevitalization perfectly solves the problem of dry and aging skin.
  • The procedure is suitable for increasing the protective properties of the skin on sunny days.


The process of rejuvenation of the deep layers of the skin occurs under the influence of plasma obtained from the patient’s blood. Plasma therapy in cosmetology is aimed at reducing the severity of wrinkles, superficial scars, swelling of facial contours and hyperpigmentation.

  • The main indication for the procedure is the presence of signs of aging.
  • Plasmolifting of the skin is carried out exclusively after diagnosing the body.

Botulinum therapy.

A popular and best way to treat dermatological and neurological diseases. The procedure is an injection of Botox-based drugs, which relaxes the muscles and thus smooths out wrinkles.

  • The effect of botulinum therapy is noticeable after the first procedure.
  • With long-term use of this technique, facial features are significantly softened and skin tension is eliminated.

Facial contouring (fillers).

The procedure is aimed at safe modeling and increasing volume in areas of the face with tissue deficiency. In just a few minutes, the contours of your appearance acquire beautiful and harmonious outlines.

  • The components used during the session additionally saturate the skin with moisture, making it firmer and more elastic.
  • The procedure goes well with other rejuvenating techniques and peelings.

Thread lifting.

Non-surgical facelift using special biothreads made of polylactic acid or polydioxanone has become a breakthrough in modern aesthetic cosmetology. Facial correction is based on their introduction under the skin to a depth of 5 mm.

  • Thread lifting is performed under local anesthesia, thereby eliminating discomfort and pain.
  • The main advantage of the procedure is the fast recovery period.

And also in our Clinic there is available such an effective injection procedure for changing body volumes as body contouring with lipolytics

You can obtain more detailed information about the services and main contraindications to the injection method of treatment at an appointment with a specialist.

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