The best cocktails for hair mesotherapy: description, composition and reviews of effectiveness

  • June 22, 2018
  • Care
  • Alexandra Kurakina

Beauty salons offer clients a variety of treatments. One of the most popular is mesotherapy. This method was developed in France. It is based on transdermal administration of various medicinal substances in minimal doses. Most often, the procedure is used to rejuvenate the skin. But lately, cocktails for hair mesotherapy have become increasingly popular.

Mesotherapy for hair

In the scalp, blood circulation occurs in a very narrow space. The distance between the tendon cap and the dermis does not exceed 4 mm. There are small blood vessels that feed the hair follicle.

Sometimes situations arise when this physiological process is disrupted. The blood supply to the hair follicle deteriorates. Or it turns off the power altogether. Hair becomes dull, becomes brittle and falls out.

Mesotherapy for hair can restore beauty. The composition of cocktails is selected by a cosmetologist in such a way as to solve a specific problem. Small doses of special substances are injected into the scalp. The procedure is carried out using very thin needles that penetrate just a few millimeters into the dermis. Thus, the medicinal substances end up at the follicle and deliver nutrients directly to it.

The procedure may cause discomfort. If a person has a low pain threshold, local anesthesia can be used. The punctures themselves are so small that bleeding is quite rare.

F hair fusion mesotherapy: comprehensive restoration of hair health

Fusion mesotherapy is a unique development of the Spanish biochemist and engineer Raphaël Duérinck. The product line, first introduced in 2007, quickly gained wide popularity in the world of cosmetology, with experts highly appreciating the effectiveness and efficiency of the technique.

The aesthetic medicine brand FUSION MESOTHERAPY has opened up new possibilities for treating hair and improving the condition of the scalp using mesotherapy methods. A special complex of useful ingredients allows you to perform both needle mesotherapy and hardware-based non-injection mesotherapy.

To achieve lasting positive results in case of seasonal hair loss, after illness or stress, a course of treatment with F hair fusion mesotherapy for at least 6 weeks. When treating androgenetic alopecia, achieving visible results will require a longer period - about six months.

Carrying out the procedure

Cocktails for hair mesotherapy can be administered by a cosmetologist in a clinic setting. It is almost impossible to do this on your own. For the procedure at home, the syringe can be replaced with a special device - a mesoscooter. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of its use is lower than that of injections.

On the day of the procedure, you should definitely wash your hair. It is recommended to stop taking any medications. If this is not possible, notify the cosmetologist and show him the instructions for the medicine. Before the procedure, a test for an allergic reaction is required.

The dermatologist chooses the drug administration regimen:

  1. Papular. The drug is administered along the hair growth line. Micropapules improve the deposition of medicinal substances.
  2. Nappage. For hair mesotherapy cocktails, superficial and medium introduction are used.

The number of necessary procedures can only be determined by a dermatologist. You shouldn’t hope for a miracle after two sessions. The first results will begin to appear only after the fourth procedure.

The cosmetologist must warn the patient that within two days after injections it is not recommended:

  • wash your hair;
  • visit the pool, beach or bathhouse;
  • eat fatty foods and alcohol.

Main stages of the process

Today, mesotherapy for hair is actively practiced. The drugs (reviews about them are described below) are selected strictly in accordance with the individual characteristics of the human body, however, there are rules that are common to all, the implementation of which completely determines the successful completion of the procedure. So, a week before the session it is necessary to use blood thinning substances. Among them are aspirin, ibuprofen, warfarin and others. You must go directly to the procedure with clean hair and, of course, with your own comb. To begin with, the specialist treats the scalp with a local anesthetic, followed by an antiseptic. As noted above, injections are carried out using a special gun that has an automatic operating principle. The doctor’s responsibilities include establishing the required puncture depth on this gun (usually 2-3 millimeters).

It is important to note that some salons also practice manual injection of the substance using a regular syringe with a thin needle. So, injections are given at a distance of 1.5 millimeters from each other. After the procedure, the specialist disinfects the skin with an alcohol-containing solution. After mesotherapy, it is not recommended to wet your hair for three days, and hair coloring is completely contraindicated.

Indications, contraindications and effect of the procedure

Mesotherapy is much more effective than traditional hair masks and serums. The result of using injections is noticeable after just a few procedures; in addition, it is more durable. Cocktails for hair mesotherapy go directly into the follicle, strengthening the hair from the inside.

Indications for mesotherapy:

  • different types of baldness;
  • thinning ends;
  • acceleration of growth;
  • prevention of hair loss;
  • treatment of seborrhea;
  • restoration of damaged structure;
  • itchy scalp.

Injections are not recommended during menstruation. Usually during this period sensitivity increases and the pain threshold decreases. Blood clotting worsens. In addition, the procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to the components of the drug;
  • lactation and pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • viral and infectious diseases.

User reviews about cocktails for hair mesotherapy indicate that these are truly effective products. The maximum effect of the procedure is visible three months after the injections and lasts for a long time. Hair becomes shiny and strong. Their color is more rich and deep. Hair loss stops and dandruff goes away.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to injection mesotherapy:

  • presence of neoplasms;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • taking medications that suppress blood clotting (anticoagulants);
  • inflammatory processes of the skin of a viral, bacterial or fungal nature;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the mesococktail;
  • menstruation.

Cocktail ingredients

The best cocktails for hair mesotherapy are complex mixtures of medicinal substances. All of them are created to solve specific problems. Medicines are divided into allopathic and homeopathic. The first type includes:

  • substances of animal origin;
  • synthesized drugs;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

Homeopathic medicines contain only natural substances. For example, ginkgo biloba, aloe or chamomile extract. In addition, cocktails are classified according to their composition:

  1. Single drugs. Consist of one active component.
  2. Ready-made complexes containing several different substances.
  3. Mixtures of monopreparations. Such cocktails are prepared by a cosmetologist personally for each patient, taking into account his problem.

The best salon preparations

Manufacturers offer many different products for hair mesotherapy. To choose the highest quality and most suitable drug, you need to consult a cosmetologist. The following products have proven themselves to be the best:

  1. F Hair is a vitamin cocktail for hair. This is one of the best remedies. Contains only active ingredients without chemical additives, including: organic silicon, folic acid, lysine, arginine, riboflavin, vitamin C, centella asiatica and ginkgo biloba extract, biotin, pantheon and many others. F Hair nourishes hair follicles, promotes growth, eliminates seborrhea and dandruff.
  2. Keractive. Revitalizes follicles, restoring active blood microcirculation. Contains B vitamins, sulfur, iron, silicon, hyaluronic acid, biotin and magnesium. Recommended for alopecia and to stimulate hair growth.
  3. Dermaheal HL. This is a popular cocktail for hair mesotherapy, which contains 56 active ingredients. Injections moisturize the scalp and the curl itself. The product contains various amino acids, minerals and vitamins.
  4. Meso Hair System. The drug can improve the condition of hair in the shortest possible time. It contains hyaluronic acid, peptides, coenzyme Q10 and a complex of various growth factors.
  5. Mesopecia. The drug is effective even for hereditary baldness. Provides oxygen to tissues and improves nutrition of the follicle. The composition includes dexpanthenol, biotin and B vitamins.
  6. Hairloss. A cocktail based on pyridoxine, zinc, biotin and azelaic acid. Able to awaken dormant hair follicles, strengthens the hair fiber.

The cost of one procedure, depending on the drug, can range from 1 to 5 thousand rubles. To achieve visible results, you must complete at least 8 sessions. You can significantly save your budget if you perform mesotherapy yourself, at home.

Answers on questions

Does mesotherapy help cope with hair loss?

Yes, it helps, thanks to improved blood supply and nutrition to the hair follicle. However, if the problem is systemic causes of hair loss (hormone levels, stress, pregnancy), comprehensive measures are important. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of the loss; the use of medications may be required.

Is mesotherapy suitable for gray hair?

Fits. There are special meso-cocktails that can improve the condition of gray hair and prevent further loss of color.

What are the indicators for the use of biotin in mesotherapy?

Biotin is indicated for the treatment of alopecia, hair loss, and seborrheic dermatitis. Regulates sebum production and lipid synthesis. Has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves hair condition.

Choosing a mesoscooter for home treatments

It is possible to strengthen hair without the help of a cosmetologist. For home procedures, you will need to purchase a special device - a mesoscooter. Its average price is ≈ 3 thousand rubles, and its service life is about six months. The roller can only be used by one person, but mesotherapy can be performed on different parts of the body.

For home procedures, it is recommended to give preference to a device with needles 0.3 mm long. If their length is greater, severe pain is possible. Separately, you should pay attention to the material from which the needles are made. Rollerballs with titanium studs will last longer than those with steel ones.

Home treatments take longer than salon treatments. Before starting mesotherapy, it is recommended to fill the roller with medical alcohol and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, wash your hair. Dry.

Treat the scalp with an antiseptic, such as chlorhexidine. Apply the prepared cocktail to the mesoscooter and begin the procedure. Massage from the forehead to the back of the head. The procedure should last at least 40 minutes.

The used rollerball must be soaked in alcohol again. Store in a special plastic container. After the first session, small wounds may form on the scalp. This is a normal reaction.


Mesotherapy is a procedure for introducing biologically active substances into the superficial or middle layers of the skin through microinjections. Often, a cosmetologist does them manually, inserting a thin syringe needle 3 mm under the skin. The distance between micropunctures is 1 cm. It is also possible to insert with a special tool resembling a pistol with a retractable needle, and a mesoscooter - a hand-held device with miniature thin needles.

The positive impact is based on:

  • Delivery of vitamins and microelements directly to the hair follicle. This allows you to activate hair growth and thicken its structure in cases where the body is deficient in the substances necessary for the division of follicle cells;
  • Irritation of the scalp with micropunctures. The body, reacting to them, activates metabolic processes in tissues and increases blood flow to the places where the needle is inserted;
  • Individual selection of components for a therapeutic cocktail. The cocktail contains microelements, vitamins, minerals, etc. that are suitable for your case;
  • Possibility of combining mesotherapy with other treatment methods, for example, physiotherapy.

Making your own cocktails

In salons, cocktails are selected by a cosmetologist. Often they are created individually, by mixing different products. At home, it is recommended to use ready-made complexes or single preparations. You should not mix it yourself, as this requires knowing the pharmacological and physiological compatibility of the substances.

You can prepare a cocktail for hair mesotherapy at home by mixing vitamins A, E, group B with burdock, castor or coconut oil. In addition, decoctions of burdock, nettle and chamomile have a good effect. Fish oil works great against baldness.

Cost of mesotherapy for the scalp

The average price for one procedure starts from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles, it all depends on the drug used and the cosmetologist’s prices. A full course of 10 - 12 procedures will cost you on average from 17,000 to 60,000 rubles.

Tags: injections

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Reviews about the procedure Mesotherapy for hair

  • Valentina | 2017-01-10 12:05:47 It is necessary not only to be treated externally and internally, to drink essential fatty acids omega 3 and 6 and B vitamins, and meso is already an additional method.
  • Yula |
    2016-07-14 14:02:32 I treated seborrhea first with scalp peelings, then with meotherapy. It helped a lot, the dandruff disappeared, and the hair began to grow normally.
  • Alice |
    2016-03-15 20:57:20 After the procedure, my hair began to shine, there was less frizz and it grew better, I took vitamin complexes and minerals. I’m very pleased, I’ll repeat the course in six months.
  • Dina |
    2014-09-02 15:31:20 Thank you for such a detailed description of the procedure) I didn’t dare to take drugs with hormones, I tried F-HAIR, excellent results and an effective procedure)

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"Dimexide" versus mesoscooter

It is not always possible to visit a cosmetologist or purchase a high-quality mesoscooter. But even in this case, you can stop baldness and improve hair quality. The medical drug Dimexide will help with this. You can buy it without a prescription.

Dimethyl sulfoxide is a drug with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is able to penetrate deep into tissues, transporting useful substances with it. Thanks to this, it can successfully replace the needles of a mesoscooter.

For the procedure you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • dimexide;
  • alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E);
  • pyridoxine;
  • 5 drops of lavender oil;
  • retinol acetate;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.

Mix all ingredients, except lemon juice and lavender oil, in equal proportions. For example, 15 ml of each product. The mixture must be applied to dry scalp immediately after preparation. Make a light massage, rubbing the product into the hair roots. Put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. Leave the mixture for 40 minutes. Then wash off.

Reviews about mesotherapy

Spanish manufacturers of cocktails for hair mesotherapy enjoy the trust of cosmetologists and their clients. Reviews confirm that F Hair, which is manufactured by Fusion Mesotherapy, always shows excellent results. Users write that after just five procedures, hair becomes smooth, stops falling out and dandruff completely disappears.

In reviews, users write that the procedure is almost painless. There are unpleasant sensations, but they can be tolerated. Men recommend the drug Hairloss against baldness. And girls like the Keractive cocktail. It not only revitalizes the follicles, but also nourishes the hair fiber.

In the reviews of girls who regularly undergo mesotherapy courses, you can read that their hair is transformed before their eyes. The curls look the same as those of the models in commercials. The hair scales close, making them even better reflect light and shine.

The best meso cocktails for the body

The buttocks, abdomen and thighs respond especially well to mesotherapy preparations. Also, such rejuvenating procedures can restore elasticity to the skin of the chest, neck, and upper limbs. Mesococktails are used to solve the following problems:

  1. striae, gynoid lipodystrophy;
  2. geriatric changes in the chest, neck, and hands;
  3. increased pigmentation of the skin;
  4. loose skin on the abdomen;
  5. "fat traps"

Such body mesotherapy products have very diverse compositions. This allows you to select the most necessary components to solve specific problems.

Mesoline Bodyfirm Action Cellulite

Popularity rating:* 4.9

In Luxembourg, the Mesoline brand produces the mesotherapy drug Bodyfirm Action Cellulite. This product contains: L-carnitine, caffeine, artichoke, Asian centella, butcher's broom, organic silicon. This drug is recommended for loss of skin elasticity after weight fluctuations, as well as for cellulite of any stage.

Bodyfirm Action Cellulite is sold in 5 ml amber glass bottles. The concentrate is used independently. Injections are carried out to a depth of 6-12 mm into the hypodermis, having previously formed a skin fold. As an initial course, it is recommended to carry out 1 procedure every 7-10 days. A total of 8 sessions are required. Then the maintenance course involves performing 1 mesotherapy procedure every 4-6 weeks.

Satisfied consumers note that after the first procedures, the correction area looks smoother and slimmer, and there is also a pronounced decrease in the “orange peel” effect. After a full course of mesotherapy with this drug, you can forget about flabby, atonic skin. Bodyfirm Action Cellulite eliminates swelling, restores elasticity and firmness of the skin.


  • effective, well thought out composition;
  • from the first procedures noticeably reduces the “orange peel” effect;
  • gives the skin elasticity and firmness;
  • relieves swelling.


  • a long course of therapy is required.

Dermaheal LL

Popularity rating:* 4.8

Korean manufacturer Caregen produces Dermaheal LL. This is an effective lipolytic. It contains a complex of biomimetic peptides, phosphatidylcholine (destroys fat deposits) and L-carnitine. This drug helps to change the structure of the cells that predominantly make up adipose tissue and reduces the volume of subcutaneous fat.

Dermaheal LL is sold in 5 ml clear glass bottles. The consistency of the drug resembles a pink suspension. For weak and moderate fat folds, choose a needle length of 13 mm, for pronounced fat folds - 25 mm. The solution is injected deep into the entire thickness of the fat fold into the subcutaneous fat. The treatment regimen should be selected by a cosmetologist. After opening, the drug can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.

Patients over 45 years old highly praise Dermaheal LL in their reviews. They note that minimal physical activity in combination with a set of injections of this lipolytic can significantly reduce fat deposits in the abdominal area. This cocktail, rich in lipolytic, has a pronounced lifting effect. The drug increases skin elasticity and tightens soft tissues by increasing the synthesis of collagen and elastin.


  • unique, effective composition;
  • effectively eliminates fat deposits from the abdomen, buttocks, inner surfaces of the arms and thighs;
  • increases turgor, eliminates sagging and sagging skin;
  • Once opened, the bottle can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.


  • cost of the full course.

Mesotech Biolisi

Popularity rating:* 4.7

The Italian manufacturer Mesotech produces the mesotherapy drug Biolisi. Its main active ingredients: phosphatidylcholine, deoxycholic acid, L-carnitine. The combination of such components promotes dynamic weight loss and the elimination of lipodystrophy. The drug significantly improves the condition of the skin: moisturizes, improves tone, evens out the relief.

Mesotech Biolisi is an injection solution, packaged in dark glass ampoules (5 ml). There are 10 pieces in a cardboard box. The doctor individually selects the dosage for 1 procedure, but usually it does not exceed 5-10 ml. Injection after injection is made into the pancreas to a depth of 13 mm at an angle of 90⁰. The distance between injections is 2 cm. One session is performed every 3-4 weeks. The maximum number of procedures is 5-6.

From the reviews it follows that Mesotech Biolisi is quite effective in reducing the amount of fat deposits. After mesotherapy with this drug, the condition of the skin significantly improves. They become moisturized, elastic, and toned. It also perfectly evens out the skin texture. This drug has also proven itself well in eliminating a double chin and correcting facial contours.


  • not overloaded, working train;
  • promotes dynamic weight loss;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • eliminates double chin;
  • tones and moisturizes the skin.


  • After opening, ampoules cannot be stored.

Anticellulite Cocktail Toskani Cosmetics

Popularity rating:* 4.7

The Spanish brand Toskani Cosmetics has developed a drug for mesotherapy of the body and face - Anticellulite Cocktail. This cocktail contains: caffeine, artichoke, horsetail, sodium deoxycholate, phosphatidylcholine. It is used in complex therapy for weight and figure correction. This drug helps get rid of edematous cellulite and local fat deposits.

Anticellulite Cocktail is sold in dark glass bottles of 10 ml. Depending on the thickness of the fat fold, the appropriate needle for mesotherapy is selected. During the first month, the cocktail is administered every week. Then they switch to injections every 14 days. After another 1 month, they switch to administering the drug once every 30-60 days for six months.

Many women consider this anti-cellulite mesotherapy quite painful, but they are willing to endure for the sake of the final result. And although it develops gradually, it does not keep itself waiting long. This Spanish drug perfectly shapes the silhouette, reduces local fat deposits and has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect.


  • the composition is aimed at burning fat and fighting cellulite;
  • perfectly corrects body contours;
  • makes the skin firm and elastic;
  • relieves swelling, eliminates lymph stagnation.


  • painful injections.
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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