Cocktails for mesotherapy: how to choose the right youth serum?

Purpose of application

Mesococktails can be used not only on the face, but also throughout the body, including the head, which significantly increases the range of problem solutions.

With the help of a specially selected composition, it is possible to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals and nourish the skin with useful components at the cellular level.

Mesotherapy is indicated in the following cases:

  • active hair loss or complete baldness;
  • stretch marks, scars, scars;
  • cellulite;
  • symptoms of “smoker's skin”;
  • general unsatisfactory skin condition (excessive oily/dry skin);
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • regenerative function disorders;
  • lymphostasis;
  • predisposition to edema;
  • dry hair and weakness of hair follicles;
  • presence of freckles;
  • acne, blackheads, acne;
  • post-acne;
  • fat deposits;
  • skin flap stretching;
  • unhealthy complexion;
  • wrinkles;
  • noticeable on the surface of the vascular network.

Compositions of drugs

For the procedure, ready-made drugs can be used, or their composition can be selected by a specialist.

The mechanism of action is based on the pharmacological properties of serums and the response of connective tissue to their administration.

The achieved result depends on individual characteristics, including age. The younger the patient, the fewer sessions are needed to solve problems.

Cocktails may contain the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid (acts as a powerful “humidifier”, promotes rejuvenation due to the accelerated synthesis of collagen fibers and elastin);
  • pyruvic or glycolic acids (restore the natural turgor and elasticity of the dermis);
  • minerals, in particular - zinc, chlorine, magnesium (improves fat metabolism, the action is aimed at improving the absorption of vitamins);
  • vitamins of groups A, C, B, E, biotin (used to improve metabolism at the cellular level);
  • collagen and elastin in their pure form (responsible for rejuvenation);
  • extracts of medicinal plants;
  • peptides;
  • components of the placenta (participate in restoration).

Payment options:

to a current account; through Yandex cash desk; in the office in cash. Prepayment is required (seats in the group are reserved only by prepayment); prepayment can be made while there are seats available. Prepayment from 3000 rubles.

Tuition discount options:

15% discount on the course upon provision of documents confirming completion of a similar course with a similar program, previously in another educational institution (certificate or diploma),

A 15% discount on the course under the “Bring a Friend” promotion is valid for a one-time registration and prepayment for the training of two cosmetologists, the discount is given to everyone.

30% discount on re-taking a course previously taken at GSMC “MEDERi”.

Cumulative discount system:

A 5% discount is given for completing the second course,

A 10% discount is given for completing the third course,

A 15% discount is given for completing the fourth and subsequent courses.

System of discounts and package offers 2022

Cocktails for mesotherapy

Lipolytic. Indicated to solve problems associated with excess weight.

One of the popular products is LipoStop New Formula, which perfectly fights local fat deposits and signs of cellulite. It contains caffeine, organic silicon, phosphatidylcholine, L-carnitine, melilot, rutin.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components and hypertension.

Lymphatic drainage. Recommended for those with a predisposition to edema.

F-Magistral (made in Spain) and F-Melirutin are in particular demand. The drugs perfectly drain tissue, accelerate metabolism, protect veins, and eliminate swelling. They have a wider range of contraindications - they are prohibited for use in cases of kidney pathology.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The products contain silicon ions, the action of which is aimed at breaking down fats and stimulating the growth of connective tissue, which includes collagen.

Trunk. Indicated to accelerate blood circulation, stimulate the removal of excess fluid and toxic substances from the body. The best drugs are considered to be Silikin, Gibilan, Arnica.

Anti-cellulite. Some of the most popular. Presented in almost every brand of meso cocktails. MesoLine Bodyfirm and F-XBC are considered the leaders.

Repairing hair. At the top of the rating are Dermahil HL and MESO HAIR SYSTEM. Used to accelerate growth and give hair thickness.

Preparations for the treatment of alopecia. An excellent product, according to cosmetologists, is Mesodermal made in the USA.

The cocktail not only solves the problem of baldness, but also helps to cope with the cause of its occurrence. If the product is formulated individually by a specialist, vitamins and silicon are taken as the basis.

Anti-aging. The leaders in this direction are such lifting cocktails as Beauty Pharma Lift, Mesoline Tite and Melsmon. The latter is compiled by a cosmetologist and is one of the rather expensive serums.

The effectiveness of the drugs is due to the DMAE contained in them; some are supplemented with oligoelements and a vitamin complex.

They help eliminate skin sagging, have a trophic and lifting effect, provide powerful hydration, and participate in the stimulation of internal processes.

Diuretics. Intended for the category of people with a predisposition to edema. Additionally, they minimize circles and bags in the periorbital area and give clarity to the contours of the face.

MESOESTETIC Hydrotaurin and MESOESTETIC Centella Asiatica are in demand. They have a drainage and choleretic effect.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

MESOESTETIC Hydrotaurin contains hydrotaurine, a salt of tauric acid, which serves as a “building material” for cell membranes, including blood and lymphatic vessels. This explains the anti-edematous effect.

Antioxidant. The best cocktails are made in France, Italy, and Spain. These include Filorga, Mezolab, Mesoderm, Dermahil, Juvederm.

The main component in most cases is hyaluronic acid.

Reviews (190)

Everything is very disgusting, it feels like they opened only to “mow” money, the procedures are so-so, they don’t help at all. The contract was concluded for two people with my husband, they ripped off a lot of money, the contract says that the treatment will last for 8 months, we completed it in two, and for the rest of the time no one remembered us, although the same contract says that they will invite us once a month. But on the first day, when you arrive, they “lick” you from head to toe, ugh, disgusting, are there really no decent doctors left?

Thanks for the lesson taught! Never set foot in any clinic again! Nothing bothered me, I feel quite healthy, and lead a very physically active life. I went out of curiosity: they really persuaded me over the phone. But the doctors, of course, found something to treat. Money - only for travel, I flatly refused the loan - I live on a meager pension, they persuaded me to pay in installments. I still bite my elbows, “the toad is choking” so much that you can really get sick: for each visit 5 thousand, and for the last one - 13,500 rubles. For what? I blame only myself - I lived to see gray hair, but didn’t learn to refuse, and the manager Maria, who led me through the offices. You can't push services so aggressively. Petrova O. Ya. Agreement***.

I recently made an appointment for an MRI of the spinal cord. I arrived, and I was immediately surrounded by caring and even kind doctors. They brought me one, then another, then two at once. They told me treatment for 230,000 thousand, I refused and they offered me only now and only for me the treatment will cost 120,000. But I must sign immediately and without hesitation. Treatment was prescribed, but an MRI was not done, I poked my fingers and came up with a verdict that the spine needed to be stretched. People, be careful not to fall for the scam.

Good afternoon My wife was treated at this center for back pain. The staff is polite, trained, the equipment allows you to perform good procedures. The cost of services is definitely overpriced. You need to be careful about this! But in the end it is everyone's choice. But the most important thing! The treatment is over. Money (and a lot of it) was invested in treatment, but the result is zero! Although no, complete zero! According to the agreement, no one should be responsible for the result (also read carefully!). In a crisis situation, all the doctors and administrators around you immediately disappear (and some stop noticing you). A pleasant exception was Mohsen Sherif Ali. Procedures are prescribed from the simplest. Their effect is insignificant. Principle: the treatment will end, but the pain will remain. This means the client will be forced to invest and continue treatment. Before contacting this center, read the comments and be careful! But if you really want to solve a health problem, think before you come here! There are always alternatives. Now the wife is being treated in a state hospital and more successfully. With all the negativity, thanks to gynecologist M.S. Kholmuratova and phlebologist Mohsen Sherif Ali. The Hippocratic Oath had a stronger effect on them than money.

I made an appointment with cosmetologist Victoria Sergeevna Sagizova. I had to wait several days to get an appointment. We talked to her about the condition of the skin on my face. Victoria Sergeevna advised phonophoresis. She said that it is effective because it delivers medications 6 cm deep into the skin + they also selected a drug suitable for my skin. The procedure is inexpensive: 2500. But I saw the result immediately after the procedure. Very similar to a real lift. I will carry out this procedure again, as I really liked the result. Special thanks to Victoria Sergeevna for the quality selection of treatment.

Medical center No. 1 of the city of Nizhny Novgorod is equipped with high-quality equipment from imported manufacturers. Recruited by highly qualified specialists. Medical center No. 1 uses advanced diagnostic and treatment methods.

To the medical center No. 1 there is bus No. 45, 90, 4, 19, 52, 58, 40, minibus No. t85, t98, t40, t45, t90, t97, t60, t69, t2, t24, t31. Get off at the “Water Academy” stop.

How to use

Standard mesotherapy

It is a series of injections through which the drug enters the epidermis and reacts with skin cells.
Injections are carried out in the upper layers and are characterized by low rates of trauma.

After the session, side effects appear. Acceptable ones include mild swelling, redness and, in some cases, local hematomas at the puncture sites.

Non-injection mesotherapy

Alternative method . The result is achieved by using a special device - electromagnetic, laser or oxygen. In the latter option, the “respiration” of cells is additionally improved.

The procedure does not require a rehabilitation period due to the absence of complications associated with mechanical damage.

If you have the problem of bumpy skin texture, fractional mesotherapy is an excellent way to eliminate it. The essence lies in the hardware impact on the surface at high speed, due to which about 900 punctures are made per minute and there is practically no pain.

As a result, healthy active cells begin to migrate to the damaged area, thereby starting internal processes.

Recommendations for further care

There are not many prohibitions and rules, but they must be strictly observed to avoid consequences:

  • do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, solarium, massage and various types of hardware procedures for a week;
  • do not epilate;
  • do not use cosmetics during the first 24 hours;
  • do not overcool and, conversely, do not overheat;
  • exclude physical activity;
  • do not take anticoagulants;
  • treat possible hematomas with Arnica or Traumeel S ointment.

By following these rules, you will noticeably feel the difference before and after mesotherapy sessions.

Can I use it at home?

If you decide to carry out mesotherapy at home, then all responsibility for the result falls on your shoulders.
The risk may be associated with either an incorrectly performed procedure or an inappropriate cocktail.

Without certain knowledge and skills, making injections is strictly prohibited. The only acceptable method of correction is the use of a special mesoscooter. When choosing a serum, preference should be given to mono products with a minimum set of components.

User reviews

Let's turn to the reviews of those people who have already used this procedure.

Lyudmila: “...mesotherapy and a number of other methods helped avoid surgery to remove a spinal hernia”

Dr. Stupin: “In principle, it is difficult to find arguments against mesotherapy.” But during back mesotherapy, cocktails with diclofenac relieve pain, but homeopathic ones do not.”

Svetlana: “injections in the back are a vascular stage that is used to increase the effectiveness of mesotherapy.”

Lilya, 34 years old: “Anti-stress therapy helps me a lot. There is a feeling of lightness and general improvement in the body.”

Olya, 31 years old: “As a cosmetologist, I would like to note that the vascular stage is very important when performing mesotherapy.”


  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Critical days;
  • Age up to 18 years;
  • Allergic predisposition;
  • Acute stage of chronic diseases;
  • Pathologies of internal organs;
  • Autoimmune problems;
  • Ringworm;
  • Hemophilia;
  • Oncology;
  • Nephropathy;
  • Viral, infectious, respiratory diseases;
  • Tendency to form keloid scars;
  • Herpes;
  • Hypertension;
  • Warts, moles, papillomas at the site of supposed punctures.

Possible consequences

If contraindications are ignored, after-care is incorrect, or due to incorrect work by a specialist, a number of undesirable consequences may occur:

  • formation of granulomas/"nodules" at puncture sites;
  • soreness;
  • lack of result;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • itching/burning;
  • hematomas;
  • pigmentation;
  • soft tissue necrosis;
  • fibrosis;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • infection;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • lymphadenopathy;
  • asymmetry of facial features.

Photos before and after

Opinion of cosmetologists

Among cosmetologists, mesotherapy evokes extremely positive emotions, but professionals debate a lot about the optimal method of performing the procedure.

A plastic surgeon speaks of mesotherapy as an excellent way to combat baldness:

The doctor says that even the most expensive creams cannot achieve the effect achieved during the procedure:

A rather succinct comment from a specialist regarding the fact that only a highly qualified specialist with extensive work experience should carry out the invasion:


Ivanov Alexander Igorevich, cosmetologist, chief physician of the Higher School of Medical and Medical Complex “MEDERi”, Mesopharm expert trainer, certified trainer of the school of Lee Hin Chol, one of the founders of the use of mesothreads in cosmetology.

Field of activity:

  • Mesotherapy, medical cosmetology, rehabilitation of patients after complications in cosmetic procedures, thread lifting, embending, all types of lifting and reinforcing threads, botulinum toxins, contour plastic surgery, trichology, acne, hardware cosmetology, superficial and median chemical peels, the use of oriental techniques in aesthetic medicine, integral cosmetology, preparation and rehabilitation after plastic surgery, etc.
  • Developer of a number of new techniques in practical mesotherapy.
  • Author of the method of gentle lymphatic drainage massage.
  • Author of methods for working with subcutaneous fat.
  • Author of techniques aimed at treating severe edematous conditions in cosmetology.


  • 2000 – 2006 St. Petersburg Pediatric Medical Academy, specialty “Pediatrics”
  • 2012 – 2013 Internship in dermatovenerology at the St. Petersburg Pediatric Medical Academy
  • 2013 – 2014 St. Petersburg Pediatric Medical Academy, specialty “Cosmetology”
( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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