Shock wave therapy. Old method - new possibilities

UVT will solve this problem, as well as:
  • will improve body proportions by destroying local fat deposits;
  • eliminates sagging skin, makes it denser, smoother and more elastic;
  • reduce stretch marks and scars;
  • relieves tension and inflammation in tissues;
  • will speed up metabolism, which will have a positive effect on the general condition of your body.

Treatment with shock wave therapy at the PRAGA clinic is carried out using the X-WAVE device manufactured by BTL (Britain), which allows you to generate acoustic waves of different frequencies and powers. An individual treatment protocol is selected for each patient, taking into account the stage of cellulite development. After a painless procedure, which feels similar to an ultrasound, no traces are left on the body.

Why cellulite cannot be “triggered”

Cellulite is a very insidious disease of subcutaneous fat tissue, which in the first stage of development does not make itself felt. It begins with a slowdown in blood and lymph flow.

Receiving insufficient oxygen, nutrients, microelements and vitamins from the blood, cells lose vitality and the ability to renew themselves in a timely manner. Due to the attenuation of regeneration processes, the body's energy costs are reduced. As a result, fat cells (adipocytes) begin to accumulate more fat and their number increases.

Stagnation of lymph leads to thickening of the intercellular fluid, the accumulation of toxins and wastes in it. The tissues become swollen. This leads to a narrowing of the lumens of blood vessels, and metabolism slows down even more. The walls of the “honeycomb” of connective tissue, in which groups of adipocytes are located, lose their elasticity and become denser. Cells that continue to accumulate fat have little space within the rigid boundaries, and they “bulge” into the dermis. This is how the skin becomes lumpy.

With an increase in the number and size of fibrous nodes, nerve endings are pinched and the beds of blood and lymphatic vessels are increasingly compressed. In very advanced cases, this can cause severe pain at the slightest touch to the body and even blood poisoning due to tissue necrosis.

Stages of cellulite development

In cosmetology, two scales are used to determine the stage of lipodystrophy - 4- and 8-step, but in the vast majority of cases a 4-step scale is used:

  • The first stage manifests itself in slight swelling of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is why this stage is called “soft” cellulite - when a skin area of ​​5–10 centimeters is captured and slight compression is detected, a lumpy texture is revealed;
  • The second stage is marked by the compaction of collagen fibers in the reticular tissues, which leads to a loss of elasticity of the skin - when pressing on the affected areas of the skin, fingerprints and dents remain;
  • The third stage is accompanied by the formation of nodules from adipocytes, which allows you to see cellulite without any manipulation - the orange peel effect, this stage is also called liposclerosis, “hard” or fibrous cellulite;
  • The fourth stage is characterized by the progression of previous symptoms and the appearance of pain when pressing on areas of the skin with lipodystrophy.

How does shock wave therapy work on cellulite?

The principle of treatment of cellulite with UVT is based on the fact that acoustic waves set in motion fluid environments inside cells and in the intercellular space. Due to vibrations of water molecules and their friction against each other, the temperature in the tissues increases. Blood and lymph become more fluid, the lumens of blood vessels expand.

By alternately contracting and relaxing with each pulse of the device, muscle fibers significantly accelerate microcirculation. Thanks to this, deslagging and detoxification of the intercellular fluid occurs, tissue cells receive more substances necessary for life and begin to renew themselves more actively, fibroblasts intensively synthesize young elastin and collagen fibers. These processes require a lot of energy - the body receives it by breaking down fat.

In addition, under the influence of acoustic shocks, mechanical loosening of the fibrous partitions between the fat lobules occurs, and adipocytes overflowing with fat burst. Their contents, along with the remnants of the membranes, are carried away by the lymph. Therefore, with each session of shock wave therapy, the roughness of the skin becomes less pronounced and its elasticity is restored, and the volume of problem areas decreases.

Shock wave therapy for cellulite is performed on an outpatient basis. It does not require any special training or restrictions on physical activity. After the procedures, the body feels pleasantly light, performance increases, and sleep becomes more sound. In hypertensive patients, blood pressure decreases.

Sessions lasting from 15 to 30 minutes are carried out 1-2 times a week. Their number depends on the stage of cellulite and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Reasons for the development of cellulite

Based on the mechanism of development of gynoid lipodystrophy, several factors can be identified that are the causes of this phenomenon:

  • Hormonal changes in the body
  • Female
  • Age factor
  • Hereditary factor
  • Excess weight due to poor nutrition
  • Abuse of diets for weight loss, improper fasting, laxatives and diuretics
  • Physical inactivity or limited mobility
  • Prolonged and/or pronounced stressful situations
  • Ethnic predisposition

It should be noted that if the level of hormones in the blood is normal, excess weight and disturbances in the diet and composition of the diet are not detected, then the manifestation of cellulite is not usually called a disease, but only a certain condition characteristic of a person due to the individual characteristics of the body.

What determines the price of shock wave therapy?

Prices for shock wave therapy depend on the following factors:

  • area of ​​the problem area;
  • the number of sessions required to obtain the desired result;
  • number of body areas treated in one procedure;
  • the apparatus used;
  • doctor's qualifications;
  • prestige of a cosmetology clinic or beauty salon.

The cost of shock wave therapy for cellulite at the PRAGA clinic is very affordable. In addition, you can save significantly if you simultaneously treat three anatomical zones or buy a subscription for 6 or 10 procedures.

How it works

The principle of treatment is the short-term and targeted impact of sound waves on tissue, causing a cavitation effect - the formation and collapse of microcavities.

This is how acoustic waves destroy the membranes of fat cells, as a result of which subcutaneous fat breaks down and becomes plastic. Fat can remain in a “melted” state for about 10 days, during which it is gradually eliminated from the body.

The procedure itself is reminiscent of an ultrasound examination: the patient lies on a couch, and the healthcare worker slowly guides the resonator head over the problem area of ​​the body. For best glide, the instrument is lubricated with gel; if necessary, the attachments are changed to adjust the depth of penetration of sound waves into the tissue. The total duration of the procedure usually does not exceed half an hour.

It should be noted that after the procedure you may experience:

  • slight swelling;
  • slight redness of the skin at the affected area;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages.

All these phenomena are temporary and disappear after a few hours. Doctors also warn that due to increased lipid removal, the load on the kidneys and liver increases. Therefore, it is recommended to drink enough clean water and follow a gentle diet.

About contraindications to UVT

Shock wave therapy is the most gentle method of treating cellulite. But still, not everyone can do it. Contraindications to its implementation are:

  • pregnancy;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • chronic diseases during periods of exacerbation;
  • increased fragility of vessel walls;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • oncology.

In our clinic, UVT is prescribed only after a thorough examination of patients. The procedures are performed by certified specialists. This is a guarantee of high efficiency and safety of cellulite treatment.

Mechanism of action of UVT

For more than twenty years, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy has been successfully used in the treatment of urolithiasis. Just as shock wave energy causes the destruction of kidney stones, exposure to damaged tissue accelerates reparative processes, causing revascularization and triggering other regeneration mechanisms.

There are several theories about the mechanism of the analgesic effect of shock wave in the treatment of chronic pain syndromes:

  • changes in biochemistry in tissues with an increase in the production of substances that inhibit pain mediators;
  • destruction of cell membranes of pain receptor cells that generate pain impulses;
  • stimulation of pain receptors, which causes the production of high-frequency impulses. The retrocession of these pain impulses, which is entirely dependent on external stimulation, is thus inhibited (according to the "gate control" theory);
  • stimulation of the release of endorphins, which in turn lead to a decrease in sensitivity to pain in tissues.

All these theories currently need confirmation in clinical studies. To date, these theories have not yet been confirmed. Perhaps a symbiosis of pathogenesis mechanisms actually occurs. However, up to 80% of the effectiveness of using a shock wave is noted.

Effects of UVT on fabric:

  • Increased metabolism in target tissues
  • Destruction of calcium deposits and further resorption (around the inside of the tendons)
  • Reducing the activity of inflammatory processes
  • Reducing pain
  • Increased fabric strength

The ability of cells to regenerate after exposure to a shock sound wave depends on the power of the generated wave and the degree of its absorption by tissues.
When the wave energy is sufficiently high, tissue cell nuclei are destroyed. In osteotherapy, in order to achieve an osteoneogenetic effect, the shock wave must be powerful enough to affect bone structures. In our Center, treatment is carried out using the Swiss DolorClast device, which generates a shock wave using a pneumatic method, propagating in the patient’s body to a depth of 35 mm.

How long does treatment last?

The duration of the course and the time for the onset of results depends entirely on the stage and severity of cellulite. Treatment of the first two stages usually consists of 3-4 procedures; advanced forms may require from 6 to 10 sessions.

The visible effect is most often noticeable almost immediately: it develops gradually and intensifies after each subsequent session. To help preserve it for a long time:

  • balanced diet;
  • dosed and regular physical activity;
  • preventive courses of shock wave therapy carried out after the main treatment;
  • additional procedures - for example, thermoactive and mud wraps.

You can undergo UVT procedures in our medical center. Specialists will conduct a preliminary examination and prescribe the optimal course of therapy, taking into account possible contraindications.

Submit your application

Price: 1,300 rubles (price is indicated for 1 zone in a complex of 5-8 zones)

Many women, looking in the mirror, wonder where the ill-fated cellulite comes from? It turns out that its unpleasant external manifestations are a consequence of invisible, but at the same time insidious processes in the subcutaneous fat, the causes of which are the hormonal characteristics of the female body, coupled with an incorrect lifestyle. Locked inside dense fibrous-scar walls, fat cells swell and stick together into clusters, appearing on the skin as tell-tale bumps and depressions. According to experts, manual and hardware massage, and even more so home methods, are not able to break up pathological formations.

Shock wave therapy using the Z Wave device is a technique that allows you to reliably get rid of even advanced cellulite in a matter of days and absolutely painlessly. This technology has become a real hit in American clinics, which is not surprising - it helps get rid of the “orange peel” in just a few weeks! The results of the studies have shown that the use of shock waves is one of the most effective and safest ways to combat cellulite.


The value of this technique lies in the fact that therapy using the Z-Wave device not only eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of cellulite in the form of “orange peel”, but also treats the very cause of its occurrence. The result of treatment is a significant improvement in appearance and a reduction in the “orange peel” effect. Due to the formation of collagen and new microvessels, the skin becomes elastic and tightened, volumes in problem areas disappear. When treating cellulite, it is recommended to carry out two UVT procedures per week with a break of at least three days between sessions. Complete elimination of grade 1-2 cellulite is usually observed after 6-8 procedures; in the case of late stages of cellulite, 10-15 procedures will be required.

Practical experience confirms that the result after a course of procedures lasts as long as you can maintain the lifestyle recommended by your doctor. In cases where difficulties arise with this, the doctor will prescribe a maintenance procedure once every three months as a preventative measure.

Ultrasound treatment of cellulite: main advantages

Treatment of cellulite with a device allows you to get a number of positive effects, namely:

  • High efficiency of the method for all forms of “orange peel”;
  • No pain and complete safety for the human body;
  • Obtaining a prolonged result (up to 1 year);
  • No swelling or injury after the procedure;
  • There is no need to comply with any rehabilitation rules;
  • The possibility of combined exposure to radio and acoustic waves, which significantly increases the success of the procedure.

Cellulite treatment: additional information

Frequently asked questions from our patients. How many procedures are needed to completely cure cellulite? The exact number of procedures can only be determined individually, depending on the degree of development of the disease. Typically, in order to completely get rid of this cosmetic defect, 4 to 8 procedures are necessary. Is cellulite dangerous for health? In general, minor malnutrition of subcutaneous fat is a dystrophic deviation, in itself is not dangerous to health and is only a cosmetic drawback. Is it possible to treat cellulite at home? Restoring the nutrition of subcutaneous fat tissue in case of cellulite is a labor-intensive procedure, almost impossible to do at home. At home, it is advisable to carry out only prevention, which may include the following: 1 Balanced diet. Don't eat more than your body needs, avoid all forms of saturated fat, try to eat more fruits, vegetables rich in vitamins A, C and D. 2. Submit to regular lymphatic drainage Cellulite can be significantly prevented by regular lymphatic drainage, using special massagers, which will also help reduce possible lymphatic swelling. 3. Move more, do physical exercises, avoid sitting or lying down for long periods of time. Physical exercise improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism, and burns fat. 4. Choose comfortable underwear. Avoid constantly wearing clothes that are too tight on your body and thereby interfere with normal blood circulation. 5. Keep your skin clean. Exfoliation of dead skin cells - promotes activation of blood circulation and lymph.

How is physiotherapy performed for prostatitis?

The procedure depends on the prescribed method. Most devices with sensors work on the surface of a man’s body - they are installed in the areas of large main vessels, on the projection of the prostate. Some devices may require anal insertion, but the sensors are not traumatic and cause minimal discomfort.

Clinic specialists Dr. AkNer has been successfully treating acute and chronic prostatitis in men for over 40 years. Doctors of the highest category will help you correctly diagnose the condition and prescribe the most gentle and effective treatment regimens. The Center for Urology, Gynecology and Reproductology in Moscow guarantees anonymity and comfort of treatment!

Urologist, andrologist Akopyan Nerses Grigorievich.

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Treatment of cellulite in our clinic

Treatment of cellulite in our clinic is not limited to shock wave therapy procedures.

To enhance and stabilize the anti-cellulite effect, shock wave therapy treatment in our clinic is carried out followed by general magnetic therapy or myostimulation procedures. Shock wave therapy and myostimulation procedures are carried out using a Zimmer device (Germany), magnetic therapy on an EOL magnetoturbotron. Under the influence of a magnetic field, the polarization of cellular structures is normalized and, as a result, cellular metabolism is improved, lymphatic drainage is increased, and swelling is reduced. At the tissue level, the process of angiogenesis (the appearance of new vessels) and revascularization improves (improved blood supply to tissues stimulates lymph flow, the processes of lipolysis (fat breakdown) are enhanced due to increased circulation of lymph and blood, increased blood supply to tissues, a decrease in the volume of fat deposits, increased collagen production and increased tissue turgor.

An excellent combination: Shock wave therapy + Celldefine anti-cellulite gel significantly improves the treatment result and increases the duration of the effect.

In clinical trials of Celldefine gel, 80 women with varying degrees of cellulite took part. The use of this product reduced the appearance of orange peel by an average of 22%, and effectiveness was monitored using ultrasound. Moreover, the thigh circumference usually decreased by 7 mm.

Advantages :

  • A significant reduction in orange peel has been proven by ultrasound.
  • Provides superior fat reduction in the dermis, where the deepest accumulations of fat cells are typically found.
  • Provides a pleasant cool feeling due to the menthol content.

Other cosmetic procedures at our clinic:

Laser hair removal Laser biorevitalization Photorejuvenation

Treatment of cellulite: Result and advantages of the complex method As a result of complex treatment of cellulite, the elasticity of the connective tissue is restored, the skin is smoother and more elastic. The surface layer of the skin (epidermis) becomes thicker and more elastic, with a significant improvement in the structure of the connective tissue, the external manifestations of cellulite (“orange peel”) disappear to a large extent. Depending on the stage of the disease, visible improvement occurs after 3-4 sessions with treatment of 1- 2 stages, after 6-10 sessions when treating stages 3-4. The effectiveness of the method has been proven by ultrasound examinations (echography of the upper and lower layers of the dermis), blood serum tests assessing the level of fat metabolism, and the DermaLab technique using the elasticity module.

The main advantages of our method:

  • Safety of the method.
  • The skin regains lost elasticity without... surgical intervention.
  • The necessary blood circulation and lymph flow are restored.
  • Absence of sagging skin, seams, swelling, redness.
  • There is no need to interrupt your active lifestyle.
  • Treatment of cellulite using our method does not require a rehabilitation period.
  • The effect lasts up to a year.
  • There are no contraindications to tanning immediately after the procedure.

In the popular scientific literature you can find various methods of treating cellulite: from folk to operative - surgical - liposuction. In the sections of the website innovations , magnetic therapy, shock wave therapy, you can find out what non-medicinal, conservative methods are used to treat cellulite in our clinic.

Want to know more about cellulite treatment?
To search for materials in the Site Search , use the terms: how to get rid of cellulite, fight against cellulite, how to remove cellulite, cellulite on the legs, cellulite on the buttocks, Bibirevo, Altufyevo, Otradnoe, Timiryazevskaya, Medvedkovo, Babushkinskaya, Moscow, Khimki, Dolgoprudny, Mytishchi.

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According to doctors, from 80 to 95% of all women sooner or later experience the appearance of cellulite or orange peel. As summer approaches, many women are returning to the fight against subcutaneous fat deposits and loss of connective tissue elasticity. A new method of acoustic wave (shock wave) therapy gives hope to everyone.

While most anti-cellulite treatments work based on heat/heat/friction, the effects of UVT are based on intense impacts of ultrasonic waves. Due to the lack of heat when using high energy, fat cells are broken down without the risk of swelling or burns. The absence of a rehabilitation period, painlessness, and long-term effect have made this method very popular in the world. This new technology allows achieving unprecedented results in a relatively short time.

The skin becomes smooth, no rehabilitation is required, and there are no restrictions when undergoing procedures in the summer. As a result of these processes, the volume of fat deposits decreases and muscle elasticity improves. At the same time, fibroblasts are stimulated to increase collagen production, which helps to increase tissue turgor.

The results are so impressive that this new technology is widely discussed in the foreign press, of course this is also due to the fact that Madonna purchased the Duolith device for her home.

During a therapy session on the Duolith device, powerful acoustic impulses spread, penetrating to a depth of up to 7 cm into the body tissues without damaging the tissues, and accelerate metabolism. Procedures using the Duolith device correct the contour and shape of the body by affecting excess fat layers, lipomas and local fat deposits, generally improving the elasticity of the skin and increasing its firmness. The procedure makes fat formations softer, separates them from other tissues and makes it possible to remove them from the body through the lymphatic vessels. The contents of the fat cell become liquid. It easily penetrates the membrane and is easily removed, the most physiological method for the body is through the lymphatic vessels. This is the healthiest option for parting with fat reserves.

The impact of shock waves on areas in soft tissues also leads to improved blood circulation in the area affected by the shock wave, leading to the resorption of edema, restoration of natural metabolism, launching renewal processes and increasing tissue elasticity.

Procedures using the Duolith device are used for:

  • elimination of fat deposits on the abdomen and sides,
  • elimination of stretch marks after pregnancy,
  • smoothing out scars, etc.

The advantages of this method are:

  • High efficiency of procedures due to the combination of 2 types of wave action.
  • Possibility of use for a variety of areas, including the abdomen, sides, inner side of the arm from shoulder to elbow, thighs, local fat deposits above the kneecap, etc.

The results achieved include a reduction in the appearance of cellulite and an overall improvement in the appearance and tone of your skin, which becomes smoother and firmer. And in the subcutaneous layers occurs:

  • uniform redistribution of fat deposits;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • increased lymphatic flow;
  • accelerating metabolic processes and eliminating toxins responsible for skin aging.

At the end of sessions performed on the Duolith device, the patient gets rid of excess fat deposits, without the effect of sagging skin. The skin becomes smooth and even.

When treating cellulite at stages 1-3, 6 to 10 sessions are required (a total of 5000 pulses with two attachments for each treated area for each session). Treatment is carried out in a course of two procedures per week or 10 sessions in a total of 5 weeks. In this case, the best possible result is achieved. Since improvements occur not only at the time of completion of the course, but also for another 6 months after the course of procedures, and the results last for a long time.

Duolith is recognized as the most effective device for combating cellulite and local fat deposits, so it is the main link in the chain of figure correction measures.

Flabbiness of the skin from the shoulder to the elbow on the inside of the arm - 6-10 sessions with two attachments.

Stretch strip after pregnancy – 6-8 sessions of 4000 pulses with P SW attachment only.

One zone is:

  • lateral surface of the thigh (breeches),
  • back of the thigh,
  • inner thigh, incl. knees,
  • anterior thigh,
  • chin,
  • the inner side of the arm from shoulder to elbow,
  • stomach and sides.

Sign up for cosmetology by phone

Services and prices

Initial consultation with a dermatocosmetologist

1,150 rub.

Shock wave therapy session (one zone) for the treatment of cellulite and local fat deposits

1,900 rub.

Program: Shock wave therapy for the treatment of cellulite and local fat deposits (6 procedures)

9,000 rub.

Program: Shock wave therapy for the treatment of cellulite and local fat deposits (10 procedures)

15,000 rub.

Program: Shock wave therapy for the treatment of cellulite and local fat deposits 4 zones (6 procedures)

RUB 30,600

Program: Shock wave therapy for the treatment of cellulite and local fat deposits 4 zones (10 procedures)

51,000 rub.

Sergeeva Anna Vyacheslavovna Head of office, dermatovenerologist Work experience: 17 years

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