Injection correction of the penis with hyaluronic acid


Duration of operation 30 - 60 minutes Rehabilitation period 7-14 days without sexual activity Anesthesia Local

The effect of hyaluronic thickening of the penis lasts for 1-1.5 years: the drug biodegrades and is removed from the tissues naturally. If desired, the procedure can be repeated many times.

ADVANTAGES of performing the procedure at the DAVINCI CDC

  • NO PAIN - local anesthesia for 2 hours.
  • SAFE - urologists-andrologists with more than 20 years of experience
  • IN 1 DAY, without hospitalization - you can go to work the next day

SIGN UP for a consultation.

Who is the procedure intended for?

Male intimate plastic surgery is one of the most common areas in the field of plastic surgery. Patients resort to this method for various reasons, but world practice shows that the main motives are:

  • the ability to increase sexual attractiveness;
  • increase self-esteem;
  • fill your sex life with new colors;
  • get rid of the feeling of awkwardness and embarrassment when being in male company.

From the point of view of experts, the quality of sexual life is influenced not so much by the length as by the diameter of the penis. That is why its correction is the best way to achieve the desired results.

According to medical conditions, the procedure is carried out in the following cases:

  • when the diameter of the head of the penis is equal to or less than the diameter of the shaft;
  • to maintain proportions in case of increasing length;
  • increasing the size of the head for the lengthening procedure using an extender.

Many men wonder whether they can have this operation without medical indications. The answer is yes, since there is no need to have any defects to undergo enlargement of the glans penis.


The frenuloplasty technique consists of enlarging the penis by filling the frenulum with gel to increase its volume. The drug is injected into the soft tissues under the frenulum in an amount of 0.1–0.3 ml per “step”, needle 25–27 G, administration technique – drip. Injecting the drug directly into the frenulum (ligament) is unacceptable. All methods of male injection contouring can be combined and performed in one procedure, while the terms of rehabilitation and the development of complications do not change in any way. The tissues of the external genital organs in men, as well as in women, have very good blood supply, so healing after such procedures occurs without scarring. During the recovery period, which is an average of 2-3 days, active sex life is not recommended.

Preparation stage

Penis enlargement with fillers lasts no more than 30 minutes. To achieve results, proper preparation is necessary.

First, you need to consult a doctor to get complete information about the upcoming manipulations. During the consultation, the specialist will tell you how the injections are done and what results you should expect. After the meeting, the doctor prescribes tests and examination by a therapist.

Often, before the procedure, the patient is scheduled to visit a psychotherapist. This is necessary in order to determine the psychological readiness of a man. There are also cases of refusal when there is an unreasonable, obsessive thought about small size.

If the tests do not reveal any pathologies or chronic diseases, then a date for the operation is set.

Preparatory measures

Treatment of premature ejaculation with gel does not require special preparation. There are only some necessary steps. First you need to make an appointment with a doctor. During the consultation, the patient discusses the problem with the doctor, receives information about the solution method and the expected results. It is important to determine the feasibility of the procedure on an individual basis.

During the preliminary consultation, the patient is prescribed tests to identify chronic diseases or any other abnormalities. If all tests are in order, a convenient day and time for the operation is determined for the man.

Progress of the procedure

Enlargement of the head of the penis using fillers occurs only in a hospital. Usually the procedure takes place in several stages:

· complete hair removal in the groin area (in some cases). The patient can go through this stage of preparation independently, before coming to the clinic;

The doctor uses a special anesthetic cream or gel. The procedure itself is not very painful, but for the comfort of the patient and the free work of the doctor, local anesthesia is necessary;

· The specialist begins injections into the head of the penis.

Recovery period

Immediately after the procedure, the patient can go about his business. For proper recovery and to avoid complications, it is recommended to abstain from sexual intercourse for 7-14 days. It is necessary to avoid alcoholic beverages and hold off on heavy sports activities.

During the rehabilitation period, you need to carefully monitor hygiene in the groin area and wear underwear only made from natural fabrics. The post-procedure period does not last long; only the healing of small wounds from injections is required.

The resulting effect lasts for 7-12 months, depending on the characteristics of each patient and the biodegradation time of the administered drug

Clinical studies of the results of filler injections

Fillers appeared in our country relatively recently, so long-term clinical studies in this area have not been conducted. However, such experience has been accumulated in foreign clinics. The results of one of the long-term observations conducted in the Department of Urology of the Cha Meditech Co., Ltd. Clinic, Korea by scientists led by Professor De Yul Yang have already been published. These studies aimed to summarize the long-term clinical results of hyaluronic acid (HA) injections.

The multicenter, randomized trial was conducted for 18 months after a single filler injection between November 2016 and May 2022. It included 67 healthy men aged 20 to 66 years who considered their penis to be smaller than normal for an adult. .

All observed men underwent an initial examination before the study, and a detailed medical history was compiled on them with an emphasis on psychiatric and psychological problems. They consented to the processing of their personal information.

The study was conducted using SAS version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) by an independent biostatistician. During the blinded portion of the study, all post-injection assessments at each site were performed by an independent physician who was not involved in screening or injection of excipients.

Research results

Overall, the penises were smooth, natural and pliable, and the increase in girth was maintained for up to a year and a half after the filler injections. No unevenness, retraction, hardening or deformation of the penis, or migration of fillers was observed. Six months after the injection, the average increase in penile girth was 1.91 cm. Then the average girth gradually decreased until 18 months and after one and a half years it was +1.79 ± 1.41 cm.

Dynamics of increase in penile girth after injection of filler with hyaluronic acid:

Study period after administrationAverage girth of the penis in the group (cm)Deviation from the average value (cm)
Before injection7,74±1,40
1 month10,15±1,57
3 months10,25±1,64
6 months9,74±1,83
18 months9,08±1,87

Satisfaction level

After one month, the indicators of the appearance of the penis increased significantly. This improvement lasted up to six months. Thereafter, they gradually decreased until 18 months, but scores at one and a half years were significantly higher than at baseline.

After three months, rates of sexual activity increased significantly. This increase lasted up to one and a half years.

Results of the study

The study found that the hyaluronic acid filler resulted in a significant increase in penile girth and increased satisfaction associated with the injection. The procedure was tolerable and no major complications were observed over 18 months.

Hyaluronic acid consists of natural ingredients and has a direct and passive effect. After injection, the filler is gradually absorbed by surrounding tissues. As hyaluronate breaks down into smaller fragments, the molecules bind more water; the same volume can be maintained with less hyaluronic acid for several months. Then the result steadily decreases. The enhancing effect of the filler lasts up to 18 months.

Filler injection sites during the study

The results of the present study are comparable to the results of previous trials and prove the clinical utility of the gel, its effectiveness and safety. Because hyaluronic fillers are temporary, long-term follow-up after injection is of utmost importance. Regarding the augmentative effect, penile girth after filler injection increased to a maximum within about one month. Satisfaction with the appearance of the penis increased significantly approximately one month after the filler injections. This increase lasted approximately 6 to 12 months. Then they gradually decreased until one and a half years; however, satisfaction levels were still higher than at baseline.

The study demonstrated that increased satisfaction with sexual activity after filler injections lasted 18 months, despite the increased penile girth gradually decreasing over time. The discovery suggests that injecting the filler may alleviate the psychological stress associated with sexual activity. This also supports the idea that men who want to enlarge their penis experience psychological stress. They often require psychological counseling or psychotherapy.


The procedure for enlarging the head of the penis has its contraindications:

  • infections of the genitourinary system (surgery is possible only after cure);
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • serious pathologies in the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
  • oncology;
  • allergy to anesthetics and the injected drug;
  • mental disorders;
  • various chronic diseases.

On an individual basis, the operation may cause some complications. However, with a competent approach to the postoperative period, these risks are significantly reduced.

Enlargement of the glans penis at the DAVINCI CDC

Our clinic offers plastic surgery services in Rostov-on-Don. We employ qualified specialists. For the procedure of enlarging the glans penis, only certified drugs are used.

Make an appointment with a urologist-andrologist, a doctor with 15 years of experience, Nadezhda Eduardovna Avadieva for a full consultation.

Call us to schedule a consultation.

  • Name of service


  • Correction of the genital area with a volume-forming drug 1 ml

    12000 rub.

  • Appointment with urologist-andrologist N.E. Avadieva

    2200 rub.

Treatment of premature ejaculation with hyaluronic acid

Duration of operation 30-45 minutes Rehabilitation period 7 -14 days without sexual activity Anesthesia Local

Cost of the operation: from 12,000 rubles.

ADVANTAGES of performing the procedure at the DAVINCI CDC

  • NO PAIN - local anesthesia for 2 hours.
  • SAFE - urologists-andrologists with more than 20 years of experience
  • IN 1 DAY, without hospitalization - you can go to work the next day

SIGN UP for a consultation.

Why choose us

  • KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS All doctors regularly undergo training in leading Russian and foreign clinics and events

  • OWN LABORATORY Performing analyzes in the shortest possible time at affordable prices.

  • TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT The rooms are equipped with modern equipment from the world's leading manufacturers

  • PIONEERS AND INNOVators We are the first to introduce many modern technologies in Rostov-on-Don. (5D ultrasound, aesthetic gynecology and anrology, photodynamic therapy, radiothermometry, vacuum aspiration biopsy, Fotona4D)

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