Renaissance fillers - Israeli preparations for face and body rejuvenation

Composition of the drug

Biorevitalizants and fillers contain stabilized hyaluronic acid of varying concentrations. The minimum content of the cross-linking agent BDDE prevents the development of allergies and side effects. The drug formulas also include vitamins, minerals, peptides, coenzymes, and placenta. Balanced compositions allow you to launch regeneration processes, renewing and rejuvenating the skin.

Release form, composition and equipment

The main component of the biodegradable filler is hyaluron, an acid that is a structuring substance for connective, nervous tissues, and epithelium. Its deficiency leads to loss of tissue volume, disruption of hydrobalance, decreased tone and elasticity.

As part of injectable cosmetic preparations, hyaluron is used as a highly effective component for skin rejuvenation at a deep intracellular level. The Regeness filler formula contains highly concentrated hyaluronic acid, synthetically synthesized using a patented eight-phase technology.

It also contains an anesthetic substance - lidocaine, which allows injection procedures to be carried out painlessly without damaging the tissue. Fillers are available in the form of syringes filled with 1.1 ml of active substance. The composition with a hydrogen value of 6.8 has a gel structure, transparent, colorless, odorless and mechanical impurities.

The kit also includes 2 medical nano-needles of size 27G and 30G for administering the drug intradermally. The manufacturer offers several types of filler with a composition concentration of 24 mg/ml hyaluron and 0.3% lidocaine.

Rejeunesse typeFeatures of applicationDegree of reticulationInjection depthPrice
FineThe plastic gel is used to hydrate superficial tissues, correct mild wrinkles of the face and neck, and increase lip volume.Low, 7%Superficial and middle dermal2600 rub.
DeepBiorevitalizant is used for oval correction, modeling the volume of the chin, cheekbones, cheeks, and intimate plastic surgery.Universal, 9%Medium and deep dermal2900 rub.
ShapeBiogel has a pronounced lifting effect, corrects deep creases, replenishes lost volumes of internal tissues, and is used to correct the shape of the nose.Volumizer, 11%Deep dermal, periosteum3000 rub.
SparkleBiorevitalizant for contour tightening, elimination of hydraulic displacement of the oval, restoration of density, elasticity, correction and prevention of aging.Low, 7%Superficial and middle dermal5600 rub.

The essence of the action of each type of drug lies in the interaction of hyaluronate with substances biologically produced by the body. As a result of the synthesis of own and synthetic substances, the lost volume of internal tissues is replenished, the manifestations of aging and negative changes under the influence of external factors and gravity occur.

After the introduction of biogel enriched with hyaluronic acid, the dermal words are enriched with nutrients, hydrobalance is normalized, and the production of natural collagen and elastin in the body is activated.

Indications and effectiveness of use

The collection of Israeli biogels helps solve a whole range of aesthetic problems. The drugs are used to restore elasticity and firmness of the face and body.

Attention! Prescribed as part of a complex of anti-aging procedures and correction of cosmetic defects starting from the age of 25. The maximum effect can be achieved when used between the ages of 30 and 45 years.


  • small facial wrinkles of the perioral, periorbital area;
  • nasolacrimal groove;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • interbrow, temporal folds;
  • sagging, loss of elasticity;
  • oval line offset;
  • unhealthy color, lumpy structure;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • tissue volume deficiency;
  • dry skin;
  • thin lips;
  • drooping corners of the mouth.

The use of an invasive procedure is effective to prevent aging processes and restore cellular immunity. The color and structure improve, the face looks fresh and rested. You can increase the volume of your lips, harmonize your facial features, and correct the shape of your nose. Fillers are also effective after 50 years, for filling deep wrinkles and quickly transforming appearance.

Photos before and after

Photos before and after injection of Rejeunesse No. 1 fillers

Photos before and after injection of Rejeunesse No. 2 fillers

Result of injection of Rejeunesse No. 3 fillers

Photos before and after lip augmentation Rejeunesse No. 4

Photos before and after lip augmentation Rejeunesse No. 5

Photos before and after lip augmentation Rejeunesse No. 6

Types of fillers

PPD - contains hyaluronic acid and a complex of peptides. The filler has a medium density and is used for contouring. It is possible to launch collagen synthesis and improve lymphatic drainage. Injections are effective for correcting nasolacrimal grooves, eyebrow wrinkles, rejuvenating earlobes and hands. The effect lasts for about a year.

BOOST - the formula includes hyaluron 18 mg/ml and glycerol 20 mg/ml. The result of bioreinforcement lasts up to 4 months. Prescribed to improve the color and structure of the dermis, and prevent the aging process. As a result, the face looks rested, and the tissues become denser.

BR - revitalizant contains peptides, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, coenzymes, 1.5% hyaluronic acid. Launches renewal processes, stimulates the growth of stem cells. It successfully treats age spots and has a pronounced lifting effect. Used after 40 years in an anti-aging program.

TOUCH is a filler for the correction of first wrinkles, characterized by high plasticity, the concentration of hyaluron is 18 mg/ml. Implanted into the surface layers, biodegradation occurs within 8 months. Prescribed for rejuvenation of the perioral, periorbital area, smoothing of the nasolabial lips. Repeated correction is carried out after a month.

La Bio is a drug designed for intimate plastic surgery. Corrects the shape and volume of the labia, the effect lasts up to 12 months. Performed strictly as intended, by specialists after completing training. Contains 23 mg/ml, implanted into the deep dermal layers. Repeated testing is recommended after 3–4 weeks.

DERM is a medium-density gel used to fill pronounced wrinkles and add volume to the lips. Contains 23 mg/ml hyaluronic acid, the effect lasts up to 12 months. Injections are carried out into the deep layers, smoothing out folds between the eyebrows and nasolabial folds. Suitable for facial modeling and asymmetry correction.

Ultra Deep - has maximum density, the concentration of hyaluronic acid is 26 mg/ml. The effect lasts up to 14 months, repeated use is possible after 4 weeks. Suitable for modeling the face, working with large volumes of integument, periosteum. Prescribed for pronounced age-related changes after 40 years.

Plantex XP - cocktail contains 23 mg/ml hyaluron, growth factors, placenta, peptides, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, cytokines, interleukins. Works only in targeted areas, smoothes wrinkles, stimulates the synthesis of new cells. Continuous regeneration in tissue occurs throughout the year. Used in anti-aging therapy.

Lips color touch mannitol - contains hyaluron 23 mg/ml, the antioxidant mannitol, which provides a prolonged effect. Designed to enlarge lips, correct their shape, and give the desired volume. Moisturizes and enhances natural pigmentation. The effect lasts up to 14 months.

Filler “Renaissance Lips Color Touch”

HA concentration

— 23 mg/ml (hydrogen agent with mannitol)

Indications for use:

correction of volume and shape, restoration of the level of hydration, elasticity, firmness, lip color. Ideal density for restoring volume, lip contour and colonofiltrum.

Period of complete biodegradation:

12-14 months.

  • Prevents rapid degradation of HA
  • Enhances own pigment
  • Restores volume, improves shape
  • Retains water, hydrating tissues
  • Restores blood circulation

Where and for how much can I buy

You can purchase from the official representative of Prollenium Medical Technologies, which supplies products from the manufacturer. Sold only to certified specialists, this helps prevent side effects when used by non-professionals.

Sales are also carried out on other trading platforms, the price of traffic rules, plantex, touch from 8,000 to 12,000 rubles, lipsticks - from 9,000 rubles. When purchasing, you need to check the certification and compliance with the batch number.

Biorevitalization with RENAISSANCE series products

The technique of administering the drug depends on its type and action. All drugs can be divided into several groups:

  • for surface work;
  • for action in the middle layers;
  • for deep correction.

To biorevitalize younger skin, surface-active preparations are used, and to work with mature skin, deep-acting agents are used.

Pros and cons of drugs

The RENAISSANCE series has many advantages. These include:

  • a large selection of drugs with different effects for any problem;
  • Possibility of use for skin of different ages (25 years and older);
  • rich composition of the most natural ingredients;
  • low risks of adverse reactions;
  • the presence of stabilizers that prolong the effect of the procedure.

But besides the advantages, the series also has disadvantages. These include:

  • limited sale by distributor in Moscow;
  • high price.

Due to production abroad and subsequent transportation, the price of drugs increases. The inability to freely buy the product from an official representative in most cities also makes searching for the series inconvenient. But these disadvantages are offset by the many advantages of RENAISSANCE over other fillers.

Instructions for administering the drug

Compositions for biorevitalization and contouring are used for their intended purpose. Only a certified doctor can perform the procedure after completing training. Invasive manipulations are carried out on an outpatient basis.


  • stored at room temperature in original packaging in a place away from direct sunlight;
  • the drug is opened in front of the patient;
  • skin preparation is carried out according to the protocol - cleansing, antiseptic treatment, application of anesthetic ointment;
  • target areas - face, lips, décolleté, arms, neck, area around the navel, intimate areas;
  • implantation is carried out in the superficial, deep, middle layers of the dermis using multipuncture, linear, papular, fan, and mesh techniques;
  • the remaining composition is disposed of, subsequent storage and refining is prohibited;
  • no more than 2 ml of the drug is used in 1 session;
  • repeated correction is carried out after 3–4 weeks.

Answers on questions

Is pain relief required during the procedure?

For people with hypersensitivity, it is advisable to use a special cream 30-60 minutes before the procedure. But for most people, superficial treatment does not hurt, so no anesthesia is used. For deeper effects, freezing is required, otherwise the patient may lose consciousness in the specialist’s chair.

What is the difference between Lips filler and others? Can it be injected into the area between the eyebrows?

The drug causes an increase in the natural pigment of the lips. It is used only in a specialized area. When used on other areas, redness and blemishes may occur due to the product's action. Therefore, it is not used for wrinkle correction.

Is it possible to renew the skin at the site of scars with fillers?

Connective tissue in places of scarring cannot be completely replaced by healthy tissue. But some fillers can make the defect less noticeable. The type of drug that will be required in a particular case should be found out during a face-to-face consultation with a specialist.

How is the procedure performed in clinics?

The consultation allows you to determine the goals of the procedure and assess the condition of the patient’s skin. The cosmetologist talks about the possibilities of the Renaissance line, selects the optimal drug to solve aesthetic problems.

A thorough history is taken to identify chronic diseases and contraindications. If there are no restrictions, the following rules must be observed during the preparation stage:

  • if prescribed, take a course of vascular-strengthening drugs;
  • stop taking antibiotics and hormonal medications one month before;
  • for about a week, control the amount of salt in the diet, give up alcoholic beverages and strong coffee;
  • limit sports activities, refuse peeling, tattooing, and mechanical cleaning;
  • It is not recommended to smoke on the appointed day.

Before the injections, the doctor talks in detail about the procedure. Provides information about the manufacturer, the patient can check certification, expiration dates. The data is entered into an individual card, and the client also signs an agreement indicating contraindications and side effects. The packaging is printed in front of the patient; invasive rejuvenation can be performed by a certified doctor on an outpatient basis.


  1. Professional cosmetics are used for makeup removal; after cleansing, the skin is treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Thanks to the local anesthetic, it is possible to minimize discomfort, the drug is quickly eliminated without consequences for the body.
  3. Injections are carried out according to the chosen scheme; the depth and dosage of the drug depend on the objectives of the procedure.
  4. Repeated treatment with an antiseptic helps prevent tissue infection. The doctor performs a superficial massage to ensure uniform distribution of the filler in the tissues.
  5. A regenerating mask or anti-inflammatory cream will speed up healing.

Injection rejuvenation lasts from 20 to 60 minutes, after which the patient can go home.


Cosmetic fillers are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, persons under the age of eighteen, patients with autoimmune diseases, or people with individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid.

It should be taken into account that before using cosmetic filler, the patient must inform the doctor about the presence of allergies, immune diseases or infections.

Hyaluronic acid injections should not be combined with any other aesthetic dermatology techniques, including laser therapy or chemical peels, if they were performed less than three weeks ago.

*Information about this drug is for informational purposes only. *The online store offers only original Regenovue products, which are manufactured by NeoGenesis.

Healing period

It is recommended to schedule the procedure before a weekend or vacation; swelling, redness, and papules will persist for several days. Hematomas may appear, punctures are accompanied by painful sensitivity. All symptoms go away on their own after a few days. It is important to follow the specialist’s recommendations for a quick recovery:

  • cleanse with soft, gentle agents without aggressive particles, then treat with Bepanten or anti-inflammatory ointment;
  • You can’t use makeup for a few days;
  • You should not visit the gym, swimming pool, solarium, drink alcohol, or use new skin care or decorative products for a week;
  • protect covers from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, use sunscreen;
  • Massage and other procedures that have a lymphatic drainage effect are prohibited.

The result of the procedure lasts from 8 to 14 months, depending on the type of drug. The process of biodegradation is also influenced by lifestyle, aggressive environmental factors, nutrition, and sports.

Views of Regeness

The Regeness line of fillers includes 3 types of products , each of which contains hyaluronic acid, but its content is not necessarily the same, so the cosmetic product is used in different procedures.

NewMedi Co offers the following types of Regeness fillers:

Type of drugDescriptionprice, rub.
Rejeunesse FineThe action of the drug acts on the thin upper layers of the skin; the main substance in it is not “cross-linked”. The drug is used to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and around the mouth, and is successfully used for biorevitalization and intimate plastic surgery. 3000
Rejeunesse DeepThe very name of this type of Korean filler indicates the effect of the drug on the deep skin. The hyaluronic acid contained in the Rejeunesse Deep filler has a medium density, which allows it to be used to eliminate wrinkles, add additional volume to the lips, as well as to correct nasolabial folds and chin. 3000
Rejeunesse ShapeThis is the most progressive type of Rejeunesse, the effect of which lasts longer than others. It is used to give cheekbones and the entire face an attractive shape. 3000

Average cost of the procedure in Moscow clinics

Invasive correction can be carried out in many cosmetology clinics and salons. When choosing, it is important to choose a certified specialist, pay attention to the portfolio, customer reviews. Cost of 1 ml renaissance from 8000 rub. up to 20,000 rub. the final price depends on the type of filler, volume of the drug, and additional cosmetic services.

Advice. Please note that the manufacturer recommends repeating the procedure after 3 weeks.

How long does the result last?

The duration of action of Rejeunesse products depends on the degree of reticulation of hyaluronic acid, the condition of the skin and the patient’s lifestyle. On average they hold:

  • Fine – 8-12 months;
  • Dip and Shape - all 1-1.5 years old.
  • Sparkle - up to a year;

However, an unhealthy lifestyle, unhealthy diet and poor drinking regime, bad habits, stress, or excessive involvement in sports activities greatly reduce the time period indicated by the manufacturer.

A healthy lifestyle improves skin quality and extends the life of the biofiller

Precautionary measures

There are limitations to the use of injectable fillers. Possible contraindications are identified at the consultation stage:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • postoperative period;
  • diseases of systems and organs;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • diabetes;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • individual reaction;
  • viral infections;
  • inflammation in target areas.

side effects persist for about 7 days

  • itching, burning;
  • pain, sensitivity in the injection area;
  • hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • papules.

Possible side effects

After injections, adverse reactions occur extremely rarely. Most often this is due to the lack of proper experience of the cosmetologist or if the patient ignores recommendations for a quick and successful rehabilitation period. Common complications include allergic reactions, irritation, the appearance of pronounced swelling, and the formation of severe bruises. To avoid such phenomena, it is recommended to contact trusted specialists and follow the doctor’s instructions.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before signing up for rejuvenation with Israeli fillers, it is worth learning about their features and possible disadvantages. It is better to select a drug with a cosmetologist; only a specialist can recommend the optimal composition.


  • the collection of gels is suitable for different age groups;
  • prolonged effect;
  • high degree of purification;
  • the risks of developing unforeseen consequences are reduced;
  • multicomponent composition.


  • the cost is above average;
  • sale is limited to the distributor company;
  • Implantation can only be entrusted to a certified specialist.

Comparison with other popular fillers

Renaissance is a collection of Israeli fillers for face and body rejuvenation. It is based on hyaluronic acid, it also contains vitamin and mineral complexes, and formulas with peptides and placenta are presented. The duration of action lasts from 8 to 14 months. The manufacturer recommends repeated correction after 4 weeks.

Ial System - the formula contains stabilized and unstabilized hyaluron, which allows you to cope with both superficial and more pronounced folds. There is no age limit, it is effective both at 25 and after 55 years. The result lasts from 6 to 8 months.

Princess is based on hyaluronic acid, high plasticity ensures a natural result. The formula contains glycerin, which prolongs the correction effect for up to 12 months. Tissue hydration and a clear oval line are recreated.

General information about Renaissance drugs

The Renaissance line of products is produced by Dr. Korman Laboratories Ltd in Israel (Kiryat Bialik). Medicine in this country has always been characterized by high technology and the use of innovative techniques. Therefore, their cosmetic products are considered as safe and effective as possible. Strict quality control does not allow even small errors in production, so the occurrence of negative reactions to fillers of this brand is unlikely.

The official distributor of the company’s cosmetic products is Era Laboratory LLC. Now you can purchase drugs from a reliable supplier, which significantly reduces the risk of buying a counterfeit. For this reason, side effects from the drugs are extremely rare.

Fillers are monophasic preparations based on BDDE-stabilized hyaluronic acid. They have a dense consistency and retain the effect for a long time. The manufacturing company has released a whole line of products, each of which has a unique composition. The choice of filler is made based on the existing problems and tasks set by the client.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, experts discuss the specifics of working with a line of Israeli fillers and biorevitalizants.

The cosmetologist writes that if the result is not satisfactory at the healing stage, you need to wait 2 weeks and inject another 1 ml.

The specialist writes that the result of the procedure does not depend on the amount of water drunk. The effect is influenced by the characteristics of the filler.

The cosmetologist writes that the final results can be assessed after 2 weeks. Ultra Deep attracts water, there is a possibility of swelling.


Perhaps the main secret of the popularity of Regeness fillers in Russia lies in the moderate price:

  • preparations Fine, Deep and Shape cost, on average, 1900-2000 rubles;
  • Sparkle Lidocaine is supplied at a price of 5000-6000 rubles per package (remember, it contains 3 syringes of 2.5 ml each).

Compared to analogues, the price of which ranges between 2300 and 5200 rubles (for 1 syringe), the offer looks tempting. But remember the folk wisdom about cheap fish and filthy fish, and do not make the low price tag the main argument when choosing. Weigh the pros and cons.

Patient reviews

On the Internet there are mostly positive reviews after the rejuvenation procedure with Renaissance products.

A participant writes about a beautiful result.

The user writes about the dependence of the duration of the effect on individual characteristics.

The participant writes about the high quality of fillers and the choice of professional cosmetologists. The price depends on the prestige of the clinic, as well as training.

The review describes the recovery period, as well as the lack of the desired effect and the formation of seals in the lip area.

Other reviews can be read on the forum

Manufacturer and features of Rejeunesse fillers

Regeness is a lip filler, the reviews of which are mostly positive, designed to solve various cosmetic problems. The entire line of biofillers is produced by the South Korean company NewMedi Co ltd, which entered the cosmetic products market in 2013. The manufacturer has proven itself well thanks to its innovative and progressive approach.

The company's specialists are actively developing in this area to improve drug formulas, increase safety and effectiveness. A feature of Korean fillers is their high rate of prolongation of action. The plastic gel structure ensures uniform distribution of active microparticles of the composition inside the dermal structures.

Unlike most analogues, Rejeunesse biogel, introduced using the selected technology into problem areas, can remain in tissues for up to 18 months. The preparation is manufactured by a Korean manufacturer using the patented UPHEC technology.

The essence of this technology is 8-phase purification, which provides the filler with a high degree of plasticity and resistance to instant biodegradation. The drug is administered painlessly, since in addition to the active substances, the formula contains an anesthetic in an amount corresponding to a skin test.

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