Promoitalia PQ Age peeling – an innovative method of facial rejuvenation

What's happened

Peeling PQ Age is a modern cosmetic product designed to cleanse and tighten facial skin. The drug has a combined effect, affecting both the superficial and deep layers of the epidermis.

The PQ Age Peel is designed to combat loss of elasticity, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, uneven complexion and oily skin.

A distinctive feature of this method is the absence of a recovery period, which makes its use possible to improve the condition of the skin before important events.

Italian facial peeling PQ Age has established itself as a “bridal peeling” - after it it does not require a long recovery period. Immediately after the procedure, the skin of the face changes for the better - the oval of the face is tightened, the color is evened out, acne marks and age spots disappear.

This type of peeling is effective in the complex treatment of seborrhea.
The secretion of sebum is normalized. Together with competent external and systemic therapy, it is possible to achieve a pronounced positive effect.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

The drug does not cause severe peeling and redness, compared to other peels, so it can be used for emergency skin restoration before important events.


PQ Age peeling is indicated for use only in beauty salons under the supervision of specialists. Home use of the drug is unacceptable, as it requires prior consultation with a specialist and careful adherence to the protocol for applying the solution.

What skin defects does PQ Age peeling correct:

  • decreased elasticity of the skin;
  • signs of photoaging ;
  • hyperpigmentation , freckles;
  • increased oiliness ;
  • blockage of the sebaceous glands;
  • deep wrinkles ;
  • unhealthy complexion ;
  • scars , scars, acne marks;
  • unevenness of the skin.

Peeling after facial cleansing

Smooth, delicate skin can be achieved at any age, but it requires proper care.

The drug acts primarily on the deep layers of the epidermis and after the first procedure, the facial skin looks fresh and rested, expression lines disappear, and skin tone is evened out.

PQ Age peeling starts rejuvenation processes and with further procedures the dermis changes its structure for the better, which helps women look younger.

Nanofractional peeling Pro Peel Pyruvic

Pro Peel Nanofractional Peeling procedure includes the use of Pyruvic acid. The substance has excellent lipophilic properties, which simplifies the process of its penetration into skin cells. Among other things, pyruvic acid:

  • used in combination with other anti-aging agents;
  • used in the treatment of acne in the active phase;
  • has antimicrobial and keratolytic properties.

Peeling using pyruvic acid is carried out not only for the natural aging of skin cells, but also for various cosmetic defects, including post-acne scars, actinic keratosis and acne in the active phase.


Before using PQ Age peeling, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. A cosmetologist determines the condition of the facial skin, its structure, thickness, phototype and identifies problems that need to be dealt with.

Contraindications for peeling:

  1. Periods of pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Individual hypersensitivity to peeling components.
  3. Acute inflammatory processes on the skin.
  4. The presence of open wounds , abrasions and burns.
  5. Herpes rashes.
  6. Fungal infections.
  7. Fresh tan , including after solarium.
  8. Pigmentation caused by autoimmune diseases.

It must be taken into account that taking oral contraceptives and some hormonal drugs may affect the result of the procedure. Therefore, before the session, it is necessary to warn the cosmetologist about the medications you are taking.

Analogue procedures

Similar procedures for cleansing and rejuvenating the skin:


Enerpeel products are chemical peeling for skin renewal. Designed to renew and remodel the dermis, the procedure is comfortable and painless, and has a short recovery period. The risks of post-peeling reactions are minimized. The line includes 16 products, each of which is designed to solve specific skin problems. For example, Jessner's Enerpil contains 70% glycolic acid, which helps cope with the first signs of aging and removes expression lines. Also contains resorcinol, salicylic and lactic acids for cleansing.

Block Age Peel Gel (“Block Age Peel Gel”) with a high degree of penetration of active ingredients into the skin. This “yellow” peeling, according to reviews from cosmetologists, cleanses and rejuvenates the skin; the result is visible immediately after the first session. Contains 5% retinoic acid, allowing for an atraumatic procedure with a short rehabilitation period. The line of peelings includes products based on salicylic alcohol, lactic acids, almond extract, glycolic acid and other components.

Allura Esthetics – superficial-medium peeling, safe and gentle. Quickly eliminates pigmentation, peeling, rash. Eliminates wrinkles, cleanses, removes excess sebum, exfoliates, and practically “erases” scars, pimples and scars from the face.

Herb Clear Gel Pure from Cefine is a Japanese-made peeling that delicately cleanses due to its soft composition. The main component is polyglutamic acid from soy, additional components are vitamins (A, E and others) and extracts of medicinal plants. It acts only in the upper layer of the skin, gently expands pores, removes peeling, redness, small age spots and the first signs of aging.

Pure Ritual Peel Black is a French product for peeling procedures. The main components are tea extract, brown and white rice, volcanic rock talc. It has antioxidant properties and improves not only the texture, but also the tone of the skin. Tightens the oval, fights age-related changes, improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Does not cause post-peeling complications, minimal recovery period.

The difference between PQ Age peeling and other products is that it can be performed all year round, and not just in the spring. With caution, such peeling should only be done by those with sensitive and very thin skin, as well as those prone to allergic reactions - in this case, the procedure should be carried out by a specialist.


Peeling manufacturers claim that no special preparation is required before the procedure, but cosmetologists offer the following tips to achieve the greatest effectiveness:

  1. sensitivity test . It is especially recommended if you have previously had undesirable reactions to peeling.
  2. A few days before the procedure, do not use scrubs and lotions containing alcohol .
  3. Limit your time in the sun and use UV protective creams.
  4. Treat inflammatory and infectious skin diseases.

It is necessary to consult with a specialist in advance. Despite the high effectiveness of PQ Age peeling, a cosmetologist may recommend another cleansing procedure or undergo biorevitalization first.

Client reviews

Here are reviews from women and cosmetologists, by which you can judge how effective or ineffective PQ Age peeling is:

Evgeniya, 38 years old, individual entrepreneur:

“I made an appointment at the salon for PQ Age exfoliation. I read about the procedure in reviews on the Internet. I thought it would be a great help. I have problem skin, there is pigmentation, and it sags in some places with age. After talking with me and studying my face, the cosmetologist dissuaded me from cleaning it. It turns out that if the skin is thin, it is undesirable to treat it with acids. I was offered an alternative solution - laser, as well as creams and vitamins. The effect was not as quick as I would have liked, but I am grateful that I was directed in the right direction.”

Elena, 41 years old, manager:

“I did acid exfoliations for a long time. Naturally, in salons. When I found out that there was a newfangled Italian remedy, I wanted to try it. Shocked. Ladies, this is a great, innovative alternative to those dreaded itchy peels of huge layers of skin. It doesn’t hurt, the procedure is pleasant, I rest during it. The result shocked me. After the 3rd session I was transformed. The price, by the way, is more favorable than other types of cleaning.”

Varvara, 29 years old, cosmetologist:

“The development of the Italian company Promoitalia is a breakthrough in cosmetology. I have performed PQ Age exfoliation on many women and have always been satisfied with my work. I like that the result is visible almost immediately. There is no need to suffer and wait for a long rehabilitation period, worrying that the effect will not be what you expected. The procedure is smooth and painless. Contraindications are rare. After the first session, I always assess the condition of the skin and set a date for the next exfoliation. It is very important to adhere to the frequency schedule.”

Nelya, 36 years old, gynecologist:

“I previously did retinoic peeling, the drug from Promoitalia, one might say, changed my life. For me, beauty is not an empty phrase. For her sake, I make great sacrifices: in money, in time, and in physical condition. Sometimes you had to endure pain to achieve success. It's all over now. This new product is perfect for my oily skin. It copes with age-related changes easily and, most importantly, very quickly. It’s not for nothing that it’s called bridal peeling. If you urgently need to transform yourself, this is exactly the case.”

Natalya, 41 years old, cosmetologist:

“I always warn women to be careful with their skin undergoing rehabilitation. Under no circumstances should you, no matter how much you would like, tear off the peeling tissue. They will go away on their own. Exfoliation from Promoitalia is more gentle, but the recommendations remain the same: renewed skin requires increased attention. To care for a recovering face, I recommend antioxidant creams. On the second day, you can lubricate the tearing film with a thick layer of Vaseline. It will roll off, remove it with massage movements, then wash your face and apply an antioxidant.”

Daria, 35 years old, logistician:

“I read reviews about PQ Age peeling from cosmetologists and women who took the opportunity to cleanse their faces using the Italian method, and I realized that I had to try it. Well, everything they write about the procedure is true. The only thing I don't agree with is that it's not really simple. It’s not for nothing that it is recommended only to mature women. The manipulation becomes simple only if it is performed by an experienced cosmetologist, as in my case. I wouldn’t undertake to do this myself. The result was pleasing: the skin remained clean. A specialist removed the crust. I’d rather spend more money, but I won’t split hairs myself. My most important discovery is that this type of peeling gives a long-lasting effect. This makes me happy".

Execution steps

The peeling procedure lasts on average 30-60 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the treated area and the number of layers applied. At the first stage, the cosmetologist cleanses the problem area of ​​cosmetics and sebaceous secretions.

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Then, using a special spatula, apply the solution to the face, décolleté and forearms with soft, massaging movements, avoiding the delicate skin of the lips and eyebrows. After a few minutes, the product is removed with a soft cloth, and if necessary, the solution is reapplied.

It is permissible to apply up to 5 layers of peeling in one session. After the last application, the treated areas are wiped with cosmetic lotion or lubricated with a special cream to achieve a better effect.

If severe burning or pain is noted during the procedure, the procedure is completed ahead of time. After the end of the session, the cosmetologist gives recommendations for quick skin restoration.

Frequency and periodicity of the procedure

One procedure is enough for the skin to acquire a healthy appearance, but middle-aged women with serious problems need to undergo a full course of cleansing to achieve long-term results.

Cosmetologists recommend 5 to 8 sessions with an interval of 7 days. After completing the course, you must take a break lasting from 6 to 9 months. It is not recommended to take PQ Age peeling courses more than 2 times a year, but cosmetologists alternate it with other procedures.

Skin care after

The skin of the face and décolleté is very delicate, so it begins to turn red and peel even after non-aggressive procedures. Redness, slight swelling and a feeling of tightness are a normal reaction to chemicals, but after a day the unpleasant symptoms should disappear.

Peeling in spring and summer

Facial peeling belongs to the category of aggressive procedures associated with some trauma to the epidermis.

To speed up skin recovery, you need to follow a number of rules:

  1. Use moisturizing creams : Panthenol, Dexpanthenol, Bepanten.
  2. Before going to bed, apply masks with hyaluronic acid and natural herbal ingredients.
  3. thermal water rather than ordinary .
  4. For facial hygiene, use only high-quality and professional products that do not contain aggressive substances - alcohol and acids.
  5. For 1-2 weeks, do not use masks with abrasive substances, scrubs, or homemade peelings.
  6. During the entire peeling course and until the skin is completely restored, you should not sunbathe , visit the solarium, bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool.
  7. In the summer, when going outside, apply sunscreen with a medium or high UV factor to your face.
  8. In the first week after the procedure, do not use new cosmetics and hygiene products, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

If the reaction is normal, you can use cosmetics the very next day after PQ Age peeling, but it is better to limit yourself to soft BB creams and mineral powder. You need to avoid foundations with a heavy texture and products containing fatty acids and unnatural dyes.

Operating principle and effectiveness

Bride's peeling gives an instant effect. Without affecting the upper layers of the skin, it penetrates deep into the cells of the epidermis. Since picuage peeling contains antibacterial agents, you do not have to worry about inflammatory processes during the rehabilitation period.

The effectiveness of the drug is ensured by the components included in its composition:

  • Trichloroacetic acid, which has proven itself to be one of the best exfoliation agents. It has bactericidal properties, can tighten pores and relieve acne from the skin. The acid has a regenerating effect, due to which new cells quickly form.
  • Kojic acid, which stimulates cell renewal and protects against bacteria. Thanks to this component, pigmentation disappears.
  • Coenzyme Q Antioxidant that inhibits the aging process of the skin. The product stimulates the formation of vitamin E, which is very necessary for youthful skin.
  • Urea peroxide, an antiseptic that creates an oxygen release reaction, due to which mechanical cleaning of the surface of the face is carried out.

Page peeling resembles the action of a scrub. It provides cleaning not radically with a difficult rehabilitation period, but gently, without pain, but with a more noticeable effect. The product is gentle on the upper layers of the skin, but works more actively inside.


If the cosmetologist followed the procedure protocol, side effects from the PQ Age peel are unlikely. But with individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, various skin problems may arise.

Peeling after peeling is considered a normal condition, since the purpose of peeling is to renew the epidermis. Thick, dry crusts may appear that cannot be scraped off, but you can stimulate their removal by lubricating your face with moisturizing creams.

Redness and swelling after the procedure disappear within 2-3 hours, less often within a day. Persistent hyperemia and swelling, accompanied by pain, indicate the development of a burn, requiring urgent consultation with a specialist.

When peeling is contraindicated

Despite its positive qualities, the product has a number of contraindications, most of which relate to the prohibition of the use of dry cleaning in certain conditions.

Conditions under which PQ Age sessions cannot be done:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • skin inflammation and open wounds in the treated areas;
  • allergic reactions;
  • individual sensitivity to one of the components of the product.

Before undergoing a cleansing procedure, you must be examined by a cosmetologist. A specialist will determine your skin type, assess the extent of damage to problem areas and help you clean it in a short time.


PQ Age peeling affects the deep layers of the epidermis, launching the processes of cell renewal and regeneration. A slight rejuvenation effect becomes noticeable after the first session, and after completing the full course, the skin is completely renewed, evened out and becomes a healthy color.

This effect is achieved by removing dead skin cells from the epidermis, improving blood circulation, and stimulating the production of elastin and collagen. Urea peroxide destroys defective collagen and at the same time restores the water balance of the epidermis.

Due to the content of kojic acid in the preparation, the peeling gently whitens skin areas with hyperpigmentation, completely eliminates light freckles and removes signs of post-acne. This acid has an antiseptic and antifungal effect, preventing infection from attaching to renewed skin.

What does PQAge peeling consist of?

The innovative peeling contains trichloroacetic and kojic acids, urea peroxide and coenzyme Q10, thanks to which the following processes are activated:

  • regeneration at the cellular level
  • narrowing of pores
  • stimulation of the epidermis

As a result, the skin becomes more elastic and toned, acquiring a healthy and fresh color.

PQAge peeling will be a more than worthy alternative to laser resurfacing and rejuvenating injections.

How is PQAge Promoitalia peeling performed?

On average, the procedure takes about 30 - 40 minutes, and is performed in the following sequence:

  • deep skin cleansing
  • accurate and uniform application of the drug
  • intensive facial massage
  • the final stage - applying the final cream to achieve maximum results
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