What is the best tool to remove blackheads?


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Black spots on the skin (comedones) are the openings of follicles clogged with sebum. They usually cause trouble for teenagers, but adults also have this problem. How is facial cleansing done to remove blackheads? Can you do it at home or do you have to see a cosmetologist?

The reasons for the formation of blackheads are poor nutrition and skin cleansing, poor-quality cosmetics, and bad habits. Hormonal imbalances and diseases of the digestive tract lead to their occurrence. By changing your habits, diet, and skin care, you should not give up proven quick ways to cleanse your face of blackheads. By dealing with the problem comprehensively, you can achieve good results - improve the quality of your skin and achieve a healthy lifestyle.

Is it worth squeezing out blackheads on the face: dangerous cleaning

Many people try to solve the problem simply and quickly. They squeeze out blackheads without cleansing the skin or ensuring a sterile procedure. There is no need to do this, since such actions often:

· scars remain;

Pores expand and become noticeable;

· inflammation occurs on the face after cleaning blackheads due to non-compliance with hygiene rules.

As a result, it can be more difficult for a cosmetologist to cope with the consequences of improperly dealing with blackheads than with acne. Hygienic facial cleansing and removal of blackheads should be carried out in a sterile clinic environment. This ensures safety and gives the desired result.

What is needed for mechanical facial cleansing: safety conditions

Mechanical facial cleansing requires compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, since it occurs with a violation of the integrity of the skin. Thus, there is a risk of introducing not only pyogenic microflora, but also dangerous diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis, etc.

Modern instruments used in cosmetology are made of medical steel with a high rate of corrosion stability during sterilization or pre-sterilization treatment by soaking. The preparation of the disinfectant solution and the choice of concentration are carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions. Further cleaning involves rinsing under running water and sterilizing in a dry-heat oven for at least 45 minutes. Sterile metal instruments can be stored in a UV cabinet. Consumables such as cotton swabs, cosmetic discs, gauze wipes are sterilized in a bix and taken with a forceps or tweezers.

Also important stages of mechanical facial cleansing: regular rinsing of the instrument used and wiping the face with a disinfectant solution during the procedure to maintain the cleanliness of open and already cleaned pores.

Given the need for long-term disinfection and sterilization, it is recommended that the doctor have several complete sets of instruments. Their number may vary depending on the density of customer traffic, as well as taking into account the likelihood of one or another accessory falling on the floor, which subsequently needs to be replaced with a new sterile one to eliminate the risk of infection. For maximum comfort, the catalog presents combined double-sided instruments that combine the most popular tips, for example, an acne squeezer with a spoon or loop, as well as other combinations.

Take care of the health of your patients and choose only high-quality instruments in the FIRST PROFESSIONAL. A wide selection of the most popular accessories in the “Cosmetology Tools” section.

Treatment of comedones with ultrasound

Less painful, in comparison with mechanical manual cleaning, is a procedure during which the skin is exposed to ultrasonic waves. As a result, the face is cleared of acne, the pores are freed from excess sebum, and dead epidermal cells are exfoliated. If before the session there were black spots on the skin, then after completing facial cleansing, the skin is absolutely smooth, even, and fresh.

Medical offers a wide range of cosmetology and medical services. Appointments can be made by phone or on the clinic’s website.

Kozlova Lyudmila Sergeevna The article was checked and confirmed by a doctor


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Spoon Uno

The most popular tool for removing blackheads and blackheads, which is considered an alternative to the usual squeezing of pimples with your hands. The Uno spoon is a stick with two blades at the ends: one smaller and with a hole in the middle, and the second larger and with many small holes.262

Indications and contraindications

A facial cleansing tool is used to remove excess sebum and blackheads. But if you have rosacea, a tendency to inflammation, furunculosis, herpes, or demodicosis, it is better to avoid using the Uno spoon.

How to remove pimples with a tool?

Typically, cleaning begins with using a strainer (the side with more holes). The skin must be held with your fingers to minimize injury. Movements should be carried out in a strictly specified direction: in the forehead area - up from the eyebrow line, on the cheekbones - towards the bridge of the nose, on the nose - up the back, on the chin - from bottom to top.

The side with a single hole is used to remove closed comedones and blackheads. To do this, you need to position the tool so that the acne element is in the center of the hole. By lightly pressing the spoon with an offset, you can remove its contents.

Vidal loop263

The tool was created by the French bacteriologist Fernand Vidal. It is a metal stick with a thin loop at one end. On the other hand, it can be equipped with a needle or Uno spoon.

Indications and contraindications

The Vidal loop is used to remove blackheads and blackheads with white heads. The cosmetic tool can be used to treat different problem areas, but most often it is used to clean the skin in the T-zone.

How to properly remove pimples using a tool?

The technology for using the Vidal loop is practically no different from the principle of using the Uno spoon. The tool must be positioned so that the acne element is in the center of the loop. To remove the contents, you need to apply a little pressure on the tool. The Vidal loop is especially used to remove dense blackheads that give the skin a rough appearance. The tool is practically powerless against flat elements.

A Vidal needle is always included in the acne tool kit, which is used to remove deep subcutaneous acne. The advantage of the tool is its targeted action, but when using it you need to be careful (there is a risk of injury to the skin and the spread of infection). A Vidal needle is usually combined with a loop during cleaning.


There are several main reasons for the appearance of blackheads.

Hormonal changes.

This is the most common cause of comedones in adolescence. Changes in hormones lead to excess sebum production. When pathogenic bacteria enter the pores, an inflammatory process begins, which leads to the appearance of acne. This happens not only in adolescence - black spots on the nose and forehead can appear while taking OCs, during the period of hormonal changes in the body.

Incorrect or insufficient cleansing.

Products for problem skin contain antibacterial components and alcohol, which are designed to destroy pathogenic bacteria. They also aggressively cleanse the skin, completely degreasing it. This provokes two problems at once:

  1. Along with harmful microorganisms, beneficial ones are also destroyed. This leads to skin dysbiosis, reducing its protective properties.
  2. Drying of the upper layers of the epidermis leads to a decrease in pore size. It would seem that this is good. But if there is insufficient cleansing, sebum remains inside the pores and cannot come out naturally. And this leads to the proliferation of bacteria, dryness, and inflammation.

If there is insufficient cleansing, a similar problem arises. Some pathogenic microorganisms remain inside the skin and begin to actively multiply in the nutrient medium of sebum. Sebum oxidizes and the problem returns. A cosmetologist in Lobnya helps to cleanse the skin deeply - this improves the condition of the pores, reduces their diameter and at the same time completely eliminates excess sebum.

Insufficient hydration.

In many lines designed to care for problem skin, the moisturizing stage is neglected. All products are aimed specifically at eliminating sebum, which leads to the skin beginning to actively evaporate moisture. The tops of the fat plugs in the pores also freeze. This is how black spots appear on the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin.

Chronic diseases.

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract also negatively affect the condition of the skin. Due to improper metabolism, carcinogens enter the body, from which it begins to get rid of it in the ways available to it, including through the skin. It is worth paying attention if before this the face did not cause any problems, but suddenly some areas began to become excessively covered with comedones.

A cosmetologist in Lobnya will help identify the main causes of blackheads. If necessary, he will tell you what studies should be completed in order to make this problem less pronounced in the future.

Abuse of bad habits.

Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the condition of the skin. Excessive intake of nicotine and tar leads to a deterioration in capillary blood flow in the skin, which provokes dryness and the appearance of early wrinkles. Due to insufficient nutrition and the supply of useful components, natural metabolic processes slow down. Because of this, black dots appear.

Physical impact

People who often touch their faces have much more comedones and inflammation. This is due to several reasons:

  • mechanical impact;
  • violation of gas exchange;
  • entry of harmful bacteria into the pores.

People who talk on the phone a lot without using headphones or headsets have a lot of blackheads on their cheeks. Constant pressure simply does not allow sebum to come out of the pores freely, which leads to their clogging. People who frequently touch their nose develop blackheads on their nose for the same reason.

Abuse of foundation

Despite the fact that the compositions of most products are considered non-comedogenic, their regular use can cause deterioration of the epidermis. This is due to insufficiently deep cleansing of the skin. Oils and pigments in cosmetics penetrate deep into the pores, contributing to their clogging.

Safe Pore Cleaning

The mechanical cleaning procedure boils down to squeezing out blackheads from steamed skin. Many people carry out such cleansing at home, which can lead to dire consequences. Mechanical cleaning can be done correctly at home, but this will require careful disinfection, thoughtful preparation and special tools. A cosmetologist has tools, disinfectants, and experience in performing the procedure; this is the best option for those who need a good result without the risk of complications.

Removing blackheads on the face with ultrasound does not injure the skin: ultrasound waves destroy the structure of sebaceous plugs and push them out, where excess fat and dead cells are removed using peeling. Ultrasound not only helps clean pores, but also starts the process of cell regeneration; the procedures produce a rejuvenating effect.

removal of blackheads on the nose: photos before and after the procedure

Comedones (blackheads) - symptoms and treatment

The formation of comedones is based on disruption of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands. They are located in the deep layers of the skin, at the root of the hair.

The sebaceous glands produce their own secretion - sebum, or sebum. Moving up the pilosebaceous duct, it creates a protective barrier on the skin, gives it elasticity, maintains a normal pH level, and helps retain moisture.

The cells that produce sebum are constantly renewed: they shift towards the mouth of the sebaceous gland, gradually accumulate secretion and are destroyed. The keratinocytes that line the exit duct of the follicle are also constantly renewed and exfoliated.

When the function of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, the following happens:

  • The sebaceous glands begin to produce too much sebum. It turns into a thick sticky mass that completely fills the duct.
  • The formation of keratinocytes intensifies, and there are more cells. They get stuck in thick sebum and clog the outlet duct of the sebaceous gland.

When the lumen of the canal is completely filled, the contents of the pilosebaceous duct begin to press on the walls of the canal. The mouth of the duct expands, eventually forming a comedon. In such an environment, opportunistic flora is activated over time. She begins to absorb excess sebum, which is a nutrient medium for her. As a result, the pilosebaceous follicle becomes inflamed and acne develops [3].

Heredity, hormonal disorders and nutrition

A genetic predisposition to comedones may be associated with one of four characteristics:

  • large sebaceous gland;
  • hypersensitivity of sebaceous gland receptors to sex hormones - androgens;
  • hyperandrogenism - high levels of androgens;
  • increased activity of the enzyme 5-alphareductase with normal levels of sex hormones.

The last feature is associated with the transition of androgen to dihydrotestosterone - DHT. This transition occurs under the influence of the enzyme 5-alphareductase.

DHT controls the activity of the sebaceous glands and the process of keratinization. This hormone binds to androgen receptors in a “lock and key” manner, where the “key” is the hormone and the “lock” is the androgen receptor. But “opening the lock” can only be done with the help of another hormone—insulin or insulin-like growth factor—IGF-1 [3].

Insulin and glucose themselves are necessary for the body. Their level increases after eating any food. But with excessive amounts of sweets, refined and other foods, the concentration of insulin and glucose becomes greater. Moreover, the level of glucose in the blood increases first, and then insulin. And then everything develops according to the same scenario, leading to the active production of sebum and the formation of comedones.

Insulin levels also increase when eating whole milk products. Insulin binds to androgen receptors and increases DHT levels. This hormone, in turn, binds to the receptors of the sebaceous glands and stimulates the production of sebum.

Therefore, people who are genetically prone to increased sebum secretion should be especially careful and control the consumption of sweets, dairy and refined products.

Improper skin care

Skin prone to the development of comedonal acne needs proper care.

Soap, harsh scrubs and alcohol products with surfactants only injure the skin, leading to the appearance of new comedones. These products disrupt the skin's pH, its protective barrier, causing it to become overdried. The body will try to restore the skin barrier by increasing sebum production and the formation of keratinocytes. But this will only worsen the skin condition.

People prone to the formation of comedones are also not recommended to use oils, thick creams or massage the skin. Thick creams and oils can further clog the pilosebaceous duct, and increased kneading, rubbing and pressure on the skin can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.


Stressful situations are a trigger factor for comedonal acne [4][5]. This is due to the production of neurotransmitters, in particular substance P. This substance transmits a signal, triggers the process of inflammation, dilates blood vessels and increases capillary permeability.

The sebaceous glands are hypersensitive to substance P. Therefore, neurotransmitters bind to the cells of the sebaceous glands and stimulate their activity. As a result, sebum formation increases [7].

What are blackheads

Comedones (blackheads) appear in the skin when sebum accumulates in the pores. Normally, it is released on an ongoing basis and is washed off the face during cleansing. If cleaning is insufficient, some of the sebum remains in the pores, clogging them. The top of the sebum plug begins to oxidize under the influence of oxygen and turns black. This is how black dots appear.

Sebum production is a normal skin defense mechanism. Sebum protects the epidermis from moisture loss, helps maintain normal microflora and prevents the appearance of early wrinkles. For this reason, those with oily skin experience age-related changes later.

When sebum is secreted, it has a liquid texture. It is this that ensures the appearance of oily shine on the face. When oxidized, it begins to harden and becomes denser.

Comparison of mechanical and ultrasonic methods for removing blackheads

Mechanical cleaning Ultrasonic cleaning
Advantages High efficiency, maximum cleansing Gentle and painless procedure, does not cause complications
Flaws Risk of scarring, inflammation, pain Removes only superficial impurities from pores
Preparation for the procedure Steaming the skin Not required
Rehabilitation Darsonvalization, healing and vasoconstrictors Nourishing mask, moisturizing cream
Side effects Skin injuries, possible infection when carried out at home None
Contraindications Infectious or allergic rashes, furunculosis, large moles Cardiovascular diseases, hypertension
Result Visible after a few days, when the redness has subsided Visible immediately: skin brightens, tone evens out

When to contact a cosmetologist

A cosmetologist in Lobnya helps to get rid of comedones that arise as a result of poor skin hygiene. Main indications for visiting a specialist:

  • spread of comedones;
  • the presence of inflammatory elements;
  • acne;
  • insufficient care;
  • frequent stress;
  • eating disorders.

All these factors lead to deterioration of the skin condition. Independent attempts at elimination, especially if a person does not fully understand how to get rid of blackheads, can cause a deterioration in the condition of the dermis - scars and scars appear, pores become more noticeable, inflammation and abscesses occur.

A specialist helps determine the exact cause of comedones. He will select the right care and give recommendations on maintaining daily hygiene.

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