Olga Drozdova before and after plastic surgery. Photo in her youth, what she looks like now, how she has changed

What was Olga Drozdova like before her appearance transformation?

Olga Drozdova changed a lot before and after plastic surgery, as can be seen from many photos. The appearance of the actress before the interventions of surgeons had completely different features. At the beginning of her career, Olga Drozdova’s nose was somewhat wide. The tip of the nose was sloping. But the oval of young Olga’s face was neat, thin and graceful.

Before the transformation, the actress’s lips had less volume and a slightly different shape. Also, the celebrity’s eyes were slightly different before the transformation. The lower eyelid had a kind of convexity, and what in plastic surgery is called a “roller” was created.

First plastic surgery

Olga Drozdova had her first plastic surgery in her youth, when she worked at the Sovremennik Theater. The actress decided to correct the shape of her nose. Rhinoplasty was recommended by director Galina Volchek.

After the operation, Olga’s nose became more “aristocratic”, thin and graceful.

Rhinoplasty is also used for:

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Photo of Olga Drozdova in her youth

During her years at school, Olga saw little of herself as an actress and dreamed of becoming a geologist.

Drozdova was a diligent student, so she graduated from school with a gold medal

For some time, due to difficulties in the family, Olga had to work as a storekeeper at one of the factories

Drozdova began collaborating with the Sovremennik Theater shortly after graduating from theater school.

In 2022, Drozdova provided the public with her own musical program called “Three Anniversaries”

Eyelid lift – blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery performed for:

According to journalists, Olga Drozdova had blepharoplasty done in 2011. And she came out after the operation to present the film award for the series “Golden Rhinoceros”. Olga Drozdova has different eyelid shapes before and after plastic surgery.

Before plastic surgery, the actress had very noticeable age-related “ridges” under her eyes. After the operation, the eyes became a little more open, small wrinkles in the outer corners smoothed out and the swelling under the eyes disappeared.

Lipolifting – lip augmentation

Olga Drozdova’s lips before plastic surgery were also thinner. After lipolifting, the actress’s lips gained volume, wrinkles on the thin skin of the lips smoothed out, and the contour became clearer. Journalists believe that lip augmentation was done in 2011.

Olga Drozdova before and after plastic surgery looks completely different in the photo.

Lipolifting (or lipofilling) is a procedure for transplanting one's own fat tissue from one area of ​​the body to another. The procedure is popular both for increasing lip volume and for other purposes.

With lipofilling you can:

  • adjust the shape of the chin and cheekbones;
  • smooth out age wrinkles;
  • rejuvenate hands;
  • adjust the shape and volume of the buttocks and hips;
  • correct the natural curvature of the legs.

Lipolifting is rightfully considered one of the safest and most effective methods of appearance correction. After all, your own fatty tissue introduced into the correction zone does not cause allergies. Lipofilling is effective and safe, but there is always a risk that lipids injected into the lips may be absorbed naturally.

Beauty injections

Beauty injections are injection procedures aimed at rejuvenating facial skin. Injections are highly effective and cause minimal injury.

Cosmetologists recommend introducing beauty injections after 30 years.

The injected liquid may include:

  • vitamins;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • polylactic acid;
  • calcium hydroxyapatite;
  • liquid silicone;
  • botulinum toxin.

Compositions containing acids are used to intensively moisturize and fill voids and add volume. It is possible to smooth out wrinkles with acids, but the effect lasts no more than 2 years.

Calcium hydroxyapatite is used as a long-lasting filler. The main benefit of calcium hydroxyapatite is that it stimulates natural collagen synthesis. The rejuvenating effect lasts about 3.5 years.

Silicone injections are the most durable. But they also have a big drawback - the risk of migration of the drug and the need for surgical intervention to remove the silicone.

It is assumed that Olga Drozdova corrected her appearance using Botox injections. Botulinum toxin does an excellent job of smoothing out even deep wrinkles. The action of the drug is based on relaxation of the muscles that form wrinkles.

Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting facts:

  1. It’s hard to believe, but as a child, the fair sex considered herself an “ugly duckling.” The fact is that because of acne, the girl was embarrassed about her appearance.
  2. The beauty earned her first money when she was fifteen years old. She had to do this, more because her father passed away and the teenager needed to help her mother.
  3. Being younger, the woman was pregnant. But, like most actresses who were just starting their career, she decided to have an abortion. For many years, the celebrity did not experience pangs of conscience, until one day she realized her mistake.
  4. The girl was very close to her father. When he was 42 years old, he died. Olga was the first to know about this. For this reason, she had to report the unpleasant news. But so that her mother would not be too upset, Drozdova deliberately threw a tantrum to distract her parent. Luckily it worked.
  5. As it turned out, perhaps the actress would not have married Dmitry Pevtsov. During the filming of the film “Stop on Demand,” the actor and director persuaded her to appear naked. This fact greatly offended the artist, and she left for Paris. But soon, the artist managed to return his beloved.
  6. Olga Drozdova is a conflict-free person. It doesn't even kill flies and mosquitoes. For this reason, if she has a serious fight with someone, she can get very sick.
  7. In appearance, the actress is very feminine and fragile, but some time ago she really liked kickboxing. The woman liked this sport, but soon she noticed that she began to gain muscle mass. After this, the actress gave up her hobby.
  8. When the sequel to “Gangster Petersburg” was released, Dmitry Pevtsov insisted that Olga not appear in the sequel.
  9. Despite her age, the woman was not afraid to seek the help of a plastic surgeon. Fans worry that one day she will lose her individuality.
  10. If you believe official data, the actress’s personal life is not as interesting as her career. Throughout her life, Olga had only 2-3 partners.
  11. Although the celebrity has changed a lot due to plastic surgery, she continues to be in demand not only in the theater, but also in cinema.

Olga Drozdova is a talented actress who, at one time, risked everything she had and changed her fate. Despite the fact that the fair sex decided to leave the theater, the number of celebrity fans did not decrease from this.

How else Olga Drozdova improved her appearance

It is also known that the actress improved her appearance not only with the help of cosmetology and plastic surgery, but also with dentistry. Namely, Olga Drozdova installed veneers that made the woman’s smile dazzlingly white.

Veneers in Russia are just gaining popularity, while in the West almost every celebrity has them installed. And it’s almost impossible to imagine a Hollywood smile without snow-white veneers.

Veneers are thin plates of ceramic or composite materials that are applied to a person’s own teeth. Veneers replace/cover the outer layer of teeth. To install such plates, the teeth are lightly ground in a special way.

There are indications for installing veneers:

  • presence of gaps between teeth;
  • presence of cracks in tooth enamel;
  • abrasion of teeth;
  • any aesthetic defects.

After installing veneers, you need to carefully and regularly care for your teeth, because when installed, they lose a layer of enamel and become more susceptible to caries. Olga Drozdova constantly improves her appearance: she changes her hairstyles, hair color, and clothing style. And, of course, he especially carefully monitors the condition of his skin.

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Nadezhda Babkina

69 years old

In 2012, fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev, who usually scathingly criticizes the style of our elite, spoke very flatteringly about Nadezhda Georgievna: “She does not hide the fact that the surgeon’s scalpel touched her face. But I am convinced that Babkin should be set as an example for everyone. Of all our pop stars, her face can be called exemplary.”

RIA Novosti / Sergey Velichinsky; Peter Chernov

“Take a closer look, it doesn’t have a constriction like some people do. If plastic surgery is unsuccessful, then the person becomes like a mummy, cannot close his eyes, is unable to open his mouth without grinning. But Nadezhda Babkina is simply beautiful after plastic surgery. And God grant that all the doctors who worked on her appearance at one time treat their other patients with the same responsibility and with the same love,” the judge of “Fashionable Sentence” wished then.

But either the surgeons didn’t get it, or the patient couldn’t stop in time. In the current photos, fans no longer recognize the queen of Russian song.

With Valery Leontyev - “like twins”


On Instagram they leave offensive comments: “Porcelain great-grandmother”, “What a hard life celebrities have, all they can do is sympathize with all the old nags, otherwise, really, they’re already like dried dried fruits!”

From the latest photographs it is not Babkina who is looking at us. The artist now doesn’t even look like the version of herself that she had after plastic surgery. And there is nothing in common with what happened “before”.

Left: Still from an archival video from the 1980s. Right: ngbabkina / Instagram

Left: Soviet record cover. Right: ngbabkina / Instagram

Olga Drozdova photos before and after plastic surgery

Olga Drozdova looks beautiful before and after plastic surgery, which both critics and fans of the actress agree with. But still, after undergoing aesthetic procedures, the actress’s appearance noticeably changed. The nose has undergone changes: it has become a little thinner and sleeker, more neat and proportional.

Changes are also noticeable on the lips. Olga Drozdova's lips acquired a more appetizing, fuller shape. The upper and lower lips are equal in volume. The overall volume of the lips has also increased. The changes in the shape of the actress’s lips are especially noticeable when they are wearing bright lipstick.

Thanks to eyelid surgery, the actress's look has become more expressive. The upper eyelids “pulled up” a little, and the eyes began to appear larger. The ridges under the eyes that showed age have disappeared.

Around 2011, many journalists noticed that Olga Drozdova’s face shape had changed. She was supposed to have had a circumferential lift. There is no exact information about what procedure the actress performed, but her face was truly rejuvenated and tightened, and wrinkles were smoothed out.

Personal life

Olga Drozdova got married while still a student at the theater school. Her first husband was a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School, actor Alexander Borovikov. True, the marriage soon broke up, and the actress does not like to remember it.

Olga Drozdova in a swimsuit

At the turn of the 90s, Olga developed a serious relationship with the Swiss director Stash. The lovers were already living together and discussing their future wedding. She was going to be played after filming of the bride in Isaac Fritberg’s film “Walk on the Scaffold” ended. It was there that the then young actors Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov met.

From the very first days, the actress had to play in erotic scenes with her partner, which ultimately led to hysterics. Drozdova tried to find sympathy from Dmitry, but Pevtsov supported the director. At the end of the scene the actors kissed.

Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov

According to Drozdova, she did not feel any flickering spark, but after a few days she realized that she was missing Dima. Soon Pevtsov invited her to his performance, and Drozdova canceled her wedding with her Swiss boyfriend because she did not experience the feelings that a bride should experience before the wedding.

Pevtsov began courting his future wife and soon proposed to her. However, Olga hesitated for a long time to agree, and as a result, the wedding took place only in 1994.

Olga Drozdova with her husband

The Pevtsov-Drozdov couple is called one of the most enviable and strong in Russian show business. At the same time, rumors constantly arise in the press that star actors are on the verge of divorce. However, rumors that have been appearing for 15 years have not been confirmed in any way. Moreover, in 2012, when Pevtsov’s son Daniil from his first marriage tragically died, his wife, according to her husband, strongly supported him and, as far as possible, brought him back to life.

In 2007, Olga gave birth to Dmitry’s son Elisha. The star duo always dreamed of a family with many children. The artist tried to get pregnant for a long time, but no modern methods led to the desired result.

Olga Drozdova with her son and husband

Happiness came when it was no longer expected. Dmitry Pevtsov's wife became pregnant at 42 years old. According to the actress, from surprise she fell into a state of passion. Being a believer, Drozdova admitted that she sees a connection in the fact that before she became pregnant, she and Pevtsov got married.

Olga Drozdova came out with her grown-up son

In 2022, the actress visited the studio of Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of a Man,” where she revealed some secrets of her personal life. Olga admitted that in her youth she resorted to termination of pregnancy, then the girl was afraid of losing her place on a course at a theater institute due to going on academic leave. She realized the gravity of that act only before her wedding to her husband.

Olga Drozdova on the project “The Fate of Man”

In addition to her own son, the family has an adopted daughter, young actress Alena Derkach. The girl studied with an acting couple in the first cast of the Pevtsovteatr studio. For Olga and Dmitry, all the children from the first graduating class became practically family. The spouses still keep in touch with each of them. Having seen how difficult it was for Alena to study at the theater university where she entered after the studio, Olga decided to take her with her.

How much do the actress's surgeries cost?

Among the actress's plastic surgeries, the following stand out:

  • rhinoplasty;
  • blepharoplasty;
  • lipolifting.

The cost of rhinoplasty is 60,000 rubles. Lip lipofilling can be performed for 15,000-17,000 rubles. Blepharoplasty can be performed for about 60,000 rubles.

In total, the total cost of the actress’s operations is about 137,000 rubles.

Beauty injections are not serious surgical interventions, especially since they are recommended to be repeated after some time. The average cost of Botox injections for the entire face (between the eyebrows, forehead, eyes) is 20,000 rubles. It is recommended to repeat botulinum toxin injections every 8-9 months.

Personal life and latest news about Drozdova

Currently, Olga Borisovna Drozdova is 53 years old. She is married to the famous actor Dmitry Pevtsov and has a 10th son, Elisha. Olga Drozdova actively shares her appearance care secrets with the press.

Lately she has been immersed in work on new performances and films, so she has little free time and does not maintain Instagram. At social evenings, the actress appears in the company of her husband, but she rarely introduces her son in society.

New images and experiments with appearance are not always well received by fans of the star. Olga was criticized for the dark dress and light cardigan she wore in the program “The Fate of a Man.” The vast majority of viewers considered her image inappropriate for her age. In addition, the actress’s behavior on camera was considered insincere.


Biography of actress Olga Drozdova

Olga Drozdova achieved success in cinema on her own. On the path to becoming a celebrity, she had to face various troubles in life, but they did not break the purposeful woman. In the end, endless work led the artist to acquire a successful career, a beloved husband and an audience of loyal fans.

How old is Olga Drozdova

The actress truly delights her fans with her fresh appearance. Regardless of time, a woman maintains youth, beauty and elegance. Therefore, the public naturally has a question about Olga Drozdova’s age.

During her school years, Drozdova did not like her appearance and for this reason considered herself a failure

The celebrity shares his passport numbers without hesitation. The woman was born on April 1, 1965. According to her zodiac sign, she is Aries. In 2022, Drozdova celebrated her anniversary; the actress turned 55 years old.

Where does Olga Drozdova live?

Soon after the birth of their son Elisha, the Drozdov family moved to a new place. Olga, together with her husband Dmitry, decided to settle in the capital’s Khodynskoye Pole microdistrict. The couple’s new address was Aircraft Designer Mikoyan Street.

The lovers appreciated the residential complex and noted that they were pleasantly pleased with the ecology and infrastructure. It is unknown how many rooms there are in the Drozdovs’ apartment, but realtors note that this area is famous for expensive real estate.

Olga and Dmitry rarely share pictures of their home, but there are several personal photos of the couple indoors on the Internet

Height and weight of Olga Drozdova

The actress carefully monitors her appearance and maintains a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition and sports give a woman the opportunity to maintain youth and slimness. Since filming her debut work, Olga’s parameters have remained virtually unchanged. Drozdova's height is 170 cm, and her weight does not exceed 60 kg, thanks to which her figure looks fit and expressive.

Parents of Olga Drozdova

The parents of the Russian film and theater star were far from art and did not expect their daughter to choose an acting career. Olga's father, Boris Fedorovich, was a captain, and her mother, Maria Ivanovna, worked as an agronomist.

The family upbringing was strict. The mother tried to keep a tight rein on her daughter and not allow her to do anything unnecessary. From an early age, Olga constantly heard her parents’ “no” and unwittingly obeyed the prohibitions.

Due to parental restrictions in her adult life, Olga does not like it when someone tells her “you can’t”

Nationality of Olga Drozdova

There is no information on the Internet about Drozdova’s exact nationality, since the woman herself did not comment on this matter. However, it became known about the origin of Drozdova’s mother. Maria Ivanovna came from a gypsy tribe, from where she adopted the principles of raising children.

Information about the father's nationality is not available. Fans suggest that it was Olga’s gypsy roots that made Olga’s appearance truly expressive and attractive.

New image and secret of Olga Drozdova’s ideal figure

Olga Drozdova looks well-groomed and harmonious before and after plastic surgery, photos confirm this fact. But with age, natural changes in appearance occur. It is not surprising that many people wonder what Olga Drozdova does to maintain her beauty?

To always look beautiful, the actress regularly undergoes special cosmetic procedures.

Olga Drozdova believes that her skin does not require special nutrition and prefers good peeling.

Modern salon peelings not only cleanse, but also heal, regenerate, and rejuvenate the skin. Olga Drozdova really likes to perm her hair. She believes that only aggressive compounds can turn her unruly hair into beautiful curls.

In recent years, Olga Drozdova has been actively experimenting with her appearance. She changes her hair color, glasses frames, and clothing style. The actress dyed her hair in reddish and chestnut shades, then light brown; recently, the actress prefers blonde ash colors. Not all celebrity images are liked by her fans, but in this way Olga shows her individuality.

Olga Drozdova also often experiments with lipstick color. Sometimes she uses shades close to natural, and sometimes provocative, bright scarlet. Olga Drozdova has a slender figure that many women can envy. She had problems with excess weight only during pregnancy, but even after giving birth she managed to lose those extra pounds.

According to the latest data, with a height of 172 cm, the star's weight is 59 kg. Olga Drozdova adheres to the rules of separate nutrition: she does not combine carbohydrates and proteins. The actress also completely limited the consumption of smoked, fatty, sweet and fried foods.

In addition, to cook meat or poultry, Olga uses a convection oven , in which the fat completely drains out of the product during cooking. As a result, only pure protein without a gram of fat is consumed. There are practically no plant foods (vegetables or fruits) in the actress’s diet, because she doesn’t like them and prefers protein foods (cottage cheese, yogurt, etc.).

Olga also never eats the sandwiches that many people love. The actress prefers meat and seafood dishes. However, she does not eat pork, lamb or rabbit because of the specific smell. also recommends having oatmeal for breakfast . She herself only eats about 50 g.

Nutrition recommendations also include the fact that to remove excess water from the body, the actress recommends drinking about 1.5 liters of mineral water daily. But even among “junk” foods, the actress has preferences. She really loves French baguettes and cakes. Although she eats baguettes extremely rarely, she allows herself a piece of cake once a month.

One of the secrets of the actress’s ideal figure is that she regularly engages in fitness.

Olga tried yoga, but found the monotonous stretching exercises boring. After yoga, the actress switched to kickboxing. But she rarely does this either, because she noticed too rapid muscle growth due to the load. As a cosmetic procedure to reduce volume, she performs wraps on problem areas.

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Childhood and youth

The biography of the future celebrity originates in the city of Nakhodka on April 1, 1965. The birth of a daughter was a real gift for the young family. The parents spoiled the child as best they could.

For this reason, the girl never felt deprived. During her school years, Olga managed not only to earn extra money, but also to study diligently. The schoolgirl's only dream was to get rid of acne.

One day, after visiting the theater, the beauty realized that she wanted to become an actress. Arriving home, she informed her parents about this, who were shocked by their daughter’s statement. However, they decided to support the child.

When the teenager was fifteen years old, the head of the family passed away. Hard times have come. Olga earned money to help her mother. After graduating from school, she entered the university, but soon dropped out.

Soon a group of young actors decided to try their luck and they all decided to go to Sverdlovsk to enter the theater school. When this day came, the only one who came to the airport was Olga. On her first try, she managed to conquer the commission. Not even two years have passed since the young beauty actively acted in films and played in the theater. However, Drozdova was attracted to Moscow.

What Olga Drozdova says about the changes that have taken place

Since Olga Drozdova is a well-known actress, she received increased attention from journalists, many of whom noticed and focused on changes in the actress’s appearance. When asked whether she has consulted plastic surgeons, the actress always answers in the negative. Indeed, the actress cannot be caught being particularly overly enthusiastic about correcting her appearance.

Despite possible plastic surgery, the actress’s appearance remained pleasant and natural. The actress explains her good skin condition by proper and regular self-care and cosmetic procedures.

Olga says that someday, perhaps, she will agree to a radical correction of her appearance by plastic surgeons. She believes that an actress's face should always be flawless, because the face plays a decisive role in the image of a character.

Olga Drozdova has always been distinguished by her pleasant appearance and slender figure, both before and after plastic surgery. Currently, the actress remains in demand and loved by fans. The viewer fell in love with her largely for her natural charm and charm.

Article design: Oksana Grivina

First steps

The actress's theatrical career was much more successful than her cinematic one. They didn’t even want to recognize her talent. For this reason, the fair sex had to prove the opposite more than once.

The film “Daring Trouble - the Beginning” became the debut for the aspiring artist; after performing a cameo role, she did not stop there. Subsequently, films with the participation of the actress followed - “Alice and the Bukinist”, “Queen Margot” and the erotic film “Daughters of Happiness”.

The last film received a mixed reception: some were horrified, while others, on the contrary, admired Olga Drozdova’s performance. But real success came to her after two popular projects in the past - “Gangster Petersburg” and “Stop on Demand”.

Now the famous actress does not need to prove anything. After all, no one doubts the talent of this amazingly beautiful woman.

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