Laysan Utyasheva. Hot photos in a swimsuit, before and after plastic surgery, in youth and now, body measurements, personal life

Laysan Utyasheva (Laysan Albert kyzy Үtәsheva), whose photos (hot) look at us today from the television screen, the covers of glossy magazines, became famous at the age of 12. The bright star of the incredible flexible, plastic gymnast quickly rose on the horizon of world rhythmic gymnastics.

At the age of 14 she received the title of Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, at the age of 16 she became a 6-time European champion in rhythmic gymnastics, a world champion in the team event (2001, Madrid) and an international master of sports. The legend of Russian gymnastics, who did not win Olympic gold, managed to become famous and loved by millions.

She became an example for millions of desperate people. Forced to leave professional sports due to injury, she became a TV presenter, actress, writer, model, and sports commentator. Utyasheva successfully combines multifaceted creative activities with the role of wife and mother and always strives to “embrace the immensity.”

short biography

Laysan Utyasheva, whose photos (hot) show a successful, beautiful woman beaming with a happy smile, was born on June 28, 1985 in the village of Raevsky, Alsheevsky district, in Bashkiria. Her maternal grandfather, Sultangarei Kiraev, was for a long time the respected head of the village of Raevsky.

My father is a historian by training, my mother worked as a librarian. The girl’s beauty and talent were given by a bizarre mixture of Bashkir (on her mother’s side), Tatar, Russian and Polish (on her father’s side) blood. On the day she was born, warm summer rain poured, so the girl was named Laysan (“affectionate”, translated from Bashkir).

The family moved to Volgograd when the girl was 4 years old. Parents dreamed of seeing their daughter as a ballerina. However, one day Nadezhda Kasyanova, a gymnastics coach, saw Laysan and her mother in a store. Drawing attention to the girl’s amazing flexibility and plasticity, she persuaded her mother to send her daughter to the rhythmic gymnastics section.

After the very first lesson, little Laysan confidently declared that she would become a world champion, which made her family laugh, because the girl had just turned 4 years old.

Parents separated when Laysan was 11 years old. Soon the mother left to work in Moscow, leaving Laysan in the care of the coach. A year later, in 1997, my mother took Laysan to Moscow. The girl entered the Olympic Reserve School and began training with A. Yanina and O. Skaldina.

My childhood years were remembered for endless training, overcoming pain, and training camps. Discipline in the team was strict, no concessions were made to anyone. Everything was very simple: if you don’t want to work, leave.

Wiener never persuaded or forced anyone to work. It’s just that every girl knew that she had to give 100% every day if she wanted to stay in the team. Laysan said that at every training session they felt like they were at the World Championships.

The girl took her father’s departure from the family very hard; resentment prevented her from communicating with her father for many years. In his second family he had a child. Only when her mother died did Laysan make an attempt to improve relations with her father; she invited him to the funeral. But they never became family.

The father began giving interviews to yellow publications, telling a lot of things that should not have been said, and interpreting many facts from his daughter’s life in his own way. The relationship quickly deteriorated and gradually ceased completely.

In 2006, Utyasheva decided to end her sports career.

In 2007, Laysan danced the Goddess in the play "Bolero", staged by Androsov, at the Imperial Theater, directed by Gediminas Taranda. The girl felt that she was able to tell the story of the Goddess more and more colorfully. Perhaps then the dream of creating my own dance performance was born.

She created and produces the show performance Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva, with an emphasis on modern dance, where she invited the best dancers of the country. The team successfully tours the largest Russian cities, attracting full houses everywhere.

In the show Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva, the legend of rhythmic gymnastics dances in a mixture of High Heels (sensual, daring dance performed in high heels) and Vogue (dance with a mannered gait and model posing), with elements of rhythmic gymnastics.

She learned to dance in just 3 months. Laysan is proud to have proven the gymnasts' ability to dance at the professional level.

In 2008, the autobiographical book “Unbroken” was published, where Laysan very openly talks about herself, about the trials that befell her, and about her first unrequited love. Laysan considers it her great success that she was invited to television. A new career and opportunities for self-realization helped her painlessly get through the difficult moment of leaving sports.

Utyasheva dreams of acting in films, attends castings, gets acquainted with scripts, but has not yet found her role. And she is also preparing a reality project for the target audience - pregnant women, where she is going to share her experience of motherhood.

In particular, how to cope with whims when a pregnant girl wants herring with jam. Laysan assures that taste perversions are not useful for a child, you need to be able to cope with them, and Laysan is ready to teach how to do this.

The price for the enormous achievements in Laysan Utyasheva’s sports career was poor health. In 2002, while performing a demonstration program at a competition in Samara, she landed unsuccessfully. Multiple fractures of the scaphoid bone of the left foot and separation of the bones of the right foot were the result of this error.

For a whole year she trained and performed, overcoming unbearable pain. Laysan complained to the coach, but she accused the girl of laziness, a desire to attract attention, and called her a capricious pretender. The doctors shrugged their shoulders, not finding any pathologies. The Western yellow press wrote that Russians like to cover up their failures with injuries.

This greatly offended the girl; she went back to the carpet, gritting her teeth. One day, unbearable pain caused Laysan to lose consciousness during training.

Only then did Irina Wiener take the girl for examination to Germany, where the girl was found to have a discrepancy in the bones of her right foot and multiple fractures of the scaphoid bone of her left. The doctors insisted on immediate surgery, saying that if there was any delay, she would face amputation of her foot.

During the operation, metal implants were inserted into the left foot and a bone tissue transplant was performed. The operation was carried out under X-ray irradiation; the surgeons called the courageous girl a pioneer, since this was a new method in surgery, tested on her. After the operation there was terrible depression, Laysan quickly gained an extra 8 kg.

Work with psychologists, the support of a trainer, and the faith of her family gave her the strength to overcome depression and return to her previous weight. She ate kefir with a fork to quell the feeling of hunger, swam daily, despite the cast, then dried the bandages with a hair dryer. Next, she had to undergo 6 complex operations on her legs, which lasted 6-7 hours, after which she walked on crutches for 2 years.

Laysan was shocked by the death of her mother, who was dying in her arms. Mom died at the age of 47 from a heart attack. Since then, the paralyzing fear for the lives of her loved ones has not left her. This is the only thing she is afraid of in life.

Laysan was one of the “golden three”, which was supposed to represent the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team in Beijing at the XXIX Summer Olympic Games. However, during the next training session in April 2006, she suffered a dislocation of her knee joint. Cast again, difficult recovery. Then the decision finally came to leave big sport.

Pavel Volya and Laysan began dating in 2010, and only in September 2012 did they register their marriage, when Laysan was already late in pregnancy. Their feelings were truly tested when Laysan’s mother died. Pavel was nearby, organized the funeral, supported the girl, and became the closest and dearest.

Laysan was so upset by the death of her mother that she had to seek help from a psychologist. There was no wedding, because this year was a mourning year. The young people simply signed at the regional registry office. Only after the birth of their son Robert did they call their closest friends and family.

Laysan says that she prepared the manti herself, crumbled the salads, and she was very pleased when Pavel’s friends wondered in which restaurant it was prepared. The flamboyant TV presenter, known for his sarcasm and killer humor, unexpectedly turned out to be a gentle, romantic husband who adores his wife.

Often from the stage he confesses his love to his wife, saying that Laysan is the main gift in his destiny. With the birth of his children, he showed himself to be a loving, caring father.

The Volya family, where, in addition to Pavel, there is a sister, has become truly dear to Laysan. Pavel's parents help raise their grandchildren. Utyasheva once admitted in an interview that she dreams of a big family; she would like to have 5 children.

Son Robert was born in May 2013, and exactly 2 years later, in May 2015, daughter Sophia was born. Laysan gave birth to both children in the USA. She explains this by the desire to isolate herself from the annoying paparazzi.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Laysan Utyasheva began in June 1985 in the village of Raevsky in Bashkiria. The future famous athlete was born under the zodiac sign of Cancer in the family of a historian and librarian.

Interesting appearance and rare name often raised questions about Laysan’s nationality. Utyasheva herself said that on her mother’s side she was Bashkir, and her father had Tatar, Polish and Russian roots.

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Laysan Utyasheva in childhood with her mother
Some time after the birth of their daughter, the family moved to Ufa, and in 1989 the Utyashevs moved to Volgograd. As a child, her parents wanted to let their daughter study ballet, but one day Lyasya was accidentally noticed by coach Nadezhda Kasyanova, who noted the incredible flexibility of her joints and invited her to the world of sports. Young Utyasheva immediately fell in love with rhythmic gymnastics and told her mother that she would grow up to be a world champion.

In 3rd grade, Laysan received her first fee. With the money she earned, the girl bought her parent a robe. Zulfiya kept this gift all her life. When the little girl just started school, her mother set a condition: in order to continue doing gymnastics, her daughter must study well. Utyasheva did just that, perfectly combining training and competitions with studies.

Already as an adult, Utyasheva admitted that her parents separated when her daughter was little. The reason was my father’s constant problems with alcohol. The mother tried to bring her husband back, code him and help him get rid of the addiction, but everything was in vain. And later it turned out that Albert had already created a new family, which Laysan and Zulfiya did not know about.

The famous gymnast does not forget about her native village, coming to which she again feels like a child, carefree running barefoot on the ground. Laysan still has elderly relatives in Raevskoye who do not want to move to Moscow, much less abroad. When visiting the elderly, the celebrity does not hesitate to garden and milk the cow.

Interesting facts and achievements

Laysan Utyasheva, whose (hot) photos show her at different moments in her life, from early childhood to the present day, is an extremely gifted person, with a difficult and extraordinary fate.

There are many interesting facts in her life that characterize her:

  • The future star gave her first media interview at the age of 8, and a television interview at the age of 12.
  • One of the first questions asked of Laysan by television journalists was about her biggest dream. The girl answered seriously in an adult way that medals and titles are not the main thing she strives for. Rewards are just a nice bonus. The main thing she dreams of is to become the most memorable gymnast, to earn applause and the love of the audience for her individual, unique style.
  • Until the age of 8, the girl was left-handed.
  • For her first victory in an international competition, 10-year-old Laysan received a cash prize. The girl spent this money on a gift for her mother, buying her a silk robe. Mom, Zulfiya, was so moved that she kept this robe as a memory of her daughter’s first victory.
  • At the age of 11, Laysan was kidnapped by people to whom her father, a not very successful businessman, owed a large sum. After training, the girl, as usual, went out and got into her father’s car. However, a stranger was behind the wheel. The girl was taken away, and for 2 days the family did not know where she was. Laysan was lucky, she was not offended, the conflict was resolved, but the girl was psychologically traumatized.
  • At the age of 12, Laysan dreamed of becoming a surgeon; she thought that gymnastics was temporary, just a hobby. The girl picked up abandoned sick dogs on the street, nursed them and even bandaged them.
  • Laysan rejects exercises with dumbbells; she thinks that a woman with dumbbells looks strange and inorganic.
  • Laysan loves and knows how to cook. She is especially good at pies and manti. Volya’s family really loves my mother’s French onion soup. Laysan can only trust her husband to prepare mashed potatoes, which he can whip until fluffy.
  • The Volya family loves to vacation in Spain.
  • Utyasheva believes that you never need to prove anything to anyone. You just need to move forward towards your goal.
  • In 2009, Laysan admitted that she converted to Orthodoxy. Perhaps she just went back to basics, because her father was a Christian.
  • The gymnast's name on Instagram is Liasanutiasheva, she has over 4 million subscribers. Laysan willingly shares the secrets of a successful career with her fans and loves to post joint photos and videos with her husband. The star couple does not show their children; in all photos and videos they are visible only from the back.

  • In 2012, Laysan was drawn into a scandal, followed by legal proceedings with her ex-boyfriend, Valery Lomadze. After the breakup, Valery behaved unmanly, demanding that Laysan reimburse all expenses incurred for her. In particular, he demanded that the money be returned to him for the car that he gave to her when they lived together. The trials dragged on for 2 years, the court ruled in favor of Lomadze, the girl had to pay him all the money.
  • Laysan loves to play chess.
  • The gymnast considers her head coach and mentor, Irina Viner, to be a guardian angel sent to her from above. She is grateful to Wiener for a good school of life. Irina affectionately called the girl “fox”. She also called her “a girl in spite of” - because Laysan knew how to go towards her goal, despite pain, obstacles, and not give up even when those around her gave up and called her to humility.
  • Laysan considers Maya Plisetskaya to be the idol she always tried to imitate.
  • Utyasheva received her driving license at the age of 16.
  • The favorite city of the national gymnastics legend is Barcelona.
  • She doesn’t like nightclubs, she only had the chance to visit the Moscow nightclub “Rock Vegas” once and she didn’t like it, she realized that such establishments were not for her.
  • What she values ​​most in people is intelligence and kindness.
  • Laysan considers Irina Viner’s parting words to be her motto in life: “I stood on the pedestal, listened to the anthem, applause, and enjoyed the moment of glory. Then she stepped off the pedestal, took off her crown and became a nobody again. We need to start everything from scratch."

When asked what she considers her most courageous act in life, Laysan replies that there are several of them:

  • at the age of 17, decide to undergo the first, most complex, operation on the foot;
  • return to professional sports after a 3-year break, foot recovery;
  • become the host of the show “Dancing” on TNT;
  • marry resident of the Comedy Club, TV presenter Pavel Volya;
  • organize your own show performance Bolero by Liasan Utiasheva.

Laysan's sporting achievements:

  • 1999 – title of master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics;
  • 2000 – tournament in memory of Oksana Kostina (2nd place);
  • September 2001 – World Cup in Berlin (victory in 6 categories);
  • October 2001 – World Championships in Madrid (gold in the team championship);
  • 2001 – title of international master of sports;
  • May 2002 – international tournament in Slovenia (2nd place);
  • May 2002 - unofficial world championship in France, in Corbeil-Esonne (1st place);
  • June 2002 – Youth Games in Moscow (mace, ball, jump rope) – 1st place;
  • 2004 – European Championship (gold in team competitions). At this championship, Lyasan performed with metal implants in her left foot, after a difficult recovery. She considers this gold to be the main one in her collection of awards, because she got it very hard.

In recognition of Laysan Utyasheva’s merits, several complex elements of rhythmic gymnastics were named after her.
The most significant milestones in Utyasheva’s television career:

  • 2009 – premiere of the dance show-ballet “Sign of Infinity”, TV series “Voronins”;
  • 2010 – “Morning gymnastics” (NTV channel), project “Personal Trainer” (SportPlus channel);
  • 2011 – show “Beauty Academy with Laysan Utyasheva” (NTV channel);
  • 2012 – film “Champions”; project “Cafe Romantika” (radio Romantika);
  • 2013 – reality program “Don’t sleep!” on TNT;
  • 2014 – show “Dancing” on the TNT channel (host).

In addition, the star took part in the following programs:

  • "Where is the logic?" — an intellectual show on TNT, where celebrity couples take part;
  • “Be Healthy” on Chelna-TV;
  • “This Morning” on ORT;
  • “Fitness with the Stars” - video lessons on You Tube;
  • “Willpower” is a joint on-line project by Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya;
  • In the show project “Dancing with the Stars” on the Russia channel, Laysan acted as a presenter.

In the “Willpower” motivation master class, Laysan shares with fans his personal experience of how to become “the best version of yourself.” She says that you must first of all give up pride, learn to take responsibility for your actions, feel that life can always be radically changed and not be afraid of these changes.

Morning exercises with Laysan Utyasheva

Laysan calls the main contradiction of her life the longing for her family when she is on tour, and the desire to quickly return to work when she sits at home for a long time. This contradiction actually makes Laysan truly happy, living a full-blooded life, filled with achievements and emotions.

Films and clips

For the first time as an actress, Laysan tried her hand as a cameo in the top-rated TV series “Voronin”. In 2012, the TV presenter starred in a small role in the TV series “Champions.” The film was received with restraint. Users of the Otzovik website rated the story 3.5 out of 5.

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Laysan Utyasheva in a swimsuit
In 2015, the gymnast appeared in singer Yolka’s video for the song “I’ll Be Waiting for You,” where she demonstrated brilliant flexibility and talent. A couple of years later, Yolka presented a video for the song “Let the Music In.” Utyasheva and her husband, Vadim Galygin, Timur Batrutdinov, Alexander Gudkov and others participated in the creation of the project. As planned, celebrities recorded home videos based on their scripts. The stars were allowed to fool around, misbehave, laugh and sing from the heart.

At the same time, Laysan got the role of Ravshana in the satirical comedy by Ametkhan Magomedov “Dancing on Heights”. The presentation of the film took place at the IV North Caucasus Media Forum in Pyatigorsk. According to the script, the main character goes to Moscow from Dagestan. The small homeland of hip-hopper Tofik (Yan Gaharmanov) was represented in the film by the mountain village of Cuba.

Appearance in youth

Laysan Utyasheva, whose (hot) photos today show her in the prime of her beauty and femininity, has been distinguished from her peers by her bright oriental appearance since childhood.

Almond-shaped gray eyes, a gentle look, a straight nose, a large mouth with a capricious curve of sensually plump lips, large even, as if cast, teeth, high thick eyebrows, high cheekbones, thick brown, curly hair made Laysan always the object of increased attention.

Her plump cheeks and radiant smile that shone on her face even while performing the most difficult tricks touched the viewer, and she received a standing ovation.

The girl was always prone to being overweight; she had to adhere to a strict diet so as not to gain extra grams. In the family of coach Nadezhda Kasyanova, where the gymnast lived when her mother left for Moscow, Laysan led a Spartan lifestyle.
Daily hours of training and an extremely meager diet containing only healthy foods, in the opinion of the trainer. Kiwi and cheese for breakfast, chicken broth with a piece of bread for lunch, yogurt for dinner helped maintain the necessary slimness, but sometimes the feeling of hunger was excruciating. In addition, the trainer hung a bell on the refrigerator so that the door could not be opened silently. Today Laysan remembers with a smile how she sometimes ate dog food from the bowl of Berta, the trainer’s fighting dog.

The beginning of Laysan Utyasheva’s career in gymnastics

After persuasion in the supermarket by Nadezhda Kasyanova, Laysan Utyasheva’s mother thought for a long time and finally decided to enroll her daughter in the rhythmic gymnastics section. The girl really had phenomenal joint flexibility for her age. To miss such a chance and not allow my daughter to develop would be a fatal mistake. After the first lesson, Laysan Utyasheva was delighted and wanted to continue studying. She assured her parents that she would become a world champion when she grew up a little.

Laysan Utyasheva in her youth with a dog

However, the mother was still not delighted with little Laysan’s hobby. Later she gave her daughter an ultimatum. She will only go to training if she becomes a good student. The girl listened to her mother's words. She perfectly combined sports training and the educational process. She did both very well. However, the athlete’s life was radically different from other peers. She practically didn’t play, didn’t have fun, didn’t have fun. All the girl’s attention was focused on success in sports and studies. She put maximum effort into it and tried as hard as she could.

Since 1994, Laysan Utyasheva’s coach was Tatyana Sorokina, who instilled a love for sports and gymnastics. However, according to Sorokina, Laysan was overweight . In connection with this, the girl was put on a strict diet. However, the child could not withstand such prohibitions, so secretly from everyone, she even stole dog food from the toe of her trainer’s animal. The girl developed back pain, her mood worsened, and she became depressed due to intense physical exertion. Three years later, the girl moved to the capital. Her coaches were Alla Yanina and Oksana Skaldina. It was during that period that Utyasheva’s sports career was actively developing. She was lucky to work with such experienced trainers, who tried to develop her inclinations in the girl as much as possible.

Appearance before plastic surgery

Laysan once admitted that her cheeks immediately become rounder, as soon as she gains even 500 g extra. As soon as she relaxes her sports regime a little and allows herself to eat too much, the kilograms immediately pile on.

During her first pregnancy, Laysan gained 29 kg, and during the second her weight increased by 27. Having barely taken Robert off her breast, she went on a strict diet, exhausted herself with hours of training in the dance hall and quickly regained her previous shape.

In Laysan’s childhood and youth photos, she has the overhang of her upper eyelids over her eyes, characteristic of oriental girls, making her eyes “swollen,” as if slightly sleepy. Her round cheeks and plump lips gave her a childlike touch and incredible charm.

With a height of 164 cm, Laysan weighed 50 kg. Her breasts have always been small, for a gymnast this is a big plus; girls even had their breasts tightened to prevent them from growing.

Life of Laysan Utyasheva after sports: television, books

In 2006, Laysan Utyasheva made a difficult decision and left the sport. She had no other choice, because otherwise the girl simply would not be able to walk. However, the gymnast still remained famous. Moreover, its popularity has grown exponentially. Many television producers approached her with various offers. Thus, Laysan Utyasheva became a TV presenter of various programs. Among them are “Main Road”, “Fitness with the Stars”, “Personal Trainer”, “NTV in the Morning” and others.

In 2007, the artist was approached with an unusual request. She was offered to become a soloist in the ballet “Bolero” on the stage of the New Opera Theater. The girl agreed. After that, she was offered serious promising contracts in large companies. Among them are an automobile and sports company. Soon the former athlete starred in various commercials, and in London she commented on the Olympics.

In August 2008, Utyasheva wrote the autobiographical novel “Unbroken.” In the book, the girl talked about sports injuries, her difficult life path and self-confidence.

Plastic surgeries and their features

Laysan Utyasheva has always denied rumors that she has undergone plastic surgery, claiming that she is against all plastic surgery. Although her photos (hot) eloquently indicate that there were interventions, she never tires of repeating that all these liposuctions, lifts, silicone are unnatural and not very attractive props that only spoil young girls.

She assures that she will not resort to plastic surgery until she is 50 years old. However, there are rumors circulating online that there were:

  • upper eyelid blepharoplasty. Today her eyelids do not hang over her eyes so much, her eyes are rounded, and her gaze has become more open;
  • removal of Bish's lumps. As a result, the cheekbones became more defined and the cheeks lost their childish plumpness. Although this result could have been achieved by enlarging the cheekbones with fillers or injections of lipolytics;
  • lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid. The shape of the lips has not changed, only a seductive swelling has been added;
  • Mammoplasty. Laysan in her youth was very thin, with small breasts. But in the photo of July 2022, she appeared with size 3 breasts, which were not hidden by a skimpy swimsuit;
  • Laysan did not undergo rhinoplasty; plastic surgeons believe that she has a slight curvature of the nasal septum, which is usually accompanied by difficulty breathing. Experts believe that this is the operation that Laysan should undergo. Although to an inexperienced viewer this tiny defect is completely invisible.

Change of coach and serious injury to a gymnast

Since 2002, Laysan Utyasheva again had new coaches. They were the legendary Irina Viner and Vera Shatalina. During this period, under their leadership, the athlete Laysan took second place at the Slovenian international tournament, and also became a prize-winner of the youth games, which were held in Moscow. The girl participated in the unofficial championship in France and Germany. Later the competition took place in Samara. During her performance, the gymnast landed unsuccessfully on the mats and severely injured her leg. She went to the clinic for examination, however, the results did not reveal any injuries. That is why Laysan Utyasheva continued to train.

Laysan injures his leg

Utyasheva’s pain continued, she tried to be treated with all kinds of painkillers, bought dozens of ointments. But nothing helped. Due to this situation, competitors believed that the athlete was faking, because the examination did not reveal any health problems. Soon she went to Germany for a medical examination. Medical staff reported an unpleasant verdict. It became known that the girl had serious health problems, namely fractures of the scaphoid bone of one leg and a bone divergence in the other. The doctors unanimously stated that if measures were not taken and the girl did not end her sports career, the girl would not be able to walk at all. The girl underwent five operations, dozens of different procedures. She was given a pin, but the bones did not heal

In 2004, Laysan Utyasheva competed as a member of the Russian national team, became the European champion in team competitions, and won international tournaments in Latvia and France. She planned to hold out until the last and compete at the Beijing Olympics. However, the gymnast’s dreams were not destined to come true. Her knee blew out. Doctors immediately put the athlete in a cast and informed her of long-term rehabilitation. After this, Laysan Utyasheva officially left the sport. She became an athlete who competed with broken legs . Four gymnastic elements are named after her.

Appearance after plastic surgery

When Laysan was breastfeeding her youngest daughter Sofia, she gained a lot of weight again. Having weaned the baby from her breast, she immediately got busy preparing a new dance program. Spending 6-7 hours in the dance hall every day, Laysan lost 9 kg.

Utyasheva’s figure parameters today:

heightweightchest volumewaist sizehip volumefoot size

After plastic surgery, the face of the socialite became more “sculpted,” experts say. Facial features became clearer. Having gotten rid of the heavy, drooping upper eyelids, the eyes became huge and wide open. Well-defined cheekbones, sunken cheeks, a perfectly toned oval face, capriciously defined full lips, a straight nose and large, perfectly straight teeth give her face European-type features.

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Beauty secrets

Laysan Utyasheva, whose (hot) photos show her always spectacular, glowing with happiness, admits that she loves herself in every way. Even when she gained an extra 29 kg after pregnancy, she loved herself.

The secret to an ideal figure lies only in proper nutrition and intense physical activity, says Laysan. She spends many hours in the gym when she has time. In addition, Laysan runs every day. Jogging improves blood circulation, renews cells, and gives an amazing influx of strength.

She learned to love those foods that give the body the necessary energy and help keep her in shape. The principle of “tasty - tasteless” should not dominate food choice, says Laysan.

The rules that the star invariably and strictly adheres to to keep in shape:

  • remove sugar, all flour and fatty foods, carbonated sweet drinks, fast foods from the diet;
  • her source of glucose is dark chocolate, raisins, fruits, honey;
  • the diet is dominated by vegetables, cereals, buckwheat, wild rice, and fruits;
  • eating must be 5 times a day, in small portions;
  • in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water;
  • mandatory morning exercises. Laysan has developed stretching exercises, which she willingly shares in her video lessons;
  • Drink at least 2-2.5 liters during the day. water (in addition to coffee, tea, juices);
  • no smoking;
  • Alcohol – only dry red wine, very moderately.

The TV star's first meal is no later than 8 a.m.; she considers this very important. For breakfast, she cooks porridge in water, without sugar, adding only herbs or dried fruits. After 2 hours, a glass of kefir (low-fat). For lunch, vegetable soup and boiled chicken or baked fish. For dinner - natural yogurt, fruit (except bananas).

It is important to have dinner before 19.00. Laysan loves green tea and freshly squeezed vegetable juices.

The presenter of the “Beauty Academy” does not often visit beauty salons. But she regularly does deep facial peeling. It is this procedure that makes her skin clean, surprisingly fresh and radiant, the TV personality admits.

Laysan does not risk radically changing her appearance; in this sense, she is quite conservative. But in July 2022, she suddenly appeared as a long-haired blonde who had lost a lot of weight. The unusual image confused fans, and the star was inundated with letters with questions about her health. In addition, she suddenly became like many glamorous blondes, having lost her bright individuality.

But today she has returned to her usual brown hair color, again becoming such a familiar, irresistible, great Laysan Utyasheva, whom you want to look at and imitate.

The Instagram star's favorite perfume is “Montal” with the aroma of coffee, from the British . Laysan prefers bright red lipstick . Utyasheva considers Angelina Jolie to be the ideal of beauty and femininity, a real style icon.

Laysan does not overload herself with family life; she and her husband are able to keep an au pair. She believes that a woman should not turn into a house slave. She knows how to cook and enjoys doing it for her beloved husband and children when she has free time. They love to get together for a family dinner, but this rarely happens.

Laysan Utyasheva today successfully makes a career as a TV presenter, actress, and model. Photos (hot) of this stylish, very beautiful woman, who combines provocative sexuality and aristocratic restraint, are causing heated discussion on social networks. She is gladly invited to appear in commercials. People admire her and want to imitate her.

There are also those who are openly jealous and try to find flaws in her. But she doesn't prove anything to anyone.

The actress, TV presenter, wife, mother and spectacular woman, who has made and daily improves the “best version of herself,” simply lives a full life, loved by millions.

Personal life

After Laysan decided to develop her career as a TV presenter, photos of the athlete began to regularly appear on the pages of gossip columns. One of the most memorable stories discussed in the press was meeting Orlando Bloom in 2008. The celebrities met at a private party in London at a time when the actor was already having an affair with Miranda Kerr. Despite the presence of Orlando's soulmate, the Russian press wrote about a possible secret relationship.

On March 14, 2012, a tragedy occurred in Laysan’s life - her mother died of a heart attack. Zulfiya Utyasheva was her daughter’s best friend. The woman was only 47 years old. When the gymnast left the sport, she tried to make up for lost time, spending every free minute with her parent.

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Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya
Utyasheva had a hard time accepting the death of a loved one, since life had just gotten better. On that ill-fated day, the athlete and her mother were sitting in a cafe. Suddenly Zulfiya felt bad, and Laysan immediately called an ambulance. The arriving doctors reassured the relatives, saying that this was an ordinary increase in blood pressure. Having reached home through Moscow traffic jams, the star’s mother felt worse and could not utter a word.

Utyasheva begged for help, but the ambulance answered that all the cars were occupied. The frightened TV presenter shouted into the phone that the patient was dying, to which she received a cynical answer: “Everyone is dying, you’re not the only one.” Arriving at the address, doctors declared death from acute heart failure. Laysan recalls that period with pain:

“I still feel guilty that we didn’t get enough rest. But at the same time, my mother never complained about her health. Everyone in the family is long-lived. Grandmother is now 80 years old, great-grandmother lived to be 102 years old. That’s why my mother said that she wanted to live to 140, but she only got to 47,” the gymnast said in an interview with the weekly “7 Days.”

Having lost her mother, Laysan closed herself off and avoided publicity. Vivid changes in Utyasheva’s personal life occurred in September 2012, when the TV presenter married comedian Pavel Volya. Laysan and Pavel were friends for a long time, and only after a while the friendship grew into love. The future spouses met at a social event, which they both hosted, and later continued their communication.

The relationship with the Comedy Club resident helped him overcome the grief of his mother’s sudden death. Fans and friends of the lovers did not believe in the wedding of Volya and Utyasheva. In show business circles they completely took the news for an April Fool's joke. No one could imagine that such different people could be together. At the same time, many in the sports world already knew about this unexpected romance.

Irina Viner-Usmanova had to personally dispel the rumor about the “fake” wedding of Pavel and Laysan. According to friends, the spouses complement each other. Calm Utyasheva is able to smooth out her husband’s impulsiveness.

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Laysan Utyasheva with her husband and children
In May 2013, in a private clinic in Miami, Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya became the parents of little Robert. On May 6, 2015, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. Only after the birth of her second child was Laysan able to let go of the pain of losing her mother. The gymnast said that she received her mother’s blessing in a dream.

But the family idyll has been under threat more than once. Periodically, rumors appeared about Pavel's excessive jealousy or adultery. In October 2022, another scandal erupted around the couple: Volya was noticed in the company of two minor companions. The man allegedly relaxed with young beauties in a bar. But the wise wife did not demand a divorce and forgave her chosen one.

Soon Laysan and Pavel announced a new addition to the family - the lovers adopted a pet from the shelter. The black restless Spitz received the nickname Shani. Laysan shared that she is now inseparable from the dog; the dog even accompanied Utyasheva to filming.

The couple not only raises children together, but also works. “Willpower” is a joint project to popularize a healthy lifestyle. The tandem of the gymnast and comedian turned out to be successful and prolific. Laysan was responsible for the “The Body” section, which included training sets and nutritional recommendations. The “The Brain” block, filled with information about maintaining intellectual vigor and a mindset for success, was hosted by Volya.

It is worth noting that at work Utyasheva is a strong and powerful woman. But when she finds herself at home, she allows herself to be weak:

“Our home is a miracle world, where I come and become Lyasenka, and not Laysan Utyasheva. I immediately feel like a junior, not a helmsman.”

Laysan Utyasheva now

The former athlete devotes all her free time to raising two children. They often travel as a family. Laysan Utyasheva is also actively developing in her career. She presented the theater and dance show “LaysanBolero” to the audience in 2022 in Kazan. Soon this performance was shown in Minsk. From time to time the girl appears on television. Last year she took part in the filming of a video for singer Yolka.

Star family - Laysan Utyasheva and Pavel Volya

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