Scarlett Johansson. Photos in a swimsuit, 18+ stolen by hackers. Biography, figure parameters: height, breasts, butt, nose, lips before and after plastic surgery

American actress Scarlett Johansson has never fit the standards of the Hollywood ideal of thin and “dried” women. Always quite plump, she nevertheless attracted the gaze of a crowd of fans. But there is an opinion that Scarlett owes her appetizing shape to plastic surgeons, and someone suspected the actress of rhinoplasty.

The girl herself resolutely denies all operations attributed to her and claims that she is content with her natural beauty.

Scarlett Johansson before surgery (photo)

The future star was born in 1984 in New York. She owes her unusual appearance to her mother’s Jewish roots and her father’s Danish roots.

Already in her teens, Scarlett knew that she would become an actress: her mother constantly took the girl to auditions for TV shows, films and advertising.

Johansson received her first serious role at the age of 10 in the film “Nord”, where she played along with Bruce Willis and Elijah Wood. After this filming, fame came: Scarlett received invitations to both mediocre and brilliant films. Scarlett became truly popular after the release of Lost in Translation.

After receiving the award for Best Actress from BAFTA, the most famous directors were waiting for Scarlett Johansson to appear in their films.

She shone in films by Woody Allen, Christopher Nolan, Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Victoria Beckham

What we love about Victoria Beckham is her honesty! The star never hid the obvious: she had plastic surgery, and more than once. Of course, Vicky had rhinoplasty - this can be seen with the naked eye. In addition, at 41, the star’s face looks perfectly smooth - not a single wrinkle. Beckham herself does not hide the fact that she is a fan of Botox injections and does not see anything wrong with it. Everything is good in moderation - using the example of the designer and the ex-peppercorn, we are once again convinced of this.

Scarlett Johansson plastic surgery

Nature did not deprive Scarlett of beauty. Cute facial features, blonde hair and a good figure did their job - the girl was noticed.

But this was not enough for the actress. If in her youth Johansson was quite happy with her appearance, then later she raised the bar. At the beginning of her career, she opposed any plastic surgery and planned to turn to surgeons only in old age, when skillful makeup, exercise, diet and massage would no longer hide flaws.

Later she reconsidered her point of view and decided to undergo several operations. According to the tabloids, Scarlett Johansson, for whom plastic surgery was taboo, decided to increase her breast size.

Curvy figures looked good on the covers of glossy magazines and in explicit scenes of films, and this did not bother the actress at all. But only until she heard talk that she was getting roles only because of her acquired bust.

Journalists believe that Scarlett Johansson, after plastic surgery, decided to get rid of implants and return to her natural shape. Scarlett Johansson herself did not respond to these rumors disturbing the public, and only said: “I am proud of my breasts. I call them 'my girls'."

Keti Topuria

2007, photo: 2022, photo: The girl became the lead singer of the group “A-Studio” at the age of 11 (!). Her incredibly strong voice filled the halls, but Katie was dissatisfied with her appearance. Georgian roots were continued in the massive nose, which, as it seemed to the singer, spoiled her face. In addition, the deviated nasal septum interfered with breathing. To get rid of complexes and improve her health, Katie decided to undergo plastic surgery. However, the first operation did not bring the desired result - an aesthetic effect was achieved, but the breathing problem could not be solved. While for the singer it was really a serious question! I had to surrender to the doctors again, this time everything went well. Now Katie has a neat, slightly upturned nose without a hump.

Scarlett Johansson before and after rhinoplasty

The girl’s nose was never distinguished by its sophistication, but it did not spoil her overall appearance, so in her youth Scarlett was not complex.

But later the Hollywood beauty decided to tweak her nose a little, making it more graceful.

The plastic surgeon turned out to be a true professional and did the job so subtly that there is still debate as to whether Scarlett Johansson had rhinoplasty.

When the American publication Us Weekly wrote about Scarlett Johansson's nose job, the actress sued him. She claimed that this false information tarnished her reputation.

It rarely happens when media people practically do not change after plastic surgery. Scarlett Johansson before plastic surgery and after the alleged intervention looks almost the same - this is the most correct change in appearance, which is not too noticeable, but changes a person’s image for the better without being noticed by others. That is why photos of Scarlett Johansson do not leave the pages of fashion magazines.

The material is based on a comparative analysis of photographs and does not contain a statement of the fact of plastic surgery.

Drew Barrymore

1995, photo: 2022, photo:
The actress “wore” on her face for quite a long time a jug with a narrow neck and a wide bottom - that’s what plastic surgeons jokingly called her nose. This was a peculiar feature and did not spoil her face at all. But the actress still went under the knife to come out with a refined contour and small, graceful wings of her newfound nose. Critics definitely added aesthetics; Drew began to look more aristocratic.

Brief biography of Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Ingrid Johansson was born in 1984, on November 22. In New York, New York State. An ordinary family of an architect with Danish roots, Carsten Johansson, and a Jewish woman, whose ancestors were Belarusians, Melanie Sloan. Zodiac sign Scorpio. Rat, according to the eastern horoscope. My paternal grandfather is Danish Ejner Johansson (writer, screenwriter, director).

The name is indebted to the heroine of the novel “Gone with the Wind” by Scarlett O'Hara. Has three brothers and a sister. Father and mother quarreled often and heavily. The girl had a hard time with their divorce. After the divorce, she lived alternately with both parents. As a child, she attended the New York acting school run by Lee Strasberg.

The mother took her children to all possible castings. In 1992, she began to participate professionally for the first time in an off-Broadway production called Sophistry. Her first role was in the acclaimed family comedy North by Rob Reiner, when she was 9 years old. She truly became famous after the premiere of the film “Lost in Translation” (directed by Sofia Coppola, 2003), where she had the main role.

Scarlett Johansson's body measurements

Scarlett Johansson (photos in a swimsuit show her body parameters: chest 99, waist 65, hips 91) has almost ideal proportions. However, her figure is not at all ideal. He is 160 cm tall (5 feet, 3 inches US metric), weighs 57 kg (approximately 125 lbs), and has a foot size of 40 (US 8.5).

She has a classic figure type (hourglass), emphasizing her extraordinary femininity and sexuality. The chest has a modest 3rd (B) size. The green color of the eyes is perfectly set off by light brown hair.

Changes that have been made: breasts

Scarlett Johansson (the photo in a swimsuit clearly shows that she had breast enlargement surgery) used surgery to transform her breast size from a modest 34B to a lush 36DD. This immediately greatly increased the actress’s rating, and her popularity went up sharply.

But Scarlett immediately began to irritate - it seemed that they began to evaluate not talent, but curvaceous forms. This offended and insulted her. Adding to the tar was a lot of angry and envious comments on the topic of the beauty’s magnificent bust in the yellow press.

A lot of controversy among fans of the actress caused a reduction in the bust, noticeable to the naked eye. Many believed that the breasts had lost weight due to a general thinning of the figure. But plastic surgery specialists are unequivocally sure: reduction mammoplasty (bust reduction surgery) was performed.

Scarlett decided to change the shape of her breasts a second time in order to reduce the size not because she stopped liking her lush, appetizing bust. The actress began to suffer from back pain, heaviness, and discomfort. The implants shifted, the scars began to become inflamed and painful. Scarlett seriously began to fear breast cancer, which is why she turned to a plastic surgeon with a request to remove the implants and return her breasts to their previous size.

Reducing the mammary glands is much more difficult and dangerous than enlarging them. The nipples shift, excess skin is formed, stretched by the implants, it has to be removed, which leads to the formation of new scars. The plastic surgeon who performed this operation turned out to be a real professional.

He did everything so delicately that it soon became possible to appear at receptions in open dresses. Surprised spectators could not believe their eyes - it seemed that the chest had not undergone any intervention.

But photographs taken before and after the operations leave no doubt - there was still an intervention, but it was highly professional and masterly. One that justifies the huge investment. After removing the silicone implants, the bust regained its natural size B.

Scarlett's nose in childhood and youth photographs is slightly rounded, slightly upturned. The bridge of the nose is wide. The Sun newspaper compared her to a cheerful Disney pig. The nose suited her quite well, like everyone else in appearance, almost ideal. But the pursuit of perfection did not escape her either. Still, she decided to undergo rhinoplasty.

After the operation, the nose became straighter, thinner, the charming roundness and upturnedness disappeared. But Scarlett is lucky with plastic surgeons; each plastic surgery is performed carefully and accurately. Appearance improves without changing. Individuality is preserved. Many people argue about whether there was rhinoplasty.

The opinion of plastic surgery experts is unanimous: there was an intervention, but it was carried out at the highest professional level. Scarlett herself rejects all the talk and rumors about rhinoplasty. She sued the American weekly US Weekly, which published information about her surgery to correct the shape of her nose.

Scarlett's lips are an object of admiration and imitation in America, second only to Angelina Jolie. Young fans of the actress are flocking to plastic surgery specialists asking them to give them lips like Scarlett Johansson.

Among her fans there are many who believe that her lips were enlarged with injections. But the experts are unanimous: there was no intervention here. Her lips are naturally full. With age, this swelling and freshness does not fade at all.

Expert opinion

— Modern rhinosurgery techniques are becoming increasingly less traumatic, and the visual result is becoming as close to natural as possible. If during an open operation there may be minor scars at the site of sutures on the wings of the nose and the columella (the fold between the nostrils), then with retaining rhinoplasty the surgical intervention takes place almost without a trace: the anatomy of the nose, the edges of the cartilaginous protrusions, contours, and with them the natural contours are preserved shadows and lighting effects. A gentle nose correction performed by an experienced, qualified surgeon will not leave behind visible scars.

Looking at a person in person, it is possible to recognize high-quality rhinoplasty, perhaps, precisely by the “ideality” of the nose , precise symmetry, straight lines and a neat tip. Careless work is indicated by dips in the back area, a deliberately upturned “doll-like” tip, impaired skin trophism, sticking of the nostrils during inhalation and deformation of the general projection of the back (“boxer”, “step-shaped” nose). Doctor's mistakes cause not only aesthetic, but also physiological damage: excessive reduction of the nasal passages and narrowing of the nose can lead to difficulty breathing.

Keira Knightley, 2003, photo: Amanda Edwards / Stringer / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

Keira Knightley, 2019, photo: Pascal Le Segretain / Staff / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

From the before/after photographs, it can be assumed that almost all of the above stars had a narrowing of the back and elevation (lifting) of the tip of the nose. This procedure was most likely also done by Tom Cruise and Keira Knightley . On the other hand, such a visual effect is often achieved through proper makeup. In particular, the noses of Keira Knightley and Nicole Kidman remain the subject of many years of controversy: if plastic surgery really took place, it was done with jewelry and had a beneficial effect on the facial features of the actresses. But it’s still difficult to attribute an ideal profile to the merits of a makeup artist when it comes to eliminating a hump and shortening the projection of the nose (for example, like Sarah Jessica Parker ).

Sarah Jessica Parker, 1982, photo: CBS Photo Archive / Contributor / CBS / Getty Images

Sarah Jessica Parker, 2022, photo: Legion Media

I would also like to mention Tyra Banks , who openly spoke about rhinoplasty at the beginning of her career: the bones of the nose were growing and causing discomfort - the surgeon adjusted the back, tip and wings, giving them a more European shape.

Tyra Banks, 1994, photo: Jim Smeal / Contributor / Ron Galella Collection / Getty Images

Tyra Banks, 2018, photo: Frazer Harrison/Staff/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Scarlett Johansson plastic surgery

Photos in a swimsuit arouse enduring interest among fans. Scarlett Johansson's appearance and plasticity are discussed more than the films with her participation. She herself categorically denies the fact of changing her appearance with the help of plastic surgery.

But, comparing photographs from different years, one can come to the obvious conclusion: at least three plastic surgeries took place:

  • Breast shape enhancement.
  • Reducing the shape of the breast.
  • Rhinoplasty.

Scarlett did not undergo any other plastic surgery. Eyes, cheekbones, oval face - all this is completely natural and does not require adjustment.

Britney Spears

1999, photo: 2016, photo:
There is a lot of talk about the singer’s external changes, but, oddly enough, there is no direct evidence that she had plastic surgery. The only thing that is beyond doubt is that the singer had rhinoplasty back in the 2000s. It was decided to leave the original shape, the nose was only narrowed. The appearance has not changed radically, but the face has become more pleasant and aristocratic - this is what Britney’s fans and the performer herself think.

Scarlett's appearance today

Scarlett Johansson (a photo in a swimsuit today, as in her youth, does not leave fans indifferent) has a slender and flexible figure.

Scarlett loves to experiment with her appearance, easily turning into a curly brown-haired woman, a languid blonde, or a fatal brunette. Everything suits her, but it is the blonde that most fully reflects her inner essence. Actively involved in sports. He does not accept any diets, loves to eat, treat himself to delicious cakes.

How does the actress herself feel about her appearance?

The actress is in the first row of the most beautiful women - stars of world cinema. She seems so confident in herself, but she also has complexes. She is dissatisfied with her figure; she considers her legs to be short and not slender enough.

Worried about his short stature. Always appears in public wearing high heels. She is worried about her malocclusion, hoarse voice, and stooped posture. I would like to get rid of cellulite and have a tummy tummy.

The disgusting habit of biting nails, excessive sentimentality, even tearfulness interferes. She can easily cry on the set - just remember the scene of her parents’ scandal, her father’s screams, her mother’s tears. Hence the slight touch of sadness in her eyes, adding another touch of charm to her unusually attractive image.

She is quite self-critical and knows how to talk about her shortcomings with humor. They call me a sex symbol, she says, but can a woman with such short and crooked legs as mine be called a sex symbol? She says that she is nothing special and calls herself an ordinary woman.

He can calmly appear in public without makeup, in a tracksuit, with a careless bun of hair. By subconsciously demonstrating self-sufficiency, inner freedom, emancipation.

Her character is difficult. She can be very decisive and can speak quite harshly about her colleagues. He won’t reach into his pocket for a word. Many note that behind her gentle, truly angelic appearance hides an iron character, a truly unfeminine mind.

Scarlett Johansson. A photo in a swimsuit proves her irresistibility with or without plastic surgery

Friends and colleagues respect intelligence, a great sense of humor, and the ability to laugh at oneself. She is a recognized feminist in the Hollywood community. She is not fond of alcohol, has never smoked or tried drugs.

Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson; left - before plastic surgery, right - after plastic surgery

The comedienne always laughs it off when answering questions about her plastic surgery. She usually focuses on the ears, saying, look, they look like an elf’s. Don't they prove that she hasn't changed herself?

Kate didn't touch her ears, but she did work on her nose. It was quite wide. Surgeons say Kate had a bone implant inserted to simulate a chiseled nose. Objectively, Kate began to look like a real cutie.

An unpleasant story about photos stolen by hackers

The promise made in his youth to never expose his candid photos to the public could not be kept. It wasn't her fault that this happened. September 2011: Nude photos of Scarlett appear on the Internet.

She was taking a selfie with her phone. The pictures were intended for Ryan Reynolds, then the actress’s husband. They were posted on the Internet only 3 years later.

The photos were stolen from her personal folder in the cloud storage by hackers from The Anonymous community. 36-year-old Christopher Chaney was found guilty. He was convicted in Los Angeles Federal Court.

He was sentenced to 10 years in prison and a huge fine ($76,000). The investigation was conducted by the FBI, it lasted almost a year, and ended in court in March 2012. The list of victims of hackers in The Anonymous community includes over 50 world-class stars.

Then Selena Gomez, Christina Aguilera, Mila Kunis, Jessica Alba, Miley Cyrus were injured. 2014: hackers again stole new photographs of naked Scarlett taken by the star from the iCloud storage and posted them on the Internet.

The FBI became interested in the attackers, but so far they have not been able to catch anyone. The cloud archive hackers turned out to be very experienced. There is talk that she herself posted her candid photographs on the Internet for black PR. But this is only one of the versions.

Not long ago, her name was again involved in a story involving the theft of intimate photos. A small Californian sex store placed a photo of a half-naked Scarlett on its business cards. The owner of the sex shop admitted that he found a photo of a beautiful blonde on the Internet and did not even know her name.

He used it without thinking about violating someone's copyright. As a result, the incident ended peacefully. Scarlett reacted to this fact with humor and did not hold the owner of the sex shop accountable.

Jennifer Lopez

1995, photo: 2016, photo:
One of the highest paid Latinas in Hollywood looks great! A smooth face without a single wrinkle, perfect lips and, of course, a straight, neat nose, by looking at which you can easily understand that rhinoplasty took place. Take a look: the width of the bridge of the nose and the wings of the nose have changed. The experimentation may have stripped away the celebrity's personality, but it's nothing compared to JLo's opinion of herself.

The magic of Scarlett Johansson's image

What is the incredible charm of Scarlett Johansson's image? Why do men go crazy about her, why do women dream of being like her? Why does her every appearance on the screen cause a storm of emotions and unrelenting attention? Beauty, femininity, sexuality, talent are incomprehensibly combined in her with natural naturalness and openness.

Although Scarlett Johansson has undergone plastic surgery on her appearance, she is so organic and unnoticeable that it also raises endless doubts and debates - did she really exist? In all the photos in a swimsuit, she is young, slender, girlishly flexible, and incredibly sexy.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Blake Lively

Blake Lovely; left - before plastic surgery, right - after plastic surgery

Blake, who was already a successful aspiring actress, began to think about her appearance when she began filming the series “Gossip Girl.” In her opinion, her nose was spoiling her face, so she went for rhinoplasty.

The surgeon performed a piece of jewelry that is now being shown to many patients who want a complete face makeover. Blake's nose was slightly narrowed and the tip was made miniature. Rhinoplasty softened Blake's facial features and made them more harmonious.

Young Scarlett Johansson before plastic surgery and appearance in adulthood

American actress Scarlett Johansson has never fit the standards of the Hollywood ideal of thin and “dried” women. Always quite plump, she nevertheless attracted the gaze of a crowd of fans. But there is an opinion that Scarlett owes her appetizing shape to plastic surgeons, and someone suspected the actress of rhinoplasty.

The girl herself resolutely denies all operations attributed to her and claims that she is content with her natural beauty.

Read in this article

Halle Berry

2002, photo: Getty Images 2022, photo:
African-American by origin, Holly stubbornly denies the fact that she resorted to rhinoplasty. Although for her fans the difference between a wide nose and a neat nose is obvious. She had the operation back in the late 80s. Bravo to the surgeons! Even contemporaries can envy the result. By the way, if you pay attention to the actress’s filmography, you can clearly see that a sharp jump and simply wild popularity came to her after the transformation. Coincidence? Hardly.

Changes that have been made

Despite the fact that the actress categorically denies possible, and for some, obvious surgical interventions, experts in the beauty industry note clear changes in the girl’s appearance over time.


Scarlett has always had rather large breasts. Many women would envy the actress, because it is not for nothing that plastic surgery to enlarge the bust is almost the most popular in the world. There is an opinion that Scarlett owes her appetizing shape not to nature, but to surgeons. Perhaps at a young age she decided to have breast augmentation.

Before and after breast surgery

But later Johansson herself more than once admitted to journalists that she was dissatisfied with her figure. She believes that with such a short stature (only 160 centimeters), large breasts are not very appropriate, since they visually add extra pounds. Then the actress changed her mind and decided to remove the implants and return to her natural shape.

Experts, having compared photographs of Scarlett in her youth and now, claim that rhinoplasty could not have been done without. According to them, the girl decided to correct the shape of the tip of her nose, making it smaller and slightly sharper. It is worth recognizing that if the operation was carried out, it was certainly at the highest level. After all, so far no clear traces indicating surgical intervention have been found.

Before and after nose surgery

Scarlett herself denies all claims about the alleged nose job. When a message about the operation appeared in the American magazine US Weekly, it completely drove the actress crazy. The result was a statement filed by her in court, in which she called the information about the operation defamatory.

Masha Malinovskaya

2010, photo: 2016, photo:
Who knows, Masha is on first name terms with plastic surgery! What the TV personality didn’t do: she enlarged her breasts, reduced them back, and did the same with her lips. Then, of course, she got to her nose. And, frankly speaking, he was not huge. Nevertheless, Masha decided to shorten the tip and correct the unevenness of the back to give it elegance. Well, this version of the “nozzle” added nobility to the shocking Masha.

Scarlett's appearance after

As noted earlier, in photographs of young Scarlett her nose, which had a rounded tip, stood out significantly. Looking at images of the actress from later years, you can see that her face has undergone changes that are not particularly noticeable. From a little awkward and large, the nose was transformed into a neat one. Now Scarlett's face began to look more harmonious, all its components complement each other and none of them dominates.

Before and after plastic surgery

As for her figure, recently fans of the actress and journalists have noticed that she has noticeably become slimmer. As you know, when you lose weight, the fat layer disappears simultaneously from all parts of the body. Therefore, not only those places for which the fight against extra pounds was started lose weight, but also those that women would prefer to leave in their original form, and above all the breasts.

Similar results of a slimmer figure are observed in Scarlett Johansson. If earlier she was considered one of the most busty beauties of modern cinema, now there is no trace left of the usual roundness. This is especially noticeable in the film Captain America: Civil War, where the actress appears before the viewer in a tight-fitting black suit that perfectly emphasizes all the contours of her figure. The chest in such clothing looks almost flat.

Scarlett Johansson in 2014 and 2022

Some admirers of the talent of this seductive blonde believe that the decrease in breast volume is the result of losing weight in general. But experts in the field of plastic surgery say something completely different. They are sure that Scarlett Johansson had breast reduction surgery, as a result of which she lost almost two sizes. At the same time, experts refer to the words of the actress about her dissatisfaction with her appearance, which she openly repeated more than once.

Despite the fact that the girl does not consider herself an ideal of beauty, she nevertheless says that she has not yet had any need for plastic surgery. Therefore, she denies all artificial changes in appearance attributed to her.

Recently, Scarlett has softened her position on plastic surgery a little. She stated that when wrinkles appear on the face and the skin loses elasticity, then there will be a real reason to seek help from facelift specialists.

And here is more information about Katie Topuria before and after nose surgery.

Many stars are embarrassed to admit that they have gone under the knife of plastic surgeons. Perhaps Scarlett Johansson is one of them. Despite the fact that she openly admits her shortcomings, perhaps sometimes even far-fetched, the girl still strives to maintain naturalness. It is unlikely that we will ever be able to find out for sure whether the actress had rhinoplasty and breast reduction.

True fans will always love Scarlett regardless of this, because the main thing for lovers of good cinema is the talent of the actor.

Jennifer Aniston

2004, photo: George Pimentel / Contributor / WireImage / Getty Images 2022, photo:
Jen, unlike many stars, is not ashamed of the fact that she resorted to plastic surgery. And her fans appreciate the star’s frankness! Aniston trusted her nose to doctors twice. At first, this was necessary to restore normal breathing (it’s amazing how many actresses suffer from deviated septums!). At the same time, as usual, the nose was corrected not only inside, but also outside. Later, in addition to the width of the nose, its asymmetry was eliminated, and the tip became much narrower.

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