Anastasia Reshetova. Photos before and after plastic surgery, girl’s height, weight, figure parameters

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In January 2022, Anastasia Reshetova turned 24 years old. Despite her young age, the model has accomplished a lot. She won a prestigious beauty contest, created the Anatomia Beauty Clinic, an aesthetic medicine clinic, wrote a book, won the heart of the richest representative of Russian show business and became a mother. Having found herself in the spotlight of the public and the media, the girl has noticeably transformed, perhaps not without the participation of plastic surgeons.

Biography of Anastasia Reshetova

Anastasia was born on January 23, 1996 in a military family. Growing up in strictness, Nastya and her sister did not know their mother’s affection, since their parents divorced in their early childhood and their father raised his daughters on his own.

At school, the girl was not popular among her peers and was once even beaten after class. This became a powerful impetus for the desire to develop and not complain about my problems. The girl began studying acting at school. After graduating, she took part in the Miss Russia 2014 competition.

Not expecting to get a prize, Anastasia was very happy when her appearance was appreciated and she was awarded the title “Vice Miss Russia”. Since then, she began to build a serious modeling career.

The model began attending classes at the school of radio and television while still studying at the Moscow Institute of Economics. The profession of a journalist attracts her with its diversity and in the future the girl wants to connect her life with this.

Childhood and adolescence

Nastya Reshetova is a native Muscovite. When her parents separated, her father, a former military man who retired with the rank of colonel, took over the upbringing of her daughters, Nastya and her younger sister Valya.

Nastya Reshetova's father is a military man

The girls were brought up in strictness, strictly observing the regime and unquestioningly following the rules established in the house. Nastya was forced to wake up at six in the morning in order to have time to prepare breakfast before school, and after school she did all the homework. Her father was much more demanding of her, the eldest. He even checked the friends who came to his daughter for trustworthiness and level of intelligence. It is not surprising that the girl dreamed of growing up quickly and freeing herself from excessive parental control.

Anastasia Reshetova with her mother and younger sister

At school, too, not everything was smooth. The model recalled how her classmates called her “horse” and “big-ass,” and once her peers beat her after class. Nastya did not complain to her father or teachers; she simply covered the bruises with foundation, and on the street she pulled the hood tighter over her head.

Anastasia Reshetova in childhood and now

By the age of 17, the girl was tired of enduring her father’s dictatorship and rebelled. She left home and began living with a young man who supported her at first.

Anastasia Reshetova in her school years

Beauty contest, career before plastic surgery

Anastasia Reshetova, whose photos before plastic surgery are replete on the Internet, has very attractive natural characteristics. The modeling business did not cause much delight in the girl and she did not want to connect her life with this profession, but her participation in the main beauty contest changed her attitude in this matter.

Having appeared as a spectator at the Miss University competition, the organizers noticed the girl’s expressive facial features and her sophisticated figure, after which they offered to take part in the All-Russian beauty contest.

Having gone through all the stages of casting, the girl did not believe at all in the possibility of her victory and considered herself absolutely unprepared to participate in such a large-scale project.

The jury appreciated her natural appearance, as evidenced by her receipt of the title “Vice Miss”. Only some time after receiving one of the prizes, the girl decided to resort to changes in appearance with the help of plastic surgery.

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Anastasia before plastic surgery

The future model and vice-miss of Russia 2014 was born in Moscow in the winter of 1996. The girl has a younger sister; according to subscribers, she and Anastasia are very similar. After the parents' divorce, the girls remained to live with their father, the colonel. True, the military discipline and strictness of the parent were not particularly liked by the daughters, so at the age of seventeen Reshetova packed her things and left home.

After graduating from school, the girl dreamed of a career in journalism, but did not pass the qualifying competition for the faculty at Moscow State University. Anastasia’s further fate was connected with modeling and participation in a beauty contest, where she was able to become vice-miss of the country.

Despite the fact that her modeling career developed very successfully, she participated in several profitable advertising campaigns, Anastasia did not stop at the success she had achieved, she went to college for higher education. At the same time, the model tried her hand at cinema.

In addition to self-improvement, the girl decided to take care of her own appearance, correct it and bring it closer to ideal. When comparing photos of Anastasia Reshetova before and after plastic surgery, it is clear that she seriously worked on her appearance.

However, not all fans and subscribers of the model believe that these changes were greatly needed by the model. Most believe that Reshetova looked much more interesting before plastic surgery.

Personal life

Possessing an outstanding appearance made Anastasia very popular among the male sex. Having met rapper Timati, they announced themselves as a couple in 2015. He paid attention to the girl immediately after breaking up with Alena Shishkova.

The public couple does not hide their relationship and regularly appears in public together. The careers of many famous people require shockingness and reasons to surprise their fans. This couple is no exception, so there are periodic rumors about their separation.

Superblogger Anastasia Reshetova revealed the secrets of an ideal figure

Anastasia Reshetova today is increasingly called “Russian Kim Kardashian” : for her appetizing body proportions, love for tight outfits and a huge audience of Internet subscribers. More than a million people today follow the life of the 21-year-old model on social networks. An idol of thousands of girls, a former model, a businesswoman, and now the author of her own book about sports and healthy eating, Anastasia spoke about the main mistakes, breakdowns and failures that happened to her on the way to the ideal.

Nastya, you started your career as a model (in 2014, an 18-year-old Muscovite competed at the Miss Russia competition, where she won the title of First Vice-Miss), then you founded a youth clothing brand and went into a completely different field of activity - business. What are you preparing for your fans now?

Anastasia Reshetova : I am no longer going to advance in the modeling field , and I just decided to delve deeper into the development of my own projects. It’s bad to talk about plans ahead of time, but apparently we’ll have to (laughs). I successfully operate a beauty clinic in Moscow, which we plan to open in St. Petersburg, and very soon I am launching a new beauty salon, whose guests will be able to undergo any of the modern beauty procedures. By the way, then I will think about writing a new book. For now I’m directing all my strength to what I already have.

When asked what is most important in staying in shape – sports, diet or motivation – Anastasia answers that success requires an integrated approach. She is sure that if a model or an ordinary girl is attentive to what she eats, understands why she is working on her body and does not allow herself to relax, the result will appear sooner or later.

Everyone has their own physiological characteristics, so some find it easier to diet, some like physical activity more, some can eat any food, not exercise and look normal. I don’t like it when people start comparing someone on social networks or in life: looking up to another person is a waste of time. Learn to compare yourself to yourself.

Speaking about the most difficult component of working on oneself, Anastasia mentions a lot about psychology: “no matter how trivial it may sound, you first need to put things in order in your head, develop discipline, cultivate love for yourself - for who you are, and then everything will work out.” like clockwork,” she notes.

If a girl begins to build some restrictions and strict boundaries for herself, then start counting down the days until the moment when she breaks down. The process of self-improvement should be inspiring, not tormenting. At some point, I realized that people around me, even friends and relatives, considered me crazy about losing weight, and then I thought that the word “lose weight” comes from the word “bad,” that is, “bad.” You need to lose weight and enjoy the process.

At the beginning of her modeling career, she resorted to radical and extreme methods of losing weight: she limited herself in food, did not eat eight hours before bedtime, consumed less than 800 calories per day (with a norm of about 1800 calories), excluded complex carbohydrates from her diet, ate only fruits, dried fruits, protein and vegetables.

“It’s funny to remember, but then I was incredibly happy with my success - every day I lost a kilogram of excess weight, stood on the scales and thought: “What a success!” It got to the point that I was afraid to eat an apple at night - it seemed to me that it would make me gain weight,” she admits.

The model recalls that those around her saw her losing weight and warned against anorexia, “but I kept thinking that I was not thin enough, and that everyone wished me harm and understood nothing about beauty,” says Anastasia. As a result, she managed to lose eight kilograms in two months, but at the same time developed problems with the female cycle, hair, nails, causeless weakness and dizziness. That same summer, she and her family went on vacation to France, where the tables were laden with delicious food.

And I lost it. I didn't consume an ounce of sugar for two months, and then in a couple of hours I ate two meals, several appetizers, an entire pizza and five or more desserts. It was an obsession, an attack of bulimia, I simply could not stop, I felt helpless and continued to overeat every evening. In just three days I gained five kilograms. In three days, I ruined everything I had been trying to achieve for several months.

After the attacks, she tried to switch to a raw food diet - foods processed at temperatures less than 42 degrees. But after two months of eating like this, I discovered that the body began to wean itself off normal food - boiled vegetables or fish, and after eating regular food, my health worsened sharply. As a result, this practice also had to be abandoned, and then for the first time the model seriously and enthusiastically took up sports and proper nutrition .


For those who are just starting out, I could highlight a few basic rules that will help you feel good even in a fairly busy work schedule. First, think about how much water you drink - staying hydrated helps your body get rid of waste and toxins, which is especially important for those who want to get rid of excess fat. The second is sleep. No diet or exercise will do any good if the body does not receive a good, complete recovery cycle. Turn off your gadgets before bed and drive away all negative thoughts, ventilate your home well, close the curtains and forget about all your problems - it's time to relax .

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Then - the diet. This does not have to be a diet, some kind of special table, a raw food diet or vegetarianism - not necessarily, the main thing is that the body receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements that are suitable for you. Listen to your body and pay attention to which foods make you feel full, which give you a boost of energy, what you like and what you don’t. But the main secret, of course, is in the way we think. There should be nothing in your head that I call “destructive”, no negativity towards anyone, no envy, no resentment, this is the path to destruction.

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One of the fans’ questions turned out to be tricky: “Nastya, we often see that you go to the sea, where there are beach holidays and delicious cuisine. Do you allow yourself to relax there?”

Previously, I easily persuaded myself that there is a difference with Moscow, acclimatization, I will not go to training, I will rest, then continue the regime, but now I understand that vacation is not a reason to relax and break the regime of proper nutrition and sports - training does not interfere at all fully relax and enjoy the sea, the beach, just the opposite. I spent these May holidays abroad, and out of 10 days I devoted 7 to training in the gym. During your vacation, do not indulge in all the gastronomic difficulties, do not relax. One missed workout is a guarantee that you will also easily miss the next one.

“By the way, I still remember with a smile the moment when I was afraid to play sports. I thought that I would pump up my legs to incredible sizes, and that my beautiful calves would turn into pedestals. Now I can’t live without the gym and I love myself at my “appetizing weight.” And those selfies in lingerie and sportswear, which outrage many, only motivate me to further progress. If I give up training, I feel doubly ashamed in front of the subscribers who follow me,” said the model.

– Nastya, where should a person start, who, like you, has not delved into the topic of proper nutrition, cannot devote so much time to his body, but would like to get in shape?

– I would advise you to set goals for yourself, understand what you want to achieve, what exactly you don’t like about yourself. And concentrate on this. It is important to create comfortable conditions for yourself for transformation; get ready for a long process, for a new way of life. Well, or read my book “Today I woke up different”, if you want (laughs).

Success is not fame or wealth, success is when calmness, benevolence and self-confidence emanate from you in waves. Set your priorities, put aside all unnecessary thoughts, arm yourself with will and start working on yourself right now. At least for my own sake in the future.

In general, a person who wants to change does not justify himself due to circumstances and considers himself only the reason for his failures. Someone else's success will be the main incentive for his development, that's the whole secret.

Your book is called a book-trainer for a modern girl; it contains a lot of thoughts about how women should behave. Have you prepared anything for the men?

– Men will be interested to know what is happening with their other halves. They will be able to delve deeper into the world of a woman, understand what worries and worries us.

The answers were recorded by Nadya Serezhkina

Anastasia Reshetova - Timati's girlfriend

Anastasia is 12 years younger than Timati, but this did not stop them from entering into a relationship. The musician is very generous towards his beloved.

For her birthday, the girl received from Timati a ring with precious stones worth several thousand dollars, and in 2017 Anastasia was given a Mercedes car as a gift.

The relationship between the model and the musician cannot be called ideal. The couple was already on the verge of separation several times. The main reason is said to be the rapper's exaggerated jealousy of his chosen one. However, numerous joint photographs and appearances in public places indicate that the couple is now doing well.

Business projects and the first book of Anastasia Reshetova

Anastasia has proven herself to be a successful businesswoman. In 2016, she created her own beauty clinic - Anatomia Beauty Clinic. The project turned out to be successful. In her comments to Instaphoto, the girl shares far-reaching plans for this clinic. She often advertises services and talks in detail about the features of a particular aesthetic procedure.

In the photo - Anastasia Reshetova in her own salon

But Anastasia didn’t stop there. Recently, or rather in the spring of 2017, the Instagram star presented to the public her book “Today I woke up different.” The experience of a model, beauty blogger and fitness trainer was not in vain. The world saw the release of a printed collection in which the famous Russian model shares beauty tips. How to eat right, exercise, take care of the beauty of your skin - you can find the answer to all these questions in it.

In the photo - a training book by Anastasia Reshetova

Just before the New Year, at the end of 2022, Anastasia opened a beauty salon Inhype BeautyZone in Moscow. It uses only innovative means, materials and equipment.

In the photo - Anastasia Reshetova in her beauty salon

Anastasia Reshetova is an active Instagram user. The social network also brings her considerable income. The girl constantly posts her photos on the page. The number of her subscribers has already reached 1.5 million. For each advertising post she receives about 100,000 rubles.

What operations did the model perform?

After participating in the All-Russian beauty contest, the girl was overwhelmed by a wave of popularity, and her life gained publicity. The close attention of fans to her appearance did not ignore her dramatic changes with the help of professional plastic surgeons.

Operations that Anastasia Reshetova resorted to:

  1. Rhinoplasty.
  2. Changing the shape of the cheekbones.
  3. Change in lip volume.
  4. Changing breast size.
  5. Gluteoplasty. Anastasia’s toned buttocks have become the subject of controversy among many fans, some of whom are inclined to consider surgical intervention.

Anastasia Reshetova, whose photos before plastic surgery cannot make one doubt her beautiful natural characteristics, became a star of social networks and the subject of admiration for fans precisely after changing her appearance.

The girl devotes a lot of time to working on herself: eating right, going to the gym and visiting a cosmetologist.


Anastasia Reshetova

Nastya is from Moscow - it was this city that she represented at the beauty contest, where she received her first significant title. She was born into a military family on January 23, 1996 and became the eldest child in the family. She has a younger sister, Valentina, with whom she is very friendly. The girls are similar to each other, as Nastya herself notes - they (the blonde and the brunette) are like an angel and a demon, good and evil.

Anastasia Reshetova in her youth

Anastasia Reshetova’s father raised his daughters himself; they divorced their mother when the girls were little. The relationship went well, and only at a conscious age did they begin to meet with their parent. The sisters owe their striking appearance to their mother, and their smile resembles their father, Grigory Anatolyevich. This is especially noticeable in family photos of Anastasia Reshetova, occasionally published online.

Memories of childhood are overshadowed by problems at school. The girl, who is tall, was bullied by her classmates. Once, having gathered in a crowd, they beat her, but this did not break the girl - she covered the bruises with foundation, put on a hood and continued to go to classes. It’s not in her nature to complain or cry, and what happened only strengthened her.

Grigory Reshetov has a Ph.D. degree and paid a lot of attention to the education of his daughters. Nastya graduated from school 578 in the Southern Administrative District, but the girl gained basic knowledge about Russian classics and their works by reading fiction.

His profession - retired colonel - left its mark on his character and methods of education. Nastya and Valentina had a strict regime, and dad was most demanding of his eldest daughter. Wake up at 06.00, cooking breakfast, school, homework, homework. The girls even learned to dress like an army quickly, in 45 seconds. Walking late into the night was not allowed: she had to be home at 9 pm, and all her friends were being interviewed, which was more like an interrogation. Gentlemen were checked especially carefully, and one day the girl rebelled and left home at the age of 17.

Now that the period of childhood grievances has passed, model Anastasia Reshetova feels gratitude to her father. All his actions were dictated by concern for her, and now, having the seasoned character of a fighter, the girl is not afraid of difficulties and is able to overcome obstacles that stand in her way.

Lip contouring

Anastasia does not hide the fact that she repeatedly uses the services of professionals in the beauty industry. Changes in the volume of her lips are visible to the naked eye. Their contour changed thanks to the use of special fillers with hyaluronic acid.

Anastasia Reshetova: the photo before plastic surgery shows how the lips have changed.

The girl did not like the unnatural outline, although she tried to maintain balance. At the moment, the model claims that she got rid of fillers and her lips now have a completely natural shape. She shared information with her subscribers that from now on her lips have natural volume.

Model career

Anastasia came as a participant to Miss Russia without any experience in the beauty industry. Sitting in the auditorium and just watching how the Miss Universe competition was going on, I became interested in the organizers of the all-Russian beauty contest and they offered to participate in the selection. Although the girl did not have proper training, she began to represent Moscow at the competition. The beauty, charm and almost ideal body proportions gifted by nature helped Nastya become the favorite of the competition. But the prize place still came as a surprise to her. After this, although the girl had not previously considered this type of activity, she decided to go into modeling.


By nature, the nose of a famous model is imperfect. That is why the girl wanted to give it more subtle and even outlines. According to most experts, rhinoplasty did not interfere with maintaining the natural proportions of the face; the changed shape of the nose is successfully combined with cheekbones and lush lips.

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Removing Bisha's lumps

From photographs of the 2014 model during her participation in the All-Russian beauty contest and receiving the title “Vice Miss,” you can see that her face is quite round and her cheeks are plumper. In pursuit of her ideals of beauty, Anastasia resorted to the help of plastic surgeons.

To do this, the girl decided to remove small areas of fat on her cheeks - Bisha's lumps. This made it possible to give the face an aristocratic appearance: it became more angular and strict. This procedure allows you to create a slimming effect on the face, outlining sharp cheekbones and sunken cheeks.

Anastasia received a clear contour thanks to hyaluronic fillers.

Before and after plastic surgery

Anastasia Reshetova before plastic surgery
Timati's girlfriend Anastasia Reshetova has a luxurious body: height - 1.78 cm, weight - 51 kg, figure parameters 90-60-102 cm. But since her debut, something in her appearance has changed: Nastya talks about some interventions herself, while others can only be guessed at. The only thing that can be said with 100% confidence is that Anastasia Reshetova’s plastic surgery was thoughtful, and made her an even more attractive and spectacular model.

Anastasia Reshetova before and after plastic surgery

  1. Face. Plump sensual lips, model cheekbones, an elegant small nose are the result of the skillful actions of specialists. But such a result would not have been possible without initially high natural data.

  • The nose underwent a rhinoplasty procedure: it became thinner and neater, blending perfectly with the cheekbones and lips.
  • Lips. Nastya herself admitted that she repeatedly resorted to the services of professionals to change their volume and contour. She used hyaluronic acid fillers, inserting and removing them several times. All these manipulations only benefited Nastya’s appearance – as all her fans and haters can see.
  • Cheekbones. Before plastic surgery, Anastasia Reshetova had cute, slightly chubby cheeks - which is noticeable in the photographs of 2014, when she represented Moscow at a beauty contest. In order for the oval of her face to acquire more strict, aristocratic features, the girl resorted to a number of procedures. The most obvious is the removal of Bisha's lumps, a small area of ​​fat on the cheeks. This operation helps to instantly “thin” the face, giving the much-desired sharp cheekbones and sunken cheeks. To create a clear outline, the model resorted to hyaluronic fillers.
  • Leather. Nastya’s beauty secret is constant care under the supervision of a cosmetologist. Among her favorite procedures is mesotherapy, which enriches the epidermis with vitamins and microelements. Indirectly, due to the absence of facial wrinkles, one can judge the use of Botox.

2. Chest. The girl is not shy about candid photo shoots, and she has something to show - naked Anastasia Reshetova is beautiful, like an Olympic goddess. But the most attentive fans could notice that her bust had increased, become firmer and more toned. Talented surgeons undoubtedly had a hand in this - from the mammoplasty performed, her figure became the personification of the gold standard of the “hourglass”.

3. Buttocks. It's no secret that naked Anastasia Reshetova gained fame as the Russian Kim Kardashian - this was greatly facilitated by photos from the back, where the girl shows long legs and a toned butt. It is not known for certain whether this is the result of gluteoplasty or long sessions in the gym, but lipofilling of the buttocks gives the desired effect faster than fitness.

Appearance is the model’s calling card. It is worth giving Nastya her due: she did not get carried away in pursuit of the ideal. Anastasia Reshetova remained an attractive girl before and after plastic surgery, and the manipulations performed on her own body did not harm her at all, unlike many of her colleagues in the modeling business.

She had excellent initial characteristics: a classic oval and pleasant facial features, a slender figure and healthy skin. In addition, the girl devotes a lot of time to working on herself: eating right, playing sports, and taking care of herself. A book was published under her authorship, where she tells all her beauty secrets, and anyone who reads it can be convinced of Reshetova’s amazing performance, and the result of her efforts is clearly visible in the photographs.

Cheek surgery

Correction of facial contours is also a change in the appearance of Timati’s girlfriend Anastasia Reshetova, noticeable to the naked eye. She did not get such prominent cheekbones from nature; to achieve a new shape, she resorted to the help of specialists from a plastic surgery clinic.

The girl was able to visually narrow the contours of her face thanks to the removal of Bish’s lumps, as mentioned earlier. In addition, there are suspicions about changing the shape of the cheekbones themselves with the help of hyaluronic fillers, which gave them volume and highlighted them.

Mesotherapy injections

Beauty injections in the world of fashion and glossy magazine covers are not something shameful. Apparently, this is why Anastasia does not hide her regular visits to a cosmetologist for injections; moreover, she covers these trips on social networks.

In addition to the usual skin care procedures, the model maintains youthful skin using a mesotherapy procedure , which involves the subcutaneous injection of biologically active substances.

The absence of facial wrinkles makes many people think about Botox injections. However, a girl can have smooth skin due to her young age, which is why envious people of a successful model most often talk about this.


Previously, Anastasia was very thin, on the verge of dystrophy. She believed that such sacrifices were required by a modeling career. However, the girl reconsidered her tastes about the ideal female figure and decided to get the “hourglass” shape of the female body.

To do this, the model decided to increase the shape of her breasts, giving them elasticity and firmness. The mammoplasty performed allowed Anastasia to become the personification of the ideal proportions of a female figure. The size of the bust has increased greatly compared to the photo at an early age.

In photographs published on social networks, the famous model shows off her amazing curves in swimsuits and lingerie.

Anastasia Reshetova, whose photos before plastic surgery show her natural appearance, does not talk much about this operation to her fans. However, her candid photos with a deep neckline are direct confirmation that plastic surgery for breast augmentation allowed the girl to gain confidence.

How the figure of the girlfriend of the Russian “Black Star” has changed

Observant fans noticed that Nastya Reshetova changed radically after meeting Timati. Rumors immediately spread that the rapper was depriving his girlfriends of their individuality, almost forcibly bringing their appearance into line with the requirements of the musical genre in which he works. This was the case with his first wife Alena Shishkova, and “this cup” did not pass by for Reshetnikova either. To be fair, we add that the wives and girlfriends of other rappers usually also look the part, for example, Oksana Samoilova (Dzhigan’s wife).

Nastya Reshetova in a swimsuit in her youth and now

Today Anastasia Reshetova has a figure with which she is “not ashamed” to be next to the famous rapper. The girl has magnificent breasts, possibly after mammoplasty, a prominent “fifth point” that can be compared with Kim Kardashian’s butt, and also such a thin waist that they are talking about the ribs she removed. Anastasia Reshetova does not admit to plastic surgery and explains the changes that have occurred in her body exclusively with proper nutrition and exercise.

Anastasia Reshetova - Russian Kim Kardashian?


Candid photos of Anastasia, which emphasize her curvy figure, give rise to discussions of her changes in figure. In earlier photographs, the girl looked more sophisticated and thin , but she wanted to correspond to the modern concept of the ideal of external beauty. To do this, she began to eat right, gain weight and work out in the gym.

The model explains the increase in the volume of her buttocks by heavy physical exercise, on which she spends quite a lot of time. However, such rapid results cast doubt on their natural origin.

The model herself denies undergoing a gluteoplasty procedure to increase the volume of the buttocks.

The buttock lipofilling procedure allows you to get the desired effect much faster than simple fitness classes.

How the life of a model has changed after plastic surgery

Anastasia Reshetova is called the “Russian Kim Kardashian” thanks to her shape and clothing style. Photos before and after plastic surgery make it clear what dramatic changes she has achieved in her appearance. She gained popularity not only thanks to her participation in the All-Russian beauty contest.

It was the changes in her appearance that allowed her to achieve success in her career:

  • the girl took part in the filming of music videos for her boyfriend, the famous musician Timati;
  • became a co-founder of the Anatomy beauty clinic;
  • has a huge number of followers on social media. networks and does not hide the fact that this is part of her income. She receives large income from advertising;
  • released a book in which she shares her secrets of beauty and success;
  • began producing branded personalized clothing.

Anastasia differs from many colleagues in the modeling business: her passion for plastic surgery did not allow her to spoil the girl’s natural characteristics. Appearance is the calling card of any model, which is why to achieve the peak of popularity the girl resorted to radical transformations of her appearance.

She managed to maintain a balance of naturalness, emphasizing natural features.

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Nastya Reshetova today

Today, the hobbies of the first vice-miss of Russia vary.

  • The girl has already starred in a couple of Timati’s videos “Keys to Heaven” and “Zero”, as the newly minted actress herself admitted, she really enjoyed the filming process. Now she is focused on working in films.
  • The model is a co-founder of the Anatomy health and beauty clinic, but plans to open her own salon.
  • “Today I woke up different” is a book published by our heroine in 2022, in which she describes her life, shares her philosophy of beauty and slimness, and fashion tips.

  • Also in 2022, the beauty acted as a fashion designer, releasing a collection of hand-painted retro jackets.
  • In the “Star Networks” program, Reshetova reveals all the secrets of her youth and openly talks about her relationship with Timati.

Despite the fact that Nastenka looked attractive in her youth, the surgeons’ manipulations made her a social star. networks and the object of admiration and envy of fans.

What does the model say about her changes in appearance?

After all the transformations in appearance, many started talking about the fact that Anastasia became very similar to Timati’s ex-wife Alena Shishkova. Fans of rumors at one time quite strongly picked up this topic for discussion and agreed that the reason for the change in appearance was the desire to imitate her.

However, the girl denies this and claims that she is trying to be unlike anyone else. She is sure that external beauty does not matter without the inner beauty of the soul. That is why the girl constantly improves herself, reads books and develops . The beauty industry, to which Anastasia has a direct connection, requires constant self-care.

The girl admits that in pursuit of ideals she almost lost her balance. She is very glad that she did not lose herself and was able to stop with the transformation in time. However, the model does not go out without makeup. She claims that it’s not a matter of insecurity or any complexes - she likes the feeling of herself with at least minimal makeup.

What plastic surgeries have you had?

The first significant changes occurred after the girl’s participation in a beauty contest. Even on the podium, she delighted everyone with her rounded shape; her figure before plastic surgery was as close as possible to ideal proportions.

Six months later, the model appeared in Timati’s video, where it was clearly noticeable how much weight she had lost. Most fans even suspected that Anastasia had anorexia. Reshetova soon became tired of the constant attacks and insults, so she announced that she was finishing dieting.

Soon she returned to her previous weight, began going to the gym, after some time the girl changed a lot, this affected not only her figure, but also her face.

It was then that they started talking about the fact that the model did not escape the fate of many show business stars and became a patient at one of the plastic surgery clinics.

Rhinoplasty and lip contouring

In Reshetova’s photo before plastic surgery, her lips are not as voluminous as they are today; the girl achieved this effect thanks to hyaluronic acid. However, she herself does not deny that she resorted to contouring; according to Anastasia, her lips acquired the desired plumpness and spectacular volume, qualities they did not possess before.

The model did not stop there; the following changes also affected her face; Nastya had a nose job. Reshetova always didn’t like the shape, she wanted to have more elegant and sophisticated lines, which is what her nose looks like now, the girl is happy. It harmonizes well with the cheekbones and makes the face more aristocratic.

It is worth adding that recently the model has refused lip augmentation; currently she prefers to look more natural and natural, paying tribute to fashion.

Cheekbone correction

When asked what other plastic surgery Reshetova has done, experts in the field of plastic surgery clearly talk about removing Bisha’s lumps. If you look closely at old photographs, the difference becomes obvious; before, the face shape was round.

Today Anastasia has pointed cheekbones and sunken cheeks; this effect can only be achieved with the help of plastic surgery.

In addition, surgeons claim that the girl had plastic surgery on the cheekbones themselves, namely inserting fillers, due to which this part became more pronounced and noticeable.

Beauty injections

Anastasia’s clean and perfectly smooth face has become a source of discussion more than once. Some accuse her of regular beauty injections, allegedly they are the culprits of the star’s youth. Others say that the absence of wrinkles is genetics and the correct lifestyle that the brunette adheres to.

Reshetova herself has repeatedly spoken out on this matter; she said that she used the procedure several times, but in the end refused. The girl did not like the effect of the injections, which resulted in a complete absence of facial expressions.

Not all of the girl’s colleagues approve of such a radical transformation; many believe that Volkonskaya-Reshetova looked much more attractive before plastic surgery than she does now.

Anastasia herself is quite happy with her current appearance; she willingly experiments with her appearance.

Mammoplasty and gluteoplasty

Significant changes have also affected the model’s breasts; this difference is visible to the naked eye in the photographs in which Anastasia Reshetova poses before and after plastic surgery. If you look at early photos, she is much smaller than she is now.

Seductive breasts appeared after a trip to a plastic surgeon and a procedure called mammoplasty.

However, the model herself refuses to comment on her operations, but regularly posts her latest photographs on social networks, clearly demonstrating her renewed breasts. But there are stills on the Internet showing the girl even before breast surgery.

Nastya Reshetova’s plastic surgeries did not end there; in pursuit of femininity, the girl decided to undergo another operation. This time the piquant part of the body was corrected.

Although today the blogger claims that she did not need plastic surgery of her buttocks, as she was able to regain her elasticity and beautiful shape through daily and grueling training. Most fans believe that Timati’s ex-wife is being disingenuous; such seductive forms are unlikely to be achieved in such a short period. Many famous fitness instructors agree with this opinion.

Personal life and creativity

Personally, everything is going well for the model, despite the fact that at the beginning of 2022 the girl and her boyfriend Timati announced their separation. The former lovers were able to maintain a warm and kind relationship with each other; today they are raising their son together.

As for creativity, Anastasia remains one of the most popular people in show business; the number of model subscribers has long exceeded 3.8 million people. She still appears in music videos and recently released a book in which she shares her beauty secrets. In addition, Reshetova is actively developing her own clothing line.

Most subscribers believe that the brunette’s transformation benefited her; her figure became more feminine and ideal. To this day, the girl maintains balance and does not cross the line that violates harmony. The model did not become another victim of plastic surgeons.

In one of her interviews, Anastasia shared that she does not pay attention to public opinion and does not react to insults addressed to her. She likes the changes that have occurred thanks to plastic surgery; the model does not see anything wrong with it. If there is something you don’t like about your own appearance, causes irritation and discomfort, then you need to get rid of it.

Reshetova’s appearance has been a source of admiration for many years and has become the object of discussion and all kinds of gossip. Even after pregnancy and the birth of an heir, the most famous beauties in the country can envy her appearance. For the model herself, it doesn’t matter at what price her beauty was achieved, plastic surgery or hard training, the main thing for her is the result.

Opinions of star experts

Anastasia's popularity gives rise to discussion of her appearance among celebrity experts. According to their calculations, the famous model spent about 1 million rubles on plastic surgery. This includes the cost of altering the lips, nose, cheekbones, breasts and buttocks.

Of course, the modeling business requires compliance with certain standards of generally accepted beauty. The opinions of experts and fans of Anastasia are divided: some of them believe that the girl has transformed herself without losing herself and her natural characteristics, while the other part is inclined to believe that the girl has turned into a “doll”, no different from most Russian models.

It remains only for her to judge whether Anastasia Reshetova did the right thing in resorting to the services of plastic surgery. Photos before and after plastic surgery allow you to evaluate her radical decisions to change her appearance. She was able to overcome excessive thinness and achieve ideal facial features that would be the envy of many world models.

Article design: Oksana Grivina

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