Nicki Minaj without makeup: what does the popular singer look like when makeup artists and hairdressers are out of reach?

Nicki Minaj is one of the most shocking singers of recent years. A colored girl from an inner city built an empire from scratch and achieved her American Dream. Nicki is considered the richest rapper in history, and in terms of income she surpasses Kanye West himself. The secret of the diva is not only in the manner of performing unromantic ballads or the catchy beat. Her appearance, especially her prominent hips, allowed her to become so popular. She displaced Jennifer Lopez, the owner of this most appetizing part of the body, from her place of honor.

However, the girl surprises and shocks the audience not only with the movement of her buttocks, but also with her provocative coloring. What would Nicki Minaj look like without makeup? Would she be able to maintain her diva status or, having washed off her contouring, would she immediately turn into a simpleton?

Lindsey Lohan

We're sure you didn't think of Lindsay as the queen of natural beauty. But, you see, make-up artists and photographers do a great job on her image, so sometimes it seems as if these years of drug addiction and alcoholism did not exist in the girl’s life.

But if you get closer to her (or enlarge the photo), once cute freckles, early wrinkles will appear, the skin will look flabby, uneven... And those eyes... no, it’s better to look at them from afar. In general, foreign photo editors often complain that they spend more than one hour retouching Lindsay’s photographs.

Kristen Stewart

In the photographs in magazines, the Twilight star looks flawless, but if you enlarge the image or look at Kristen Stewart’s face in macro photography, it becomes really scary... Dark circles under the eyes, pimples, enlarged pores... We’re not sure that in real life the most beautiful vampire of our time would get carried away by her. Maybe Kristen is just too lazy to remove makeup according to all the rules, and the skin started a revolution?

Charlize Theron

44-year-old Charlize Theron's skin is flawless! Even in macro photography at the highest resolution, it is unlikely that you will be able to discern sagging, deep wrinkles and other obvious signs of aging. And all because the actress uses the benefits of cosmetology and plastic surgery extremely carefully and in doses! There are, of course, facial wrinkles on Theron’s face, but this doesn’t spoil the star at all!

Plastic surgery

Nicki Minaj denies the use of plastic surgery, invariably asserting in her interviews that her luxurious forms have never been subjected to medical correction, but are due to genetic predisposition.

However, looking through the photo archive of the rap star, we can say with confidence that the singer has been on the operating table more than once.

Once on the big stage, “Black Anaconda” carefully worked on her figure, relying on bright sexuality and shockingness. Among the singer's operations are the following.


Photos from the early 2000s. show Minaj as a pretty African-American girl with a traditional wide nose for her race. Since 2007-2008 There were obvious changes in the girl’s face. The rap star's large nostrils became noticeably narrower, and the respiratory organ itself acquired an elegant tip.

Niki angrily rejects rhinoplasty, constantly repeating that the changes in her face are associated with skillful contouring performed by a makeup artist and a large amount of makeup applied. However, plastic surgery specialists do not believe the singer’s statements, noting that no makeup can so greatly change the volume of the wings and raise the tip of the respiratory organ.

Breast surgery

Nicki Minaj (photos in a swimsuit taken before 2009 show that the pop diva did not naturally have such outstanding forms) in photographs taken in 2008 demonstrates a slender figure in a tight dress. The deep neckline of the outfit suggests that the singer has breast size 2 or 3.

Red carpet photos from 2009 show a completely different Minaj, with huge breasts rising above the neckline of her dress. The forms that have appeared and their location reasonably prove that, having a naturally normal bust size, Niki installed size “B” implants in her mammary glands, acquiring breast size 5.

To prove their words, doctors explain that real mammary glands of such volume would necessarily have undergone ptosis over time, while the 36-year-old star demonstrates a high cleavage, periodically neglecting a supportive bra.

Butt implants

At the beginning of her career, Nicki loved revealing outfits and provocative poses, but had much less outstanding assets. Since 2014, fans have been struck by the appearance of Minaj's buttocks, which stand out against the background of her thin waist.

The study of early photographs gave a clear answer that the transformation of the figure was caused by the operation, during which lipofillers and silicone implants were installed in the singer’s gluteal muscles.

The opinion of plastic surgery professionals is also supported by the fact that the human figure is not characterized by such a sharp division in the volumes of the waist and hips, reaching about 48 cm for Minaj. The singer herself vehemently denies artificial enlargement of the buttocks, assuring that the sudden increase in the butt in 2014 was caused by a strong weight gain.

However, all doubts were dispelled when, during the performance of the song, Nicki sat on a chair and raised her leg high. The star's butt instantly took on an unnatural shape. The buttocks turned out and, together with the folds of fat, separated from the legs, spreading across the chair, thereby proving the introduction of silicone gel.

Other operations

36-year-old Niki is a world-class celebrity who is always obliged to look in accordance with the canons of beauty. The rap star actively uses botulinum toxin injections to help maintain youthful skin and prevent the appearance of the first age-related changes.

Nicki Minaj is known for her striking appearance. The photo shows the singer's African roots.

Excessive love for plastic surgery has led to the fact that the skin on Nika’s face is very stretched and has an unnatural oily sheen.

For the sake of a Hollywood smile, Minaj, like many other stars, sacrificed her own teeth. Simple dental procedures, including whitening, did not help, so the star used a proven method, removing problem teeth and inserting veneers.

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Interesting facts about Tyra Banks

As a child, she experienced her parents' divorce. Tyra Banks is the second child in the family of a manager (her mother worked in the fashion industry and was interested in photography) and a computer scientist. When our heroine was 6 years old, her parents separated, but managed to maintain a good relationship.

This is what Tyra Banks was like as a child.

What hindered me in childhood helped me in my modeling career. In her youth, Tyra was a tall and awkward “ugly duckling.” Added to the teenage problems were difficult relationships with classmates who never missed an opportunity to laugh at the lanky girl. When Tyra turned 17, she turned into a “beautiful swan” and signed a lucrative contract with a popular modeling agency.

She made an impression on French couturiers. Tyra's debut as a model took place in the fashion capital, where she went under the terms of a contract. 25 designers wanted to see their clothes on a black American woman. No world-famous model has been able to repeat this success.

Tyra Banks - Victoria's Secret Angel

Cosmetic procedures

Nicki Minaj (photos of the outrageous rap diva in a swimsuit are constantly published on Instagram) is considered one of the most beautiful women in the American music industry. The 36-year-old star constantly visits a cosmetologist, actively using the achievements of modern cosmetology to maintain her beauty and youth.

For example:

  • The singer is an ardent fan of cleansing procedures. The star tries to cleanse her face at least once a month to remove the stratum corneum and accumulated impurities. Nika's skin is prone to acne and requires careful care.
  • To maintain beauty and prevent the appearance of wrinkles, Niki regularly performs injections of hyaluronic acid, which make it possible to displace small grooves and straighten the nasolabial triangle.
  • Mechanical peeling helps the singer not only eliminate deep pollution caused by applying a large amount of makeup, but also smooth out facial wrinkles, rejuvenating the facial contour.

After concerts and photo shoots, the singer always washes off her makeup using lotion or foam. Minaj recently launched her own line of decorative cosmetics, which she actively promotes.

According to Niki, cleansing procedures are a necessity, neglect of which even for a short time has a detrimental effect on her skin, causing the appearance of blackheads and acne.

The pop diva is a lover of shockingness and the color pink. The star never leaves home without makeup. Even on weekends, Minaj always has pink lipstick in her makeup bag, without which Nicki cannot exist.

The star trusts her makeup to a professional stylist:

  • Using foundation and concealer, Minaj corrects the shape of her cheekbones. The singer does not like round cheeks, preferring to hide the area around her nose. Following the advice of the makeup artist, the singer covers the upper eyelid with foundation, and the area around the eyes and the triangle near the nose is smeared with a lighter-colored concealer.
  • Minaj only trusts her makeup artist for her eyes and eyebrows. The specialist applies mascara, applies shadows, and outlines the shape of the brow ridges. The singer never does her eye makeup herself. She doesn’t have enough patience for this, and her hands are constantly shaking.
  • Nika's doll-like look is given by false eyelashes. Previously, the girl had eyelash extensions in bunches, but lately she prefers to use false eyelashes, without which, according to her, she feels naked.

Nicky loves wigs. Her incredible hairstyles are the key to constantly wearing artificial hair and the skill of the stylist. For a long time, the rap star was looking for a suitable specialist and ensured that the artificial hair on her head looked as natural as possible. Now the star's collection includes more than 300 different types of wigs.

The singer cannot always remain in one image and changes her hairstyles at least once a year. According to her, the stylist can even create a “jukebox” on her head that will look like a real one.

In recent years, the rapper has chosen a short nail design in her favorite pink color. Previously, Minaj was an ardent fan of long “cat claws” with a huge amount of jewelry.

A drastic change occurred after an unsuccessful trip, during which the singer hit and broke her nail, tearing it out of the hole along with the skin.

According to Nika, the pain was so severe that the girl even had to make a forced stop and spend the night at a nearby motel. The rap star devotes a lot of time to his figure, follows a strict diet and constantly dances. Niki adheres only to proper nutrition, considering one of her habits an unlimited love for vegetables.

In the struggle for beauty, Minaj completely excluded from her diet:

  • fast food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sugar;
  • confectionery;
  • fatty foods and dishes.

The singer’s favorite diet consists of a large number of different vegetables:

  • chopped carrots;
  • paprika;
  • celery;
  • green tea.
  • prunes;
  • grain bread with avocado;
  • corn;
  • tomatoes;
  • spinach.
Afternoon snack
  • almond;
  • 2 cups skim milk
  • vegetable salad with lemon juice;
  • fruits.

If Niki gains weight, she goes on a diet designed specifically for her and excludes from her diet:

  • potato;
  • pumpkin, squash;
  • legumes;
  • cauliflower;
  • bananas and chestnuts.

The dance steps and set of exercises performed by the star are kept secret. Niki believes that every woman should choose her own favorite food and exercise and not be shy about being different to others.

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What does it look like now

Nicki Minaj (photos of the star in a swimsuit can be found on her Instagram page) loves to shock the public with outrageous outfits that promote her natural unbridled sexuality.

The singer's videos can be watched even without musical accompaniment. Any performance by a rock star is invariably accompanied by fiery dancing in tight, open outfits that show off large hips.

On set, Niki loves to use techniques that provoke sexual desire, such as:

  • licking whipped cream from open cleavage;
  • erotic banana biting;
  • licking plump lips;
  • playing sports in shorts;
  • erotic touching of partners with the buttocks.

For performances and red carpets, Minaj always tries to choose the most revealing outfit with a deep neckline. The singer especially loves tight trousers, black latex and clothes with animal prints. In addition to her wild sexuality, Minaj is a fan of the Barbie style and has repeatedly appeared in doll dresses with the same pink lipstick on her lips.

The singer tries not to talk about her personal life. It is known that she dated her colleagues and had an abortion at the age of 16 (which she reported in one of her songs).

After a long cooling-off period, Niki restored ties with her family, helped her father overcome his alcohol addiction, and is trying to support her brother, who was imprisoned on charges of rape.

The unsurpassed Nicki Minaj is a symbol of shocking and provocative sexuality. The star loves to take pictures in swimsuits, short shorts and latex bodysuits, showing fans a non-standard figure, which contributes to even greater popularity.

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

Interesting biography facts of Lady Gaga

Her parents are Italian. Lady Gaga has a sister who is 6 years younger.

This is what Lady Gaga looked like as a child

She felt like a pop star at the age of 4. She sang Michael Jackson's hits and recorded her voice on a tape recorder, while at the same time learning to play the piano.

She studied at a private Catholic school and continued her education at the School of the Arts at New York University. She passed the Cleve Davis program ahead of schedule and confidently passed all the necessary tests. After graduation, the father rented an apartment for his daughter and gave him a decent amount of money, without doubting that the heiress would live up to his hopes.

Lady Gaga without makeup

Short stature is a congenital developmental anomaly. If in childhood the star was ridiculed and suffered from her diminutiveness, then by becoming popular she “tormented” directors and fashion designers who had to adapt to her non-standard sizes.

Lady Gaga was “born” in 2008. The nickname was chosen in honor of the group Queen, and its basis was the hit “Radio Ga Ga”. The singer asked the public not to mention her real name in the future.

This is what Lady Gaga looks like now

No one had performed in a dress made of meat before. Lady Gaga is a great inventor: she knows how and loves to shock the public with unique, sometimes creepy images. In 2010, the singer outdid herself by appearing at one of the events in a dress and hat lined with pork pulp.

Bradley Cooper chose Lady Gaga over the beautiful model. The actor and singer became close while working on the film A Star Is Born, and in 2022, Lady Gaga moved into Cooper's house, kicking Irina Shayk out of it.

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