Nicki Minaj. Photos in a swimsuit, before and after plastic surgery, without makeup, photoshop, personal life

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Nicki Minaj will celebrate her 38th birthday at the end of 2022. The public not only listens to the hits of the bright and charismatic singer, but watches with interest the transformations of her appearance. The richest rapper on the planet easily changes her looks and appears on stage either with a classic bob of dark hair, or with a blond mane, or even decorates her hair with strands of different colors. Only the artist’s forms remain unchanged for many years, and they are so outstanding that one cannot believe in the naturalness of their origin.

Origin of the "Black Anaconda"

The real name of the singer Onika is Tanya Maraj. She was born in Trinidad and Tobago. The parents quickly left to build a life in America, and left the girl in the care of her grandmother. Only when the child was 5 years old, she was taken to New York. And not just anywhere, but to the hottest area of ​​the city - Queens. Nika's father became an alcoholic, came home drunk and beat his mother, and sometimes the girl herself got it. The mother tried to escape from the tyrant, but to no avail. At that moment, Onika Tanya Maraj decided that she would not live so wretchedly in a miserable little room and in a drunken stupor. She began to fight for herself.

Irina Ponarovskaya's work in cinema

  • In 1975, the star first appeared on the silver screen. The concert was released under the title “Irina Ponarovskaya. The soloist of VIA “Singing Guitars” sings.
  • In 1976, the girl starred in the psychological detective story “It Doesn’t Concern Me...”.
  • After success in the detective story, the heroine was invited to film many more times, for example, in the musical film “The Nut Krakatuk”, in the crime vaudeville show “The Midnight Robbery” and in the comedy musical “The Trust That Broke”.
  • In 1991, the beauty starred in the failed film “He'll Have It All,” and this marked the end of her film career. After unsuccessful filming, the star said that now only Steven Spielberg or Nikita Mikhalkov could lure her into the film.
  • The completion of her film work gave rise to her participation in various television shows such as “Blue Light”, “Morning Star”, “Theater Encounters” and “Music Kiosk”.
  • During this period, Ponarovskaya’s friendship began with hair stylist Sergei Zverev, who considered the singer’s face ideal and offered the star unrealistic, bold images.
  • As a leading girl she worked in the programs “Alarm Clock”, “Meeting of Friends”, etc.
  • The singer’s clothing line, “I-ra,” came out of her pen, and an atelier was opened in the capital.

On April 16, 1997, the opening ceremony of Irina Ponarovskaya’s personal star took place at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall in Moscow on the Square of Pop Stars.
In 1998, Ponarovskaya’s charm was appreciated even in France. There, the Chanel Fashion House made the Russian singer the face of the company and awarded her the title “Miss Chanel USSR.”

In the early 2000s, the heroine’s dizzying career began to decline. They talked about her less and less, and soon she disappeared completely.

Queen of rappers Onika Tanya Maraj

Wanting to achieve success in the vocal field, Nicki Minaj takes singing lessons and tries herself in various competitions and concerts. And then her talent is noticed by the famous American rapper LilWayne. It is he who offers the girl a contract with his recording company. The singer's first album breaks all sales records. Very soon she becomes one of the richest rappers in the world. Her income is $29 million.

But after watching another Nicki Minaj Anaconda video, you come to the conclusion that her video can be watched even without sound. Writhing black ladies with huge jiggling asses languidly lick their African lips. Beaten biting bananas, smearing cream on impressive breasts, sporting pink panties, everything is as it should be. The pictures change, but only Nicki Minaj's buttocks are in the center of the entire video. And this is not without reason, because looking at such a weighty loin, you wonder about the naturalness of this part of the body.

Career of Ksyusha Borodina

From an early age, the young beauty dreamed of the screen and the glory of a TV star. She tirelessly sent out her resume to all channels, went to endless castings and auditions, but she could not conquer television. There was no sign of despair, and the girl had already managed to pack her bags to go to her mother in Italy. Just before leaving for the airport, Ksyusha received a call and was informed that she had been hired as a presenter for the new TNT television project “Dom-2”.

From the very first releases, Ksyusha has been co-hosting the famous socialite Sobchak. The scandalous reality show was rapidly gaining popularity in Russia and neighboring countries.

Ksyushenka herself finds fans with enviable regularity without leaving her workplace. The first was Oscar Karimov, then the president of the insurance company Nikita Isaev, and then the capital’s DJ Anton. Over the long period of time she has been working in public, the TV star has changed a lot; Ksenia Borodina’s photos on the social network Instagram vary noticeably. Rumor has it that plastic surgery performed by the TV presenter is to blame.

Nicki Minaj Operations

A topic shrouded in darkness and mystery. The singer herself denies any intervention by surgeons to correct her appearance. But photos of Nicki Minaj say absolutely the opposite.

  • Nose surgery. “I have never had plastic surgery on my face. If people around me look at me, they claim that I definitely had a nose job, but that’s not true at all. Professional cosmetics and camouflage secrets will create any nose shape for you,” said the singer. Photos of Nicki Minaj before and after the alleged operation have appeared online. From them we can judge that only heavy layers of foundation and powder help Nicki Minaj flaunt her upturned nose.

  • Beauty injections. This type of services from beauty clinics can be easily judged by comparing Nicki Minaj’s face before the operation with what happened after. The singer's skin is taut and glistens with an oily film. But there is no need to condemn the singer, because years pass, but you always want to be beautiful.

  • Dental crowns. Teeth whitening did not help the singer. She, like many stars, had to remove her natural teeth and install snow-white veneers.

  • Breast augmentation. Like most celebrities, Nick Minaj loves to show off her naked assets. A dark-skinned blonde-brunette-brown-haired woman posts photos with weighty assets on Instagram. And when filming her video, star nipples flash here and there. Not disdaining vulgar outfits with a huge neckline, the rapper is proud of her breasts; she claims that the appetizing forms are exclusively of natural origin.


Minaj's very first work was the mixtape "Playtime Is Over", which premiered in 2007. Then she presented several more demo records that went unnoticed.

However, rapper Lil Wayne drew attention to Nicky’s work. The musician managed to recognize her talent, offering the girl mutually beneficial cooperation.

Soon Nicki Minaj recorded her debut album “Pink Friday”, which brought her worldwide fame. In just a few days, the album reached number 2 on the Billboard 200 chart, and later became the chart leader.

An interesting fact is that Nicki Minaj was the first artist in history to have 7 tracks simultaneously on the Billboard Hot 100 chart! Then the young singer presented her second single, “Your Love,” which took 1st place on the Billboard Hot Rap Songs chart, which no other rap singer has achieved since 2003.

A month after its release, “Pink Friday” received platinum status. By that time in her biography, Nicki Minaj had shot more than one video for her songs, which helped her gain even greater popularity both in the United States and abroad.

Later, Nicki delighted fans with the new single “Super Bass,” which became a super hit all over the planet and the best song of the summer of 2011 in America. It is curious that today the views of “Super Bass” on YouTube have reached 850 million!

In the video clips, Minaj appeared in revealing outfits, with bright makeup and multi-colored hair. She actively toured different cities and countries, gathering large crowds of fans.

In mid-2011, Nicki recorded the song “Where Them Girls At?” in a duet with David Guetta, which also reached the top of the charts. In the future, she collaborated with many more stars, including Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Madonna, Ariana Grande and many other artists.

In the summer of 2012, Nicki Minaj entered into an agreement with the American show “American Idol”, becoming the 4th member of the jury. At the same time, the release of her second album “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded” took place, in which the song “Starships” gained the greatest popularity.

In 2014, the rapper recorded her third disc, “The Pinkprint,” created in the hip-hop genre. The most successful composition of this album was “Anaconda”. The track peaked at number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100, becoming Nicki's highest-charting single in the US to date. For 6 weeks, "Anaconda" topped the "Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Song" and "Hot Rap Songs".

In subsequent years, Nicki Minaj continued to regularly release new singles until the release of her 4th studio album, Queen (2018). Along with performing on stage, she took part in the filming of several films.

The most notable films with her participation are “Barbershop-3” and “The Other Woman”. An interesting fact is that the last film grossed about $200 million at the box office!

At the moment, Nicki Minaj is considered one of the most famous and highly paid rap artists. Over the years of her creative biography, she has received over 80 awards and prizes in the field of music and cinema.

Lady Minaj's silicone ass

The most prominent part of Miss Minaj's body is her butt. There are constant disputes about its huge “rear” area. The singer herself remains silent in response to questions about her butt. Analyzing the photo of Nicki Minaj from 2016, experienced plastic surgeons agree that silicone implants settled in Nicki Minaj’s buttocks after the operation. The thin waist abruptly meets the hips, and Nicki Minaj's butt resembles an airbag.

In many videos, the singer covers the faces of tattooed men with this pillow. But in the photo before the operation, the singer’s fifth point is much more modest.

Just recently, paparazzi captured an embarrassing moment. The singer, sitting on a chair, carefreely raised her leg up, and it was then that the fact was revealed that there had been operations on the buttocks. Nicki Minaj's ass, like a sewn-on appendage, has taken on unnatural shapes. Wrinkled and shrunken, Nicki Minaj's buttocks separated from her legs in deep folds, spreading across the seat. But for the singer this topic is special. For some reason, it is precisely the myth of the naturalness of the butt that she guards with her fists at the ready.

How Cardi B's face changed

The girl started working on her face, doing a fair amount of work on her figure. The singer inherited her exotic appearance from her Dominican father and mother, who was born in Trinidad and Tobago. As a child, Cardi B was a pretty girl, as can be seen in the photo: she has a beautiful oval face, laughing eyes and an open smile. Unfortunately, with age, the rapper began to look worse: photos of Cardi B without makeup are shocking, although perhaps it’s all due to poor lighting and the star’s habit of grimacing.

The singer was not satisfied with her nose, so she had rhinoplasty. She entrusted her face to a trusted surgeon (he had previously enlarged her breasts). Cardi B was pleased with the result, since instead of a wide, authentic organ of smell, the girl became the owner of a neat nose with a narrow back, pressed wings and an elegant tip. The hip-hop diva thanked the surgeon publicly on her page on the Internet.

Cardi B's lips are naturally large, but since their shape changes from time to time in the photo, the conclusion suggests itself about contouring with fillers containing hyaluronic acid.

Star image of Nicki Minaj

The star's flashy outfits are combined with thick makeup and incredible hairstyles. The weight of plastic jewelry reaches up to a kilogram. Nicki Minaj, before and after gaining popularity, loved animal print in clothes complete with black patent leather.

The singer pays tribute to the color pink, combining doll-like images with an edgy and aggressive singing style. Whatever a woman wears to a party, she will definitely become its star.

Nika sings, creates her own clothing line and perfume. But the most anticipated news is only about her plastic surgery and photos in a swimsuit. So, over time, it is forgotten what helped “Black Anaconda” achieve success: talent or bestial sexuality.

Personal life

Minaj was looking for her man for a very long time. Nicky was in a relationship with Safari Samuels for 10 years, but he turned out to be not a very decent person. After breaking up with him, the girl announced her engagement to Nick Mill on social networks, but canceled it two months later.

Now Nicky is dating a dark-skinned handsome man, and does not reveal his name. There are only photographs of hand-in-hand walks and subscribers asking “Who is this?”

Michelle Obama's childhood and youth

The official biography of the wife of the American president is, as expected, impeccable. Her maiden name was Robinson and was born on January 17, 1964 in Chicago. Her father was Fraser Robinson III, who worked as a city water worker, and her mother Marian was a housewife. Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama is the second child in the family, and her brother Craig was born first. He loved basketball as a child, and later became a coach, TV presenter and analyst on the ESPN sports channel.

The future wife of the president successfully graduated from school in 1981, and at the same time studied ballet. After this, an ordinary girl with a distinct African-American origin entered Princeton University, one of the most elite educational institutions in the country. After graduating from university with a sociology degree, the young lady continued her studies at the law school of an equally titled institution, Harvard University. As a result, the student received a second law degree and became a Doctor of Law.

Lolita in Cabaret-duet "Academy"

In 1985, Messrs. Gorelik moved to Odessa, where she performed at the regional philharmonic in the genre of conversational miniatures. At one of the performances she met Alexander Tsekalo. At that moment, Lola did not know that her biography would change dramatically after this meeting. In 1987, the girl left work and moved to Moscow, where together with Tsekalo she created the cabaret-duo project “Academy”.

  • The first album, “Coup,” was released in 1992, but went unnoticed, but the second, in 1994, “Celestial Dances,” rose to the top of the music charts.
  • The strange duet of a plump, short donut and a portly girl immediately achieved unprecedented success, so, in addition to concerts, the couple worked on television as hosts of the Morning Mail and TV Pizza programs.

  • In 1995, the album “You want to, but you are silent” appeared on the shelves, and in 1997 the album “Wedding”, which received many awards.
  • The programs on the 1+1 channel “Good morning, country!” achieved equally significant success. and “Old songs about the main thing.”

In 1999, the best album of the duet, “Tu-Tu-Tu, Na-Na-Na,” was released, and “Fingerprints,” which remained without due attention. At the same time, the young lady received the Ovation award as a multi-talented artist.

However, soon the ten-year collaboration between Milyavskaya and Tsekalo began to crack, and the artist went into free swimming in 2000.

Instasamka before plastic surgery

Lip augmentation

The most noticeable change can be considered lip enlargement. Initially, the girl had expressionless lips, but filler injections allowed her to correct this defect. Dasha never hid why her lips became hypertrophiedly plump. But her lips are not the only thing that Dasha has enlarged.

Breast surgery

The Instagram woman had her breasts enlarged when she was 20 years old. A girl once said that she asked the surgeon to make her breasts that would be proportional to her buttocks. Mammoplasty allowed Daria to become the owner of size 2 breasts.

The blogger admitted that the rehabilitation period was very difficult. She often cried and felt pain, but after a couple of days everything returned to normal. According to Dasha, the operation cost her a million rubles, but according to many, she greatly exaggerates.

Dasha’s first thoughts after breast surgery:

Nevertheless, the result was remarkable. Dasha's breasts look sexy and neat. The girl often posts candid photos on social networks, and you can be sure that plastic surgery has benefited her.

Buttock surgery

Most recently, Instasamka resorted to yet another plastic surgery. This time she decided to enlarge her buttocks using lipofilling. This procedure required lengthy preparation. The girl had to gain approximately 10 kg so that there would be enough subcutaneous fat for the required volume.

Daria dreamed of making herself a butt like Latin women. She visited many surgeons, but everyone refused her, because initially her anatomical structure made it difficult to obtain such a result. But in the end, the blogger managed to find a specialist and have a successful operation. Apparently, the girl is very pleased with the result, and she does not rule out adding a little more volume in the future.


In 2022, Daria had veneers installed. By nature, the girl had crooked teeth, and the procedure cost another million rubles. Followers began to notice that Dasha began to show her teeth everywhere.


Plastic surgery by Yegor Kholyavin

Excess weight did not bother Kholyavin as much as the heroes around him on the site. It was the tactful remarks of Afrikantova’s chosen one that forced the cute fat man to lose more than 50 kilograms in 10 months. But these were only the first steps in a series of changes for the reality show hero.

Abdominoplasty. After a dramatic weight loss, the young man had to undergo surgery to reduce his abdomen. Surgeons removed sagging skin, which noticeably changed the young man’s figure for the better. Kholyavin himself speaks without hesitation about the procedure performed, and the hero of House 2 willingly talks about all other plastic procedures on Instagram, where he also posts photos and videos about his beloved self.

Removing Bish's lumps. The future Russian Ken decided to start working with his face by correcting its shape. The removal of the lumps was successful, the face became noticeably thinner, the oval lengthened, and the “bulldog” cheeks disappeared. “Don’t worry about me, I feel just fine without these lumps,” says Kholyavin.

Lip augmentation. Many subscribers to the page of the hero of House 2 believe that Yegor Kholyavin after the operation began to look like a girl. He is literally preoccupied with his own lips, pumping more and more fillers inside.

As a result of the procedures, the mouth began to grow, blowing out into a disgusting “duck face”. The guy's upper lip took in a lot of it especially. It was raised and swollen, which is typical for those who overdid the number of injections.

Correction of cheekbones. If we consider what Yegor Kholyavin looks like before and after surgery, we can note a significant change in him. The candidate for the honorary title of Russian Ken corrected the oval face by inserting mesothreads under the skin. The product visually tightened the cheekbones, the guy began to look younger and slimmer. “It’s good that thanks to modern technologies I can maintain my youth and attractiveness for a long time,” says the young man.

Chin plastic surgery. The doctor completely removed excess fat and skin. This made my face even slimmer. According to the young man, the future Ken was looking forward to this procedure more than any other, as he was always embarrassed by his drooping double chin.

Blepharoplasty. Previously carried out manipulations captured the former burglar with his head. Operations rained down like from a cornucopia. Eye surgery was combined with rhinoplasty. The TV star definitely set his sights on the image of Ken, so the doctors thinned his nose, giving the tip the correct shape. The folds of skin that gave the face a slightly tired expression were removed from the upper eyelid.

Implants in the chest, abdomen and back. Work on Ken's body continues. Surgeons are working on artificially drawing muscles. The victim of plastic surgery can no longer imagine his future life without a surgical scalpel.

Justin JedlicaRodrigo Alves

Detractors chuckle that such changes will lead to photos appearing in which Yegor Kholyavin will appear before and after his gender change, because the guy is suspected of having a non-traditional sexual orientation.

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