Bikini area - everything you wanted to know about intimate depilation

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Bikini waxing is the most sensitive topic for women. Very often, the procedure in this area is accompanied by unpleasant consequences and discomfort. to depilate the intimate area at home, unable to overcome the embarrassment , while others are happy to do this procedure in the salon, giving priority to the quality and long-term effect.

A little history

This fact may surprise some, but women began removing hair in the bikini area in ancient times. Residents of Rome and Egypt especially loved to indulge in this delicate activity. But in ancient times, women did not divide the removal of unwanted vegetation into superficial and thorough. Moreover, they were unlikely to realize what deep bikini depilation was like.

Total depilation of the bikini area became popular in the 20th century in the USA and Europe, when the first open swimsuits began to appear. Flirty tight models of panties looked vulgar if the lady had hair visible in a piquant place. In the 21st century, this type of depilation has reached its peak in popularity. Now this service is offered in almost every beauty salon.

Where can I do this procedure?

You can get high-quality and professional depilation of your intimate area in any specialized salon, and they will even offer you several techniques to choose from.

Where to get bikini waxing in Moscow

  • Beauty salon “Cherry Town”: Moscow, st. Dovatora, 6/6, room 8, tel..
  • Depilation salon "Epil-Kabinet": Moscow, st. Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya, 6, tel..
  • Hair removal salon “Hamos”: Moscow, Leninsky Ave., 2A, tel. +7 (985) 124 22 28.

Where to get bikini waxing in St. Petersburg.

  • Depilation salon “Body Waxer”: St. Petersburg, st. Gorokhovaya, 46, tel..
  • Depilation studio "Victoria": St. Petersburg, st. Bolshaya Posadskaya, 9/5, tel..
  • Beauty salon “Waxabar”: St. Petersburg, st. Marata, 77, tel..

Where to do bikini depilation in Kyiv

  • Beauty studio “Beauty Bar”: Kiev, st. Antonovicha, 9, tel. +38.
  • Beauty salon “Lady Space”: Kiev, st. Bolshaya Vasilkovskaya, 47, tel. +38 (097) 044 88 3.
  • Salon “Carnelian”: Kiev, st. Revutskogo, 9, tel. +38.

Types of depilation of intimate areas

Depending on the specific location of hair removal, there are several types of bikini depilation.


The classic type of depilation of delicate areas involves removing hair along the line of underwear. That is, along the inside of the legs, near the crotch, above the panty line, as well as to the right and left of them. This option is considered the simplest. It is suitable only if it is necessary to eliminate excess hair, which can make itself felt if you wear tight panties. Hair under underwear remains untouched. This treatment of the bikini area is suitable for a young or teenage girl.

Deep or total bikini

A deep bikini is the removal of unwanted hair from all surfaces of the groin. Depilation or hair removal of the deep bikini area affects the following areas:

  • labia;
  • pubis;
  • inner thighs.

Experts consider a hair-free bikini area or deep bikini area to be the best option from a hygiene point of view. Regardless of where the hair is located, it retains odors well. Also, vegetation in the intimate area absorbs secretions. The latter accumulate and cause an unpleasant odor. The area under the hair begins to rot, which has a negative effect on the skin. With the complete absence of hairs, all these problems are solved. Thus, a deep bikini is not only beautiful, but also healthy.

There are two types of total groin depilation procedures: Brazilian and Hollywood.

Brazil is a country of colorful carnivals, during which girls flaunt bright and rather revealing outfits. Of course, wearing them requires removing hair from delicate areas of the body. A deep Brazilian bikini involves removing hair from all groin areas. But the end result is a small strip of pubic hair. The width of this very strip depends solely on the preferences of a particular woman.

As the name implies, the birthplace of the Hollywood type of hair removal is America. When filming films, girls had to remove all hair below the waist. A deep Hollywood bikini is a treatment in addition to the inner thighs, labia and pubis, also the area between the buttocks, and the inner side of the labia.

Hair removal "like a man"

An increasing number of modern men pay close attention to their appearance.

Therefore, it is now rare to surprise anyone with the removal of vegetation in a man’s groin. The work of a fashion model requires this from some men, while others want to please their women who do not like a hairy partner.

Total men's hair removal is practically no different from women's. Hairs are removed in the following places:

  • pubis;
  • buttocks and the space between them;
  • scrotum.

Deep epilation and deep depilation

Total depilation deep bikini - how is it? And how does this procedure differ from epilation of the deep bikini area?

Deep depilation involves the removal of hairs - the hair follicles are not damaged and remain intact. This includes bioepilation, plucking, razor shaving, and plucking. Such procedures give a temporary effect, after a while the hairs begin to grow again. As time passes, groin hair removal should be repeated after a few days or weeks.

The bikini hair removal procedure means eliminating the process of hair growth itself. In the process, not only hair is removed, but also the hair follicles and follicles are damaged. Deep groin hair removal allows you to get rid of body hair forever.

The choice of method for removing vegetation depends on the individual. If you want to get rid of it forever, it is better to go to a salon where they do bikini hair removal. For those who are not ready for drastic changes, it is better to pay attention to various depilation options.

Methods for removing hair in the intimate area

There are several types of bikini depilation:


The master heats the wax to the desired temperature and distributes it with a spatula onto dry, clean skin along the hair growth line. Next, using a strip of fabric, the hairs are removed in one sharp movement against the direction of growth.

On a note. To make the procedure less painful, a day before visiting the specialist, you should thoroughly scrub and moisturize the area where hair removal will be performed. Before the procedure, you need to remove all cosmetics from the surface of the skin. The optimal hair length is 4-6 mm.


  • saving time - the procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes;
  • The smooth skin effect lasts up to 3 weeks;
  • low price;
  • safety;
  • hairs become thinner and appear less frequently.


  • the likelihood of ingrown hairs;
  • soreness.


Sugar depilation paste contains sugar and citric acid. The absence of harmful chemical additives is the advantage of such a product. This method differs from hair removal with hot wax. The difference lies in the application features - the paste is distributed against the hair growth line and removed according to growth.

The specialist cleanses the client's skin and distributes talc over it. Based on the hardness of a particular person’s hair, the density of the paste is selected. For the Brazilian version, a medium-density or dense product is most often used.


  • natural composition of the paste;
  • moderately painful sensations;
  • absence of ingrown hairs;
  • minimal microtraumas.


  • high cost compared to wax;
  • possible allergic reactions;
  • possible subsequent irritation in the absence of experience of the master.

Types of epilation of the bikini area


Hardware hair removal, which allows you to permanently remove hairs using electric current. This method is most effective in removing vegetation. However, it is also very painful.

The procedure requires preparation. A month before hair removal, you should avoid solariums or visiting the beach. Hair should not be removed by any means other than a razor. Brazilian-type electrolysis is recommended to be carried out exclusively with anesthesia, since the groin area is very sensitive.

During the procedure, the master opens disposable needles and inserts them into the client’s skin to the depth of the hair follicle. Next, a discharge of electric current is applied. The bulb, as well as nearby nerve endings and capillaries, die. This means that the procedure ensures the death of hair follicles forever.


  • absence of ingrown hairs;
  • universality: the procedure suits everyone.


  • lack of result in case of low qualification of the master:
  • the likelihood of future scars, cicatrices and age spots.


Photoepilation is a safe method of removing vegetation from intimate areas. Light waves do not affect the skin, but the melanin responsible for color. As a result, the hair at the base is lightened along with the root. A few days before the procedure, the hair is shaved off so that by the time the specialists visit, they are reduced to 1-2mm. The skin should be dry and free of cosmetics to avoid burns.

The patient is placed on a couch and wears special glasses that protect the eyes from light exposure. The gel is spread over the area to be treated and then slowly passed over the skin with a device that emits flashes of light. The sensations during this procedure are unpleasant, but quite tolerable. Finally, the skin is treated with a soothing agent.


  • safety since there is no direct contact with skin;
  • financial inclusion;
  • the emitted light does not contain ultraviolet radiation, and therefore is harmless;
  • The effect of hair removal lasts for a long time.


  • if the power is incorrectly selected, burns may remain on the skin;
  • if you do not follow the care recommendations, inflammation may occur after the procedure;
  • does not guarantee complete removal of hair; sometimes it may continue to grow.


According to customer reviews, this type of bikini hair removal is reliable and effective. A month before the intended procedure, hair in the groin should be removed in any way. The day before visiting a specialist, the hair is shaved off, after which it is in the active growth stage.

Having assessed the type of skin and hair, the doctor turns on the laser at the required power. Half an hour before depilation, the doctor numbs the area with a special cream. The latter is placed on the skin, which is then wrapped with film. Before applying laser pulses, the film is removed, the specialist distributes the gel over the surface of the skin and fires a flash. It enters the hair follicles and destroys them. Over the next seven days, damaged hair will fall out.


  • effectiveness for different skin types;
  • safety;
  • long-term results (up to 5 years);


  • possible burns and age spots;
  • high price;
  • a large number of procedures up to 10 times to obtain the desired effect.


The method involves applying heat while using protein enzymes to help remove hair. Their length should be at least 6-7 mm. A month before visiting a specialist, you should stop tanning and sunbathing.

Immediately before the procedure for removing vegetation, you need to visit a dermatologist-cosmetologist. The specialist will do a skin test and help you understand whether the patient is allergic to the products used for hair removal. Next, the hair is removed in any way (sugar, wax, etc.). An enzyme preparation is distributed over the surface of the skin, and the treated area is covered with a film. Next, it is wrapped in a bandage and infrared radiation is directed at it. At the end of the procedure, the compress is removed and the skin is moisturized.


  • safety;
  • low price.


  • possibility of allergic reactions;
  • complexity of the procedure;
  • high sensitivity of the skin for the first time after hair removal.


Bikini hair removal using ultrasound is a new word in hair removal methods. The device acts on the hair root and bulb, after which the hair dies. Most of them fall out during the procedure.

The hairs are first grown to 5-7 mm in length, and then removed using wax or sugar paste. An antiseptic and a special preparation are applied to the treated area. Using an ultrasonic epilator, the specialist passes through the treated area. At the end of the procedure, the remaining gel is removed and a soothing lotion is distributed over the skin.


  • painlessness;
  • ease of implementation;
  • reasonable cost;
  • no restrictions on hair and skin type.


Short-term effect compared to laser hair removal.

Is it possible to get rid of unwanted hair forever?

Modern science says it can; For this purpose, methods such as photo and laser hair removal are used. However, practice shows that even after several years of this or that depilation, a small part of the hair remains, so cosmetologists do not guarantee that the result will be one hundred percent, but a significant part of the hair will be destroyed forever.

Other methods discussed above are not capable of destroying hair forever. But there are some grandmother’s recipes, which, judging by the reviews of women who have tried them on themselves, give better results than laser or photo hair removal, and much faster. These include:

  • Datura decoction; 100–150 grams of dope must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water and put on low heat; it is necessary to cook until the amount of liquid is reduced by four; Cool the broth, strain through cheesecloth and lubricate unwanted hair with it every day; store the decoction in the refrigerator; Each person’s body is individual, so it is difficult to talk about the effectiveness of this remedy; It is important to remember that Datura is a poisonous plant, so prolonged exposure to it on the body, especially in the bikini area, can lead to undesirable consequences;

    Datura is a very poisonous plant

  • rivanol is a drug; It is recommended to rub into problem areas every day twice for 15 days; if necessary, the course is repeated; the drug dries the skin and can also give it a yellowish tint;

    Practice shows. that rivanol can destroy the hair follicle in a few weeks

These two remedies are considered the most popular among women, since methods such as quicklime or a solution of alcohol and potassium permanganate can do worse for the intimate area than a decoction of dope.

In any case, no matter how you want to get rid of hair forever, consult a specialist in advance, paying special attention to the fact that your sexual health and, possibly, the health of your children depend on how safe the depilation method is.


Not everyone is allowed to wax the sensitive bikini area and deep bikini area. This procedure is contraindicated for girls who have:

  • the presence of papillomas, large moles;
  • diseases of the genital organs;
  • oncology;
  • disease of the cardiovascular system;
  • epilepsy.

Pregnancy is also a relative contraindication to total hair removal in the groin

Although most gynecologists believe that pregnancy is an absolute contraindication. After all, it is precisely harsh methods of removing vegetation that can provoke uterine tone, and, therefore, lead to a possible miscarriage.

Prices for the service

WaxingPrice, rub.)
Bikini area1100
Full legs1000
Hands, 1/2500
Full hands800
Abdominal area (track)300
Abdominal area (entirely)500
Back, 1/2500
Full back900
Face (upper lip)200
Face (1/2 face)400
Full face600

Expert advice

Regardless of where hair removal takes place, in a salon or at home, the following important rules should be followed:

  • Selecting the appropriate method. Shaving, sugaring, waxing or hardware hair removal - the choice depends on the state of health, wallet, and personal preferences of the individual. However, for people who have a hard time with pain, it is better to opt for a razor.
  • Choosing a suitable location. People who have a low pain sensitivity threshold are better off using the services of a cosmetologist. If you perform hair removal at home, especially if you have no experience, then you understand and accept the fact that the procedure can injure delicate skin.
  • Careful personal hygiene. Before the procedure, you should definitely take a shower, dry your private parts, and only then proceed with hair removal.
  • After depilation, use special moisturizers and nourishing creams.

Before you begin removing hair from delicate areas of the body, you should understand where it is - the bikini area for women and men. Well-groomed intimate places look aesthetically pleasing and neat. You need to choose the appropriate method for removing excess vegetation based on the health status and personal preferences of a particular person.


Before and after electrolysis

Many women like using electric epilators. This is explained by the fact that this method is less painful than others and ensures long-lasting smoothness of the skin in the bikini area.


  1. Simplicity of the procedure.
  2. Complete hair removal.
  3. Use on hair of any color and type.


  1. is completely dependent on the skills of the master.
  2. The appearance of scars or age spots.
  3. Pain that cannot be prevented by using painkillers.
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