Modern methods of body hair removal: depilation, sugaring, laser hair removal

  • Bikini area
  • Face
  • Hands
  • Legs
  • Armpits
  • Back
  • Upper lip
  • Chin
  • Stomach
  • Breast
  • Full body

Laser hair removal has been used as a cosmetic method since the last decade and is growing in popularity.
The procedure works well on all areas of the body. After its implementation, the skin becomes smooth for a long time. Full body laser hair removal helps lovely girls and women effectively reduce the amount of excess hair with minimal risk. Take advantage of it in Moscow, where highly qualified certified specialists will perform the procedure using certified equipment and at a reasonable price. The duration and number of sessions depend on the area of ​​skin being treated, and you can get an answer to the question of how much full body hair removal costs after a preliminary consultation with our specialists.

Laser hair removal


The best way to remove hair forever!

• 100% permanent hair removal in 4-6 procedures • Safety • No damage to the skin • Delicate treatment of sensitive areas • Painless • Quick treatment of large areas • Lasting results

Laser hair removal is absolutely safe. This procedure was approved by the FDA back in 1997, after which it became incredibly popular around the world. Since then, the technology has been improved many times. Laser hair removal devices are getting better every year. We work only with modern certified equipment that has passed clinical tests and shown the best results.

Seth S
(bikini depth + armpits)35002400
Set L
(shin + arms to the elbow + b/l of the abdomen)41002900
(shin + arms up to the elbow + lip)41002900
Set XL
(full legs + deep bikini + armpits)74005200
Nipple areolas900
Bikini deep2800
Bikini classic1600
Upper lip600
Shin with knee2100
Face Zone (every 2nd and subsequent face zone in the check)300
Alba Line600
Legs above the knee2100
Full legs4000
Lumbar region1600
Small of the back1600
Hands above elbows1600
Hands up to the elbow1600
Full hands3100
Cheekbones+temporal region600

After care

After the procedure:

  1. Apply a special gel containing aloe to the treated skin.
  2. If the surface of the skin is hot when touched, apply ice after placing it in a plastic bag, since it is better not to wet the treated areas of the body for 2 days.
  3. Avoid using cosmetics and foundation.
  4. Try to avoid scratching or otherwise damaging your skin.
  5. Avoid sunbathing, saunas, hydromassage and exercises that may cause sweating for 2 days.

Laser hair removal for the whole body is a progressive and effective procedure. However, to obtain a lasting effect, you need to adhere to the cosmetologist’s recommendations, otherwise the price of a frivolous attitude may be high.



Sweet depilation of delicate areas.

• Smooth skin up to 8 weeks • Removal of all types of hair • Does not cause allergies • No ingrown hairs • One of the most painless methods of depilation • Favorable price

Bikini deep1350
Bikini classic1000
Shin with knee1100
Panties area600
Alba Line400
Legs above the knee1200
Legs up to the knee1000
Full legs2300
Small of the back800
Hands above elbows1000
Hands up to the elbow1000
Full hands1800
Upper lip500

Who is laser suitable for: hair shades and colors

Hair removal works better or worse depending on the phototype. So, there will be no effect on dark and tanned skin - the energy of the laser pulse will dissipate and will not reach the follicle.

Another factor to consider is hair color. This method works most effectively if a person has dark hair, since it contains more melanin. For people with red, blond or gray hair, and even dark skin, laser hair removal is ineffective.

Thus, the ideal client for laser hair removal is a person with fair skin and dark hair. On olive-toned skin with brown hair, the laser also works, but with less efficiency.

Polymer depilation SKIN'S


High technology for smooth skin!

• Recommended for sensitive skin • Eliminates burns and irritation • Removes ingrown hairs • Maximum procedure time - up to 20 minutes

Nipple areolas700
Bikini deep2400
Bikini classic1500
Upper lip650
Shin with knee2300
Panties area900
Alba Line800
Legs above the knee2300
Legs up to the knee2200
Full legs4000
Nose / Ears (price for 1 zone)550
Small of the back1300
Hands above elbows1500
Hands up to the elbow1500
Full hands2500
Cheekbones+temporal region700

What results to expect from hair removal

To achieve full results, you need to undergo 3-5 sessions with an interval of 4-6 weeks.

The results of laser hair removal can last for years, but no laser can completely stop hair growth. There are always dormant follicles that are not affected by the laser beam and become active over time. The highest result that can be expected from laser hair removal is permanent removal of approximately 70-90% of hairs. In their place, over time, new ones may appear - thinner and colorless.

Below are reviews from people who have already tried laser hair removal and share their impressions:

“I wanted to remove hair from my chest, stomach, arms and back. I spent years constantly shaving these areas and eventually got tired of it. The first procedure lasted only about an hour - and this was in all areas. I was even surprised! Personally, I did not experience any discomfort during the procedure. True, it hurt a little on my chest. 3 weeks after the first procedure, 85% of the hair, in my opinion, has already disappeared.”

“I decided to have laser hair removal on my legs. I had a tan, so according to the rules I should not have had the procedure. Nevertheless, it happened. I've had laser hair removal done before, but this time it was much more painful. After the procedure was over, I felt like my legs were just on fire! Then the skin became covered with a dark reddish crust, which later peeled off. I was left with white hypopigmentation on my legs that looked like fish scales. Doctors said it was vitiligo. Now I can't wear shorts..."

“I have been waxing my bikini area for many years. I was tired of getting rid of ingrown hairs all the time and decided that I needed laser hair removal. I went through 4 treatments and the number of hairs decreased significantly. Plus, there are no more ingrown hairs. I need one or two more treatments to remove the remaining hairs. It seems that at the moment the number of hairs has decreased by 70 or 80 percent.”

Marshmallow depilation


High technology for smooth skin!

• Less painful depilation • Removes very short hairs - up to 2 mm • No allergic reactions • Long-lasting smoothness of the skin

Nipple areolas650
Bikini deep1500
Deep bikini PROMOTION! Primary patient. 15001000
Bikini classic1000
Bikini classic + Armpits PROMOTION!!! "Primary Patient" 1500
Upper lip550
Shin with knee1400
Panties area1700
Alba Line700
Legs above the knee1500
Legs up to the knee1300
Full legs2900
Small of the back1100
Hands above elbows1000
Hands up to the elbow1000
Full hands1900
Cheekbones+temporal region500

This is very painful?

Some clients say that the procedure feels like snapping a rubber band. Some areas may experience more pain than others.

The easiest way to reduce discomfort is to apply an ice pack immediately before starting. Many devices have special systems that reduce pain, such as a cooling tip or a fan that directs cold air onto the skin.

Another option is to apply a special freezing cream with an anesthetic at least 20 minutes before the start of the procedure (it is recommended to use only on small areas and in the absence of any superficial damage; under no circumstances should it be applied to mucous membranes).



Waxing - traditional quality and modern techniques!

• Instant effect • Smoothness up to 4 weeks • Suitable for all hair types • No skin irritation • Natural composition

Shin with knee900
Panties area500
Alba line200
Legs above the knee800
Legs up to the knee800
Full legs1300
Small of the back750
Hands above elbows600
Hands up to the elbow650
Full hands950

Have questions?

Advantages of the method

Why choose laser hair removal:

  • Efficiency. Hair begins to fall out 1-2 weeks after the session. At the end of the course (minimum 6-10 procedures), the skin remains smooth all the time. To maintain the result, you need to do maintenance sessions, for example, once every 4-5 years.
  • Safety. Radiation affects only the hair follicles. During the procedure, slight redness may be observed, which will quickly subside.
  • No discomfort. The laser device has a cooling attachment, which eliminates any unpleasant sensations.
  • Versatility. The procedure is suitable for men and women with dark hair, light and dark skin.

We answer

Is laser hair removal safe?

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular procedures in cosmetology. Lasers have been used in aesthetic medicine for more than 20 years. Devices are constantly being improved, which allows even more precise control of the direction of laser beams.

Does laser hair removal cause skin cancer? Definitely no! The laser does not cause burns or damage the skin.

The essence of the method is that laser energy with a wavelength of 808 nm (approved by the American FDA) is supplied through the device’s handpiece. Next, the laser energy is absorbed by melanin, which is contained in the hair follicle, the temperature inside the follicle rises, and it is destroyed, the hair stops growing.

How to prepare for laser hair removal?

• For a more productive result, you must first shave the laser impact area: the armpits and bikini area 1 day before the procedure, the rest of the body – 2 days before the treatment.

• Before the procedure, do not apply cosmetic products to the affected areas.

• Do not sunbathe 1 month before the procedure and 1 month after (apply a high SPF cream to the epilation area)

• Use only a razor between hair removal procedures.

Why is one hair removal session not enough?

Hair has its own growth cycle: most of the follicles “sleep” in the skin, and on the surface we see the part that is in the growth stage.

The laser has the greatest impact on the hair follicle, which is in the active growth phase.

Therefore, in one procedure we will permanently remove only those hairs that are growing, and to remove all hair a course will be required (depending on the area and individual characteristics).

What care is needed after laser hair removal?

• After epilation, it is necessary to soothe the skin. It is better to treat areas affected by the laser with a cream that contains panthenol (Bepanten, Pantoderm).

• It is necessary to use sunscreen with maximum protection.

• Avoid taking a hot bath for several days after laser hair removal.

How long should it take between treatments?

This depends on your individual characteristics and the zone, usually this period varies from 4 to 6 weeks.

How many procedures do you need to do to get rid of hair completely?

The number of procedures in each case is determined strictly individually.

To remove small hair, 3 to 4 procedures will be enough, and with increased hair growth, 6 to 8 procedures may be required.

What is the difference between sugaring and waxing?

Wax depilation is the removal of hair using special waxes, which are applied with a spatula to areas of the skin.

The waxing procedure is quick, with an immediate effect that lasts up to 4 weeks. Regular waxing makes re-grown hairs soft and fine over time.

Sugaring is depilation with sugar paste, which is distributed over areas of the body and removed along with the hairs.

Sugar paste acts deeper than wax, penetrating into the mouths of the follicles. Therefore, the result lasts longer than after waxing - up to 8 weeks.

Will the skin be immediately perfectly smooth after the first waxing and sugaring procedure?

During the first waxing or sugaring procedure, hairs may not be completely removed if you used a razor before depilation.

Since shaving cuts the hair, often several hairs grow from one hair follicle at once. The shortest hair is usually not visible because it is less than 1 mm long. It can be extremely difficult to capture this hair with wax or sugar.

Why do ingrown hairs form after waxing and sugaring?

The appearance of ingrown hairs is determined by your skin type, not the depilation method. It is recommended to exfoliate to remove dead epithelial cells to help hairs break through to the surface of the skin. We recommend using special products against ingrown hairs.

What is marshmallow hair removal?

This is a derivative of sugar depilation.

The method, like sugaring, is based on a paste into which the hairs are rolled against the direction of growth. The difference is, firstly, a more foamy texture (due to oxygen enrichment), and secondly, that the marshmallow paste is enriched with minerals. You can also highlight the benefits of marshmallow hair removal:

• Marshmallow depilation is less painful and does not pull long hairs, unlike sugaring

• Marshmallow depilation, along with polymer wax, can remove even very short hairs (2 mm), including vellus hairs

WAX clinics offer all types of female hair removal . We will help you get rid of unwanted hair on your face, bikini area, legs and armpits. At your disposal will be experienced professionals, a whole range of modern technologies for removing vegetation and effective skin products.

WAX is the newest cosmetology center in Moscow, where you can sign up and come at any convenient time. We have a precise tariff schedule, and the prices will suit everyone who takes care of themselves. Call or leave us a request - and you can come to us at any time!

Stages of implementation

The laser emits energy that penetrates deep into the hair root and damages the follicle. The destroyed follicle stops functioning and, as a result, hair growth stops. The procedure goes step by step like this:

  1. Preparation. Before laser hair removal, hair should not be removed; let it grow.
  2. Treatment of the skin surface with a special gel that promotes better absorption of radiation.
  3. A laser beam is aimed at the skin. Thanks to its action, instant heating + destruction of the hair follicle and further cooling of the epidermis occurs.
  4. The final stage. Applying a soothing cream.

Our services

We offer the most effective hair removal methods :

  • Laser hair removal . This is the best solution that gives long-term results. You can remove unwanted hair permanently or for a very long time - and get an ideal body. Of course, it will take several sessions, but during the procedure you will not feel much pain - only a slight burning sensation.
  • Sugaring . This is a modern method of removing hair that does not cause irritation and allows you to quickly remove hair. It is inexpensive and suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Polymer depilation . With this method you will remove even ingrown hairs and make your skin perfectly smooth. It eliminates burns and irritation.
  • Marshmallow depilation . This is the optimal choice for short hair (2 mm) and sensitive women. The procedure will be as painless as possible.
  • Removal with wax . The main advantages of this technology are high processing speed and low price. It is even suitable for intimate areas.

You can choose the appropriate technology yourself. Our specialist will recommend you the best one. Just sign up for our center!


The beauty salon "Epil Salon" practices an individual approach to clients. Each case is considered separately during a personal meeting with the master. Main contraindications for laser hair removal:

  • any purulent formations;
  • skin diseases;
  • herpes;
  • oncology;
  • decompensated form of diabetes mellitus;
  • tanned skin or simply dark by nature;
  • acute infectious disease;
  • pregnancy, lactation.

When contacting our cosmetology salon for body hair removal, girls and women should immediately inform the specialist about existing health problems!

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