Female hormones (follicular phase) (venous blood) in Karabanovo

Have you been looking for a suitable way to enlarge your breasts? In this article, we propose to consider 5 alternative methods of breast enlargement.

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Which contraceptives make the mammary gland enlarge?

The mammary gland grows from taking several types of birth control pills:

  • Regulon,
  • Janine,
  • Yarina,
  • Jess.

Structure of the mammary gland
The same can be observed when using the hormonal drug Visanne. Doctors in all cases call breast enlargement a side effect.

From Regulon

Regulon gives volume to the mammary glands because it contains ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel. The first substance is a synthetic estrogen that directly affects tissue growth. Desogestrel works similarly to progesterone, that is, it also promotes breast enlargement.

The drug is taken from the 1st day of menstruation until the blister containing 21 tablets runs out. Then they take a week's break, after which they open a new package. Bust enlargement while taking Regulon is on the list of side effects, along with which pain and tension in this area may appear. But the first change occurs for many women. Soreness and heaviness, fortunately, are less of a concern.


Jess makes her breasts more rounded and fuller, thanks to the presence of ethinyl estradiol and a progesterone analogue - drospirenone. The second substance suppresses the influence of androgens, which are also produced in women, giving the figure a certain masculinity.

The drug is taken from the beginning of the cycle, taking “active” tablets (24 pieces). The last to drink are 4 white capsules, the use of which causes menstrual-like discharge.


Yarina's drug contains ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone in each tablet, which is what causes adipose tissue to grow in the chest area. In addition to this beneficial side effect for some girls, the condition of the skin and hair improves. Yarina should be taken from the beginning of the cycle. After 21 days, when the packaging runs out, you need a 7-day break.


Janine consists of ethinyl estradiol and dienogest. The effect of the first on the breast has already been discussed, and the second component is an antiandrogenic hormone. That is, bust growth occurs thanks to both substances.

The drug is taken for 21 days from the beginning of menstruation, then a week-long break is taken. Breast enlargement occurs due to the growth of adipose tissue in it, but general weight gain is also possible.


The drug Visanne is a dienogest, a derivative of nortestosterone, that is, an overwhelming amount of male hormones. Its task is also to fight estrogen. But due to the effect on adipose tissue, breast enlargement by several sizes is often observed.

The drug is not a contraceptive; it is prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis. And if a patient with a pathology develops breasts while taking it, Visanne is canceled. That is, with this side reaction it is not as harmless as COCs. And using the drug on your own to improve your bust is risky.

What hormones will help make the volume larger?

Hormonal pills for breast enlargement belong to the group of medications with contraceptive properties. What hormone causes the mammary gland to enlarge?

The most effective hormonal drugs for breast enlargement are those that include the following components:

  • A hormone such as progesterone is responsible for bust growth. This type of hormone for breast enlargement begins to be produced in sufficient quantities during pregnancy. The breasts take shape due to the expansion of the milk ducts.
  • Estrogen is largely responsible for the size of the mammary glands. But you need to monitor its level in the body, since excess hormones can lead to the opposite effect and the size will decrease. Estrogen for breast growth is contained in drugs such as Diane, Divigel, Femoston or Estrogel.

  • Prolactin affects breast growth. This is a hormone that is also produced during pregnancy, preparing the body for breastfeeding. You should not get carried away with taking medications containing it, as the risk of developing tumors increases.
  • Hormones responsible for breast size are actively produced during puberty. One of them is somatotropin. But by the age of 22, its production is significantly reduced. You can increase its production by consuming certain foods and following a rest and work schedule.

A hormone produced in men, testosterone, negatively affects the condition of the breasts. An increased level of testosterone in a woman’s body leads to a small bust size. If there is an excess of male hormones, the hormonal drug Dexamethasone is sometimes prescribed.

Menstruation is accompanied by cyclical changes in a woman’s body. During menstruation, maximum estrogen production occurs. As a result, blood flow to the mammary glands is activated and tissue swelling increases. If pregnancy does not occur, the symptoms disappear after 5–6 days.

Bust size also determines the amount of body fat. As you gain weight, your breasts become larger. With weight loss, the volume and elasticity of the skin decreases.

You can take phytoestrogens to enlarge your bust. With regular and long-term use, they can make the breasts firm and firm. Phytoestrogens are those plant components that, when entering a woman’s body, begin to perform the functions of active hormones. They are considered estrogen analogues. This substance is found in large quantities in foods such as pomegranate, carrots, cabbage, sunflower seeds, nuts, and soy.

Those who want to achieve a larger bust size are recommended to eat these foods.

Breast augmentation with the help of dietary supplements is completely safe. A dietary supplement is a biological food additive that allows you to gradually achieve your goal. They contain plant components that replace female hormones.

How to enlarge breasts?

To stimulate the growth of glandular tissue, it is quite possible to use hormonal pills, and not necessarily contraceptives.

Products to accelerate breast growth must contain three hormones:

  • estrogen;
  • prolactin;
  • progesterone.

Progesterone has the main effect on glandular tissue, it is thanks to it that its specific volume in the breast increases, however, an excess of this hormone in its pure form can provoke mastopathy. Therefore, any pill for bust enlargement uses a combination of three main female hormones.

Anabolic steroids during sports make it possible to quickly increase the pectoral muscle, however, this effect is not only temporary, but also has the opposite consequences. When you stop taking anabolic hormones, muscle tissue and ligaments begin to sag, which will inevitably lead to a loss of not only visual volume, but also shape.

Sports exercises for the pectoral muscles should be carried out without the use of any special nutrition, in this case, the cells of the ligaments and muscle tissue will not only grow, but will become denser and tone, significantly lifting and rejuvenating the bust.

Adipose tissue, that is, the main content of the female breast, increases in volume due to nutrition. But there are nuances here too. Just endless consumption of buns and everything else will only lead to excess weight and the growth of total fat; the breasts of obese women leave much to be desired.

Therefore, nutrition should be understood as a uniform and sufficient supply of the body with all vitamins and elements, that is, if a woman wants to enlarge her breasts, any mono-diets are completely contraindicated for her, however, as is excess nutrition or overeating. Since every woman’s body is unique, to create your own diet, you need to consult a nutritionist.


Features of application and principle of operation

The drugs have an effect with long-term use. If bust growth is associated with taking contraceptives, this is an opportunity to look good without worrying about contraception. The main thing is to choose the best option together with a competent gynecologist.

Drugs that do not have a contraceptive effect are prescribed to correct hormonal levels in case of deficiency or excess of hormones. In this case, correction is prescribed to normalize hormonal levels. In severe cases, drugs are used for life.

In all cases, bust enlargement is a pleasant but side effect of hormonal drugs. During the period of use, systematic monitoring of the hormonal level of the woman’s body is necessary.

Efficacy and safety of hormonal drugs

The use of hormonal drugs allows a woman to cope with some gynecological problems:

  • ease and regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • improve general condition;
  • get rid of acne;
  • increasing the level of sexuality and charm.

Breast growth is a side effect of taking such medications.

Breast enlargement by taking hormonal pills is a fairly safe method. Such medicines do not contain toxic substances and have a positive effect on certain systems and on the body as a whole. However, such medications can cause some side effects in women:

  • weight gain;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • nervous disorders;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

Therefore, when choosing a means for bust enlargement, you must consult a gynecologist. The doctor will select hormones for breast enlargement in accordance with the patient’s age and weight. It will also take into account the developmental characteristics of the female body.

You should not change or extend the course of taking pills on your own; each action must be coordinated with a specialist

It is also important to take such hormonal drugs at the same time every day, without skipping doses, so as not to cause additional complications for the female body

The modern world of pharmaceuticals has a lot of hormonal drugs in its arsenal. You should not choose or buy medications based on the advice of a third party. Each of the drugs has a number of features that have both positive and negative features. There are drugs that have been tested over the years and can be found in most clinics and pharmacies.



Regulon is a pill that is a means of contraception. The base contains hormones such as ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel, which stimulate the growth of glandular tissue in the mammary glands.

However, such hormones can cause growth in other parts of the female body: thighs, buttocks or abdomen. This drug has a beneficial effect not only on breast size, but also promotes hair growth, tidies up the skin, and stabilizes the menstrual cycle.

Its side effects include:

  • upset stomach (accompanied by vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain);
  • nervousness, migraine;
  • the appearance of thrush;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system (arrhythmia, hypertension).


The main function of this drug is to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The active ingredients are similar to the previous drug. The package usually contains 1–3 blisters, each containing 21 tablets.

This drug helps regulate the intensity of blood loss and prevents the occurrence of anemia. Side effects may include:

  • disturbances of the vaginal microflora, development of candidiasis;
  • digestive disorders;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • headache.


The active ingredients of this drug are ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. The contraceptive effect is achieved by combining hormones that help block ovulation, thereby preventing the fertilization of the egg.

Yarina is a means of preventing gynecological diseases, and also makes the menstrual cycle stable and prevents the occurrence of anemia. Side effects are considered:

  • excessive tension in the mammary glands;
  • weight gain;
  • development of thrush;
  • headaches, severe migraine.


The main active ingredient is a hormone called dienogest (gestagen). This drug differs from others in that it is not a contraceptive, which means there is a possibility of becoming pregnant while taking the pills. This hormonal drug is aimed at reducing the efficiency of sex hormones and the proliferation of endometriotic tissue. It also reduces the production of estrogen. In the pharmacy, Visanne is presented in a cardboard box containing 2, 4 or 6 blisters of 14 tablets each.

Side effects of the drug:

  • the appearance of acne;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • headache.

Advantages and Cautions

Hormonal agents enlarge the bust, increase sexuality and attractiveness. Contraceptive medications normalize the menstrual cycle and relieve symptoms (no pain, skin rashes, heavy discharge).

It is prohibited to use hormones for breast enlargement without the advice of a doctor.

The advantages of hormonal pills are:

  • breast enlargement with medications is immediate, it becomes one or even two sizes larger;
  • the effect becomes noticeable just a few days after starting to take the pills;
  • there is no need to use other contraception;
  • the condition of the skin and hair improves, the body shape becomes more rounded.

Hormonal drugs for breast enlargement can cause side effects, especially when there are any problems in the functioning of the internal organs.

  • While taking medications, body weight may increase.
  • Headaches, migraines, and depression may occur.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Changes in the immune system.
  • Nausea, stool disorders, and pain in the upper abdomen may bother you.
  • Increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  • Allergic symptoms.

The effect of hormonal drugs can be reduced by sedative groups of drugs, antibiotics, nicotine and alcohol.

Can medications be used for breast growth? Taking hormonal drugs is prohibited for women with diseases of the veins, kidneys, liver, and heart. It is contraindicated to take the tablets if you have diabetes, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Age restrictions – up to 18 years.

How do hormone enhancers work?

You can actually change the volume of the mammary glands at the age of 18-20 years, when the tissues are still forming. But the use of hormones at their normal levels at this age is fraught with complications. If a lack of female sex hormones threatens a girl with hypoplasia of glandular tissue, then their excess leads to hypoplasia. And a woman will have to fight with such a disease as mastopathy all her life.

You may ask whether it is possible to enlarge breasts for women after 20 years of age. For females who have reached puberty, oral OCs or anti-menopausal drugs that are effective for breast enlargement are drugs containing ethinyl estradiol or estradiol:

  • Regulon (Mersilon, Novinet, Marvelon);
  • Diana-35;
  • Janine;
  • Femoston;
  • Premarin (contains conjugated estrogens).

We can say that this is estrogen in tablets, which helps some women not to get pregnant, others to regulate the menstrual cycle, and others to reduce the negative consequences of estrogen deficiency during menopause.

Additionally, these funds contribute to:

  • improving the condition of the bust skin (its firmness and elasticity);
  • increase in breast volume.

However, they increase the bust due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues, so the effect of their use is temporary. It lasts as long as the woman takes these medications. After their cancellation, the volumes return to those “established” by nature.


  1. Ilyasova, N.A., Burlev, V.A. Clinical and endocrine features of the menstrual cycle of women. Gynecology, 2015. - No. 6.
  2. Khasanov, A.A., Zhuravleva, V.I. Modern ideas about the regulation of menstrual function. PM, 2009. - No. 34.
  3. Pereira, H., Larson, R., Bemben, D. Menstrual Cycle Effects on Exercise-Induced Fatigability. Front Physiol., 2022. - Vol. 11. – 517 p.
  4. Monis, C., Tetrokalashvili, M. Menstrual Cycle Proliferative And Follicular Phase., 2022.


Phytoestrogens are an analogue of the female hormone, which is known among women as estrogen. Phytoestrogens are found in decent quantities in some plants. Soy is especially popular in this regard, affecting bust growth. Phytoestrogens have a positive effect not only on the growth of breast tissue, but also on the dynamics of certain diseases in women.

Some scientific studies claim that phytoestrogens are not as safe as is commonly believed and have a stimulating effect on the development of cancer cells, causing breast cancer. On the other hand, other scientific works studying phytoestrogens claim that, on the contrary, they protect the body, cancer does not grow, and even affect the processes of the women’s body as antioxidants. There is no clear opinion on this matter.

Doctors warn that phytoestrogens, although they affect women’s breast enlargement, their use must be carefully limited to avoid the development of tumor diseases. Also, these drugs can be used for minor adjustments to female hormonal levels, but you should not expect a strong effect from them, since human estrogen has a slightly different structure, which interferes with the full absorption of plant estrogen.

Before switching to a diet containing large amounts of foods with phytoestrogens, you should consult your doctor to determine whether there will be any harmful effects on your body due to the increased concentration of the substance.

Use of medications

Correcting the shape and volume of the breast can be done as simply as possible with the help of medications. Regardless of what medications a woman takes, she must take into account the possibility of side effects. Very often, when taking medications to enlarge the mammary glands, a woman’s weight increases. In some cases, migraine or headache may occur.

While taking hormonal medications, representatives of the fairer sex complain of insomnia and nervous disorders. Women also experience digestive tract disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of nausea and vomiting. A female representative's blood pressure may fluctuate as a result of taking hormonal medications. While taking medications to increase breast volume, women may experience allergic reactions to certain components.

If a female representative takes drugs together with alcoholic beverages, this may lead to a decrease in their effect. Doctors also do not recommend taking them together with tranquilizers, antidepressants and antibiotics.

Medicines that are taken to enlarge the mammary glands are characterized by a high level of safety for human health. Due to the presence of unique properties, they have a beneficial effect on the entire female body. Hormonal drugs are characterized by the absence of toxicity. When taken in a certain group of patients, a number of side effects may occur. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to select the medication as accurately as possible.

If hormonal drugs are taken to treat various gynecological diseases, then breast enlargement is a side effect. The tablets are characterized by ease of use, which allows them to be used by any female representative. Since they can cause harm to a woman’s health in the form of a side effect, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using them.

It used to be that a person came to the pharmacy to buy pills for headaches or a remedy for healing wounds. The achievements of modern pharmacology have reached the level at which it is possible to cure with medications without surgical interventions.

It is not surprising that women, dissatisfied with the size or condition of their breasts, are increasingly stopping at the display case with tempting packages and asking the pharmacist for an annotation. Sometimes, after reading the abstruse instructions, the questions only increase. Let's try to figure it out.

List of drugs

The question of which contraceptive drugs can make breasts grow is one that worries girls very often. The best medications that contain hormones for breast growth in women:

It is possible to enlarge your breasts using the contraceptive Yarina. The drug contains a component that prevents the risk of excess weight gain, as well as the appearance of swelling. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body. You need to take the tablets in the order indicated on the package for 21 days. After a seven-day break, they begin again. Within a few days you will notice that your breasts have increased in volume.

Another pill that makes breasts grow is Regulon. It is prescribed as contraception; in addition, the drug has a stimulating effect on bust growth. Breast enlargement occurs due to fluid retention in the body and weight gain. The first tablet should be taken on the first day of menstruation. You need to take one tablet per day for 21 days. After this, they take a week-long break and resume taking it again on the eighth day.

Contraceptive pills Janine prevent pregnancy and have a positive effect on breast volume, hair and skin condition. It is recommended to take one tablet per day for 21 days. Then they rest for seven days and start taking it again. The effect of contraceptives becomes noticeable after a couple of days.

Visanne tablets increase bust size. They are effective in combating many gynecological diseases and have a contraceptive effect. Start taking it on any day of the menstrual cycle. Take one tablet daily, without breaks.

Another drug that enlarges the breasts is Dexamethasone. This is a synthetic glucocorticosteroid hormone. Dexamethasone is prescribed for medicinal purposes in cases of inflammatory processes, allergic conditions, pathologically reduced immunity, and severe poisoning. In addition, Dexamethasone has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

Dexamethasone is involved in the distribution of adipose tissue in the body, improves the absorption of carbohydrates from the digestive organs, accelerates the process of glucose entering the bloodstream, and retains moisture in the body. As a result, the bust increases by two or even more sizes.

It is possible to use medications for breast enlargement, which are based on herbal ingredients:

  • Coffee Maxibust enlarges the breasts, improves the condition, and normalizes the cycle. The duration of treatment is at least three months.
  • Maxi capsules will help increase the level of necessary hormones. One of the active ingredients is hop cones. The course of admission is three months.

Soy isoflavones normalize hormonal balance and reduce unpleasant symptoms during menstruation (for example, pain decreases). Contains soy extract, which is considered a phytoestrogen.

The action of the drug Feminal is based on phytoestrogen. This analogue of female sex hormones was obtained from clover flowers. The flower extract will help to significantly enlarge your breasts while taking the pills.

It is important to remember that any of these drugs has only a temporary effect. After stopping the course of taking pills, the breasts return to their previous shape

Girls in reviews about.

In addition to pills, there are other means for breast enlargement. It is recommended to use gel for breast enlargement. Its action is most often aimed at tightening the skin, thereby visually increasing the volume of the mammary glands in women. Gels may contain hormones, hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen. It is effective to use gels such as Le Bustier, Mama Comfort, Clarence, Almond hormonal cream, Big Bust.

Source of the article: https://prouvelichenie.ru/grud/gormony-dlya-rosta-grudnyh-zhelez

Causes of female hormone deficiency

Various factors influence hormonal imbalance in women (in particular, the level of hormones for breast growth):

  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • presence of bad habits, in particular smoking;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • malfunction of the pituitary gland, the forebrain responsible for transmitting nerve impulses throughout the body;
  • frequent stressful situations, emotional lability;
  • uncontrolled spontaneous intake of hormonal drugs;
  • errors in nutrition.

What factors influence breast growth?

Bust volume depends on a number of objective indicators:

  • hormonal stability;
  • total mass of a person;
  • heredity;
  • body constitution.

For normal growth of a woman's breasts, hormonal balance is necessary. The body of any representative of the fairer sex produces four types of sex hormones. The ovaries produce estrogen.

Its maximum concentration accumulates by the time menstruation begins; during this period, the body tries to make reserves of subcutaneous fat. Estrogen paired with progesterone is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system.

When the first menstruation begins or pregnancy develops, prolactin is actively produced.

They and estrogen are responsible for breast formation. The female pituitary gland produces somatotropin. This compound affects all functions of the body, including the growth of the paired organ.

By about 30 years of age, its production decreases noticeably, so it is necessary to take somatotropin for breast growth after this period.

It has been noticed that thin girls have a barely noticeable bust. This fact is easy to explain: the reason for everything is too little adipose tissue.

She is the one responsible for the volume. A lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in a woman’s diet leads to underdevelopment of the mammary glands.

Lack of physical activity provokes atrophy of the pectoral muscles. This phenomenon can also explain why breasts do not grow.


Inherited body type plays a big role. Bust size is formed due to two factors: natural data and the principle of fat accumulation, taking into account the constitution of the body.

Female physiology distinguishes several types of figures. It has been noticed that if a girl has narrow shoulders and chest, a thin waist, but at the same time large hips, her breasts will be small. This is due to the fact that fat accumulation with such a physique occurs preferentially on the buttocks.

If a girl’s figure develops and becomes similar to an isosceles triangle (broad shoulders, waist and narrow pelvis), she can count on a large breast volume. With this constitution, fat is deposited mainly in the upper part of the body.

Ladies have perfect proportions, for whom nature has given the width of the part located above the belt equal to the width of the hips: fat deposits are distributed evenly, so any bust on such a figure looks especially impressive.

Use of medications

Correcting the shape and volume of the breast can be done as simply as possible with the help of medications.
Regardless of what medications a woman takes, she must take into account the possibility of side effects. Very often, when taking medications to enlarge the mammary glands, a woman’s weight increases. In some cases, migraine or headache may occur. While taking hormonal drugs, representatives of the fairer sex complain of insomnia and nervous disorders. Women also experience digestive tract disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of nausea and vomiting. A female representative's blood pressure may fluctuate as a result of taking hormonal medications. While taking medications to increase breast volume, women may experience allergic reactions to certain components.

If a female representative takes drugs together with alcoholic beverages, this may lead to a decrease in their effect. Doctors also do not recommend taking them together with tranquilizers, antidepressants and antibiotics.

Medicines that are taken to enlarge the mammary glands are characterized by a high level of safety for human health. Due to the presence of unique properties, they have a beneficial effect on the entire female body. Hormonal drugs are characterized by the absence of toxicity. When taken in a certain group of patients, a number of side effects may occur. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to select the medication as accurately as possible.

If hormonal drugs are taken to treat various gynecological diseases, then breast enlargement is a side effect. The tablets are characterized by ease of use, which allows them to be used by any female representative. Since they can cause harm to a woman’s health in the form of a side effect, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using them.

Large breasts are the object of dreams of many representatives of the fair sex. Lush breasts are beautiful, sexy and attractive from both the point of view of both women and men. There is no need to remind you that for the sake of a large, elastic bust, representatives of the fair sex are ready to make many sacrifices, including deciding to take potent drugs.

It is possible to enlarge the mammary glands with hormonal drugs if the breasts are naturally poor: inexpressive, underdeveloped and small, and also if they are not too firm and lush after feeding.

Modern medical technologies have stepped far forward and one or two sizes, without resorting to plastic surgery. The big advantage of hormones is that, in addition to aesthetic purposes, they help solve other female problems, adjusting the menstrual cycle and balancing the hormonal levels in the body. That is why medical treatment with hormones is one of the optimal solutions.

Hormonal pills can consist of one component, or they can consist of several, providing not only an enhancing effect for the glands, but also healing.

Single-phase tablets (contain one component) are more therapeutic, while multi-component ones are aimed specifically at enlarging the mammary gland. The main active ingredient is hormonal pills for breast enlargement, which contain the following hormones:

Why might women initially have small breasts?

Among the female half of society, there is a widespread opinion that there is an overwhelming interest among men in large breasts. In fact, for many representatives of the stronger sex, small breasts are more attractive.

Large breasts have a number of disadvantages: they can cause some discomfort when playing sports, make it difficult to choose clothes, and more. It’s worth figuring out why the size of the mammary glands in women depends?

Many processes in our body, including breast growth, are associated with genetic predisposition. Most teenage girls take this fact literally, focusing on the size of their own mother.

But each case is strictly individual: in one case, genetics wins, and physiological traits are passed on to the descendants, in another, everything depends on the annual framework in which the girl and her mother find themselves.

Breast size, shape and contour can change over the years, so you should always consider this factor before making fundamental changes to your appearance.

Myth or truth?

Breast enlargement from birth control pills is a proven fact. These drugs are aimed at inhibiting the function of the ovaries and uterus using hormones. That is, the egg cannot mature normally due to progesterone, and the uterus cannot prepare for fertilization due to estrogen.

Under natural conditions, the level of these hormones is regulated by nature in such a way that the process of conception takes place. The pills disrupt this level by suppressing male hormones. This is where estrogen begins its activity. It is to him that the woman owes the fat deposits on the hips and mammary glands (the predominant distribution occurs according to the genotype of the figure).

Oral contraceptives introduce the body into a state of so-called “chronic pregnancy”. And this, among other things, also means breast swelling.

At the beginning of use, during the period of adaptation of the body to the drug, swelling of the mammary glands may occur due to fluid retention in the body. It should not be perceived as a permanent phenomenon.

What's on the other side of the scale?

Risks of HRT (hormone replacement therapy)

The effect of HRT on the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis

Data have been obtained to conclude that chronic use of HRT increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The overall relative risk of deep vein thromboembolism is 2.1 in patients who have chronically taken HRT compared with women who have never taken postmenopausal estrogens (20-30 cases per 100 thousand women). During pregnancy, this risk increases greatly and amounts to 60 cases per 100 thousand women. Patients with cardiovascular diseases, a history of thromboembolism, or exacerbation of thrombophlebitis are at greater risk of venous thromboembolism. These factors must be considered before prescribing HRT.

The effect of HRT on hyperplastic processes in the endometrium.

The effect of HRT on the mammary glands.

The decision to start taking hormones is difficult for both the patient and the doctor. There are a lot of positive points. But there are also risks that must be carefully considered. And remember that when interfering in the hormonal sphere, regular examinations of the uterus, mammary glands, ultrasound, and blood tests are required.

How do they approach the problem of HRT in other countries? For example, in America there is a special doctor who deals specifically with Anti-age - the selection of hormones, nutritional supplements, and vitamins. And the main task of the doctor is to identify people who should not take HRT. A full range of tests is carried out - blood, ECG, ultrasound, MRI to identify contraindications. If nothing is found, hormone therapy is prescribed. That is, if there are no contraindications, we take hormones, like Anti-age; if there are contraindications, then we can’t, and that’s it. After the doctor has prescribed HRT - control of blood tests, ultrasound, and all examinations, at least once a year. And if you don’t do all this, the doctor won’t see you. In Europe, for example in Italy and Germany, the approach to taking hormones is similar. The doctor’s task is to identify those who cannot, and recommend to the rest, but under mandatory supervision. Maybe because of hormone therapy, European women aged 55+ lead a more active lifestyle. Therefore, to all the objections about the dangers or benefits of hormones, yes, it’s very good, it really “makes you look younger,” but under mandatory control. Conclusion - the global trend is to take hormones, but under strict medical supervision.

What's the alternative?

Peptide bioregulators

Zhenoluten is a peptide that affects ovarian function. Peptides are unique in that they do not reduce or increase ovarian function, but improve their vital activity. The ovaries, being in better conditions, work better and produce hormones.

In my opinion, peptides are the most physiological way to influence and improve ovarian function and, thereby, prolong their functioning.

“The mechanism of accumulation of bioregulators in homologous organs and tissues (the mechanism of organotropy) was established by the work of a cytobiologist from the Rockefeller University of New York, Professor G. Blobel. For the discovery of this mechanism of organotropy of biomolecules, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Physiology in 1999. The implementation of this mechanism is based on organ-specific labeling of proteins, peptides and other biomolecules in the process of their synthesis.

From the discovery of G. Blobel it follows that the signal peptide is a code that determines the tissue or organ specificity of the protein, a kind of postal code, thanks to which the protein, having entered the human systemic bloodstream, finds its recipient - the homologous organ in which it was synthesized.”

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