Attractiveness multiplier: female hormones for breast enlargement

What determines the size of the mammary glands and is it possible to influence this parameter? This topic is of interest to young girls, because stereotypes do not go away and breast volume is considered to be something extremely important.

Who needs a girl without tits? Or vice versa, what to do with such buffers? Unfortunately, the size of the mammary glands in girls causes not only the fear of being unattractive, but sometimes also physical discomfort. So is it possible to somehow manage the growth process? Stop it or, on the contrary, start it.

What determines breast size

The female breast is an organ that produces milk during breastfeeding. Its basis is glandular tissue. It consists of lobes, between which there is a layer of fat.

Some ladies have a lot of this tissue, others have little, so the shape of the most attractive female part of the body can change greatly when gaining or losing weight.

An important role is played by the degree of maturity of the body and the interaction of sex hormones that affect breast growth. Provides volume and circulatory system. Much depends on the parameters of the chest itself and muscle development.

Other varieties

In different eras of time, there was a standard of female breasts. At some times, a large and magnificent bust was revered, at others, small breasts were especially valued. But one thing remains unchanged - breasts are always the center of male attention and are the adornment of any woman.

Therefore, not only the main types of breasts have been identified, but even original names have been invented:

  1. "Dulki." Exquisite charms of a narrow shape that become wider in the dark nipple area.
  2. "Buds." Breasts are no more than size 2 with a slightly elongated narrow shape and pointed nipples.
  3. "Snowy Hills" Neat, small breasts with light, slightly pointed nipples.
  4. "Water surface" Quite a weighty and soft bust (size 4, 5 or more) with thin skin and veins visible through it.
  5. "Alma mater". The bust is of significant size with low projection and very firm nipples.
  6. "Circe". Perfectly firm breasts, size slightly larger than average, but no more than a size 3, with a brown halo and nipples pointing forward.
  7. "Ripe pears." The mammary glands are large, slightly soft and saggy, with a large nipple and a brown halo.
  8. "Globes". Significant size (4.5 and more) and rounded bust, with a clear prominent nipple, which is whiter at the edge and darker towards the bottom. Slightly flattened, soft breasts size 3-4 with large and light colored nipples.
  9. "Renaissance". Soft large bust with full top and slightly translucent skin.
  10. "Peach". The name speaks for itself. A lovely variety of female breasts - elastic, large, with delicate light-colored nipples.
  11. "Lady fingers". It is large in size and its shape is similar to the famous grape.
  12. "The eyes of a Turkish woman." Elongated and narrow breasts, with medium-sized nipples looking in different directions.
  13. "African savannah". It has a medium size and a clear halo around the nipple, as well as dark skin.
  14. "Sappho." Soft and even slightly flabby breasts, elongated towards the bottom and no more than size 2.
  15. "Chloe." Miniature and regular-shaped breasts with a small and light nipple.

There are many more names for this lovely part of the female body. Comparing the bust in shape and size with vegetables and fruits, the following names were born: oranges, cranberries, lemons, melons, watermelons, grapefruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, turnips. The most unusual and funny names: handbags, bee stings, hooks, oars, spaniel ears, pointers, saucers, bottles, teapots.

What factors influence breast growth?

Bust volume depends on a number of objective indicators:

  • hormonal stability;
  • total mass of a person;
  • heredity;
  • body constitution.

For normal growth of a woman's breasts, hormonal balance is necessary. The body of any representative of the fairer sex produces four types of sex hormones. The ovaries produce estrogen.

Its maximum concentration accumulates by the time menstruation begins; during this period, the body tries to make reserves of subcutaneous fat. Estrogen paired with progesterone is responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system.

When the first menstruation begins or pregnancy develops, prolactin is actively produced.

They and estrogen are responsible for breast formation. The female pituitary gland produces somatotropin. This compound affects all functions of the body, including the growth of the paired organ.

By about 30 years of age, its production decreases noticeably, so it is necessary to take somatotropin for breast growth after this period.

It has been noticed that thin girls have a barely noticeable bust. This fact is easy to explain: the reason for everything is too little adipose tissue.

She is the one responsible for the volume. A lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals in a woman’s diet leads to underdevelopment of the mammary glands.

Lack of physical activity provokes atrophy of the pectoral muscles. This phenomenon can also explain why breasts do not grow.


Inherited body type plays a big role. Bust size is formed due to two factors: natural data and the principle of fat accumulation, taking into account the constitution of the body.

Female physiology distinguishes several types of figures. It has been noticed that if a girl has narrow shoulders and chest, a thin waist, but at the same time large hips, her breasts will be small. This is due to the fact that fat accumulation with such a physique occurs preferentially on the buttocks.

If a girl’s figure develops and becomes similar to an isosceles triangle (broad shoulders, waist and narrow pelvis), she can count on a large breast volume. With this constitution, fat is deposited mainly in the upper part of the body.

Ladies have perfect proportions, for whom nature has given the width of the part located above the belt equal to the width of the hips: fat deposits are distributed evenly, so any bust on such a figure looks especially impressive.

Does cabbage help enlarge your bust?

I really liked the joke about this. Cabbage actually helps make your breasts bigger if you have enough to pay for the surgery. The scientific effect of cabbage on the bust has not been proven in any way and all research in this direction has failed miserably.

It contains a lot of vitamins and elements necessary for health, so you definitely shouldn’t stop eating cabbage. There are opinions among oncologists that the composition of cabbage helps reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Perhaps this is a myth, the same as the one about cabbage helping girls to enlarge their breasts. But this is exactly the case when it is better to do and regret than not to do and regret. Eat kale, but don't expect it to show on your chest.

Breast enlargement methods

There are periods when natural factors contribute to the growth of mammary glands. This happens while waiting for the birth of the unborn baby and lactation.

Breasts enlarge with the help of natural hormone production. It reaches its maximum size during breastfeeding, but after breastfeeding it returns to its previous dimensions.

Under the influence of natural processes, the bust swells during menstruation. It becomes elastic. But this happens when the mass of glandular tissue is greater than fat.

The paired organ acquires its final size by the age of 18, but even before the age of 25 it will grow slowly. And when the formation process is completely over, you can evaluate the real parameters of the figure.

Scientists, using the influence of hormones on the mammary glands, have developed a medication regimen that allows you to adjust breast size.

Modern pharmacology is able to offer a whole range of synthetic hormonal pills for bust enlargement.

They were created to resume a regular menstrual cycle, to prevent unplanned pregnancy, to restore hormonal balance, or to treat certain pathologies associated with the functioning of the reproductive system.

These are preparations of female sex hormones, which contain estrogen in combination with progesterone or prolactin.

Experts point out that with the help of hormones it is possible to control breast enlargement and correct its shape. Some medications are suitable for this.


The most famous drugs for breast enlargement:

  1. "Regulon" is a contraceptive based on estrogen with progesterone. It is taken according to the following scheme: from the first day of menstruation plus 21 days, then a week break.
  2. “Janine” is a similar contraceptive pill that enlarges the mammary glands with the same dosage regimen.
  3. "Yarina" is a synthetic drug with two active ingredients: drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol. This medicine contains universal hormones for breast growth; they simultaneously balance hormonal levels and ensure an active flow of nutrition to the mammary gland. However, when taking it, many girls note the appearance of breast soreness.
  4. "Visanne" is a drug whose active substance is the hormone gestagen. It promotes the growth of tissue of the mucous layer of the uterus, so before using it you should consult a gynecologist.

The use of synthetic hormones for breast growth provides an ambiguous effect.

On the one hand, there is a positive trend. The bust actually increases in size and becomes more elastic. This happens immediately after starting to take contraceptives.

They help to avoid unwanted pregnancy, when using contraceptives, which make breasts grow, hips become rounder, hair begins to glow with health, and skin becomes younger.

But after stopping the drugs, such results are reset. Modern contraceptives are not toxic, but do cause a number of side effects. Each woman's body reacts to their intake differently.

Some develop excess body weight, others experience headaches, nervous disorders, depression, and stomach problems. People with unstable blood pressure and a tendency to allergies need to use hormonal pills especially carefully.

While taking hormonal drugs, it is important to avoid drinking alcohol, tranquilizers, and antidepressants.

The combined use of contraceptives and antibiotics should only be done under the supervision of a physician.

Herbal medicines help minimize the risk of side effects. Unlike synthetic analogues, they contain substances whose action imitates the influence of hormones produced by the woman’s body itself.

Phytoestrogens are found in large quantities in soybean crops, some cereals, carrots, pomegranates, cabbage, medicinal plants and herbs. Modern biologically active supplements are created on their basis.


You can achieve breast enlargement using natural means. Here is a list of the most popular drugs:

  • Coffee "Maxibust". The herbal formula is based on Pueraria Mirifica powder (a plant that grows in Thailand; it has a tuber in which phytoestrogens accumulate: the older the flower, the stronger the healing effect). Used to normalize the level of female sex hormones during menopause, restore the menstrual cycle during reproductive maturation, and prevent the development of osteoporosis. A long course of use (4 months) promotes breast enlargement. The drug is brewed like instant coffee. You need to drink one sachet once a day.

  • Herbal medicine "Maxi". The formula is based on Pueraria mirifica extract, hop cones and soy. Available in capsule form, daily dose – 4 capsules per day, course – 3 months.
  • A herbal remedy called Feminal. It contains red clover extract, a substance that stimulates the active growth of mammary glands. The drug is taken one capsule for four months.


The cosmetology industry also offers a number of products that can help solve this problem.

Among them are creams and lotions, serums and ointments, which contain phytoestrogens.

  • “Pupa” is an advertised cream for increasing the volume of the mammary glands. It contains a bioextract isolated from Asian gardenia. It stimulates the storage of lipids in breast fat cells.

  • “Fitobust” is a serum containing extracts of ivy, cinquefoil, yarrow, horsetail, fucus and red grapes. Manufacturers claim that after three weeks of use, the product will increase the firmness of the bust by 34%, restore its tone and elasticity.
  • "L'Occitane" is a tonic gel with almond extract. Helps restore breast shape and slightly increase its size after breastfeeding is complete.
  • “Laco – Active” is a cream that contains a unique component - an extract from the resin of commiphora (a tree growing in the Arabian desert). It activates the process of lipogenesis, which leads to an increase in the volume of adipose tissue in the mammary glands.

Official medicine treats the use of herbal products with caution. Of course, they contain phytoestrogens, but they have a much weaker effect than synthetic hormonal drugs. That’s why the reception times are so long.

The use of dietary supplements helps to gently correct hormonal levels, preventing the appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms. This property is actively used by doctors to improve the condition of women during menopause.

To solve this problem, dietary supplements can be selected only for the purpose of correcting the shape of the mammary glands. To choose the right drug, it is important to first do a blood test and find out which hormone deficiency is present in a particular case.

Experts believe that the choice of creams and serums can only provide a cosmetic effect. It is possible that the skin of the breast will indeed become taut, firm, and elastic, but long-term use of such products will not affect the change in size in any way (this is the opinion of official medicine).


Since there are no muscles in the anatomical structure of the mammary glands, no amount of physical exercise will help increase bust volume. However, with their help you can try to build up the muscles located under the paired organ. Thus, some girls and women achieve improved shape.

Any exercise that helps strengthen the chest muscles is suitable for these purposes. This includes push-ups and working with dumbbells. The required effect is achieved when one exercise is performed ten times twice a day (morning and evening) and the load on the muscles increases every day.

Surgical intervention

Modern medications can indeed make breasts larger, but you should not expect a miracle from their use. Whatever remedy is chosen, the effect of taking it will begin to wear off after stopping the drug. Today, only plastic surgery can quickly and permanently enlarge breasts to the desired size.

There are two methods of surgical intervention:

  • use of implants;
  • artificial increase in the volume of adipose tissue.

The choice of tactics largely depends on the physiological structure of the woman’s body, as well as her desires. After the operation, the person faces a long rehabilitation period (about two months). Any surgical intervention is associated with a whole set of risks that can lead to negative consequences.

These include lack of moral satisfaction from the results obtained, rupture of the prosthesis, growth of scar tissue around the implant, leading to compression of the foreign body, pinched nerves and severe pain. After surgery, an inflammatory process and hematoma may form around the prosthesis. Often the nipple loses sensitivity.

The possibility of a negative scenario developing during and after surgery forces many women to refuse breast surgery.

Basic forms

American experts studying the mental characteristics of personality analyzed the physical forms of girls and made interesting conclusions. It turns out that their breasts can tell a lot about the character of beautiful women. Different shapes of female breasts speak of different temperaments of their owners.

Let's look at what types of women's breasts there are and how it affects a woman's character.


This form is quite rare and is considered the most beautiful breast shape. The most popular of all types of female breasts, which is done in plastic surgery. Lucky women with such a perfect shape are often spoiled by the attention of men, have inflated ambitions and are careerists. Men who are capable of cheating are immediately blacklisted, since these ladies will not tolerate such an attitude towards themselves and will never suffer because of sad love.


Most often, tomboy girls have this type of bust. They are active, friendly, most often involved in active sports and are fond of “male” hobbies. Such girls are always the life of the party and good friends. They don’t need men’s attention, and often their great mutual love arises from close friendship. They will be devoted and faithful to their chosen one, and will become a good friend for the child.

Wide set

Girls with this shape are quite sincere and open. They do not take part in women's gossip and intrigue. They can be described as honest, decent and frank. Always ready to help those in need, often to their own detriment. But sometimes they are too straightforward, but not in order to specifically offend anyone, but simply because that is their nature.


Owners of this form have heightened emotional sensitivity to the outside world. Girls are predisposed to “inflate mountains out of molehills”, make small problems big, and get nervous and worried about this. Such sentimental people often look for a “prince on a white horse” in men, idealizing their partner and taking any troubles to heart. They really value the romantic impulses of their other half, they idolize a man who protects them and shows care. In the future they become loving mothers.


Women with such breasts never fall into despair. From the outside, they seem to have endless energy and optimism, but the truth is that they do not openly show their worries. The same thing happens in society: there are many acquaintances with whom she can have fun, but there may be only a couple of real friends in whom she can completely trust.


Girls are very emotional, with changeable moods that change for no apparent reason. However, these people are creative people with unconventional ideas and original approaches to solving problems. They know how to come up with several ways out in current situations.

Do breasts hurt as they grow?

The growth of any tissue is accompanied by unpleasant pain. This happens for various reasons:

  1. Taking hormonal drugs stimulates processes in which the mammary gland capsule increases in size. The glandular tissue is stretched, and the connective tissue surrounding it does not have high elasticity. This is why women experience a feeling of tightness in their chest when using some birth control medications.
  2. As the volume of the bust increases, the skin stretches and hurts.

If the appearance of pain affects the quality of life, it is worth visiting a doctor who has prescribed hormonal medications.

Main settings

There are several basic parameters used to characterize the mammary glands:

  1. Depending on their location on the chest, breasts can be low or high. But do not confuse sagging breasts with a low rise.
  2. The elasticity and density of the mammary glands also characterizes the shape of the breasts in women. Ideally, the bust should be firm and soft. But during pregnancy and lactation, it may become less elastic or even sluggish. This problem can only be corrected surgically.
  3. Based on the width of the base of the mammary gland, female bust shapes are classified as narrow, medium or wide.
  4. In terms of volume, the chest can be retracted, convex or flat.

Not all girls can boast of perfect breasts.

In many cases, breasts differ from the classic version in their parameters and characteristics:

  1. Conical. Small breasts are most often conical in shape. This shape of a woman’s bust is distinguished by the fact that its base is normal, but higher towards the nipples it becomes cone-shaped.
  2. Asymmetrical. This shape is different in that one breast is larger than the other. Usually such a difference is not significant, the difference is only one size. But if the excess is 2 or more sizes, then the question arises of changing it with the help of a surgeon.
  3. Incomplete. A special shape with a very narrow base. Such mammary glands look elongated and incomplete.
  4. Ball-shaped. Another name for this form is “Omega”. The base of the bust is the same size as the entire mammary gland. This difference is not congenital and can only be present in girls with full breasts.
  5. Low projection shape. The bust of this shape is quite small in size, and the circumference is standard. Thus, there is a discrepancy between the two parameters.

Breast Distance

There are other features that distinguish a woman's bust - the direction of the nipples and the distance between the left and right breasts.

Female sex hormones

Shortly before menopause, a woman's body thickens, the amount of accumulated fat increases, and naturally the breasts become noticeably larger.

But along with this comes pain, the nipples swell slightly and turn red. The level of female sex hormones decreases during menopause. And this phenomenon causes certain changes in the figure as a whole.


A hormone that allows fertilization to occur. It suppresses strong uterine contractions, regulates estrogen levels, and is responsible for maintaining the integrity of bone tissue.


The lack of this hormone during menopause leads to a rush of heat in the upper body, accompanied by nausea, dizziness, and pressure surges.

The thyroid gland begins to work incorrectly, secretes more of the hormone thyroxine, which, in turn, increases heart rate and creates a feeling of constant anxiety.

A low level of the hormone, which is directly responsible for the growth of the mammary glands, leads to sagging of the paired organ. The skin around it begins to wrinkle and it loses its shape.


Fluctuations in prolactin during menopause are insignificant. A decrease in its amount leads to an increase in body weight, so theoretically, the breasts will grow, but an increase in its size will bring persistent pain and discharge from the nipples. That is why its level needs to be adjusted.

During menopause, female sex hormones control not only the state of health, they are responsible for appearance and the course of the aging process. Properly selected replacement therapy allows stars and influential women to look quite attractive in their advanced years.

Therefore, ordinary women need to follow in their footsteps: make an appointment with specialists, get appointments and take estrogen to enlarge their bust, adjust their hormonal levels and enjoy a beautiful old age.


When you're excited, your heart works harder, which allows blood to flow to your chest more than when you're at rest. As a result, the breasts become larger and more sensitive, the veins more expressive, and the nipples become hard. The fact that nipple arousal is associated with general arousal explains why many women can experience orgasm from breast stimulation alone.

Recurrence of breast cancer

Recurrent breast cancer is a malignant neoplasm that develops six months or more after radical treatment of the primary tumor. Recurrence can occur in the same breast or affect other breasts, lymph nodes and organs. The likelihood of breast cancer recurrence depends on:

  • Morphological structure of tumor cells;
  • Growth rate of tumor;
  • The degree of involvement of other organs in the oncological process;
  • Changes in hormonal levels;
  • the presence of metastatic lesions of regional lymph nodes when primary cancer is detected;
  • Treatment method for the primary tumor.

As with the primary tumor, relapse is characterized by general symptoms of cancer intoxication. These include:

  • General weakness;
  • Lethargy;
  • Apathy;
  • Fatigue;
  • Poor appetite or complete absence of it;
  • Weight loss up to anorexia, etc.

Signs of breast tumor recurrence depend on the location of the tumor. In the case of local metastasis, during self-examination or examination by a doctor, a change in the shape of the mammary gland and its contours is detected. Upon palpation, it is possible to detect an infiltrate, usually painless, but it is dense, motionless and fused to the skin and adjacent tissues. The skin over the lump is hyperemic, may peel, and if it progresses, it will retract and wrinkle. The “lemon peel” symptom is characteristic of breast cancer recurrence, and then growths develop on the skin.

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