Is the era of big breasts fading? What size is in fashion today?

There is an old joke that very well illustrates women's preoccupation with the size of their bust. Two friends meet, and one says to the other: “They say all the guys started to shy away from you in bed. Why?". She responded: “You know, Masha, I just enlarged my breasts by four sizes.” “Oh, so why are they scared?” - “There just wasn’t enough money for both, so far I’ve only increased one!”

Size is not that important i

There is no need to prove that women are crazy about large breasts - just like most men, no, no, but the obsessive-compulsive thought will creep into your head to check your penis size again. But if the male penis is always hidden from prying eyes, then the size of the breast can in any case be determined with the naked eye.

Journalist Michel Castlemann is convinced that for most men, breast size is not as important as is commonly believed. “Throughout my life, I have been in relationships with different women whose breast sizes ranged from small to gigantic. And I never really cared about it. When there were kind, smart and cheerful ladies nearby, who, moreover, were ready to take off their bra for me, I was very happy. And with all my soul I enjoyed the treasure that fell out of this bra - regardless of its size."

Women's breasts - statistics, history and fascinating moments

There are many different historical, statistical and simply interesting facts about women's breasts. At one time, collecting these facts was my favorite thing. Today I have collected the most interesting things about women’s breasts and want to share them with readers.

Statistics and women's breasts

  • Scientists at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, have calculated that the arithmetic average weight of one female breast, excluding the implant, is approximately 400 grams.
  • The French invented artificial breasts in the mid-19th century. Women who were dissatisfied with the size had their breasts cut open and animal fat, paraffin or wax implanted into them. Mortality was high.
  • In 80% of women, as a rule, the left breast is larger than the right.
  • A group of scientists from the California Cancer Center found that under the influence of phytoestrogens contained in plants (lentils, flaxseeds, beans, unsprouted wheat, soybeans and hops), active growth of breast tissue occurs. Orange juice and coffee also contain phytoestrogens. These substances speed up metabolism, but this hormone must be taken extremely carefully under the supervision of an endocrinologist to avoid the development of breast cancer.
  • A group of American sociologists from Chicago, led by Dr. Yvonne Rossdale, boldly stated in 2003 that breast size is proportionally related to intelligence. They classified 1,200 women from Illinois, Ohio, and Kansas by breast size: smallest (A), small (B), medium ©, large (D), extra large (E, F, etc.). After this, the women were tested for IQ. As a size A owner, Dr. Rossdale is confident that girls with size D+ are 10 points smarter than their rivals with sizes A and B. Girls with size C are 3-4 points ahead of owners of A and B.
  • The founder of the Crazy Horse cabaret, Alain Bernardin, believed that the part from the top to nipple B of an ideal breast should be exactly 1/3 of the length from the top of the breast to its base.
  • According to statistics, 58% of women wear a bra of the wrong size because they try to choose it by eye, without simply knowing their own parameters.
  • A group of British scientists led by Mark Brand found out in which European country women with large breasts live. The strictly scientific study involved 5,000 women aged 30 to 39 from seven countries: Great Britain, Holland, Denmark, Belgium, France, Sweden and Austria.
  • Before giving birth, a woman's breasts gain up to 700 grams in weight.
  • Italian scientists from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the University of Palermo have developed a formula for the ideal female breast. You should construct a triangle ABC with base AC and angles at three points - the hollow between the collarbones and the nipples - and then calculate the value of the perfection parameter. If the breasts are ideal, the parameter is from 0.4 to 0.6. To calculate it, you need to divide the length AC by 2 and the resulting result by the length AB.
  • The American company Dow Corning, which produces silicone implants, paid $4 billion in compensation to women injured by their products in the mid-90s. The company was accused of silicone implants causing breast cancer and other diseases. The number of claims reached almost two hundred thousand, and in May 1995, Dow Corning was officially declared bankrupt.

Facts about women's breasts from history

  • In Japan, the absence of breasts has been considered a symbol of femininity for hundreds of years. To hide their shapes, Japanese women covered their busts with linen.
  • Polymastia is a unique and rare phenomenon. The mother of the Roman Emperor Caracalla, Julia Mamaea, and the second wife of Henry XVIII, Anne Boleyn, each had three mammary glands; Madame Ventre, a resident of Marseille, had an extra breast on her hip.
  • The Southern Slavs believed that mermaids had breasts of such a size that they could easily throw them behind their backs.
  • Champagne glasses in France in the 18th century during the reign of Louis XV were shaped like the breasts of the royal favorite, the Marquise de Pompadour. Alexandre Dumas had two bowls cast in the shape of Countess du Barry's breasts. The Duke of Lauzen had a set of glasses that exactly followed the shape of Marie Antoinette's breasts.
  • Hippocrates advised flat-chested women to sing a lot and loudly to increase their bust size. Theoretically, professional singers develop pectoral muscles and, accordingly, their breasts may be visually larger.
  • More than a thousand years ago, Avicenna offered a recipe for an easy-to-make home remedy for maintaining breast shape. The ingredients of the miraculous remedy for external use included Kimolos clay, henbane seeds, blood from the genitals of a boar, hedgehog or turtle.
  • Breastless women are not a myth. The Amazons got rid of the right breast by cutting off or burning it during childhood. According to one version, this made it easier to handle the bow; according to another, it was done to intimidate enemies. In August 1985, a young Spanish woman, Muriel, cut off both her breasts to participate in a bullfight. This is how the famous matador Riviero El Primero turned out.
  • In the 18th century, when necklines were especially deep, the color of the nipples and areolas was enhanced with dyes.
  • In 1886, the first bra appeared in England. This structure was called a “device for improving the shape of the breast” and looked like two tea strainers placed on a woman’s breast and secured with tape.
  • In Africa and India, lush breasts with large nipples are popular due to the widespread cult of motherhood. And Europeans prefer breasts with small nipples.
  • Australian Aborigines considered women with small breasts to be inferior. To enlarge the breasts, they rubbed fat and “magic” red ocher, and circles were drawn around the nipples. Women for whom this did not help tried to pull back their breasts using a bandage pressing on the chest from above.
  • Some peoples of the Far North have a belief that conception occurs in the breast. Only after this the child descends into the stomach.
  • European women have hemispherical breasts, Asian women have conical breasts, and African women have pear-shaped breasts.

Other interesting facts about female breasts

  • The name of Mount Ninchurt in the center of the Kola Peninsula near Seid Lake is translated from the Sami language as “women’s breasts.”
  • The breast consists of 15-20 lobules of glandular tissue, each of which is surrounded by connective fibrous and fatty tissue and has its own milk duct that opens on the surface of the nipple.
  • Women's breasts do not contain muscle tissue.
  • The largest breast in the world was sculpted from polyester resin by the French sculptor Cesar. The cast was made from the breast of Victoria von Krupp, a Crazy Horse cabaret dancer. The monumental work measuring 82x266x193 cm can be seen in the gallery on the Place de la Concorde in Paris.
  • In 2001, the Italian Army notified the government that overly large breasts in female volunteers interfered with the successful completion of obstacle jumping and cross-country running tasks. The Italian Army Regulations now stipulate that volunteers with particularly large breasts must undergo breast reduction surgery.
  • In the early 2000s, Hunan Province had a rule for several years that female government employees must have breasts of the same size, which was tested during interviews. Girls with obviously asymmetrical busts were eliminated. In March 2004, a college graduate with breasts of different sizes tried to get a job and was rejected everywhere. Then she reported discrimination in the local newspaper China Woman, causing a big uproar. The rule has been removed.
  • Adidas specialists are confident that, according to the level of loads placed on the female breast, all sports can be divided into three categories: with a light load, with a medium load and with a heavy load. The latter include running, tennis, mountain biking, team sports, horse riding, and active aerobics. All of them negatively affect a woman’s breasts - if she moves too intensely, a girl may experience pain, especially with a large bust size.
  • From a physiological point of view, the mammary gland is a video-modified sweat gland.

Historical excursion 2

However, the bra industry perpetuates the idea that bigger is better. The first more or less modern bra was patented in 1914. It consisted of two scarves sewn together using straps and ribbons. Soon after, padded bras appeared to make breasts appear larger. In 1948, the American Frederick Mellinger released a push-up bra to make the bust visually even more voluminous.

And nowadays, breasts are enlarged not only with the help of underwear, but also with a much more risky method - surgery. Every year, surgeons around the world perform 317,000 breast augmentations. For comparison, the number of operations to reduce the bust is about 100,000.

Top 10 countries with the largest female busts

Based on the results of the study, a list was compiled:

  1. USA.
  2. Canada.
  3. Ireland.
  4. Poland.
  5. Great Britain.
  6. Netherlands.
  7. Colombia.
  8. Iceland.
  9. Venezuela.
  10. Türkiye.

The USA topped the list of countries where busty women live. The most common breast size there is F.

Scientists clarified that the primacy is associated not only with natural selection, but also with obesity widespread in this country, as well as with hormones in products.

Full twenty countries with busty women:

  • USA (white)
  • Canada,
  • USA (black)
  • Ireland,
  • Poland,
  • Great Britain,
  • Netherlands,
  • Colombia,
  • Iceland,
  • Venezuela,
  • Türkiye,
  • Australia,
  • New Zealand,
  • Norway,
  • Germany,
  • Finland,
  • Spain,
  • Sweden,
  • Denmark,
  • Bulgaria.

According to these studies, Russia ranks 39th, while Ukrainian women are in 21st place.

Men who like small breasts3

It is believed that the average size of a woman's breasts has increased over the last hundred years from 34 to 36. Researchers believe the obesity epidemic is to blame. In other words, more and more of the world's population is now suffering from excess weight. And this leads to the fact that the breasts become larger.

Meanwhile, on the catwalks of fashion houses you can see girls of anorexic appearance with almost flat chests. It is known that top models often marry male celebrities and businessmen. That’s why it turns out that many of the richest and most popular women in the world have very small breasts.

Scientists have discovered which country has the largest breasts for women

Scientists from the USA, India and Portugal have completed a major study that will interest all men on the planet. Now it has become known where the owners of the largest busts live!

Anna Semenovich does not have the most prominent breasts. Even by Russian standards. Photo: Social networks

According to experts, women with the most outstanding forms live in the United States, and these ladies are of European origin. Their most popular breast size is F (this is the largest standard size for women's bras). In second place are residents of Canada. Next come Ireland, Poland, the Netherlands and Venezuela.

Russia was in 39th place. The last one is the Philippines. Overall, Southeast Asian countries are overwhelmingly among the laggards.

According to, the new study affected 340,000 women from 108 countries. Scientists directly measured the volume of their mammary glands and correlated them with the size of the bra the woman wears. As an additional parameter, the pundits did a topographical survey of the chest.

Let us note that experts struggled with this issue for the most noble purposes - to help underwear manufacturers standardize clothing and develop it. At the same time, the authors of the study emphasize that the size of a woman’s breasts is an important sociocultural aspect, and for a person entering a particular country for the first time, it is necessary to know what size prevails there.

In Russia, one of the most famous owners of large breasts is 40-year-old singer Anna Semenovich. Recently, the star admitted to reporters that she even had to reduce her bust from size nine to size five.

“There is such a diagnosis, it’s called gigantomastia. It is given to a woman if her bust starts from size six, where each breast weighs from 2.5 kilograms. Gigantomastia is a feature of the body: as soon as I gain weight even by a kilogram, my breasts immediately enlarge,” admitted Semenovich.

By the way, psychologists have found out which men have a special weakness for women with large busts. Firstly, these are lovers of everything big and noticeable. Such men have a huge house and a car, and if they hunt, they only hunt bears. True, anthropology and psychology experts argue that in this way the male gender asserts itself. Often, for such purposes, representatives of the stronger half do not even neglect silicone decoys.

Lovers of sex between the breasts are also “fans” of the outstanding cleavage. In this case, most likely, size 4+ is indispensable. By the way, for this type it often doesn’t matter whether breasts are natural or artificial.

In addition, women with large breasts, above average size, are preferred by men who dream of a large number of children, since the owner of magnificent sizes is considered as capable of feeding a large number of her copies.

Psychologists also note a pattern that the more serious a man’s intentions, the more attention he pays to a woman’s breasts.

What Google 4 will tell you

Castlemann talks about how he researched Internet users' preferences for women's busts. “I decided to google information about what breast sizes men prefer, and for this I visited several forums. Mostly, of course, users talked about a large bust. Some people liked medium breasts; There was also a certain percentage of those who liked smaller ones. However, most users agreed on one thing: when they fall in love with a girl, they also fall in love with her breasts - regardless of their size.”

This is largely consistent with what can be observed in the main source of information about male erotic fantasies: pornography. Before the Internet, all the girls in Playboy had big breasts. However, if you visit any free porn site, you will see that men admire women with every conceivable breast size: from almost flat to giant boobs.

Is the size correct? How to find out?

Buying Tips

According to many studies, about 80% of women wear a bra that does not fit them in size and, accordingly, “fits” incorrectly. How to check this if you have not yet found “your model” :

  1. Length of the bra band. The “belt” under the chest provides the main support. It should not be too tight or too loose - it should not ride up. When purchasing, you should fasten it on the outermost hook (further from the middle), because... After a while, the “belt” will stretch and will have to be fastened to the next hook.
  2. The central part of the bra in front, between the cups, should be adjacent to the center of the chest. Don't stick out.
  3. The straps should neither fall off the shoulders nor leave marks of redness on the skin.
  4. Cup size and shape. The breasts should not rise above the bra or fall out of the cups, but they should not “get lost” or “drown”, i.e. the cups should not be too loose. The breast and cup should form a straight line together.
  5. The bones should not “lie” on the mammary glands. They should frame them neatly.

Issues worth paying attention to:

Problem 1: The bra band on the back rides up. Solution - the “belt” is too big, take 1 size smaller under the bust.

Problem 2: Problem – the “belt” is too tight and leaves traces of pressure on the skin. Solution : You need a bra with a size larger underbust.

Problem 3: Breasts seem to “fall out” of the bra from the top or sides. Solution - you need cups a size larger.

Problem 4: The underwires are not attached to the ribcage. Solution : you need cups a size larger.

Problem 5: Gathering on the cups or, in the case of a molded cup, free space in the cups. Solution : you need cups one size smaller.

Problem 6: The straps dig into the skin. Solution : you need a smaller size for the girth under the bust.

And don't forget about the adjacent ones, i.e. parallel bra sizes! A common mistake is to try to increase the girth rather than the depth of the cups. For example, you try on a 75B and it's tight. It is a mistake to take 80V, you need to try 75C. Do not increase the size of the “belt” until you cannot fit 2 fingers under it. Always start with your cup size.

What is a parallel or adjacent bra size and how can it be useful?

Parallel bra sizes are also called adjacent or adjacent. At first glance it may seem: tight in girth - take a number larger, chest tight in the cup - the next letter of the alphabet. This doesn't always turn out to be a good solution. The fact is that bras in adjacent rows may generally be closer in size than their direct neighbors in terms of cup and girth.

Let's look at an example: a woman always bought 80C. She tries on a bra with this size and feels that the “belt” under her breasts is tight. This means she should try 85V. If, on the contrary, the “waistband” is too loose, then she needs to choose 75D.

That is, for size 80C, 85B and 75D are parallel. If you look at the size chart, you'll understand why. Indeed, contrary to popular misconception, the letter indicating the volume of the cup is not an absolute value. It directly depends on the girth under the bust. B cups in sizes 85 and 75 are completely different. At the same time, the 85B and 75D cups differ slightly.

We offer you a “cheat sheet” with several of the most popular rows:

75B / 70C / 80A 80A / 75B / 70C 80B / 75C / 70D 85A / 80B / 75C 85B / 80C / 75D 85C / 80D / 75E 90B / 85C / 80D 90D / 85E / 80F

It is these threes that you need to focus on when you choose several options to try on.

Breast size and evolutionary psychology6

Paleolithic cave art dating back 35,000 years depicts naked women with enormous hips and breasts. Maybe it's prehistoric porn. Or maybe human ancestors wanted to fix the standard of reproductive fitness. Just as a penis of any size can cause pregnancy, any woman's breasts fill with milk and feed nursing children. However, evolution has led men to believe that women with larger breasts are a better choice.

But it is worth considering those times: then there was little food, and large, fat breasts could literally save a child. Also, large breasts indicated that the woman had constant access to food. So it is not surprising that in our civilized age, men increasingly prefer girls with a wide variety of bust sizes - including the smallest.

Facts about women's breasts

The world knows several interesting facts that cause a lot of controversy:

  • A woman's breasts tell better than other parts of the body about the temperament of their owner.
  • About 80% of women surveyed express dissatisfaction with their bust, of which approximately 50% want to change the shape of their breasts, 30% are already mentally ready to use the services of a plastic surgeon.
  • Breast size can reflect a woman's level of intelligence. People with curvy figures are smarter and more savvy.
  • For a man in love, the bust size of the desired woman does not matter.

Is it so? You can draw your own conclusions.

Andrey Konchalovsky


“Ever since I can remember, women’s breasts have worried me more than anything else in the world. This continues to this day, and probably began with my mother’s breast. But I also remember myself standing in a crib with a rope net fencing and nanny Marusya bending over me. What a pleasure it was to knead this big, soft, swaying something with your hands! Why kneading her breasts brought such pleasure, I, of course, have no idea. Now I think that this is an atavism imprinted into our genes by generations of our prehistoric ancestors.” "Low Truths" Collection “Top Secret”, Moscow, 1998.

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