How breast shape and size affect a woman's character


Breasts are a woman’s main weapon, but it’s worth knowing that everyone’s bust shape is unique, and by its parameters one can determine the interests and characteristics of a lady. There are many shapes and types of mammary glands; stylists are sure that breasts can be an advantage for any lady if you choose the right clothes and present them in the best light. The topic of our article is the shape of female breasts, factors influencing the shape of female breasts, types, the nature of women depending on the type of breast, the distance between the breasts and the shape of the nipples.

Breasts are often compared to the shape of berries and fruits.

Fashion is constantly changing, and if a few years ago voluminous round breasts were popular, today natural forms of female breasts are more in demand. And therefore, doing mammoplasty is no longer as fashionable as it was 5-10 years ago. The understanding of beautiful breasts is not defined and for everyone their own bust is the most attractive and best.

The relationship between different forms of mammary glands and sexual temperament

A certain type of female breast not only makes the image more attractive, but to some extent determines the sexual temperament of its owner.

According to sexologists, those with breasts whose shape resembles a melon in appearance are skeptical about sex and rarely make love. It is very difficult to call such women passionate natures. Women with a lemon-shaped bust take their sex life very seriously, do not like experiments and prefer to avoid all sorts of adventures.

Representatives of the fair sex, with incredibly beautiful pineapple-shaped busts, are incredibly inventive in sex and are ready for any experiments. There's just one thing! Such women are extremely difficult to win. To get the attention of such a lady, a man will have to work hard.

For women with two delicious oranges, sex as such is not a means to relieve stress and tension. For them, spiritual connections, long conversations at night and romantic meetings are much more important.

Those with small cherry-shaped mammary glands are very creative in bed. However, intimacy is not their main entertainment. But women with pear-shaped breasts love sex and, like no one else, know a lot about it.

What factors influence the shape of a woman's breasts?

Why does one woman have size three breasts, which have a beautiful shape, while another lady has size zero and her nipples look separate? There are many reasons for this, which we will discuss below. If you know the factors influencing breast shape, some women will be able to adjust their shape:

  • heredity;
  • breast diseases;
  • age;
  • Lifestyle;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • posture;
  • endocrine system, responsible for the production of hormones;
  • number of fat cells;
  • muscle activity.

Breasts have different sizes and shapes

If you want to change the shape of your breasts, then the best way to do this is to engage in sports that involve the pectoral muscles. A set of exercises has been developed that allows you to make your bust elastic.

If you are unhappy with your breast size, there are proven muscle stimulators on sale to increase volume

Perky, erect nipples.

You are a fiery, passionate and brave girl! Men adore you. They never cease to be impressed not only by your appearance, but also by the depth of your personality.

Sometimes you can be very cruel and even insidious, but this is only because you are used to always getting what you want. Therefore, if someone cannot give it to you, it is better to step aside!

You are not used to thinking through your words and actions far in advance; you often act on emotions. But it seems to you that living differently is simply boring!

Types of female breasts

Any woman should remember that ideal breast parameters do not exist. Even if there are some standards and ideals, they are imposed by the beauty and fashion industry, and do not at all mean that this breast shape is the most attractive. There are a lot of classifications of female breast shapes and not all of them are compiled correctly.

Folk classification

The shape of a woman's breasts has a greater impact on posture and the condition of the spine. If there are curvatures, then the breasts may be different; with a stoop, there is an expansion in the lower part of the chest and a large distance between the nipples.

What kind of small breasts can there be?

For those with small breasts, there are a small number of bust types:

  1. Snowy hills. These ladies have medium-firm busts and pointed nipples. Over time, the “Knolls” will not begin to sag and will not lose their elasticity. In this case, the neckline and areola are barely noticeable due to the shade, but their size is impressive.
  2. Chloe. A distinctive feature of such breasts is their pronounced contour, the nipples and areola are barely noticeable. Most often, “Chloe” is found in young girls; such a bust will never sag, since, in fact, there is nothing to sag.

Chloe breast shape

What are the average size breasts?

If your breast size is more than 2, then the bust can have different shapes:

NameDescriptionCleavageNipple and areola
SapphoA bust of this type is not distinguished by its elasticity; it is more soft than taut.A distinctive feature is velvety skin in the décolleté area.Another feature is the large nipple and areola, as well as their dark shade.
budsThe bust is pulled forward a little, as are the nipples.The décolleté area is slightly pinkish, some have reddish streaks.The areola is small and light, and the nipples point forward.
CirceThis is the ideal bust shape - firm, round breasts. When walking, they “pop out” of the bra, creating a wave effect. The neckline is silky and attracts male attention.This form has large asymmetrical areolas.
African savannaThis type of breast explains its name, as the shapes are similar to the hemispheres shown on the map. The bust is round and elastic, and therefore will not sag over time. The neckline is colored to match your skin tone.The areola has a clear border and is small in size, like the nipple.

African savannah breast shape

What size breasts can be?

Women with large busts have the most types of breasts

  • Dulka. At the base the shape is narrowed, the areola is large, and the nipple is small. The form is named after the tomato variety with which it is associated.
  • Pear. The breasts are dropped down and lack firmness, matching the lines of the fruit. The “pears” are soft and constantly droop. The nipple is pronounced, the areolas are small, and the color of the breast is close to brown.
  • Peach. This form is distinguished by its size and has a rounded shape. The cleavage area is pink and velvety, and the areola is a vibrant color that stands out against the bust.
  • Water surface. The breasts are distinguished by the cleavage area, which is very tender and may have veins. The bust itself is not elastic with visible veins, and the areolas are small in size.

  • Chestnut. The breast size is large, but despite this, it is slightly flattened.
  • Alma mater. The bust size is large - this is what makes a woman stand out. The shape also has pronounced nipples that are visible even through the bra. The skin in the décolleté area is slightly light.

  • Lady fingers. The form is called so because it is similar in appearance to a grape variety. The nipples and areolas are dark in color, and the breasts themselves are light. The “grapes” are soft to the touch, and the nipples do not stand out against their background.
  • Globe. The shapes resemble a globe, as they have smooth shapes similar to balls. The nipples are large and erect, and the areola is dark in color.
  • Turkish woman's eyes. This is called a bust due to the nipples looking in different directions. The breasts themselves are slightly elongated and not very firm.
  • Renaissance. Large breasts are soft, nipples are pronounced, but light in color and small in size. The color of the chest itself is pale, as is the décolleté area. Often, girls have many moles on their busts, no larger than dots in size.

Small and cute.

You are a sophisticated and intelligent woman. You value brilliance, intelligence and art. Besides, you are a smart and “cool” woman. For any man.

You don't have to be the most outgoing person in the group to be admired by others. Everyone appreciates you for your intelligence and your achievements.

You have always done well in school, achieved success in your career, read a lot of books and can carry on a conversation on any topic. You put logic and rationality first and emotions second. Some may think that you are too cold, but this is not true. You just have a stable and strong character.

The character of women depending on breast type

Psychologists have repeatedly proven that a woman’s character can depend on the shape of a woman’s breasts.

Small breastsMedium breastsBig breasts
FormCharacter traitsFormCharacter traitsFormCharacter traits




Snowy moundsimpressionability,








Sapphotalent.Water surfacesincerity;


African savannaenergy;

romance; thrift;

Alma materloyalty;
Turkish woman's eyedemandingness;
Lady fingers sincerity;


Peaches breast shape and woman's character

There are a lot of forms of mammary glands in women; below we will describe those that are not included in our list:

Breast shapeDescriptionCharacter
1.Cone-shapedThe breast size is small, has a normal base, and the cone shape is acquired gradually. It’s not easy to choose underwear for such a bust; it’s better to choose push-up underwear. Such girls are good housewives, they are constant and will not tolerate cheating on their man.
2.IncompleteAt the base, this bust shape is narrow, and therefore the chest appears elongatedSuch women are positive, friendly and self-confident.
3.AsymmetricalWhen a woman has breasts of different sizes, we are talking about this shape. In practice, this occurs often, but the difference is no more than one size. If one breast is more than two sizes larger than the other, surgery is required, as it does not look attractive. In other cases, you can use a push-up bra. Such ladies are executive, responsible and smart.
4.Low projectionThe circumference is normal, but the breasts are small, and therefore such incompatible parameters look ugly. Most often, women turn to surgeons. Women are cheerful, carefree and energetic. They achieve their goals by any means.
5.Ball-shaped (omega)The base of the breast is equal to its other parameters. This type can only appear in ladies with a large size and is considered acquired or a consequence of surgery. The reasons for the appearance of such a bust can be called:
· frequent weight loss;

wearing the wrong bra;

· refusal of underwear.

Women can have any character.

Breasts with asymmetry

Girls with small breasts: character

  • Women with small breasts have a difficult character.
  • Most often they are jealous and insecure. They often stage scenes of jealousy, showdowns, etc. for their partners.
  • It is also generally accepted that such ladies are less passionate and temperamental in bed. They think more often about their own pleasure than about the pleasure of their partner.
  • At the same time, they are friendly, open and do not suffer from narcissism, so they easily find a common language with almost all people.

Bust size

One of the important parameters of a woman’s breast shape is its size, which has several designations. In Russia, it is classified with numbers from 0 to 9. In CIS countries, the size can be from 1 to 5, depending on the girth under the chest and the protruding point itself. The nipple is not always the farthest point of the breast.

Breast size in a man's hands

To measure the circumference under the bust, you don’t need to be too zealous; you need to hug the body the way your bra is fastened. You need to measure these two parameters without a bra, as underwear will add extra centimeters.

What parameters are needed to determine the size?

To determine the size in literal terms, you must use the table, rounding the resulting values. Thanks to the resulting figure, you can easily choose a bra. You will get a Russian size; for foreign measurements, other tables are used.

Bust size for choosing underwear

Large nipples looking straight ahead.

You have a good heart. Other people always view you as a reliable and kind friend, to whom they can always come with their problems and ask for advice.

You are well-mannered, ready to always console your loved ones and help them.

You don't like gossip and gossipers, and there are two reasons for this. Firstly, you don't like to rush to conclusions and base them on first impressions. Secondly, judging and criticizing others is not in your rules at all.

In public, you are ready to only admire your friends and loved ones. You throw out the hard truth only in the eyes and only when you think that it will help the person.

What is the distance between the breasts and the shape of the nipples?

Women's breasts, in addition to their shape, can differ in the distance between the left and right hemispheres, as well as the direction of the nipples. The following types are distinguished:

  • breasts fit tightly to each other (found in ladies with larger sizes);
  • distance no more than 3 cm;
  • triangle between the breasts (the mammary glands are close to each other on top, and have a large distance below);
  • Widely spaced bust, where the distance is more than 5 cm;

Tight breasts

The direction of the juices also influences the shape of a woman’s breasts. She may be:

  • straight (ideal nipple shape with a small areola);
  • directed downwards (occurs in women over 40 years old);
  • looking in different directions.

Nipple direction

If your nipples point to the side, choose a size smaller underwear to bring your breasts toward the center and point them forward.

Big and pert nipples facing away from each other.

You are quite a complex person. And it’s even aggravated by the fact that you have a creative nature and are popular.

Even when your heart is full of sadness, you continue to be a charming woman. Men flock to you like bees to honey.

You are smart, your brain is always rich in fresh ideas, you love to make plans and live according to a schedule. But only according to the one that they compiled themselves, without external pressure.

All men know that, on the one hand, you reliably cover their back, serve as a reliable rear, and on the other hand, they just can’t get used to the fact that you cannot be controlled.

How to choose a bra

Types of bras

To maintain the shape of a woman's breasts and show off your bust in the best light, you need to learn how to select underwear. If the breasts are large and of a standard shape, then this will not be difficult; the most important thing is to choose the exact bust size. If the lower and upper parts of the chest are the same, choosing underwear will also be easy; almost all types of bras are suitable for such ladies. But to look sexy in a dress, it is better to buy clothes with push-up inserts.

Breast shapesBra typeEffect
Partial topUnderwear with seamed cups, contour underwear, models with elastic cups.The bust rises and the shape becomes expressive.
Wide chestBras with a front closure in a triangular shape.The breasts become the same size and there is no visible distance between them.
Narrow chestModels with a wide base.The mammary glands are raised, and the underwear can always be adjusted.
AsymmetryBras with foam inserts.By removing one cup from the bra, you can visually equalize the size of your breasts.
Round shapeLingerie in which the bones reach the middle, plange, bust in stitching with cupsEmphasizes bust shape.
Dropped lower part or secretory vesselsCups made of several parts, with a central seam at the bottom.Lifts the breasts and makes the shape round.

How should a bra fit?

Choosing a bra is actually not difficult, the most important thing is to use inserts where needed, buy only models made of high-quality material and in size.

As we can see, there are quite a lot of shapes and varieties of breasts, but it is worth remembering that each of them is beautiful in its own way. But as statistics show, 90% of women are unhappy with their bust and want to change it. What shapes of female breasts do you consider the most attractive? Write in the comments.


Under the name of this juicy citrus fruit lies every man's dream - ideal breasts of the third size. The most famous owner of an elastic three-ruble note is actress and singer Jessica Alba, who is pregnant with her third child. We are sure that the celebrity will quickly regain shape after giving birth and will amaze fans with her ideal forms for the hundredth time.


The teapot-shaped breasts are also quite large. Moreover, unlike the “potato” shape, breasts of this type are slightly raised and narrowed upward. Another star mother, Jessica Simpson, can boast of such an original breast shape. However, when the celebrity had her breasts enlarged, she changed her shape slightly.

Photo: Getty Images/Global Images Ukraine

Main photo: depositphotos

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