Clinic of Plastic Surgery Grigoryants Vladislav Semenovich - reviews

Grigoryants Vladislav Semyonovich is a specialist in the field of plastic surgery, who founded his own clinics “Center for Aesthetic Rhinosurgery” and “Arbat Aesthetic”. The doctor received his training at Yerevan State Medical University, where his passion for plastic, micro- and reconstructive surgery began. Therefore, the young specialist began an internship with leading plastic surgeons in Armenia.

Although the doctor provides a wide range of plastic surgery services, he prefers to perform rhinoplasty and breast surgery. In his opinion, it is with the help of these body parts that women are able to charm men.

What types of plastic surgery can be ordered from Vladislav Semenovich Grinoryants?

The main direction that Vladislav Semyonovich Grigoryants chose for himself is rhinoplasty. This concept consists not only of modifying the shape of the nose, but also involves solving many health problems. Patients often come to him with a deviated nasal septum, which leads to breathing problems. The doctor can easily correct this defect surgically. The specialist also eliminates the hump on the nose, raises the tip of the nose, and removes other aesthetic imperfections of the respiratory organ.

Before deciding to undergo rhinoplasty, patients want to see the expected result. Therefore, at the V.S. Grigoryants clinic they provide a 3-D modeling service for the future shape of the nose.

Other operations performed by Vladislav Grigoryants:

  1. Mammoplasty. The service includes breast augmentation or reduction, breast lift, breast shape correction.
  2. Abdominoplasty. This is the name of a surgical procedure that is used to correct soft tissue in the anterior abdominal wall. This service is successful in cases of sagging epithelium, hernial protrusions and other defects that make the abdomen an unattractive area. Abdominoplasty is also performed after several pregnancies or sudden weight loss to remove sagging skin and restore an attractive appearance to the figure.
  3. Liposuction. Grigoryants performs the procedure on the abdomen and thighs to remove excess fat deposits from these areas of the body.
  4. Gluteroplasty. This is the name of plastic surgery that can eliminate the unsightly shape of the buttocks, remove sagging skin in this area, and also get rid of fat deposits.
  5. Cruroplasty. Manipulations are intended to eliminate muscle atrophy, deformation of the lower leg and calf muscles.
  6. Blepharoplasty. This is an eyelid lift that helps remove hernias, dark circles and sagging skin in the eye area. Suitable for patients over 35 years of age.
  7. Otoplasty. Everything related to ear shape correction belongs to this plastic surgery.

Since Grigoryants follows new trends in plastic surgery, he also deals with cheekbone plastic surgery, removal of Bisha's lumps, circular facelift and other methods to restore youth and beauty to a woman's face.

Rhinoplasty is my favorite surgery

What does preoperative preparation consist of?

— First you need to undergo a standard set of tests. Apart from this, no special preparation is needed. I work in a team with a highly qualified anesthesiologist, so operations always take place with minimal blood loss and there is no strict connection between the day of the operation and the menstrual cycle.

There are several methods of performing rhinoplasty. At what point do you decide which scheme you will use?

All this becomes clear already at the first consultation. I see the nose and understand how and what I will do. For example, if the tip is wide, I need access with exposure, so I can make the necessary narrowing. Primary rhinoplasty can almost always be done using the closed method.

What are the difficulties of the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty?

The recovery period after rhinoplasty is quite short and is relatively easy to tolerate. After the operation, the patient is given a plaster cast on his nose. For the first 2-3 days you need to wear tampons. On days 9-10, the plaster is removed and the nose gradually begins to take on its normal shape, although the swelling continues for some time, up to several months.

When can we say that we are seeing the final result?

After 2-3 months, the new profile is already clear. But healing takes much longer; scarring ends in about six months. Therefore, the final result is recognized in about a year.

Each surgeon has his own style, his own approach to business. What would you highlight in your work?

I don't like too straight geometric shapes, for example, a completely straight nose. It’s not for nothing that nature creates everything with special curves. A nose with a slight break in the tip of the nose that rises above the back seems more natural to me. I try to make the tips themselves narrow and graceful. I don’t really like doing snub-nosed versions, although if the patient asks and it suits him, I do it. In general, for me there is no such thing as “whatever the patient says, I will fulfill any desire.” If I definitely see that the option described by the patient is not aesthetic and will look ugly, I refuse to perform the operation.

Do you adhere to any school of rhinoplasty?

No, there can be no talk of any one technique - after all, each nose is individual. If all operations are done according to the same template, then some type of noses can and will turn out well, but all the others are no good.

Are there any examples of people among surgeons whom you look up to, who are undisputed authorities?

There are no idols whom I would consider undisputed authorities. But I learned a lot from domestic and foreign rhinoplastic surgeons, and I respect them very much. Over time, he began to develop his own techniques. I have already formed my own approach, ideas, selective techniques, tested by time and experience.

Do you have to undergo repeated operations? Do patients often come to you with such problems?

Patients often come after other surgeons. Moreover, this does not necessarily mean that the operation was done poorly. They come for revision surgery even after very good surgeons. It's just that sometimes it's better to make a small adjustment.

After my surgeries, I also sometimes have to do revisions. This is usually a 10-15 minute procedure under local anesthesia. I always do corrections for free.

Simultaneous operations are now becoming popular. What types of plastic surgery can be used to perform rhinoplasty at the same time?

With almost any operation. This operation is not extensive, there is no great loss of blood, etc. But if there is a possibility of combining operations, the verdict of the anesthesiologist is also important, so this must be discussed in each specific case.

Vladislav Semenovich, thank you very much for the detailed story. Indeed, rhinoplasty is like an art: every surgeon, like an artist, creates new forms with a scalpel. I would like to wish you creative inspiration and professional success!

Center for Aesthetic Rhinosurgery, Moscow 8 8

Cost of services of surgeon Grigoryants

Prices for the services of V.S. Grigoryants are low, so they are available to anyone who wants to change something in their appearance. By paying for an operation, you pay not only for a new body, but also for the professional work of a specialist, being in a comfortable clinic and the work of the staff. The final amount also includes the postoperative examination of the patient and dressings.

Surgeon's approximate price:

Performing primary rhinoplasty of the nasal tip260 thousand rubles.
Full rhinoplasty370 thousand rubles.
For rhinoplasty with increased complexity you will have to pay - 420 thousand rubles
Performing revision rhinoplasty300-500 thousand rubles (depending on the patient’s problem)
Septoplasty (nasal septum surgery)120 thousand rubles.
Primary breast enlargement320 thousand rubles. (price of implants included)
T-shaped breast lift (Implant not used)300 thousand rubles.
Periareolar breast lift (no implant used)150 thousand rubles.
Forehead lift150 thousand rubles.
Elimination of Bish's lumps100 thousand rubles.
Performing a circular facelift250 thousand rubles.
Liposuction of one area12 thousand rubles.
Abdominoplasty180-230 thousand rubles. (depending on the complexity of the problem and the condition of the treatment area)
Blepharoplasty45-55 thousand rubles.
Chin surgery120 thousand rubles. (cost of implants included)
Cheekbone correction110 thousand rubles.
Correction of shins150 thousand rubles.
Otoplasty50-70 thousand rubles.
Butt lift220 thousand rubles.

The prices presented may vary slightly depending on the individual characteristics of the problem, as well as the cost of medications, anesthesia and the duration of the rehabilitation period.

But V.S. Grigoryants always tries to hold different promotions and discounts so that every woman can afford to be charming.

Vladislav Grigoryants – a magician with an intuitive sense of harmony

Patients say that he is a magician and that with his help they found themselves.
The medical community recognizes him as one of the best rhinoplasty specialists in Russia. Vladislav Grigoryants is a rare example of a doctor whose talent is equally recognized by colleagues and clients. In a word, if anyone can authoritatively answer’s questions about nose correction, then it is undoubtedly him: Vladislav Semenovich, on Internet forums they write that you remember the noses of all your patients... How difficult is it to be rhinoplasty specialist?

– Perhaps it is very difficult. But the point here is not about memory, but about responsibility. To meet the expectations of patients, I must constantly work on myself, keep abreast of all trends, all innovations in rhinosurgery, participate in conferences, and learn from the experience of colleagues. This is the only way I can offer the best solution to the problems that people come to me with.

What do they usually ask you for? They ask you to make a nose like Kate Middleton?

– I know that this is fashionable now, but I must say that it is almost impossible to make a nose like someone else’s. Too much depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. In general, the reason for contacting me—and a rhinoplasty specialist in general—is most often a clear disproportion. We all have an intuitive sense of harmony, so, for example, a face with medium-sized features and a large nose seems ugly to us. It is not surprising that such an imbalance becomes a cause for concern, especially among young women. The same applies to form: we tend to strive for correct, even lines. Therefore, there are often requests to get rid of a hump, raise a drooping tip of the nose, straighten a curvature or post-traumatic deformation. It also happens to correct congenital pathologies – “cleft lip,” for example.

Photos before and after nose surgery (hereinafter the surgeon is V.S. Grigoryants). Plastic surgery of the wide tip of the nose, hump, crooked back and nasal septum:

How complicated is this procedure – nose shape correction?

– In aesthetic medicine, rhinoplasty is considered one of the most difficult operations. The fact is that changing the shape or size of the nose affects bone and cartilaginous structures that have to be transformed, moved, or removed. Now imagine that all these manipulations need to be carried out through incisions inside the nostril. This method is called closed, and I practice it when rhinoplasty is done for the first time.

  • Vladislav Grigoryants about his approach to rhinoplasty

The open method, in which the incisions in each nostril are joined by a small incision in the columella, is used for re-correction of the nose. It is usually performed if serious reconstructive intervention is needed, for example, the installation of cartilage grafts.

On forums you are often asked about correcting the nasal septum - septoplasty. When is this operation necessary?

– From a medical point of view, surgery for a deviated nasal septum is indicated only in one case – if there is a persistent violation of nasal breathing. However, I always perform septoplasty along with rhinoplasty. If this is not done, the deviated septum may “lead” the nose, and we will not get the aesthetic result that we expected.

Is the result planned in advance?

- Yes, this is necessary. Before the operation, a consultation is held where the patient can see his new appearance thanks to computer modeling.

Nose correction after injury:

Is rhinoplasty possible in all cases?

- Unfortunately no. The fact is that this operation has clear medical contraindications. For example, rhinoplasty cannot be performed for diabetes, blood clotting problems, cancer, autoimmune and systemic diseases. The risk of complications with such disorders is especially high, so at the preliminary consultation I ask the patient in detail about his illnesses, conduct an examination and ask him to take tests. Then, during the consultation, I explain how to prepare for the operation and answer all questions.

And what do you get asked most often?

– There are always a lot of questions. For example, is anesthesia dangerous? Is it possible to replace it with medicated sleep? (Smiles.)


– You can’t, of course, because it’s one and the same thing. Someone just came up with such a name for advertising purposes.

What anesthesia do you use?

– General multicomponent endotracheal. Plus painkillers: intravenously - propofol and tracrium, and in the nasal area - lidocaine and adrenaline. This allows you to reduce the dose of general anesthesia and facilitates tissue peeling.

How long does rhinoplasty surgery take and what influences its success?

– The duration depends on the task, but on average the operation takes about an hour and a half - this is relatively short. But then the patient spends a day in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor and only then, if everything is in order, can he return home. When it comes to success, what is most important is the professionalism of the surgeon. The fact is that all rhinoplasty surgeons have approximately the same instruments, but not everyone knows how to use them correctly. Here you need experience, you need flair, but, alas, not everyone has them! Much depends on the patient. He must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and – this is probably the most difficult thing – be patient. After the operation, there should absolutely be no experiments with the bandage!

Complete rhinoplasty with tip correction:

Is rehabilitation easy? Does your nose hurt after correction?

– The nose should not hurt after rhinoplasty, but a headache and a feeling of heaviness are possible. Some discomfort is also associated with the fact that in the first three days after the operation you can only breathe through your mouth, since the nostrils are closed with tampons that prevent bleeding. In addition, you will have to wear a plaster cast for 10 days, and after its removal there will still be more or less pronounced swelling and bruising. Their appearance, unfortunately, is inevitable: this is a normal occurrence after such a complex operation. As a rule, they completely disappear within two weeks, but I always recommend that my patients speed up this process with the help of modern equipment - a course of physical therapy. After surgery, the body especially needs such highly effective support.

Are there any complications or unexpected side effects?

– No, if the operation was done professionally and after it the patient followed all the doctor’s recommendations. Sometimes, however, there is a need to slightly adjust the achieved result. I perform this re-operation on my patients free of charge.

What is the most difficult thing about rhinoplasty for you?

– The most difficult thing is probably to correct the failures of other surgeons. When people come to me with such a problem, I feel double responsibility. I understand that I am not only returning a person’s appearance, his normal life, but also protecting the reputation of aesthetic medicine in general.

Center for Aesthetic Rhinosurgery Grigoryants Vladislav Semenovich

Moscow, Novoslobodskaya st., 46 8(800) 234-15-15;

Reviews of the work of V. S. Grigoryants

To ensure an objective assessment of Grigoryants’ work, we provide not only good reviews of the specialist’s work, but also bad ones. We hope this helps you make up your mind about the surgeon.

Positive reviews

“I would like to express my deep gratitude to the plastic surgeon V.S. Grigoryants, who removed the unattractive hump on my nose. This defect has tormented me, probably since the 9th grade, and only after graduating from college did I decide to take drastic measures. I made an appointment, talked to the doctor, he told me about the upcoming procedure. The hardest part is rehabilitation. But thanks to the polite staff, everything went off with minimal trauma. Thanks to Vladislav Semenovich for his work.” Olga.

“I turned to Vladislav Grigoryants to remove wrinkles under my eyes. But I didn't expect the result to be so great. It turned out that in addition to wrinkles, a hernia had also begun to form there. After consulting with the doctor, we came to a common decision - to remove the unattractive defect. The operation was quick and successful. Although the post-operative period exhausted me from being confined within 4 walls, the result was worth it. Now, when I look at myself in the mirror, I see a young and well-groomed woman with an expressive look.” Elena.

“I didn’t think that by the time I was 40, I would decide to make drastic changes in my appearance. I don’t always dare to dye my hair, but then a trip to a plastic surgeon... My husband gave me this idea, because he knew my discomfort about the ugly shape of my nose. On March 8th he gave me a gift - he signed me up with V.S. Grigoryants. I was terribly afraid of the operation, but the doctor was so nice and sociable that all my fears dissipated by themselves. They set a date for the operation, and 5 days later I was already at home. I had to tinker with the restoration, but now I adore my reflection in the mirror, which means that all the efforts of the plastic surgeon were not in vain.” Snezhana Viktorovna.

“Big breasts have always been my dream. For a long time I chose “my” doctor among a wide variety of plastic surgeons. One day I saw an interview with Grigoryants on YouTube and became interested in the specialist. I read a lot of reviews and made an appointment. I’m not just happy with the result, but 1000% satisfied.” Catherine.

Negative reviews

We also provide negative reviews so that you can see an objective picture. But since bad reviews are not supported by photographs, we cannot judge their reliability.

“I had a nose job with Grigoryants. How could I agree to this doctor! Horrible bias towards patients who do not have their pockets lined with millions. Until I brought a receipt indicating that there was money in the account, he did not even agree to talk to me. After the operation it was even worse - I did the dressings myself in front of the mirror. After 2 days I was kicked out of the hospital.” Marionella

“I had my breasts enlarged by V.S. Grigoryants. I'm not happy with the result, because the breasts are not very firm. But that’s not so bad, it turned out to be larger than the second breast. In general, the asymmetry has not disappeared, only the volumes have increased. I definitely wouldn’t go to him a second time.” Rita.

“I decided to have an eyelid lift. I chose Grigoryants because my friend had plastic surgery done by him. But, unfortunately, he did not remove the hernia under my eyes, although I asked for it. I threw money away, but didn’t see any results.” Vika.

Clinic of Plastic Surgery Grigoryants Vladislav Semenovich - reviews

Alina Nechaeva

Well what can we say. everything that is written in the other negative reviews is absolutely true. - a truly mediocre, pompous, overly self-confident, boorish, angry, unkind person. I had to face all these manifestations of his nature. Moreover, before the operation he was just a cute pussy, and after - ***** from the abyss... Evil, aggressive, vile... And more. This site is one of the few that does not delete true reviews...

If you see reviews on some site and it only has 5 stars, draw your conclusions...


********* is one of the worst, most greedy and mediocre surgeons in Moscow. And the point is not that he has a diploma from Yerevan University - you can be a good doctor even from Bobruisk. It's about his attitude and professionalism - there is neither one nor the other. Treating people like cattle whose money must be taken at any cost. After the operation - just a fiend. There is practically no help at all in the postoperative period. You ask him “what is this, showing a hump” - the answer is: “I don’t see anything.” That is, it includes “fool”. Doesn't admit mistakes. Never have surgery with this pompous, arrogant, inconsiderate and simply incompetent doctor. Always listen to your heart and intuition. If during the consultation you feel that this is not for you, run! Run without looking back, because your heart will not deceive you. Alas, I happened to buy into all the laudatory reviews and videos where he, with a smart look, talks about how he performs an osteotomy or something similar. Believe me, there is nothing smart there, nothing. Only feigned. All. I really, really regret having his surgery.


My surgery was supposed to be 2/18/20. I spent the whole week undergoing tests, etc., and the surgeon is very meticulous in this matter, which is correct in principle. But, further tough... I’ll start with the fact that families are all different, in mine my husband’s job is to conclude large deals throughout Russia, and it is customary for us that my husband himself is directly involved in all my endeavors, especially with regard to health, surgery, cosmetology etc. So, during this period he was also on a deal in another city, we, of course, knew about the operation, but no one canceled the work. I worried Evgeniya (assistant) several times on February 17 about the time of the operation, as my husband needed to fly in. At 19:00 pm on 17.02 I am informed that the operation is at 7:50 am. My husband buys a ticket and his flight to Moscow is at 6.50, but he goes from Vnukovo. Accordingly, approximately in Osnova (the clinic where ******* operates) 8.20-8.30. I warn Evgeniy about this, because my husband has questions and he pays. Payment only in cash. And despite the fact that at the consultation that took place 3.5 months ago (during this time we really had questions), the surgeon said that he would not touch the septum; my maximum price was 400 tr. anyway…

I arrived at 7.45. I sat downstairs for 15 minutes because the clinic opens at 8.00. They let me in, took the test results, gave me a standard Dog, where I agree to everything and the surgeon has no responsibility. I tell the girls at the reception that my husband will be there in 15 minutes and he will pay. After about 5 minutes, ********* ********* comes up to me and asks, “What’s my problem, why don’t I pay. I answer that my husband will be there in 5 minutes, he will pay. To which I receive a rude answer: I organized a circus. And he leaves. My husband came running, went straight to the cashier, everything was paid... my sister came for me and my husband asked to talk to the Surgeon, since 3.5 months had passed since our consultation, he had questions and concerns. I was taken to the ward... The Surgeon comes, the nurse says that my husband wants to talk, to see what will happen and how it will happen. And then the unimaginable begins - ********* ******** in a rude manner begins to tell me that he will not talk to anyone, I am triple the kindergarten, then my husband is from the plane goes, then wants to talk! I ask, why are you talking to me like that? The answer is how else can I talk! I’m standing in shock, and I’m so nervous before the operation, and here is the surgeon to whom I’m going to entrust my face and my overall health, because the operation under general anesthesia is so rude, out of the blue. The end of his tirade - I won’t do the operation, take the money and leaves. I called my husband and asked what to do? Husband - let's get out of here. While I was getting ready in the room, my husband was waiting at the reception, where ********* ********* came up and asked the reception girls if we were definitely taking the money. They took the money and left. We were not going to run around and beg for an operation, especially with such an attitude towards patients. I’m sure I’m not the first one whose husband pays for it, and I’m not the first one whose husband is interested in what will happen and how, especially since this is an operation and a face. Therefore, this behavior of the Surgeon seemed very strange to me. Maybe he’s really good as a surgeon, but as a person and a psychologist, which in his profession is not unimportant, to put it mildly, he’s a bad guy. After reading the reviews I realized that this is his norm. Perhaps he is a stellar surgeon, but be prepared that you may be rude out of the blue for asking quite adequate questions (as in his Instagram under his post about plastic surgeons, ******** ******* himself wrote ** that a good surgeon answers all patients’ questions). And what form this answer takes is not important...


After rhinoplasty, I want to write about the doctor’s attitude towards his patients. It seems that the doctor does not work with people, but with waste material, the main goal is to get money, as soon as you have made the payment to the cashier, you are left to your own devices! We have never experienced such an arrogant doctor and such disdain and ignorance for our own money. It’s called commercial medicine, I don’t recommend it to anyone!


I had surgery with ******* in 2022. I was dissatisfied with the result. I'll start with a consultation before surgery. The consultation was, to put it bluntly, fucked up. I explained to the doctor what kind of nose I wanted. We did the modeling, looked at it and liked it. On the day of the operation, a very rude nurse escorted me into the room. The operation went well and I felt great. But this is thanks to the anesthesiologist, he is really good. Next are the first examinations and removal of the plaster. When I asked why it looked like a potato, the doctor attributed it to swelling, which would result in 6-8 months. After 6-8 months the situation has not changed. I came to the doctor for an examination, told about my experiences, and in response I heard rudeness and neglect. Two years later, the swelling went down on the tip of the nose. The nose turned out to be unnaturally sharp, long, and the cartilage with which it secures the frame of the nose is contoured through the skin. It all looks like frostbitten areas of the nose. Plus, my nose is constantly running in the cold, and it has become worse to breathe. In a word - Instagram and reviews on the Intranet about this doctor are bullshit. It's not worth the money advertised.


Sonatka, I myself suffered at the hands of this surgeon, like many others. I was lucky and my nose wasn’t damaged too much. Read reviews on the Internet...


THIS IS A QUIET HORROR OF GIRL! IF THIS REVIEW IS DELETED, I WILL DO EVERYTHING TO PUBLISH THE SITUATION TO EVERYONE!!! 3 - as many as 3 GIRLS, let's say, SUFFERED FROM HIS HANDS ( AND HE REFUSED TO REDO IT BECAUSE HE SAID THAT HE CAN'T DO ANYTHING ELSE WITH THE NOSE - and the Bone STICKS OUT in the meantime not at all where it should be ((( if anyone is interested - leave posts here with questions - we will contact you and talk about the fact) otherwise there are only ideal reviews below - this can’t be!


And I had rhinoplasty done by *********. I won’t scold the doctor, because I’ve read here that people have worse problems after operations. But I’m absolutely dissatisfied with the result. Of course, it didn’t disfigure me, but my nose is absolutely “not mine.” It became somehow narrow and long, although the purpose of the operation was simply to raise the tip. Now I’m looking for a surgeon again and I don’t know who I can really trust. I visited ********* and *********, and actually preferred ********* to them. So it becomes a vicious circle...


Moral catastrophe The story of how they fooled themselves without saying yes or no, how assistants leaked, how ********* pretended to be a darling when it was necessary to delete a review and how after deletion he became himself. Brief excerpts from my first negative review. I came for a consultation, waited for the appointment for 30 minutes (ok), at the appointment I was given 10-15 minutes of which most of the assistant jabbered information to me that I already knew, the doctor came and didn’t quite understand what was wrong with my nose, but Accompanying all this with looks like I was devoid of intelligence (okay), I did a simulation and I left without understanding anything at all. On Instagram, the doctor is a cutie, but in reality you immediately feel a conveyor belt attitude, which is why, in principle, you didn’t really want to contact him. But after examining the 3D model and discarding the human factor, because the 3D nose was good, I decided to clarify one point, although I almost decided to undergo surgery. Correspondence with the doctor is still a pleasure. I first asked if it was possible about the nose, the answer was that it was possible. I asked if it was possible here a little differently, the answer was to ignore (okay), I wrote that I liked the nose, it’s just a small clarification, and no, no, let’s sign up for the op, to this they spat out dry words at me: “come to the repeat consultation” (for 6 thousand rubles, it seems) with the answer “yes or no”, and it takes me 15 hours to get to Moscow time. I offered to conduct an online consultation, I don’t mind 6 thousand. Ignore. Then on August 22, I decided to call the clinic and make an appointment, to which they answered: - make an appointment for January - okay, sign up for January - we don’t know the dates yet, the doctor is leaving, we will call you in early November. They allegedly put me in line without even asking for my full name, while from other numbers they happily signed up for September-October. Later, I called again from my number, but no one answered the phone, although before the consultation I was tired of calls with clarifications. (This means the team works harmoniously). Then I understand that it’s just a drain, I write to the doctor again and ask for an operation, again I ignore him. The picture turns out like this: the doctor ignores it, the assistants leak it. Naturally, I wrote a negative review, in which I also said that the doctor is actively advertising on Instagram, gaining subscribers, telling jokes and everything to attract clients, and when a client comes, it’s a slapstick in his face with such an attitude.

WHAT A TWIST.:) The doctor contacted me that same day. As for ignoring it, I hid behind being busy and forgetful, but then I found time and my memory did not fail me. Funny, right? He hastened to refuse me, although it is obvious that after the review they are no longer going to go to him. He further apologized for the assistants (but you won’t wear an apology instead of a nose) and assured that the assistants do not refuse without his knowledge. This means that the assistants leaked me without his knowledge. Because how can you work like that? He accused me of being scandalous because I wrote a review and did not wait for a refusal. And what place do you need to guess that it wasn’t there? After all, I repeat, the doc ignores, the assistants do not take notes. No one is going to put themselves in the client’s position, because there is an obvious oversight on the part of the clinic, but it is much more pleasant to label the client as a brawler. OK. I pretended to believe in this monstrous coincidence and apologized, after which the doctor asked to correct the review and the fact that he was cheating subscribers was a lie. I just deleted the reviews. After which she again asked to see him for an operation (I was interested in how the person would behave). Guess what? Ignore again! Picture in fact: ignored and deleted, review, reaction and request to remove the review, deletion of the review, ignored again. They achieved what they wanted, instilling a feeling of guilt (the attempt was counted) and gave him a penalty. You can, of course, say that the doctor was offended after the review, but he behaved this way from the very beginning. Briefly about how he refuses in person. In general, the attitude is disgusting, I just lost my time by getting involved with this Little Tsakhes. P.S. It doesn’t happen that in 3 days + 40 thousand subscribers, and then a systematic decline of 1-2 thousand per day. The growth is always uniform. This is for those who have NEVER bought anything. If anyone is interested, watch. “The surest way to be deceived is to think yourself smarter than others.” Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Dima fun

Attended an appointment at the clinic ********* ********* *********.

I met a girl assistant who told me what I already knew about rhinoplasty on the Internet. I didn't learn anything new. On the clinic’s website it says a consultation with 3D modeling costs 3 thousand rubles. As a result, after having a nice chat with the girl, the doctor comes in and takes a quick look at the nose and when I ask what the nose will look like in the end, he shoves a mirror at me, just like that. In the end, I paid 3 thousand rubles for his assistant’s chat for 15 minutes. There are no guarantees; there is no final result of what the nose will look like. Only his words are a normal male nose. Apparently he makes the noses at his own discretion, and I should see the result in the form of a surprise at the end.

They estimated my simple operation at 400 thousand rubles + expenses for tests separately.

Sorry for the wasted time and money.

Fuck off attitude. I'm surprised that anyone even goes to them.

Biographical information about Dr. Grigoryants

Vladislav Grigoryants is the winner of the National Prize of the publication, where he was recognized as the best plastic surgeon in rhinoplasty. V. Grigoryants also actively takes part in various conferences. In 2003, he took part in the Pan-Armenian International Surgical Congress, and in the same year he attended the 14th Congress of Surgeons in Georgia.

In 2005 and 2006, the surgeon attended the 3rd international conference of young doctors in Armenia. The year 2007 was marked for V. Grigoryants with a visit to the 1st Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (Armenia). A year later, he attended the international congress on plastic surgery in Yerevan.

When you turn to Vladislav Semenovich Grigoryants for beauty, you entrust your face and body to professional hands.

FoxTime - had a conversation with a man whose “golden hands” helped many people gain confidence in their appearance and gain psychological comfort. One of the best recognized plastic surgeons in Russia, Vladislav Semenovich Grigoryants, will talk about the author’s method “Constructive rhinoplasty” and the Arbat Aesthetic clinic.


Professional experience allows me to talk to my patients about all the pros and cons of different rhinoplasty methods. I started with the simplest closed rhinoplasty technique, then switched to the most complex closed method, which few people use due to technical features. By my own example, having convinced myself of the veracity of the opinion of the best European and American surgeons, that the only correct method that provides a lasting, stable result is open rhinoplasty. However, even with this method, the result depends on the skill of the surgeon. Practical experience allows us to use the technique of creating a nose structure - thanks to it, the operated nose does not change over time, the tip of the nose does not droop, and the patient’s breathing is not disturbed.


Let's start with the main thing - the more experience the doctor has, the more expensive the operation costs. The modern realities of aesthetic medicine dictate their own rules - if you want to have a predictable result, without complications, then you need to pay special attention to the specialization of the plastic surgeon. Conscientious doctors specializing in rhinoplasty try to achieve general harmonization of facial features and proportions, deviating from generally accepted “clichés” and “canons.”

Plastic surgery is a fairly broad area of ​​medicine, and a specialist who works “with the body” is often not able to subtly work with parts of the face. My team consists exclusively of top-class specialists - plastic surgeons Levon Chakhoyan, Ekaterina Zhivotkova, Svetlana Surovykh. The success of any operation lies not only in the skill of the surgeon, but also in his team.

A rhinoplasty operation, like any surgical intervention, must be carried out in a special room with a medical license, equipped with a hospital for patients. In the operating units, we created the most comfortable conditions and personal programs for the rehabilitation of our patients - this allowed us to quickly undergo the recovery process. Here, patients are under round-the-clock supervision of doctors and medical staff; if necessary, they are ready to provide any assistance in a matter of seconds or minutes.

The relationship between the clinic and the patient does not end with restoration - you can contact the medical center for advice at any time if you have any questions regarding rhinoplasty.

Main directions: rhinoplasty, mammoplasty

The author's improved technique, based on modern technologies and the enormous skill of the surgeon, allows solving not only the patient's aesthetic and reconstructive problems, but also breathing problems, and the method guarantees the unchanged shape of the nose throughout life. The basis of the structural rhinoplasty technique is the creation of a rigid “supporting” structure formed from the septal cartilage.

As a result of using this technique, a single structure is formed - from the back of the nose to the tip of the nose. It is the presence of a maximally fixed structure that allows us to say that there are no unwanted postoperative displacements. Particular attention is paid to the bridge of the nose. During the correction, the most detailed manipulations take place, allowing you to create and emphasize the attractive features of the nose without the so-called “figure eight”. This inverted V-shaped defect is often seen by other doctors.

Structural rhinoplasty involves the formation of the columella in the form of a semicircle, ensuring its aesthetically perfect and natural shape. It is worth noting that all patients who apply for rhinoplasty are required to undergo septoplasty - straightening a deviated septum, if this defect is present. The nasal septum does not go unnoticed, since breathing depends on its correct and even shape. If necessary, vasotomy and conchoplasty are performed—for patients, I correct the shape and size of the inferior turbinates. An integrated approach forms a beautiful shape of the nose, which correctly performs all functions, especially proper breathing.


Many clinics offer their patients incomplete prices that do not include certain mandatory expenses. All prices that you will find on the Arbat Aesthetic website include:

– Consultation (optional – with 3D modeling)

– Accommodation in a hospital with meals

– Work as an anesthesiologist, assistant surgeon

– Anesthesia

– Carrying out the operation

– Materials used during the operation and during the recovery period

– Dressings and examinations within 1 year after surgery

– Some packages include a full rehabilitation program


With the help of 3D modeling of the results of nose correction surgery, the patient no longer has to wait for the results of the operation to see his changed face and nose. Advanced 3D modeling technology allows you to show a new model of the nose in an interactive 3D image already at the initial consultation stage.

In most cases, the term “3D modeling” is unreasonably used when processing ordinary photographs of a face taken in 2-3 positions in Photoshop. The client can see future proposed changes only in a static form, usually in frontal and profile views. During consultations in our clinic, using the VectraH1 3D camera, which scans the patient’s face in a three-dimensional projection, it is projected onto the monitor screen and the doctor, together with the patient, performs 3D modeling. Visualization of any angle in any projection will eliminate uncertainty and possible errors.

At the Arbat Aesthetic clinic, through the joint efforts of the patient and the plastic surgeon, a new image will be created that meets the client’s wishes and the possibilities of rhinoplasty. You can view the work of Dr. Grigoryants on his Instagram account @vladislav_grigoryants.


1. The best plastic surgeon of 2016 - impeccable reputation National Award

2. The most popular surgeon of 2015 - Diamond Beauty Russia rating

3. Best plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty - Vlll international “Grace” award

4. The most popular surgeon of 2014 - Mediapharm rating

5. Best plastic surgeon for nose surgery 2013 - Mediapharm rating

6. Best plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty 2012 - TecRussia national award.

Specialist consultation required!


Text / Lev Goltsyn /

Photo / @vladislav_grigoryants

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