How to understand whether you really need plastic surgery, is it objective?

If skin changes are already significantly pronounced, there are wrinkles and a “swimming” facial contour, the choice of age correction methods is small - plastic surgery or thread lifting (face and neck lift). Both methods, each of which is related to surgery, have proven themselves well. The vast majority of women are satisfied with the results of the intervention - this is evidenced by their reviews. However, it is important to choose a method that suits you.

Each method of surgical correction has many varieties. It is easier to make the right choice by consulting with a specialist. The doctor should examine and palpate your face, ask about the characteristics of your body, care habits, favorite cosmetics and lifestyle. After analyzing all the facts, the doctor will offer one or more options for anti-aging correction. He will tell you about their essence, pros and cons. We invite you to compare two methods – facial plastic surgery and thread lifting.

Features of the thread lifting procedure

A facelift with threads, also called a facelift, is a low-traumatic procedure. You do not need to be hospitalized for the procedure. Threads can be placed on an outpatient basis or in a one-day hospital setting - that’s why sometimes patients suggest calling the method non-surgical.

Key points of the intervention

A facelift is an operation, but in most cases general anesthesia is not necessary. To place the threads, local anesthesia is sufficient. There are no skin incisions, only punctures with needles. The skin is picked up by special hooks on threads and stretched in the desired direction. The threads remove part of the gravitational load and prevent the skin from sagging and stretching. Excess tissue is redistributed sideways, backwards or upwards. In this case, the excess tissue is sort of “gathered”.

Threads are attached to muscles, ligaments or periosteum. The doctor must have extensive experience and an excellent knowledge of anatomy in order to carry out the “thread face lifting” manipulation correctly, because it is necessary to act in areas of pronounced blood supply and innervation.

The rehabilitation period is short and passes easily. A few days after a facelift with threads, most people calmly go to work, without attracting the attention of others with their appearance. There are no scars left on the skin. The threads for the face are completely invisible and cannot be detected by touch. The performed circular facelift is reversible: if necessary, the threads can be removed without harm to the person.

Plastic surgery in the summer - pros and cons

Now, when staying in Moscow in the summer has become a serious test for the most physically fit people, this issue has become very relevant. Proponents of the idea of ​​summer plastic surgery primarily cite as an example Brazil, the birthplace of plastic surgery, and hot Los Angeles, where the number of operations is growing day by day. Here you can object - the residents there simply do not have to choose, because the sun shines all year round. In addition, an even climate without sudden temperature changes typical of our latitudes, and clean air affect the condition of blood vessels - vegetative-vascular dystonia, which affects the vast majority of our compatriots, is an uncommon occurrence in warm regions.

Many of the pros are indeed valid. The sun has a beneficial effect on the immune system. In the warm season, blood flow improves in the operated areas, which stimulates the rapid maturation of the scar. Metabolic processes, including collagen production, proceed faster than in winter, when all biological processes slow down. All this shortens and facilitates the rehabilitation period. Another argument in favor of summer operations is that in winter the difference between the temperature indoors and outdoors sometimes reaches 50 degrees, which has a very detrimental effect on a person’s general condition.

The social factor is also important - during the holiday season there is an opportunity not only to have surgery, but also to wait until the swelling and bruises subside, because not everyone is ready to show them to their colleagues. In addition, during vacation there is usually less emotional stress. And after the operation you need not only physical, but also mental comfort.

Why do many people refuse surgery in the summer? There are many reasons. Compression garments, which must be worn without taking off for quite a long time, can cause a lot of inconvenience in the heat. In this case, you will have to not wash at all or only partially for some time. The operated areas should be protected from direct sunlight. Conscientious surgeons also warn against flying for a month or two, because they slow down rehabilitation. Many operations assume that the result will not be visible immediately, so you should not count on the fact that after mammoplasty you will be able to immediately show off your new breasts on the beach.

Despite the assurances of some surgeons, it is better not to do abdominoplasty in the summer. and liposuction. And after this operation it will be possible to undress in front of the public no sooner than in 2-3 months, so the seashores will be closed for the whole summer. Plastic surgeons actively recommend rhinoplasty in the summer. At first glance, the idea is good. You can sunbathe in just a month and a half, and by the time you go back to work, swelling and bruising will disappear. At the same time, they forget to mention an important factor - after nose surgery you cannot wear glasses for three months. For those whose eyes are sensitive to the sun, this ban creates serious problems. But blepharoplasty is quite suitable for summer time. You will have to wear glasses all the time and this will not surprise others. Suitable for summer and otoplasty, if we are not talking about reconstruction of the auricle, but only about eliminating protruding ears. This operation does not involve serious restrictions during healing. Most often, endoscopic face lifting is done in the summer - in summer, small punctures heal very quickly. True, you will have to wear an extensive bandage on your face.

To summarize, let's say the following. When deciding whether or not to have surgery in the summer, you first need to focus on your body and its characteristics. If you tolerate heat well, the prospect of wearing tight compression garments and washing in parts in thirty-degree heat does not frighten you; if you are used to air conditioning and do not plan to travel during the summer, then there are no obstacles. If the body is hardy, then summer is not an obstacle to surgery. If you have problems with blood vessels, you don’t feel well at high temperatures and often catch colds from air conditioning, it’s not worth the risk.

How is facial plastic surgery performed?

This is a full-fledged plastic surgery with mandatory preliminary examination and hospitalization. The early rehabilitation period is also carried out in a hospital setting. The intervention is carried out in a well-equipped operating room by a team of experienced, certified specialists.

The scientific name is circumferential rhytidectomy. General anesthesia is used. An incision is made, the tissue is separated and stretched. Excess skin is cut off, so plastic facelift is effective even with pronounced wrinkles. The tissues are securely fixed to the ligaments or periosteum, ensuring long-term preservation of the result.

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Rehabilitation is long. The first weeks are the most difficult, then the process becomes easier. You will be able to go back to work only in a month. In addition, changes after plastic surgery on your face are irreversible. You'll have to get used to the new appearance. A scar remains on the skin. It is usually inconspicuous and located where it is not visible. However, much depends on the individual reactivity of the patient’s tissues.


Fortified nutrition, a low level of respiratory infections - all this creates favorable conditions for the rapid restoration of immunity, which helps protect the body weakened after surgery, giving it protection during recovery after surgery.

Active blood supply. Dry and warm air activates blood flow, while metabolism is activated and reduced microcirculation is restored, tissues begin to receive more nutrients, and microcirculation ensures a supply of collagen and elastin in the operated tissues.

When and to whom is plastic surgery indicated, and when can thread lifting be done?

Plastic surgery is definitely indicated for people over 60 years of age who have deep wrinkles and significant sagging skin (that is, excess skin). In all other cases, the situation is discussed with the doctor. The decision whether the intervention of a plastic surgeon is required to correct the skin of the face and neck is made based on objective data.

Threads for a facelift can be chosen if you:

  • afraid of surgery;
  • you are afraid of pain, adverse reactions and complications;
  • do not tolerate general anesthesia;
  • you don’t have time for long-term recovery;
  • want to maintain naturalness and recognizable facial features;
  • limited in finances.

Focusing on preserving the beauty and youth of their face, patients lose sight of the fact that their age can be revealed by the neck and décolleté area. It is possible that a correction method such as a facelift will be followed by thread neck plastic surgery. It is better to discuss this in the clinic with a surgeon.

“Seamless and proprietary methods are nonsense”

►Are there absolutely safe ways to improve your appearance?

– There is not a single safe action in life. According to statistics, the probability of dying on the operating table is an order of magnitude lower than the probability of being hit by a car when you leave here.

►Are there visible scars after plastic surgery?

– Wherever there was a cut, a scar remains. Our goal is to make sure it's not noticeable, but if you know where to look, you'll find it. There are no seamless methods - this is complete nonsense and deception of consumers. We are fighting this, informing patients, but every day someone calls and asks why we don’t use a seamless technique.

In the same way, there is no such variety of author’s techniques that people like to write about on Instagram. Any normal person will want to officially confirm his authorship; he will write an article at a minimum. So these are almost always unfounded allegations. Their essence is that the doctor makes, for example, an incision not of 4 centimeters, but of 4.5, and most likely does not do anything special at all. There is nothing wrong with this, if you are undergoing high-quality surgery, you just need to know that the attribution “author’s technique” is needed in order to sell the service.

►In general, what is the best way to rejuvenate yourself?

– If we talk about plastic surgery, then an integrated approach will work best here, since aging is a systemic process. For those who want to “correct” their eyelids, we often offer a complex of anti-aging surgeries, because in older people, age-related changes affect the entire face, rather than individual parts of it. And leaving everything else in the “old” state is illogical.

►Is it possible to maintain youth forever with the help of plastic surgery?

– It can be maintained for quite a long time, but it is impossible to do this forever; you have to learn to accept aging.

►They say that plastic surgery is like tattooing: you do one and then you can’t stop. This is true?

– Yes, this happens because a person understands that he is achieving what he wants, that most of the terrible consequences that he read about are not true: for example, the classic fear that the breasts will hurt very much after enlargement.

The main thing is that the desire to somehow change one’s appearance does not become a priority and does not determine one’s entire life. And you need to remember about possible side effects and complications.

Contraindications for thread lifting and plastic surgery

Both interventions (facial surgery and skin thread lifting) have common contraindications:

  • period of acute infectious or somatic diseases;
  • disorders in the blood coagulation system;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • neoplasms;
  • mental disorders;
  • some skin diseases;
  • period of pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • allergic reactions to anesthesia or materials used during the procedure.

Additional contraindications for face lifting include excess skin tissue, age after 60 years, and excess weight. An additional contraindication for plastic surgery is the tendency of the skin to form keloid scars.

Blepharoplasty after 40 years

At this age, visible signs of aging of the epidermis appear. Their severity depends on the hereditary predisposition to the formation of wrinkles, the specific anatomical structure of the area around the eyes, general physical condition, and lifestyle. Small wrinkles and pronounced ptosis of the eyelids may appear.

The first step to solving problems with appearance will be a consultation with a plastic surgeon. After studying the visible changes, the specialist selects a method to eliminate them. It could be:

  • isolated lift (correction of the lower or upper eyelid);
  • full circular lift;
  • canthopexy – raising the drooping outer corners;
  • canthoplasty – excision of a fold in the inner part of the palpebral fissure.

After the operation, the effect lasts for at least 7, often up to 10 years. Subsequently, further surgery will be required. On the upper eyelid, multiple operations are allowed (but with an interval of 10 years), but correction of the lower eyelid can only be performed once. This is due to the fact that repeating the procedure on the lower eyelid can lead to its inversion, which is unaesthetic and causes discomfort. Therefore, the highest possible level of performance of the operation is important.

Lifting or plastic surgery - which is more economically profitable?

The cost of any procedure (for example, we mean a facelift with threads in Moscow) is determined by the complexity of the intervention, the price of consumables, the amount of work, the experience and qualifications of specialists.

How much does a thread lift cost today?

The price of a facelift with threads is based on the initial consultation with a doctor; carrying out the necessary examinations, taking tests; categories of clinic and doctor’s qualifications; the type and quantity of facial threads used (the cost of threads for implantation into facial tissue varies widely); volume of work - the area of ​​the skin area that is being corrected. Specialists most often work with aptos threads (the most popular variety). The cost of a range of services is from 30 thousand rubles.

Cost of facial plastic surgery

The price of plastic surgery includes: initial consultation with a doctor; taking the necessary tests and conducting examinations; category of the clinic and degree of qualification of the surgeon; cost of consumables; volume of surgical intervention; volume of manipulation - the area of ​​skin that is subject to correction; anesthesiologist's work and anesthesia costs; work of auxiliary medical personnel; the complexity of the intervention performed, taking into account all possible risks. The plastic method of age-related correction of changes is more complex, complex, and therefore the cost of facial plastic surgery is higher - from 150 thousand rubles.


Wearing compression garments. This underwear is made of dense elastic fabrics, so it can be hot in summer; you need to have spare, replaceable underwear. However, the problem can be successfully solved by using conditioner and careful hygiene after surgery.

Elevated temperature contributes to the formation of three-day venous edema in the operated tissues. The use of physiotherapy procedures (microcurrent, magnet), local cooling of tissues reduces swelling.

Active sun. A high UV index in combination with open clothing are unfavorable conditions for the formation of pigmentation in the scar area; in order not to cause excessive pigmentation, it is recommended to use cosmetics with SPF protection factors for up to 6 months and wear closed clothing. Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system. Patients with hypertension and other cardiac diseases find it difficult to tolerate heat, and surgery creates additional stress on the body. The solution is careful preparation and correction of the condition in the preoperative period, consultation with a cardiologist, and taking medications.

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