27 stars who have had breast augmentation and don't hide it

Why is mammoplasty so popular? This is primarily due to the fact that women's breasts are constantly undergoing changes. The shape and size of the breasts are influenced by hormones, the monthly cycle, pregnancy, lactation and, of course, the aging process. The breast is one of the first to undergo gravitational ptosis (sagging), which can only be dealt with with the help of a plastic surgeon’s scalpel.

However, it is not only ptosis that pushes women to desire changes. Many people simply don't like the appearance of their breasts or their asymmetry (although this is not that uncommon). It is especially frustrating for women if their breasts barely reach size 1.

Such stars as Sarah Jessica Parker, Salma Hayek, Nicole Kidman, Blake Lively, Scarlett Johansson, Megan Fox can boast of successful mammoplasty. Breast augmentation helped each of them gain more beautiful and sexy forms, which celebrities gladly demonstrate on the carpets of various awards and festivals, wearing tight-fitting outfits with a deep neckline. Let's talk in more detail about some Russian and foreign stars.

Dana Borisova

TV presenter Dana Borisova became one of the first Russian stars to have breast augmentation and talk about it out loud. “After I corrected the shape of my breasts, I got an amazing cover in a men's magazine, which I really treasure. And I’m proud that, finally, at 37 years old, I was able to afford such a worthy photo shoot. I understand that I got on the cover of a men’s glossy magazine thanks to my new forms.”

Victoria Beckham

At the age of 17, the girl had a bust of the third size, but after significant weight loss there was practically nothing left of her natural beauty. Those who saw the heyday of the Spice Girls remember Victoria with small girlish breasts of the first size, which greatly upset the singer.

Victoria Beckham first thought about mammoplasty after the birth of her first child. Then Victoria went under the surgeon’s knife twice more to achieve the shape she dreamed of. But after some time, when her musical career was long behind her and all her energy was devoted to developing a clothing brand, Victoria suddenly realized that in business circles with large breasts she would not be taken seriously, so she again decided to undergo mammoplasty - and reduced her breasts by two sizes.

Then there was another breast correction, followed by another... According to experts, in total, Victoria Beckham altered her breasts five times: either increasing or decreasing the size. As a result, the trendsetter settled on the second size and seems to be happy with the result so far.


“When I breastfed my first child, I was left with a “minus first” size, I was very complex then... My husband was against the operation, he said that he was absolutely happy with everything about me. It took me two years to make up my mind and think.” The singer also admitted that the rehabilitation period was not easy, but now she is proud of her shape. Natalie chose small implants.

Renee Zellweger

still from the film “Bridget Jones's Diary”/ Fotodom/REX

The charming blonde fatty from the film “Bridget Jones's Diary” never neglected the help of modern advances in plastic surgery. At one time, she underwent such a careful and optimally selected adjustment of the size and shape of her breasts that even the ubiquitous paparazzi did not immediately realize that the star had undergone plastic surgery. Approximately, mammoplasty was performed between 2005 and 2006, but no one can say the exact date, the intervention went so quietly. For a long time there were rumors that Miss Zellweger had to resort to the services of plastic surgery because of filming in that same “Bridget Jones’s Diary”. The actress had to gain weight to play the main character. Such experiments with oneself could not help but affect the chest in the most indelicate way. Therefore, the surgeon’s help came in very handy. The volume of Rene's breasts has remained virtually unchanged, but the shape has become more neat and attractive.

Oksana Samoilova

Dzhigan’s wife and mother of three children also does not hide the fact of the operation and even justifies her position: “The breasts were also done by me and this is a billion times better than everything stretched and sagging after childbirth. Every normal girl/woman wants to become better, more beautiful, sexier and this is an absolutely healthy normal desire. How to achieve a comfortable state for ourselves is up to us to decide.”

If you, like the heroes of today’s selection, dream of beautiful breasts, come to us for a free consultation with experienced surgeons! Our clinic performs all types of mammoplasty, including tubular breast correction.

Demmy Moor

Demi Moore in a photo shoot by R. Shoshana (1984), still from the film “Striptease”

If you have ever been interested in the early filmography or photographs of the young Demi, you have probably noticed that her forms cannot be called outstanding in her youth. At the age of 18-19, Demi’s breasts were quite small, even of very modest volume. But after she turned twenty, the star began to prefer low-necked dresses that favorably emphasized her new shape and breast size. Many people remember the famous film “Striptease,” where Moore shone with breast implants already installed.

2017 Fotodom/REX

However, the celebrity’s shape did not look very natural due to the implants being too spherical. Demi quickly realized that she had seriously missed the mark with her form. Therefore, the star again turned to the services of plastic surgeons. As a result, unnatural spherical implants were replaced with neat, anatomical ones. Now Demi Moore's breasts look more natural and attractive.

Miranda Kerr

Source: @the_most_beautiful_girls_only_ / @peopletalkru
In 2014, rumors appeared that the model had decided to undergo breast augmentation. They were provoked by new photos from the Vanity Fair party, where she appeared in a dress with a deep neckline. If the photographs of 2008 clearly show that Miranda's bust is size one, now it is close to size three. Articles about Kerr's plastic surgery immediately appeared in the media, but her relatives denied this information.

In the case of Miranda, experts do not rule out that pregnancy and childbirth could have affected breast volume. The model has three children. She gave birth to her eldest son, Flynn, in 2011, her middle son, Hart, in 2022, and her youngest, Miles, in 2019. It is difficult to judge from the photographs, but in some of them the model could be pregnant, which is why the breasts appear larger.

Paris Hilton's breasts are too "silicone"

One of the richest women on the planet has undergone several plastic surgeries. But if rhinoplasty and eyelid correction were successful, something went wrong with mammoplasty. They say that the difference is so noticeable that you can’t help but notice it.

Previously, Paris Hilton had miniature breasts, but due to the installed implants, their size became much larger. Paris is a real maximalist, so she chose the largest volume, which is completely unsuitable for her fragile physique.

Salma Hayek

Source: @salmahayek
Comparing photos from the late 90s with recent ones, fans of the actress note that her breasts have increased from size three to size five. This could be attributed to weight gain, but Salma is still as slim as ever and boasts a thin waist. This gave rise to gossip that Hayek had implants.

The actress denies plastic surgery. She claims that she inherited her large bust from her grandmother, and it increased even more due to pregnancy and childbirth. However, her arguments are not believed.

Ekaterina Strizhenova

At 50 years old, Catherine boasts a beautiful bust. And this despite having two daughters! But this is not a matter of heredity and sports; the TV presenter’s secret is breast augmentation, which she had done in 2000, immediately after her second birth. Many envious people predicted the end of the girl’s career, but the producers were sympathetic to Catherine’s plastic surgery, and we see her on television to this day.


Author: Svetlana Sergienko

Kris Jenner

Another mother-heroine is actress Kris Jenner. The girl gave birth to six children, but her breasts lost their beautiful appearance only after the birth of her fourth child. The first mammoplasty was in 1987, and almost thirty years later, Chris had another operation - artificial implants were removed from her breasts, and the skin of her bust was tightened.

10 Hollywood stars who have had breast augmentation (11 photos)

10. Kaley Cuoco

The star of the popular sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” Kaley Cuoco is one of the few Hollywood stars who honestly, without prevarication, admits that she had plastic surgery. Moreover, Cuoco claims that breast augmentation at the age of 18 is the best decision she has made in her life. And indeed, with the shape that she had while working on the comedy series “8 Simple Rules for My Teenage Daughter’s Friend,” the actress would hardly have made it into “The Big Bang Theory,” where she was primarily required to irresistible sex appeal.

9. Anna Faris

In 2008, Scary Movie star Anna Faris played a Playboy girl in the comedy The Boys Like It. The comedian liked the way she looked on screen so much that she decided to adjust her appearance in accordance with how she was dressed and made up. So Faris got implants and pumped silicone into her lips. Over time, the actress regretted the lip augmentation, but she is still happy with the new breast size. Unlike most of her colleagues, she is not embarrassed to admit that she has changed herself.

8. Rosario Dawson

"Latin" star of "Men in Black 2" and "Sin City" Rosario Dawson made a splash in 2012 when she appeared in public with new breasts that had increased by a couple of sizes. Soon after, Dawson landed a recurring role in Marvel's comic television series for Netflix (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, etc.). Apparently, her decision was correct - the comic role required a comic appearance.

7. Sarah Jessica Parker

Former star of the cult TV series “Sex and the City” Sarah Jessica Parker likes to talk about her “natural” appearance. Indeed, Parker does not look quite standard, but this does not mean that surgeons and cosmetologists did not touch her body. When you study her photographs, you can see that she had her nose fixed, Botox done, and her breasts enlarged somewhat.

6. Salma Hayek

When the Mexican actress Salma Hayek, who was registered in Hollywood, was once directly asked why her breasts, which at the beginning of her career were very modest, at a certain point increased sharply and became one of the largest in Hollywood, the star replied that she prayed to Jesus, and a miracle happened . We will not argue whether this is possible, but we note that it is much more likely that a good surgeon helped Hayek. However, God's help is still a targeted breast enlargement, so the star is suitable for our list in any case.

5. Kate Hudson

When How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days star Kate Hudson's career began to decline in the late 2000s, the actress had her breasts enlarged. The change was small and noticeable only upon careful comparison of photographs. Probably, Hudson wanted not so much to change as to psychologically support herself in a difficult moment. It is difficult to say whether this helped her as a woman, but as an actress, “plastic” did not help her much. Hudson still acts, but in less high-profile roles than before.

4. Demi Moore

Years of working in Hollywood have given Spook star Demi Moore an “extreme obsession” with her body. These are her own words, and she admits that she has tried to manage her appearance in a variety of ways, including breast augmentation surgery and a breast lift. As far as we know, Moore got implants while preparing to film Striptease. This can be considered the female analogue of those stories when male actors radically lose weight or gain weight for the sake of a role. Unfortunately for the actress, none of the operations and procedures brought her complete self-confidence.

3. Anne Hathaway

The star of “The Devil Wears Prada” and “Les Miserables” Anne Hathaway became famous for having a “boyish” figure. It seems that at some point she got tired of it. Now she can boast of a third breast size, and, apparently, this is the merit of surgeons, not Mother Nature. However, the work was done very carefully, and this allows Hathaway not to admit that she changed her body. In addition to the actress's breasts, surgeons also slightly corrected her nose.

2. Nicole Kidman

When you compare photographs of Australian-Hollywood star Nicole Kidman taken throughout her career, it is sometimes difficult to believe that this is the same woman. Of course, age changes people, but it is obvious that the doctors also worked hard on the Oscar winner and ex-wife of Tom Cruise. There is even an opinion that everything that surgeons did to Kidman could have cost her a million dollars! In 2014, she added breast augmentation to her list of corrections, but two years later she paid to have her implants removed. She was rumored to be terrified of the long-term consequences of breast augmentation, which could lead to an early death. Kidman has two young daughters and doesn't want them to lose their mom before they become mothers themselves.

1. Angelina Jolie

Until 2013, we could only speculate about the extent to which Lara Croft: Tomb Raider star Angelina Jolie's appearance was created by surgeons. Now we know for sure that in 2013, Jolie underwent a double mastectomy (breast removal) to prevent the development of breast cancer, to which she was genetically predisposed. So her current breasts are largely the work of plastic surgeons.

Drew Barrymore


This charming actress stands out somewhat from the line of other celebrities who turned to surgeons to enlarge their naturally small shapes. Nature has not deprived Drew: the girl has an impressive fourth breast size, and her own, her own. But, as the actress herself always said, she does not get any pleasure from this fact. In fact, large breasts can actually be a terrible problem, as they place excessive and completely unnecessary strain on your back and shoulders. Problems with the spine are a significant enough threat to require breast reduction surgery. Which is what Drew Barrymore did. And, I must say, this operation did not spoil her at all. Cute and snug, the size 2 fits Drew's attractive figure perfectly. And the actress herself has repeatedly admitted that she does not regret her decision.

Christina Ricci


Another Hollywood celebrity who behaved unconventionally. Like Drew Barrymore, Christina by nature had a very large bust with an overall slim, even slender figure. Christina herself always believed that these two parameters are completely incompatible. In addition, the girl categorically did not like the fact that when communicating with her, male persons preferred to look into the eyes of the actress, and in the neckline. Therefore, Miss Ricci also chose to turn to plastic surgery. Moreover, Christina did this at the height of the “silicon boom”, when not only Hollywood celestials, but ordinary girls were queuing up for bust enlargement. Of course, the actress’s decision only benefited her. Cute, neat breasts of the correct shape and optimal size fit perfectly with her slender, fragile figure. All that remains is to express our respect to both Christina herself and her surgeon!

Kate Hudson

Source: @gofree.ru / @katehudson
The actress still claims that her bust has increased naturally with age. But many surgeons disagree with her. They recall Hudson’s own words in the early 2000s that her “zero” size caused her complexes. Kate always envied those women who looked perfect in low-cut dresses.

However, at the age of 30, Kate herself could already boast of a second size bust and an ideal shape. Experts believe that this could not have happened without implants. However, if there was an operation, it was done very delicately.

Anna Khilkevich

The star of the Russian television series “Univer” at the beginning of her career was the owner of breast size 1. However, after the birth of her daughter, the actress’s bust became lush and elastic. Anna herself complained to her fans that she had gained about 10 kilograms during her pregnancy, and after losing weight, her already small breasts became completely unsexy. Now the actress is expecting a baby again, but she is no longer worried about the shape of her breasts; they are perfectly supported by silicone implants.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Source: @rosiehw
The model also denies that she went to a plastic surgeon, but observant fans compare her photos from different periods in a swimsuit and note the difference. Moreover, changes occurred recently – after 2015. Let us remind you that the model became a mother in 2022. This led experts to believe that after giving birth, Rosie could have undergone a breast lift with the installation of implants to eliminate ptosis of the mammary glands. As you breastfeed (and sometimes as you age), your breasts may lose firmness. The model recently admitted in an interview that after giving birth, her figure changed, and she has not yet fully come to terms with it.

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