Girl's breasts: signs and stages of growth. When does a girl's breasts begin to grow, at what age?

In modern society, female breasts are one of the symbols of sexuality. If breasts do not grow in adolescents, this leads to psychological problems that persist into adulthood. Subjective assessment of one's own appearance and possible ridicule from boys can significantly undermine self-esteem. Therefore, during preventive examinations, parents and the gynecologist must correlate the girl’s age and the nature of breast changes. Lack of growth at the age of 15-16 years requires active diagnosis and treatment.

At what age do girls' breasts begin to grow?

A schoolgirl may have her first crush. There is no erotic connotation here, but there is a sexual connotation - the girl begins to identify herself as a future woman.

Before this change affected mainly the psychological sphere, but now the little woman is already trying to master the role that she will have to play throughout her life. In boys, there is no such clear boundary before puberty.

During adolescence, a girl begins to identify herself as a woman

A girl’s sexual development is associated not only with self-determination, but also with those psychological and physiological issues that she will have to resolve. For example, developing the necessary hygiene skills.

Mothers of girls often wonder when will their daughter start to grow breasts? Is it too late? Isn't this happening too early? Is it necessary to consult a doctor?

The emergence of such questions is not uncommon due to changes in the timing and pace of puberty in girls, as well as the likelihood of specific problems arising.

Many women, being teenagers themselves, did not focus on this, because everything went on as usual. But if we are talking about our own child, then it is important to promptly identify disorders associated with the achievement of biological maturity in order to begin treatment.

What changes occur in the body of a teenage girl? Puberty is preceded by a period of two years of active growth. The onset of the first menstrual cycle indicates the girl's puberty. However, this is not related to age.

Most girls enter puberty at age 11. A girl's first period begins only at the age of 13. But there are exceptions: a girl can reach biological maturity at 8-9 years old, or the process is delayed until the age of 13.

Girls reach biological maturity at 11-13 years old

Sometimes biological maturity occurs at 7 years of age or only at 15 years of age. Achieving puberty at an earlier or later age is not associated with dysfunction of the endocrine glands. They just have a different, individual “schedule” of work, which is inherited from their parents.

The girl begins to grow rapidly (up to 8-10 cm per year). Body weight also increases (from 5 to 9 kg), but the girl does not gain weight. A good appetite keeps pace with active growth.

A number of changes occur in the girl’s body

Other changes are associated with this period: the girl notices that her mammary glands have enlarged. At the first stage, you can visually detect a slight protrusion of the isola. After this, the mammary gland takes on the appropriate shape.

During the first year, the shape of the mammary gland is conical. But as menstruation approaches, breasts become more rounded. After the development of the mammary gland begins, the girl begins to develop hair in the genital area and in the armpits.

The process of formation of the mammary gland, or scientifically “thelarche,” lasts several years and is divided into stages. The size and shape of the breasts are determined by the genetic predisposition of the girl. But there are factors influencing the development of girl’s breasts:

  • girl's health level
  • nutritional pattern
  • heredity (the shape and size of the breasts mainly depends on the mother’s genes, the genetics of the father’s or mother’s relatives)
  • constitutional features (petite girls cannot have large breasts, large girls have larger breasts)
  • body weight (while gaining kilograms, a girl may notice that her breasts are increasing in size, and weight loss diets can negatively affect the normal formation of the mammary glands, since breast volume is directly related to the amount of fat deposits in the body)
  • An active lifestyle and regular exercise strengthen the fat ligaments, which tightens the adjacent muscles. The breasts are visually enlarged, which improves their shape. However, it is impossible to increase breast size by doing exercises, since there are no muscles in the mammary gland itself
  • level of hormones in the blood (hormonal levels can change at different periods of life. This process is influenced by puberty and the menstrual cycle). After taking hormonal drugs, breasts may begin to increase in size, but this effect is temporary. Stopping taking hormonal drugs will cause the breasts to return to their previous size and shape.

It is impossible to increase breast size only through physical exercise.
Poor health, lack of appetite, or, conversely, excess weight will contribute to the size and shape of the breast. Glandular tissue is not characterized by development, therefore, with excess weight, the breasts sag and lose their elasticity.

When to start wearing a bra

Of course, every girl wants to feel like an adult as soon as possible, and use not only lipstick, but also wear underwear, especially since now the choice is huge. As a rule, girls begin to feel discomfort from the age of eight, this applies to their stay on the beach in only panties. They often refuse to swim altogether. In this case, a set of a top and panties or a one-piece children's swimsuit will help.

In everyday life, T-shirts are needed for girls starting from the age of 8, even if there is no hint of breasts yet. In the future, bras in the form of tops, a kind of bras without wires and excessively thin straps, will be an excellent option.

As soon as the girls' breasts develop to the first size, they need a regular, as they say, women's bra. You need to choose it with obligatory fitting in order to make the right choice and avoid such troubles as deformation of the papillae and problems with the mammary glands. Of course, underwear should be made from natural materials.

How girls' breasts grow: pictures

During puberty, significant changes occur in a girl’s body; under the influence of hormones, the breasts enter the stage of active growth.

At this time, the girl may notice that her mammary glands are swollen. The maturation and growth of the mammary gland depend on the girl’s age and are divided into several active periods:

  • 9-10 years – the phase of progression of mammary gland growth is caused, first of all, by the unexpressed flat shape of the gland, which is no different from the male one. Girls whose puberty begins early notice swelling of the nipples and redness of the skin around the areola

Puberty can occur very early, and this is not a deviation from the norm

  • 10-12 years - the beginning of growth and formation of the mammary gland upon entering the phase of puberty (breast enlargement is accompanied by painful or unpleasant sensations, and due to stretching of the skin, itching and burning appears): the nipples take on an oval round shape, and the breasts become elastic and soft . Girls with a later period of puberty are characterized by thickening of the mammary glands, and changes in the shape of the breast do not occur
  • the beginning of the first menstruation - pain is felt on the sides of the mammary glands, the nipples become larger, and their pigmentation increases. During this period, the girl’s hormonal background is formed, therefore the schedule for the onset of menstruation may be disrupted.

The mammary gland at this stage has a conical shape, which will gradually become round. The areola darkens, and the contour around the nipple may become covered with red spots. This is not a pathology, but a normal phenomenon, so there is no need to rush to the doctor

  • 14-15 years – the phase of active growth of the mammary gland and the percentage increase in connective tissue. Reproductive age is approaching, and the girl may be bothered by discomfort and a feeling of compression in the mammary glands. This occurs due to the rapid growth of ducts in the chest. A girl's bust can increase literally overnight, and the pain is felt more and more intensely
  • 14.5 – 15 years – peak growth of the mammary gland. Now the shape of the breast has finally formed: the girl’s mammary glands and areola are round, the nipple is not extended

Developmental anomalies

In rare cases, the cause of slow breast growth or complete lack of growth is disturbances in the structure of this organ in the embryonic period. Many organs have common rudiments, which either originate from the same embryonic tissue or appear under the influence of the same type of influence. When one organ is abnormal, changes may occur in other organs. Therefore, congenital breast malformations, which are not life-threatening and are a cosmetic defect, can be supplemented by anomalies in the kidneys and reproductive organs. Disturbances from other systems and organs are sometimes asymptomatic, but in some cases require surgical correction.

Atelia and amastia

If a girl does not have one breast, it may be because she was born with a breast deficiency. This condition is called amastia. Sometimes the disease is bilateral. Atelia is the absence of one or two nipples. The causes of the pathology have not been studied. However, it is assumed that during embryonic development there was a pronounced androgenic effect, which led to the resorption of tissue of the future mammary gland.

Treatment is carried out only by surgery. It should not be performed until the age of 17, and in some cases doctors recommend waiting until age 21. If the second breast is preserved, plastic surgery is based on its size, shape and location.

The operation is performed using the patient's own tissue. The mammary gland is formed from the lobe of the transverse abdominal muscle. If this is not enough, a silicone prosthesis is installed. For girls with a very slender physique, only implants are used. To do this, the skin is first stretched by inserting a small prosthesis.

The results are initially very good. However, age-related changes in the breasts affect symmetry (if plastic surgery was only on one side). Therefore, corrective intervention may be required over time.

Nipple reconstruction is also performed surgically. This is just a cosmetic correction of the defect. After birth, the baby should not be fed from this breast. For reconstruction, various types of transverse incisions are used in the area of ​​the future nipple. The opposite nipple is usually too large so its tissue can be used during surgery, or the new nipple is a flap of skin taken from the thigh.

Surgery to recreate the areola and nipple is often combined with tattooing the area to imitate the desired color of the tissue.


This condition is the result of underdevelopment of the mammary gland. When assessed from the outside, its parameters do not fit into the minimum volume of 250 ml. However, it is worth considering the girl’s posture, general body type and build. Often the diagnosis of hypoplasia is subjective and based on the opinion of the patient, her parents, partner or doctor.

When implanting prostheses, strict indications should be observed, because hypoplasia is a variant of individual development, and not an anomaly.

In some cases, temporary breast enlargement can be achieved through hormonal treatment. For this purpose, estrogen injections are used in combination with hydroxyprogesterone. Under the influence of hormonal treatment, you can get a 30% increase in volume. However, after the end of therapy, this size returns to the original size.

Hormonal therapy should not be used between the ages of 12 and 14 years, when active growth is occurring. High doses of estrogen lead to premature ossification of the epiphyses, and growth in length stops. This procedure may be performed before prosthetic implants are implanted to assess whether it is necessary or can be avoided.

The optimal age for surgical correction is after 21 years. This is not only a time of full physical maturity. Mentally mature girls in old age are able to objectively assess their appearance and do not depend on the opinions of other people about undergoing surgery.

Tubular glands

In very rare cases, breast growth stops at some stage, but takes the form of a tube. In this case, the glandular tissue is located only in the area under the nipple, which explains this appearance. This anomaly is bilateral. This cannot be corrected spontaneously.

The causes of tubular proliferation are unknown. According to the Turner classification, the oil seal corresponds to B4.

Treatment is surgical after reaching full puberty. It is not always possible to achieve good cosmetic results through surgery. Different doctors use different methods:

  • Installation of silicone implants;
  • Reducing the size of the areola, which optically smoothes out the irregular shape of the gland;
  • Plastic surgery of own tissues taken from the rectus abdominis muscle.

However, the use of transplants does not always provide a good cosmetic effect. Sometimes scar tissue can distort the appearance, sometimes the scars are very noticeable.

In some cases, it may be helpful to wear special shapewear before puberty, which can affect the shape of the developing gland.

Asymmetry of development

Typically, the left and right halves of the human body are not completely symmetrical. In women, the left gland is often slightly larger than the right one. The difference in volume up to 50 ml is almost indistinguishable visually. If the difference in volume is more significant, the IT ratio and the desire to correct it is subjective. It depends on the girl’s self-esteem, her own perception of her body.

Asymmetry of the nipple glands

A significant difference in volume leads to uneven loading of the skeleton, which is an absolute indication for surgery. Otherwise, wait until you're 21.

The choice of surgical treatment depends on the size of the outlet of each breast. If one breast is significantly larger than the other, he resorts to reducing it to a comparable size to the opposite side.

If one breast is a hipoplasty, an implant is implanted. This method allows you to preserve the functions of the mammary gland.

Poland syndrome

Sometimes congenital anomalies are a combination of several diseases. Polda's team is a unilateral hypoplasia of the gland and nipple with disorders of their pigmentation. Additional changes on other organs:

  • Larger muscular applause is larger;
  • Symbachidal, complete or partial congenital catching of the arms or legs, observed on the same side as the nipples;
  • APLASA kidneys on the same side - the organ is presented as an unresolved embryo.

Correction of diseases is carried out surgically. In order to equalize the size of the nipples, silicone prostheses are used. As far as possible, other developmental irregularities are also corrected.

In a funky-shaped chest, there is a decrease in the size of the nipple gland. This pathology rarely causes lung or heart dysfunction and is often only cosmetic. Therefore, in most cases it is sufficient to fill the damaged part of the breast with the patient’s own tissue or artificial materials. However, in 5% of cases, doctors must resort to the chest skeleton of the chest.

Reducing breast size is not always a pathology. Sometimes impaired perception of your own body does not require surgery. In such cases, girls, especially at an age when surgery is not yet possible, need to undergo a series of sessions with a psychologist or psychotherapist to learn how to perceive their reflection in the mirror.

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Until what age do girls develop breasts?

It should be remembered that each girl develops individually, therefore the phases of breast growth may occur earlier or later, which does not affect health and reproductive functions. A girl should accept her characteristics as a fact, not have complexes and not look at stereotypes, but enjoy every stage of growing up.

Breast growth phases may occur earlier or later

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how old breasts grow. One thing can only be stated: the mammary gland begins to grow in girls at the age of 9-10, and is finally formed only by the age of 20.

Heredity will help you navigate this issue: if the mother (grandmother, aunt) has a mammary gland formed by the age of 18, then the daughter’s growth phases will repeat in the same sequence.

A family survey will help determine the approximate timing, from which it will become clear what shape the mammary gland will be. Size may be affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding at the age of 18-20 years.

Other factors influencing the achievement of the final breast shape:

  • nationality
  • body structure
  • girl's health
  • location

This is interesting: women living in the East and South are characterized by more active growth rates and reaching reproductive age. Girls who lack exercise in their lives may notice that their breasts grow too slowly.

physical exercise contributes to the normal development of the mammary gland. The
normal development of the female breast is also influenced by good nutrition, which is the basis for the formation of the general background and processes associated with the growth of the mammary gland.

Contrary to popular belief, frequent consumption of legumes and cabbage will not help a thin girl gain a full bust.

Mammary glands: beginning and completion of development

When discussing how breasts grow: stages of development and how to influence them, you need to understand that there is no clear framework for a particular period.

So, in some girls, the mammary glands can change by the age of 9, while in others - only by the age of 14. The process of the beginning of mammary gland growth is influenced by heredity, lifestyle and physique characteristics, as well as sports.

As a rule, by the age of 16, girls turn into girls with a feminine silhouette and clear breast contours.

Doctors agree that, in general, breasts grow within four years from the start of menstruation. After the period of breast growth is completed, the body is ready for reproductive functions.

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