Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

Consultation with plastic surgeons with over 20 years of experience – free! Sign up by phone. Waiting for you! Every woman in any era wants to look beautiful and attractive, enjoy her shape, and see the admiring glances of others. Today, with the development of plastic surgery, various operations and procedures aimed at correcting the face and body are becoming more and more accessible. One of these popular plastic body contouring surgeries among women and men is abdominoplasty.

Indications for abdominoplasty:

  • Weakening and stretching of the anterior abdominal wall as a result of pregnancy;
  • A sharp change in body weight and, as a result, a discrepancy between skin contractility and weight change;
  • Presence of hernias of the anterior abdominal wall.

The main indications are aesthetic, namely violation of the relief of the anterior abdominal wall

. The cause of this may be, for example, obesity, but most often problems arise after childbirth. The desire to be beautiful and young is inherent in a person, and in youth clothing there is no place for canopies, everything is tight, open, short - the same jeans with a low waist. After childbirth, depression may develop due to the fact that the patient cannot put on certain clothes.

As for visible problems, most often there are two of them: the presence of stretch marks and sagging skin apron

, that is, the subcutaneous fat layer. Many other problems can be identified during the operation itself, so the qualifications of the doctor are extremely important, and the clinic must have everything necessary to carry out a more advanced operation. Because behind this fat apron, possible hernias are not visible, which requires another operation to remove hernias inside the operation.

Surgical abdominoplasty has several options for performing the operation. The choice of method depends on the constitutional characteristics of a particular patient and the goals that he sets for himself. For example, the choice of tummy tuck procedure for young women who have not given birth and for older patients may differ.

Contraindications to abdominoplasty

This operation is sometimes very lengthy, so we take into account all generally recognized contraindications, namely: systemic diseases in an uncompensated form

, for example, diseases of the heart, kidneys, respiratory tract, endocrine diseases, in the presence of which the risk of surgery is high. It must be remembered that such an operation, no matter what it is, is an aesthetic operation, and it can only be done if all possible risks to the life and health of the patient are completely eliminated. If there is a risk, albeit small, then not a single surgeon or anesthesiologist will give consent to perform the operation.

How to choose a technique? Types of operations

Surgical tummy tuck allows you to correct deficiencies that cannot be eliminated with exercise and diet. For example, when the skin “apron” does not go away after childbirth or weight loss, in elderly patients who are unable to engage in intense physical exercise. All types of operations can be divided into three types: classic tummy tuck, mini abdominoplasty and endoscopic abdominoplasty.

The first option involves the most extensive intervention (removing a flap of skin, subcutaneous fat, moving the navel, etc.). This is the method most often used to perform abdominoplasty. The other two types, mini abdominoplasty and endoscopic abdominoplasty, are designed for more localized correction. Thus, mini abdominoplasty is suitable when the patient does not have excess tissue above the navel, and endoscopic abdominoplasty does not involve the removal of excess skin at all and is performed on patients who are not satisfied with the bulging of the anterior abdominal wall.

Bakirkhanov S.K. comments: It is very rare, but it still happens that after childbirth there are no skin stretch marks, no stretch marks, and the skin on the abdomen is smooth, intact, only the subcutaneous fat layer is present. As a rule, in this case, you can limit yourself to conventional liposuction. But the operation itself almost always includes liposuction. Further options are possible: from mini-abdominoplasty, in which a small skin flap is selected and the seam is hidden in the underwear line, to extended abdominoplasty

, during which all the tissues move, which sometimes leads to the need to move the navel, to the appearance of, in addition to a horizontal, also a vertical incision. But in general, it is necessary to create a beautiful relief.

The choice of technique is influenced, first of all, by the condition of the abdominal tissues and the vision of the surgeon. If some “brokenness” of the skin is accentuated below the navel, then mini-abdominoplasty is sufficient. When there are much more postpartum stretch marks, mini-abdominoplasty will not give the desired effect. Therefore, we have to do an extended operation. Unfortunately, today there is no technique that could remove stretch marks (stretch marks) without surgery. As a result of these tears, the skin of the abdomen loses its elasticity. Therefore, if there are stretch marks, conventional liposuction is not enough to make the skin shrink and return to its previous position.

Abdominoplasty allows

  • Improve the shape of the abdomen and waist;
  • Eliminate the skin-fat “apron”
  • Improve skin condition;
  • Eliminate sagging skin, stretch marks (striae), hernias.
  • Strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Indications and contraindications

Abdominoplasty is a fairly serious surgical procedure. Its implementation, unlike many cosmetic procedures and minor operations, is possible only if there are certain indications. Basically, abdominoplasty is recommended for the following pathologies:

  1. Diastasis. Many young mothers are faced with the problem of “pregnant” forms after childbirth, which are not eliminated with the help of physical activity and diets. The cause is stretching of the abdominal muscles along the white line. Only tummy tuck will help eliminate it.
  2. Dramatic weight loss. I recommend surgical correction to those who have lost a large percentage of excess weight. If you have suffered from obesity for a long time and have suddenly lost weight, it is often not possible to notice this externally due to the large number of folds. Removing excess skin and fat will demonstrate your efforts aimed at creating an ideal body.
  3. Presence of a hernia. Classic abdominoplasty is used to suture the hernial ring with tightening of soft tissues and preserve the navel.

Attention! Extreme obesity is not an indication for which a visit to a surgeon is practiced. This condition is often the reason for refusal of surgery.

In Moscow, I spent more than 50,000 hours in the operating room, and sometimes I have to refuse people surgery. Any surgical manipulation will be dangerous if the following conditions are detected:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • neoplasms;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory processes of a systemic or local nature;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • immunodeficiency states.

It is worth remembering that the possibility of prompt action is determined individually. At the initial consultation, I listen to the patient’s wishes, conduct an examination, collect anamnesis and prescribe a list of necessary diagnostic procedures:

  • urine and blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • fluorography.

I always offer the most optimal method of performing an operation, because I understand that each situation requires an individual approach.

Technique of the operation

The operation can be performed under either local or general anesthesia (depending on the qualifications of the doctor and anesthesiologist). Epidural (spinal) anesthesia is used as local anesthesia. The most extensive operation is carried out using the so-called “anchor” technology, when the incisions form a kind of anchor. Let us explain, during the operation the navel is moved, the skin is pulled down and a horizontal scar is formed, and the waist is formed - for this a vertical incision is also made. This is a classic option, but there are other techniques. Sometimes broken skin allows you to perform surgery with navel transfer without a vertical incision (if everything is fine in the waist area). In this case, the seam will be only around the navel and horizontal, running along the bikini line. Mini abdominoplasty involves only a horizontal scar, the navel is not affected. Sometimes it is also necessary to suture the muscle frame (also in order to create a waist). With such a volume of surgery, physical activity on the abs should be limited for 3-4 months. With classical surgery, the muscle frame is not affected, and after a month and a half you can already train.

How is tummy tuck performed?

The surgeon’s work takes from 2 to 4 hours, depending on individual characteristics. First, I apply special markings, and the anesthesiologist administers anesthesia (general anesthesia). I perform surgical access in the suprapubic region. Next, I eliminate imperfections layer by layer, shaping the abdominal area and waist. In the operating room, drainage tubes are installed to drain fluid and bandages are applied.

The patient is in the hospital for one or two days, then he is recommended to stay at home and follow a gentle regimen. Next, it is enough to take care of the seam and avoid physical exertion. I personally monitor the condition of each patient. Firstly, this allows you to completely eliminate complications, and secondly, one of the most difficult plastic corrections is abdominoplasty.

In Moscow, I receive patients at a clinic equipped with modern medical equipment that allows us to successfully implement every stage of your transformation.

Application of the invisible seam technique:

When choosing a surgical technique, the vector of soft tissue stretch plays an important role. It depends on the direction in which the gradient of the tensile forces was applied. For example, during pregnancy, the abdominal stretch moves forward. And with general excess weight, the skin around the waist stretches more evenly around the entire perimeter. Based on this, the correction of postpartum consequences and the consequences of weight loss will be different.

At the Mont Blanc Clinic, this operation is performed by highly qualified surgeons using a hidden suture technique. A hidden cosmetic seam runs below the bikini line. Technically, it is performed in such a way that after a few months it becomes almost invisible.

The operation lasts 2-3 hours. It can be performed under both general and epidural anesthesia. The operation includes several stages: the surgeon mobilizes the skin and subcutaneous fat, strengthens the aponeurosis, performs hernia repair if necessary, shapes the waist, and moves the flap of tissue down. If necessary, the navel is also moved. This is done for aesthetic reasons, so as not to create a situation where the navel is located disproportionately low. Excess skin and subcutaneous fat are excised and a longitudinal suture is formed, which will subsequently be invisible under underwear or a swimsuit. At the final stage, subcutaneous drainages are placed to prevent the appearance of hematomas and seromas in the early postoperative period.

The operation represents a fairly extensive traumatic effect, so the patient must first be examined for the presence of systemic diseases and other contraindications.

Suture after abdominoplasty

Two factors influence how noticeable the scar will be after abdominoplasty. The second most important factor is the skill of the surgeon performing the operation. And the main factor is the patient’s personal characteristics of healing and scarring. If a keloid scar has formed (in the worst case scenario), this does not mean that the operation was performed poorly, it’s just that this is how a person’s body reacts, this is how any incision heals. But, as a rule, keloid scars are extremely rare, and if keloid disease exists, the patient already knows about it by the time he is ready for abdominoplasty and warns the doctor. Of course, this is one of the contraindications to abdominoplasty, as well as to any aesthetic surgery.

Price of the procedure

There is an opinion that plastic surgery is a very expensive field, the services of which are available only to the wealthiest people. Previously this was true, but today the situation has changed. Despite the fact that abdominoplasty is considered one of the most difficult aesthetic surgeries, its cost is not too high. The price depends on what exactly the surgeon will have to do to bring the stomach back to normal. Approximate prices are as follows:

  • abdominoplasty with suturing of diastasis and navel transfer – 180 thousand rubles;
  • mini abdominoplasty without suturing diastasis – 105 thousand rubles;
  • mini-abdominoplasty with suturing of diastasis below the navel – 135 thousand rubles;
  • hernioplasty (suturing of an umbilical hernia) – 30 thousand rubles.

You need to understand that the final figure will depend on many factors, including the characteristics and volume of the operation, the equipment used, the price of consumables, etc. In each case, the cost of correction of abdominal tissue is determined individually.

Hernia repair during abdominoplasty

Quite often, hernia repair is performed during surgery. The hernial orifice closes; if there are superficial adhesions, they are released; sometimes it is necessary to resort to the application of special meshes if the muscle itself is weak. However, in order to competently carry out all these procedures specifically for women, it is necessary to find out whether pregnancy is still planned and, if so, when, so that the operation does not interfere with this. Of course, it is possible to become pregnant and give birth after abdominoplasty, since all reproductive functions are preserved, but, as with any other operation, specialists must take everything into account.

Mesh implants for plastic surgery of the anterior abdominal wall

Mesh implants are used during surgery if there is flabbiness in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, then they serve to tighten the muscle. Muscle sagging is not always associated with a lack of physical activity; sometimes after childbirth, muscle loosening is observed. Implants of this kind, as a rule, do not dissolve.

Evaluation of abdominoplasty results

The first results of abdominoplasty can be assessed 1.5–2 weeks after correction of the abdominal shape. Until this moment, the patient is prevented from enjoying his new appearance by swelling, which is a natural reaction of the body to injury. The final desired changes are formed after 3–6 months, when the damage received during tissue tightening is completely healed.

The achieved result lasts indefinitely, provided that certain conditions are met: nutrition control, dynamic sports, and careful self-care. In the absence of physical activity and uncontrolled consumption of high-calorie foods, the tissues will sag again. To remove the belly, you will need a repeat abdominoplasty. In addition to the above, repeat surgery may be necessary for people who underwent facelift surgery 15–20 years ago. During this time, the abdomen may sag as a result of normal physiological processes. Unfortunately, none of us can avoid the changes associated with natural aging. But we have the power to eliminate their external consequences with the help of modern surgical techniques.

Rehabilitation period after surgery

After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital hospital for 3-4 days. On these days, examinations, dressings, and suture hygiene are carried out; After the specified period, the patient is discharged. Important requirements of the rehabilitation period are: wearing compression garments for the first 1-1.5 months after surgery, limiting any physical activity and warming procedures (bath, sauna, solarium) for 1.5 months. Scarring ends completely 6-8 months after surgery. Then you can evaluate the final result. To make the seam more invisible, you can subsequently tattoo this area.

Comments Bakirkhanov S.K.: After abdominoplasty, it is always necessary to wear compression garments; in some cases, in the postoperative period, it is advisable to add some physical therapy, perhaps even massage, so that the result is beautiful, with even, smooth contours. The stomach is not a face, the blood supply is not as strong, so the healing process takes longer. On average, the scar becomes light and beautiful in about six months.

Theoretical complications after surgery:

One of the unpleasant, unpredictable moments of abdominoplasty is the possibility of seromas: the formation of a certain cavity under the skin that is filled with tissue fluid. This is what may lead to a repeat operation. There are also possible complications that can occur with any other abdominal surgery - wound suppuration, bleeding, keloid scars... It is important to understand that this operation is surgery, so choose a specialist carefully and do not neglect his recommendations before and after the operation.

If any infection of the wound does occur, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.

Recovery period

For a certain period after surgical abdominoplasty, the patient must comply with the requirements of the recovery regime. To prevent the development of complications, it is recommended to avoid heavy physical labor for 3–5 months. At the same time, physical inactivity can be no less harmful. Moderate dynamic loads and daily walking are indicated, the duration of which increases as the sutures heal.

Attention! The performance of patients whose professional duties do not include heavy physical work is restored within 2 weeks after surgical correction of the abdomen.

To reduce swelling and provide additional support to tissues injured during abdominoplasty, compression garments are used. It is better if it is made of nylon or spandex. These materials provide an optimal degree of compression and are an auxiliary means of preventing certain complications. Underwear must be worn continuously for 2–4 weeks. From now on, you can only wear it when performing any work.

After a tummy tuck, you need to follow a diet. This is especially important in the first weeks, since poor nutrition can cause increased gas formation and increase the risk of unwanted reactions. After surgery, it is better to eat up to 6 times a day, in small portions. It is recommended to avoid consuming legumes, fresh cabbage, milk and kefir, carbonated drinks, and alcohol. Recommended are lean fish, soft-boiled eggs, omelettes, meat broths, meatballs and steamed cutlets.

Tummy tuck after childbirth

Postpartum surgery is not fundamentally different from classic abdominoplasty. Caesarean section is also not an indication or, conversely, an obstacle to abdominal surgery after childbirth, since obstetricians-gynecologists in this case work rather like plastic surgeons. They try to make the suture less noticeable, it heals beautifully, and the line along which a caesarean section is performed today is not only anatomically, but also aesthetically sound (and in fact, previously they used a vertical incision!). Plastic surgeons do not create a new scar during surgery after cesarean. The incision is either made along the line of an existing scar, or even lower to level out this scar. The scar from a caesarean section does not interfere with the operation.

Abdominoplasty after caesarean section

Bakirkhanov S.K. comments:

I would like to note that we are very happy for our obstetrician-gynecologist colleagues, as more and more often we come across their professionalism and high-quality work. Sometimes, even with pronounced excesses of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the abdominal area, you don’t want to touch the suture after a cesarean section, it is so beautifully and accurately made. I haven’t seen such ugly, dense, noticeable scars for a long time as I did 7-10 years ago. Nowadays obstetricians-gynecologists do very high-quality work. In general, abdominoplasty after a cesarean section is performed using the classical method; the main difference is that we also try to excise the scar after a cesarean section. But this is not always possible, since sometimes the amount of fabric does not allow. This applies to especially slender women who have excess only above the navel, so that there is no strong tension, there is no need to try to cut out this small neat seam. But, of course, if the fabric allows, we remove it.

Read more about abdominoplasty after childbirth >>

Tummy tuck in men

Not only women strive to look perfect. A beautiful figure is no less important for men. Particular attention is paid to appearance by politicians, businessmen, and artists, for whom impeccable forms are part of an image that brings dividends. Therefore, representatives of the stronger half of humanity are frequent guests at the plastic surgery center.

Beer belly, pathology after sudden weight loss, injuries that violate symmetry can be easily transformed with the help of tummy tuck. Abdominoplasty is just as popular among men as it is among women, but they are less likely to talk about it. The desire to look beautiful on the beach or near the pool is inherent in modern machos. They spare no time and money to ensure that the figure remains impeccably sculpted for as long as possible.

On a note!

Modern techniques have opened up free access to the wonders of plastic surgery to everyone. Statistics say that more than 60 percent of men agree to correct their appearance surgically, and 10 percent have already tried plastic surgery.

Age-related changes in the body that abdominoplasty can help cope with

The structural features of the female body are the distribution of fat deposits throughout the body. Therefore, numerous fat traps form folds and cause cellulite and the appearance of stretch marks. The male body is designed differently, so fat accumulates more in the abdominal area. With age, the beer belly becomes very noticeable, spoiling the topography of the body. Loss of plasticity of the muscle corset due to a passive lifestyle causes tissue divergence and the appearance of diastasis.

In the male half of the population, fat mass accumulates gradually. With age, the subcutaneous tissue accumulated on the abdomen is clearly distinguished by a solid abdomen. If you devote enough time to physical exercise from your youth and lead an active life, then men are not at risk of obesity. However, abuse of beer, alcohol, active smoking, inactive life, neglect of sports activities will make the body unattractive. Gradually, excess fat reserves push the muscle corset apart, hanging over the perineum like a skin apron. You can remove an unsightly apron with abdominoplasty.

Indications for tummy tuck in men

Having crossed the line of thirty years of age, the level of testosterone in every man gradually begins to decrease. Negative processes stimulate the accumulation of fat, which leads to the appearance of a voluminous belly. With minimal physical activity, rich, fatty foods, and alcohol abuse, excess fat appears in the abdominal area very quickly. However, for men, aesthetic problems rarely come first, which many calmly put up with.

Most often, representatives of the stronger half of humanity turn to the plastic surgery center for help for medical reasons.

  • Stretching the anterior abdominal wall increases the load on the diaphragm, making normal breathing difficult. Insufficient oxygen supply leads to the appearance of chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.
  • The type of construction of the male body with insufficient loads is predisposed to rapid weight gain due to low metabolism. In this case, it is difficult to lose weight through diet. The ideal option is to build muscle mass by removing excess fat through a tummy tuck.
  • Drivers suffer from progressive abdominal growth as they age. Constantly relaxed during long trips, the abs lose elasticity if you do not do several exercises daily to strengthen the muscle corset. The appearance of the abdomen can be quickly removed using abdominoplasty.
  • Abuse of beer leads to intensive production of excess estrogens. The male figure gradually takes on female outlines. The hips, buttocks, and abdomen increase in volume, and the breasts grow. Before going to a plastic surgery clinic, you need to consult an endocrinologist.

Any changes in your figure can be corrected by actively playing sports and adhering to a balanced diet. If excess subcutaneous fat causes chronic diseases, the help of a plastic surgeon is necessary.

Reasons that push men to turn to abdominoplasty specialists:

  • excessive stretching of the skin of the abdomen, the appearance of an unsightly apron covering the perineum;
  • muscle diastasis after wrestling, weightlifting;
  • ptosis that developed due to a sedentary lifestyle;
  • presence of traces of burns or previous abdominal surgeries.

Liposuction for men

Many people prefer liposuction to quickly see results. Using special cannulas inserted into the area where the fat trap is formed, the previously destroyed subcutaneous tissue is pumped out with a vacuum. Incisions made on the skin do not exceed 5 mm in length. Therefore, a long, complex rehabilitation process is not required.

The cosmetic procedure is not aimed at combating obesity, but at correcting cosmetic flaws in the figure. The maximum effect can be achieved by combining liposuction with abdominoplasty. The main thing after plastic surgery is to radically change your lifestyle, because otherwise all efforts will be in vain. The belly will quickly regain its previous volume, the waist will disappear, and flabby areas of skin will appear.

Male abdominoplasty

Large body weight and excess fat are contraindications for tummy tuck, as this is fraught with numerous complications. During the consultation, the patient will be referred for laboratory and instrumental tests. A special course of therapy and diet will be prescribed in order to lose excess weight as quickly as possible.

If there is more than 5 cm of subcutaneous fat, the risk of necrosis increases significantly. You will need to be prepared for patient treatment, accompanied by numerous restrictions, in order to achieve a lasting effect from plastic surgery.

The abdominoplasty method is chosen by the surgeon after he collects an anamnesis. Then the patient, together with the doctor, uses 3D graphics to model future changes in body contours. It is necessary to approach preparation wisely so that plastic surgery is as effective as possible without unexpected deviations. By strictly adhering to all the recommendations of the attending physician, observing the prescribed regimen, wearing a bandage, the patient will accelerate tissue regeneration and return to his normal lifestyle faster.

The plastic surgery center of Dr. Alexander Markushin has everything necessary to easily cope with any task. The doctor’s excellent professional training, modern equipment, and the latest developments guarantee excellent results for every visitor.

Repeated abdominoplasty

Plastic surgeons do not encounter revision abdominoplasty very often. The main advantage of this operation is that even if, in the opinion of the surgeon, the result is not ideal, the patient is still satisfied. Indications for reoperation are not uncommon. But the patient is not always ready to again decide on surgery and long rehabilitation. If the patient returns to the doctor again, it means he doesn’t like something. Either the condition of the scar - then you can excise it and make it thinner, or the aesthetic component of the abdomen - there are overhangs somewhere - in this case you can do a second operation. Maybe in this case a mini-abdominoplasty will be enough, because ultimately the result should satisfy not the doctor, but the patient. There are no restrictions on the number of repeated operations if the patient wishes - the skin can be stretched until the desired result is achieved. For medical reasons, repeated surgery is performed only in case of serious complications in the form of seromas.

Video review of a patient after surgery: extended abdominoplasty and thigh lift

Where is the best abdominoplasty for men in Moscow?

REFORMEN Plastic Surgery Center specializes in plastic surgery for men. Abdominoplasty is performed by world-class plastic surgeons - Professor S.N. Nesterov and Professor S.V. Gagarin. They have extensive and successful experience in performing such operations and are well versed in the peculiarities of male abdominoplasty.

Make an appointment with our specialists online or by phone.

We advise you to find out more:

  • About the doctor - Professor Nesterov Sergey Nikolaevich
  • Cost of abdominoplasty for men (price list)
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