Abdominoplasty: is there a possibility of replacing the operation?


A clear advantage of endoscopic abdominoplasty is a short rehabilitation period. The patient remains in the clinic for only a day. On the first day, a drainage is installed - a small tube through which the wound contents are drained. Drainage is a painless procedure, but effective from a preventive point of view. It prevents the appearance of seromas, hematomas, and wound suppuration.

A day later, the drainage is removed, the patient is bandaged and sent home. The first days you need to lead a calm lifestyle, eat light food. During this time, mild pain and discomfort may occur.

The primary rehabilitation period after endoscopic abdominoplasty is 2 weeks.

Strict restrictions are imposed during this period. You cannot play sports, you need to limit general physical activity, especially not strain your abdominal muscles. If you have a small child, you do not need to carry him in your arms, try not to lift him - entrust this to someone close to you. The same applies to lifting bags and other heavy objects.

The second limitation is the refusal of any procedures that stimulate swelling. The first two weeks after endoscopic abdominoplasty you cannot visit the bathhouse or sauna. Also, you don’t need to eat a lot of salty foods or drink at night. Salt retains water in the body, and in the first time after surgery, the main task is to prevent the occurrence of a hematoma. Therefore, unnecessary stimulating factors (warming up, drinking plenty of fluids) can aggravate the situation.

The result after endoscopic abdominoplasty will be noticeable immediately. Traces of punctures through which instruments and an endoscope were inserted will become almost invisible. If you are very picky about your appearance, you can do several laser skin treatment procedures, then your stomach after endoscopic abdominoplasty will look just perfect. The external manifestations of the operation will disappear.


Cost of endoscopic abdominoplasty

Endoscopic abdominoplasty120,000 rub.
Primary appointment (examination, consultation) with a plastic surgeonFOR FREE

First days

Prepare for discomfort in the first days! You will experience pain whenever you move your body. The stomach will become hard. Therefore, I prescribe pain medication and maximum physical rest.

Unpleasant sensations are caused by the combination of skin tension in the abdominal wall, sutures and tight compression garments. During sleep, the legs are slightly elevated to reduce tension.

On the second day, the patient begins to stand up and walk independently. The correct pose is in a half-bent position (“shrimp pose”).

At the 4-5th post-tummy tuck, the patient feels significant relief.

How long does the swelling last?

Swelling and bruising are a natural consequence of recovery after correction. Swelling persists for up to several months. To eliminate this, I recommend sleeping on your back, drinking a small amount of water and doing a light massage of the anterior abdominal wall to improve blood circulation.

Are stitches visible after abdominoplasty?

Abdominoplasty without skin tightening leaves virtually no marks. The cannula is inserted through very small punctures.

After classic plastic surgery, the seam is quite large (from hip to hip), but is very low along the bikini line.

After mini-abdominoplasty, the seam is small and, as a rule, is also localized in the place of camouflage with underwear.

Caring for sutures is an important aspect of rehabilitation. At first, you will need to change the bandages daily. You cannot get it wet, stretch it, or try to get rid of surgical sutures on your own.

Remember that suture healing is a long process (up to 1 year). A year after plastic surgery, the seam will lighten and become much less noticeable.


Technique for endoscopic abdominoplasty

The endoscopic method does not require a full incision, since the surgeon does not need to visually monitor the work through an open wound. Everything happens under the supervision of an endoscope inserted inside (a miniature video camera on a flexible hose), which transmits the image to the monitor screen.

During endoscopic abdominoplasty, surgical instruments are inserted into the cavity above the aponeurosis of the rectus muscles through small punctures, no more than 1 cm wide. Even if liposuction is needed, thin cannulas with a diameter of no more than 0.6 cm are used.

The punctures are made around the navel (or above the pubis, depending on the type of intervention). The endoscopic abdominoplasty operation lasts on average 1-2 hours. During this time, the surgeon tightens and stitches the weakened muscles and aponeurosis, and removes excess fat using liposuction.

Photos "Before" and "After"

See more “Before” and “After” photos

What should a beautiful belly look like?

  • elastic, elastic anterior abdominal wall
  • pronounced lateral and groin area - what we call the waist
  • soft contours: the anterior abdominal wall is concave in the upper part, slightly convex in the lower part
  • moderately pronounced muscles
  • The diameter of the navel is 1.5 - 2 cm. In a vertical position, it should be in the middle between the pubic bone and the xiphoid process; in a horizontal position, the median of the navel should be located between the upper axes of the iliac bones.

Excess weight and pregnancy are two main factors that negatively affect the aesthetics of the body. In some cases, sports and diets only partially solve the problem. A stretched skin-fat apron cannot be removed either by exercise or by proper nutrition.

When is surgery indicated?

Let's figure out when surgery is the only way to return the body to the desired contour:

  • skin-fat apron after childbirth or significant weight loss. The skin-fat apron represents large volumes of stretched, lost elasticity of the skin and excessive fat deposits. All this, as a rule, hangs unaesthetically over the bikini area.
  • presence of diastasis. Diastasis is the separation of the rectus muscles. Most often occurs after childbirth. The abdominal cavity protrudes at the bottom. It occurs to varying degrees in almost all women after childbirth. If the muscles diverge by a distance of more than 3 cm, abdominoplasty is indicated.
  • unaesthetic scars after cesarean section
  • excess fatty tissue that cannot be eliminated by conservative methods for a long time
  • contraindications to abdominal training

Abdominal plastic surgery is more of an aesthetic operation. Body plastic surgery is done primarily to improve the quality of life: to wear fashionable clothes, get rid of possible complexes about your figure, and improve your sex life. This is quite a serious intervention. An anterior abdominal wall lift is in demand among women aged 20–45 years who have recently undergone pregnancy.

Direct clinical indications for surgery are diastasis, hernia and persistent diaper rash in the folds of the abdomen, which leads to dermatological diseases and sagging skin.

WE ALSO ADVISE YOU TO READ: Abdominoplasty or liposuction: what exactly do you need?

Preparation for abdominoplasty

In women, tummy tuck surgery is performed in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The doctor prescribes a diet 2-3 weeks in advance. Her goal is to lose weight and prepare the intestines for surgical procedures.

As part of the diet, simple carbohydrates and foods that increase gas formation are minimized or excluded from the menu - sugar, flour dishes, canned food, sausages, soda, legumes, cabbage, etc. To reduce the volume of the intestines, eat 4-6 times a day in portions volume about a glass. Drink about 2 liters of water during the day. After 20 hours they try not to eat, or eat easily digestible foods - lean meat, fish, stewed vegetables, dairy products.

2 weeks before abdominoplasty, the doctor may prescribe medications that strengthen the walls of blood vessels. If a large volume of surgery is planned, a consultation with a vascular surgeon may be indicated. It is recommended to quit smoking at least a week in advance - nicotine slows down tissue healing. You should also exclude alcohol, taking anticoagulants and a number of other pharmaceuticals - they interfere with blood clotting.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe sorbents and drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora. Regular physical training is also highly desirable, corresponding to the general level of fitness and state of health (but without excessive stress). If there are no contraindications or individual intolerance, it is advisable to go to a bathhouse or sauna once a week. To improve local lymph flow, massage, LPG, and wraps are prescribed.

A light dinner is shown the night before. At night and in the morning, take sedative herbal medicines - valerian, motherwort, etc. From 0 o'clock on the day of surgery, fasting is indicated (you can drink water). In the morning, do a cleansing enema, take a hygienic shower; don't wear cosmetics. Bring compression garments, medical and personal documents with you to the clinic.

How is tummy tuck performed?

Abdominoplasty is performed in several stages:

Tummy tuck is a large-scale and serious procedure. Preparation consists of two stages:

  • lifestyle correction: I ask smokers, if possible, to give up the bad habit or reduce nicotine consumption to a minimum. Smoking negatively affects tissue healing.
  • full medical examination: 14 days before the intervention, according to the prescribed list, the patient undergoes laboratory tests and visits specialists to exclude contraindications.

List of tests

  • Clinical blood test
  • Biochemical blood test (total protein, urea, creatinine, bilirubin (total), ALT, AST, glucose, potassium, sodium)
  • Coagulogram (INR, prothrombin, bleeding time, clotting time)
  • Blood test for RW (syphilis), HIV
  • Hbc
  • antigen + anti HCV (hepatitis B, C)
  • Blood group, Rh factor
  • General urine analysis
  • ECG (electrocardiogram) with interpretation

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