Abdominoplasty (removal of skin and fat folds on the abdomen)

Abdominoplasty, one of the most frequently performed aesthetic surgeries, has over the past decades transformed from a complex and rare operation into a fairly common one for large aesthetic surgery clinics.

And if the surgery of the anterior abdominal wall began with a transverse incision, which sufficiently distorted it. In recent years, surgeons leave postoperative scars in those places that are always covered with clothing and are not visible even in a bikini.

Since the turn of the century, bikinis with a very low waistline have become very popular again, following fashion. The surgeons lowered the scar lower and lower. And now the bikini line and the postoperative scar coincide.

While working to improve the aesthetic appearance of the postoperative scar, surgeons also worked on the second problem, a wide waist; it is not enough to remove excess skin and fat; the patient must be given a waist that matches his physique and ideas about the aesthetics of the body.

Abdominoplasty results


  • Kudyashev Vladimir Ilyich - Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery of the Moscow Clinical Clinical Hospital named after. P.A. Bayandin”, maxillofacial surgeon, plastic surgeon.
  • Lukicheva Oksana Yurievna - thoracic surgeon of the highest category of the Department of Thoracic Surgery of the Moscow Clinical Clinical Hospital named after. P. A. Bayandina, plastic surgeon.


What are the possible complications?

Like any surgery, there are risks. Although they are rare, complications from a tummy tuck can occur. It could also be an infection, bleeding, or a collection of lymph under the skin flap (seroma). You are most likely to have complications if you have poor circulation, diabetes or heart, lung or liver disease, or if you smoke a lot.

If healing is poor, you may need further surgery.

A tummy tuck leaves scars. Although they will fade over time and become almost invisible, they will never completely disappear. Your surgeon may recommend some creams or ointments to help with the visibility of the scars.

Postoperative period

After plastic surgery, you will have to stay in the hospital from one to three days - it all depends on the complexity and extent of the surgical intervention. After anesthesia, it is recommended to wear compression garments. In general, you will have to spend several weeks at home, so try to allocate time for the rehabilitation process.

The abdomen after abdominoplasty, as after any operation, may hurt, but the painful sensations can be easily relieved by taking pain medications that your doctor will prescribe. External sutures are removed after a couple of weeks. The results of the operation will be visible in a few months.

Who is suitable for a tummy tuck?

Women who have had several pregnancies, and the muscular frame of the abdominal wall is overstretched with the formation of a hernia, or weakness of the anterior abdominal wall, or simply with a skin-fat flap hanging over the pubic area.

A tummy tuck is also suitable for men or women who were once obese and who, after losing excess weight, are left with loose skin on the lower and sides of the abdominal wall.

For women and men who want to shape their waist and strengthen their muscles.

Operation technique

Depending on the specific case and situation, a wide variety of plastic surgery techniques can be used.

Standard abdominoplasty: a horizontal incision is made in the pubic area, according to previously taken measurements. The skin and subcutaneous fat peel off. The area around the navel is then excised. Then they move on to changing the muscle layer - if there is a hernia and diastasis, then they are corrected and removed. An immobilized musculocutaneous flap is formed. The next stage will be the formation of the navel - the surgeon determines its new location. Suturing the wound is the final stage of the operation. A bandage is then applied and the patient is transferred to the recovery room, where he is observed after the operation.

Vertical abdominoplasty. The difference from the previous technique is that in addition to the horizontal incision during classical plastic surgery, a vertical incision is added to the navel or above (if necessary). The structure of the operation is similar, with minor differences.

What to do in preparation?

When preparing for a tummy tuck, the first step is to choose a surgeon and seek a consultation. At this meeting you will talk about your goals and choose:

  • Classic abdominoplasty . The surgeon makes an incision along a semi-oval line from hip to hip, and then removes as much excess skin flap as necessary, while at the same time he can operate on a hernia, or strengthen the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The operation will involve relocating your belly button and you will have drainage tubes in place for a few days.
  • Tension-lateral or mini abdominoplasty . The operation is performed when fat deposits are located below the navel. During this procedure, the surgeon will most likely not replant the belly button, and the procedure may take up to two hours and drains may not be placed, in which case it is also possible to remove the hernia or strengthen the muscle wall.

The best abdominoplasty clinic

Correcting individual areas of the body has become much easier thanks to new technologies, modern equipment, and constantly improving techniques.

The best abdominoplasty clinic performs dozens of operations every day that radically change the appearance of patients. Highly qualified plastic surgeon Alexander Aleksandrovich Markushin is a well-trained specialist at the medical center, confidently occupying a leading position in the rating, demonstrating excellent results in plastic surgery of any complexity.

An impressive portfolio shows how the patient’s appearance changes after the plastic surgeon’s work is completed. The best abdominoplasty center, Dr. Markushin, will quickly get rid of unsightly stretch marks after childbirth, make your stomach flawless, sculpted, and beautiful.

Abdominoplasty is growing in popularity

Tummy tuck is breaking popularity records not only in Russia. All over the world, men and women turn to plastic surgeons for help to give their figure impeccable proportions. An experienced specialist will remove excess fat, loose skin, stretch marks, and smooth out any unevenness.

Abdominoplasty guarantees rapid restoration of the figure after childbirth and sudden weight loss. Numerous positive reviews from grateful visitors to Dr. Markushin’s clinic indicate a high level of service. After 3-5 births, a woman’s figure will look impeccable thanks to the work of a well-trained abdominoplasty doctor.

Men can easily get rid of a beer belly, acquiring the proportions of an athlete. Today, the price of abdominoplasty is available not only to movie stars, sports stars or famous politicians. Any average person can easily undergo the procedure to arrange their personal life, look perfect at a wedding, or get a job as a fashion model.

Problems solved by the best abdominoplasty clinic

It’s worth mentioning right away that abdominoplasty is fundamentally different from liposuction, since it is designed to solve other problems. People contact the plastic surgeon of the best center for abdominoplasty, Alexander Markushin, if:

  • you need to quickly get rid of skin stretch marks after a multiple pregnancy, several births in a row;
  • unsightly sagging skin of the abdomen or folds appeared after sudden weight loss;
  • subcutaneous fat has accumulated in large quantities, and diets, active sports, and other methods do not give the desired result;
  • development of ptosis or severe sagging of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • the appearance of diastasis or separation of muscle tissue due to severe stretching of the rectus abdominis muscles;
  • the presence of numerous unsightly stretch marks or stretch marks, scars, postoperative scars that spoil the appearance;
  • excess subcutaneous fat that cannot be removed using conventional methods;
  • the formation of a hernia, umbilical, inguinal or along the white line of the abdomen.

You should know!

Abdominoplasty does not combat obesity. This is plastic surgery designed to correct figure flaws. It will not solve the problems of excess weight. It is often performed in conjunction with liposuction to smooth out wrinkles in the skin.

Alexander Markushin is a plastic surgery specialist who works in the best abdominoplasty clinic. After consultation and the necessary research, he chooses the optimal way to correct the parameters of the figure. The results of his work can be seen in the photo of his solid portfolio.

Contraindications for surgery

There are a number of restrictions that do not allow you to receive a referral for abdominoplasty. One of the most complex plastic surgeries is performed under general anesthesia and requires special training from the patient and strict adherence to the plastic surgeon’s instructions.

There are two groups of contraindications that do not allow you to use the services of a plastic surgeon.

1. Absolute ban.

  • Any types of autoimmune diseases.
  • Colds, flu, acute respiratory viral infections, accompanied by high fever.
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension.
  • Any stage of pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • All types of diabetes.
  • Malignant or benign tumors, regardless of location.
  • Blood diseases that cause blood clots or poor clotting.
  • With severe obesity caused by a malfunction of the endocrine system.

2. Relative prohibition.

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Women should not undergo abdominoplasty if they plan to have more children.

Important! Only after conducting a full-fledged laboratory and instrumental examination, and consultations with related specialists, does a plastic surgeon decide to perform an operation to eliminate figure defects.

How to properly prepare for abdominoplasty?

You should always start by going to the best abdominoplasty center. You can make an appointment with Alexander Alexandrovich Markushin by calling 89673108595 or leaving a request on the website. The administrator will call you back and answer all your questions in detail. He will tell you how to get there, explain the pricing, and schedule a consultation at a time convenient for you.

During a conversation with a doctor, the patient is required to be completely frank. You should describe as accurately as possible the reasons that prompted you to seek help. Be sure to tell us about all your illnesses. The information will help you choose the optimal method of surgical intervention and minimize possible risks.

During a visual examination of the abdomen, the doctor determines the turgor of the skin, the condition of the muscles, and how dense the layer of subcutaneous fat is. Then laboratory tests will be prescribed, supported by instrumental diagnostics. If necessary, the surgeon refers the patient to other specialists for consultation.

Having collected a complete medical history, the attending physician explains why the operation is not possible, or appoints a day for abdominoplasty. After the decision is made to perform plastic surgery, new body contours are selected using 3D modeling.

The list of required studies includes:

  • fluorography;
  • ECG;
  • general analysis of blood, urine, feces;
  • blood biochemistry;
  • confirmation of blood group and Rh factor;
  • tests for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis.

If necessary, the patient is sent for an ultrasound scan of internal organs, intestines, and blood vessels. Having received the tests, the patient contacts the plastic surgeon to make a final decision regarding the operation. Consultations with an anesthesiologist are held, and a day for abdominoplasty is scheduled.

How to properly prepare for the upcoming operation?

You must strictly follow all the instructions of your plastic surgeon. This will reduce risks and increase the effectiveness of the upcoming surgical intervention.

  • Take time off during the operation and the first weeks of rehabilitation.
  • Reduce physical activity as much as possible.
  • Change your eating style. Completely eliminate fatty, sour, and spicy salty foods from your diet. Give preference to plant foods, natural juices rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol within a month.
  • Stop taking blood thinners two weeks before surgery.
  • Eliminate the use of any decorative cosmetics for 1-2 days.
  • As prescribed by your doctor, take motherwort or valerian a day in advance to relieve nervous tension.
  • The day before surgery you should fast.
  • Markings are made on the body before the anesthesia begins to take effect.

Modern methods of abdominoplasty

The operation requires excellent professional training and solid experience, so it is performed only by a highly qualified specialist from the best abdominoplasty clinic. Alexander Alexandrovich performs all manipulations only after the patient falls asleep. Depending on the chosen technique, the complexity of abdominoplasty lasts 2-5 hours.

  • Classic tummy tuck

Prescribed to patients with a sagging abdomen like an apron. A longitudinal incision is made above the groin area and in a circle near the navel. Removes excess skin and excess fat. The separated rectus muscles are sutured. Correction of the white line of the abdomen is performed. A new umbilical opening is formed. Stitches are applied. The operation is accompanied by the removal of a large amount of tissue.

  • Vertical abdominoplasty

The skin is cut not above the pubis, but along the white line of the abdomen. Excess fabric does not move down, but from the sides to the middle. The technique is used to correct the male beer belly, since the fat trap is formed at the top. The method is less traumatic than classical surgery. However, the scar will be visible over the underwear.

  • Abdominoplasty combined with liposuction

The doctor may recommend a complex operation in which a large amount of fatty tissue is removed, while simultaneously strengthening the loose muscles and removing excess sagging skin. Plus - a quick solution to two problems in one operation. There is no repeated stress on the body during general anesthesia. In this case, the patient should prepare for long-term rehabilitation.

  • Tension-lateral abdominoplasty

This type of abdominoplasty is prescribed to patients with increased sagging skin of the lateral abdominal walls. There is practically no tone of the muscular-fascial system. During surgery, the skin is pulled down and to the side. This makes it possible to excise flaps of skin on the sides.

  • Mini abdominoplasty

A small incision is made in the bikini area. A small portion of skin is removed. An ideal way to get rid of slight sagging belly after childbirth. The stitches after the operation are practically invisible, and over time they almost completely disappear. Plastic surgery can be performed under local anesthesia.

Exactly following the recommendations of your doctor will speed up the recovery process and reduce any risks to a minimum.

Rehabilitation after abdominoplasty

The duration of recovery of the body after the work of a plastic surgeon directly depends on the complexity of abdominoplasty, proper preparation, and strict compliance with all orders of the attending physician.

  • After the anesthesia wears off, slight dizziness, nausea, and weakness appear.
  • Strict bed rest is required for 2-3 days, while in the hospital or at home.
  • You can get up or sit down only with the help of relatives or medical staff for 3-5 days.
  • Drainage is installed for 2-5 days.
  • Be sure to treat the sutures several times a day with the products prescribed by your doctor.
  • The sutures in the navel area are removed after two weeks.
  • You can only shower if prescribed by a doctor.

Important! For the first one and a half to two months, you should lie down and sit; you can only walk in a slightly bent state. This reduces the risk of damage to the sutures and helps the tissues heal faster, relieving tension.

During the first week, the patient receives painkillers, antibiotics, and drugs that stimulate tissue regeneration. For the first two months, it is mandatory to use a special corset that supports the abdominal tissues. The attending physician will prescribe special gymnastic exercises under the supervision of a physiotherapist to speed up tissue healing.

For 2-3 months there is slight numbness in the area of ​​the operation, gradually sensitivity is completely restored. You can begin to lead a normal life, play sports, gradually increasing the load in six months.

Evaluation of the result after abdominoplasty

The best abdominoplasty clinic takes an individual approach to solving the problems of each patient. The speed of rehabilitation depends on the characteristics of the patient’s body. Swelling completely disappears after 2-3 months. The duration of the effect of plastic surgery depends on the patient’s desire to maintain the new shape.

Failure to adhere to a diet or a passive lifestyle will quickly negate the efforts of a plastic surgeon. After the second or third pregnancy, correction may be required. With the necessary, minimal effort, you can maintain ideal proportions until old age.

How should you take care of yourself after surgery?

If you are having a partial or full tummy tuck, the area being operated on will be stitched and bandaged. It is very important to follow all of your surgeon's instructions about how to care for your cast in the days following surgery. The bandage used will be an elastic band to promote proper healing. Your surgeon will also tell you how to sit or lie down to relieve pain.

You will have to seriously limit strenuous activities for at least 6 weeks. You may need up to 1 month after surgery to ensure proper recovery. Your doctor will tell you what to do or not do.


150 000 ₽
Operation: abdominoplasty

What is included in this price:

All necessary tests

Preoperative preparation

Stay in a three-bed room in a hospital (amenities - TV, shower, toilet, air conditioning). It is also possible to stay in single or double rooms for an additional fee.

Three meals a day

Inhalation anesthesia is non-toxic and safe: imported drugs are used for anesthesia. The active effect of anesthesia stops 30 minutes after surgery. The patient comes to his senses. Residual effects - mild drowsiness, which can last up to 2 hours

Postoperative period: dressings, systems, consultations

Extract with written recommendations from the doctor

Consultation with a doctor within one year after surgery

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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