Room for diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the extrapyramidal system and botulinum therapy for neurological pathology

Can you drink alcohol after Botox?

The list of main contraindications after injections necessarily includes the use of alcoholic beverages.
In this article we will try to figure out why Botox and alcohol are incompatible, how much doctors and cosmetologists recommend not to drink, what are the dangers of using it, and why after an injection session it can even be dangerous to health. Some people ask in surprise: “What, you can’t even have wine after Botox?” It’s probably worth starting with the fact that alcohol generally does not have the best effect on the human body, it doesn’t matter whether it’s strong or weak. The main disadvantages of drinking are dehydration and a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The stomach, pancreas, kidneys and liver are most affected. The last organ listed is also responsible for purifying the blood that circulates throughout our body. The increased load on the liver in the form of the need to work several times more strongly affects the appearance. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages can lead to swelling, unhealthy complexion and fatigue.

Botox injections and alcohol: effects on our skin

The unpleasant effect of alcohol also appears on the skin; it does not always show this quickly. By the way, most often side effects begin to appear in women much faster than in men. Dehydrated skin dries, loses elasticity and becomes thinner. Alcohol flushes most nutrients and minerals from our body, which instantly affects the quality and condition of the epidermis. Bruises under the eyes appear or become more noticeable, the upper eyelid droops unpleasantly, wrinkles appear around the eyes, nasolabial folds increase and become deep and pronounced. The skin turns pale and takes on an earthy tint. How much should you not drink after Botox injections, when can you drink after Botox injections - should these questions seriously concern someone who, in principle, thinks about their health?

Above we have listed the negative consequences of use. But the most curious thing is that all of these problems can be indications for Botox injections, since it will help fill our skin with strength and vitality. But without the help of the body and your patience, it cannot cope.

Injections with botulinum toxin under the skin are an obvious support for natural regenerative processes, which is still an artificial intervention for the body. This means that this is stress and an increase in load for him, even if not obvious. Therefore, the answer to the question why you should not drink alcohol after Botox injections is obvious: this is also stress for the body.

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Alcohol before Botox

Before you begin the procedure, talk to a specialist. A qualified consultation in our clinic will open your eyes to internal processes and tell you about the intricacies of botulinum therapy. Knowing the nuances, you will be able to take a different look at the mechanism of the procedure and delve into the processes that Botox triggers under the skin. In addition, you understand that in addition to general harm, alcoholic beverages consumed even before the procedure can affect the quality of the result after injections.

Our answer to our patients who ask “can they drink before Botox” is simple: we still recommend abstaining from libations for at least a day. This is especially true for drinks with a high alcohol content. Any doctor will explain to you that alcohol takes more than one day to be eliminated from the body. Of course, everything depends on body weight and individual characteristics, but for the average person the advice is clear: 24 hours before the session without alcohol. Or better yet, three days. It’s enough just to be patient and endure if you want the maximum effect from the injections.

If you still do not follow the recommendations, then be prepared for bruises in the injection area. The fact is that alcohol thins the blood, thins the walls of blood vessels, slows down skin regeneration and can worsen the condition of the skin at injection sites. Hematomas on the face after botulinum therapy do not have the most rosy effect. And large pores and peeling of the skin are also consequences of drinking alcohol even before the procedure.

Indications for use of the drug Xeomin

  • “crow’s feet” around the eyes, bags and swelling in the periorbital area;
  • drooping eyelids and corners of the mouth, correction of eyebrow shape;
  • superficial and deep wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, around the lips and in the nose area;
  • wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity in the décolleté and neck area;
  • increased sweating (hyperhidrosis).

Injections using the drug Xeomin are a fairly comfortable and painless procedure. It will take 30-40 minutes to complete. The effect of botulinum toxin will become noticeable after two days. The full cosmetic effect will appear on days 10-17, its duration will be 3-6 months.

Due to the absence of protein in the drug, as well as the purified Xeomin formula, adverse reactions are extremely rare, are expressed only in small reactions in the form of swelling or redness, go away on their own and do not require special therapy.

How long should you drink alcohol after Botox?

It doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman, but if you want to help your body rejuvenate, restore freshness and radiance to your skin, tone and healthy appearance, make the choice to avoid alcoholic beverages in your life for at least a week after a series of injection procedures.

Alcohol, contained in varying proportions in all alcoholic drinks, simply negates the effect of botulinum toxin and neutralizes it. In this case, the effect of the injections will be minimal. Or maybe it will be absent altogether. It is believed that alcohol-containing drinks and this toxin are simply incompatible in our body. There is no global difference in the questions of how much you should not drink after Botox on the face or on the neck - in both cases, botulinum toxin will “collide” with alcohol in the body.

Other possible consequences of the combined action of alcohol and Botox include improper distribution of the composition under the epidermis layer. This threatens asymmetry, the occurrence of unpleasant swelling and lumps with the drug under the skin. The Internet is replete with photographs showing what will happen if you drink. In this situation, Botox does not forgive mistakes; remember, it is still a toxin, albeit in minimal and absolutely harmless doses. But harmless, provided the rules are followed.

In order for the results to be obvious and long-lasting, cosmetologists advise not to drink for two weeks. We think the potential impact is worth it. After all, our task is youth and the elimination of wrinkles, and not the appearance of tubercles in unexpected places on the face. You always need to focus on the individual characteristics and reactions of the body.

Botox and alcohol, consequences after the procedure:

  • severe swelling
  • the appearance of bruises and hematomas,
  • poor healing of the upper layer of the epidermis after injections,
  • bleeding,
  • “bumps” and bumps from Botox under the skin,
  • pronounced redness,
  • no results from injections.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the negative side effects, which are considered very severe. Cases of muscle paralysis have been recorded in those who combined facial Botox and alcohol. There were also patients who, after such a harmful “cocktail,” suffered from pulmonary paralysis. Everything confirms that it is important to take responsibly the recommendations and advice of doctors and cosmetologists. Sometimes not only your beauty and youth, but also your health in general depends on this. The body can demonstrate an unexpected reaction even through nausea and dizziness, which will be an obvious sign of general intoxication.

NB! So, let’s remember: how much should you not drink after Botox? Answer: seven days minimum.

Botox and alcohol after the procedure: reviews

Most victims unanimously assure that drinking alcoholic beverages after injections was not the best decision in their lives. Subsequent suffering and experiences completely neutralized the effect. The expectation of pleasant changes gave way to anxiety; the wrinkles did not smooth out one iota. But the blood flow, on the contrary, was disrupted.

Don't be surprised if you come across the opinion that Botox and alcohol before and after the procedure are compatible. Firstly, there are lucky people whose bodies do not react noticeably to this combination. Secondly, there are patients who are confident that botulinum therapy had an effect in the absence of any effect, but few are willing to admit their own mistake. In the third group of people, the combination of alcoholic beverages and botulinum toxin in the body affected only short-term results after injections, since the toxin quickly resolved and left the body.

What to do immediately after the procedure

Firstly, you will have to maintain an upright position for at least two hours. This is necessary to ensure that the muscles and tissues of the face are in a natural state while the absorption processes of the administered drug take place. Lying down, leaning forward, etc. there is a risk of giving the face an unnatural mask expression.

It is also recommended to force the facial muscles to work. It is allowed to grimace, talk a lot, laugh, frown, etc. The fact is that moving muscles ensure deeper penetration of Botox into the tissue. You can't touch your face. Do not forget that “making faces” is only useful for 1/2 hour after the procedure. Then comes the stage of muscle atrophy, so it is advisable to minimize facial activity in order to avoid injury.

About the doctor's responsibility

Not a single consultant will give you a 100% accurate answer to the question: how long after Botox can you drink. It always looks like a recommendation. At the same time, a qualified and experienced specialist is well aware of the possible consequences. Its task is to warn and not harm. Therefore, we clearly describe the problems that may be encountered by those who did not follow the advice of a doctor or their cosmetologist. Even a specialist who has given more than one thousand injections with the miraculous anti-aging botulinum toxin will not be able to predict or guess what reaction your body will have, if in a hypothetical situation, is it possible to drink alcohol after Botox injections, you answer yourself “it’s possible!” The responsibility and risks are too great. At the same time, no one can stop you either.

Is it possible to drink alcohol during Botox injections between sessions when you have chosen several courses?

Perhaps this question also bothers you. But why put such tests on your body and experiment on your body? Any drug that is used to correct facial wrinkles, be it Dysport, Xeomin, Botox or Relatox, contains botulinum toxin in one quantity or another. It’s easier not to take risks and be patient.

An alternative view on the question “Can I drink after Botox injections?”

In the first part of the article, we discussed this problem from the point of view of many cosmetologists. But in many cases there is a different opinion. According to some ordinary people, the ban on drinking alcohol makes no sense, and the negative impact and negative results from the combination of alcohol and Botox are just a myth. Let's try to look at the essence from the other side.

We are sure that you have read somewhere that it is not even a matter of the “cocktail”, but the professionalism of the cosmetologist or doctor. The work of an unqualified specialist will perform poorly even without alcohol. Why then does the list of contraindications almost always include the use of alcoholic beverages? Please note that this question is of interest not only to those who have chosen Botox as a cosmetic procedure. How soon can you drink alcohol after biorevitalization, injections with hyaluronic acid or mesotherapy? Even a glass of wine or a bottle of beer triggers the process of vasodilation in the body, and strong alcohol even more so. The circulatory system begins to work more actively, and blood flow is stimulated. And on your face and body you have microscopic wounds from injections. There is no understanding of how quickly adaptation will occur and the swelling will subside in how many days. Alcohol is prohibited after Botox or biorevitalization - everything will be announced to you in the form of accessible recommendations. No one wants to make you worse, remember that.

If you have doubts and have not yet clearly answered the question of whether alcohol is allowed with Botox injections, we advise you to find out what ptosis is. This is a change in the position of the eyelid that can occur if the doctor's advice has been violated. Specialists try to protect you as much as possible from unpleasant consequences. You’re not going to ask the surgeon after the operation you’ve just had to ask if you can drink alcohol? After Botox the situation is similar. In addition, after injections, transformation occurs in the intercellular areas, fluids move more actively. And if botulinum toxin begins to leave the desired zone beyond the muscle fiber, then asymmetry or even muscle immobilization cannot be avoided.

The whole truth about botulinum toxin

First you need to understand the terminology. The procedure is called “botulinum therapy”, it involves the injection of botulinum toxin type A, on the basis of which a number of drugs have been created. Also in beauty salons they use Xeomin and Dysport. All three drugs provide approximately the same effect, although they are created using different technologies. As a result of their introduction, the nerve endings responsible for muscle contraction are blocked, a certain area of ​​the face relaxes, and facial expressions that cause wrinkles are reduced.

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