Peeling with calcium chloride, or “Hollywood peeling” - review of the procedure

A complex drug based on calcium salt helps restore metabolism and prevent the development of many pathologies. Affordable and effective, it restores the normal level of one of the main macroelements in the body, relieving a variety of painful symptoms.

What is calcium chloride

Calcium chloride (CaCl2) is the calcium salt of perchloric acid. Used as a food additive, registered under number E509. It is considered an absolutely harmless substance. Used in pharmacology to stop bleeding, reduce allergic reactions, and eliminate inflammation.

How the drug is administered intravenously to treat:

  • dysfunction of the parathyroid glands;
  • some pathologies of the skin;
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • complications in the form of hypersensitivity;
  • toxic liver damage.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

In medicine, a solution of calcium chloride is simply called “chloride” or hypertonic. Popularly known as a “hot injection.” When introduced into a muscle, calcium ions in such a concentration cause necrosis - an instant burn with further rotting. This indicates the strong effect of the drug. When used externally, such dire consequences do not occur, since calcium ions do not penetrate the skin.

Typically, the main components of peeling are calcium chloride and natural soap. In the process of their interaction, a film of calcium salts appears, which does not dissolve in water and by-products.

The procedure gained the greatest popularity during the Soviet era. Back then it was done in almost all beauty salons, and girls paid a decent amount for one session. Nowadays you can even do peeling yourself at home.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use a 10% solution of the drug:

  • with calcium deficiency caused by malnutrition, systemic diseases, endocrine disorders, intestinal disorders;
  • when there is a need for increased doses of calcium: age-related changes, periods of active growth, postpartum complications, general physical exhaustion;
  • for bleeding of various origins;
  • with nutritional edema;
  • for hepatitis;
  • with rickets, osteomalacia;
  • for tuberculosis;
  • for kidney inflammation;
  • for allergic reactions;
  • in case of intoxication with fluorine, magnesium, oxalic acid preparations.

During childbirth, calcium chloride is necessary to prevent eclampsia and to stimulate contractile activity of the uterus.

Peeling principle

The basis of such purification is an elementary chemical reaction. As a result of mechanical action on the skin, the resulting film folds into pellets and takes along with it the keratinized layer of the epithelium.

The alkaline environment resulting from the application of soap suds removes excess secretion secreted by the sebaceous glands. Thus, greasy shine is eliminated and pore clogging is reduced.

The procedure does not depend on the time of year, that is, it is permissible to perform it both in winter and summer.

Indications for use

  • Excessive functional activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Pore ​​expansion.
  • Predisposition to the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Acne.
  • Uneven surface of the face.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Signs of age-related skin changes in the form of facial wrinkles, impaired elasticity and tone of the epidermis.

This cleansing method is more suitable for women with oily skin.

If you have dry, sensitive skin, it is better to contact a cosmetologist and choose a different technique.


Peeling with calcium chloride has many beneficial properties, thanks to which patients, together with a doctor or independently, achieve the following results:

  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • elimination of some defects (after scars, severe rashes);
  • removal of dead tissue;
  • reduction in the size and severity of age spots;
  • reducing the depth of facial wrinkles;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • restoration of skin tone and elasticity.

The effect is not visible immediately; you need to perform at least 3-4 procedures to achieve results.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The effect of calcium chloride on the skin is similar to that used in purulent surgery, when a bandage for a purulent wound is soaked in a hypertonic solution. The solution instantly draws out the liquid, causing the wound to dry out. The same thing happens with the skin: excess secretion of the fatty glands is drawn out, intercellular connections of the surface layer of the epithelium are reduced.


Despite its effectiveness, this aggressive type of peeling affects the epidermis quite harshly. The drug dries out the surface of the face, so for some problems it cannot be used, since instead of benefit, such a procedure will cause harm.

Calcium chloride should not be used for facial cleansing if the following problems are present:

  • inflammation and ulcers;
  • burns;
  • fungus;
  • rosacea;
  • open wounds.

Do not apply the roller after sunbathing, during pregnancy or at elevated body temperature.

Cosmetologists recommend facial cleansing with a calcium chloride solution for those with oily or combination skin. If you are dry and sensitive, you should choose other cleaning methods.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Fast and effective skin drying
  • Cheapness of the procedure, availability
  • Eliminate not just one problem, but several
  • Renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis
  • Ease of use
  • No recovery period
  • Overdrying and dehydration of the skin
  • Presence of contraindications and side effects
  • Less effective compared to new cosmetics
  • Possible violation of the acidity of the environment and a tendency to change the skin microbiome

Is this composition suitable for you?

The development of an allergy to peeling cannot be ruled out.

Before use, it is better to test the tolerance of the cosmetic composition: apply a couple of drops of the prepared solution to the inner surface of the forearm, wait about 15-20 minutes and evaluate the result.

If a rash, swelling, severe redness and itching do not appear, then you can begin cleansing your face.

Anti-inflammatory mask

To prepare an anti-inflammatory mask after peeling, you will need the following components:

  • cosmetic clay;
  • banana;
  • tea tree/rose essential oil (any that has an anti-inflammatory effect).

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Apply to skin and keep for about 15 minutes. Then rinse with cool water. And be sure to moisturize the skin with cream.

Next, let's look at reviews of peeling with calcium chloride and baby soap.

Procedure protocol

In the cabin

Peeling is carried out using several elements: phytic acid, a soft scrub from a series of professional cosmetics, products for intensive saturation of tissues with water, masks with an anti-inflammatory effect.


  • cleansing of impurities and cosmetics using special cosmetics (lotions, gels, tonics);
  • opening an ampoule with a solution;
  • applying calcium chloride to the surface of the face with a brush or fingers;
  • after complete drying, repeat the previous step 2-3 more times;
  • make soap foam and rub into the skin with light massage movements.

The formation of pellets indicates the effectiveness of all actions. Continue peeling until a squeak is heard. Next, you need to apply a moisturizing and nourishing cream.

At home

If it is not possible to visit a cosmetologist, then cleansing can be done at home - the procedure protocol is the same.

Taking into account all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, women also apply calcium chloride, purchased at the pharmacy in ampoules or bottles, after which they make soap foam and rub it into the skin.

Soap should be free of fragrances and fragrances (liquid laundry or baby soap will do). There is no need to mix in oils, vitamins, extracts or additional ingredients.

Cream from La Mer

Veronica: How do you feel about leaving La Mer? There are conflicting impressions, for example, from a standard moisturizer. I use this cream and my skin feels great the next morning. Are these sensations due to the actual effectiveness of the cream or to the action of the silicones included in the composition that create the illusion of improvement?

I also heard conflicting reviews about this cosmetics, but I haven’t tried it myself yet, so I can’t express my own impressions. But I can advise you on how to check the effectiveness of any cream.

Use the cream for 2-3 months, and then take a break for at least a month. If the cream only improves the appearance of the skin, then all the improvements will disappear very quickly. And if the cream really improves the quality of the skin, then even after a month the achieved effect should remain.

By the way, I myself recently tested the duration of the effect of Cellcosmet cream in this way and talked about the results in the first issue of answers to questions.

Precautionary measures

To help yourself and not harm yourself, you must follow the recommendations on the frequency of performing this procedure. The whole course on average consists of 6-8 peelings. After this, you should wait 3-4 months for the natural microflora to be restored and the tissues to be renewed.

The interval between procedures depends on the skin type:

  • oily - once a week;
  • normal or combined - once every two weeks;
  • prone to acne formation - once every 10-15 days.

Tips from cosmetologists to reduce the risk of negative consequences:

  • at the very first cleansing, it is better to use a 5% solution of calcium chloride, not 10%;
  • for combination skin and pronounced sebaceous shine on the nose, forehead, chin, apply the solution exclusively to the T-zone, avoiding getting the product on the cheeks;
  • If the burning sensation is severe, it is forbidden to wash off the product with water; it is better to use a dry cloth and then wash your face with soft soapy foam.

It is better to carry out all actions in the evening so that redness and possible irritation go away overnight.

Side effects

Undesirable effects usually occur if a woman ignored some recommendations and rules for peeling, for example, did not conduct a sensitivity test, left the product on for a long time, or did not take care of the skin. In this case, the following will begin to appear:

  • tissue dehydration in the form of excessive peeling, a feeling of tightness;
  • violation of the acidity of the environment, due to which active proliferation of bacteria and the appearance of inflammation are possible;
  • the formation of allergies in the form of itching, burning, swelling, rash.

Side effects do not include situations when some discomfort occurs after peeling, which goes away on its own during the day. This includes minor redness and peeling.


Calcium chloride, as a chemical compound and drug, has contraindications that must be taken into account when choosing a method of cleansing the skin. These include:

  • risk of developing allergies;
  • individual intolerance to components;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the form of wounds, burns, abrasions;
  • activation of herpes infection;
  • psoriasis;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period.

Side effects

When an injection is administered, the following body reactions are likely:

  • burning pain along the veins;
  • redness of the skin of the face, a feeling of heat in the mouth, face, neck and throughout the body;
  • decreased heart rate, arrhythmia;
  • pain in the stomach, abdominal cavity;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Within 20–30 minutes after the medicine enters the bloodstream, the discomfort weakens and passes. If the injection is administered too quickly, cardiac problems may occur.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Now cosmetologists treat this method of cleansing more with caution and negativity. The point is that you can use better quality products and still get better results. In practice, when using calcium chloride, the patient receives more harm than benefit. Here are some comments from experts:

User reviews

  • Anastasia, 25 years old: “I had a facial peeling procedure with calcium chloride in the salon before the wedding. My skin is dry, and my face literally boiled during cleansing. But the next morning all inflammation disappeared, my face became smooth. I am pleased".
  • Glafira, 45 years old: “I cleaned with calcium carbonate with my friends. The result is different for everyone. One has oily skin and has no reaction. Everything rolled up. As described, but there was no special effect. Maybe I need to do it again. Mine is dry, but I decided to make a roll. She turned red like a lobster and walked like that for three days. Everything itched and itched terribly. Everything went well for our third lady. The face is fresher. The pustules are gone. There is only one conclusion - this type of peeling is not suitable for everyone.”
  • Lyudmila, 30 years old: “I made a roll for myself and my mother (60 years old). Everything was covered in pellets, as expected. The face became smooth. The redness was mild and went away within a few hours. I have combination skin and the pores in the T-zone shrink well. Mom has normal skin and the effect is also good.”

Calcium chloride was known to our grandmothers for facial peeling, and today this method of cleansing has received a rebirth. The product is affordable and versatile. If you follow precautions and the recommendations of cosmetologists, you can get excellent results - clean, fresh, renewed facial skin.


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