Laktolan peeling cream from Holi Land - full review of the product

general description

The large Israeli company Holy land produces a sufficient number of cosmetics, but Lactolan peeling cream is especially popular among consumers due to its unique composition. Active ingredients help cleanse pores, transform skin and straighten texture. The product belongs to the mid-superficial cosmetic peelings, which affect only the superficial tissue. At the same time, the work of the deep layers of the epidermis is not disrupted.

The cream has a gentle effect on sensitive areas of the skin and effectively removes dead layers of cells.

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Indications for use

The main advantage of this product is that it is suitable for all skin types, regardless of age. Holi Land Peeling Cream is indicated for:

  • the appearance of wrinkles;
  • loss of skin elasticity and turgor disturbance;
  • dryness;
  • excessive pigmentation;
  • uneven skin surface;
  • disruption of the sebaceous glands.

As a result, the skin softens, a tonic effect is visible, and for problem skin, the healing effect will also be important.

Composition of the product

The desired result when using cream peeling is due to the competently selected components in the product. The cream contains:

  • alpha acids - cleanse the top layer of skin and also improve regenerative processes in the skin;
  • beta acids - soothe irritated skin, relieve inflammation;
  • milk proteins - moisturize the epidermis and restore turgor;
  • mineral salts;
  • Vitamins B and A are antioxidants that stimulate collagen production.

Thanks to this composition, the effectiveness of the product appears almost immediately. There is no need to visit expensive salons, since this cream is used at home.


Lactolan peeling cream has a number of contraindications for use. You need to know about them before the procedure. Holi Land cosmetics are a professional line, the use of which must be agreed upon with a cosmetologist. In the case of independent use, it is important to weigh all the risks and exclude conditions in which peeling is not recommended.

Such prohibitions include:

  • Planning or pregnancy is not an unambiguous prohibition for peeling. Chemical components that act superficially are not able to penetrate the mother’s bloodstream. However, against the background of hormonal changes, a woman’s body can react unpredictably to the procedure. Severe irritation, pigmentation, itching and allergies may occur.
  • Lactation is also accompanied by hormonal changes, which can cause undesirable effects from peeling. But there is no need to worry about the active ingredients passing into mother's milk. Peels are not capable of harming a child.
  • The herpes virus in its acute stage causes considerable discomfort. The sores cause itching and painful swelling. Peeling will intensify the manifestation of exacerbation and increase the duration of treatment. In addition, an exacerbation of herpes indicates reduced immunity. This will cause irritation after peeling, inflammation or allergies.
  • Viral and infectious diseases complicate the restoration of skin cells after peeling. During this period, the body expends all its strength to fight the source of the disease.
  • Damage to the skin in the peeling area in the form of scratches, abrasions or burns can cause a subcutaneous infection. This is fraught with a serious inflammatory process that will have to be treated by a doctor.
  • The time of year from October to March , when solar activity is highest, is not suitable for peeling. Penetration of sunlight onto delicate skin after the procedure causes pigmentation and burns. It is also mandatory to use UVB protection at any time of the year before and after peeling.

Even mild peeling destroys the surface layer of skin. In response to this, the skin begins to actively regenerate, new cells and fibers appear. It is this reaction that determines the effect of peeling.

But even when working in the upper layers of the skin, peeling provokes an immune response of the body as a whole. Therefore, you should not neglect contraindications and consult a cosmetologist before the procedure.

Efficiency of use

Holy Land peeling cream shows results after the first use. The result looks like this:

  • the surface of the skin becomes even and smooth;
  • blackheads and open pores are completely eliminated;
  • the appearance of irritation, redness and peeling of the skin stops;
  • The moisture content of the skin and its upper layers is normalized.

Attention! In order to achieve maximum results for any age and skin type, it is necessary to apply peeling correctly and follow all instructions. It can be used in several ways, for example, as a nourishing mask, gommage or enzyme peeling.

Who is it suitable for?

Israeli cosmetics Lactolan Peeling Cream is perfect for home use aimed at obtaining professional results. It is recommended for use by those who want to get rid of pigmentation, say goodbye to blackheads and prevent premature skin aging. This composition also helps with the following:

  1. Accelerates the regeneration process after other (chemical, harsh) peelings.
  2. Soothes irritated and flaky dermis.
  3. Makes complexion uniform and healthy. Evens out the relief of the skin.

People with such requirements will like this product. Even cosmetologists recommend it for home care. It is best to prevent the consequences than to spend a huge amount of money and time later on correcting the situation.

Rules of application

The procedure for using cream peeling is simple:

  1. First we cleanse our face. You need to remove all cosmetics, oily cream, remaining dirt and just dust.
  2. Then the skin must be toned to open the pores. This can be done with a tonic from the same cosmetic company.
  3. Peeling cream must be applied using a cosmetic spatula. It is important to do this in the direction of the massage lines, that is, from the forehead to the chin from top to bottom.
  4. The areas around the eyes are treated last, when the product is applied to the entire face.
  5. Wait 5 minutes.
  6. Apply another layer in the same way, paying attention to problem areas.
  7. After half an hour, remove any remaining product using a simple damp cloth.
  8. The next step is to apply a special neutralizer that works within 10 minutes.
  9. Rinse off with cool water.
  10. Finally, use a soothing mask.

There are three ways to use the innovative product:

  1. Enzyme facial cleansing. In this case, apply the cream to the face, then cover the face with a hot towel and leave the mask on for 10 minutes. Can be removed by any means after drying.
  2. Gommage - apply the product for 10-15 minutes. The remaining product is rolled with your fingers strictly along the massage lines.
  3. Mask - the product must be applied in a thick layer and then a massage is carried out. As a result, the skin turns out more ruddy and brightened.

Everyone chooses for themselves which specific method is most effective at the moment, but in any case, experts advise alternating these methods, since the results still differ.

The procedure is carried out once every 10 days. If used more often, even the soft texture of the peeling cream can negatively affect the deep layers of the epidermis.

Healing period

After the peeling procedure, it is recommended to carry out some rehabilitation. The first thing you need to do is moisturize your face. For this purpose, products with shea butter, phospholipids, and panthenol are used.

After peeling, the formation of crusts and scabs is typical on the facial skin. But this is a temporary phenomenon. It is important that these crusts cannot be removed forcibly; they will come off on their own. After the peeling procedure, you must avoid visiting solariums, do not sunbathe in the open sun, and it is also recommended to use the following care products:

  • soothing cream;
  • washbasin in the form of milk;
  • antioxidants;
  • creams that help restore epidermal cells.

Note! Unlike most standard peeling procedures, the use of Holy Land peeling cream accelerates the rehabilitation process and is excellent for peeling, which is carried out in an emergency mode, a day or two before an important event.

Side effects

If peeling is performed incorrectly and contraindications to the procedure are ignored, the following side effects may occur:

  • skin infections;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • inflammation;
  • burns;
  • pigmentation.

If an infection occurs or the herpes virus worsens, you should consult a doctor and get tested.
Antibiotics or antivirals are usually used for treatment. Skin inflammation and burns after peeling should be treated in a cosmetologist's office. In this case, soothing masks, hardware procedures and proper home care made from professional cosmetics will help.

Medium chemical peels or laser facial resurfacing are performed to treat pigmentation. Pigmentation is difficult to treat, so a course of procedures will be required. It is important to do it at the right time of year so as not to aggravate the problem.

Precautionary measures

Experts recommend peeling in autumn and spring. When using cream peeling, the procedure has a number of contraindications, despite its mild effect. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure if you have:

  • damage to the face in the form of abrasions and cuts;
  • acne;
  • burns;
  • various skin diseases, including psoriasis and eczema;
  • thyroid problems;
  • inflammatory foci and colds;
  • herpes;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the cream.

It is also not recommended to use peeling during pregnancy and breastfeeding, especially if there are pustules on the face.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On professional cosmetologist forums you can find a large number of reviews about the Holy Land product.

This user believes that the peeling is excellent, but it is important to apply it professionally and correctly.

A negative review is that chemical peeling with such cosmetics has a bad effect on the skin, but peeling with Lactolan has a positive effect.

Positive review from a cosmetologist who has been working with peeling from the Holy Land company for 6 years.

Customer Reviews

Not the most ideal option for skin polishing, although it was purchased on the advice of a cosmetologist.

A regular fan of this peeling. Claims that the skin becomes better and changes in tone, hydration and structure are immediately noticeable. Suitable for people with sensitive skin.

A positive review, which notes the pleasant smell of the product, as well as its effect on dead cells and the pleasant appearance of the skin after home peeling.

It does not have many features; the user even notes some ineffectiveness.

The Israeli company produces cosmetics that can be used not only by professionals, but also by amateurs at home. But in any case, it is recommended to first consult a cosmetologist, since peeling is a serious procedure.

History and activities of the Holy Land company

In search of the perfect cosmetics, women are constantly trying new brands. And every time they hope that this particular magic jar will definitely transform their skin. If you, too, have not yet found your ideal home care, then we recommend that you get acquainted with Holy Land, a brand that has a large number of fans.

The history of the Holy Land brand, whose name translates as “holy land,” began more than thirty years ago, in 1984 in Israel. It was then that Zvi Dekel, having extensive experience in pharmaceuticals and cosmetology, dreamed of creating a high-quality product with good effectiveness. The result of his work was the opening of the first Holy Land laboratory, developing innovative products for solving facial skin problems.

Over the years of the brand's existence, several dozen lines of cosmetics have been created. Today the company is part of the Pharma Cosmetics Laboratories holding, and the products produced have an excellent reputation among professional cosmetologists and dermatologists, and are successfully used not only in Israel, but also in other countries of the world.

In 2015, the company launched a rebranding, changing the logo, packaging appearance and name Holy Land Cosmetics to Holy Land Laboratories. In addition, the slogan “Always active” was added, reflecting the main goal of the brand - constant active movement and development, the search for innovation.

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