Laser hair removal of the upper lip: effective and reliable or expensive and useless?

From this article you will learn:

  • Why does unwanted hair appear on the face?
  • What are the usual ways to remove hair from the face?
  • How does laser hair removal of the upper lip work?
  • What you need to pay attention to before the procedure
  • How to prepare for laser hair removal
  • How to care for your face after laser treatment
  • Why hairs can grow after laser hair removal

Women often develop a mustache above their upper lip. This leads to the fact that representatives of the fair sex begin to feel complex and embarrassed about their appearance. If you notice hair above your upper lip, don't be upset. Modern cosmetology has a solution to this problem - laser hair removal of the upper lip. What it is and how to get rid of hair forever, we will tell you in our article.

Causes of facial hair

Dark facial hair is not always a reason to go to a cosmetologist. Often the reason for the appearance of vegetation lies in hormonal imbalance, heredity and poor nutrition:

  • Hormonal disbalance. For example, due to a sharp increase in testosterone levels in the body, a woman’s entire body changes. Dark hair appears above the lip and on other parts of the body, the voice becomes rough, the figure begins to resemble a man’s, muscle mass is rebuilt. Excessive production of hormones is caused by poor nutrition, stress, and malfunction of the thyroid gland. If your hair starts to grow because of this, then laser hair removal will not help, you need to contact an endocrinologist.
  • Heredity. Ask your mother and grandmothers if they have had excess hair on their body and face. If yes, then there is a predisposition to this in your family, but its presence does not mean that hair above the upper lip will bother you too. If this does happen, it means that it is not hormonal imbalance that is to blame, but heredity, contact a cosmetologist. A course of laser hair removal of the upper lip will solve your problem.
  • Poor nutrition. A large amount of sweets in the diet can cause hair to appear on the upper lip. In this case, it is recommended to stop eating sweets.

  • Cosmetical tools. If you decide to buy new cosmetics, for example, a cream that you have not used before, study the composition. Hair growth can be caused by hormonal drugs contained in cosmetics. Basically, such substances are included in masks, serums, lifting and anti-aging creams. When you stop using these products, the hair above your upper lip will disappear.
  • Serious diseases such as hirsutism lead to excessive growth of dark, pigmented hair on the upper lip, chin area, center of the chest, abdomen and back. If hair appears around the nipples, on the legs and arms, in the lower abdomen, on the lower back, do not worry, treatment is not required in this case.

Hirsutism is one of the symptoms of more serious pathologies, for example, polycystic disease, tumors of the ovaries, pituitary gland or adrenal glands. All these ailments can lead to uterine bleeding, infertility, menstrual irregularities, and anemia. If you notice any of the listed symptoms, do not delay a visit to a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Hirsutism is curable, the main thing is to accurately determine the cause of the disease. Therapy will take about 6–12 months. The doctor will help normalize hormonal levels. Removing excess hair using cosmetic methods is permitted only after the consent of the specialist at the end of treatment.

Read material on the topic: Laser facial skin rejuvenation: useful tips and recommendations

Common methods for removing hair above the upper lip

In the store you can find many different products and tools for removing hair from the upper lip, which are successfully used at home or in professional salons. However, you should know which method is most appropriate in each specific situation.

Using tweezers

As a rule, every woman carries tweezers in her cosmetic bag. It is needed not only for removing hair above the upper lip, but also for plucking eyebrows. This tool is effective if you periodically have single instances of vegetation. It happens that only one extra hair grows on the face in the same place, which has to be pulled out once a month or even six months. This is especially true for blondes. In such a situation, it is unjustified to use more serious methods.

Disadvantages of tweezers:

  1. Painful.
  2. May cause skin irritation.
  3. If the instrument is not disinfected, there is a risk that an infection will enter the follicle. As a result, inflammation and pimples will appear on the face.

Removing hairs with tweezers leads to the fact that they begin to grow in different directions and look less aesthetically pleasing than before. They often grow into the skin, which causes inflammation, scars and scars.


The razor does an excellent job of removing hair. The desired effect is achieved immediately, and the skin remains smooth. But the razor also has disadvantages:

  1. Irritation on the dermis.
  2. After two days, stubble appears.
  3. Ingrown hairs are more common than when removing hair with tweezers.
  4. Using a razor can easily cut the skin. Men may not notice a mustache above the upper lip, but they will most likely see traces of cuts even from a distance, since they themselves often encounter this.

Cosmetic depilatory creams

If the cream is chosen correctly, hairs can be removed in ten minutes, and they will not appear for several days. Definitely, you cannot use body cream to eliminate hair above the upper lip, since its composition is more aggressive, which will lead to an allergic reaction and irritation. Disadvantages of cosmetic preparations for depilation:

  1. Not every cream may suit your skin. This problem can be easily solved by choosing another product. However, you will have to walk around with allergic skin rashes for some time.
  2. It is recommended to use the cream no more than once every two weeks, otherwise irritation may occur and hairs will grow faster. As a result, you have to use other means or take risks, violating the manufacturers' recommendations.


Removing hair from the upper lip with wax is a proven, safe procedure. It is very popular, although wax strips are inferior to modern technologies.

This type of hair removal has many advantages:

  • does not leave scars on the skin of the face;
  • the procedure is easy to perform at home and does not take much time;
  • wax renews and cleanses the top layer of skin;
  • hard hairs become thinner, and after a while they stop growing altogether;
  • with regular waxing, hair follicles are gradually destroyed;
  • does not lead to premature aging of the skin and does not damage the skin;
  • wax is suitable for all women, it has no contraindications.

The only requirement for such hair removal is the absence of abrasions, wounds, or scratches on the skin. Wax strips for your upper lip will rid you of frizz for three weeks. And if you use them constantly, your skin will remain smooth for an even longer time.

The dermis above the upper lip is very delicate and sensitive, so waxing at home will require experience and skill on your part. The procedure has only one drawback: you need to grow hairs to 3–5 mm. Not every woman is ready to grow such facial hair. To get rid of all the hairs above the upper lip, wax strips need to be applied twice. And be mentally prepared for pain.

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Laser hair removal of the upper lip

This is a very effective way to remove unwanted hair. Laser hair removal of the mustache above the upper lip is carried out using laser radiation and differs from depilation in that it removes the hair along with the follicle. This procedure cannot be done at home because it requires special equipment.

The laser emits waves that destroy melanin. This substance is found at the base and root of the hair. Melanin is heated by laser waves, destroying growth cells and the nutritional system of vegetation. As a result, the hair shaft weakens and falls out along with the root.

It would seem, why then is one session of laser hair removal of the upper lip not enough to get rid of the mustache forever? The fact is that some of the roots are in dormant mode, and to get rid of all the hairs, several procedures are required. There should be 20–45 days between sessions.

How many procedures will be needed and how long the break from laser hair removal of the upper lip should be depends on the laser power and the thickness of your hair.

Advantages of the technique:

  • the effect of the procedure lasts a long time;
  • no scars or scars remain;
  • the procedure is painless;
  • A laser hair removal session lasts no more than 20 minutes;
  • minimal risk of allergic reactions.

Disadvantages of laser hair removal above the upper lip:

  1. Price. The course of procedures cannot be called cheap. To completely get rid of antennae, several sessions are required.
  2. The procedure has many contraindications. Read them before you go to the salon. For example, laser hair removal is not suitable for every hair and skin type. In particular, it is contraindicated for women with dark dermis, red or gray hairs above the upper lip. Laser hair removal will not bring results to owners of peach fuzz. Rarely, the laser beam may not work on fair skin and dark hair.
  3. Laser hair removal of the upper lip does not prevent the appearance of new hair follicles, but it does a good job of treating actively growing hairs. Therefore, re-growth of the antennae is possible. There will be no “once and for all” effect.

Read material on the topic: Types of cosmetology: pros and cons of various services and procedures, indications and contraindications for them

How does it work

Electrolysis of the upper lip is performed in a cosmetology office. Its essence is the effect of current on the bulbs. The root is destroyed, and the hair, accordingly, no longer grows. To apply an electric current, a thin needle is inserted into the skin 7 mm deep. The electric charge passing through it creates a high temperature, heating and thereby destroying the follicle.

The scientist-ophthalmologist, C. Michael (America), created and first used the electrolysis technique. The doctor used the invention to eliminate ingrown eyelashes in the 70s. 19th century Specialists in the field of cosmetology adopted the technique and began to use it for hair removal at the beginning of the 20th century.

How is the procedure for laser hair removal of the upper lip performed in the salon?

If you come to a cosmetologist with your problem, he will offer laser hair removal of the upper lip as an effective solution. Agree only if you are confident in the professionalism of the specialist. For example, you can choose a specialist based on recommendations from your environment. Look for a suitable salon based on reviews of the laser hair removal procedure for the upper lip.

If none of your friends and acquaintances have used the services of a cosmetologist, you can verify the specialist’s qualifications if he first evaluates the indications for performing this manipulation:

  • If you have a small amount of dark hair at the corners of your lips or a lot of thin and light hair above your upper lip, then the laser will cope with their removal. Such mustaches are especially typical for women with dark hair.
  • If you have a few dark hairs over your entire lip, then laser hair removal will cope with this problem. This often occurs in women with a hereditary genetic predisposition to the appearance of mustaches.
  • If you have a lot of dark hair and it is not a hereditary disease, most likely you have hormonal imbalance. In this case, the cosmetologist should not perform laser hair removal on your upper lip. First, you should consult with a gynecologist and endocrinologist.
  • Laser hair removal is not possible for heavily tanned skin. Wait until the tan goes away and only then sign up for the procedure.

Before starting laser hair removal of hair above the upper lip, the cosmetologist will put on special glasses to protect your eyes and his own, which should fit tightly to the skin. A significant part of the procedure involves applying an anesthetic gel.

Then the doctor treats the lip area with a laser for 3-5 minutes. The rays penetrate the skin by 2–4 mm, the dark pigment (melanin) absorbs them, and as a result the hair is destroyed. At this point, you may feel a slight pain from the thermal effect, which causes skin irritation or even a burn. Don't be alarmed, the redness disappears quickly. As a result of the first session of laser hair removal of the upper lip, 15–40% of hairs are destroyed.

This zone is considered one of the most hormonally dependent. After the first session of laser exposure, the follicles that were previously dormant wake up and the hair begins to grow again. Most cosmetologists assure that it will be possible to completely get rid of unwanted hair after 8–10 visits, if the client does not have problems with hormones.

How many sessions of laser hair removal of the upper lip will be needed depends on the individual characteristics of each person’s body. Clinics with more modern equipment guarantee that they can handle hair in 4–6 procedures. In this case, at least one month must pass between them. If your hormonal levels are unstable, then more sessions will be required to completely get rid of the antennae.

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Efficiency of the procedure

To achieve the best result, one electrolysis procedure is not enough - about 5-10 sessions are needed at one-and-a-half month intervals, but hair reduction will be noticeable after the first time. In an hour, a small area of ​​10 cm2 must be treated, but for the facial area this is more than enough.

It is worth keeping in mind: even a single exposure to current will be fatal to the hair follicle. Repeated visits are necessary to defeat new hairs that at the time of the procedure were in the deep layers of the dermis or had not yet begun to emerge from the “dormant” follicles and for this reason could not be noticed by the cosmetologist.

Electrolysis helps to destroy only those hairs that are in the stage of active growth (anagenesis): for the eyebrows their amount will be 10%, for the chin - 70%, for the area above the lip - 65%, for the cheeks - about 60%, for the ears - 15 %

The undeniable advantage of electrolysis is its versatility, in contrast to laser (effective only for dark and dense hair) and photoepilation (effective for those with fair skin). Hair of any caliber and color cannot resist the power of current - vellus, thin, thick, light, dark, gray; Skin color also does not matter for the success of the procedure.

The effectiveness of electrolysis may be reduced if the patient has previously been fond of waxing, caramel depilation or other methods that injure the hair follicle. In such cases, ingrown hairs and curvature of their roots are often observed, and this will significantly complicate the task of the cosmetologist - he can easily miss, and the electrical impulse will not reach the target.

But, in spite of everything, now electrolysis is the most effective and radical method of combating unwanted hair - all others get rid of hair only temporarily. Under the merciless influence of current, the hair leaves its homes together, completely and irrevocably.

Video: cosmetologist dispels myths about electrolysis

Laser hair removal of the upper lip: contraindications and preparation

When you come for a consultation with a cosmetologist, be frank with him and don’t be shy when talking about your problem.

The specialist will inform you about contraindications for laser hair removal:

  • Moles on the face and in the affected area.
  • Naturally very dark skin.
  • Varicose veins on the face.
  • Pigmented skin – laser exposure will cause severe burns.
  • Colds, viral diseases, fever.
  • Presence of scratches and wounds in the laser hair removal area.
  • Chronic skin diseases - eczema, psoriasis.
  • Oncology of any form.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period.
  • Diabetes.

If you do not have the listed contraindications for laser hair removal of the upper lip, then the cosmetologist will tell you how to prepare for the procedure:

  1. A couple of weeks before the session, you should not sunbathe, including in a solarium.
  2. Two weeks before your visit to the salon, do not take tetracycline antibiotics. If this is not possible due to health reasons, delay laser hair removal of your upper lip until you have completed your treatment.
  3. Three days before visiting a cosmetologist, do not use products containing alcohol.
  4. Two days before the procedure, start taking antiviral medications if you have previously encountered herpes.
  5. A few hours before going to the salon, shave the hairs above your upper lip. During laser hair removal, pigmented hair absorbs most of the energy, so the skin underneath can be burned. When shaving your mustache, do not use depilatory products, as the laser action in this case can lead to unexpected reactions, such as allergic rashes or redness.

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To avoid complications after exposure to electric current on the upper lip area, and not to suffer from the consequences, it is worth asking about contraindications to the procedure.

Main contraindications:

  • oncology;
  • diabetes;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hepatitis;
  • herpes;
  • wounds above the lip;
  • pregnancy;
  • allergy to an anesthetic drug;
  • hypertension;
  • increased sensitivity of the skin and tendency to scarring.

Watch a video about the method. Advantages of electrolysis over other methods, contraindications and recommendations after the procedure.

Electrolysis of the mustache gives many women a feeling of self-confidence, awareness of their own usefulness and attractiveness. The only thing that should not be forgotten is that any intervention must be conscious and carried out strictly according to all the rules and recommendations.

Reviews about the electrolysis procedure are different: negative ones are left mainly by women who have a low pain threshold, it is difficult for them to decide on a repeat session, and the same effect is not possible. The same reaction occurs in patients with irritable skin. Share your experience in the comments.

How to care for your skin after laser hair removal of your upper lip

Before the procedure, many people are concerned about whether laser hair removal of the upper lip is painful. However, not everyone realizes that aftercare is no less important. After manipulation, the skin affected by the laser becomes sensitive, so it needs special attention:

  • You cannot sunbathe for two weeks after the session. If it's summer outside, apply sunscreen before leaving the house. As mentioned earlier, sunbathing is prohibited not only after, but also two weeks before laser hair removal of the upper lip. It is impossible to get rid of unwanted hairs in one procedure, so the ban on tanning must be observed until the entire course is completed. Sessions are held once a month, which means you will need 7-9 months. Plan your vacation wisely with this in mind.

  • After laser hair removal of the upper lip, the specialist will apply panthenol or another anti-burn agent to the treated skin. It is necessary to independently treat the skin with the same drug for one to two days after the procedure until complete healing occurs.
  • Until the skin has completely recovered from the session, do not engage in intense physical exercise, as increased sweating will lead to irritation.
  • Refrain from visiting the pool, sauna and bathhouse for a week.
  • Do not use aggressive or alcohol-containing cosmetics for seven days.
  • Avoid rubbing your skin for a week. If you periodically massage your face, then avoid the upper lip.
  • Some time after laser hair removal, hairs will begin to grow back. They can be cut or shaved. Do not use tweezers, wax or depilatory cream to remove hair.
  • If you were taking antiviral medications before the procedure, continue to take them for three to four days after.

Even if you follow these recommendations, there is still a risk that your hair will start growing again.

This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Pregnancy. During this period, hormonal levels change greatly, which leads to the appearance of new vegetation even in those places that were subjected to laser hair removal.
  2. All hairs cannot be removed at the same time, because they grow unevenly. Everyone is at their own stage of development. Laser hair removal only affects hair in the active growth phase. This explains the fact that several procedures are needed to get rid of all excess vegetation. It is impossible to destroy all hair follicles in one session.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. Hormone levels increase not only during pregnancy, but also during puberty and menopause, when taking hormonal medications, and also due to individual characteristics of a person. This leads to unwanted facial hair.

Possible consequences

Unlike other hardware methods of combating unwanted hair, electrolysis is an invasive procedure, which does not exclude the occurrence of adverse reactions. The body’s natural and natural response to outside interference, which does not require any action, is considered to be:

  • pain;
  • itching;
  • peeling;
  • hyperemia (redness);
  • swelling;
  • crusts;
  • injection marks.

In some cases, complications may occur in the form of:

  • hematoma (when a needle gets into a capillary);
  • pustular rashes (due to infection);
  • burns (under the influence of high temperatures);
  • hyperpigmentation (due to sun exposure after the procedure);
  • scars (with a tendency to form them and improper care).

Methods of dealing with negative consequences

To speed up skin recovery after aggressive exposure to electric current and cope with unpleasant consequences, the doctor can advise the patient a number of medications:

  1. To avoid inflammation, the damaged areas should be treated with Chlorhexidine 3-4 times a day for a week.
  2. If pustules do arise, antibacterial ointments Levomekol, Erythromycin, Miramistin will help.
  3. You can cope with peeling and irritation of the skin by applying creams with a light texture containing extracts of chamomile, calendula, and aloe.
  4. Soothing, cooling and relieving foams Olazol, Panthenol, Bepanten will help heal burns and speed up tissue regeneration.
  5. Contractubex is effective in the fight against scars, as well as mesotherapy and electrophoresis.
  6. Bruises are resolved with ointments containing heparin, for example, Troxevasin and Lyoton.
  7. Swelling can be reduced by applying ice.
  8. Hypopigmentation will go away on its own with exposure to sunlight as the skin heals.
  9. Whitening masks and chemical peels can cope with hyperpigmentation.

The higher the qualifications of the cosmetologist, the lower the risk of the described complications, however, much depends on the patient himself, the individual characteristics of his body and compliance with recommendations for skin care during the rehabilitation period.

Photo gallery: consequences of electrolysis

Redness, peeling, crusts and marks from injections after electrolysis go away on their own within a few days

The appearance of pustular rashes after the procedure may be a consequence of violation of sanitary and hygienic standards

If, due to his inexperience, the cosmetologist uses excessive current, the skin will get burned

Scars may be the result of severe burns and improper skin care during the rehabilitation period

Unpleasant consequences of laser hair removal of the upper lip

Laser hair removal of the upper lip is considered a safe procedure, but side effects are still possible:

  • Dark skin absorbs the laser wave more easily, which can cause burns.
  • Eye damage. To avoid this, during the procedure the cosmetologist must wear protective glasses for himself and the client.
  • Change in skin color in tanned areas. The laser can cause hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. In the first case, a lot of melanin is produced, causing the skin to darken. In the second, on the contrary, the pigment is destroyed and the dermis is lightened. Discoloration of the skin to a purple hue is rare.
  • You may experience itching during and after the procedure.
  • Skin redness. After laser hair removal of the upper lip, the treated area may turn red, and sometimes the dermis near the destroyed follicles swells.
  • The laser's impact on the hairs may cause areas of the skin to become numb and you will experience a tingling sensation. Don't be alarmed, everything will pass soon.
  • People with sensitive skin may develop sores in the first few weeks after laser hair removal of the upper lip. Then the crust will go away, and in its place an even, smooth dermis will appear.
  • Occasionally, the treated area of ​​skin becomes infected. To avoid this, keep your face clean.

Read material on the topic: How to care for facial skin: home care and salon treatments

Preparing facial skin for electrolysis

Before prescribing the procedure, the cosmetologist must examine and consult the client. This meeting is an introductory one, and general recommendations on compliance with mandatory rules can be voiced. 2 weeks before the first session it is prohibited:

  • sunbathe outdoors and in the solarium;
  • visit the swimming pool, bathhouse and sauna.

The day before, as before any hair removal, facial peeling is done. The length of the hairs should be 2–3 mm.

Local anesthesia is done with injections of Lidocaine or Ultracaine

Before anesthesia, the skin in the area to be treated is disinfected with lotion, tonic, chlorhexidine solution or alcohol, then topical anesthesia is applied or local anesthesia is injected.

A cream or ointment to reduce skin sensitivity during electrolysis is not the best choice. External remedies do not suppress the pain, but it is quite noticeable.

Before the procedure begins, a neutral electrode is placed in the client’s hand, and the specialist begins treatment. After the session is completed, the face is again treated with an antiseptic, and the fallen hairs are removed. After some time, you can apply wound-healing ointments such as Panthenol, Levomekol or Dermazin.

Laser hair removal of the upper lip: before and after photos

If you try laser facial hair removal at least once, you are unlikely to return to other methods of getting rid of hair. In addition, after 4-5 sessions they will stop growing completely, and you will not feel complex about excess hair.

People who have tried laser facial hair removal on themselves say that their skin has become perfectly smooth. Most clients tolerate the procedure well and are not bothered by irritation or rashes.

Diode laser is an excellent solution for removing unwanted hair. Today, laser hair removal is considered a very reliable, fast and comfortable method of getting rid of excess hair on the body.

Nowadays, you no longer have to spend a lot of time performing complex and unpleasant procedures at home. It is much easier to seek help from real professionals - the Veronika Herba beauty and health center, equipped with effective and modern equipment.

Why clients choose Veronika Herba Beauty and Health Center:

  • This is a beauty center where you can take care of yourself at a reasonable cost, while your face and/or body will be treated not by an ordinary cosmetologist, but by one of the best specialists in Moscow. This is a completely different, higher level of service!
  • You can receive qualified help at any time convenient for you. The beauty center is open from 9:00 to 21:00, seven days a week. The main thing is to agree with your doctor in advance on the date and time of your appointment.

Sign up for a consultation with a specialist by phone +7 (495) 085-15-13

, and you will see for yourself!

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