How to choose breast implants: size, shape, material

Most representatives of the fair sex are sure that breast implants are a spherical material filled with silicone. However, this opinion is erroneous. Manufacturers all over the world produce various variations of breast products, differing in: type of filler, diameter, volume, shape, surface texture. Therefore, every girl should definitely consult a specialist before choosing a future implant.

What factors influence the choice?

The main nuance in this matter is the opinion of the doctor, who will recommend the patient a more suitable option, based on the following factors:

  • shape and size of the patient’s body;
  • anatomical features of the breast - natural shape and size;
  • the patient’s needs: what result she wants to get;
  • amount of skin, mammary gland;
  • volume, integrity of breast tissue;
  • lifestyle, physical activity of the patient.

At the first consultation, the girl’s breast volume, rib cage, total weight, and height are measured. After receiving data about the patient, the plastic surgeon will be able to recommend the best implant option. To decide which one will be more suitable and comfortable, the patient will be able to try on several proposed options.

How long does your chest hurt after surgery?

It all depends on the physiological characteristics of each patient, but usually after 3-4 days the painful sensations subside. When installing very large implants, the breasts hurt more. If severe pain does not go away for several days, you should consult a doctor so as not to miss postoperative complications.

Pain and other unpleasant postoperative manifestations can be significantly reduced by strictly following medical instructions and taking prescribed medications.

What shapes and profiles of implants are there?

There are cases when girls, agreeing to surgery, consult with relatives or friends about how to choose the shape and profile of a breast implant. The choice depends on the preference of the patient herself: each girl has individual anatomical features, therefore the future breasts should be unique. Many people pay attention to girls who have already made a choice in favor of surgical intervention and proudly wear size four. It is important to understand that not every woman will fit a large size. Therefore, it is better to listen to the opinion of a specialist in order to become irresistible and delightful.

Today, manufacturers offer an impressive selection of implants that differ in shape and profile. The latter is determined by the protrusion of the new breast from the chest wall. There are two main types of implant shapes:

Round implants

This shape is suitable for creating a “doll”, rounded breast shape. The peculiarity of such implants is to achieve a filled upper slope and create a raised and voluminous breast. Such implants are suitable for patients with a sufficient amount of their own tissue and a lack of volume.

Anatomical implants

They are widely used by patients who want to achieve the most natural and natural shape, while maintaining the smooth contours of the mammary gland. Well suited for thin girls with elastic skin.

When choosing products, professional doctors advise taking into account individual body proportions. This is the only way to achieve the ideal final result. Specialists adjust endoprostheses to the human body, so the diameter of future implants must correspond to the width of the chest and the base of the mammary gland. Girls should be careful when choosing the diameter, otherwise the future implant will look noticeably different from its natural beauty.

Anatomical implants are much more expensive than round ones due to the complexity of their manufacture. The placement of anatomical implants also requires greater care in positioning; the specialist is obliged to fit the endoprosthesis with mathematical accuracy, so the operation requires a lot of labor.

Will the doctor be able to advise and select endoprostheses based on the photo sent?

A doctor who is responsible for his work will not do this. When choosing the right implants, many additional parameters are taken into account, for example, the thickness of a woman’s skin, which is not visible in the photo.

The operation is discussed only during a personal consultation. During it, the fundamental possibility of performing mammoplasty is determined. If a woman suffers from severe diseases of internal organs or poor blood clotting, the operation cannot be performed. In this case, the selection of implants becomes meaningless.

What is the surface of breast implants?

The surface of breast implants can be smooth or textured. Smooth is practically not used today: it provides rather poor fixation in the tissue of the mammary glands and muscles. The result after using a smooth surface is a change in the position of the implant, which leads to deformation. Also, the risk of capsular contracture when using smooth implants increases significantly. The girl feels discomfort, her breasts become denser, and breast asymmetry appears. The result is a new surgical intervention.

The most common endoprostheses have a textured surface. The peculiarity is that they follow the shape of the fabrics and are better fixed in the fabrics. It is worth noting that any surface does not always provide a 100% positive result. It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the occurrence of contracture: the characteristics of the body are of great importance.

There is another option when the implant is additionally covered with a micro-polyurethane foam coating on top of the textured shell. This coating provides a guarantee against possible displacement of implants, their rotation and virtually eliminates the risk of capsular contracture formation.

What breast implant fillers are there?

Breast implant fillers come in three types: saline, silicone, and biogel. Let's take a closer look:

  • The silicone filler is a special cohesive sticky gel. It has memory so it can stay in place if the shell ruptures. Silicone is safe for the female body and does not migrate after installation. Scientists have proven that silicone filler allows for maximum compliance with the anatomy of the breast. The gel has a lifetime guarantee and is the most common filler;
  • The saline filler is 0.9% sterile saline solution. The specialist injects the solution into the breast implants installed in the human body. Therefore, it becomes possible to form the required size and volume of the future breast. The skin gradually stretches after the operation and the solution does not allow the breast to maintain its shape for a long time. These implants require regular replacement, so girls choose them less often;
  • biogel is a natural polymer obtained from cellulose, identical to silicone. After the implant shell ruptures, the filler is absorbed and disintegrates in the tissues into components: glucose, water, carbon dioxide.

Each of the fillers has individual advantages and disadvantages. Biogel implants are considered the most dangerous, which can cause a number of negative consequences.

Types of round implants

All women are different, and each of them needs to get their own ideal result. Therefore, there are several types of round implants, different according to the following criteria:

  1. size (volume): determined in milliliters (from 110 to 800);
  2. profile: low, medium, high and extra-high profile of implants, which are determined by the ratio of the diameter and height of the prosthesis;
  3. filler: silicone gel, saline solution (saline), biodegradable;
  4. shell: silicone and polyurethane (smooth or textured)
  5. density of gel filler: silicone gel or non-flowing (cohesive) gel of varying degrees of softness (Soft Touch).
As I already mentioned, in my practice I mainly use gel-filled implants. Accordingly, I install implants with saline solution (saline) and biodegradable filler extremely rarely. In my opinion, implants with a saline solution are inferior to gel ones in their organoleptic properties (to the touch, including to the ear: they do not make a crunching or squelching sound). In addition, implants with saline solution can form folds and lose volume due to failure of the obturator valve, and this entails a change in the shape of the breast and, as a consequence, the woman’s dissatisfaction with the result obtained. And implants with biodegradable filling (bioimplants) are, to a greater extent, a tribute to fashion, and not a necessity. They, like implants with saline solution, can lose their volume over time and, accordingly, do not maintain the shape of the breast unstably.

I think that by giving preference to bioimplants, a woman primarily cares about her own health and safety. But modern technologies for manufacturing implants with silicone gel provide adequate health safety and long-lasting aesthetic results.

Benefits of Breast Implants

By choosing the right implant, you can get many benefits:

  • effective biocompatibility, sterility. Modern manufacturers produce high-quality products that guarantee minimal risks of implant rejection by the body. Therefore, inflammation is excluded;
  • good imitation of natural breasts. Recent technologies have achieved endoprostheses that perfectly replicate the shape of the breast before surgery in visual and tactile terms;
  • safe fillers. The best option is cohesive silicone filler. It prevents the leakage and migration of the gel throughout the body in case of damage to the implant;
  • minimal risk of endoprosthesis rupture. Typically, the implant is damaged only in the case of piercing wounds or as a result of unskilled actions during puncture of the mammary gland. Therefore, it is imperative to warn the mammologist about installed implants and perform medical punctures under ultrasound control from a qualified specialist.

The main advantage of breast products is their affordable, attractive price.
The cost may depend on the manufacturer, filler, and shape. Professional plastic surgeons advise the fair sex to choose implants based on quality, without paying attention to prices. A woman’s health should come first, as it is more important than individual needs. Therefore, the choice of endoprostheses should be approached with special responsibility, so that the new original bust does not harm the body, can increase the lady’s self-esteem, be realized in life or find a soul mate. You can learn more about breast augmentation surgery in the “Services/Breast Augmentation” section.

Up to what age can mammoplasty be done?

There is no upper age limit for the operation. All over the world, the number of patients 50+ who have improved their breast shape is constantly increasing. By eliminating age-related changes, you can look much younger, which modern ladies actively use.

Mammoplasty can be done as long as the body is able to tolerate anesthesia. It is worth considering that with age, tissues take longer to heal and the recovery period lengthens.

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