Ivor / Yvoire - filler based on hyaluronic acid

Korean cosmetics are becoming more and more popular every year in Russia, and in the world in general. Asian countries have a completely different approach to skin care; it is somewhat unique, multi-stage, and includes many cosmetics that are used both individually and sequentially, layer by layer. Korean pharmaceutical companies pay special attention to scientific developments, improve technologies, and introduce new drug formulas into production that lead to amazing effects.

LG Life Sciences is part of one of the largest Korean corporations, LG, and has an impressive scientific base and its own laboratories, where scientists work every day to invent products for the beauty of women's skin. Although, it is worth noting that in Korea cosmetics are very popular among men.

Filler Yvoire

The new generation filler Ivor was created specifically to combat age-related skin changes and is suitable for both women and men. It contains purified biosynthesized hyaluronic acid, which not only fills skin folds, eliminating aesthetic defects, but also increases metabolism in skin cells and makes them “work.” In addition, hyaluronic acid is the best natural moisturizer and is able to retain water in the skin, increasing its tone and elasticity.

All drugs in the Ivor line (currently there are 4 of them) have been thoroughly tested in South Korea and have international quality certificates, as well as Russian and European certificates. Ivor fillers are very convenient to use - they are quite plastic, which facilitates the procedure for their introduction and uniform distribution, but at the same time they are resistant to deformation. The treatment area retains exactly the shape that the specialist created. Therefore, it is very important to contact qualified cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Description of fillers

The Ivor line of fillers is designed to correct age-related changes and solve other aesthetic problems. The manufacturer is the Korean concern LG.

The effectiveness of the drugs is due to the non-animal hyaluronic acid contained in the composition, obtained during microbiological fermentation.

In this regard, the product is not rejected by body tissues and is maximally absorbed after injection into the skin. A distinctive feature is the stability of the component composition achieved by HESH technologies.

In addition to sodium hyaluronate and phosphate buffer. Some products in this line contain lidocaine, the presence of which minimizes pain during the procedure.

Thanks to the unique arrangement of hyaluronic acid compounds in the form of cross-links, not only a rejuvenation effect with skin smoothing is achieved, but also, if necessary, additional volume in the corrected area.

The role of hyaluronic acid in cosmetology

Hyaluronic acid is one of the most important elements of connective tissue, necessary to maintain the proliferative ability of dermal cells, sufficient hydration (moisture), as well as the trophic properties of the skin and its ability to regenerate. Hyaluronic acid is a polysaccharide and is present in high concentrations in all human biological fluids (including vaginal lubrication in women), as well as in the elastic gel mass that fills the joint cavity and ensures its mobility (intra-articular lubrication or synovial fluid).

Hyaluronic acid prevents skin dehydration and preserves its youth

An important property of sodium hyaluronate (the so-called salt of hyaluronic acid, which is used in the production of cosmetic gels, suspensions and solutions) is the ability to bind to low molecular weight specific nuclear proteins and form particles with a negative charge that attract and absorb water molecules. If there is a sufficient amount of hyaluronic acid in the body (at least 16 g for a person weighing 70 kg), the skin looks healthy, has an even complexion, without signs of inflammation and hypersecretion of sebum.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations directly under the skin allows you to solve a number of aesthetic problems: smooth out wrinkles (the filler fills the voids formed in the loose collagen layer, which leads to smoothing out existing folds and creases), improve complexion, get rid of increased dryness and even correct problem areas, arising against the background of local soft tissue deficiency.


Fillers are presented in several products, the results of each of them can vary significantly.

Yvoire Hydro

Due to the effect it has on skin cells, Hydro filler is one of the products intended for biorevitalization; it is introduced accordingly - superficially, without penetrating deep into the tissue.

It is distinguished by a rather “soft” structure and a small concentration of hyaluron, which allows it to delicately spread in the intercellular space without creating a volumization effect. In this regard, its use is acceptable for relatively young skin.

With the help of the drug you can get rid of small wrinkles (including expression lines) and normalize skin hydration. Additionally, the filler contributes to the overall health of the skin.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

Filler Ivor hydro is used for revitalization, that is, increasing the viability of skin cells. This occurs due to the moistening of the tissue; in a humid environment, energy processes are activated faster. But there is no visible smoothing of deep skin furrows.

Yvoire Classic

The series includes three varieties: Classic, Classic S and Classic plus.

  • Ivor Classic is a drug with an increased level of hyaluronic acid (22 mg/ml), which makes it possible to correct more serious age-related skin deformations. These include pronounced nasolacrimal grooves, noticeable facial relief and a lack of volume in some areas associated with the natural aging of the epidermis.
  • Classic S has a denser structure. The drug is used in most cases on delicate areas by inserting a syringe into the deep layers of the skin. It is used to reinforce the neck area and eliminate wrinkles in the eye and lip areas.
  • Classic plus differs from its “brothers” in that it contains lidocaine. The product is presented as a hybrid of one- and two-phase gels, with which you can also restore your skin to its former youth and make your lips fuller and more seductive.

Yvoire Volume, Volume S, Volume plus

All three fillers have an almost identical composition, which is based on hyaluronic acid in a percentage of 22 mg/ml. The only difference is Volume marked “plus”, which is supplemented with an anesthetic substance – lidocaine.

Yvoire Volume fillers are intended for aesthetic facial plastic surgery; they have a denser texture compared to previously described products in this series.

With their help, the problem of deep wrinkles is solved not only in the face, but throughout the body, the relief in the nasolacrimal grooves is eliminated, the neck is reinforced and the lips are enlarged. The drug itself is injected by a cosmetologist into the deep layers of the skin.

Yvoire Contour

Filler Contour stands at the top among other products in terms of density. It contains cross-linked hyaluronic acid in a proportion of 22 mg/ml.

It is used by cosmetologists to model the relief of the face by introducing it into the subcutaneous layer or onto the periosteum. During such manipulations, you can change your appearance beyond recognition - make your cheekbones, chin or cheeks more voluminous.

General information

Yvoire products are manufactured by the largest South Korean brand LG Life Sciences. In addition to its own production, the company also has a scientific department in which all the necessary research is carried out. The company produces medical and cosmetic preparations and vaccines.

The use of hyaluronic acid (hereinafter referred to as HA) has been developed at LG Life Sciences since 1990. Many years of research have made it possible to obtain pure synthetic material of high quality with minimal risks of rejection by the human body. The products have the necessary safety certificates

Positive reviews characterize all South Korean Yvoire products, however, the most popular are fillers for filling wrinkles and increasing the volume of soft tissues. They contain HA molecules that have cross-links, due to which they form a larger volume and allow them to achieve a pronounced effect.

Comparative table of drugs

CompoundCross-linked hyaluronic acidUnstabilized hyaluronic acid
Concentration (mg/ml)2210
Filler volume1 ml1 ml2 ml1 ml
Duration of effect (in months)7912-182

Yvoire Hydro

Yvoire Hydro is a modern drug for biorevitalization, used to moisturize and smooth the skin. The drug Ivor Hydro is administered superficially and has good plasticity. Contains non-crosslinked (non-cross-linked) hyaluronic acid. Used in a course of 4 procedures once every two weeks.

Biorevitalizant of the latest generation. Not cross-linked, high concentration 20 mg/ml.

HA molecules attract and retain water, thus achieving the effect of moisturizing and straightening the skin. But the concentration in the medication is 20 mg/ml. and the gel form allows hyaluronic acid to remain in the skin for a longer period (up to 10-14 days). During this time, HA molecules manage to activate fibroblasts that produce collagen, elastin and their own hyaluronic acid, which allows the skin to become more youthful and radiant.


All positive aspects of the Ivor series were assessed by Roszdravnadzor, EDQM, KFDA and FDA.

The very first advantage is elasticity and resistance to deformation, which allows injections to be made in areas of the face that are subject to facial activity, without fear of getting an undesirable effect.
When choosing a drug, the fact that they are 100% biodegradable also plays a significant role. This allows the components to disintegrate over time without consequences. Therefore, the product is one of the safest and hypoallergenic.

Also among the advantages, many cosmetologists consider the possibility of facial plastic surgery without the use of anesthesia, because the gel is injected into the epidermis with a very thin needle, which does not cause much discomfort during the session.

Buying filler

You can buy Ivor filler in any online store, but preference should be given to the official distributor of Korean products in Russia - the INNOVATION company, which will allow you to be confident in purchasing a truly high-quality product.

The second way to purchase an injection is to go directly to the salon or clinic where the procedure is supposed to be performed. In this case, responsibility for the quality of the product passes to the shoulders of cosmetologists.

The cost of the drug will depend on its type. Thus, the average price for a Yvoire Volume, Classic and Hydro syringe fluctuates around 5,000 rubles, and on Countur the cost can be increased to 7,000 rubles.


The most important thing is that the procedure for administering the drug Ivor is carried out by a certified specialist who has undergone appropriate training. At the beginning of the procedure, the patient's skin is cleaned and an anesthetic cream is applied. After the anesthetic begins to act, the skin is treated with an antiseptic and the direct injection of the drug under the skin begins. The injection technique depends on the aesthetic task assigned to the cosmetologist. At the end of the procedure, the patient's skin is disinfected again. The total session time takes no more than 20-30 minutes.


There are a number of contraindications, as with any product intended for subcutaneous injection.

Among them:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • high skin sensitivity;
  • diseases of a dermatological nature;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • infectious diseases and ARVI;
  • elevated blood sugar levels;
  • age category up to 18 years;
  • mental pathologies;
  • keloid scars;
  • oncology;
  • inflammatory processes.

It is also not recommended to administer injections after aggressive cosmetic procedures such as deep peeling or dermabrasion.

The specialist must be informed about all known diseases and disorders at the initial consultation to identify the full picture and to avoid possible complications.

Side effects

Side effects after the procedure with Ivor fillers are extremely rare and in most cases disappear after a few days.

Among them:

  • slight itching;
  • redness in the corrected area;
  • mild swelling;
  • bruising at the injection sites;
  • sickly skin tone.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

After injections with a filler with a high specific gravity, swelling of the face can last up to two weeks until the final shrinkage (installation) of the gel occurs.

Comparison of chemical indicators

A different list of contraindications for use is determined by the different chemical properties of the drugs.

Table. Comparative characteristics of IVOR drugs

Active ingredient concentration0.02 g0.022 g0.022 g0.022 g
Shape of the hyaluronate moleculeNative (unlinked).Stabilized.Stabilized.Stabilized.
Possible depth of exfusionTo the lower layers of the dermis.To the hypodermis.To the hypodermis.To the periosteum.

All Yvoire preparations have the consistency of a viscous elastic gel without color or odor and are placed in disposable sterile syringes with a set of thin-walled needles. Cannulas for insertion are not included in the kit and must be purchased separately.

Consistency of Ivor fillers

Description of the procedure

Both biorevitalization with the drug Hydro, and plastic with other gels presented in the Ivor line of fillers, is carried out on an outpatient basis without placing the client in a hospital.


The preparatory stage consists of an initial consultation with a cosmetologist with a description of all diseases on the part of the patient, as well as, if necessary, taking tests.

At this stage, you should inform the specialist about all recent illnesses, including herpes (preliminary prescription of preventive medications is possible), and medications taken.

Progress of the procedure

  1. Drawing up a contract for the provision of services and initial consultation with a specialist.
  2. Disinfection of the skin with an antiseptic and, if desired by the client, treatment with an anesthetic cream.
  3. When performing plastic surgery (this stage is skipped for biorevitalization), marking of the corrected zone and the place of needle insertion is planned.
  4. Opening the drug and installing the needle on the syringe.
  5. Introduction of the gel in a localized area to a depth taking into account the characteristics of the drug used.
  6. Final disinfection.
  7. Upon completion of the procedure, the cosmetologist tells the client in detail about the recommendations for the rehabilitation period.

Duration of action

On average, the event lasts from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the nature and characteristics of the procedure performed.

For maximum effect from Ivor Hydro biorevitalization, several injection sessions should be performed at intervals of 1-2 weeks.

The number of approaches is determined individually by the cosmetologist during examination. The result of contour plastic surgery is achieved in one step.

Security measures

Despite the fact that filler injections are considered the simplest minimally invasive procedure, they should only be performed by a qualified doctor who has a good command of the topographic anatomy of the facial muscles and has undergone special training. To minimize the risks of side effects and unpleasant consequences, it is important to follow certain safety measures during the procedure.

  1. It is prohibited to use a medicine that shows signs of sterility violation (opened packaging, cracks on the surface of the syringe, etc.), improper storage or expired expiration date.
  2. Massage, which is a mandatory part of the procedure, is not performed if bruises or bruises appear after the puncture.
  3. If repeated modeling is necessary, it is important to maintain an interval of at least 10 days.
  4. When collecting anamnesis, it is mandatory to ask about undergoing aggressive procedures 2-3 weeks before the injection (deep laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, etc.). It is permissible to perform a puncture only if the patient has no signs of violation of the integrity of the skin, and also if more than two weeks have passed since the hardware cosmetic procedures.

The procedure should only be performed by a qualified professional and under sterile conditions.

Important! If accidental damage to a blood vessel occurs during the procedure, the needle must be removed immediately. If the suspension enters the vascular lumen, it can lead to blockage and rapid development of tissue necrosis.

Photos before and after

Healing period

During the rehabilitation period, slight redness and itching are considered natural. In the case of biorevitalization, the appearance of papules is characteristic.

The discomfort finally goes away after a week. However, during the healing period it is necessary to adhere to a number of restrictions.

Do not do it:

  • drink alcohol;
  • use decorative cosmetics (skin cleansing is possible with delicate products, with the exception of scrubs;
  • During the first 24 hours it is not recommended to contact water;
  • subject the body to physical stress;
  • visit the swimming pool, solarium, sauna.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Among contour plastic specialists, the Ivor brand is in fairly high demand, as can be seen by reading the reviews.

The specialist shares his own experience of using gels and Yvoire biorevitalizant:

In this context, a cosmetologist works with claims regarding poor excretion of the drug from the body:

A specialist talks about possible areas of use:

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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